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May 19, 2017 12:54 PM
Mar 2017
When a game becomes infamous for being bad usually it's because the developer or publisher screwed up something.
In rare cases though is it the community's fault that the game's popularity and reputation took a massive plummet.

So are any games you can think of like this?
A pretty obvious example I think would be the minecraft community which is responsible for mc's false reputation as a game targeted towards kids; when in reality the game has no target audience.
KyokisamaMay 19, 2017 12:58 PM
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
May 19, 2017 12:57 PM

Mar 2017
Undertale and FNAF are the ones that immediately come to mind.
May 19, 2017 1:02 PM

Mar 2015
*mutters* Undertale. When the game was actually decent for being an indie-game and the fandom gave the skeleton a lightsaber dong he even has alternate universes with himself and other alternate skeletons holy fuc- and argued about the human's gender for 800 years istg.

"Achieve not with the squad, but by yourself." - Urie

May 19, 2017 1:04 PM
Jul 2018
I would've liked to have enjoyed Undertale without the shitstorm that ensued surrounding it
May 19, 2017 1:12 PM

May 2012
Gears of War, a game with a less mature fanbase than Call of Duty not to mention the intentionally lagging players that for an advantage for themselves who openly admit that's why they do it and yet the geniuses at The Coalition say nothing and do nothing about it. Mass Effect has plenty of players that cheese the game, spam powers or generally screw over the spirit of the game, they also have a ridiculous amount of players who think they're good and play Gold when they aren't even good enough to play Bronze really and should just burn their game. I would say Call of Duty but Call of Duty ruined it not the kiddies so yeah. Final Fantasy fans are some of the worst fans in all of gamingdom right alongside Castlevania soo there's that even if it's not really a "community" in the sense of being multiplayer and all. Borderlands is unplayable online unless you want to play with people who mod their game and infect yours with their modded garbage like a virus so I'd say that pretty well ruins the game in the sense of not being able to play random multiplayer at all. Any other game with cheese modes,gear, etc that people excuse as it being in the game so they're going to use it like infinite ammo in Resident Evil, Mass Effect is guilty of this in addition to their other problems with consumable equipment that turns even the worst players into viable ones feeding their egos so they think they actually have a modicum of skill when they're just crutching on op'd garbage.
May 19, 2017 2:20 PM
Mar 2017
Battlechili1 said:
I would've liked to have enjoyed Undertale without the shitstorm that ensued surrounding it

Kinda sucks doesn't it?
Can't play a game because you don't want the hassle from other people.
It's kind of like minecraft in that sense.
May 19, 2017 2:23 PM

Jan 2015
Undertale, but then again I played it for myself and didn't like it anyway.
May 19, 2017 2:26 PM
Jul 2018
I'd say the Pokemon community was shit
May 19, 2017 2:28 PM

Sep 2009
Maplestory. The community and the hackers ruined the game even before Nexon managed to do so.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
May 19, 2017 2:31 PM

Jun 2016
Vanillama said:
Undertale and FNAF are the ones that immediately come to mind.

But FNAF got pretty bad after the second one tbh

Also, I'm probably biased because of how many hours I have put into the game, but Payday 2 has one of the worst communities I have ever seen. In the beginning it was pretty hard for me to get into the game and start doing stuff because a lot of people kick low-level players from their lobbies for no real reason. The community is way more toxic than I expected, especially considering it's a PvE game.
May 19, 2017 2:35 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
>inb4 Undertale and FNAF cause clearly you need to see what the community is like to actually enjoy the game instead of staying away or ignoring them like a normal person.

Oh wait..... sighs
May 19, 2017 3:08 PM

Dec 2012
@Dwlr - I was public enemy #1 on Gears 2 & 3. I literally got to level 100 just by chainsawing people. I think that was the first time I'd ever gotten 1k+ hate messages from random people.

