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May 8, 12:25 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to MonkeeDan
love how a first time poster catches all the shit because they say something people disagree with and is open for debate. Sure they could write it different than as if it was a fact but man do people need to calm down lmao. You're not defending your family here, just have a civil discussion instead of whatever most of this is here

on topic tho, it does seem a bit like ai art but at the same time like many people mentioned here already I think it to be unlikely for that to be the case for various reasons. Anyways good job OP, appreciate your love for the detail and willingness to go such length to prove your point with actual points and solidified arguments instead of nonsense
@MonkeeDan Thank You Monk and funny when you are a fan of (Otho) Ai : )

Sure not defending my family* and I will stop after a last and very specific exemple when I have more time. And we'll wait if one day more people think is AI or if the studio comment.

* (edit) Oh you were talking about the answers to me. You / you is confusing for me.
VoyageurMay 8, 5:37 PM
May 8, 2:03 PM
Dec 2007
Reply to Voyageur
@Jacut Long response as this addresses other comments sent to me.

CGI was in the 2000s horrible because it was the beginning. As at the time of Last Exile I didn't really see the problem, but when I rewatch the series a few years ago the 3D is really bad. Now it depends on the technical level of the CGI. I just finished Intial D and the 3D physics of the cars suits me very well in the last episodes. Demon Slayer and Fate Stay Night use CGI perfectly for the backgrounds of the fights. This results in an even crazier storyboard. Whereas the CGI in Fullmetal Panic last season is a sad joke. CGI isn't cheaper, but once you have your models it's a huge time saver. Finally on this question we see that Arcane and Spider Man Spider Verse have found a magnificent style between CGI and different digital/traditional techniques.

Most old fans of robot anime nevertheless hate CGI mecha : / Not bad in Gundam Unicorn but they took up a lot of time on each episode, we are at the level of a film.

Ai is inevitable but depending on the use the risk is the impoverishment of the diversity of the styles used. On the characters, the AI has already taken a big lead. Now when you go to the DeviantArt homepage 1) excess AI and 2) everything looks the same: For the moment it's time saved but I doubt that the industry will not end up reducing its workforce while asking more of the animators who remain. Or simply keep the teams but overload the production schedules. The crunch isn't going to go away.

As it stands, it's not yet ready. In Kaiju there are huge problems with the proportions of buildings and certain objects, perspective, light and too many details that make no sense on several occasions (strangely very little in episode 2). The AI has great difficulty knowing how to place objects correctly, which causes elements to merge or overlap in absurd ways. The majority of spectators only look at the movement in the action, but as I am interested in the subject I always have an eye on the background, and my eye picks up if there is too much error. This creates an effect of unease.

But let's ask the question differently and I take up what Alexandre Astier, a French director and actor, says. Can AI write the perfect script? Create an art as sophisticated as the masters? He does not care. It doesn't interest him. What interests him is the human and why he came to develop this style, this technique, this way of directing or writing. The Hobbit is even more memorable when you know why Tolkien started writing it. The LOR when you know its background, its participation in the First World War, its culture.

I'm a fan of Makoto Shinkai and I love seeing the city through his eyes in his films. How he uses references to make the urban more poetic. Whether AI will one day do as well as its films at recreating cities does not interest me at all.
@Voyageur I agree with most of what you say. At the moment Gen AI is only as good as the humans training, using and checking it. It is possible to save a lot of time and money by using it but the result is not always that great for now, may it be for visuals, music or writing, for the simple fact that it cannot be creative (Gen AI cannot think or feel), but on the other hand, it can automatize relatively simple tasks that would take us hours to make. And frankly, at the moment, creators are not really trained on how to handle it (just talking about art here, there's a lot more uses to AI obviously), thus the poor result. But I'm pretty sure that, given time, creators will learn how to use AI correctly, understand its limitations, fans will get used to it and it will be used as much as CGI is used right now, changing creators' jobs description and so on. So I would say that the main problem with AI-generated background or animation is indeed the quality, or sense of unease as you say :)

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 8, 2:04 PM
Dec 2007
Reply to EvilJuju
Jacut said:
Would that make that much of a difference if you knew that Kaijuu's backgrounds were made through AI?

