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Do you find shippers to be annoying?
Mar 31, 2021 9:43 PM

Oct 2015
A few days ago, for a while my signature was this picture:

Do I ship? No, I don't.
When I first found out about shipping as a kid, definitely not. Then, later on, yes, I did. Now, I don't.

Does shipping annoy me? Yes! Sometimes. I don't find them annoying completely. Only some. Some fanbases literally thrive off shipping, and because of that genuine series discussion can be harder in specific scenarios.

Shipping is fine, it makes some people happy and that's great.
Other scenarios are worse, especially flame wars. Remember when Naruto's manga was nearing its end and all the shitflinging between the Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura/Hinata shippers?

Of course, I shouldn't expect people to like things for the same reason I do. I can't expect to know the answers for everything, either. Which is why it's okay to ship. You don't need my permission and I don't need to understand (obviously xD). I just find flame wars and fanbases that are solely based on shipping to be very annoying

What do you think? And shippers, feel free to explain your reasons as to why you ship! I'd love to know.

(also, I disagree that minor things like sharing clothes and food makes you in a romantic or sexual relationship. I do this all the time with my closest friends, but it's no surprise that people assume we're a couple. Not sure if confirmation bias or not.)
ChartTopper60Apr 6, 2021 9:56 AM
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Mar 31, 2021 9:49 PM

Jan 2020
I don't really care for them. I usually just ignore them I guess

Mar 31, 2021 10:01 PM

Sep 2019
I don't care at all for shipping, as for the shippers themselves? they can do whatever they want, It doesn't bother me, mostly because I just ignore them.
Mar 31, 2021 10:24 PM

May 2016
I like shipping. I can honestly only remember 1 time I got really pissed about a pairing I didn't like. It was Shinsekai yori

because the guy that ended up with Maria was the biggest pussy ever and it rubbed me the wrong way so much. Should have been with saki
Apr 1, 2021 2:38 AM
Jul 2018
I don't find it annoying. I just think its cringe.
Apr 1, 2021 5:18 AM
Jul 2018
shipping is poggers tbh, sucks that it has such a negative connotation
Apr 1, 2021 5:27 AM
Oct 2020
let people ship whoever lol (almost always will lose to first girl anyway oof)
and i guess shipping makes me more interested in their interactions with each other or something? probably
Apr 1, 2021 5:50 AM

Apr 2020
I do not give a single crap unless they start being obnoxious by saying it makes sense canon wise. Get that globohomo agenda out of here. Straight is the default skin.
Apr 1, 2021 6:00 AM

Jan 2020
There wouldn't be so many doujin or fan fiction without shippers. They certainly aren't the most annoying group in the world. If people want to see two characters be together, and it makes them happy, why the hell not?

I can't remember the last time I ever shipped anyone though, or if I ever have unironically. The only time I felt two characters were definitely together, despite the source material, were NarutoxSasuke. Even in that first Boruto movie the sexual tension was palpable.

"Why do you have my jacket?"
"I picked it up on the way over."

"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"

Apr 1, 2021 8:28 AM

Mar 2021
I don't like them, far too many of them take it too seriously. You only have to look at the "Reylo" fans to see how bad things get.
Apr 1, 2021 9:13 AM
Jul 2018
I was shipping wayyyy before it was mainstream. Heck, I still ship and most of the doujinshi I own revolve around the ones I adore.

I just think it's really cute and fun lol
Apr 1, 2021 3:05 PM

Oct 2017
now why did I read this as 'what do you think of sLippers' T_T

anyway I have a very brief take on this and that is let people do what they want unless they're out there actively causing harm; otherwise it's all fine and good!

Apr 1, 2021 3:07 PM
Jul 2018
I'm quite diasappointed of shippers. The accident that happened to the Ever Given was really funny and ironic and produced a lot of good memes, ngl, but those shippers moved it too early out of the way.
Apr 2, 2021 3:14 AM

Aug 2012
Depends. I think I´m quite the chill shipper. I´m glad to talk about what I love about my fave pairs, but I won´t force anyone into liking it. I don´t mind if people ship something different, as long they also respect my preferences. I think I became very patient and reserved as the years went by.