"Go get laid, use a shotgun kid."
"g3t sk1lL n' shotty stewpid noob."
"1v1 me" (Chainsaws) "FUQ U!"
May 19, 2017 3:10 PM

Mar 2016
Tales of fans are really some of the worst out there
May 19, 2017 3:29 PM

Jun 2016
@Ratohnhaketon That reminds me of when I used to play CoD running around killing people with rocket launchers. Good times.
May 19, 2017 8:32 PM

Sep 2007
Ignorant/oblivious Nintendo fans. Switch has no Mass Effect, no GTA, no COD, no Battlefield, no Prey, no NieR: Automata, no Overwatch, no Red Dead Redemption, no Injustice 2, no Skyrim, no Fallout, no Destiny...but at least they have Zelda? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

May 19, 2017 8:49 PM
Jul 2018
Team Fortress 2. Counter Strike is behind it, but at least that has some good players sometimes.
May 19, 2017 9:22 PM
Mar 2017
Nek0 said:
Ignorant/oblivious Nintendo fans. Switch has no Mass Effect, no GTA, no COD, no Battlefield, no Prey, no NieR: Automata, no Overwatch, no Red Dead Redemption, no Injustice 2, no Skyrim, no Fallout, no Destiny...but at least they have Zelda? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I thought they were getting Skyrim on the switch.
And Dark Souls 3.
May 19, 2017 9:35 PM

Aug 2008
Guess I might as well share this. Most toxic video game community.

But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
May 19, 2017 10:00 PM
May 2017
I used to play an ARTS/MOBA called 'Strife' at a relatively high level. It was made by S2 Games, the team originally behind Heroes of Newerth and the Savage series. A ton of the high level players, who were also very prominent community members when it came to running tournaments, casting, etc, were huge tools. There were a lot of cool people but the bad apples made it insufferable sometimes. The effect was amplified because the player base was so small, making it more easily noticeable when you played with a lot of the same people all the time.

That game had a lot of problems, but a lot of the people who should be considered "role models" for the community being dicks didn't help.
May 19, 2017 10:04 PM

Apr 2015
Yandere Simulator might have actually gone somewhere if its fanbase wasn't entirely composed of twelve-year-olds. No one holds the dev accountable because none of these kids know how game development works and easily buy into bullshit.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
May 19, 2017 10:32 PM

Jan 2013
AntwanMantilla said:
>inb4 Undertale and FNAF cause clearly you need to see what the community is like to actually enjoy the game instead of staying away or ignoring them like a normal person.

Oh wait..... sighs
You can't inb4 after like 3 different posts with what you were trying to post before. Retard.

Next you're going to say that you were only pretending to be retarded.
May 19, 2017 11:26 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Syrup- said:
You can't inb4 after like 3 different posts with what you were trying to post before. Retard.

Next you're going to say that you were only pretending to be retarded.

You catch on quick don't you Joseph?
May 19, 2017 11:29 PM

Jun 2016
Like others have said, Undertale and FNAF are what immediately pop up in my head.

Though, I think it's dumb to let the fanbase of games, or anything for that matter, ruin whatever it is they're a fan of for you. What are they doing to make the game or whatever it is any worse, really?
May 20, 2017 12:13 AM

Sep 2012
reddit ruined dota.
this is 100% true as ridiculous as you may think it sounds. the actual community is long gone, or atleast ostracized to where they're ignored completely. replaced by glorified stream monster faggots who circlejerk about the game on their subreddit. instead of actually providing constructive feedback/making an effort to fix the fuckups by valve, it's all about hurr what's the next meme i can troll matches with guise.

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

May 20, 2017 4:07 AM

Oct 2014
Last year, I tried to make a "great return" to Dota 2. I gave up after two games, one win and one defeat. I didn't suck, it felt like I never left. However, WOW, the fucking players. I always knew Dota 2's fanbase can be............"crazy", I was one of them but surely, they can't be THIS bad?!!! I was using one of my usual tactics while playing support, only to get my whole team yelling at me for "not playing the meta" or "that's not how a support should be played."

In the end, I just decided it's not worth it to go through all the headaches once more. I'm never returning to the game ever again.
May 20, 2017 7:07 AM
Jun 2014
The Payday 2 community can be annoying. Clover was an ugly heister who didn't look like an actual person you'd meet on the street. Of course if you attacked the character, the community would call you a call of duty fan and say that you'd prefer a supermodel. These guys also went nuts when they introduced vaults and skins when the system is basically the same as the dlc practice.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
May 20, 2017 7:21 AM

Apr 2011
The whole speedrun community.
May 20, 2017 8:32 AM

Jan 2013
Kasma said:
The whole speedrun community.
If it weren't for the melee community, it'd be this entirely.
May 20, 2017 12:37 PM

Apr 2017
I'm going to start with the obvious example Call of Duty. The GTA V community has completely destroyed the online game.
May 20, 2017 12:39 PM
Mar 2011
Kasma said:
The whole speedrun community.

explain this

one idea i hate in speedruinng is emulated runs count
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
May 21, 2017 2:16 AM

May 2012
Ratohnhaketon said:
@Dwlr - I was public enemy #1 on Gears 2 & 3. I literally got to level 100 just by chainsawing people. I think that was the first time I'd ever gotten 1k+ hate messages from random people.