As we watch movies / music / anime / video games / the real world around us turn to shit actually it does make a difference. And I have a lot of respect for people who are shaming AI artists and boycotting them. AI is built on stolen art, plenty of lawsuits out there show it. Hollywood / Music business has been stealing shit for decades too.

But I agree with you, ultimately its not going to make a difference in the macro sense. But at least we can complain about it here in the forums. (until we can't, hehe)
@EvilJuju Fair enough, very valid point!

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 8, 4:01 PM

Jun 2023
tbh I didnt notice att all till you pointed it out but I cant tell if its ai or poorly drawn on purpose to save time and cost and focus on the animation.
I think I will pay close intention in the next ep
May 8, 4:32 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to watsym
@Voyageur unlike thew Kaiju ones, all 3 of your examples also got detected as AI and this isn't using search, but just knowledge of how AI draws:

The first image (city viewed from above with a vertigo effect) seems most likely to be AI-generated due to its more abstract composition and the somewhat surreal perspective. The exaggerated use of color and perspective is typical of AI art, where the emphasis on mood and effect can overshadow precise realism.

The second image (night scene with neon lights and skyscrapers) also showcases a very polished, detailed aesthetic common in digital art. The consistent lighting and atmospheric effects are sophisticated and could suggest high-quality AI generation.

The third image (daylight with many flying vehicles and layered buildings) has a highly detailed, realistic style that could either be the work of a skilled digital artist or AI-generated. The complexity and uniform style across the image are typical of detailed digital artwork but could also be achieved by advanced AI models trained on similar scenes.

1-2 it was pretty sure it was AI, much more confident than on my image even, while third it taught it could be done with AI, but was unsure.

For your Kaiju examples I offered explanation of why you can't do it with just AI. It's too coherent across too many details. AI's don't understand how to do that at their current level.

You aren't really using any kind of argument either than you feel like it's AI which means it totally is, but with just sentiment that you share rather than a logical conclusion.
If I were to guess things that could sway your sentiment are: high number of objects, many details, cold image (which is how a city looks). You are incorrectly assuming that AI is good at having many details, when in reality it doesn't understand those details so it will either be inconsistent in how it places them creating more abstract rather than logical background or copy them and repeating many times to fill the space. Meanwhile Kaiju backgrounds isn't repeating many details and they are very aesthetically consistent, they make sense.
AI art doesn't understand the objects very well. To poke a bit at your third image, it feels like it doesn't understand what a sunny day is and adds fog bellow a blue sky in front of the background buildings. The sky and the fog are inconsistent.
@watsym Thank you again to taking time to argue.

I had no doubt that these images would be detected, it was simply to respond that depending on the prompt you obtain very different results, and that training an AI to reproduce the work of the artistic director of Keijuu 8 necessarily required a different approach than the one used for your image.

These examples are additionally unrelated to the facts that I believe the anime's backgrounds are based on a hand-made basis or are corrected afterwards. Like the 3 min short movie from WIT studio. What I am pointing out is that if on the same background you can find consistency, you can also find areas that make no sense and are typical of AI. That's why I'm going to draw lots of pretty lines on specific places in the images I showed to explain what's wrong. And we will be happy to discuss what happens next.

The irony is that I was sure of myself, and I was rightly criticized for it, then I had a lot of doubts while studying the works of Shinji Kimura, whom I know a little but not too much. And looking in more detail I found in the images already shown what bothered me.

"You aren't really using any kind of argument either than you feel like it's AI which means it totally is, but with just sentiment that you share rather than a logical conclusion."

So far no one has contradicted the finer details I have shown. Maybe did you miss my comments? But it will be better for the debate when I illustrate it by drawing on the images ^^ I'm just too lazy to do it here during my vacation.

I also forgot to specify what alerted me at the beginning: there are two radically different artistic directions in the anime. A very classic one with ordinary Japanese architecture, and another with the style of Shinji Kimura. The transitions from one style to another seemed strange to me, as if we were in two different universes. And every time I paused for looking at the background I found more and more bizarre details.

But hey, at the end of the day if I'm wrong i'm wrong.

