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Do you blame the ecchi watchers because of anime studio are making more ecchi anime's?

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Jun 5, 2016 6:22 PM

Apr 2015
I never thought fighting over Chinese cartoons will go this far, it goes to show you how low is this community getting at.

ElliestyJun 5, 2016 6:36 PM
Jun 5, 2016 6:25 PM

Nov 2015
To blame ecchi watchers for allowing more ecchi anime to be created would be the same as porn studios producing a ton more porn because of all their viewers. If it aint broke then dont fix it
Jun 5, 2016 7:20 PM

May 2015
Kuma said:
anime studio not making more ecchi anime.. ecchi anime in fact declining!!!!

what happened is late night anime timeslot booming that make anime have more freedom to go all out in fanservice and many series take those oportunity...
^little to this guy
he iz smart and actually does research on what he talks about
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jun 5, 2016 8:42 PM

Apr 2014
I think this is more of a moe/harem thing than ecchi.
Jun 5, 2016 8:44 PM

Mar 2012
Wensbane said:
Lobinde said:
This thread is becoming pro-ecchi, looks like you've won this one @Mamster-P :3

Don't know about others, but seeing the same individuals on every ecchi thread repeating the exact same shit has made me not even want to post.

Let it turn into another circle jerk, it's what MAL deserves.

says the guy who made a thread that'd already been made more than once lol

KoreaWS said:

No. That's just hitting a wall, especially which such angry way of ranting.

when i stop seeing ppl talk negatively about ecchi more times than many other parts of anime combined, then ill go away

angry way of ranting? no one is angry, its just im not a pacifist

KoreaWS said:

Well, you still draw attention, isn't it? Why would you intentionally jump into these threads if not, besides your honorable (I'm not trolling here) attempt to make people understand different tastes, to call attention to your taste and how it has good things?

You certainly take it too personal despite of what others think.

because i do care what anime fans think of eachother and am tired of the stereotypes and shit like that

the attention factor was not intentional its just a consequence

if i was an attention whore, i'd have a facebook, a twitter, a tumblr, an instagram, etc... and you'd probably see me ranting on those sites as well

but i have NONE of those things
Jun 5, 2016 9:36 PM

Oct 2013
@KoreaWS Tengen toppa is full of echhi, but you still gave it a 8/10? That proof that anime with a lot of echhi in it isn't the problem as long as you like it. The truth is, it isn't the ecchi that is your problem its because you don't like the harem/battle fantasy light novel anime series. You know the series that weren't trying to have a complex story in the first place.

Contrary to popular belief, ecchi anime aren't doing well in Japan. There isn't that many ecchi harem anime being release every season as well.

The most logical option for people like you is to avoid them. And even if those type of ecchi anime were to be extinct, you guys will just move on to something else to hate on, my bet would be gore anime, and if those anime are no more probably the next one would be moe anime and you guys will continue until you're only left back with boring series like mushishi. Since you guys don't like the medium to have any diversity for different audience. Since you'll are selfish and you only want Japan to make anime that caters to your taste, that's the truth here, being selfish is the true culprit in all this.

yea, f***k the ecchi audience, Japan should only cater to my taste, because I'm god
keragammingJun 5, 2016 9:50 PM
Jun 5, 2016 10:08 PM

Jan 2008
No, because they're not the ones who make a thread to complain about too much ecchi every week.
Jun 5, 2016 10:41 PM

Jul 2014
No. Because if it worked that way, then I can blame COD fans for the makers making COD every year(no matter how I wished the annual shooter should burn in flames).

I guess I watch to have something to laugh at while I wait for a more interesting series(in my opinion) to catch my attention.

So do I blame Ecchi Fans that more Ecchi Anime is made? No. No I don't. I can say that because its a big thing(in Japan anyway isn't that where Anime is made? Why do I keep seeing "Chinese Cartoons"? LMFAO)it'll keep being made but that's got nothing to do with me right? Nope.

