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Thoughts on Avengers Infinity war (spoilers obviously)

Apr 27, 2018 4:46 PM

Apr 2013
Can we all at least agree they did justice to Thanos? Mothefucker was so badass he scared the shit out of Hulk 10mins into the movie.
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Apr 27, 2018 4:54 PM
osmamthus wine

May 2014
It was soooo good.

Thanos was amazing, I loved seeing the Guardians again (though Rocket is now left alone 😢)

Seeing Tony watch everyone die around him is one of the most depressing things I've seen for a while.

Seriously, though... the Guardians was amazing. It's so sad, though, I'm gonna cry, ahhhh *continues ranting about the movie*

Screw everything. Everyone lost so much. It's honestly heartbreaking.

Apr 27, 2018 6:00 PM

Apr 2017
Apparently Thanos likes making bubbles

Red Skull cameo was cool
Apr 27, 2018 9:26 PM
Jul 2018
I have the comics from 1992, and I have to say...

it was shit

thanos over all
Apr 27, 2018 11:35 PM

Sep 2017
It was cool and sad at the same time. But still a little bit confusing because of its large characters.
Apr 28, 2018 12:20 AM

Mar 2012
It was so awesome!! I would love to see it again.

Apr 28, 2018 2:12 AM

Apr 2013
Unconcerned said:
I had to watch a cam to avoid the internet ruining this for me. To be fair though i'll see it in theaters eventually once they're not packed. I am also going to spoiler my talk just incase someone is dumb enough to enter here.

So it's still fresh for me and I don't know where i'll settle, I say the movie was a 8.5/10, definitely will buy it on blu-ray and can't wait till we see what happens in the next film in 2019.

Great write up. The "real" deaths are probably the ones that occurred before the snap, ie Vision, Loki, and Gamora. Additionally, considering all the dead characters are the "new avengers" there's probably going to be some trade offs (I mean they weren't exactly subtle with all the cant trade lives lines) in the next movie. My guess the old guard (Captain American, Iron Man etc) will trade lives with the new Avengers.
Apr 28, 2018 3:24 AM

Aug 2015
Do you guys think that all the superheroes who were killed in the movie will be revived in the 2019 film?

If not,then what will happen to their own movie series,many of which already had confirmed sequel scheduled to be released in 2019-20
Apr 28, 2018 4:29 AM

Apr 2018
madarchod said:
Do you guys think that all the superheroes who were killed in the movie will be revived in the 2019 film?

If not,then what will happen to their own movie series,many of which already had confirmed sequel scheduled to be released in 2019-20

I think they won't, that many actors cost a lot of $$$ after all :/

And despite that, I'd be super angry if they just revived everyone. It's war, people die in wars, this ain't no Disney shit (oh wait)
Apr 28, 2018 12:57 PM
Mar 2018
madarchod said:
Do you guys think that all the superheroes who were killed in the movie will be revived in the 2019 film?

If not,then what will happen to their own movie series,many of which already had confirmed sequel scheduled to be released in 2019-20

My theory is that it's a universe split in two. Thanos's snap splintered the universe in two alternate forms, one where Tony, Cap, Rocket, etc. live (the one we saw) and one with Spidey, T'Challa, and everyone else live. The disintegrations we saw was the result of that splintering. As a result, I think Avengers 2019 will involve trying to stitch these universes back together/serve as a "changing of the guard" into the new Avengers.

The main ones confirmed for new movies before Avengers 2019 comes out are Ant-Man and The Wasp (coming out this year) and Captain Marvel (I wanna say March 2019). There's sequels to Spider-Man and Black Panther still in the works but nothing solid yet.
Apr 28, 2018 1:10 PM

Mar 2012
BurntGold said:
madarchod said:
Do you guys think that all the superheroes who were killed in the movie will be revived in the 2019 film?

If not,then what will happen to their own movie series,many of which already had confirmed sequel scheduled to be released in 2019-20

My theory is that it's a universe split in two. Thanos's snap splintered the universe in two alternate forms, one where Tony, Cap, Rocket, etc. live (the one we saw) and one with Spidey, T'Challa, and everyone else live. The disintegrations we saw was the result of that splintering. As a result, I think Avengers 2019 will involve trying to stitch these universes back together/serve as a "changing of the guard" into the new Avengers.

