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Jan 24, 10:05 PM
Dec 2021
I’m the same way, I do like it and I want to finish it and there plenty of aspects of the show I like a lot as well, but tbh I’m not getting the major amount of hype it’s definitely not a favourite which is shocking/upsetting since it was one I had on my MAL list for a good while and it was one I was excited about airing and yet I’m still only just going onto the 7th episode 😅🥲
Jan 24, 10:07 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to HxHisgarbo
ignore the fanboys. if it isn't for you it isnt for you. I've been watching anime for a really long time as well. probably longer than a lot of users on this site (just because I'm old that's all) people swear by fmab. but I dropped it on like episode 15 back in the day. I think it's the most uninteresting thing I've ever seen. I didnt like hxh as much as everybody else. it's okay man. dont force yourself to like something. enjoy what you enjoy and be happy! anime is to be enjoyed.

also I dont reccomend interacting with the people on this site much. not many of these people are in it for real discussions.
@Lonelygutsclone yeah.. so many of these people are just trolls or get offended because I don’t like something the same as them.
Jan 24, 10:22 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to ChocolaNyan
I’m the same way, I do like it and I want to finish it and there plenty of aspects of the show I like a lot as well, but tbh I’m not getting the major amount of hype it’s definitely not a favourite which is shocking/upsetting since it was one I had on my MAL list for a good while and it was one I was excited about airing and yet I’m still only just going onto the 7th episode 😅🥲
@ChocolaNyan I’ve heard multiple people say that episode 8-10 is when it really picks up, so let’s see if that’s true!! (Hopefully it is and you enjoy it greatly!)
Jan 24, 10:30 PM
Sep 2008
I watched until episode 15 but It's not that great.

I see the appeal but it's not a masterpiece.
Jan 24, 10:34 PM
Jun 2023
Kloonker-Koonker said:
@Lonelygutsclone yeah.. so many of these people are just trolls or get offended because I don’t like something the same as them.

As someone who rated frieren 10/10 and also consider it one of my favourite anime of all time, I do think that this anime is not for everyone and that is perfectly fine. If you do not feel the urge to continue, just dont and watch something else, the other episodes dont stray from the formula. I have the same feeling with an Attack on Titan personally, where I have no urge to watch it further.

For me, Frieren is one of the few shows that gets the original idea of "elves" and its theming about time passing, the interaction with the characters and the beautiful composition and animation makes this anime top-tear for me. But I also think it is somewhat niche and am still surprised about its rating/popularity today by other anime fans. I do think it deserves it, but that does not mean it clicks with everyone.
Jan 24, 10:35 PM
Sep 2021
because it's extremely super boring and aimless, and every Character besides The MC isn't interesting

it's also hard to care about the MC's past when we barely experience it ourselves and have to rely on flashbacks lol
Jan 24, 10:39 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to WiseMango47
Kloonker-Koonker said:
@Lonelygutsclone yeah.. so many of these people are just trolls or get offended because I don’t like something the same as them.

As someone who rated frieren 10/10 and also consider it one of my favourite anime of all time, I do think that this anime is not for everyone and that is perfectly fine. If you do not feel the urge to continue, just dont and watch something else, the other episodes dont stray from the formula. I have the same feeling with an Attack on Titan personally, where I have no urge to watch it further.

