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Spice and Wolf (light novel)
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Aug 26, 2009 6:29 PM

Jul 2009
damn, Lawrence is a pimp..... -_-
well, at least he knows how to answer it when a girl asks him "are you married?"
LunaNov 13, 2012 4:56 AM
Aug 26, 2009 7:08 PM
Aug 2009
Hmm, interesting episode. Buuut more Horo please =).
Aug 26, 2009 10:36 PM
Dec 2008
Cant wait for a the subs!!! and i cant find the raw :( he he... i hate guys giving spoilers... now i know somebody asks lawrence to marry him and that theirs not enough horo to satisfy my horo addiction....

edit: Finished watching! pretty good i must add.... it at least felt like their relationship is moving forward :)
The last episode was god like awesome but this one is also pretty good :)
bennyaltucaAug 27, 2009 9:57 PM
Aug 27, 2009 8:10 AM
Aug 2009
bennyaltuca said:
Cant wait for a the subs!!! and i cant find the raw :( he he... i hate guys giving spoilers... now i know somebody asks lawrence to marry him and that theirs not enough horo to satisfy my horo addiction....

Theres never enough Horo ever anyways, so I wouldn't say that's a spoiler. =P
Aug 27, 2009 11:10 AM

Jun 2009
well this is a Discussion About The Episode and the only rule is to not discuss the MANGA beyond where this episode ENDS, so don't blame us if you read it. mazui subs are out now, it was on ok episode, didn't have much Horo and had two new female characters that Lawrence talks to, and one looks like she may be in the next few episodes, although i don't see her coming between Horo and Lawrence. also noone asks Lawrence to marry them, someone asks Lawrence if he is married
Aug 27, 2009 11:55 AM

Dec 2007
vinesage said:

well, at least he knows how to answer it when a girl asks him "are you married?"

Qft, he handled that really well. :D

Great episode, not as much Horo as last episode but there were still some nice HoroxLawrence scenes. I like Fruhl/Abe aswell, she's an interesting character. :D
Didn't know that she was acted by Paku Romi aswell...always a nice bonus. ^^
Aug 27, 2009 12:37 PM
Dec 2007
Very nice episode, I especially loved the last scene with Fruhl. Great direction even if the dialogues are ever so complicated for nothing. Consequently, I don't really know where the script is going to in the next episode.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Aug 27, 2009 1:32 PM

Nov 2007
entertaining episode enough...The remaining 4 episodes will probably wrap up this arc....
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Aug 27, 2009 2:00 PM

Sep 2008
Easily the best line I heard from an anime male about weather he had a girl or not. He didn't get all embarrassed or try to lie. It was nicely done.

also that barmaid was pretty damn cute.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Aug 27, 2009 2:15 PM

Jan 2009
I'm extremely sure that Romi Paku is doing the voice of that Mysterious Traveler, for like... 100% sure. You just can't forget Edward's voice, she have this weird accent out of nowhere when she ends a sentence. And someone kill this habit of mine, I'm attached to remember their most famous characters when the seiyus just voiced another one. Ah well, certainly I did not remember her on this episode as Edward or Teresa (As I did with Horie Yui and Kyouko in Aoi Hana with and her older roles), a new completely attitude and a renewed way to talk, it goes along well with her mysterious personality.

ANYWAYS, good episode, Lawrence did good on the tavern with the subtle flirt, he let that maid know that he is not alone in hes quite interested at the moment on someone else, I just love him, how can someone not? But obviously he should tell Horo about that traveler, god knows when she's going nerdrampage again.

HES NOT EXPENSIVE! God damn woman, leave him alone. Heck I totally get grumpy when I remember of that fucking joke in episode 7, when she -actually- says hes too old and -probably- virgin.

Well, I'm pretty sure we will see that merchant in the next few episodes :/
MikiyoAug 27, 2009 2:20 PM

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Aug 27, 2009 2:21 PM

Sep 2007
Loved this episode like the other...
Aug 27, 2009 2:22 PM

Jan 2008
Lawrence you dog!!! you just cant get the woman away from you can u? xp
Looks like theres going to be a cat fight soon xo

Aug 27, 2009 2:23 PM

Aug 2008
What a boring episode.
Maybe I'm late to noticing this, but so much of the dialogue in this show is empty and repetitious that I kind of loose my mind in what isn't being said. The fact that I can pretty much distill a whole episodes' worth of conversations into about 5 minutes without missing a detail is kind of crazy (and I can do it...I've sort of made a game out of it the last few weeks) considering that I'm not that type of person.

