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Jan 21, 2018 11:56 AM

Jul 2013
Lol the scenes with them trying to "connect" were so lewd.
I want to "connect" with Ichigo.
Jan 21, 2018 11:56 AM

Jun 2017
GangsterCat said:
Demyx_IX said:
News flash, Japanese does not translate into English

is that how you defend hetakuso translation?

I think we don't have enough context to determine who it was directed at therefore an accurate translation is not really possible this time. It could refer to many things, just a few of my ideas.

1. Hiro sucks at piloting.

2. Hiro sucks at kissing.

3. Ichigo thinks she sucks because she couldn't bring out Hiro's ability like Zero Two.

4. Ichigo thinks her first kiss sucked because Hiro was so bad at it.

5. The whole failed experimental riding attempt sucks.

If we get some more insight into it later we might be able to pinpoint what it referred to exactly.
Jan 21, 2018 12:14 PM

Nov 2007
Lol at so many people getting turned off. The episode was much better compared to the trashy pilot episode.

Also, I like 7-nee. She looks nice next to 8-nii. Single digit veterans anyone?

The only things that bugged me in this episode was how Naomi is so not dead like how predicted. Ofc she wouldn't be if you consider her voice-actress. Now all that she needs is to make a glorious return. And how that bulky guy kept on hoarding breads. Although he is partnered with the second best girl in the anime so far, so I guess it's aright.

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Jan 21, 2018 12:19 PM
Jul 2017
i don't know if this is 21st century, people are still upset with sex, butts and tits, you are all looking like a bunch of christians from 18st century, it IS A THING in our society, and actually, it is a normal thing that everyone do or will do one time in their lifes, so please stop, and no, thre hracters in this show are not kids, they are teens, and the whole anime is a fucking metaphor for erectile dysfunction, so how can you guys not consider the sex element on the show if the show on its own has a great sexual meaning behind? and it is not a bad thing to design sexy characters either, STOP TO BE OVER PROTECTIVE TOWARDS THE FEMALE FIGURE, felame body is one of the best things god or whatever you believe created, female curves are awesome and the female body is a divine thing and it should be celebrated
Jan 21, 2018 12:34 PM

Sep 2016
MomoSinX said:
GangsterCat said:

is that how you defend hetakuso translation?

I think we don't have enough context to determine who it was directed at therefore an accurate translation is not really possible this time. It could refer to many things, just a few of my ideas.

1. Hiro sucks at piloting.

2. Hiro sucks at kissing.

3. Ichigo thinks she sucks because she couldn't bring out Hiro's ability like Zero Two.

4. Ichigo thinks her first kiss sucked because Hiro was so bad at it.

5. The whole failed experimental riding attempt sucks.

If we get some more insight into it later we might be able to pinpoint what it referred to exactly.
ichigo directed hetakuso at the current general situation, not hiro.
there is massive different between "this is awful" and "YOU are awful"

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jan 21, 2018 12:34 PM

Nov 2011
GangsterCat said:
Demyx_IX said:
News flash, Japanese does not translate into English

is that how you defend hetakuso translation?

No, that's how I "defend" a translation that we have no context as to what Ichigo is saying, as I said in a previous comment from before the one you quoted, its interesting in what she meant by it. As there is ZERO FUCKING CONTEXT.
Jan 21, 2018 12:36 PM

Jun 2017
GangsterCat said:
MomoSinX said:

I think we don't have enough context to determine who it was directed at therefore an accurate translation is not really possible this time. It could refer to many things, just a few of my ideas.

1. Hiro sucks at piloting.

2. Hiro sucks at kissing.

3. Ichigo thinks she sucks because she couldn't bring out Hiro's ability like Zero Two.

4. Ichigo thinks her first kiss sucked because Hiro was so bad at it.

5. The whole failed experimental riding attempt sucks.

If we get some more insight into it later we might be able to pinpoint what it referred to exactly.
ichigo directed hetakuso at the current general situation, not hiro.
there is massive different between "this is awful" and "YOU are awful"

True, that's most likely what it was aimed at.
Jan 21, 2018 12:38 PM

Sep 2016
Demyx_IX said:

did you watch this episode with eyes closed?

