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Thoughts on Avengers Infinity war (spoilers obviously)

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May 2, 2018 10:57 AM

Apr 2013
Stripes said:
I feel like I am in such the minority. I fucking hate this movie. It single handedly ruined the GotG and Thanos might be OP but his plight could've been more palatable if it was even set up a little bit in any of the 253234 MCU movies. His connection to Gamora is so surface level and if Gamora was going to be the focus now then she should've been more explored in GotG 2 WHICH I LOVE THAT MOVIE but if this is where it was going then what the fuck. Thanos is so unsympathetic yet the movie is trying to jerk my chain into thinking I'm supposed to understand his side???

All the romantic relationships were so hand fisted into the film and trying to have narrative weight that I was actively not caring because they all SUCK. Pepper and Tony are weak and just HAPPEN. Vision and Wanda are trying to act as if they have this connection that we the audience are supposed to go "oh no vision please don't go" but I don't care because what am I suppose to attach to??? And Gamora and Peter.......the one relationship that hadn't been forced in any of the GotG movies were plastered together for the sake of what???? The whole point of them not getting together was because they weren't ready for a relationship, and it's obvious at the end of GotG 2 and even MORE OBVIOUS by how Peter handles his relationship in IW that he STILL ISNT. It's as if he's regressed as a captain????

I'M ACTIVELY UPSET AT THIS MOVIE. There is so much wrong with it. But I shouldn't be shocked. I knew it wasn't going to be great but now I feel like everyone liked it because it was different and dark??? Death = dark now. The darkest scene in the movie was Thanos torturing Nebula and the saddest scene with Tony and Peter THE ONLY SCENE THAT MADE ME SHED SOME TEARS.

Fuck me I guess. I'm not even going to go into how much the cinematography bothered me. It's like screaming at a wall.

Nah nigga let it out, about the cinematography. Would really like to hear your thoughts.

I do agree on the bit about Thanos. I would have preferred if they went on the "I'm trying to impress Death" route because it makes his psyche a little bit more interesting, rather than usin Gamora and his surface level of humanitarianism to make us sympathize with him.

Gamora's death was kind of tragic in her perspective, but I just found it unbelievably hard to believe Thanos actually cared for her. It felt so out of place.
May 2, 2018 12:02 PM
otp haver πŸ€ͺ

Jul 2017
NudeBear said:
Stripes said:
I feel like I am in such the minority. I fucking hate this movie. It single handedly ruined the GotG and Thanos might be OP but his plight could've been more palatable if it was even set up a little bit in any of the 253234 MCU movies. His connection to Gamora is so surface level and if Gamora was going to be the focus now then she should've been more explored in GotG 2 WHICH I LOVE THAT MOVIE but if this is where it was going then what the fuck. Thanos is so unsympathetic yet the movie is trying to jerk my chain into thinking I'm supposed to understand his side???

All the romantic relationships were so hand fisted into the film and trying to have narrative weight that I was actively not caring because they all SUCK. Pepper and Tony are weak and just HAPPEN. Vision and Wanda are trying to act as if they have this connection that we the audience are supposed to go "oh no vision please don't go" but I don't care because what am I suppose to attach to??? And Gamora and Peter.......the one relationship that hadn't been forced in any of the GotG movies were plastered together for the sake of what???? The whole point of them not getting together was because they weren't ready for a relationship, and it's obvious at the end of GotG 2 and even MORE OBVIOUS by how Peter handles his relationship in IW that he STILL ISNT. It's as if he's regressed as a captain????

I'M ACTIVELY UPSET AT THIS MOVIE. There is so much wrong with it. But I shouldn't be shocked. I knew it wasn't going to be great but now I feel like everyone liked it because it was different and dark??? Death = dark now. The darkest scene in the movie was Thanos torturing Nebula and the saddest scene with Tony and Peter THE ONLY SCENE THAT MADE ME SHED SOME TEARS.

Fuck me I guess. I'm not even going to go into how much the cinematography bothered me. It's like screaming at a wall.

Nah nigga let it out, about the cinematography. Would really like to hear your thoughts.

I do agree on the bit about Thanos. I would have preferred if they went on the "I'm trying to impress Death" route because it makes his psyche a little bit more interesting, rather than usin Gamora and his surface level of humanitarianism to make us sympathize with him.