But I wish they would make an Ecchi Series where its fun to watch also while having an engaging story. I guess that one is kinda hard huh?
I play video games. You should play a video game because you read my signature.
Jun 5, 2016 10:45 PM

Apr 2015
No, because I myself am an ecchi watcher.
Jun 5, 2016 11:01 PM

Jan 2016
ecchi watchers bring more ecchi anime
or ecchi anime bring more ecchi watchers?

I blame ecchi. not the watchers. not the anime.
"The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply." - Unknown
Jun 5, 2016 11:23 PM

Oct 2014
I thank us yess.

nothing like a good old harem with my coffee in the morning
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Jun 6, 2016 12:55 AM

Nov 2008
Actually the real issue is ecchi anime is getting worse since 2012 which is the year where pantyshots became taboo for some reason. That cut down on the shots of girls showing ass and made horrible mamocentrism even more common instead. Give me back my girlasses!
Jun 6, 2016 1:05 AM

Mar 2012

when i say i "don't care" i clearly don't mean what you think

i don't care that people don't like something in anime, i care that they constantly whine about and think it should change cause they don't like it. although theyre free to think it should change, the problem is it affects how often they whine

what i actually don't care about are what people who don't like anime think about anime and its fans
Jun 6, 2016 1:06 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
The anime industry is being run by the people who actually buy the content. So... of course people buying ecchi anime leads to more ecchi anime being produced, how is this in any way surprising? But more importantly this has nothing to do with ecchi per se, the same is obviously true for any anime, regardless of genre
Jun 6, 2016 1:47 AM

Nov 2009
Zelkiiro said:
I don't care that there are many genres--what pisses me off is when people hold up a piece of garbage from any genre (e.g. Sword Art Online, Erased, Another, Elfen Lied) and claim that they're good when they are clearly not, and there are much, much better alternatives for each of them just lying around, waiting to be seen. But nope! Just because they have the visage of good animation and the illusion of stylish art, they pollute the anime environment and trick gullible viewers into thinking they're good. And anime that rely on ecchi as a crutch are the worst offenders.

It's really annoying when some elitist scum takes a good anime (like SAO) and goes around saying it's somehow super-bad. If it was as bad as you people make it look, it wouldn't be so popular. Sorry (no, I'm not really sorry), but your desire for airtight writing isn't shared by most people. There are many other kinds of things that make an anime good.

-Maz said:
Zelkiiro said:

I don't care that there are many genres--what pisses me off is when people hold up a piece of garbage from any genre (e.g. Sword Art Online, Erased, Another, Elfen Lied) and claim that they're good when they are clearly not, and there are much, much better alternatives for each of them just lying around, waiting to be seen. But nope! Just because they have the visage of good animation and the illusion of stylish art, they pollute the anime environment and trick gullible viewers into thinking they're good. And anime that rely on ecchi as a crutch are the worst offenders.

Sure, I don't disagree with you there. I always prefer those who can recognise the difference between "I liked this" and "this is good" with the opposite obviously being true as well. But oftentimes it's nothing more than a reflection of how seriously they take the medium. If they just watch a couple of shows here and there, it stands to reason they're not going to want to spend all their time critiquing every aspect of what they do watch. They will especially not have the time to do some digging and find the diamonds-in-the-rough for each genre. One thing all the anime you mentioned have in common is that they're vastly different to one another and at least one aspect of them stands out completely from the rest. SAO's a trapped-in-a-game, Elfen Lied is gory, Another had a semi-decent mystery going for the first handful of episodes before devolving into Final Destination on steroids. This will of course attract people to them because they each have a stand-out point. It's only natural that people will flock to them.

You know, when a serious fan like me finds such a diamond in the rough, it doesn't get appreciated.
"Musaigen Walking Boobs!" they say. I already ranted about that one.
"I couldn't solve Rokka no Yuusha, therefore it's unfair and not a proper detective story!" they say. By the way, I couldn't solve RnY too, but the clues were all there.
"Rakudai and Asterisk are exactly the same!" they say. They were not the same from the start, and grew even more distant as the show went on.
And don't get me started on all the criticism that is poured on SAO.