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jan 21, 2018 12:50 PM

Nov 2007
red-tomato said:
nobody told me this was going to be a teenage love story -.-

I know, right? I thought it will be more about sex education after the first episode but now they threw in teenage romance in it.

kyuudere said:
It's like some people forget the setting in this anime is an post-apocalyptic world where children raised in pair to fight monster and barely know anything like love, or kiss.

At least they know that holding onto a girl's underwear is embarrassing.

Swagernator said:
Can't wait for someone to call this show to be sexist.

Someone actually did after episode 1.

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Jan 21, 2018 12:52 PM

Apr 2016
shanimebib said:
Someone actually did after episode 1.

Everything is sexist today.
Jan 21, 2018 12:59 PM

Mar 2011
Lol @ the way that the robots are piloted. I'm a bit sad to see that Hiro didn't connect properly with Ichigo but it was kinda expected.
I'm really excited to see what this series will throw at us viewers next!
Jan 21, 2018 1:00 PM

Nov 2011
GangsterCat said:
Demyx_IX said:

did you watch this episode with eyes closed?
No, but I assume you did.
Jan 21, 2018 1:10 PM
Jul 2014

Taking an entire paragraph to accuse someone of being insane is poor form, unnecessary, and distracts from the fact that the better majority of this community has rejected this show on very simple grounds as opposed to actually trying to look at what the show has tried to do. I don't begrudge their opinions. Rather, I'm irritated by the fact that I have to wade through all of it to have a proper discussion of this episode with someone who has actually taken their time. Further, when the most prominent criticism is "but the sex" or "but the tropes," or "the characters are sluts" with no additonal explanation or insight, you might begin to wonder why I made commentary at length about the majority of this community having an IQ only slightly above room-temperature.

Also, re: self-gratification. Don't kid yourself. That's what the majority of the community comes here for at the most basic level; to say something and have their opinion reinforced by that of others.

Now, FWIW, the themes of this show can already be discerned in terms of what it's trying to discuss. What it will do with those themes is another question entirely.

A finer point with respect to the portrayal of sexuality so far: while I tend to believe this series is deeper than just throwing out gratuitous fan service, it's indisputable that (1) the anime industry in general throws out a lot of gratuitous fan service

Yes, and?

(2) Franxx has at least engaged in some gratuitous fan service in these two episodes (your best friend Lax_Caux even admitted "it's the second episode, it can become a circus of pure fanservice"!). Anime does not have to eschew everything sexual. But no one should pretend there's some deeper meaning behind every bit of sexuality presented in this series.

You're correct. Not everything has deeper meaning. Some of it is just purely for titillation. But then, what's wrong with that; In what way does it actually take away from what the show is trying to do?

And it frankly reeks of pretentiousness when your best response to "the fan service and portrayal of sexuality is a little too much" is "oh no you just don't understand what this series about because I have the best interpretation and the best critical thinking and the best words." The laughable kind of pretentiousness, of course.

I never said I had "the best words, the best critical thinking and the best interpretation." Aside from the obvious character assassination by trying to compare me to Trump (whom I utterly loathe), you're just being petty at this point; you actually haven't moved beyond your adhominem against me and into a concrete argument about how the people who say that the "Fanservice is bad" are correct and how it actually detracts from what is attempting to be said through the story, themes, or narrative elements.

"oh no you just don't understand what this series about...

And the reality is that the majority of the community simply doesn't. Their posts demonstrate ably and in ample numbers that they are unwilling or unable to overcome their disgust at the "fanservice" to actually look at what seems to be the artistic, narrative, and intellectual themes that the show is trying to tell. More often than not, they are interpreting the series through modern and ultimately western lenses of present political and socio-political discourse when these have nothing to do with the series itself.

Jan 21, 2018 1:23 PM
Jul 2014
kyuudere said:
I feel bad for people who dropped this after only two episodes hahaha. The next episode is going to be awesome in terms of animation and the story of course could possibly get better.

We've seen yet all the world in this anime, and from the OP it's likely we will get some cool antagonists / rival squad.

I wouldn't be surprised about the rival squad. If this series has anything to do with romance, then a standard plot point would be for one of the boys to try to take zero-two away from Hiro, or one of the girls to do vice-versa. That sort of plot point is to be expected, frankly.

Also APE said there's going to be a joint mission between plantation 13 and plantation 26, I wonder what kind of mission "KISSING" is.

