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Aug 6, 2022 5:27 AM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@karuruna: could be. I don't have programming knowledge, so I can't say anything about it. I suppose it's up to Deiv then.
Aug 6, 2022 5:45 AM

Jun 2013

We can't see your time zone setting.
Aug 6, 2022 5:47 AM
Dec 2021
@Deividas: my time zone setting is Asia/Beirut. Hope it helps. Could it be that me setting it to be invisible actually causes the issue?

Edit: if I did, I mean, I don’t remember, though I did intend to.
Oct 23, 2022 12:22 AM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
I would like to suggest a new achievement for anime titles currently tagged with the Anthropomorphic theme. Right now there are over 550 titles and certain to be more as MAL staff update existing entries, so there is plenty to choose from.
Jan 13, 2023 5:46 AM

Nov 2018
In the Completion by month section, when you select a month, underneath Anime completed in (let's say for) December 2022: (XX), can there also be an average rating for all the anime completed in that month?

For me, I've completed 55 anime in that month, but I'd like to see what the average rating is for what I've given so that I can compare it to my score and the scores given to other months. This can give an indication of the trending direction of my mean score, whether it be up or down.

It won't be fun for me to have to calculate the mean score of 527 titles that I completed in October 2020

_cjessop19_Jan 13, 2023 5:49 AM
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Jan 13, 2023 8:00 AM

Jun 2013
Feb 1, 2023 2:13 AM

Nov 2018
@Deividas has dark mode for the site been suggested before? Seeing how blindingly bright it is at 3am, I'm sure it would be an awesome addition if the background was a darker shade of grey. Otherwise I have to use Dark Reader, which is good but it ruins the graphs (see below). A settings page that stores the setting on our browser would be good.

If you do go with the idea of adding in a settings page for the site to control dark mode, could we get the option to customize colors of graphs and charts? Like how you can customize the color of your profile stats with MAL supporter.
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Feb 19, 2023 6:08 AM

Nov 2018
Would it be possible to filter your anime list by entry type and episode length and/or entry duration? Searching for short films or ads would make my life a million times easier than having to comb through the entire DB.
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
May 15, 2023 8:34 PM

Nov 2018
In the Favorite types section for anime and manga, can you add in a small filter to select which sections of our list we want to be included? Like small boxes running across up top to choose from or to exclude (think Anime Search advanced filters)?

I'm currently trying to get exact numbers on what I've completed, but the pie chart displays everything in my OH and CW (& dropped?) lists as well. It says I have 2468 MVs in my list, but I have around 900 or so On Hold. It would be nice to see how much I have completed just by filtering the pie chart.
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
May 17, 2023 10:37 AM

Jun 2013
@_cjessop19_ All pages are static (cached). Stats are calculated once after update and cannot be filtered (recalculated).

I'm rewriting the whole site, but don't expect anything anytime soon.
May 31, 2023 6:40 PM

Jan 2016
Dunno if unpractical or too difficult or previously suggested, but it would be nice if on Favorites also show Favorite Director, Original Creator, Script, Character Design and Music (I mean music as staff position) - and perhaps other positions like Animation Director/Chief Animation Director, Art Director/Background Art, Mechanical Design/Prop Design...
Well, I'm sure a lot of people would like to see the voice actors too... but at least seeing Director would be nice.
PxHCJun 2, 2023 8:18 AM

Jun 4, 2023 3:40 AM

Nov 2018
Suggestion: I asked in support about this and I just got an idea. I think I have a new way to overhaul the global stats page.

Firstly, we should make the main header slightly larger and make it bold text (maybe all caps?), and maybe the break between the header and the body a shade darker or thicker to make it more apparent.

Secondly, we should split the page into 2 sections (both with main headers followed by subheaders for the graphs);
1) Website Statistics: This includes Active users, Queued users, Queue size through time (maybe rename this queue size over time?), and maybe another statistic about daily and weekly average user updates so you still have the 4 stats up top?

2) Anime and Manga Statistics: This includes Anime entries, Manga entries, and both rating distribution graphs. Underneath the entry counts, there should be a list of all the entry types in a list or table (see example below)

Currently, the entry types are the only part of the DB that don't have a number to them in A/M Search (though AWCc's site does display the anime stats). Since you have the total entries displayed up top, I'm sure the site keeps track of the entry types as well.

