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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha: 'Kono Ware no Mono to Nare, Yuusha yo' 'Kotowaru!'
Apr 13, 2023 11:34 AM
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Te envio este mensaje para informarte de nuestra presencia aqui en MAL, como neo-club Hispano hablante, y para invitarte ad hacer parte de nuestra acojedora comunidad, obviamente si se presenta de vuestro interes. Tenemos Juegos, Debates, Noticias, Member Cards y varias ediciones de cards para los miembros. Sientase libre de pasar un rato con nosotros ^O^!
Federación Latino - Americana.
Spice and Wolf... I wonder about that too. Tell me about it when you're done xD
Well, one of them has to be Strike Witches, since it was the first anime that I watched completely in original with subs. Also the Movies of anime that I like (Strike Witches, K-ON, Fullmetal Alchemist, Suzumiya Haruhi) I enjoyed much ^^