Gamora's death was kind of tragic in her perspective, but I just found it unbelievably hard to believe Thanos actually cared for her. It felt so out of place.

I'm not gonna get too nitty gritty about the shots of the movie. I could but they were pretty standard (some outstanding moments when it mattered) and some were jarring, I remember one particularly of the Guardians leaving their ship and the camera angle was so out of place from everything so low to the ground; I hate having my critical cap on during one of these but so much was taking me out of the experience.

And lets be real. Was any of this storyboarded at all. The placement and rotation of the cast was so at random. I'd have to watch it again but it seemed on the worst rotation. There was no transitions, just huge cuts, barely any tension as we were leaving scenes. BIG NITPICK AS A DESIGNER INCOMING. The whole ordeal with the location at the bottom of the screen, hate it. And the font was irritating. The "Space" one gave me a chuckle but I hate action movies pulling that shit.

Also I bet but what should've happened is, the writers and directors from all the other movies should've conferenced on the direction for their subsequent movies. Because I feel like as far as GoTG they saw that the guardians were the comedy squad and had no tact. Like Rocket and Star Lord both got hefty development in two and it's nowhere, NOWHERE IN HERE. Also Gamora, I fucking love her, but she's so weirdly out of tune here; she obviously feels some type of attachment for Thanos abusive or savior in some aspect when she cried for him but we don't hear her say any of this or show us better yet; that's not asking for too much. I mean, it's good Nebula and her were set up in 2 because if they hadn't been this wasn't gonna make any damn sense.

I want to give a shit about Thanos. I think his action of "removing people" for the greater good is a bit "god power" but I think if his backstory (that thing he explained in 3 minutes) was explored and we understood him to a point where he cared about Gamora what connection of why he wanted to save this one girl and acted like a surrogate parent was integrated into his story and how his place on his planet was seen through his eyes. I'M TIRED OF THE BAD GUY BEING BAD AND THAT'S WHY WE HATE THEM. Love him or hate him. Loki was in a way a bad guy and an on/off villain. But he was exploneitally explored 1000x more then fucking Thanos and Thanos was planned to be the final boss for years. Like the dots aren't adding up.

And don't even get me fucking started about the Wakanda fighting. I'm down right exhausted of the Avengers fighting an army of aliens, robots, basically putty fodder to look badass and just look "cool" how fucking wrote, it's annoying. This is why Civil War was fucking good, they were fighting one another, there was stakes and we all were rooting for different sides.

There are barely any stakes in this movie. Marvel is fucking themselves by announcing these upcoming movies. I mean I know Spiderman isn't gone forever even without Spiderman 2 not announced but I'm just "well I know he's gonna come back somehow"

This is either going to get Days of Future Past or with the alternate realities / different worlds. K A Y. That entire movie and the only confirmed dead was in the first 10 minutes.

May 3, 2018 12:45 AM

Jul 2014
dehuman said:
Imphie said:

Oh yeah. How did Thor know that there was a battle in Wakanda? None of his companions do.

lol they have Rabbit on their side im sure his ship have some radar or any detector technology that can find the ship signals of the enemy for example and its in Wakanda

Not mentioned or shown in the movie. They were in nidavelir which is practically on the other side of the universe for all we know. I highly doubt a tiny pod could scan the entire galaxy and figure out where the final battle is. None of what you said is plausible.
May 3, 2018 12:48 AM

Jan 2009
Imphie said:
dehuman said:

lol they have Rabbit on their side im sure his ship have some radar or any detector technology that can find the ship signals of the enemy for example and its in Wakanda

Not mentioned or shown in the movie. They were in nidavelir which is practically on the other side of the universe for all we know. I highly doubt a tiny pod could scan the entire galaxy and figure out where the final battle is. None of what you said is plausible.

check my other reply to you its better than my guess
May 3, 2018 12:57 AM

Jul 2014
dehuman said:
Imphie said:

Oh yeah. How did Thor know that there was a battle in Wakanda? None of his companions do.

io9 have better answers than me

How Did Thor Know to Go to Wakanda?

Stormbreaker, Thor’s new Thanos-killer of an ax, also has the sneaky power of being able to access some form of the Bifrost, allowing the God of Thunder to show up in dramatic style in Wakanda. But how can he do it if the Bifrost was destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok?

