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Sep 20, 2008 7:35 PM

Nov 2007
This show was amazing. There were so many emotional and funny parts :D But I wish the ending was a bit happier. I hope it comes to the states soon.
Sep 22, 2008 8:20 PM

Apr 2007

no questions asked.
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Sep 26, 2008 4:35 AM

Mar 2008
Awesome movie. Loved it greatly!
~Friendship is so sweet that it can cause tooth decay~

~Respect the losers, cause without them, there'll be no winners~
Sep 30, 2008 12:05 PM
Apr 2008
Good but nowt special imo. Liked how they literally leap through time, thought the end was a bit lame though.
Oct 1, 2008 3:31 AM

Aug 2007
Just watched it now. Amazing movie. I kinda saw knew what would happen with the going to the past will change the future consequences. Also i always noticed the dude(Chiaki) at the art gallery looking at the same empty lot every time that she would visit her aunt. I knew it would have meant something later in the movie.
Oct 11, 2008 12:46 PM

May 2008
One word to sum them all : boring.

The music is too basic, the animation sucks at times, the story could have been way more developed and complex, I wanted to Falcon punch Makoto every five minutes, many other caracters made me rage, ...
I didn't cry, I didn't smile, I didn't even managed to find something to think about : I just waited for something interesting to happen... and it never happened.
Too bad I bought it thinking I'd like it.
Now I'd like to travel back through time to take my time and money back.
Oct 11, 2008 1:40 PM

Aug 2008
Hmm I don't get it. Background is done very, very well so why characters design and drawing style is so bad. They just didn't fit in.

Well, back to show.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 21, 2008 12:15 PM

Jul 2008
i just finished watching it, really a great watch =D Not to mention Chiaki was soooo cute :3

Nov 5, 2008 1:14 PM

Jun 2008
it was a really great anime and if there weren't any logical error, i would voted it 10. for ex. why chiaki didn't go back the time when he had lost his time travelling tool when he first lost it. he could have turned that time back and then wouldn't have lost his tool so there would be no problems. he wouldn't have to use his last chance to go back his time to save his friends. instead of it, makoto never would have found that tool so that things would never happen. it's true that if he had gone back to the time he lost his tool, there wouldn't be any story to tell xD but logical error is logical error :D
another question makes me confused is, when chiaki used his last chance to go back his time and save his friends, he said somethings to makoto. then he forgot about what he said. but the ones who forget things which had happened weren't the ones who went back in time? to say it basically, the one who went back in time wouldn't remember what he had done before. but the last time chiaki used his chance to go back to future, he forgot things and makoto remembered all things although she hadn't been the one who gone back in time. and there are still things like that erorrs. but still it is a great anime and it is in my favorites :)
nymphNov 5, 2008 1:17 PM
Nov 11, 2008 8:24 AM

Jul 2008
A very well done movie that I enjoyed greatly. Everyone must keep in mind that time stops for no one.
Nov 19, 2008 2:46 PM
Aug 2008
can i get a link to a place were i can watch it?
Nov 21, 2008 5:09 PM

Nov 2008
This was an amazing movie. I don't think any anime has moved me this much. I very much enjoyed watching it and the ending was very powerful. Additionally, the ending song greatly added to the ending and made me the more ;_;. ^^:

I think if people had paid more attention to the ending lyrics that some of the speculating topics had never been created. It was a bittersweet ending, but I suppose that's life...

Judging from some of the posts above, it isn't a movie everyone would like, but I know I did. ^^

Good animation and beautiful backgrounds, good music (what little was there), likeable characters, interesting plot... 10/10!
Hi! My name is yama. I am niced to meet you.
Nov 21, 2008 8:13 PM

Dec 2007
Siing said:

no questions asked.
Nov 25, 2008 5:23 PM

Apr 2008
Amazingggg. As good as people said it'd be.
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Dec 6, 2008 12:36 PM

Apr 2007
Where was I when this came out? Epic movie is epic. Even though the whole Chiaki thing was a little confusing.