The main ones confirmed for new movies before Avengers 2019 comes out are Ant-Man and The Wasp (coming out this year) and Captain Marvel (I wanna say March 2019). There's sequels to Spider-Man and Black Panther still in the works but nothing solid yet.

I totally agree with this person
Apr 28, 2018 2:57 PM

Jan 2010
BurntGold said:
madarchod said:
Do you guys think that all the superheroes who were killed in the movie will be revived in the 2019 film?

If not,then what will happen to their own movie series,many of which already had confirmed sequel scheduled to be released in 2019-20

My theory is that it's a universe split in two. Thanos's snap splintered the universe in two alternate forms, one where Tony, Cap, Rocket, etc. live (the one we saw) and one with Spidey, T'Challa, and everyone else live. The disintegrations we saw was the result of that splintering. As a result, I think Avengers 2019 will involve trying to stitch these universes back together/serve as a "changing of the guard" into the new Avengers.

The main ones confirmed for new movies before Avengers 2019 comes out are Ant-Man and The Wasp (coming out this year) and Captain Marvel (I wanna say March 2019). There's sequels to Spider-Man and Black Panther still in the works but nothing solid yet.

Okay. Wow. This would be much, much cooler than having time reversed and having no lingering trauma for our remaining characters. I'd like the end result to be something like this - where everyone remembers the pain and the loss, but the characters still somehow come back to life (which, imo, is inevitable). Because the revelations, character development and audience empathy are too strong for Marvel to just pull some reversal.

Considering Captain Marvel kind of consists in the past and the present, time travel is still a viable option. I'm just hoping it's more complicated and intense than some random switcheroo. I heard something may happen with the quantum realm... we'll have to see when we get a trailer.
Apr 28, 2018 5:13 PM

Aug 2015
Scarlat7 said:
madarchod said:
Do you guys think that all the superheroes who were killed in the movie will be revived in the 2019 film?

If not,then what will happen to their own movie series,many of which already had confirmed sequel scheduled to be released in 2019-20

I think they won't, that many actors cost a lot of $$$ after all :/

And despite that, I'd be super angry if they just revived everyone. It's war, people die in wars, this ain't no Disney shit (oh wait)

But most of the cost of signing those actors and making individual films for each of them has already been recovered as every single one of the marvel movie has been a blockbuster and has earned millions(even billions) of dollars in profit so i really don't think that they would do something as stupid as killing most of the major characters of majority of it's film series

Especially when considering that iron man,captain america and thor's trilogy has already been completed whereas recent huge hits like black panther,doctor strange and spiderman homecoming has only gotten a single film each and already has confirmed sequels planned for sometimes in 2019-20 (2020 for guardian of the galaxy vol 3)

Also,it's true that some of the heroes will definitely die in the infinity war storyline but i just don't think that they are going to be spidey,guardians or black panther instead, i believe that some of the old avengers like tony and captain america are more likely to die(or sacrifice) themselves in order to bring back the new ones back to life in the 2019 sequel.
Apr 28, 2018 5:47 PM

Apr 2013
madarchod said:
Scarlat7 said:

I think they won't, that many actors cost a lot of $$$ after all :/

And despite that, I'd be super angry if they just revived everyone. It's war, people die in wars, this ain't no Disney shit (oh wait)

But most of the cost of signing those actors and making individual films for each of them has already been recovered as every single one of the marvel movie has been a blockbuster and has earned millions(even billions) of dollars in profit so i really don't think that they would do something as stupid as killing most of the major characters of majority of it's film series

Especially when considering that iron man,captain america and thor's trilogy has already been completed whereas recent huge hits like black panther,doctor strange and spiderman homecoming has only gotten a single film each and already has confirmed sequels planned for sometimes in 2019-20 (2020 for guardian of the galaxy vol 3)

Also,it's true that some of the heroes will definitely die in the infinity war storyline but i just don't think that they are going to be spidey,guardians or black panther instead, i believe that some of the old avengers like tony and captain america are more likely to die(or sacrifice) themselves in order to bring back the new ones back to life in the 2019 sequel.