Even if you want to keep the global stats page how it is, just having a breakdown of the anime and manga entries count would be super useful
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Jun 24, 2023 12:31 PM

Jun 2007
A little suggestion for the "Total Time Spent" anime achievement -- would it be possible to still display the days spent after reaching the maximum level? This achievement is the only way I know of to track my "time spent on new / non-rewatch anime." So having the mouseover on the bar show something like "Maximum Level! (382.76 Days)" would be quite informative.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

Everything that connects to MAL
Jun 24, 2023 3:27 PM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@Zalis: Just to note, I think that the Total Time stat next to the Ratings vs Time Spent in the Ratings tab is what you're looking for.
Jul 22, 2023 10:03 AM
Master of Cursed

Aug 2011
Since MAL has added dark mode now, it would be nice if there was an option to make the exported graph have a transparent background so it could work on both light and dark modes. You can see how bad it looks when you get to a profile where they are using the graph but with the opposite background color of what your settings are (light mode graph / dark mode graph).

Jul 22, 2023 1:05 PM

Jun 2013
@Ebobebo It's now possible. Delete the color code or enter: #ffffffff
Jul 22, 2023 4:59 PM
Master of Cursed

Aug 2011
Deividas said:
@Ebobebo It's now possible. Delete the color code or enter: #ffffffff

Thanks so much, I didn't know!!!

Jul 26, 2023 10:18 AM

Nov 2018
Would it be possible to make it so that you can add in custom images to customize our graph for MAL profile?
I really want to do this vv

and be able to tune the color of the text so that it fits my new page layout, but I can only choose plain colors for the background.
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Oct 7, 2023 7:22 PM
Jun 2020
Do achievements only count for Completed manga? My achievement says I'm at Romance Level 3, and thus read exactly 40, but my Favorite Genres section says I've read 419. The same goes for time spent, it says I've read for about 101 hours but I have 1600 in just the Romance genre alone. My only other idea is that it's only manga I've specifically rated, because I don't do that very often. Is there any way this can be changed to include all manga?
Oct 7, 2023 8:26 PM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
Reply to Kashema1
Do achievements only count for Completed manga? My achievement says I'm at Romance Level 3, and thus read exactly 40, but my Favorite Genres section says I've read 419. The same goes for time spent, it says I've read for about 101 hours but I have 1600 in just the Romance genre alone. My only other idea is that it's only manga I've specifically rated, because I don't do that very often. Is there any way this can be changed to include all manga?

I'm pretty certain that in almost all cases, anime and manga titles do not count toward an achievement until a MAL user has completed the title in question. The only one I know of off the top of my head that counts titles you haven't finished yet is the franchise one for anime. I found that out by seeing someone have the One Piece TV series (currently airing, 1000+ episodes) count toward it.
Oct 8, 2023 9:02 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Numi

I'm pretty certain that in almost all cases, anime and manga titles do not count toward an achievement until a MAL user has completed the title in question. The only one I know of off the top of my head that counts titles you haven't finished yet is the franchise one for anime. I found that out by seeing someone have the One Piece TV series (currently airing, 1000+ episodes) count toward it.
@Numi Damn, that kinda sucks
Oct 8, 2023 9:14 AM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
Reply to Kashema1
@Numi Damn, that kinda sucks

It does. But it does make sense, as the achievements are intended to encourage completion of titles.

As for the achievements based on time spent reading or watching, those do include incomplete titles. And one point of confusion to clear is that these are probably listed in DAYS, not hours. So it's not saying you've only spent 101 hours reading, it's saying you've spent 101 DAYS. Does that make sense? The next level of that achievement is achieved at 182.5 which would be.... half a year of your life spent reading the titles on your manga list.
Oct 13, 2023 6:20 PM
Apr 2012
I see that the Romance Achievements are only set to Genre 22, which makes sense. However is there any thoughts to including the Romantic Subtext genre?
Dec 14, 2023 12:55 PM
Apr 2009
The Romance achievements also really need to count Boys Love and Girls Love entries.
MAL assigns those genres to gay romances INSTEAD OF the Romance genre (rather than in addition to it), which seems dumb, but since that's the route they're going, the Romance achievements should recognize this and count Boys Love and Girls Love entries as progress towards the Romance achievements as well.
It's a bit less glaring for manga achievements than anime since with manga Boys Love and Girls Love at least have their own dedicated achievements but even there it's kind of unfortunate for (probably unintentionally) conveying the implication that gay romance "doesn't count" as real romance.
Dec 16, 2023 9:28 AM
May 2022
is it possible to see how many different anime i watched.
because the "franchise" only shows which anime has multiple entries. but anime which has single entries are not included
May 29, 4:59 AM

Dec 2015
I think we need a "Wholesome" category given how so many popular anime get the ecchi tag one way or another, what do you guys think?

May 29, 6:57 AM

Dec 2015
Reply to Yzeelb
nekomimibadik said:
Ecchi - shoujo - hentai achievements still not going to happen?