Dec 7, 2008 3:41 PM

Jun 2008
hardly the best movie but it was really great. had a nice mood going for it!
Dec 14, 2008 8:52 AM

Nov 2007
nymph said:
it was a really great anime and if there weren't any logical error, i would voted it 10. for ex. why chiaki didn't go back the time when he had lost his time travelling tool when he first lost it. he could have turned that time back and then wouldn't have lost his tool so there would be no problems. he wouldn't have to use his last chance to go back his time to save his friends. instead of it, makoto never would have found that tool so that things would never happen. it's true that if he had gone back to the time he lost his tool, there wouldn't be any story to tell xD but logical error is logical error :D
another question makes me confused is, when chiaki used his last chance to go back his time and save his friends, he said somethings to makoto. then he forgot about what he said. but the ones who forget things which had happened weren't the ones who went back in time? to say it basically, the one who went back in time wouldn't remember what he had done before. but the last time chiaki used his chance to go back to future, he forgot things and makoto remembered all things although she hadn't been the one who gone back in time. and there are still things like that erorrs. but still it is a great anime and it is in my favorites :)

The first comment heres a good one, I hadnt thought of that, he does at one point say 'I dont remember when or where I lost it' but he could still conceivably have gambled with his last chance of going home by going to a time when he knew he had it..

In regards to the second, Makoto DOES forget things, she remembers all the stuff about the jumps she does (that her friends die in the train crash etc) but she doesnt remember anything afterwards (Chiaki talks about her crying to him and saying its all her fault, which is why he uses his last jump) - that bit actually made sense to me.

In terms of the film, it was superb, the end was a bit flat I guess, I blame disney for feeding me happy endings all these years - I think it would have been better if Chiaki hadn't done his 'I'll wait for you in the future' thing.

What I dont get is a) why did her ask her out in the first place if he knew he couldnt stay and b) why is he not capable of just leaping back to her after he's gone back to the future and got his leaps recharged or however it works?

I dont quite buy the Chiaki the time-player theory, primarily because we see the restored painting on dispay in the course of the film, its only not finished at the end because Makoto jumped right back to the first day.

Her promise to him isnt to restore the painting, its to ensure its not lost or destroyed so he can experience it in his future...

But yeah, technicalities aside, awesome film.
Dec 18, 2008 11:06 PM

Nov 2008
I found this film refreshing in so many ways. From the candidness of the voice-work, to the writing, to the warm quotidian detail (somewhat like 5 Centimeters, but less romantic) and a surprisingly non-frantic pace that still maintains momentum until the end.

The overall feel of the movie also carries a breezy yet mature restraint about it. For instance, it never reverts to over-the-top slapstick to make you laugh. Makoto's boneheaded jumping scenes are genuinely funny without resorting to exaggerated sweat drops, swirly eyes, or super-deformed jump cuts like you see in more current anime which practically telegraph "ISN'T THIS FUNNY?!1!, oh and here's some bewbs!" to viewers instead of being, you know, actually funny (I'm looking at you Haruhi).

Anyway where was I?

Bah, I ramble. Great movie. One of the best I've seen in awhile. I'll give it a 9 because I thought Chiaki's premise was somewhat cheesy and Makoto's peculiar inability to collide with herself in all these time reversals is a bit of a copout.
Dec 22, 2008 9:04 PM

Nov 2008
Fox_977 said:
can i get a link to a place were i can watch it?


Really good movie 9 or 10.... 10, definitively 10
Dec 27, 2008 1:44 PM

Sep 2008
Best Movie EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Watch Sumomo momo Its epic. It has not gotten much attention... Episode 1
Dec 27, 2008 2:55 PM

Mar 2007
Heart_of_Storm said:
nymph said:
it was a really great anime and if there weren't any logical error, i would voted it 10. for ex. why chiaki didn't go back the time when he had lost his time travelling tool when he first lost it. he could have turned that time back and then wouldn't have lost his tool so there would be no problems. he wouldn't have to use his last chance to go back his time to save his friends. instead of it, makoto never would have found that tool so that things would never happen. it's true that if he had gone back to the time he lost his tool, there wouldn't be any story to tell xD but logical error is logical error :D
another question makes me confused is, when chiaki used his last chance to go back his time and save his friends, he said somethings to makoto. then he forgot about what he said. but the ones who forget things which had happened weren't the ones who went back in time? to say it basically, the one who went back in time wouldn't remember what he had done before. but the last time chiaki used his chance to go back to future, he forgot things and makoto remembered all things although she hadn't been the one who gone back in time. and there are still things like that erorrs. but still it is a great anime and it is in my favorites :)

The first comment heres a good one, I hadnt thought of that, he does at one point say 'I dont remember when or where I lost it' but he could still conceivably have gambled with his last chance of going home by going to a time when he knew he had it..