That's really all I can say since there was very little content that hasn't been done a bajillion times in the show...oh yeah, the barmaid with the annoying voice--I wanted to kill myself listening to her talk.
Aug 27, 2009 4:10 PM

Jul 2008
Jigero said:
Easily the best line I heard from an anime male about weather he had a girl or not. He didn't get all embarrassed or try to lie. It was nicely done.

The hug scene was very cute. :)

I feel bad knowing there are only a few episodes left.

Aug 27, 2009 6:01 PM

Dec 2008
the waitress was hot
Aug 27, 2009 6:54 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
What a boring episode.
Maybe I'm late to noticing this, but so much of the dialogue in this show is empty and repetitious that I kind of loose my mind in what isn't being said. The fact that I can pretty much distill a whole episodes' worth of conversations into about 5 minutes without missing a detail is kind of crazy (and I can do it...I've sort of made a game out of it the last few weeks) considering that I'm not that type of person.

That's really all I can say since there was very little content that hasn't been done a bajillion times in the show...oh yeah, the barmaid with the annoying voice--I wanted to kill myself listening to her talk.

^this and another shitty encoded episode by Mazui. This one not only had trouble in media player classic but also VLC which is rare. The episode before this was fine though. The one before that was horrible. I wonder what they're doing differently :(.
Aug 27, 2009 7:01 PM

Oct 2008
And here I thought that mysterious traveler was a lesbian, given he voice and hairstyle. To me it seems like she'd fit right in within an episode of Marimite.

I wonder if that barmaid had sewn holes in the back of her skirt too.
Aug 27, 2009 7:05 PM

Dec 2007
DeathfireD said:

^this and another shitty encoded episode by Mazui.

I had absolutely no trouble watching the episode though...maybe it's something on your end?
Aug 27, 2009 8:46 PM

Feb 2009
I already see trouble brewing at the horizon with that woman. I don't think the episode was boring just uneventful.
Aug 27, 2009 8:58 PM

Jan 2009
The waitress chick was definitely cute. Is the merchant girl butch or what!? I can't tell if she has the hots for Lawrence though I can definitely see Horo having a problem with their relationship.

Aug 27, 2009 9:18 PM

Jul 2009
An ok ep the hugging scene was pretty cute. The barmaid chick feels like a con artist or something. The expression on her face when Lawrence set those coins on the table pretty much says it all.
Aug 27, 2009 9:36 PM

Dec 2008
well i liked this mysterious traveler already, she loves to talk and she's pretty likable.
but she in no way surpasses horo's wit.
Aug 27, 2009 9:50 PM

Jul 2007
I want to hug Horo's tail gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Aug 27, 2009 10:09 PM

Jun 2009
I am constantly floored by how well-crafted this season is. The perfect balance of the traveling/trading we're used to with the introduction of these new characters. Fruhl is the best example of how they've added an intriguing newcomer without her being over-shadowed by our loved protagonists.
Aug 27, 2009 10:15 PM

Jun 2008
Well this episode had some interesting dialogs but other than that it wasn't very exciting.
That blond woman looks too much like a guy and she confuses me. Not to mention she has the voice of a female seiyu that makes the voices of many male characters(Edward ,Hitsugaya).
Anyway i am starting to get a little curious on what is gone a happen with the fur trade.
Also it was nice seeing Holo and Lawrence have a moment were they didn't play with words and they were both honest with there feelings.
Aug 27, 2009 11:24 PM

Dec 2008
^ I loved that scene.