"Go get laid, use a shotgun kid."
"g3t sk1lL n' shotty stewpid noob."
"1v1 me" (Chainsaws) "FUQ U!"

Oh you definitely weren't public enemy number one. Gears 3 had the Retro Lancer and there were far more people whining about it being op'd when they were so used to wall-bouncing that they refused to use any other techniques so they got steamrolled by it for a poor approach. It was never stronger than the Gnasher at close range, but people claimed it was because they were so used to the Gnasher being the only viable weapon that when it had any sort of competition it was magically over-powered. That said the fanning potential of the gun did make it over-efficient as it was good for close and long range when it was clearly meant for close range so some complaints were legitimate in that it really was a one size fit all weapon, but it was sub-par at either range to other weapons, but that's a fact that is conveniently overlooked and flamed if mentioned. People who get chainsawed and really people who spam the chainsaw tend to be lacking in the skill department, the Gnasher easily beats the chainsaw out in either game and to chainsaw you really have to catch the person unawares if they're worth their salt at all so clearly you were playing individuals with over-inflated egos whose skill didn't match their enormous head.

Had a lovely match of Mass Effect 3 with a guy that was constantly in my way for no reason not really helping so I decided not to revive him when he went down seeing as his meager contribution didn't outweigh his actively harmfulness of course he cried at the end about my not reviving him and after I told him I didn't revive him because he was constantly in the way, he blamed my internet not his own a clear lie as if you're lagging you wouldn't also be shooting and using powers he was simply a poor player, but in the end he claimed I was a poor player using typical 10 year old internet language of course when he was fully dead every single wave and went down far more than that being an active burden on the teammates who did bother reviving him and ended up with the lowest score by a very large margin meanwhile I never went down, used junk weapons (Zalkin), wasn't using any form of consumable, was using a character I only had a single copy of thus missing those skill points and which was only level 12, but I'm somehow the "bad" player. He was a level 20 Asari Adept using the Isharay with Level 3 Disruptor Rounds and Level 3 Sniper Amp. I have no idea what his other weapon was as his name popped up so infrequently it was hard to tell if he even had two weapons hopefully he didn't being dumb enough to use a Power centric class with such a heavy weapon. It was Weakened Assault Team Gold something he definitely shouldn't have been playing, I mean with the last patch they pretty much over-buffed the combos and the Asari has Annihilation for easy Biotics sooo yeah.
May 21, 2017 7:00 AM

Jan 2013
Kasma said:
The whole speedrun community.
Please elaborate. I think the speedrun community made gaming better because they make it a point to recycle value in games by racing others to the finish. Speedrunners actually have a lot more skill than people seem to give them credit for, too.
May 21, 2017 7:06 AM
Jul 2018
LoL and Overwatch. Basically, "YOU MUST BE GOOD AT THE GAME, IF YOU'RE BAD AT THE GAME THEN KYS" is what I get during lots of LoL and Overwatch matches. I get that people want to win but really, talking shit about others won't make people play better.
May 21, 2017 7:10 AM

Jan 2013
For me it was Lol, that game will forever be toxic. Someone mentioned TF2 above but I think the game promotes trolling due to some the weapons and movesets so eh, I don't see it as toxic but rather really funny.
May 21, 2017 7:52 AM

Dec 2012
@Dwlr - Eh, well that's why I went 12-3 with chainsaw on average...was just saying I've never seen so much rage over being bested by a seemingly subpar tactic on a game before.
May 21, 2017 8:10 AM

Jan 2012
Overwach and Nier. Why? Because the talk is 70 procent just about the butts xd
How I love a game
May 21, 2017 10:44 AM
Aug 2013
Gears for sure. Lord help you if you prefer any other gun than the Gnasher.
May 21, 2017 3:14 PM

Sep 2007
AyameTomoko said:
Nek0 said:
Ignorant/oblivious Nintendo fans. Switch has no Mass Effect, no GTA, no COD, no Battlefield, no Prey, no NieR: Automata, no Overwatch, no Red Dead Redemption, no Injustice 2, no Skyrim, no Fallout, no Destiny...but at least they have Zelda? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I thought they were getting Skyrim on the switch.
And Dark Souls 3.