It just feels like they're using romantic/sexual terminology to describe a docking and refueling operation with another plantation, TBH.

Few possibilites.
The smug squad in the OP is elite squad with double digit numbers like Ichigo, Hiro, and Goro, they came from Plantation 26.
Special squad under APE order itself, and even maybe single digit number like Zero Two, Nana, or Hachi.

Note: while in the introduction of Nana and Hachi don't have code number, I think they are ex- single digit number kids who directly under APE's jurisdiction.

Possibly, but let's see where this goes first.
Jan 21, 2018 1:35 PM
Jul 2014
Demyx_IX said:
kyuudere said:
I hope CR or other fansub groups could fix the last line by Ichigo.

It created unfair opinion on her, while what she really means is not clear.

When CR translated it as "You're awful", it makes Ichigo look unpleasant woman.

And viewers who don't speak Japanese could easily misinterpret it. I've seen many people misunderstood it and calling Ichigo sluts, bitch, or trash. When she's actually quite the opposite. I think she's the one most frustrated here cause she can't protect her own squad and best friend.

Also, I think simply change the line to 'This is awful/suck' would change the tone almost completely, and will do more justice for the character itself.
News flash, Japanese does not translate into English, so 'the need to fix' the last line is in your opinion. Anyone with half a brain that watched the entire episode and saw how protective she is of him and wanting to show he belongs, would know that she doesn't literally mean he's awful.

What, exactly, she meant is up for interpretation, so I'm not sure that the insults are ncessary. That being said, it's plainly obvious that Ichigo sees a need to protect her teammembers, as much for her own security as theirs.

One thing I did find confusing is that Miku is definitely aware of what couples and romance mean, which puts Ichigo's punching of the shower stall and her comment into an entirely new light. She clearly sees Zero-Two as trying to "take" Hiro away from her, and this opens up her final statement to being a criticism of herself, particularly given that she visibly attempted to pilot the mech on her own as a means of keeping him with her. OTOH, given that Hiro clearly said he felt "guilty" to her, it could just as well be that CR's translation is correct.
Jan 21, 2018 1:50 PM

Jul 2016
The reason he was so '' Awful '' Miss. Ichigo was because he Trusts and Likes Zero! Besides she is way hotter then you Baaaaka
Jan 21, 2018 1:53 PM

Nov 2017
it's a fine episode and a bit weird how they should pilot a they doing Doggo Style hahahaha

Zero two is a hot chracter btw, eheeemmm

I am more interested in the world they stayin what are those mysterious klaroxous monsters? and the origin of Franxx robots? some kind of an alienetic tech.
Jan 21, 2018 1:58 PM

Nov 2011
firemagnet said:
What, exactly, she meant is up for interpretation, so I'm not sure that the insults are ncessary.

The part about 'anyone with half a brain' meant to be directed at those that were calling Ichigo slut/bitch, according to the person I responded to.
Jan 21, 2018 2:03 PM

Nov 2007
FireHeart said:
I'm a bit sad to see that Hiro didn't connect properly with Ichigo but it was kinda expected.

The MC is the revolutionary beta one in a world devoid of sexual tension between men and women. He cannot connect properly unless there's some sort of excitement. I think that is what happened with his previous partner. He didn't tell Leader-chan the whole story. He would probably had to hold onto her panty and see her taking a dip in a lake stark naked before the kiss and everything to work out.

Other alternative wouldn't make sense as Horny's partners get all washed up by their third connection with her. So, the eventual compatibility will have to be from the MC's side and not hers.

Just a theory at this point because that's how it seemed.

Anyways, the mecha designs are pretty dull. I can't seem to relate to how some people are goshing over them. I guess it's just different tastes.
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Jan 21, 2018 2:04 PM
Jan 2017
firemagnet said:
zannett said:

And the reality is that the majority of the community simply doesn't. Their posts demonstrate ably and in ample numbers that they are unwilling or unable to overcome their disgust at the "fanservice" to actually look at what seems to be the artistic, narrative, and intellectual themes that the show is trying to tell. More often than not, they are interpreting the series through modern and ultimately western lenses of present political and socio-political discourse when these have nothing to do with the series itself.