I could watch this show for a long time....keeps my interest. So far I like the new character. I also can't get enough of Holo's tail.
Aug 28, 2009 12:42 AM

Apr 2008
She's quite an interesting person xD the person who people thought is a guy

Aug 28, 2009 3:21 AM

Jul 2008
All this talking might bore some people, but the way I see it it's an integral part of Spice and Wolf, and I just love it. <3

Fruhl/Abe is a very interesting character. I wonder if her connection with the church is going to cause trouble for Horo again. I hope not.
Aug 28, 2009 4:37 AM

Oct 2008
DeathfireD said:

^this and another shitty encoded episode by Mazui. This one not only had trouble in media player classic but also VLC which is rare. The episode before this was fine though. The one before that was horrible. I wonder what they're doing differently :(.

why don't you try a KMplayer? i don't have any problem when i use this

anyway wolf & careless negotiation that make me curiously want to know what will happen O_o and this episode was a okay episode for me
Aug 28, 2009 7:18 AM
Mar 2009
Interesting episode not much happen but it was a nice set up for whats up coming i assume. The bar waitress was awfully cute and i kind of liked how Abe looked as well she sure likes to talk and move around a lot lol. Horo's ears were of great use this time around Lawrence is getting a picture of whats going on in the town and is trying to act accordingly. Im hoping he doesnt get himself into too much trouble but with this two new females around anything is possible. I sense a trap coming.

I also once again enjoyed Horo and Lawrence's private interactions. Lots of hugging and cuddling and even Horo acting very girly and wanting Lawrence to stay with her in bed it was very cute. I love how Horo's ears bend down when shes being affectionate with Lawrence like when shes hugging him.
Aug 28, 2009 7:22 AM
Jul 2008
Interesting episode, but I wonder how the girl in the bar knew all that information.
Aug 28, 2009 7:25 AM
Aug 2008
ColdBeans said:
The waitress chick was definitely cute.

I agree that the waitress chick was cute, but then again Lawrence has given up on cute chicks for the lure of the road before. The waitress is also implied to be having some serious income issues. I don't think she's a con artist, but she's not free from money worries, and she might be a spy for somebody rich, earning a little extra money.

ColdBeans said:

Is the merchant girl butch or what!? I can't tell if she has the hots for Lawrence though I can definitely see Horo having a problem with their relationship.

The merchant girl is not butch. She's a delightful young woman who happens to have an alto voice. If she had a major, visible mustache and used rude language and shoved people, that would be butch. She's not masculine. And regardless of whether she wants Lawrence sexually, she wants his love on an emotional level. She's a very lonely woman.
Aug 28, 2009 8:35 AM

May 2008
I have a feeling that the merchant woman was lesbian. lol.
Aug 28, 2009 9:04 AM

Sep 2008
noteDhero said:
...oh yeah, the barmaid with the annoying voice--I wanted to kill myself listening to her talk.

Me too D:
Liked the episode though, it's a pity that there are only 4 eps. left.
Aug 28, 2009 10:09 AM

Jan 2009
Beer, and lots of it : D..
Hey Horo's got pretty good hearing, huh?
The waitress girl's got a reaaaally annoying voice, doesn't she?
The sheikah-like person's pretty weird : D.. Weird voice too : p
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Aug 28, 2009 2:34 PM

Jul 2009
^ Nah i loved the voices ;p
Man i think i'm gonna cry for a couple of days when SnW will end :/
ʕ • ᴥ • ʔ
Aug 28, 2009 2:36 PM

Jan 2009
Saint_ said:
Man i think i'm gonna cry for a couple of days when SnW will end :/

Well who wouldn't :'D
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Aug 28, 2009 3:47 PM

Mar 2008
I also never had any problems with Mazui. Maybe you should use a proper codec package instead of complaining.

This episode wasn't as good as the last one, but still very enjoyable. Laurence and two girls in one episode. Though he kind of nicley dodged the flirting with that barmaid. Looking forward to the rest of that arc. Too bad it's nearly over already. I feel like pretty much nothing happened. :(
Aug 28, 2009 5:06 PM

Oct 2008
well it might have other season of it, but i not sure either the light novel have 12 volumes and they didn't get though the 6 or 7 volume yet (it i remember collectly) despite travel to the north also have to be for a year. are the producer will skip time and make it end? that would be really disappointing
Aug 28, 2009 5:29 PM

Jun 2007
Charliehsv said:
DeathfireD said:

^this and another shitty encoded episode by Mazui.

I had absolutely no trouble watching the episode though...maybe it's something on your end?