-Maz said:
As for the ecchi part - I think that any story that has to lean on a crutch is pretty bad. I don't see the point in specifically pointing out sexual content as being the worst, because it's the crutch aspect of it that's bad, not the sexual content itself. One of the main criticisms levied at Another and Elfen Lied are that they're just gorefests with nothing else going for them. EL had sexual content too that was tacked in, but I disliked that aspect of it just as much as I disliked the overuse of blood and gore. Crutches are bad, no matter what actually makes up the crutch.

Your thinking is too plot-centric. Until you let go of it, you would not be able to understand us.
Ecchi, gore, moe, battles or whatever isn't a "crutch" for the plot. It's the content. And the plot is merely a writing device to present the content better.
Sure, some shows seek some kind of balance, with a worthwhile plot and plenty of service along the way. And some shows are all about the plot. It doesn't mean any of them feel that their plot isn't good enough. They have as much plot as they want to.

Lobinde said:
I don't think mutual understanding is really possible through discussion topics like this, I'm just here for entertainment.

I understand the other side well enough - plots can be fun, when done right. I just want them to respect my point of view.
Not "You are an intellectual toddler, giggling and cooing at the bright colors and jumbled noises masquerading as entertainment".

KoreaWS said:
We will never get along if we don't tolerate other people taste

...I wish I had the ground to say that. I'm far from beign one that has the right to say that. I have like one or two months here and I've already traded insults with most regulars. I swear I have this image of "yet another elitist".

It was refreshing I could agree with you on another topic.
Jun 6, 2016 3:47 AM

Oct 2015
KoreaWS said:
Lobinde said:

Well yes, Mamster is taking this too personally I think but when some of the people in these threads, such as zelkiiro's little tirade against flannan are outright dishing out unprovoked insults towards the viewers of ecchi anime, can you really blame them?

It's one thing to dislike ecchi anime and consider it a negative insult to the industry, if you can back it up with reasoning it's fair game (but I will still debate those points, for the purposes of discussion), but when you are insulting a demographic to affirm a "holier than thou" attitude, that is extremely immature, childish, and an indicator that you are taking the topic too personally, ironically enough.

We will never get along if we don't tolerate other people taste

...I wish I had the ground to say that. I'm far from beign one that has the right to say that. I have like one or two months here and I've already traded insults with most regulars. I swear I have this image of "yet another elitist".

So on the topic, I can still blame them for lowering to the insult fest. Somebody can have a defined taste yet still gets mad because people say SAO, one of his fav shows, is shit, for example. I'm not saying it's wrong to reply back when someone says your show is shit, but getting mad for chinese cartoons is maybe a waste of internet bytes in the end.

And now I get called hypocritical.

I love the term "tolerate" when it comes to others' taste, because I think that sums up very well what I do.

Of course, there is a niggling little urge inside me when I see someone's taste that is vastly different from my own, an internal "SHIT TASTE", but I just don't let that urge get to me and insult someone for their preferences in anime, because there are far more important things to care about.

That doesn't mean I'm a complete pacifist though, I started posting regularly here in March and since then, yeah I have engaged in insulting and shittalking a few other people, but not over taste.

Maybe I shouldn't lower myself to get involved in the insult-fest but at the end of the day, even if it's a waste of bandwidth I don't feel much guilt for insulting the people here I have insulted.
Jun 6, 2016 4:17 AM

Jul 2015
Zelkiiro said:
Mamster-P said:
but we gotta do something about this demonization of embracing sexuality

You know damn well that ecchi is, 99.9% of the time, used to distract the viewer from realizing that the series has absolutely nothing to say and is a complete waste of your goddamn time. Shows like Phantom World and High School of the Dead know that they're creatively-bankrupt pieces of filth, and so they jiggle some boobs around like jiggling keys in a toddler's face, and the brainless ecchi fans of the world keep staring and drooling like the troglodytes they are.

The only series I've ever seen use ecchi in an interesting way is Kill la Kill. It had its jiggling-keys moments, but it used the subject of nudity to explore themes of human sexuality, freedom, and oppression in a way that wasn't just male-gaze-pandering bullshit.