I have several friends and acquitances that behave in the same way, they are mostly 25+ like me. I notice that unfortunately, the younger ones nowadays tend to be what we used to call "rabid shippers" about 15 years ago, but many times far worse. Rude, intolerant, hateful and even way too horny (they act like they´re in heat and it´s too cringe for words) It makes me sad and irritated. The best thing I can do as their "veteran" is to give the good example. Some learn after an earful, but you have to end ignoring others and wait for them to learn with their shameful mistakes.

I have to say, something that deeply bothers me is when the most passionate shippers don´t even care about the story of the anime. Everything is just about that pair. Such shippers are really annoying.
"Could you not talk with me? I'm busy breathing."
Apr 2, 2021 4:08 AM
Jul 2020
Incredibly stress inducing people.
Apr 2, 2021 4:15 AM
Jul 2018
They are a great source of entertainment whenever a popular shonen series ends.
Apr 2, 2021 4:20 AM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
I do care about shippers. WHO'S GONNA DRAW MY YURI DOUJINS ELSE?
I only dislike drama queen "anti-shippers" against any "abusive" relationship, any "agegap"... People trying to impose their morality upon the compositions of artists, basically.

Apr 2, 2021 7:58 AM
Apr 2021
It's very weird to ship real people but if they're fictional, not a minor, and has a short age gap (like 1-2 yrs age gap). stuff like that is pretty much ok as long as ppl don't sexualize them cause that's gross
Apr 3, 2021 6:06 AM
Jul 2018
I don't really care about them at all.
Apr 3, 2021 7:26 AM

Oct 2017
The only time I'd dislike them is when they fetishise people and/or they ship children and abusive relationships (which abusive relationships are getting more prevalent nowadays). Sexualising kids makes me want to vomit, doesn't matter if the artist is a kid or not, if anything I'd be wondering why the kid's mind has taken that fucked up route. Someone needs to tell them that drawing CP and abuse is mentally sick.
Apr 3, 2021 8:08 AM

Mar 2012
Some shippers tend to be a bit too passionate about their ships to the point they'll give anyone who doesn't ship their ship a earful about why their ship is canon/best. Fujoshis in particular tend to be even more annoying constantly using LGBT as an excuse to ship straight characters or toxic/abusive relationships and then call others homophobic who disagree with them. I stay away from anime specific fandoms because I want to avoid crazy shippers. I do have some ships myself since I enjoy watching cute couples in anime/manga have a good time together but I usually forget about them a few months after completing the series.
Apr 3, 2021 8:19 AM

Mar 2021
I never understood the obsession people have with ships. It's just weird to me. I mean I know shipping is for fun and can be harmless but the way people do mental gymnastics and obsess over characters being in relationships just will never not be weird and annoying to me.

You have to have serious mental problems if you send death threats to authors and throw temper tantrums over ships and especially to base your identity around ships.

I can't help but side-eye fans who reduce characters to just "half of ship" and completely disregard the characters personality and story.

I have my "ships" but I'm not an obsessive freak about.
Apr 3, 2021 8:58 AM

Jul 2015
They're the scum of the earth and should be banned from MAL forever. #HiroXZeroTwo #TeamZeroTwo
Apr 3, 2021 9:03 AM
Oct 2020
i probably lack the necessary estrogen levels to appreciate it, but it does not offend me either. even in cases where they ship very inappropriately.
it triggers me a little bit when they act like their absurd ships are canon. (gon and killua would be an example)
Apr 5, 2021 12:41 AM
Dec 2020
They're beyond fucking annoying. I hate them I just want someone to put them to silence.
Apr 6, 2021 12:16 AM

Aug 2018
i don't mind shippers, as long as they don't harass others.
Apr 6, 2021 12:21 AM

Oct 2020
I'm always shipping characters , i don't talk much about it though
Apr 6, 2021 1:06 AM

Oct 2015
Don't care. As long as it doesn't get weird
Apr 6, 2021 5:44 AM

Mar 2021
I don't have any strong feelings or opinion for or against it.
Apr 6, 2021 7:25 AM
Dec 2010
As long as it doesn't get out into an all-out war, I doubt any of us care. But I bet it will happen.
Apr 6, 2021 9:54 AM

Oct 2015
Bunille said:
The only time I'd dislike them is when they fetishise people and/or they ship children and abusive relationships (which abusive relationships are getting more prevalent nowadays). Sexualising kids makes me want to vomit, doesn't matter if the artist is a kid or not, if anything I'd be wondering why the kid's mind has taken that fucked up route. Someone needs to tell them that drawing CP and abuse is mentally sick.