You're way too zealous and you are constantly dodging the point. You should reflect on your attitude or wait before deciding to defend the show for what you can see and the others can't.
Cour_VictorJan 21, 2018 2:12 PM
Jan 21, 2018 2:10 PM

Aug 2012
AdrianRubinsky said:
Hey Doc, how does your mecha works?

Doc: The mecha is powered by Hi-ERo particles love so we can fight the evil Penguins Kyouryuu.

They are just remaking Kenzen Robo Daimidaler with a drama twist. Which is a shame, because there is good animation, Zero Two character is interesting and the OST is amazing.

Duuuuude, this. All I could think of in that scene was Daimidaler lmao. It was like a race between the two groups to have the better sexual chemistry, the way the dialogue played out.
AlexTheRiotJan 21, 2018 2:15 PM
Jan 21, 2018 2:38 PM

Jun 2015
So Hiro did not have any memories of what actually happened back then eh. Nice to hear that Hiro's previous pilot survived the attack. Wow thats a lot of syrup that Zero two put in there though. But she really has a massive appetite. Hiro is pretty determined to be off use once more though. The city council though sure has a mysterious feel to it though. Hmm so while one pilot focuses on piloting the other focuses on weapons. Zerome really is the problem child of this squad though. The mock battle was an interesting idea though. Hmm so the link between the two is via mind linking then. Ichigo sure is going pretty far though in her attempts to draw out Hiro's abilities. Interesting episode that did a great job at introducing the cast as well as how the mecha's work. Love the ending theme though.
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Jan 21, 2018 2:42 PM
Jan 2018
I love this anime, maybe this looks like pacific rim. But the author have a style. And the story make me really really slack. I can't predicted what gonna happen. So i really love it.
Jan 21, 2018 2:58 PM

Jul 2015
Okay, seriously, I hate the male's uniforms. Now I understand why men never show any of leg. Anyway, opening is pretty sweet. Everyone's gettin to know the new girl, who was quite the riot with her strange behavior. I'm liking this so far.

Also fan-service, like, I felt that the robot was unnecessarily sexy but didn't mind it much... but now I've seen how they actual control them and it's just... combined with some of the terms they use... it all feels... strangely sexual... I like it.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jan 21, 2018 3:03 PM

Jan 2015
VanishingKira said:
So he couldn't get it up with Ichigo kek

'You were awful'

Mans biggest fear lmao
Jan 21, 2018 3:21 PM

Feb 2015
I'm not sold on this yet. Most of the characters are plain annoying and the first half of the episode was so dry I was tempted to drop it there and then.

It didn't help that the OP was disappointing - visuals were kind of impressive but didn't come together to produce much hype or impact. Didn't like the song much; singer's voice was pretty bad (so shaky) and I was excited to hear HYDE but he didn't sing at all.

It picked up with unintentional humour. So there are loads of sexual undertones to this, but I lost my shit at 18:41. Idk if they had this camera angle on purpose but wow XD

It got kinda interesting towards the end with the intrigue of what it takes to bond and pilot one of those things, but with weak characters (with boring character comedy) and a slow-moving plot, I hope it gets more interesting and that the characters start to click with me or I'll drop. The sexual undertones are distracting too tbh, and the animation is good but not good enough to carry it and make it worth watching for that alone.
Jan 21, 2018 3:36 PM

Jul 2016
The pacing, animation, and story were perfect this episode.

The sexual innuendos are definitely present, but it's not as detracting as it could have been, so we have that to be thankful for.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the next 22 episodes pan out. "Violet Evergarden" and this are turning to be some of my favorites this year (and the year has barely just started!).
Jan 21, 2018 3:45 PM

Dec 2015
2Matt said:
this anime needs to learn how to r e s p e c t w o m e n.

probably going to drop this next episode

Don't know if you actually meant for this to be a sarcastic remark á la "fuck the femenazis sjw bullshit" but I whole heartedly agree.
Jan 21, 2018 3:50 PM
Jul 2016
pufonD said:
VanishingKira said:
So he couldn't get it up with Ichigo kek

'You were awful'

Mans biggest fear lmao

Zero Two should be sexual education teacher of these poor children. She has necesarry knowledge and expierience. Ask her former partners. Oh well, they are all dead.
Jan 21, 2018 3:55 PM
Jul 2014
Cour_Victor said:
firemagnet said:

You're way too zealous and you are constantly dodging the point. You should reflect on your attitude or wait before deciding to defend the show for what you can see and the others can't.