Well, the start of Infinity War proves that you don’t actually need the rainbow bridge to teleport. After all, one of Heimdall’s final acts is to use his own sword, Hofund—which, fun fact, was also forged by Nidavellir’s star—to teleport Hulk back to Earth. So Stormbreaker, as a weapon forged in Nidavellir, presumably has a similar ability. As for how Thor knew to go to Wakanda specifically, maybe he just asked Stormbreaker to take him to his friends, and the ax worked it out from there?

Heimdall didnt use his sword to send hulk to earth. He used dark magic(he says it) to do it which is just plot convenience that theyve been using since avengers 1. Loki himself says it in that first movie when the rainbow bridge was destroyed in thor 1. (Father mustering dark magic to send thor to earth.

The fact that stormbreaker can use the bifrost even when it doesnt exist anymore instead of it using dark magic to teleport is just confusing. Is bifrost an ability now instead of a place? Facepalm

I dont think you can just ask stormbreaker to take you to occuring events that you the wielder has no knowledge of. It is not a sentient or wise weapon. You telling me that it can see everything in the universe? Its like heimdall was turned into an axe basically.
May 3, 2018 1:01 AM

Jan 2009
Imphie said:
dehuman said:

io9 have better answers than me

How Did Thor Know to Go to Wakanda?

Stormbreaker, Thor’s new Thanos-killer of an ax, also has the sneaky power of being able to access some form of the Bifrost, allowing the God of Thunder to show up in dramatic style in Wakanda. But how can he do it if the Bifrost was destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok?

Well, the start of Infinity War proves that you don’t actually need the rainbow bridge to teleport. After all, one of Heimdall’s final acts is to use his own sword, Hofund—which, fun fact, was also forged by Nidavellir’s star—to teleport Hulk back to Earth. So Stormbreaker, as a weapon forged in Nidavellir, presumably has a similar ability. As for how Thor knew to go to Wakanda specifically, maybe he just asked Stormbreaker to take him to his friends, and the ax worked it out from there?

Heimdall didnt use his sword to send hulk to earth. He used dark magic(he says it) to do it which is just plot convenience that theyve been using since avengers 1. Loki himself says it in that first movie when the rainbow bridge was destroyed in thor 1. (Father mustering dark magic to send thor to earth.

The fact that stormbreaker can use the bifrost even when it doesnt exist anymore instead of it using dark magic to teleport is just confusing. Is bifrost an ability now instead of a place? Facepalm

I dont think you can just ask stormbreaker to take you to occuring events that you the wielder has no knowledge of. It is not a sentient or wise weapon. You telling me that it can see everything in the universe? Its like heimdall was turned into an axe basically.

but that explanation of making bifrost some kind of magic thing added to god weapons of the likes of Thor makes sense if you want to prevent plot holes
May 3, 2018 1:02 AM

Aug 2017
ehhhh i read some spoilers for it and it just feels like end of evangelion yeah actually itS A FUCKING RIP OFF FUCK U MARVEL
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May 3, 2018 11:23 PM
Jul 2018
My boyfriend, two of our friends, and I enjoyed it.

The funny/comedic moments were, well, funny/comedic and made the whole theater burst out in laughter (the cameo of Stan Lee was also pretty funny).

Only thing that I (and probably a shit ton of others) didn't like was the killing off of characters (which the majority of will hopefully be revived in the next one).

All in all, I'll give it a 9/10. ^^;;
May 3, 2018 11:26 PM
Dec 2011
No AW.
No Dr Doom.
No X-Men.
MCU in 2018.

May 4, 2018 9:58 AM

Oct 2015
Come, Sweet Thanos and Infinity Wars is the third avengers before Kumm, Susser

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else

But now through all the hurt and pain
Its time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything.

So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
whats done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now the guilt is all mine
can't live without the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love and pride
because of that it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down,
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down,
in my heart of hearts,
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
everything, everything
that matters to me,
matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now all the guilt is mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
we can't forget love and pride
because of that, its killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down

π”šπ”žπ”«π”«π”ž 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠π”₯ 𝔢𝔬𝔲,
π”šπ”žπ”«π”±π”¦π”«' 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ π”žπ”©π”© π”ͺ𝔢 π”ͺ𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱

May 5, 2018 7:16 AM
May 2016
I legitimately didn't feel so good when the credits started rolling. It was such a wild ride of emotion and you're damn sure I'm going to see it again. Preferably further away from the screen seeing as I was in the first row last time
May 5, 2018 10:25 AM
Sep 2017

"Hotaru, i dont feel so good"
May 5, 2018 6:31 PM

Aug 2013
This movie was AMAZING. The fights, the story, everything was great. Really looking forward to the 2nd part.