Oh and funny detail the two (?) cars in the middle in your AI city are looking like the ones in Keijuu 8 because random shapes.
VoyageurMay 8, 4:54 PM
May 8, 4:48 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to tensaikoudakishi
tbh I didnt notice att all till you pointed it out but I cant tell if its ai or poorly drawn on purpose to save time and cost and focus on the animation.
I think I will pay close intention in the next ep
@tensaikoudakishi Maybe I am wrong. More we talk and more, like we say in France, I put water in my wine (meaning moderating what you say and calming a situation, thx google for helping my english). But in this case, if on purpose, it will open another debate: stop putting pressure on your background artists to the point that they forget the most elementary basics : (

But where I'm stubborn, what bothers me the most, is that the errors are drawn with a lot of detail, so no time saving. Of course, no one can see these details without stopping on the image , but it interests me, because I often take pause while watching my anime to study the artistic direction. It's obvious that I'm part of a minority but oh eh, everyone has their own passion ^^
May 8, 5:11 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to watsym
They look hand-drawn and not AI generated,

For fun I asked the most powerful publicly available version of gpt to give it's opinion on the backgrounds and if it thinks they are AI generated (from the OP, 2 images). The module for detecting AI generated images is up to date and was updated this week.
I didn't tell it anything beyond giving it the 2 images and asking simply "are the backgrounds in those images AI generated?" :

The backgrounds in the images you provided, typical of many anime, are carefully crafted to enhance the setting and atmosphere of the scenes. They are often created by skilled background artists using a combination of traditional painting techniques and digital enhancements. These backgrounds are known for their detailed and often realistic depictions of environments, whether they be urban landscapes, natural settings, or interior spaces.

In the first image, the depiction of Kokubunji, Tokyo, shows a detailed and moody urban scene at night, with a high level of detail in the lighting, the texture of the buildings, and the overall composition, which helps set the tone and context of the scene. This level of detail and artistic consistency is generally beyond current AI capabilities, which can sometimes struggle with such intricate and consistent detail over large, varied areas.

The second image's background features a more stylized, possibly futuristic setting with architectural elements that provide a stark, clean contrast to the character in the foreground. This kind of background is designed to reflect the mood and theme of the story, showing a meticulous level of design that is characteristic of human artists in animation.

These backgrounds are most likely the result of professional artists' work rather than being AI-generated, due to the detailed, consistent artistic style and integration with the narrative elements of the anime.
@watsym By the way i'm curious what your tool say about this image?

For this image (ED cover Kaiju No 8) a lot of people on the internet think it's AI and there is a big controversy on Japanese Twitter and Reddit. Nothing to do with the little controversy I started here.

At first glance I wasn't sure (because the composition make you look at the middle where they are not issue). I had to read the explanations to see the problem. And it's in the small details that the image doesn't work. Which corresponds to my opinion: you can have a consistent result, because the AI ​​played well with your prompt or it was retouched, but parts were not corrected.
VoyageurMay 8, 5:23 PM
May 8, 6:40 PM
Jun 2023
Voyageur said:
@watsym By the way i'm curious what your tool say about this image?

For this image (ED cover Kaiju No 8) a lot of people on the internet think it's AI and there is a big controversy on Japanese Twitter and Reddit. Nothing to do with the little controversy I started here.

At first glance I wasn't sure (because the composition make you look at the middle where they are not issue). I had to read the explanations to see the problem. And it's in the small details that the image doesn't work. Which corresponds to my opinion: you can have a consistent result, because the AI ​​played well with your prompt or it was retouched, but parts were not corrected.

well that's also hand drawn if it was Ai there will not be such gradient and colour .Ai models are generally creating images from the pre existing ones hence they only enhance them a bit and also to mention Ai images a re soft and more realistic

check this image below its made using AI
May 8, 7:01 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to 24kGOLDEN
Voyageur said:
@watsym By the way i'm curious what your tool say about this image?

For this image (ED cover Kaiju No 8) a lot of people on the internet think it's AI and there is a big controversy on Japanese Twitter and Reddit. Nothing to do with the little controversy I started here.

At first glance I wasn't sure (because the composition make you look at the middle where they are not issue). I had to read the explanations to see the problem. And it's in the small details that the image doesn't work. Which corresponds to my opinion: you can have a consistent result, because the AI ​​played well with your prompt or it was retouched, but parts were not corrected.

well that's also hand drawn if it was Ai there will not be such gradient and colour .Ai models are generally creating images from the pre existing ones hence they only enhance them a bit and also to mention Ai images a re soft and more realistic

check this image below its made using AI
@24kGOLDEN Don't make me have more work drawing next days on images T_T

Loot at it and find the 3 big mistakes AI. They are more but 3 are obvious. If not, ok I will do my homework with this.