What was his point, exactly, other than all-but-calling me insane in the process of saying that he felt that there was too much fanservice? And for what it's worth, I agreed with him on his point that not all of the fanservice was necessarily there for thematic interpretation. Some of it was there purely to serve as fanservice.

Too zealous, perhaps. But then a good chunk of the posters in this thread also seem to be equally as zealous about projecting modern socio-political themes onto an anime that really doesn't seem to have anything to do with those themes and doesn't even invoke them. Again, it's fiction. And frankly, if someone has a shit opinion and keeps whining about how the characters are "sluts" I'm not obligated to treat their opinion as valid or worthy of anything other than derision.

Finally, as both you and I saw with re:creators, there seems to be an inordinate amount of people in this community who seem to do nothing but complain, no matter what an anime or manga does. Rather than simply not watch the show if it upsets them that much, they instead choose to come here and whine incessantly every single episode. It defies logic as to why they would do this. The sensible thing to do would be simply not to watch the show and leave it at that.
firemagnetJan 21, 2018 4:03 PM
Jan 21, 2018 4:11 PM
Jul 2014
Demyx_IX said:
firemagnet said:
What, exactly, she meant is up for interpretation, so I'm not sure that the insults are ncessary.

The part about 'anyone with half a brain' meant to be directed at those that were calling Ichigo slut/bitch, according to the person I responded to.

I understand what you meant. Regardless, there's enough immediate context within the scene and from Hiro's verbalization to suggest that Ichigo was criticizing him. There's also enough subtext during the entire episode to suggest that Ichigo was criticizing herself.

Hopefully episode 3 will clear things up as to exactly what was meant, regardless of the quality of CR's translation.
Jan 21, 2018 4:31 PM
Jan 2017
firemagnet said:
What was his point, exactly, other than all-but-calling me insane in the process of saying that he felt that there was too much fanservice? And for what it's worth, I agreed with him on his point that not all of the fanservice was necessarily there for thematic interpretation. Some of it was there purely to serve as fanservice.

Exactly, better to let it reach something that resembles an outcome regarding fanservice, and then you will have a much easier time to show everyone what the show exactly says. To me and the others the fanservice is way too hamfisted and a lot of it don't even serve the narrative, and we're not objectively wrong when you start considering in a case-by-case basis, especially when the girls present their goods to nobody but themselves. That is, for now.

firemagnet said:

Finally, as both you and I saw with re:creators, there seems to be an inordinate amount of people in this community who seem to do nothing but complain, no matter what an anime or manga does. Rather than simply not watch the show if it upsets them that much, they instead choose to come here and whine incessantly every single episode. It defies logic as to why they would do this. The
sensible thing to do would be simply not to watch the show and leave it at that.

I don't think re:creators is at fault for any of the vocal backlash, but I won't deny that the show failed to sufficiently entertain a very large "fate" crowd with its character focus and not being flashy enough for it's lack of budget and the low number of episodes. I think changing the general consensus around that show and discussing it with people who "got it" and genuinely enjoyed it is more productive than having to deal with the cries of a juvenile crowd.
Jan 21, 2018 4:31 PM

Mar 2011
welp this episode solidified fat guy and bizarro-Hatoko as the first duo to die. hopefully the squad leader doesn't lose her way, i kind of like her
Jan 21, 2018 4:33 PM
Jul 2018
firemagnet said:
Faederwulf said:

Says the guy who simply made a statement disagreeing with what I said without addressing any of the points?

Or you could go back a few pages and look at what I posted in response to more substantive criticism and opinion giving, like this:

As is, the onus here is upon you to explain precisely how you see these characters as sluts. Remember: most of the characters were never taught about sex, sexuality, or relationships in the first place. "Slut" implies that the characters are either a) conscious of infidelity or b) that term is an outside judgement made by a viewer--in this case, you.

Now, as for your, uh, "argument":

As is, the onus here is upon you to explain precisely how you see these characters as sluts.