Stripes said:
I fucking hate this movie. It single handedly ruined the GotG and Thanos might be OP but his plight could've been more palatable if it was even set up a little bit in any of the 253234 MCU movies. His connection to Gamora is so surface level and if Gamora was going to be the focus now then she should've been more explored in GotG 2 WHICH I LOVE THAT MOVIE but if this is where it was going then what the fuck
This movie completely shits on GotG 2. GotG2 was the second worst movie of the MCU since it had the worst adaption ever of Ego the living planet. Ego being able to take a human form and go to different planets was the stupidest idea ever and completely ruins the idea of him being a living planet. I have no idea why you fangirl so much over overrated Guardians of the Galaxy when GOTG2 is the second worst movie of the MCU and Age of Ultron, Hulk 2008, Wintersoldier, Civil War, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther are light years better than GOTG1. Thanos barely got any screentime or lines before this movie so his relationship with Gamora wasn't revealed, Gamora did mention how Thanos wasn't her real father and killed out her parents though in GOTG1. Gamora isn't going to be the main focus and if you read the comics you would know to keep your eyes on Nebula instead.

Stripes said:
All the romantic relationships were so hand fisted into the film and trying to have narrative weight that I was actively not caring because they all SUCK. Pepper and Tony are weak and just HAPPEN. Vision and Wanda are trying to act as if they have this connection that we the audience are supposed to go "oh no vision please don't go" but I don't care because what am I suppose to attach to???
LOL Pepper and Tony were a couple since like Iron Man 2, it never just happened this movie. Like have you even seen the whole MCU, it's like GOTG is the only part of the MCU you have seen. Both Wanda and Vision did connect in Civil War since he helped her to get over her guilt for the accidental explosion that killed people in the mission in Nigeria where Cap fought Crossbones. It was sad for me to see Vision go, he played a major part in defeating Ultron in Age of Ultron and was really becoming one of the team. Anyway this movie is not a romance so it doesn't make any sense focusing on romantic relationships in it.

Also you are not supposed to see Thanos as some sympathetic villain because he isn't. If you actually read the comics you would know he is a megalomaniac, mass murderer in love with the physical embodiment of Death in the Marvel Universe Lady Death. Anyway it's better to wait for the second movie to see like backstory of stuff.

Stripes said:

And don't even get me fucking started about the Wakanda fighting. I'm down right exhausted of the Avengers fighting an army of aliens, robots, basically putty fodder to look badass and just look "cool" how fucking wrote, it's annoying. This is why Civil War was fucking good, they were fighting one another, there was stakes and we all were rooting for different sides.

There are barely any stakes in this movie.
Wakanda , the Jabari tribe and the Avengers were fighting together so of course an army is needed to take them on. You need an army to take on another army plus Thanos did send 2 henchmen to capture Dr. Strange (the monster alien and the telekinesis using alien) and 2 at first to capture Vision . Plus the alien army was used to breach Wakanda's force field with sheer numbers and acted as a distraction so as to make it easier to sneak up and get Vision. So the alien army wasn't just fodder to make the Avengers look good. This movie had the most stakes of any other movie in the MCU. The entire MCU was at stake in this movie.
Stripes said:
I'M TIRED OF THE BAD GUY BEING BAD AND THAT'S WHY WE HATE THEM. Love him or hate him. Loki was in a way a bad guy and an on/off villain. But he was exploneitally explored 1000x more then fucking Thanos and Thanos was planned to be the final boss for years. Like the dots aren't adding up.
Loki has been in multiple movies in the MCU with speaking roles to be more developed. This is like the first movie Thanos has had focus to be honest so you can't expect him to be super developed in one movie. The continuation of this movie will focus more on his motivations and stuff obviously.