As I pointed out in a previous post, the narrative just makes it painfully obvious Doctor Strange, Spidey, etc will be revived. You honestly don't have to go that far to justify it. :D

razor39999 said:
NudeBear said:

Great write up. The "real" deaths are probably the ones that occurred before the snap, ie Vision, Loki, and Gamora. Additionally, considering all the dead characters are the "new avengers" there's probably going to be some trade offs (I mean they weren't exactly subtle with all the cant trade lives lines) in the next movie. My guess the old guard (Captain American, Iron Man etc) will trade lives with the new Avengers.
Don't forget Heimdall! He only had a short scene, but together with Loki, he was the last of Thor's old school squad. All he has left now are the MIA Sif and Natalie Portman who he broke up with, and they might've been "snap" victims as well, who knows. Speaking of which, that scene with Rocket really gutpunched it home how many people Thor lost over the last 3 movies. At least most, if not all of Rocket's losses are gonna get reversed, barring Gamora most likely, cause Zoe is off doing blue lady work in the next ten years with Cameron's 22 Avatar sequels or whatnot.

I completely forgot about him tbh. lol
Gamora should stay dead, that was a perfect ending (albeit tragic) to her character.
Apr 28, 2018 9:55 PM

Apr 2011
Adam Warlock will probably reverse Thanos' snap. He's set to debut in GotG Vol 3 (which is a prequel to this movie) and in the comics, he's the key player to defeating Thanos. But, what I would like to see is the disintegrated characters being brought back as zombies by Mistress Death to fight Thanos.
Apr 28, 2018 11:54 PM

Feb 2018
I just came from the theater.

I think it was a stupid cliffhanger all caused by Doctor Strange. If he wouldn't have given away the time gem and just reversed time himself to save iron man, he wouldn't have fucked over the whole universe. Not to mention, Gomorrah shouldn't have told Thanos where the hope gem was located...

Unless this is just part of the one plan that'd work...
Apr 29, 2018 12:04 AM

Nov 2014
ExSucCute said:
I just came from the theater.

I think it was a stupid cliffhanger all caused by Doctor Strange. If he wouldn't have given away the time gem and just reversed time himself to save iron man, he wouldn't have fucked over the whole universe. Not to mention, Gomorrah shouldn't have told Thanos where the hope gem was located...

Unless this is just part of the one plan that'd work...

It is part of the plan. I mean, Stange's last words heavily imply this.
Apr 29, 2018 12:09 AM

Aug 2016
Man that was awesome, definitely one of my favorite movies, from those I've seen in recent months! I wasn't too kin on Thanos from the trailer (his head felt strange to me, like I can't explain what bugs me but it felt off) but he really grew on me fast in the movie. The character was so well made, I kinda even felt bad for the dude at some points.

I'm honestly amazed at how much of a good job they did cramming a litteral universe of characters in a 2h30 films and have it work. And while the movie is actualy quite long, it really didn't feel long, there was always something interesting or funny going on, which can't be said for a lot of movies.

ExSucCute said:
Unless this is just part of the one plan that'd work...

Yeah that was very tinely veiled, otherwise Strange would have literaly no reason to give him the stone, especialy for Tony's sake. I mean that would be extremely out of character based on what we see in the movie and extremely stupid, which I'm pretty sure the good doctor is (supposed to be) far from.

I can't wait for the next movies, I'm really curous how the event in this movie will affect the other stand alone ones that will come before the second part. Unless they are set before this one, which would be kinda confusing in a way.)
Apr 29, 2018 4:47 AM

Jul 2009
Pretty good film. I'm impressed the director was able to handle such a massive cast without making the story confusing. Easily my favorite Avengers movie although that's not saying much when the first was average and the second was one of the worst MCU entries.
Apr 29, 2018 10:46 AM

Jun 2015
you know how some movies fail to deliver on the hype or are just plain bad, and can ruin a franchise like the last jedi. and this has been building for years and is owned by the same ppl [disney] so your afraid this will make you lose interest in this shit......

well, no retarded anti climax, good char deaths as thought and a bad end as required.

And unlike those pissant losers pretending to be legit bad guys, Thoans lives up to it all, and surpasses even, as he trolls the guardians in knowhere and then just snaps his fingers after telling cap, "shoulda gone for the head"

I never really cared much for iron man, but the MCU films made him.
dont care abt mz marvel or whatever her name is, but maybe the mcu films abt her will make her likeable too, shes up next, as the post credits scene tells us.

the next two big ones are prequels I think, gotg v4 is, we know a prequel, they all have been, but maybe even ant man and wasp is too..... I just cant put a lotta stock in paul rudd.....