Because as I say, co-piloting is akin to sex. They're referred to as pistils and stamens, only capable of a male-female merge, there are lewd reactions during the merge, and the position has the female's ass in the male's face for fuck sake. I at least hope you won't deny this much. The demon girl is a slut because she's had 3 partners before the protagonist, not to mention she killed them (whether this is a metaphor for breaking up or whatever, really doesn't matter). The blue haired girl is also a slut, because she partnered with him when she already had a partner. The word slut doesn't imply infidelity necessarily, but promiscuity.

Why are characters are unbearable

Protagonist is a cliche whiny protagonist, heroine is too assertive for my liking (this one is a matter of preference) and is a slut, angry kid is obnoxious, blue haired girl is a slut, blonde guy is a cuckold.

Why do the mechs look stupid

Do you really need to ask this? They're designed like oversized metal females with big moeblob eyes. It looks ridiculous.

drama isn't dumb

It is dumb. Not only has there not been enough time for me to develop any interest in the characters, the characters are so unlikeable that I doubt I'd develop much interest in any of them anyway. It's melodrama, even though it's far from the worst I've seen.
Jan 21, 2018 4:36 PM
Jul 2018
Pit93 said:

So you're saying a girl that has or had a lot of different sexual partners is a slut? Wow, way to go....

That is the genuine meaning of the word - a promiscious woman. In addition, yes, I am disgusted by it. No sane man would settle for a non-virgin when there are higher chances of infidelity, higher chances of her being unhappy, higher chances of her having an STD, and overall sticking your meat somewhere that another man stuck his meat in first.
Jan 21, 2018 4:53 PM

Oct 2017
A little too much sexual innuendo for me. Though at least they threw in a rival and a love triangle to keep it from being too boring or creepy..
Jan 21, 2018 5:01 PM

Oct 2017
Faederwulf said:
Pit93 said:

So you're saying a girl that has or had a lot of different sexual partners is a slut? Wow, way to go....

That is the genuine meaning of the word - a promiscious woman. In addition, yes, I am disgusted by it. No sane man would settle for a non-virgin when there are higher chances of infidelity, higher chances of her being unhappy, higher chances of her having an STD, and overall sticking your meat somewhere that another man stuck his meat in first.

This boils down to the non-sluts being moral. They chose to stick to the western ideal of Thou shalt not commit adultery.

It also explains the animosity towards 02, being an amoral devil girl who violates pretty much every commandment.

It really bothers me that ichigo fell into the "I wannabe a slut" trap to be popular. Though, there is always that girl in real life, too. 02 types never expect to marry a decent man, while the ichigo type does, but will never find them because they tried out the slut life.
Jan 21, 2018 5:05 PM

Oct 2015
TheDoggoneGirl said:
I hate this egotistic main female character and she's such a cliche character, like ohmygod. She's just your another cliche female character who thinks so highly of herself and the best out of the parasites, but yeah a masive bitch (heck she might have a tragic backstory why she's like that lol).

Sucks because the male MC will most likely end up with her instead of Ichigo. The cliche male character will always end up/choose the worst resort. Lol.

That action scene, though, and the animation. It's the only good thing in this show so far. Good job, Trigger and A-1 Pictures.

Ichigo best girl. <3

Btw, that was a very weird position for the two to connect. I thought it's gonna be like Pacific Rim, but damn this show is gonna be a fanservice fest. Haha.


Dunno but I found Ichigo is a more "cliche" character than Zero two. You know, the "childhood typical" friend who fall in love for the M.C
Jan 21, 2018 5:05 PM
Jul 2014
Faederwulf said:

Because as I say, co-piloting is akin to sex. They're referred to as pistils and stamens, only capable of a male-female merge, there are lewd reactions during the merge, and the position has the female's ass in the male's face for fuck sake. I at least hope you won't deny this much. The demon girl is a slut because she's had 3 partners before the protagonist, not to mention she killed them (whether this is a metaphor for breaking up or whatever, really doesn't matter). The blue haired girl is also a slut, because she partnered with him when she already had a partner. The word slut doesn't imply infidelity necessarily, but promiscuity.

Okay, but the problem is that the term "slut" implies that the promiscuity is a very profound and charged negative--that it is improper for a woman to have many partners and that she is inherently unfaithful whether by choice or by obligation--whereas it is preferable for a man to have many partners. The term implies that these characters should be shunned, where very little of that sort of interpretation has been suggested in the show.