It was unconfirmed. Then confirmed. Then unconfirmed again. I don't even care. I sold my Switch Wii U a year ago. Maybe Nintendo will announce something at E3. Maybe...

May 21, 2017 4:59 PM

Oct 2014
Moba fanbases in general
just ugh
May 21, 2017 8:47 PM
Jul 2018
Kasma said:
The whole speedrun community.
How is that?

DateYutaka said:
Kasma said:
The whole speedrun community.

explain this

one idea i hate in speedruinng is emulated runs count
That depends on the game's community, they're the ones who decide. A lot of popular games for speedrunning, like GoldenEye 007, have to be played on the original console.
May 21, 2017 9:18 PM
Feb 2014
You'll all laugh at this one, but Mario Kart.
May 21, 2017 9:34 PM
Nov 2016
FNAF and Undertale obvious choices. Practically any MOBA, CSGO, CoD.
Honestly it's kinda hard to find a good community in a game, the only one I can think of right now was the FFXIV community.

May 21, 2017 11:09 PM

Apr 2017
Polygonized said:
LoL and Overwatch. Basically, "YOU MUST BE GOOD AT THE GAME, IF YOU'RE BAD AT THE GAME THEN KYS" is what I get during lots of LoL and Overwatch matches. I get that people want to win but really, talking shit about others won't make people play better.

Agreed also another thing I dislike about the Overwatch Community.

- Mei players. For goodness sake stop putting your ice wall in front of me. It's annoying when you're trying to move around and the Mei on your team blocks your path for no good reason.
May 21, 2017 11:14 PM

Feb 2017
Any online multiplayer ever. If you are not on their level of play, you are the shittiest player in the world

"All it took was an arm and a leg"
May 21, 2017 11:26 PM

Mar 2016
Polygonized said:
LoL and Overwatch. Basically, "YOU MUST BE GOOD AT THE GAME, IF YOU'RE BAD AT THE GAME THEN KYS" is what I get during lots of LoL and Overwatch matches. I get that people want to win but really, talking shit about others won't make people play better.

Lol if you criticize overwatch, you're just a salty dude who's bad at playing it lmao truth is it's a mediocre af fps game
May 21, 2017 11:54 PM
Jul 2018
DragonSlayer_19 said:
Lol if you criticize overwatch, you're just a salty dude who's bad at playing it lmao truth is it's a mediocre af fps game

I consider myself to be pretty bad at the game tbh LOL. Also agreed, I bought in to the hype and i'm pretty disappointed. It's fun for like, first few hours then you just do the same thing over and over again
May 22, 2017 2:50 AM

Feb 2017
The league of legends community still continues to ruin the game imo ;u;

𝘊𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥.
𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.

May 22, 2017 3:17 AM

Apr 2011
Syrup- said:
Kasma said:
The whole speedrun community.
Please elaborate. I think the speedrun community made gaming better because they make it a point to recycle value in games by racing others to the finish. Speedrunners actually have a lot more skill than people seem to give them credit for, too.
Don't get me wrong, I like speedrunning as a concept, but from what I've seen in the community it's all just highschool drama among edgy neckbeards, rude people, lowlife junkies, never short of cringefests, shameless cashgrabbers exploiting the scene claiming it's for a good cause. I might be biased but the whole thing has definitely left a bad taste for me. There are a select few really cool people though.
May 22, 2017 3:32 AM

May 2010
Kasma said:
Syrup- said:
Please elaborate. I think the speedrun community made gaming better because they make it a point to recycle value in games by racing others to the finish. Speedrunners actually have a lot more skill than people seem to give them credit for, too.
Don't get me wrong, I like speedrunning as a concept, but from what I've seen in the community it's all just highschool drama among edgy neckbeards, rude people, lowlife junkies, never short of cringefests, shameless cashgrabbers exploiting the scene claiming it's for a good cause. I might be biased but the whole thing has definitely left a bad taste for me. There are a select few really cool people though.
But did the community ruin the game? When all of it is relegated to a 72 hour stream once a year where you only experience a person playing a particular game for 1-3 hours at a time, does that really ruin the game? Does finding out about glitches and stuff ruin the game?
May 22, 2017 5:01 AM

Apr 2011
Zack312 said:
Overwach and Nier. Why? Because the talk is 70 procent just about the butts xd

But butts are amazing.
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