As for all the other anime that rely on ecchi, worthless. All entirely worthless. If I want porn, I'll just go fucking watch some porn. The internet literally has all the porn ever. Why the fuck should I bother with this show-nothing Phantom World garbage when I have ALL THE PORN EVER at my fingertips?!

And here's the heart of the argument. Why do people feel that every single anime they watch has to be 2deep4you?
Jun 6, 2016 4:19 AM

Apr 2013
Yes, I blame myself and all the other ecchi watchers. Keep going mates!
Jun 6, 2016 4:34 AM

Apr 2013
flannan said:
Zefyris said:

This. So much YES to this. Wouldn't go as far as 99,9% for a number but most of the case it's just this. They're using stuff like that to prevent most viewers to realize how bad is everything else. Why users are busy with looking at flashing boobs and pantsies and erotic poses and whatever they're not thinking too hard about how much the plot doesn't make sense~.

You know what? My ecchi / slice of life / romantic comedy / fighting / whatever anime doesn't need plot. It doesn't need a propaganda message forced in. It doesn't need airtight writing.
If you can't enjoy an anime while it lasts - you're doing it wrong. It has cool fights (from grand strategy to cooking contests), funny jokes, naked girls, heart-warming mood or whatever, so enjoy it.
Whatever semblance of plot an anime has - it's only a vehicle to deliver some more of the good stuff. Whatever message a show contains - it's the author's personal beliefs reflecting on their work.
And that's the way it should be. I don't want to watch only unenjoyable shows that tell me propaganda - I had enough of this stuff on literature lessons at school. I have no time for shows that spend 2 seasons just establishing things before the MC can finally go out and kick some ass - get to the good part already.

To be clear, I wasn't talking about anime with ecchi as their primary objective. I mean if you're watching To Love Ru, you're not watching it for the plot. Well, at least not that kind of plot.
I'm talking about ecchi fanservice in anime that are more story oriented and are here to "hide" how poor the story actually is. Like, let's brainwash our watchers with boobs so that they don't think too much about how everything do not make sense.

Ecchi for ecchi purpose is fine with me. I don't dislike it at all. I dislike it when it has "nothing to do there" (which to be honest is a subjective concept, take by those words that that anime isn't mainly about ecchi, as in, if yo uwant to watch an ecchi anime that wouldn't be considered as a logical choice) and is clearly used like some poor cook use salt in a meal: to hide how shallow/bland/bad it is.

Anime has really been using ecchi too much. A show with the purpose of being ecchi being ecchi is fine. I mean it would be like reproaching porn to have pornographic scenes, that would be stupid. It's when it's used too much in other shows that it's starting to get annoying.
Jun 6, 2016 6:27 AM

Oct 2014
I have to agree with @Zefyris here.

Ecchi itself is not bad.
I like Kill la kill and I think I will find Joy in shows like Guren Lagan, Prison school, Panty and stocking, Golden by and etc.

The bad thing is that shows use it as a crutch to hide their awfulness.
But ecchi is also used right like the one scene in Rakudai where the MC takes care of the sick female MC in a shack.

Any genre can be written well or written bad and having a good writing does not mean that the show has be 2deep4you, they can also be very simple Like One punch man or Non non Byori.

In the end, the writing (behind both story and character) is what matters.

So in short. Ecchi itself is not bad, it's just that many shows who use it as a crutch are poorly written.
Jun 6, 2016 6:52 AM

May 2016
scruf4ls said:
Zelkiiro said:

You know damn well that ecchi is, 99.9% of the time, used to distract the viewer from realizing that the series has absolutely nothing to say and is a complete waste of your goddamn time. Shows like Phantom World and High School of the Dead know that they're creatively-bankrupt pieces of filth, and so they jiggle some boobs around like jiggling keys in a toddler's face, and the brainless ecchi fans of the world keep staring and drooling like the troglodytes they are.

The only series I've ever seen use ecchi in an interesting way is Kill la Kill. It had its jiggling-keys moments, but it used the subject of nudity to explore themes of human sexuality, freedom, and oppression in a way that wasn't just male-gaze-pandering bullshit.