What is said of Zero-Two is that she "consumes" her partners, burns them out and kills them. She's considered to be an outsider and something that has to be watched. On the other hand, her own attitude suggests a distinct possessiveness regarding her partners.

On the other hand, we have what Hiro says to the blonde, about how he's "sorry for doing this." This, frankly, does imply that the bond between individual male and female pilots is seen as something unique and not to be disturbed, but the dynamics of the parasite system haven't been explained well enough yet. Certainly, the characters' concepts of romance and couples seem to clash with their apparent lack of education with respect to physical relationships.

Protagonist is a cliche whiny protagonist, heroine is too assertive for my liking (this one is a matter of preference) and is a slut, angry kid is obnoxious, blue haired girl is a slut, blonde guy is a cuckold.

I can understand your judgement regarding the protagonist and that the heroine is too assertive, but your calling her a "slut" implies that you were making a moral judgement of her completely independent of the show, one that taints what you said above by giving your use of the word "slut" the profoundly negative implications it entails, just as you judged the other primary heroine, Ichigo. What you are reading into this, and what the show seems to be saying, are entirely different. Therefore, while I understand, I cannot agree, and I am confused as to why you see what you see in the first place.

Do you really need to ask this? They're designed like oversized metal females with big moeblob eyes. It looks ridiculous.

Alright. Though it's worth pointing out that this isn't the first anime to do this. Some 1980s and 1970s super-robot anime also had female-shaped mechs with boobs, some of which even had laser-cannons or missiles installed in them.

It is dumb. Not only has there not been enough time for me to develop any interest in the characters, the characters are so unlikeable that I doubt I'd develop much interest in any of them anyway. It's melodrama, even though it's far from the worst I've seen.

Okay, though from what I've seen from you earlier in this post, it's because you feel that the characters are either "too immature" or they "don't defend their partners and or traditional gender roles." That's fine. I don't agree, but at least I understand now where you're coming from.

Thanks for responding.
Jan 21, 2018 5:09 PM

Apr 2016
Faederwulf said:
Pit93 said:

So you're saying a girl that has or had a lot of different sexual partners is a slut? Wow, way to go....

That is the genuine meaning of the word - a promiscious woman. In addition, yes, I am disgusted by it. No sane man would settle for a non-virgin when there are higher chances of infidelity, higher chances of her being unhappy, higher chances of her having an STD, and overall sticking your meat somewhere that another man stuck his meat in first.

Damn, you've got some sick views. Well i'm happy to be insane by your standards, because i disagree with your entire "assessment".
Jan 21, 2018 5:18 PM

Jun 2013
hold up the controls are actually in the girls' ass am I mean what the fuck? lol
Jan 21, 2018 5:28 PM
Jul 2014
Cour_Victor said:

Exactly, better to let it reach something that resembles an outcome regarding fanservice, and then you will have a much easier time to show everyone what the show exactly says. To me and the others the fanservice is way too hamfisted and a lot of it don't even serve the narrative, and we're not objectively wrong when you start considering in a case-by-case basis, especially when the girls present their goods to nobody but themselves. That is, for now.

I think my response to this might be because fanservice is now so common that I mostly just ignore it. Plus, there seems to be lack of distinction between "unnecessary fanservice" and fan-service as an actual plot mechanism. Too much of the complaint seems to stem from and around the method of piloting, such as it is. Yeah, it's weird but I still don't see why there's so much of a problem with it. That being said, I survived Asobi Ni Iku Yo, the show where two girls rode a motorbike naked with uzis to intercept a thief. I suppose I'm just completely desensitized to that sort of shenanigans and gratuitousness.

I don't think re:creators is at fault for any of the vocal backlash, but I won't deny that the show failed to sufficiently entertain a very large "fate" crowd with its character focus and not being flashy enough for it's lack of budget and the low number of episodes.

While this show is certainly not anywhere as good as Re:Creators, I think it suffers from a lot of the same problems. So many people came here expecting something else, and were then so disappointed that their anger or disgust overruled any ability to see what was actually going on.

I think changing the general consensus around that show and discussing it with people who "got it" and genuinely enjoyed it is more productive than having to deal with the cries of a juvenile crowd.