No offense but your criticisms are pretty weak and your obsession with overrated GOTG seems to make you biased against all other movies in the MCU. GOTG is nothing special and nothing great.
DrGeroCreationMay 5, 2018 7:33 PM
May 5, 2018 6:37 PM

Apr 2013
DrGeroCreation said:
This movie was AMAZING. The fights, the story, everything was great. Really looking forward to the 2nd part.

i knew you'd cream your pants mate ahahha
May 5, 2018 7:28 PM

Aug 2013
NudeBear said:
DrGeroCreation said:
This movie was AMAZING. The fights, the story, everything was great. Really looking forward to the 2nd part.

i knew you'd cream your pants mate ahahha
It was amazing finally seeing a classic, major comic story arc like the Infinity Gauntlet story arc brought to the big screen. I really wish DC had started the DCEU earlier, already have the characters set up and at this stage could have brought Crisis on Infinite Earths to the big screen to compete.
May 5, 2018 7:49 PM

Aug 2013
I hope in the next movie a scene similar to this is shown.

It would be great if Galactus , Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock made their debut in the next movie. Celestials have been shown already so in order to try to imitate this scene some celestials and Galactus could team up with each other to fight Thanos.
May 5, 2018 8:08 PM
otp haver πŸ€ͺ

Jul 2017

1. Don't go "if you read the comic" cause fuck that logic. The movies are their own thing, I'm going to judge them on their view and logic not my added viewing of the comics, which I have.

2. I'm sorry you couldn't understand the wealth of good characterization in gotg and how the group dynamic in those two movies is far superior to the entirety of the avengers hanging out every once in a while. Maybe you're thick. But if you' care about film aside from an enjoyment stand point maybe try

3. Age of Ultron is terrible.Nothing in that movie postively influences the scope of the Avengers and everything added in that film is really weighs down all future events. From Wanda / Pietro to fucking Vision. Ultron didn't have any lasting impact other then the "oh I guess we do damage unto other people, apparently we haven't figured this out in the past 10 movies before this point" and just the starting domino to Civil War but it literally could've been impacted from ANYTHING.

4. You say that Thanos wasn't suppose to be viewed as sympathetic but they wouldn't have added all the scenes with him connecting with Gamora, the crying scene, him shielding her from seeing the slaughter, if they didn't want us to somewhat sympathize or see his view point. And it's a shitty view point, not because his answer was a mass genocide. Look at Hunter x Hunter, there is a antagonist with the exact same view point but his ethics and ideals are explored and he is humanized. And if I don't give a shit about Thanos then he's literally replaceable, he could be any villain.

5. The point with Loki is that yes. Loki was built up and in other movies, there was no point in not including Thanos even a little up until this point. Yes I'm aware there is some ground in the GOTG1 but it's not even a starting point. We know about the situation with Gamora and Nebula and how it effected THEIR relationship and how they came onto Thanos. But that has nothing to do with his plan or how he feels like he's being helpful for the greater good.

May 5, 2018 8:52 PM

Aug 2013

The movies are their own thing but do take material from the comic books. I stand by Ego being a living planet being able to take human form and leave himself to be stupid.

LOL the Avengers never just hanged out once in a while. I'll take Natasha and Clint's relationship, Natasha and Banner's romance, Cap and Tony butting heads with each other ( the soldier vs the genius, anti government control vs pro gov), Cap and Bucky any day over any relationships in GOTG.

What lasting impact did Ronan from GOTG1 had on the Guardians team? Ultron was a billion times better villain than Ronan with way more personality despite the fact that he is a robot. Ultron hated Tony yet still had his mannerisms as Claw and Wanda pointed out. He also wanted to evolve himself and learning about all the wars that humanity started is what made him want to purge humanity so that the Earth can restart. Ronan just wanted to destroy Xandar because Xandar and the Cree are at peace. Ronan wasn't given any kind of backstory or greater goals or anything like that and had zero impact on the story. Wanda messing with Thor's head and Ultron releasing the mind gem from it's encasing introduced the infinity gems to the story. Thor didn't mention the infinity gems before and all gems weren't shown before Age of Ultron. Ultron was the one who helped introduce Vision to the MCU since he is the one that made the body and planned to put the mind gem in it. All GOTG1 showed is what the power gem could do . Age of Ultron introduced them as a collection for the first time to the audience. Age of Ultron helped set up Civil War as you said. GOTG1 didn't help set up anything tbh. What happened with Ronan and the power gem wasn't of any importance to GOTG2. GOGT1 just introduced the characters (the Guardians).