As for all the other anime that rely on ecchi, worthless. All entirely worthless. If I want porn, I'll just go fucking watch some porn. The internet literally has all the porn ever. Why the fuck should I bother with this show-nothing Phantom World garbage when I have ALL THE PORN EVER at my fingertips?!

And here's the heart of the argument. Why do people feel that every single anime they watch has to be 2deep4you?

They don't; they need to be well-written, regardless of what their genre is. If you've got a dystopian cyberpunk story, it better have multiple layers of symbolism and deep social commentary along with having unique and interesting characters. If you've got a wacky high-school comedy, then the comedy better be clever and the characters better be unique and interesting. If you've got a Studio Trigger show, it better be all-out insanity and hype and NOT be written by Mari Okada, while also packing unique and interesting characters. If you've got a calm and tranquil slice-of-life, then, more than any other genre, you ABSOLUTELY NEED unique and interesting characters.

Basically, you need unique and interesting characters--a crucial trait that many shitty anime (SAO, Elfen Lied, Another) lack.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Jun 6, 2016 7:56 AM

Nov 2009
Zefyris said:
flannan said:

You know what? My ecchi / slice of life / romantic comedy / fighting / whatever anime doesn't need plot. It doesn't need a propaganda message forced in. It doesn't need airtight writing.
If you can't enjoy an anime while it lasts - you're doing it wrong. It has cool fights (from grand strategy to cooking contests), funny jokes, naked girls, heart-warming mood or whatever, so enjoy it.
Whatever semblance of plot an anime has - it's only a vehicle to deliver some more of the good stuff. Whatever message a show contains - it's the author's personal beliefs reflecting on their work.
And that's the way it should be. I don't want to watch only unenjoyable shows that tell me propaganda - I had enough of this stuff on literature lessons at school. I have no time for shows that spend 2 seasons just establishing things before the MC can finally go out and kick some ass - get to the good part already.

To be clear, I wasn't talking about anime with ecchi as their primary objective. I mean if you're watching To Love Ru, you're not watching it for the plot. Well, at least not that kind of plot.
I'm talking about ecchi fanservice in anime that are more story oriented and are here to "hide" how poor the story actually is. Like, let's brainwash our watchers with boobs so that they don't think too much about how everything do not make sense.

Ecchi for ecchi purpose is fine with me. I don't dislike it at all. I dislike it when it has "nothing to do there" (which to be honest is a subjective concept, take by those words that that anime isn't mainly about ecchi, as in, if yo uwant to watch an ecchi anime that wouldn't be considered as a logical choice) and is clearly used like some poor cook use salt in a meal: to hide how shallow/bland/bad it is.

Anime has really been using ecchi too much. A show with the purpose of being ecchi being ecchi is fine. I mean it would be like reproaching porn to have pornographic scenes, that would be stupid. It's when it's used too much in other shows that it's starting to get annoying.

I think the salt analogy is pretty good. Fanservice is like salt - you add some of it to most food, and it makes it taste better. Extra-salty foods (ecchi anime) are for people who like them, but it does not mean they're automatically bad.

Zelkiiro said:
scruf4ls said:

And here's the heart of the argument. Why do people feel that every single anime they watch has to be 2deep4you?

They don't; they need to be well-written, regardless of what their genre is. If you've got a dystopian cyberpunk story, it better have multiple layers of symbolism and deep social commentary along with having unique and interesting characters. If you've got a wacky high-school comedy, then the comedy better be clever and the characters better be unique and interesting. If you've got a Studio Trigger show, it better be all-out insanity and hype and NOT be written by Mari Okada, while also packing unique and interesting characters. If you've got a calm and tranquil slice-of-life, then, more than any other genre, you ABSOLUTELY NEED unique and interesting characters.

Basically, you need unique and interesting characters--a crucial trait that many shitty anime (SAO, Elfen Lied, Another) lack.

