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What team are you on?
Jul 30, 2017 6:14 PM

Nov 2009
Well given this will be a heated discussion may as well have a poll about this. Which team are you on?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 31, 2017 9:35 AM

Jun 2016
Nisaka, even tho he won't win. I voted for him anyway but between the two girls I'm team Ririna.
Jul 31, 2017 9:37 AM

Apr 2017
Please let black hair win, I can bear to see blonde hair win anymore. But most importantly, I love Misaki
Jul 31, 2017 9:49 AM

Jun 2016
i like them both but lilina's personality is just so cute D: so im team lilina. tho, takasaki is a good girl too.

Hashimoto_Yuu said:
Please let black hair win, I can bear to see blonde hair win anymore. But most importantly, I love Misaki

so you're saying just because she's blonde she must not win?? so what would you say if she dyes her hair?
lilina is a good girl, dont compare her to another blonde female main characters in harem animes.
Jul 31, 2017 9:53 AM

Apr 2017
AyumiVk said:
i like them both but lilina's personality is just so cute D: so im team lilina. tho, takasaki is a good girl too.

Hashimoto_Yuu said:
Please let black hair win, I can bear to see blonde hair win anymore. But most importantly, I love Misaki

so you're saying just because she's blonde she must not win?? so what would you say if she dyes her hair?
lilina is a good girl, dont compare her to another blonde female main characters in harem animes.
OK bro, this is discussion about girls. Everyone can choose their girls. I like Misaki so I choose her. You like Ririna so you choose her. Don't force me to follow your choice, ok?
Jul 31, 2017 9:57 AM

Jun 2016
Hashimoto_Yuu said:
AyumiVk said:
i like them both but lilina's personality is just so cute D: so im team lilina. tho, takasaki is a good girl too.

so you're saying just because she's blonde she must not win?? so what would you say if she dyes her hair?
lilina is a good girl, dont compare her to another blonde female main characters in harem animes.
OK bro, this is discussion about girls. Everyone can choose their girls. I like Misaki so I choose her. You like Ririna so you choose her. Don't force me to follow your choice, ok?

the only thing you said was that you did not want lilina to win because she was blonde. like, w-t-f.
i didnt say you couldnt dislike her because of course you can, its your choise. your reason was the thing that i talked about but it seems like you didnt understand that, not my fault.
Jul 31, 2017 10:01 AM

Apr 2017
AyumiVk said:
Hashimoto_Yuu said:
OK bro, this is discussion about girls. Everyone can choose their girls. I like Misaki so I choose her. You like Ririna so you choose her. Don't force me to follow your choice, ok?

the only thing you said was that you did not want lilina to win because she was blonde. like, w-t-f.
i didnt say you couldnt dislike her because of course you can, its your choise. your reason was the thing that i talked about but it seems like you didnt understand that, not my fault.
I said: "But most inportantly, I like Misaki." You didn't see it? That's my reason,ok? Please read my comment more carefully
Jul 31, 2017 10:03 AM

Jun 2016
Hashimoto_Yuu said:
AyumiVk said:

the only thing you said was that you did not want lilina to win because she was blonde. like, w-t-f.
i didnt say you couldnt dislike her because of course you can, its your choise. your reason was the thing that i talked about but it seems like you didnt understand that, not my fault.
I said: "But most inportantly, I like Misaki." You didn't see it? That's my reason,ok? Please read my comment more carefully

what makes you think that i didnt see that? i only talked about that first sentence: "Please let black hair win, I can bear to see blonde hair win anymore."
because that one is a really dumb reason. its okay that you like takasaki ._.
Jul 31, 2017 10:48 AM
Jun 2017
Misaki. This is dystopian reality. Misaki is a girl Mc chose himself, Lilina is forced government partner. Choosing Lilina means Mc admits that government knows better what he wants. Big Brother knows better.
Jul 31, 2017 10:49 AM

Dec 2016
As each episode come out, different opinions keep coming in my mind but, after episode 5 Ririna takes top spot for me. This could change though....
Jul 31, 2017 11:41 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I love both Misaki and Ririna but I'm still rooting for Misaki the most
Jul 31, 2017 12:10 PM
Jul 2012
I honestly wouldn't mind any I love all of the characters and they all are developed well with Nejima
Jul 31, 2017 12:25 PM

Jul 2016
I personally like Ririna more so I chose her, but it would be nicer to have Yuukari and Misaki get together, as long as it doesn't completely break Ririna's heart.