For me, Frieren is one of the few shows that gets the original idea of "elves" and its theming about time passing, the interaction with the characters and the beautiful composition and animation makes this anime top-tear for me. But I also think it is somewhat niche and am still surprised about its rating/popularity today by other anime fans. I do think it deserves it, but that does not mean it clicks with everyone.
@WiseMango47 I agree! The idea of elves are done perfectly in Frieren. The animation and soundtrack are top notch too! I’ll have to give it a few more episodes, maybe I’ll be hooked!
Jan 24, 10:40 PM
Oct 2022
It's okay for it not to be for you. Don't force yourself through something that's not clicking with you. Drop it and watch some stuff you enjoy. Maybe you'll revisit it on a few years, maybe you won't, but no reason to give it much more thought than that. Trust how you're feeling about it. Asking other's how you will feel about it will just lead you down pointless paths.
Jan 24, 10:42 PM
Feb 2023
Reply to Kloonker-Koonker
@kaleannie see, I really like frieren! I just am struggling with continuing for some reason and wanted to know if anyone was experiencing something similar. The show is fantastic!
@Kloonker-Koonker Perhaps, as a new member of the community, you may not be aware of how bothersome these threads can be. There are already many such threads, and what’s most frustrating is that some people assume that those who enjoy this anime are simply following the hype or a famous YouTuber’s opinion, rather than having their own genuine interest.
Jan 24, 10:46 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to kaleannie
@Kloonker-Koonker Perhaps, as a new member of the community, you may not be aware of how bothersome these threads can be. There are already many such threads, and what’s most frustrating is that some people assume that those who enjoy this anime are simply following the hype or a famous YouTuber’s opinion, rather than having their own genuine interest.
@kaleannie I never assumed anything, if it came off that way I apologize. I’m not new to the anime community but new to the mal community. (I only made a few posts.) And I wasn’t aware that posts like these were made frequently and cause issues and what not, and for that I also apologize. I respect everyone’s interests as their own. Again, sorry if a post like this is annoying. I had no intentions on offending or annoying anyone.
Jan 24, 10:53 PM
May 2021
I can't seem to get into it either, which is weird because I tend to like slice of life shows.
Jan 24, 11:21 PM
Jun 2023
Kloonker-Koonker said:
@WiseMango47 I agree! The idea of elves are done perfectly in Frieren. The animation and soundtrack are top notch too! I’ll have to give it a few more episodes, maybe I’ll be hooked!

Always welcome to give it another shot, just know that it will have the same "vibe" as the other episodes.
However, if you do, at least watch until (and including) episode 10 and then stop, you will thank me later :p.
WiseMango47Jan 24, 11:26 PM
Jan 24, 11:29 PM
Jul 2022
If even after six eps you're not getting into it, then it means the show just isnt for you. Watch something else that you'll find more interesting. Don't force yourself to watch this and waste your time. Replace it with something else.
Jan 25, 1:28 AM
Aug 2021
Watch it or don't but if you're 6 episodes in it's not going to change much.
Jan 25, 1:51 AM
Jul 2023
its fine. 7/10 for me. good, but nothing special. very similar to most other slice of life/fantasy series. I'm enjoying it but i don't look forward to new episodes. if it dropped off where its at right now i wouldn't be bummed. the pacing, and tone don't change, at least as far as the anime is concerned. its pretty straight forward and upfront about what its going to be about in episode 1 so if your 6 episodes in and its not holding your attention i don't think anything in the series that comes after will so i would drop it if i was in your position. there's a plethora of other series out there. never force yourself to sit through a series you don't like just because its popular. unless its a series like gurren lagann or steins gate that take awhile to get you into what the show is actually about.
Jan 25, 2:25 AM
Jan 2009
just drop it since enjoyment is based on emotion like your mood anyway
Jan 25, 4:26 AM

Aug 2020
The answer doesn't matter because more threads asking the same thing will pop up in some weeks.

Jan 25, 6:12 AM
Oct 2023
Kloonker-Koonker said:
@Yeetyus I understand the topics being annoying. I dont use mal for community posts and what not (i maybe have once or twice before idk.) and apologies for asking a question like that, but there were so many qualities I liked about it that I’m interested in continuing just not sure if anyone else felt the same and if there was some point it just overall improved. I like the worldbuilding and the fantasy aesthetic and the characters are nice too. It just doesn’t really have me coming back which is what’s confusing.

I'd suggest you drop it till it finish airing then binge the whole thing it might get good for you if you binge, given the fact it's slow paced
Jan 25, 9:10 AM
Jul 2023
A lot of people struggle to get into it because of the slow pacing, you aren’t the only one
Jan 25, 9:10 AM
Oct 2022
I feel the same, the series just feels a bit empty to me. I just feel the story lacks any real end goal besides wandering around and finding useless spells. I’m going to keep watching it regardless, but I don’t see the appeal it has to everyone else.
Jan 25, 12:31 PM

Aug 2018
dw it gets good around episode 27 trust, just wait itll get good

Jan 25, 1:44 PM
Dec 2019
Reply to Abzy1239
Kloonker-Koonker said:
I do think this anime is really good with very little flaws, but I’ve watched 6 episodes so far and I’m not really too sure why it hasn’t griped me yet. It shares a lot of similarities with anime I love but idk. If I keep watching will it get me more hooked? I really want to get into it. Thank you.

idk about you
but I feel like I watched two minutes of it and the ep already gets finished
@Abzy1239 i also have the same problem ngl. my strats is to just watch an episode everyday on some slowburn type shit. its working decently id say
Jan 25, 2:31 PM

Apr 2020
Don't then.
We don't mind.