But this Avengers 3 /gotg3 was the best damn movie this franchise has put out.

just need to see how they reconcile the dead chars coming back to life.
Apr 29, 2018 12:09 PM

Sep 2007
I'm reserving final judgment until 2019. There's no point in seeing Part 1 when Part 2 is coming out next year (looking at you Hunger Games). It was nice seeing all the Avengers again and not waiting for a solo movie. It was better than The Last Jedi (lol). Anyway, the chemistry was good even if the story wasn't. 2018 has been better for the MCU than 2017.

Apr 29, 2018 3:00 PM

Jun 2008
Read up on some stuff,

Still what a way to end the movie, holy fuck. Fucking lost it when Spidey was in the arms of Tony. I'm glad the next movie is coming in 2019. This reminds me of the lord of the rings trilogy on the set pieces.
Apr 29, 2018 8:51 PM

Jan 2009
saw a pirated version a very good camera rip of it

its safe to say that the remaining avengers that are alive in this movie will die in the next movie (and also because their contracts as actors/actresses expires they say lol) while the ones that died because of the snap of Thanos will be resurrected somehow in the next movie

cannot wait for Captain Marvel to show up in the next movie and i wander why she is not called by Nick Fury earlier in previous Avengers movies

Thor's new hammer is awesome it almost killed Thanos but the motherfucker is right Thor should have gone for the head shot if he wants to kill Thanos lol
Apr 29, 2018 11:55 PM

Jul 2014
Explain something to me.

Why did vision die for reals?

He has the ability to move his consciousness/programming to anywhere on the internet. That's what he did to save himself from being destroyed by Ultron in avengers 2. He was also changing the nuclear codes online in the cloud so ultron couldn't nuke everyone to hell.

For me, it makes more sense that his body was destroyed but not his computer consciousness/programming. He could just download himself to another robot like one of ironman's suits and he would be fine. The Hulkbuster was nearby when his body was destroyed. He didn't think of moving there instead?
Apr 30, 2018 12:01 AM

Jan 2009
Imphie said:
Explain something to me.

Why did vision die for reals?

He has the ability to move his consciousness/programming to anywhere on the internet. That's what he did to save himself from being destroyed by Ultron in avengers 2. He was also changing the nuclear codes online in the cloud so ultron couldn't nuke everyone to hell.

For me, it makes more sense that his body was destroyed but not his computer consciousness/programming. He could just download himself to another robot like one of ironman's suits and he would be fine. The Hulkbuster was nearby when his body was destroyed. He didn't think of moving there instead?

maybe the mind gem is the whole (energy) source of Visions consciousness
Apr 30, 2018 12:46 AM

Jul 2014
dehuman said:
Imphie said:
Explain something to me.

Why did vision die for reals?

He has the ability to move his consciousness/programming to anywhere on the internet. That's what he did to save himself from being destroyed by Ultron in avengers 2. He was also changing the nuclear codes online in the cloud so ultron couldn't nuke everyone to hell.

For me, it makes more sense that his body was destroyed but not his computer consciousness/programming. He could just download himself to another robot like one of ironman's suits and he would be fine. The Hulkbuster was nearby when his body was destroyed. He didn't think of moving there instead?

maybe the mind gem is the whole (energy) source of Visions consciousness

But he did in fact exist before having his own physical body. He was alive and self aware as an abstract online presence before obtaining the mind stone or being given a body by Tony.

Yes, he was created by the mind stone using Jarvis but at the end of the movie the mind stone was brought back and therefore not destroyed although I think that his life itself is not dependent on the mind stone being in his forehead. I treat it as an extra added power to his durable body.

And you do not need the power of the mind stone to go to the internet like seriously. If a macbook can do it then I'm sure an android can LOL.
Apr 30, 2018 1:04 AM

Jan 2009

well i got no idea other than maybe the whole being of Vision now cannot be separated from the mind gem since the mind gem absorbed all of his being lol but thats a big maybe from me

as for other thoughts on the movie damn i really like the nanomachines of Iron Man in here, its really freaking cool transhumanism kind of technology
Apr 30, 2018 1:22 AM

Apr 2011
Imphie said:
Explain something to me.