Jul 31, 2017 12:26 PM

Jul 2016
Jakerams said:
I honestly wouldn't mind any I love all of the characters and they all are developed well with Nejima

I agree with you on the development part. The show does a nice job developing Yukari's relationship with both girls.

Jul 31, 2017 1:16 PM

Dec 2014
Team Ririna all the way but I don't mind Misaki as well.
Jul 31, 2017 1:59 PM
Sep 2016
I wish it was easier to understand if in the world the anime is set homo relationships are accepted and if so to which degree

Because, honestly, if Yuusuke doesn't bother confessing just because homo is not accepted, then I'd honestly and vividly root for him just to fuck the system up.

If homo relationships are as accepted as het relationships then I'd root for Lilina since she's the character I like the most.
Jul 31, 2017 2:08 PM
Mar 2016
I'd go for Misaki, since Ririna is already showing sign of being an abusive wife.
Jul 31, 2017 2:14 PM

Mar 2012
i want him to get with Misaki cause they love each other and Misaki is fine than a mf, but Ririna is SUPER kawaii and i don't consider her a bad choice

but i'll feel really bad for the gay dude cause i like really like his character as well
Jul 31, 2017 3:40 PM

Dec 2012
I'm Team Nisaka I love that boy so much.
Aug 1, 2017 6:56 AM

Aug 2013
Team Yuri. :D Misaki x Ririna would be perfect.

Between the two girls, I'm rooting for Misaki but that could change. I feel kinda bad for Nisaka.

Aug 1, 2017 8:05 AM

May 2012
Ginot said:
Misaki. This is dystopian reality. Misaki is a girl Mc chose himself, Lilina is forced government partner. Choosing Lilina means Mc admits that government knows better what he wants. Big Brother knows better.

i like lilina but i second this, tho im biased towards black beau haha
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Aug 1, 2017 9:38 AM
Mar 2017
Nisaka, even tho he won't win. I voted for him anyway but between the two girls I'm team Ririna.

Yep. Exactly the same for me
Let's go team nisaka! Lol
Aug 1, 2017 2:56 PM

Sep 2008
KawaiiMeh said:
Nisaka, even tho he won't win. I voted for him anyway but between the two girls I'm team Ririna.

Yep. Exactly the same for me
Let's go team nisaka! Lol

The same here. I voted for Nisaka, but between girls I prefer Ririna.
Aug 1, 2017 5:21 PM

Feb 2015
I guess I prefer Misaki though it is possible I might flip at one point. I think Lilina and the MC have some solid chemistry going for them. However, I think that was made possible by them not being attracted to each other right away. I think I like Misaki's character+design somewhat more but more than anything I'm just uncomfortable with the implications of Lilina winning. "Hey, letting the government hand pick your lover is pretty fucked up huh? Well, it works so screw you." As for Nisaka I also like him a good amount, this is probably one of the times where I wouldn't mind the gay ship. I can't bring myself to care too much because I like pretty much everyone but all of them are pretty far from top tier imo.
Aug 3, 2017 3:52 PM
Dec 2016
To me the "love" between Misaki and MC seems more like infatuation. Ririna and him have potential for a healthy relationship where they each provide value to each other and have solid chemistry.

This is opposed to MC and Misaki's relationship which is only "Man, i feel so nervous around them with butterflies in my stomach and they're so pretty". This sums up 90% of their relationship which makes it mere infatuation rather than actual love IMO.

Not to mention picking Misaki to screw the government is the stupidest reason to pick a love interest not to mention it would make things more difficult for everyone involved. Looking at the 3 options presented, the one the government picked is the best one by far in my opinion, so if the matches are that good I wouldn't mind living in a world where the government arranged marriages. (call me weird if you want) although since it's a dystopian setting, we can be 95% sure Misaki will be the one chosen to make things interesting.

TL;DR: Ririna would have a healthier long lasting relationship with MC which would be better for everyone.
Aug 3, 2017 11:20 PM

Aug 2013
As long as he ends up with Misaki and / or Nisaki, I'll be fine. As to not condone forced marriage at least
Aug 4, 2017 4:21 AM

Jun 2015
joeytherainbow said:
To me the "love" between Misaki and MC seems more like infatuation. Ririna and him have potential for a healthy relationship where they each provide value to each other and have solid chemistry.