May 8, 7:20 PM
Jun 2023
Voyageur said:
@24kGOLDEN Don't make me have more work drawing next days on images T_T

Loot at it and find the 3 big mistakes AI. They are more but 3 are obvious. If not, ok I will do my homework with this.

in that picture the white spots or candles you can say them are properly visible
,red dot below that candle can't find the third one
May 8, 7:22 PM
Jun 2023
yes maybe I require A bit more clarity this Ai is just messing my head now
May 8, 7:33 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to 24kGOLDEN
Voyageur said:
@24kGOLDEN Don't make me have more work drawing next days on images T_T

Loot at it and find the 3 big mistakes AI. They are more but 3 are obvious. If not, ok I will do my homework with this.

in that picture the white spots or candles you can say them are properly visible
,red dot below that candle can't find the third one
@24kGOLDEN Nice thx to playing. No irony. Not so wrong about it but not ^^ The biggest mistake is the green one. It doesn't know if it's a candle / light symetric to the white one, so it's a bit spheric, or a green part of the wall, and you have the black line perspective before and after and it following his form. This is what AI do : melting and not knowing depht. This is 1/3

Red dot is one of the little mistake like: hey why are you here what you purpose?
VoyageurMay 8, 7:39 PM
May 8, 11:28 PM

Mar 2023
Reply to Voyageur
@watsym By the way i'm curious what your tool say about this image?

For this image (ED cover Kaiju No 8) a lot of people on the internet think it's AI and there is a big controversy on Japanese Twitter and Reddit. Nothing to do with the little controversy I started here.

At first glance I wasn't sure (because the composition make you look at the middle where they are not issue). I had to read the explanations to see the problem. And it's in the small details that the image doesn't work. Which corresponds to my opinion: you can have a consistent result, because the AI ​​played well with your prompt or it was retouched, but parts were not corrected.
@Voyageur It's unsure and doesn't exclude the possibility of AI, but leans towards human
Art Style: The image has a vibrant, detailed style with a futuristic or cyberpunk aesthetic. This kind of style is popular among digital artists, including those using AI tools, as it can be rich in color and detail which AI models are good at replicating.
Elements and Details: AI-generated images often contain elements that are slightly distorted or surreal, which might not align perfectly with real-world physics or common designs. This image has a high level of detail and a coherent perspective, which can be achieved by AI but also commonly done by skilled human artists using digital tools.

While it's possible for this image to be AI-generated given the sophistication of modern AI art tools, the more likely scenario is that it was created or at least finalized by a human artist

My personal input is that the colouring on that is beyond current AI. The lines are a little sloppy (AI would likely have those straight) and too much consistent detail on top (like dirt). If it has AI in it, it's very heavily edited afterwards, but I also doubt it is AI.
May 9, 3:41 AM

Aug 2015
Voyageur said:
@voltwaffle Again and again just attacks not argument except go back look at pre-digital work. Waiting for similiar exemples please.

Let's see if I answer like you. You don't understand at all what you see and what you are talking about. I have been drawing for 20 years and do digital art. Go open a book on animation and digital art. So now have we made much further progress in the debate? Relevant ?

It's not an attack or insult, it's a statement of fact. You don't know what you're talking about. Plain and simple.
Controversial opinions
May 9, 8:58 AM

Mar 2024
Everything created by AI looks terrible. It destroys culture.
Whats next? A future where all anime, movies, books and music are created by AI?
Cyberprison and dystopia.
May 9, 10:56 PM

Mar 2017

who cares man.
May 10, 12:21 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to epyon4light

who cares man.
@epyon4light You care enought like half people who responded to me to say you don't care. I don't understand Mal people.