Why did vision die for reals?

He has the ability to move his consciousness/programming to anywhere on the internet. That's what he did to save himself from being destroyed by Ultron in avengers 2. He was also changing the nuclear codes online in the cloud so ultron couldn't nuke everyone to hell.

For me, it makes more sense that his body was destroyed but not his computer consciousness/programming. He could just download himself to another robot like one of ironman's suits and he would be fine. The Hulkbuster was nearby when his body was destroyed. He didn't think of moving there instead?

From the way he was programmed, the mind gem was the only thing that could fully contain him in his body. Without it, JARVIS would no longer be tethered to the body. This is why he was taken to BP's sister, so that he could be reprogrammed so that the mind gem could be removed (and therefore, destroyed) without severing the connection between him and his body.

In Age of Ultron, he wasn't moving his consciousness into the internet after he became Vision. As an AI, he was simply connected to it a lot stronger, so his "browsing" seemed as if he was moving his consciousness. Also, he was changing the nuke codes before he became Vision and it was never confirmed that he continued to do so after becoming Vision (Tony probably did some security enhancements which allowed him to stop).
Apr 30, 2018 1:37 AM

Jan 2009
so after googling about that nanomachines suit its called Bleeding Edge Suit in the Ironman comics

and its not new technology too since Black Panther uses those nanomachines first as his armor suit, i have to watch Black Panther movie sometime too
Apr 30, 2018 3:24 AM

Mar 2018
Ironic that the people who gave a stone to Thanos to save a other person died at the end.
Apr 30, 2018 8:21 AM

May 2009
Amazing, well written movie. Amazing conclusion to the avengers trilogy.

It reminds me alot of a certain other manga
Apr 30, 2018 8:23 AM

Apr 2016
When Thor arrived to Wakanda ... the whole theater lost their shit, including me.
Apr 30, 2018 9:15 AM

Sep 2015
I got pumped when the wakanda soldiers charging. Is Hela actually dead or did she get taken out because she's too op? I never this movie to be such a big hit, it brings me back the star wars and lord of the rings days.
Apr 30, 2018 9:40 AM

Jul 2014
Swagernator said:
When Thor arrived to Wakanda ... the whole theater lost their shit, including me.

Oh yeah. How did Thor know that there was a battle in Wakanda? None of his companions do.
Apr 30, 2018 10:37 AM

Oct 2015
The theater lost their minds after Loki died lmao, he was very loved here apparently ahha

ꜱᴇᴛ ʙʏ ᴍᴀᴢᴇ <3!

Apr 30, 2018 10:44 AM

Apr 2013
LukaD12 said:
The theater lost their minds after Loki died lmao, he was very loved here apparently ahha

choked to death too
good riddance, he was a pain in the ass
Apr 30, 2018 10:48 AM

Oct 2015
i liked him a lot as a villain but yeah haha, rip.

ꜱᴇᴛ ʙʏ ᴍᴀᴢᴇ <3!

Apr 30, 2018 1:42 PM

Jan 2009
Imphie said:
Swagernator said:
When Thor arrived to Wakanda ... the whole theater lost their shit, including me.

Oh yeah. How did Thor know that there was a battle in Wakanda? None of his companions do.

lol they have Rabbit on their side im sure his ship have some radar or any detector technology that can find the ship signals of the enemy for example and its in Wakanda
Apr 30, 2018 7:10 PM

Feb 2018
Bothers me that Dr Strange decided to keep the time stone instead of destroying it. the entire ending could have been avoided and thanos would only have 4 stones if he did not do that.
Apr 30, 2018 7:54 PM

Apr 2018
It was awesome - I think it's the best MCU movie so far.
Apr 30, 2018 10:07 PM

Jan 2018
I didn't enjoy this movie as much as i enjoy age of ultron but its ending made me sad.
May 1, 2018 5:48 AM

Jan 2009
Imphie said:

Oh yeah. How did Thor know that there was a battle in Wakanda? None of his companions do.

io9 have better answers than me

How Did Thor Know to Go to Wakanda?