This is opposed to MC and Misaki's relationship which is only "Man, i feel so nervous around them with butterflies in my stomach and they're so pretty". This sums up 90% of their relationship which makes it mere infatuation rather than actual love IMO.

Not to mention picking Misaki to screw the government is the stupidest reason to pick a love interest not to mention it would make things more difficult for everyone involved. Looking at the 3 options presented, the one the government picked is the best one by far in my opinion, so if the matches are that good I wouldn't mind living in a world where the government arranged marriages. (call me weird if you want) although since it's a dystopian setting, we can be 95% sure Misaki will be the one chosen to make things interesting.

TL;DR: Ririna would have a healthier long lasting relationship with MC which would be better for everyone.

Well said. It really seems that government choosen right, I am all for Ririna. As for Misaki the relationship would probably fail after 2 year honey moon phase, when there is no more magical love feeling. This actually happens in RL pretty often, marrying young based on infatuation and then splitting up when that passes
Aug 4, 2017 9:19 AM
Mar 2017
joeytherainbow said:

Not to mention picking Misaki to screw the government is the stupidest reason to pick a love interest not to mention it would make things more difficult for everyone involved.

Picking a girl because government force you to this and you are are afraid of negative consequences is way, way stupidier. Mc picked Misaki before government notice arrived.
It's not Mc screwing government, it's government screwing Mc.

Swim_Swim said:
Well said. It really seems that government choosen right, I am all for Ririna. As for Misaki the relationship would probably fail after 2 year honey moon phase, when there is no more magical love feeling. This actually happens in RL pretty often, marrying young based on infatuation and then splitting up when that passes

"Magical love feeling" is not good enough but "magical government notice" is, right? Almost every relationship have this infatuation/honeymoon phase. At some point this phase ends but that doesn't mean this is the end of relationship. It's just next phase.
Aug 4, 2017 1:16 PM

Jun 2015
Rooting for Nisaka since day one

I feel it's the only option (outside of MC choosing no one) where it's actually a "good ending" ? like if he chooses Misaki he pretty much choose a girl he fell in love with based on how he sees her and because she's super pretty (the woman delivering the government notice kind of insist on the fact that choosing somebody based on looks isn't better than having someone chosen for you) and if he chooses Ririna, he pretty much says the government is right for choosing someone for him...

So Nisaka seems like the best option for now
Aug 5, 2017 8:05 AM

Apr 2012
[quote=leunammi message=51754760]
Ginot said:
Misaki. This is dystopian reality. Misaki is a girl Mc chose himself, Lilina is forced government partner. Choosing Lilina means Mc admits that government knows better what he wants. Big Brother knows better.

Lol this description is genius. I feel like the decision would have been 10x easier if Lilina was a P.O.S lol but I absolutely love her.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Aug 5, 2017 12:57 PM
Sep 2015
Lilina is objectively the better partner for him, backed up by the scientific method.
Aug 5, 2017 4:21 PM

Dec 2016
I really want Nisaka to get together with Neji!! But I know that there's like a 2% chance of that happening, so I won't be too upset if it doesn't... whoever he ends up with will be interesting, anyway
Aug 5, 2017 4:40 PM

Oct 2015
I think he'd end up with Lilina though. I can see subtle hints in the manga that Neji is slowly loving Lilina more...
Aug 6, 2017 4:26 AM

Apr 2014
AyumiVk said:
Hashimoto_Yuu said:
I said: "But most inportantly, I like Misaki." You didn't see it? That's my reason,ok? Please read my comment more carefully

what makes you think that i didnt see that? i only talked about that first sentence: "Please let black hair win, I can bear to see blonde hair win anymore."
because that one is a really dumb reason. its okay that you like takasaki ._.