In regards to the second, Makoto DOES forget things, she remembers all the stuff about the jumps she does (that her friends die in the train crash etc) but she doesnt remember anything afterwards (Chiaki talks about her crying to him and saying its all her fault, which is why he uses his last jump) - that bit actually made sense to me.

In terms of the film, it was superb, the end was a bit flat I guess, I blame disney for feeding me happy endings all these years - I think it would have been better if Chiaki hadn't done his 'I'll wait for you in the future' thing.

What I dont get is a) why did her ask her out in the first place if he knew he couldnt stay and b) why is he not capable of just leaping back to her after he's gone back to the future and got his leaps recharged or however it works?

I dont quite buy the Chiaki the time-player theory, primarily because we see the restored painting on dispay in the course of the film, its only not finished at the end because Makoto jumped right back to the first day.

Her promise to him isnt to restore the painting, its to ensure its not lost or destroyed so he can experience it in his future...

But yeah, technicalities aside, awesome film.

The way I see it, Chiaki wanted to see the painting again and went back in time... but then he liked the relaxed high school life so much that he wanted to stay there longer (indefinitely) and seeing the painting became less important.

In the live-action movie, the guy from the future is Makoto's age but has already finished his college degree (apparently they're much more advanced in the future) -- so if the anime movie assumed that too, then Chiaki would have finished his schooling in the future and for now he just wanted to relax and play in Makoto's time.

Also, the only reason he had to go back right away was because Makoto found out and that was against the rules. -- In the live action movie the guy from the future not only goes back to his time, but erases "Makoto's" whole memory of him.

Note: The live-action movie doesn't have the same characters. Just the same plot with some changes.

I think the ending was pretty open-ended. Chiaki might have come back for her. Or maybe he realized that he didn't belong in that time, and went back to him family in the future.
Jan 24, 2009 4:29 AM

Nov 2008
bettynoire said:

-_-lll Western perceptions of anime being only either kid shows or porn is one of the most annoying parts about being an anime fan. The frustrating thing is no one believes you when you show them something that clearly isn't either. It's like they can't accept animation as a real art form that can and should at times be taken seriously.

I often meet this form of perception of anime, especially by adults (hmmm... like 25+ I mean), too. It's a pity.
I didn't like the characters' design, that's why I started to watch it last year and dropped. But today I completed watching it, and it is amazing! Clever and touching. I loved it <3

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Jan 25, 2009 1:51 PM

Apr 2008
Finally watched this movie today.. wow i was very impressed ! there definitely arent many movies like this. i was left quite confused near the end though, but i just put that all aside and let myself enjoy the movie. the bond between those 3 was what really got to me ! i wanted so bad for chiaki to confess his feelings like he was supposed to but it never happened T__T ; so let me get this straight - the reason why he didnt was because makoto told him that she found the walnut & because they weren't talking about kousuke and getting a gf? .. and so the reason he confessed to her in the other time was because he already knew he would never find the walnut, so he thought he could stay awhile longer?

another thought - so when exactly did chiaki find out makoto might be time traveling? how would he have guessed? cause since hes only had 1 timeleap left he wouldnt have gone back in time during the time makoto kept going back in time.. and that time when he revealed the truth about himself to her, he said he would disappear. where did he go? how would he be able to go anywhere if he cant even leap time?