If an Anime is "really good" with "little flaws" and you're on the fence dropping it or not....chances are: You're just weird^^ There's nothing to discuss, cause you're making no sense.
Jan 25, 3:27 PM

Nov 2022
cause its not good lmao
Jan 25, 6:39 PM

Mar 2008
Probably arent in that mellow mindset to let it sit with you right now. Might be better to watch at a different time.
Jan 25, 7:02 PM

Nov 2014
It's the type of anime casual watchers would love, not recommended towards anime elitists. I caught up with the manga and it didn't really get any better. Every "arc" is pretty much the same; no excitement, and very repetitive. It has potential but as of right now, it's still severely lacking in flavor even after 120 chapters.
mizukasaJan 25, 7:11 PM
Jan 25, 7:27 PM

Apr 2016
Because you hype watched it instead of being a day one with little to no expectations.
Jan 25, 9:35 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Yeetyus
Kloonker-Koonker said:
I do think this anime is really good with very little flaws, but I’ve watched 6 episodes so far and I’m not really too sure why it hasn’t griped me yet. It shares a lot of similarities with anime I love but idk. If I keep watching will it get me more hooked? I really want to get into it. Thank you.

So what do you exactly want to hear from us ??? You didn’t even say what you didn’t like about the anime. You legit don’t know why you don’t like it either. If you don’t like it just don’t watch it. People who like the show will say watch it. The other ones will say drop it. Will the opinion of other people change yours? It’s one of the most unnecessary posts I have seen so far on MAL.
@Yeetyus And they've yet to actually name whats bothering them about the show 💀
Jan 25, 11:24 PM

Oct 2016
Lernardeau said:
Kinda same.
I droped after episode 3... even tho I liked it.

and both of you have a Anna SpyxFamily icon. curious...
Jan 26, 3:14 AM
Jan 2021
Not every anime is for everyone. so If you don't like it then just skip and watch something else.
Jan 26, 3:22 AM

Jan 2019
Because it's trash anime.
G.O.A.T Twitter Account:
Jan 26, 9:16 AM

Nov 2013
Reply to Kloonker-Koonker
@Lonelygutsclone yeah.. so many of these people are just trolls or get offended because I don’t like something the same as them.
@Kloonker-Koonker I mean honestly what do you expect with this thread? If the show didn't get you hooked yet, do you want to hear spoilers? Do you expect to see a comment that will change your outlook on the series somehow??? If you don't get into this, there's nothing MAL users can do for you in this thread. Easiest answers would be "drop it", "watch something else", or "put it on hold and return later". All of these options are something you should already know. Ultimately it's still up to you to choose and no matter what you read here, at the end of the day you'd still be like "Nah... didn't hook me enough" - if that is how you feel!

My point is, this is a pointless thread that will be locked/deleted like all the others. It's cringe how people think the forums should care about their individual taste. We all have different tastes... should we make separate threads about it? Imagine saying "I don't really like pineapples on pizza, If I keep eating will it get me more hooked? I really want to get into it." No offense but doesn't this sound stupid? You decide what you enjoy, stop pretending like opinions of others can change that. No opinion will make me like pizza with pineapples!
Jan 26, 9:59 AM

Jan 2020
There’s no doubt there’s recency bias, as there is with a majority of series. I agree with many that Madhouse has done an amazing job, but I just can’t seem to enjoy this series as much as many of the others do. A big issue is more of a me problem in that I find Frieren boring as an mc and liked Stark and Fern more. There’s other anime that interest me more this season so I might return to it down the road, but it just never hooked me in, aside from Madhouse’s terrific work. So glad that studio is back
Jan 26, 10:01 AM

Jan 2020
halfpastnein said:
Lernardeau said:
Kinda same.
I droped after episode 3... even tho I liked it.

and both of you have a Anna SpyxFamily icon. curious...

First of all it’s Anya, not Anna. Secondly, she’s the best so everyone can have her as a profile pic and no one should bat an eye 😂
Jan 26, 10:03 AM

Jan 2020
Neterosan said:
Same i don't understand 😢 i need subway surfers and tiktok on my 2nd monitor just to power through an episode! I wait for the epic action scenes i keep hearing about and Stark's journey of overcoming fear in battle 🔥🔥 should i put it on 2x speed or just search for tiktok edits?