The simple watch 20/50/100 ++ achievements of a genre are nice but nothing really special. The Mean score achievements for example are much more interesting I think.
So instead of making a simple counting achievement for Ecchi/Hentai you could make this:

Kid’s Tag: 1 points
No Tag: 3 points
Ecchi Tag: 7 points
Hentai Tag: 10 points

Points total / number of completed shows = result
100+ completed shows required

If result < 1,5:

Cute and innocent
If only the real world could be like this…

If result >3 and result < 5:

I watch Anime only for the plot…
It’s not your fault that there is so much fanservice… Right?

If result >=5 and result < 9:

Only accidents! I swear!
Physics in Anime are incredible. When you trip you always cop a feel.

If result >=9

Hentai overlord
No use denying it! You know what you are…
Wait is completed shows like all completed entries?

May 29, 8:03 AM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@Fuseteam: Are you not aware of this?
Half_Bl00dMay 29, 8:40 AM
May 30, 6:52 PM

Jul 2014
Greetings to the people of GRAPH, would it be possible to make the 'Favorite authors' table on manga favorites not load automatically, it doesnt take longer than 10s, but overtime it becomes quite annoying, I rarely go down there for how much I look at the other informations on the same page (I also saw the pending suggestion to add a magazines table and I personally like it a lot, but I fear that no resolution on the authors table will make the page quite slow).
The authors table is also longer than a table for the actual manga, for me it is 462 itens larger than a table with all my manga would have.

Thanks for the time either way.
Jun 23, 3:33 PM

Dec 2012
Could the "missing titles" section not include related titles of dropped series? (I think it makes no sense), same with titles on the planning list.

【 悪 魔 で 執 事 で す か ら 】

Jul 13, 8:07 AM

Aug 2018
Why no manga Mecha achievement ?
Jul 23, 1:36 PM

Dec 2015
Reply to laBelphe
Could the "missing titles" section not include related titles of dropped series? (I think it makes no sense), same with titles on the planning list.
@laBelphe I disagree with this.

For example, Pokemon.

I have finished The original pokemon, but I have dropped Pokemon Black and White. Black and White IS related to pokemon, and I would hate if it wasn't included in there.

Same with Planned to watch, for example the Fate series

I have in my Planned to watch list the future Movie? TV Show? of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya called "Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya (Zoku-hen)".

What you are proposing is to remove that entry from the Fate franchise, which doesn't make any sense
Jul 23, 3:26 PM

Dec 2012
Reply to Z6890
@laBelphe I disagree with this.

For example, Pokemon.

I have finished The original pokemon, but I have dropped Pokemon Black and White. Black and White IS related to pokemon, and I would hate if it wasn't included in there.

Same with Planned to watch, for example the Fate series

I have in my Planned to watch list the future Movie? TV Show? of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya called "Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya (Zoku-hen)".

What you are proposing is to remove that entry from the Fate franchise, which doesn't make any sense
@Z6890 If you're watching or have completed any title to a specific serie then any related tittles would show anyway.

Ex: If you're watching Pokemon or have completed any related title to Pokemon then any related title to that will appear nonetheless.
In my case I have watched S1 of X show and dropped the S2 and the related titles to that series still appear.

And with the Planned list, my logic was if I didn't start/seen anything related to that why would I care for any related titles about that.
If you have seen any of Fate then "Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya (Zoku-hen)" will appear on the related titles section.
(In fact I just checked your A+ profile and there it is.)

Plus the changes were already made in the site a couple weeks ago.

【 悪 魔 で 執 事 で す か ら 】

Jul 24, 8:49 PM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
Less of a suggestion and more of a clarification question.

The current formula for the pervert achievement is "100 ÷ anime completed × (erotica anime completed + ecchi anime completed × 2 + hentai anime completed × 4)." I wanted to know whether this is a typo, a misunderstanding, or purposeful.

The How to Use Genres/Themes gdoc for the site lists the explicit genres as "Ecchi, Erotica, Hentai" in order of increasingly explicit sexual content. Thus, shouldn't erotica titles, which are more explicit than ecchi titles, have twice the weight of ecchi titles? It would make more sense to do "100 ÷ anime completed × (ecchi anime completed + erotica anime completed × 2 + hentai anime completed × 4)."

Also, the manga version of the pervert achievement states the formula is "100 ÷ manga completed × (ecchi manga completed × 2 + hentai manga completed × 4)." Has the formula been updated to include the erotica tag as well, and if so, did this line in the achievement description just get overlooked when the formula itself was updated?

NumiJul 24, 8:58 PM
Jul 24, 9:14 PM

Jun 2013
@Numi Yeah, fixed to: 2x 3x 4x
Jul 24, 9:17 PM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
Oh man, that's even better. Thank you! And what a swift response.
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