I think that makoto's aunt is related to chiaki in some way, but i dont think makoto's aunt is makoto herself or anything like that. i dont know how others interpreted it, but when she said she was slowly restoring the painting, i thought she meant she was going back to diff. times and piecing things together (as if she could still travel through time) but i dont think thats the case (after reading through some reviews & other opinions).

well anyways, i really did enjoy this movie. definitely one of the best time-traveling movies i have watched - lakehouse, hoshi no koe, secret (jay chou); this also reminded me of vantage point (even though that wasnt a time travel movie; but there was the occurrence of repeated scenes). i was reading wiki and wow, the movie premiered in waterloo, ON a few yrs ago and i live 10min from there > < dangg i coulda watched it back then lol.

people keep complaining about the animation but i dont have a problem with it.. i was more distracted by the plot to notice. same with the music, i barely paid attention to it, too. 10/10 from me. the silly mistakes makoto kept making, trying to make situations all better by time-leaping so much. but yeah; the movie just goes to show you - timing has a huge impact on things & when you lose your chance, then it sucks for you. unless of course you can time leap.
yakusokuJan 25, 2009 7:59 PM
Jan 26, 2009 11:03 PM

May 2007
Okay I saw this, and have gathered my thoughts.

I like the cheap ending, it is the open endedness I didn't like, that and we really didn't get the aunt expalined.

The movie was funny though, I did not expect it to be funny, it was beutiful, what do you expect, this is one of those great movies it has to look good.

A solid 9/10 for me, way better than most of the anime considered "classics" (*cough 5CM*cough).
My anime list
Jan 28, 2009 6:52 PM

May 2008
The best movie so far^^ and very sad ;_;
Jan 29, 2009 7:19 AM

Nov 2008
pinkangel28 said:
The best movie so far^^ and very sad ;_;

Is it VERY sad or just a bit nostalgic?

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Jan 31, 2009 10:51 AM

Jun 2008
One of my favorite quotes from all the anime's I watched is, "Time waits for no-one".
I think the quote ties in with a kind of moral from the story, that even with the manipulation of time, the main character couldn't get what she wanted. Yeah, its kind of cliche, but the moral serves as a reminder to me that "time waits for no-one" and live life to the fullest.

Feb 2, 2009 2:15 PM

Aug 2007
Lovely movie, straight 9s in all aspects from me (aside music, which warrants an 8). Loved the themes of the movie (accepting that the times change/looking forward to the future and that every act has a consequence), the story and characters were lovable aside that too. Funny in the start, then it moves to bittersweet and melancholy, before an open yet happy ending.
Apr 28, 2009 4:13 PM

Aug 2008
Indeed a nice movie.... the ending was.... bleh... Not that great but indeed the plot the art, the direction, edition, the music is top notch... the Art was confusing at times but if you give it a better look it fits the story perfectly... I know the characters don't fit the backgrounds but in the end that gives the movie a funny contrast that makes it stand out form other kind of animation... the music while mostly non existent it works wonders while you enjoy the plot.. so the VA is one of the best...

But the plot is the best without doubts... it touches a sensitive part of human nature... the desire to time leap and being able to do whatever you please... that's what it is about.... that Makoto girl didn't understood it 'til the end... she was hurt... and she'll end up like her aunt someday :P

The mystery here is what if Cihan's theory is true? Chiaki being a time player just 'cause he wants to preserve that painting for his own well-being... or what about if there's other Chiaki's around the world... that would be a total craziness dudes! Hahaha.... and the Aunt... she has that nickname for a reason right? Has she met Chiaki or one of his friends in her HS years that turned her into what she is now? Damn that's a crazy thing if that ever happens! Aunty Witch and Chiaki are the mysteries here! :P

Ne way it's an amazing movie.... 9/10 for the ending.... didn't liked it that much :P

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May 9, 2009 9:32 PM

Jul 2008
Beautiful Movie. I love it wholehearted, however there are two things I'm annoyed by x_x;

Spoiler, just in case
May 12, 2009 4:01 AM

Jan 2009
No doubt, I give it 10 with plus. I've just completed it and I'm full of emotions. Great story, nice characters - this anime is worth rewatching again and again. I'm so exited!! I hope everybody thought sometimes: What would it be, if I didn't do that? Time jumps are so difficult to show and understand but not in this beautiful work.
I'm so happy that all characters are fine, I was worried about all of them))