You will have to wait and see if they intend to make him a sympathetic villain in the continuation. Those scenes just showed that he cared for Gamora like a daughter but that doesn't make him sympathetic. He still sacrificed her to obtain the soul gem and committed mass murder. Would Hitler be considered a sympathetic villain despite all did if he had an adopted daughter whose parents he killed that he secretly cared for? One movie isn't enough to fully see Thanos viewpoint and no other villain in the MCU could replace Thanos especially not MCU Ronan and MCU Ego.

His previous appearances in the MCU was to show that he is the real big bad pulling the strings and that he was after the Infinity gems. I'm sure in the next Avengers movie he would be more fleshed out. Infinity War is supposed to be a two parter. This movie is just the first part for Thanos.
DrGeroCreationMay 5, 2018 8:59 PM
May 5, 2018 9:45 PM

Aug 2017
It was great, obviously. I mean they've been doing this for about 18 years.
And obviously the avengers gonna win lol
If Start Lord can control his anger we don't need to wait for the 2nd part lol

"The sun is my enemy, but the moon has been good to me."
May 6, 2018 9:10 AM

Jul 2016
Just got back from seeing it and it's.... good. That's about it though. Good enough to enjoy and good enough to re-watch, but had a few problems for me to think it was great, like the action being way too hard to follow. Thor's interactions with the Guardians was pretty good too.

I liked it, but I don't think it was as good as Black Panther or Guardians 2, or even Ragnarok
ChilliePeppersMay 6, 2018 9:34 AM
May 6, 2018 4:20 PM

May 2009
degenerate said:
ehhhh i read some spoilers for it and it just feels like end of evangelion yeah actually itS A FUCKING RIP OFF FUCK U MARVEL

I honestly hope you are joking.
May 7, 2018 1:41 AM

Nov 2017
Enjoyable, but when I watch an avenger movie the humor is the only thing that really prevents me from falling asleep. The plot is usually interesting and unpredictable as a pudding
May 7, 2018 2:09 PM
otp haver πŸ€ͺ

Jul 2017
WyNdZ said:

Stripes said:
His connection to Gamora is so surface level and if Gamora was going to be the focus now then she should've been more explored in GotG 2 WHICH I LOVE THAT MOVIE but if this is where it was going then what the fuck.

It's subjective and all but wtf how could you like GotG2? It was complete and utter shit. GotG was freaking amazing but the sequel sucked. I agree with you that Age of Ultron was terrible though. It introduced a bunch of characters but as a standalone movie I found it to be pretty bad.

What about it sucked per say? It developed everyone in the group and progressed everyones relationship from being a group of tangled stranger friends into a family. Ego and his connection with Peter really unlocked his grief and matured him into a better leader. Gamora and Nebula relationship and how they were abused wrecked their relationship but in reality brought them closer. And really all the guardians and their stakes in abused roles. Yondu was explored exponentially well, he was redeemed, and his death by saving Peter and the over the top parallels between Ego and him were there; including how Yondu tapped into Rocket's suffering of being left behind. People say they didn't like this movie but it's so well crafted. I honestly can't believe any of you understood it. And this is just stuff I'm remembering off the top of my head. I haven't watched it for some time.
May 8, 2018 9:00 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Easily one of the best films of the generation, not even joking. The fact that Marvel found a way to balance out so many characters and still make this film about Thanos and the type of guy that he is is basically an achievement I would say.

Anyone can hate on this film cause of "muh logic" issue but really if the film was logical it would be over soon and rather there wouldn't be a film at all, much less there wouldn't be a Part 2 either.

My only problem with the film if anything were the jokes. I dont mind them and of course after 18 films it's not like I expected that there weren't gonna be any, it's a minor complaint but i just wished the amount of them was toned down, that's all.

I want to rank this film high up there in my favs of Marvel films but since this is a 2 parter, i'll wait until next year to judge it overall. On it's own tho, Infinity War easily is a 10/10.

Marvel really shows how much they care about their characters and the stories they want to tell. It's been a really fun 10 years regardless if you liked it or hate it. May Marvel bless us with another 10 years of awesome superhero films.
May 13, 2018 8:50 AM

Dec 2014
Way better than Age of Ultron at least (pretty low bar tbh). I was pretty disappointed with Hulk though.

