My opinion on the matter concurs with those who say that the past few episodes the MC's "annoying behavior, out of nowhere" are NOT out of nowhere.
In fact, it's quite the contrary - and perhaps this is the purpose of the show:
Given how MC's ability of rebirth after death, which can admittedly significantly reduce the conflict, tension, death and tradgedy (since the viewer knows we can reset - for now at least )- it is my opinion that this recent behavior, and possibly main theme throughout the show, is to illustrate just how traumatic psychologically witnessing the horrors of the dark side humanity is for anyone, but especially our MC. I believe that the emphasis of the show is not politics or fantasy, but of psychological exploration of the highs and lows of humanity. I agree with those who say this is about escapism - to a degree. However, I would add that this is about witnessing the psychological evolution, the lack of understanding mental illness, the isolation it can bring even between you and your closest relationships, and perseverance needed to keep moving forward even while having your hopes crushed.
I don't think I have articulated fully this assessment, so look at these points below which are what I'm using to base this claim on:
He was a NEET (so he has not assimilated socially to say the least, so his past is likely complex but we can conclude he was probably isolated),
who has been plucked from his home into a fantasy world (so no friends/ comfort zone),
Though he thought his familiarity with video games he would be able to master/ predict/ succeed in parallel world (a sense of hope and new high of starting life in an environment he prefers and is familiar with),
The idea that he will encounter and win the true love of a damsel in distress (a high of being given an escape from his isolation),
The opportunity to matter and make a difference via his helping Emilia and the lost child in the beginning (a high of having a sense of self worth, value, and mattering in this world),
But then from that point on of building up hope and restoring the MC's confidence while also his character's false sense of believing he is no longer isolated or insignificant: it has been an ever increasing in severity- in the gradations, the damage and assault on his Ego, identity, and psychology.
So after the initial highs, it is important to remember that he had a cause/goal/faith in Emilia that keeps him going. Nevertheless, here are the lows that take him to his previous psychological depths and beyond:
Being unable to save himself or someone he cares for, repeatedly (weakness and witnessing horrible brutality and tragedy),
Having once reached the (presumably) new heights for the first time of being close to Emilia, and building other friendships (this is a NEET, they matter a lot) , yet no one remembering and still not trusting you,
been given a power/curse of revival, but not allowed to tell anyone about (further isolation AND having being forced to face not only your shortcomings but their dire consequences),
Having the stench of the witch (being discriminated by those he cares for, and not understanding why),
Not understand your circumstances, no one to help you, and no one trusts you (another obvious low),
Being helpless to the curse, and witnessing everyone being killed due to his own self preservation (another horrible low),
Seeing twin sisters suffering past and witnessing their deaths in his place,
Having children attacked and being again, powerless. Though at the same time your friend suffers to save you(this must be hard),
I'm sure there are more but you get the picture, this guy has been through and seen so much...those images likely haunt him, as does the sense of powerlessness.
Yet through all of that the pillar that kept his sanity was his relationship and hope of a future with Emilia.
But then the breaking point is these past few episodes, which IMO explains perfectly his recent unpleasant behavior - his thinking is obviously skewed- because his pillar Emilia doesn't understand him in this time line the way he prefers, and she chose to abandon him. This is what leads to this psychological break and why he is now selfishly acting like an annoying ass. But the poster who said this was due to his delusions and skewed thinking is spot on for the above mentioned, and many other reasons.
That's why, IMO - this shows main theme is dealing with the psychological evolution of not only war, politics, and romance but also adolescence, isolation, and mental illness. |