May 24, 2009 11:20 PM

Mar 2009
damn! this one is soo amazing!!! so amazing, my tears start pouring.... gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 9, 2009 6:53 PM

May 2008
I learned something interesting from this: "Time waits for no one."
But no one waits for time.
Dermatitus have plagued men for millenia. Peace, THERE IS NO CURE.
Jun 9, 2009 7:36 PM
Apr 2009
Wonderful movie, great plot.
Jun 12, 2009 7:19 PM

Jun 2008
Amazing! I really loved everything about the movie, and the unexpected twists.
The ending though....meh...
Jun 16, 2009 10:31 PM

Jun 2009
very moving and very quick on time,amazing the beginig but the ending was weak because i expected that her past relies in the future with him
Jun 25, 2009 2:29 AM
Apr 2009
Great movie, almost cried. Best anime movie I've seen so far.
Jul 3, 2009 4:30 PM

Feb 2008
i got it as recommendation from a friend....i was just amazed....i loved everything from story,animation, my eyes its just thing ive ever seen i must say :) loved it.
Jul 18, 2009 4:24 AM

Jan 2009
This was one of the most enjoyable movies ive seen, funny and moving. I was really disappointed that he couldn't stay with her =\.
Needs more Drill Hair.
Aug 17, 2009 10:20 PM

Aug 2008
That made me laugh, broke my heart, and made a lot of sense, even though the things I wanted to happen didn't. It was just so good.
Aug 21, 2009 11:11 AM

Apr 2009
I loved this movie. Among one of the best I've seen in anime in a long time.
Animation resembled Digimon the Movie somewhat ... the cogs and wheels especially.
Aug 22, 2009 12:49 AM

Jan 2009
Great film, the animation and characters were fantastic, though the story was, at times, a bit confusing. I laughed so much when Makoto rolled out of her time jumps! Definitely one of my top anime films.


Aug 22, 2009 7:37 AM

Aug 2009
Gotta admit, I wouldn't have abused my time traveling powers on such trivial matters, although the refreshingly simple story is part of the movie's charm. It was very enjoyable despite some plot holes. My biggest gripe is why Chiaki didn't leap to a time before he lost the walnut, but I guess the movie is best watched with some suspension of disbelief.

I'm not sold on the romance angle. Chiaki is a likable character on the surface, but his intentions are somewhat dubious. If he doesn't intend to stay in the past, why toy with Makoto's feelings (or the other girl's, for that matter) by asking her out? Maybe he wants to pursue a meaningless summer fling, which makes him seem like a heartbreaker.

Also, I'm not sure how to interpret his final words. It's not likely they'll ever meet again. Is he just giving her false hope about the future? I do appreciate that he provided Makoto with some direction in her life though...

Looking back, Makoto probably wouldn't be alive if she didn't find that walnut earlier, right? So, damn right she should preserve the painting - she owes Chiaki that much!

Writing is my hobby. My current project is called The Mole: Anime Edition 2.0.
Aug 25, 2009 4:36 PM
Aug 2009
Mutineer, I never looked at it that way. I always thought that maybe he wanted to date her and not go back to the future? I kept rooting for him to stay in the past and it never happened.

And I'm not sure how to interpret his final words either-- but remember she DID say she was from the future so that might be what he's going on. Then that makes her seem cruel for making him wait around when he never came. Maybe that's the correlation between her aunt's story?
Aug 26, 2009 9:33 AM

Jun 2009
Really good movie.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Aug 26, 2009 11:15 PM

Jul 2009
It was OK, I guess...

The romance wasn't even there for half the movie, and when it was, it felt forced. The plot was kind of....ridiculous.

Great visuals though.
Sep 7, 2009 7:37 AM

Aug 2009
Oh god. I have watched it in russian harddub. Sound was fantastic!
Sep 11, 2009 9:23 PM

Jun 2009
Amazing movie :) Although i was rooting for a slightly different ending...
Sep 15, 2009 8:27 AM

Mar 2009
Truly an amazing piece of art wrapped up as an astounding movie. Must watch for anyone.

Sep 23, 2009 11:49 PM

Jun 2009
Just watched it today.
very touching.
time waits for no one!
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