Stark is the standout imo, but there’s just not enough of him in this show.
Jan 26, 10:07 AM

Jan 2020
Merve2Love said:
Don't then.
We don't mind.

If an Anime is "really good" with "little flaws" and you're on the fence dropping it or not....chances are: You're just weird^^ There's nothing to discuss, cause you're making no sense.

No need to be so rude with them and call them “weird”. They seem like a positive person just questioning something isn’t clicking with them with this series, yet they can appreciate that it is a good show.
Jan 26, 12:17 PM

Nov 2020
Reply to Neterosan
Same i don't understand 😢 i need subway surfers and tiktok on my 2nd monitor just to power through an episode! I wait for the epic action scenes i keep hearing about and Stark's journey of overcoming fear in battle 🔥🔥 should i put it on 2x speed or just search for tiktok edits?
@Neterosan ehh, so many people watch Frieren because they saw an edit on tiktok where there was a fight, then they are disappointed because there is not as much of the fight as they would like xD If you are only interested in the fight, I advise you to abandon this anime, why bother anime that you have absolutely no interest in?
Jan 26, 1:13 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Animillion
Merve2Love said:
Don't then.
We don't mind.

If an Anime is "really good" with "little flaws" and you're on the fence dropping it or not....chances are: You're just weird^^ There's nothing to discuss, cause you're making no sense.

No need to be so rude with them and call them “weird”. They seem like a positive person just questioning something isn’t clicking with them with this series, yet they can appreciate that it is a good show.

Yeah, rudeness Is what the boy needs.
This is not a huge movement we're interested in. This is some dude, not getting it^^

He can take it. :)
Jan 26, 1:26 PM

Aug 2021
remember its SOL tho have patience ig or sum
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Jan 26, 4:32 PM

Jul 2020
I think Frieren is a decent-enough SoL show that presents coming of age and life themes in a decent way.., and that's it honestly, I don't get the hype either as other anime have had the same themes as Sousou no Frieren in deeper and more meaningful way, it doesn't help either that every character has the exact-same boring poker face whenever they fight or interact. It's just a huge 5/10 for me; and I'm cool with slow burn shows, but Frieren is just not that special to me, many times it just feels like it goes nowhere; also doesn't help that Fern is tremendously boring and Stark is just the classic hard-work
boy archetype.
VaixenJan 26, 4:54 PM
Jan 26, 5:16 PM

Sep 2015
I am episode 20 and still not a fan. I gave up trying to like it and decided to just join the ride with everyone else. Doubt that I will be watching more seasons of this. I mean, it looks and sounds beautiful, and it's generally a well-made series. Even as someone who is into slow burners and slice if life-sh shows, I still find this boring for the most part, and I couldn't bring myself to care about most of the characters. I like Stark because he is more expressive than the rest of the characters, and I find his reactions more relatable and understandable.

P.S. A large portion of the fanbase is also not helping by calling everyone who doesn't like this a "child who is only looking for mindless shonen battles". They remind me of Vinland Saga fans.
Jan 26, 5:48 PM

May 2018
there are better slice of life anime out there, and while I do think the production is really good, there is simply nothing outstanding about the story, message, or characters. I am still comfortable with calling it a decent anime, but if you're not into it maybe you should let it rest. to each their own!
can't yuck my yum

Jan 26, 5:54 PM

Nov 2021
Reply to Ba-Cii10
@Neterosan ehh, so many people watch Frieren because they saw an edit on tiktok where there was a fight, then they are disappointed because there is not as much of the fight as they would like xD If you are only interested in the fight, I advise you to abandon this anime, why bother anime that you have absolutely no interest in?
@Ba-Cii10 i was being sarcastic, just tired of seeing the same post every week lol
Jan 26, 6:08 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to NoelleIsSleepy
there are better slice of life anime out there, and while I do think the production is really good, there is simply nothing outstanding about the story, message, or characters. I am still comfortable with calling it a decent anime, but if you're not into it maybe you should let it rest. to each their own!
@Noelle43 Well, Frieren is not a slice of life to begin with. It's a fantasy shounen anime that takes a more realistic way than most shounen anime. Realistic in a way that it valued those useless everyday life things that most shounen will probably ignore..
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
Jan 26, 6:26 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to AhmedJafar1
I am episode 20 and still not a fan. I gave up trying to like it and decided to just join the ride with everyone else. Doubt that I will be watching more seasons of this. I mean, it looks and sounds beautiful, and it's generally a well-made series. Even as someone who is into slow burners and slice if life-sh shows, I still find this boring for the most part, and I couldn't bring myself to care about most of the characters. I like Stark because he is more expressive than the rest of the characters, and I find his reactions more relatable and understandable.