War. War never changes.
Aug 6, 2017 9:04 AM

Jun 2016
why would you quote me/us to for such a silly thing? you were not in the conversation, and it was a week ago.
(if you think it was a 'war' then fine.)
Aug 7, 2017 4:05 PM
Oct 2015
He's not going to win, but I'm still team Nisaka. If I had to pick between others, though, I'd probably choose Misaki.
"'Time' is proof that people have lived. Every person lives the time that has been given to them... that is life." - Erza Scarlet
"You can never win if you're afraid to lose so much that you refuse to put up a fight." - Rika Furude
Aug 7, 2017 5:02 PM
Dec 2016
Wot... people like Misaki?
Aug 7, 2017 10:55 PM

Dec 2015
Originally I was a team Misaki, but I switched since Ririna is cute. Also, I still find the sharing an eraser a bit ridiculous to start a crush that lasted several years

Also not to mention that otherwise would be kind of illegal... and as Nisaka pointed out if he got with Misaki, Ririna would probably be left alone
It's not the Slates that is essential to people. What we need is...
A small table to share a meal... That's more than enough.

That's my conclusion. The answer I've reached as the Silver King.
Aug 8, 2017 5:22 AM

May 2010
I had 0 expectations for Ririna, but after episode 2 I think she has a very good chance of winning.
Aug 8, 2017 7:37 AM

Mar 2015
Thought I was in the minority for shipping mc with Misaki, but I guess not haha

Don't get me wrong, I like Ririna but I just think he fits better with Misaki plus I feel bad for her ;_;
Aug 8, 2017 7:40 AM

Apr 2013
Misaki has two strong arguments on her side.
Aug 8, 2017 10:28 AM

Jan 2008
For some reason, I still don't favor one girl over the other. I guess I wouldn't mind if Yukari ends up with either but I'd love to see something different. I mean, both Misaki and Lilina are predictable. Misaki since she's Yukari's first love and Lilina since Yukari will have to spend more time with her, there's a high chance he will fall in love with her. Yes, Yukari loves Misaki but he could also fall for Lilina. I agree that his feelings for Misaki might not be more than infatuation but we'll have to wait and see.

For now, I'd be happier if Yukari ends up falling for Nisaka in the future. I don't really see it happening but is there a chance that Nisaka is a girl? It's not that I'm against him being a guy but do you think this series will explore gay marriages? I doubt it since the aim of the whole thing is to increase birth rate, so I'd guess that homosexuality might be a no-no here. Either way, I don't think Nisaka will be the one.
Aug 8, 2017 7:27 PM
Jul 2017
I've been so biased ever since episode 3. I want Nisaka and Neji to end up together. I don't even care if Nisaka has no chance for Neji at all!!!

On a more serious note, I hope this anime explores more on the arrangement system and more specifically on how they deal with gay people within the Japanese society.

I just want Nisaka to have a happy ending with someone he is willing to love... even if it won't be... -heartbreak- Neji.

I guess if I were to act logically and not on the bias of my fujoshi tendencies, then I would pick Lilina over Misaki. Maybe it's because Neji only likes Misaki because she is pretty. Heck, he didn't even talk to her until that confession on episode 1. Where's the basis for his love for Misaka other than just she looks like a goddess?
Aug 13, 2017 3:46 PM
Aug 2016
Team Misaki i like her i love her sorry but i hate ririna and i like nisaka he is cute
Aug 15, 2017 8:11 AM

Aug 2017
Misaki will end up with Nejima :)
"Kinda have feelings kinda heartless."
Aug 15, 2017 8:27 AM

May 2017
Ririna hands down

I'm tired of this western popularized "soul mate", "the one" crap

His relationship with Ririna, is scientifically proven better

Growth relationship > idealistic relationship
Aug 15, 2017 8:35 AM

Aug 2017
World_Creator said:
Ririna hands down

I'm tired of this western popularized "soul mate", "the one" crap

His relationship with Ririna, is scientifically proven better

Growth relationship > idealistic relationship

I get your point but the only thing that's giving Ririna the advantage of growth is because Nejima is his assigned husband/partner. By spending a lot of time with each other.
"Kinda have feelings kinda heartless."
Aug 15, 2017 9:11 AM

May 2017
Arimathea said:
World_Creator said:
Ririna hands down

I'm tired of this western popularized "soul mate", "the one" crap

His relationship with Ririna, is scientifically proven better

Growth relationship > idealistic relationship

I get your point but the only thing that's giving Ririna the advantage of growth is because Nejima is his assigned husband/partner. By spending a lot of time with each other.

That's exactly why it's better than Limerence
Aug 15, 2017 9:58 AM

Dec 2012
#TeamRirina all the way baby
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Aug 15, 2017 2:11 PM
Dec 2016
I usually dont vote for same gender, like for some reason i dont ship ymir x historia but I ship nisaka with neijima
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