Stormbreaker, Thor’s new Thanos-killer of an ax, also has the sneaky power of being able to access some form of the Bifrost, allowing the God of Thunder to show up in dramatic style in Wakanda. But how can he do it if the Bifrost was destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok?

Well, the start of Infinity War proves that you don’t actually need the rainbow bridge to teleport. After all, one of Heimdall’s final acts is to use his own sword, Hofund—which, fun fact, was also forged by Nidavellir’s star—to teleport Hulk back to Earth. So Stormbreaker, as a weapon forged in Nidavellir, presumably has a similar ability. As for how Thor knew to go to Wakanda specifically, maybe he just asked Stormbreaker to take him to his friends, and the ax worked it out from there?
May 1, 2018 6:15 AM

Apr 2016
it's bad, the ending reminds me of toy story 3 where it's manipulated so it's sad. people saying it's better than TDK is ridiculous, it's just more polished and overhyped, doesnt mean it's better.

thanos is laughably an idiot
May 1, 2018 1:57 PM
May 2015
Saw it today. It's pretty epic. It's what you get if Peter Jackson was hired to do a MCU film.

May 1, 2018 10:04 PM

Jan 2009
i just realize the enemy in gurren lagann and avengers infinity war wants to control overpopulation in a universal scale, while in gurren lagann overpopulation will lead to more usage of spiral power and worsen to spiral nemesis in avengers infinity war the overpopulation problem will lead to resource scarcity
May 2, 2018 3:58 AM

Jan 2017
The movie was awesome !!!!!

Hulk became a pussyboy after fighting thanos, lol
Mah purple titan is really somethin else

Fuck starlord XD
That nigga destroyed everything XD

And man, that Thor's entry in Wakanda was super cool !!!!
My best moment in the movie

But how is red skull alive? Does anyone knows? I thought he died in first captain america movie.

And i have a gut feeling that most of superheroes will be revived in the second part.The way they died didnt feel right to me.....
May 2, 2018 4:41 AM

Apr 2018
the movie was awesome as expected from marvel studios
i'm not expecting that there's a joke in the movie, but actually there's so many jokes but i get too concentrated and it doesn't make me laugh at all
yet the ending makes me go asdfghjkl
May 2, 2018 6:55 AM
Oct 2016
Yes it's awesome, watched it twice already. Totally love how thor, rocket and groot make a good team.

And who can forget how everybody adore Thor's muscle?
May 2, 2018 6:59 AM

Nov 2011
Thanos beating the shit out everyone remind me of the time Madara debut in Naruto. It was fucking crazy. He even drop a meteor. That scene was nuts.

May 2, 2018 10:13 AM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
I feel like I am in such the minority. I fucking hate this movie. It single handedly ruined the GotG and Thanos might be OP but his plight could've been more palatable if it was even set up a little bit in any of the 253234 MCU movies. His connection to Gamora is so surface level and if Gamora was going to be the focus now then she should've been more explored in GotG 2 WHICH I LOVE THAT MOVIE but if this is where it was going then what the fuck. Thanos is so unsympathetic yet the movie is trying to jerk my chain into thinking I'm supposed to understand his side???

All the romantic relationships were so hand fisted into the film and trying to have narrative weight that I was actively not caring because they all SUCK. Pepper and Tony are weak and just HAPPEN. Vision and Wanda are trying to act as if they have this connection that we the audience are supposed to go "oh no vision please don't go" but I don't care because what am I suppose to attach to??? And Gamora and Peter.......the one relationship that hadn't been forced in any of the GotG movies were plastered together for the sake of what???? The whole point of them not getting together was because they weren't ready for a relationship, and it's obvious at the end of GotG 2 and even MORE OBVIOUS by how Peter handles his relationship in IW that he STILL ISNT. It's as if he's regressed as a captain????

I'M ACTIVELY UPSET AT THIS MOVIE. There is so much wrong with it. But I shouldn't be shocked. I knew it wasn't going to be great but now I feel like everyone liked it because it was different and dark??? Death = dark now. The darkest scene in the movie was Thanos torturing Nebula and the saddest scene with Tony and Peter THE ONLY SCENE THAT MADE ME SHED SOME TEARS.

Fuck me I guess. I'm not even going to go into how much the cinematography bothered me. It's like screaming at a wall.
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