P.S. A large portion of the fanbase is also not helping by calling everyone who doesn't like this a "child who is only looking for mindless shonen battles". They remind me of Vinland Saga fans.
@AhmedJafar1 Whenever I watch Frieren I can't help but think about HxH. At first I thought this anime would be similar to To Your Eternity, where the MC is left by her companion one by one because she can live a long life unlike his friends. But since the episode when that Johann lookalike appear and his underling tried to attack Frieren, the way they handle the fight so quickly just remind me of HxH. They also explain how important it is to hide your aura as a mage. That's a basic concept you learn as Hunter in Nen which is called zetsu. And the current arc, its basically a hunter exam with the way the participants just died because of the harsh environment in the forest. They are also not required to fight each other, but have to do it eventually since finding Stille is hard, it's similar with the 2nd to last exam where they have to steal each other badge.

Anyway, rather than a slice of life anime, I'd called Frieren a battle shounen anime which actually care more about those useless everyday life than just being the best ever one at something, which is what HxH is about like what Ging said at the end of the anime..
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
Jan 26, 6:36 PM
Nov 2016
I'm not much into this anime either, I watch it because it's an ok anime, it isn't horrible enough for me to drop it, it has some nice things for sure, but it has other boring things too, especially the Slice of Life crap, I kinda dislike that genre and this anime feels like 90% Slice of Life.

With that being said, there is a perfect arc that will start in episode 7 (the Demon arc), I loved this anime in that arc and it reached its peak there, unfortunately, that awesome arc only lasted 3 episodes, and then it got back to the usual boring Slice of Life crap, so before you drop it or anything, at least watch the Demon arc that starts in episode 7 and ends in episode 10.
Jan 26, 6:55 PM

May 2018
Reply to KyouKaiTen
@Noelle43 Well, Frieren is not a slice of life to begin with. It's a fantasy shounen anime that takes a more realistic way than most shounen anime. Realistic in a way that it valued those useless everyday life things that most shounen will probably ignore..
@KyouKaiTen oh well it might just be a difference of opinion, but I feel like the very definition of slice of life is "valuing the - otherwise ignored - everyday life things"
can't yuck my yum

Jan 26, 7:11 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to NoelleIsSleepy
@KyouKaiTen oh well it might just be a difference of opinion, but I feel like the very definition of slice of life is "valuing the - otherwise ignored - everyday life things"
@Noelle43 What I want to say is the basic of Frieren is not slice of life. Its root is still a fantasy shounen anime. Whether it'll take a closer approach to sol anime doesn't change its root as shounen fantasy. So you should still consider it as shounen.
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
Jan 26, 11:40 PM
Nov 2022
Kloonker-Koonker said:
I do think this anime is really good with very little flaws, but I’ve watched 6 episodes so far and I’m not really too sure why it hasn’t griped me yet. It shares a lot of similarities with anime I love but idk. If I keep watching will it get me more hooked? I really want to get into it. Thank you.

It’s not an average shounen, so yeah your pov is quite understandable, chill anime may turn out to be almost boring for someone who’s not very into it
Jan 27, 2:17 AM

May 2021
Reply to KyouKaiTen
@Noelle43 Well, Frieren is not a slice of life to begin with. It's a fantasy shounen anime that takes a more realistic way than most shounen anime. Realistic in a way that it valued those useless everyday life things that most shounen will probably ignore..
@KyouKaiTen I wouldn't say most shounen ignore everyday life things, they might not have as strong a focus on the little things as Frieren does, but they're definitely still there and along with other details help provide realism to the shows

There's also times where the everyday life scenes are completely intertwined with the main plot/them, this works particularly well with mystery anime such as Death Note and Summertime Render where if you took a break to have avery SOL focused ep. it'd completely break the flow of the story
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