Are you using CCCP? If so are you using the version on their main page or the beta? I've talked with Mazui and they seem to think it's because I'm not using the beta since both episode 6 and 8 load fine in MPC for them. VLC seems to be the only thing I can watch 6 and 8 with right now.
Aug 28, 2009 8:58 PM

Jun 2008
DeathfireD said:
Charliehsv said:
DeathfireD said:

^this and another shitty encoded episode by Mazui.

I had absolutely no trouble watching the episode though...maybe it's something on your end?

Are you using CCCP? If so are you using the version on their main page or the beta? I've talked with Mazui and they seem to think it's because I'm not using the beta since both episode 6 and 8 load fine in MPC for them. VLC seems to be the only thing I can watch 6 and 8 with rightnow.

Why don't you get it? You are the only one with the problem. I had no problem watching ether. Something is wrong with your PC. Mybe your codecs have a conflict problem. Just unistall and install MPC again.
It plays fine in every player i use in my PC. If you can't make MPC work even after reinstalling then just use CoreAVC Professional. It would probably solve your problems and help for any other problems that may appear in other HD blu-ray ribs like the ones Thora is using.
Aug 28, 2009 10:38 PM
Mar 2008
I love these relaxing episodes, i could watch 2 hours just of that kind of dialog, with 0 plot progression, and still be happy ;p

And i have no clue where the story is heading either..

As for decoding problems, there are no decoding problems on Mazui h.264 releases - If you have problems, uninstall all codec packs and CCCP entirely

And install
-Media player classic Home Cinema | latest
-latest ffdshow
-directvobsub | latest
-Haali Media Splitter | latest

One doesn't really need CCCP or codec packs nowadays anyhow...
Aug 28, 2009 10:40 PM

Nov 2007
Ha ha Lawrence the sweet talker, not much happening this episode yet I found it highly enjoyable ^^
Aug 28, 2009 10:56 PM

Apr 2007
this season owns
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Aug 29, 2009 2:01 AM

Aug 2007
hmm what do you guys think of that scene when Horo says "That's not what I mean" after Lawerence says he's too expensive to be bought.

She looks disappointed
Aug 29, 2009 2:02 AM

Feb 2008
Well well..... quite slow episode this time. Not much happened except more or less important conversations. At least the cute moments between Horo and Lawrence made up for it a bit.

At first I thought it was very strange that Abe would pay for a frank conversation with Lawrence. But then again, I cant imagine how hard it is for a woman to always pretend to be from the opposite gender. So, of course from time to time she wants to talk freely to a man, without suppressing her female side.... her longing for conversation.... her lust for being a woman.... her all-consuming desire for the male body....
OHHH Lawrence, you are drawn into something that could be quit troublesome! :P

And again some situations that could be used by Lawrence to further his relationship with his wolfly companion. *sigh*
Sometimes I would like to write a letter:
Dear Lawrence,
if Horo is resting after having some alcohol and catches your hand without saying anything but giving you a pitiable look, you are suppose to snuggle up to her and give her a tender kiss, followed by some activities that shouldnt be talked about if children are around.
a supporter of wolf babies
Aug 29, 2009 2:05 AM

Mar 2008
DeathfireD said:
Are you using CCCP? If so are you using the version on their main page or the beta? I've talked with Mazui and they seem to think it's because I'm not using the beta since both episode 6 and 8 load fine in MPC for them. VLC seems to be the only thing I can watch 6 and 8 with right now.

For me I am using an older version of the CCCP not any beta at all and I never even once had any playback troubles with anything. Though I am using the also provided Zoom Player instead of the MPC, which I think is better and looks better too.
But I also tend to think this is a problem with your installation. Maybe it was damaged in some way or there is a conflict with something else.
Aug 29, 2009 2:19 AM

May 2008
great episode, as usual it contained many words =D

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Aug 29, 2009 1:23 PM

Jul 2008
yeah was ok, since its just a beginning of the arc i dont expect much. new characters are nice and funny. but i thought it would be more dramatic.

Aug 29, 2009 1:55 PM
May 2008
Nice episode and overall I thought it introduced the new characters fairly well. Other than that it is only the beginning of this arc so you have to ease into it... otherwise it would throw the pacing off due to the nature of this series.
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