But you all win gg. I'll just make one or two very specific examples of what I promised to a few people who responded with interest and respect, and then have fun among yourselves. I'm probably too old for a forum theses days with the post-twitter mentality. I've never posted anything since I created this account in 2012, it won't change anything in my life.
VoyageurMay 10, 12:49 PM
May 10, 10:49 PM
May 2020
Source. Don’t bring shit up with a credible source
May 11, 7:34 AM

Jun 2014
We've really gotten to a point where people see highly detailed artwork and immediately scream AI. Absolutely disrespectful to those who have spent years mastering their craft to get it to that level, just for people to be like "nah it's gotta be AI 🥱."
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

May 11, 7:41 AM

Feb 2019
Even if this was AI generated (Also, what "looks" like AI?) what is the issue there?
The line below is True.
The line above is False.
May 11, 9:10 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to thebrentinator24
We've really gotten to a point where people see highly detailed artwork and immediately scream AI. Absolutely disrespectful to those who have spent years mastering their craft to get it to that level, just for people to be like "nah it's gotta be AI 🥱."
@thebrentinator24 AI is absolutely disrespectful to those who have spent years mastering their craft to get it to that level, just for people to be like "nah we gonna use AI now, but we gonna use your works for training AI without paying".
May 11, 9:12 AM
Apr 2012
@KeepCalmAndMal Every day what AI can do in terms of “art direction” is diversifying. Just look at the two results of what the AI ​​did from a sketch when the WIT studio created its short test film.
May 11, 9:18 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to Hesmiyu
Even if this was AI generated (Also, what "looks" like AI?) what is the issue there?
@Hesmiyu I already commented about it. Here was my main conclusion :

"But let's ask the question differently and I take up what Alexandre Astier, a French director and actor, says. Can AI write the perfect script? Create an art as sophisticated as the masters? He does not care. It doesn't interest him. What interests him is the human and why he came to develop this style, this technique, this way of directing or writing.

I'm a fan of Makoto Shinkai and I love seeing the city through his eyes in his films. How he uses references to make the urban more poetic. Whether AI will one day do as well as its films at recreating cities does not interest me at all."
May 11, 9:25 AM

Jul 2019
I'm so sick of this attitude. This is getting us nowhere. So many artists everywhere getting harassed now everytime they post their art and baseless allegations. People working on anime have it tough already so of course now they have to deal with this shit. Also I'm in disbelief at the fact people still listen to anything reddit has to say?? Can someone explain?
Life is a despicable endurance race
May 11, 9:56 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to Nubiellee
I'm so sick of this attitude. This is getting us nowhere. So many artists everywhere getting harassed now everytime they post their art and baseless allegations. People working on anime have it tough already so of course now they have to deal with this shit. Also I'm in disbelief at the fact people still listen to anything reddit has to say?? Can someone explain?
@Nubiellee So many artists everywhere getting harassed now everytime because they oppose AI. People say they're useless now. Just look at the shitstorm Sam Yang had when he asked people to stop using his work. One example among many others.

I don't read reddit btw. I only posted a link to reddit for the debate on the cover of the anime ED because my sources are only in French otherwise.
May 11, 11:57 AM

Jun 2023

the door frame is just not trying to be a door frame anymore
May 11, 12:26 PM

Nov 2009

Even if this does turn out to be real AI generated,

It's fine really, a couple of backgrounds are fine.

Now if it was Main characters being AI generated, then that might be a problem, LOL.
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
May 11, 10:49 PM

Aug 2015
Reply to davi__
The fact that you cant even distinguish between Ai and Human made art proves this its not even a problem.
IF these were Ai generated and looked this good I cant see how we would have a problem.
@davi__ yeah true, ai art is diverse in styles and many times better as well, the people who complain are mostly those weird internet/twitter artists that cannot force people to pay for their badly drawn commissions anymore, because everyone can now make their own art by themselves
May 12, 2:17 AM
Aug 2020
If this is true then anime will be overproduced soon.
May 12, 6:11 AM
Oct 2019
Source: trust me bro
May 12, 11:31 AM
Apr 2012
You win I give up. Proudly receive your Most Caring Community Award. Insulted again and again without argument. It’s obvious that you like anime and the artists behind it (no). Farewell.

For those who were interested in the debate or the comments I wanted to make on at least two examples you can send me a private message. I will put what bothers me on the cloud and share. Thank you for your kindness. Grandpa returns to Facebook "lol".

(sorry for the moderators I saw deleted messages in my notifications, this topic was sure boring for you)
VoyageurMay 12, 11:34 AM
May 12, 4:00 PM

Jun 2015
Asmongold and Destiny told me that AI is based and artists dont matter.
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