May 14, 2018 11:59 AM

Feb 2015
AntwanMantilla said:
Easily one of the best films of the generation, not even joking. The fact that Marvel found a way to balance out so many characters and still make this film about Thanos and the type of guy that he is is basically an achievement I would say.

Anyone can hate on this film cause of "muh logic" issue but really if the film was logical it would be over soon and rather there wouldn't be a film at all, much less there wouldn't be a Part 2 either.

My only problem with the film if anything were the jokes. I dont mind them and of course after 18 films it's not like I expected that there weren't gonna be any, it's a minor complaint but i just wished the amount of them was toned down, that's all.

I want to rank this film high up there in my favs of Marvel films but since this is a 2 parter, i'll wait until next year to judge it overall. On it's own tho, Infinity War easily is a 10/10.

Marvel really shows how much they care about their characters and the stories they want to tell. It's been a really fun 10 years regardless if you liked it or hate it. May Marvel bless us with another 10 years of awesome superhero films.

now i know why marvel did so many solo movies. not for plot but for the connection of the characters. i didn't want a single one to get hurt, regardless of them being my favourite or not.
May 14, 2018 4:44 PM

May 2018
I loved Thanos and Ebony Maw but I had a few problems with the movie. Mainly, no important Avenger died for good (like Iron Man or Captain America) and many characters who died will obviously come back like Black Panther, Spider Man & Bucky Barnes. And it's not talking about all the guardians of the galaxy that will also return, at least, a big part of them like Groot, Star-Lord and Gamora.
May 14, 2018 7:07 PM

Jun 2016
Great movie but fuck me, the ending was depressing af LMAO but I am pretty sure almost everyone will come back.
Tho not sure about Loki. The guy always seems to escape death whatever possible way.
Gift by Mimurona

May 16, 2018 5:20 AM

Jan 2018

Thanos is the 2nd villain after pain of naruto who has surpassed my expectationss. Didn't thought half the universe would really die. I would have liked it more if Captain America, Black Panther and Thor had more screen time(impact). Then again new Thor is the only one who could have killed/(touch?) 6 gems Thanos.

Edit: Now that I think about it, Iron man going to meet Thanos, Funny lil team of iron man almost beating Thanos, The strongest avenger Thor not fighting Thanos BEFORE he got last gem seems weird plot hole.
Marfi09May 16, 2018 6:50 AM
May 18, 2018 10:02 AM

Jan 2018
Rewatched ending of dr. strange. When he created endless time loop vs dormannu. Couldn't he do it vs thanos also.
May 20, 2018 8:48 PM

Jun 2015
yhunata said:
Also, he was changing the nuke codes before he became Vision and it was never confirmed that he continued to do so after becoming Vision (Tony probably did some security enhancements which allowed him to stop).
didnt he do something like that blocking out ultron off the internet in the climax of age of ultron.

see how he was looking human when he was with wanda and not like vision. he was evolving, but also becoming more rooted to his physical form and de linking from his pre vision oslo hub hacking ai self.
May 20, 2018 10:26 PM

Apr 2011
KuroudoAkabane said:
yhunata said:
Also, he was changing the nuke codes before he became Vision and it was never confirmed that he continued to do so after becoming Vision (Tony probably did some security enhancements which allowed him to stop).
didnt he do something like that blocking out ultron off the internet in the climax of age of ultron.

see how he was looking human when he was with wanda and not like vision. he was evolving, but also becoming more rooted to his physical form and de linking from his pre vision oslo hub hacking ai self.

He blocked Ultron out of the internet to ensure Ultron couldn't escape into another computer, it had nothing to do with the nuke codes.

As for how he was looking human, he can do that, remember? He materialized his clothes after seeing Thor in AoU and it was probably something similar here.
May 21, 2018 1:52 PM

May 2010
Watched it, had a lot of fun with it, but it's far from my favourite Marvel movie. Thanos is probably the best villain in MCU yet though, at least his motivation is better than "big guy bad guy" cliche. The ending was sad of course, but we KNOW most of these characters will come back in the 4th movie, so the only question is how?

The thing I'm mainly excited about is seeing Avengers who are left now, especially Thor, Cap and Tony teaming up to bring back the rest.

I really missed seeing Ant-man! Looking forward to his solo movie.
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