This is what I would like to see happen with this show, particularly since it so clearly draws upon elements of older Gainax shows such as NGE, Diebuster, and so on. There's a lot more going on under the surface and being set up, but it feels like a lot of people, even some of the people who "get it" are unable to see past some of the more gratuitous fanservice (eg: the changing room this episode). Worth noting , too, that this sort of fanservice is in line with past Gainax titles, NGE and Diebuster included. I don't remember there being that much complaint about it then.
Jan 21, 2018 5:41 PM
Jul 2014
Pit93 said:
Faederwulf said:

That is the genuine meaning of the word - a promiscious woman. In addition, yes, I am disgusted by it. No sane man would settle for a non-virgin when there are higher chances of infidelity, higher chances of her being unhappy, higher chances of her having an STD, and overall sticking your meat somewhere that another man stuck his meat in first.

Damn, you've got some sick views. Well i'm happy to be insane by your standards, because i disagree with your entire "assessment".

I'm going to agree with you, @pit93. Faederwulf calling the characters sluts because they're "used goods" according to the him and "not a virgin" is something that I find to be very disturbing. Moreover, it evinces his views on women as a whole, views that are profoundly disrespectful and demeaning. Such views imply that he sees women as something to claim and control, and that choice, particularly sexual choice, on their part is something to be feared.

Further, he is then projecting his own morals onto the show and expecting the show, which was made by another culture, to hold true to them. That is one of the weakest, most selfish, and most disturbing reasons I can think of to not to watch a show, and it basically renders his entire argument invalid.
firemagnetJan 21, 2018 5:50 PM
Jan 21, 2018 5:51 PM
Jul 2014
Monsundo said:

At least try and understand what I said before quoting me... this is embarrassing.

I guess I have no idea what you're saying because I've re-read your original message a few times now and my understanding of it hasn't changed. I had originally wanted to confirm the events in the show based on your comment, apparently that's embarrassing though...

@Monsundo, who are you trying to quote here? seems like you should edit your post to make it clear who you are speaking to.
Jan 21, 2018 5:53 PM
May 2017
firemagnet said:

@Monsundo, who are you trying to quote here? seems like you should edit your post to make it clear who you are speaking to.

Thanks for the heads up, I've never done this before and didn't notice that
Jan 21, 2018 6:34 PM
Jan 2018
Zorome best character in Darling In the Franxx,..hope most of the character wont be just sidekick for 02 and his boy Hiro
Jan 21, 2018 6:39 PM
Jan 2018
TheDoggoneGirl said:
I hate this egotistic main female character and she's such a cliche character, like ohmygod. She's just your another cliche female character who thinks so highly of herself and the best out of the parasites, but yeah a masive bitch (heck she might have a tragic backstory why she's like that lol).

Sucks because the male MC will most likely end up with her instead of Ichigo. The cliche male character will always end up/choose the worst resort. Lol.

That action scene, though, and the animation. It's the only good thing in this show so far. Good job, Trigger and A-1 Pictures.

Ichigo best girl. <3

Btw, that was a very weird position for the two to connect. I thought it's gonna be like Pacific Rim, but damn this show is gonna be a fanservice fest. Haha.

agreed brudda,i feel bad for Goro,he just got cucked in front of everyone,and i feel Zorome is more suitable to 02.since the girl did not feel offended or anything by Zorome personality,.
Jan 21, 2018 6:52 PM

Mar 2012









Jan 21, 2018 7:07 PM

Jun 2015
This show has Kill la Kill written all over it and I like that. Thing is, Kill la Kill's weird premise only worked because it didn't take itself too seriously, and this show does. I could probably enjoy a funny show about doggy-style robot riding, but a drama? Will have to see.

Theory: maybe the secret to true robot riding is foreplay before connecting. Or maybe it's both pilots actually "connecting". Either way, seems like something Trigger would do.
Jan 21, 2018 7:20 PM

Nov 2007
Heavens_Kairyu said:
Apparently the translation would be more of "awful" or "that was terrible", with no obvious direction, so it could be towards herself or Hiro.

I know CR makes mistakes here and there but "You were awful" is the more or less the correct translation here which will depend on one's interpretation. For me it seemed like she was referring herself with the "YOU" and not him.

MomoSinX said:
Wow, I completely missed that frame, those 3 girls look like they are 002 clones or something... (if they are girls that is xD)

Obviously they are girls. There are 4 boys and 4 girls there.
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