Gonna have to agree, also there are people on Twitter who ship and sexualize real underaged YouTubers and it really pisses me off.
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Apr 6, 2021 10:20 AM

Apr 2020
I barely think about them at all....

beep boop bop pow
Apr 6, 2021 10:51 AM

Dec 2016
Its good to have a healthy imagination an all I suppose. Unless you are that kid who gets mad as fuck because everybody doesn't understand your pet rocks dark and troubled whirlwind romance with a shy sock puppet.

Thankfully I hate romance. I usually avoid the drama, feels bait tripe at all costs.
Nov 4, 2021 11:28 AM

Sep 2014
Shippers are annoying when they are 8-14 years old. Just when people around the age 8-14 doing power-scaling could be annoying. The problem is the age group in question. Any mature person can discuss without being annoying.

Or maybe someone just hate people and the ships might be just an excuse to hate on people.
Nov 4, 2021 11:31 AM

Sep 2016
I think that they're having fun doing and talking about sth they enjoy and good on them
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Nov 4, 2021 11:32 AM
Jul 2018
what is there to think about other than "you do you"
if people wanna ship cool, they're having fun
I sorta ship a couple characters; i really like Link x Midna in Zelda.
But generally I don't get into that sorta thing
Nov 4, 2021 11:33 AM
Jul 2018
Maou_heika said:
Some shippers tend to be a bit too passionate about their ships to the point they'll give anyone who doesn't ship their ship a earful about why their ship is canon/best. Fujoshis in particular tend to be even more annoying constantly using LGBT as an excuse to ship straight characters or toxic/abusive relationships and then call others homophobic who disagree with them. I stay away from anime specific fandoms because I want to avoid crazy shippers. I do have some ships myself since I enjoy watching cute couples in anime/manga have a good time together but I usually forget about them a few months after completing the series.

Since when are characters brandmarked as "straight"?
To me everyone is pansexual until they say it with their own words in the story.
I need no excuses. I just do shamelessly. 💁🏻‍♀️

Also, I assume every real person I meet to be potentially pansexual until they say otherwise, because heteronormativity is shit.
Nov 4, 2021 11:56 AM

Nov 2020
They are the personification of evil. They should be penalized by the law and made immortal only to lock them up in horny jail for eternity.
If you ever feel bored and are questioning the meaning of your existence, read deez blogs. Maybe you will find your answers.
Nov 4, 2021 11:58 AM

Dec 2018
Well, I love my lesbian ships. If I cant ship my girls together, I am going to be bored Lol. Yuri is life,,,,,YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES

Sadly sometimes I see extreme reactions towards this. Especially if you have a gay ship some people become very hostile aggressive and toxic

But that is their problem =) I still going to have my lesbian ships. And to be honest I don't understand how shipping can bother some people so much. It's just something I or others want to see. I never force others to agree nor praise my ships

Some ships are totally unrealistic and will never sail, But I still do them, Mostly for fun. Like my Hinata and Sakura ship from Naruto LOL, I know they are not lesbians. But I like to think maybe in a parallel universe they are a lesbian couple that kisses each other every day (Its possible =P)

It's fun to ship and read into things, and I find lesbianism in anime extremely attractive so therefore I ship

Shipping wars and stuff like that is something I keep away from =P

Yuri-CrusaderNov 4, 2021 12:24 PM
Nov 4, 2021 12:01 PM

Sep 2016
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
Maou_heika said:
Some shippers tend to be a bit too passionate about their ships to the point they'll give anyone who doesn't ship their ship a earful about why their ship is canon/best. Fujoshis in particular tend to be even more annoying constantly using LGBT as an excuse to ship straight characters or toxic/abusive relationships and then call others homophobic who disagree with them. I stay away from anime specific fandoms because I want to avoid crazy shippers. I do have some ships myself since I enjoy watching cute couples in anime/manga have a good time together but I usually forget about them a few months after completing the series.

Since when are characters brandmarked as "straight"?
To me everyone is pansexual until they say it with their own words in the story.
I need no excuses. I just do shamelessly. 💁🏻‍♀️

Also, I assume every real person I meet to be potentially pansexual until they say otherwise, because heteronormativity is shit.

very based screw heteronormativity
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Nov 4, 2021 1:40 PM

May 2013
Shipping is fun, that's the long and short of it really. I like to get creative with "what if" scenarios in general, I like romance, I put the two together and have a fun time.

I will be the first to admit that some people take this WAY too seriously. I think it's mostly kids and teens who just can't moderate their emotion very well yet, but either way, it's embarrassing to witness. We hate ship wars and toxic shippers just as much as y'all do :' )
Nov 4, 2021 2:35 PM

Jul 2019
It's harmless fun most of the time also there are talented and dedicated people out there making amazing art that I can respect but I really don't understand when people only watch something for a ship especially when there's no romance in it and when they get mad the ship doesn't sail it's not like you can do something about it they should watch more anime instead of wasting time.
Life is a despicable endurance race
Nov 4, 2021 2:54 PM

Feb 2021
don't particularlly find them annoying as long as they aren't dicks, sometimes the fanart they make is good, might be a shipper myself despite there are 3 pairings that 'd support, one of them is ameme, one of them biologically can't fuck, and in another one of them died
Nov 4, 2021 3:35 PM

Jan 2021
i enjoy shipping, it's fun. a lot of shippers aren't, though. remember the time an undertale artist was gifted a cookie with a needle in it because of one of the ships they drew? yeah.

not to mention all the drama online, proshippers/antis and all that other useless shit. i try to stay out of any fandom circles apart from ao3 and dreamwidth.

blockberry creative will pay for its crimes

Nov 4, 2021 4:26 PM

Apr 2012
The shipping itself is not a bad thing as such. Unfortunately, these days shipping is turning into an insane religious cult of 13-year-old girls and overly active on social networks queer people by huge strides. I've seen people write insults in PM to translators just because they translated douji from their rival ship or harassed those who told them that characters weren't gay just because they wanted to.
Nov 4, 2021 5:53 PM

Dec 2017
If the dominant ones are shippers in respective community,you know comunity suck ass.
Nov 4, 2021 5:56 PM

Sep 2018
I do not mind shippers since we all have our ships for watching series. I remember being a big fan of Touma x Misaka. Lol. In terms of hentai shipping, I love doujinshi.
Nov 4, 2021 11:30 PM

Mar 2012
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
Maou_heika said:
Some shippers tend to be a bit too passionate about their ships to the point they'll give anyone who doesn't ship their ship a earful about why their ship is canon/best. Fujoshis in particular tend to be even more annoying constantly using LGBT as an excuse to ship straight characters or toxic/abusive relationships and then call others homophobic who disagree with them. I stay away from anime specific fandoms because I want to avoid crazy shippers. I do have some ships myself since I enjoy watching cute couples in anime/manga have a good time together but I usually forget about them a few months after completing the series.

Since when are characters brandmarked as "straight"?
To me everyone is pansexual until they say it with their own words in the story.
I need no excuses. I just do shamelessly. 💁🏻‍♀️

Also, I assume every real person I meet to be potentially pansexual until they say otherwise, because heteronormativity is shit.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Japan is heteronormative. Those are fictional characters written by someone who doesn't live in the "progressive" west and are marketed at a certain demographic that is mostly straight. How many shounen, shoujo, seinen or josei have you come across where your pansexual characters actually turned out to be LGBT that weren't indicated as such from the beginning? Statistics speaks. Also even if a character himself claims to be straight fujoshis are still going to insist that he's gay but "in denial", "in the closet" or "being a tsundere". And I still find LGBT a poor excuse to justify toxic relationships, being gay shouldn't give you a free pass to do shit to others and then hide behind the LGBT banner if anyone dares to criticize their actions.
Nov 4, 2021 11:35 PM

Jul 2021
May find it annoying if they're actually shipping unusual characters but any gay/lesbi shippers are fine for me, even friends shippers are cute too (I usually fantasize help).
Nov 4, 2021 11:56 PM

May 2021
Shipping is fun tbh, do I get disappointed if my ship doesn't sail? yeah
Do I attack others for not liking my ship? no I don't.

There's quite a negative opinion about shipping in the anime community, though I do agree that there can be a lot of toxic shippers who attack others in the name of it(mha fandom, haikyuu fandom etc).

Shipping is bad when you literally have nothing else in your mind(story, plot, other characters) than your ship sailing. I despise these types of shippers as they don't care about anything the series has to offer than their ships.

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