I disagree that characters need to be unique. If ecchi anime were long-runners (and I would never have to part from my waifu), making all the characters unique would have made sense.
But the way things are, the next best thing is to have similar characters every time. There can never be enough Rei clones - Nagato Yuki, Tabitha, Ren... - I love them all.
Jun 6, 2016 7:57 AM

Oct 2015
Bourmegar said:

So in short. Ecchi itself is not bad, it's just that many shows who use it as a crutch are poorly written.

You could say that regarding just about any other genre. There are for sure a lot of action shows out there that use action as a "crutch for poor writing".

What point are you trying to make with this?
Jun 6, 2016 8:05 AM

Oct 2014
Lobinde said:
Bourmegar said:

So in short. Ecchi itself is not bad, it's just that many shows who use it as a crutch are poorly written.

You could say that regarding just about any other genre. There are for sure a lot of action shows out there that use action as a "crutch for poor writing".

What point are you trying to make with this?

That ecchi is just as equal as all other Genres, but that ppl don't see it that way.
Jun 6, 2016 8:10 AM

Sep 2015
People who don't like ecchi can just stay away from it.
Jun 6, 2016 8:52 AM

Oct 2014
flannan said:
Zefyris said:

To be clear, I wasn't talking about anime with ecchi as their primary objective. I mean if you're watching To Love Ru, you're not watching it for the plot. Well, at least not that kind of plot.
I'm talking about ecchi fanservice in anime that are more story oriented and are here to "hide" how poor the story actually is. Like, let's brainwash our watchers with boobs so that they don't think too much about how everything do not make sense.

Ecchi for ecchi purpose is fine with me. I don't dislike it at all. I dislike it when it has "nothing to do there" (which to be honest is a subjective concept, take by those words that that anime isn't mainly about ecchi, as in, if yo uwant to watch an ecchi anime that wouldn't be considered as a logical choice) and is clearly used like some poor cook use salt in a meal: to hide how shallow/bland/bad it is.

Anime has really been using ecchi too much. A show with the purpose of being ecchi being ecchi is fine. I mean it would be like reproaching porn to have pornographic scenes, that would be stupid. It's when it's used too much in other shows that it's starting to get annoying.

I think the salt analogy is pretty good. Fanservice is like salt - you add some of it to most food, and it makes it taste better. Extra-salty foods (ecchi anime) are for people who like them, but it does not mean they're automatically bad.

Zelkiiro said:

They don't; they need to be well-written, regardless of what their genre is. If you've got a dystopian cyberpunk story, it better have multiple layers of symbolism and deep social commentary along with having unique and interesting characters. If you've got a wacky high-school comedy, then the comedy better be clever and the characters better be unique and interesting. If you've got a Studio Trigger show, it better be all-out insanity and hype and NOT be written by Mari Okada, while also packing unique and interesting characters. If you've got a calm and tranquil slice-of-life, then, more than any other genre, you ABSOLUTELY NEED unique and interesting characters.

Basically, you need unique and interesting characters--a crucial trait that many shitty anime (SAO, Elfen Lied, Another) lack.

I disagree that characters need to be unique. If ecchi anime were long-runners (and I would never have to part from my waifu), making all the characters unique would have made sense.
But the way things are, the next best thing is to have similar characters every time. There can never be enough Rei clones - Nagato Yuki, Tabitha, Ren... - I love them all.

Well I partially Agree and Disagree with that.

Yh making a complete unique Characters isw nigh Impossible, so having a character who shares similar traits with other Characters is also good, but for me a clone must not be a 100% clone, the character needs be be distinguishable from other characters who have the same traits in my opinion.

but the salt analogy also means that way to much salt is bad for your health.
Jun 6, 2016 8:54 AM

Oct 2014
Gried said:
People who don't like ecchi can just stay away from it.

or just must not criticize it because it isn't their thing.

just because it isn't their thing doesn't make it bad.
Jun 6, 2016 9:02 AM

Oct 2014
keragamming said:
@KoreaWS Tengen toppa is full of echhi, but you still gave it a 8/10? That proof that anime with a lot of echhi in it isn't the problem as long as you like it.

Yeah, let's forget that ecchi is not what defines TTGL, and that TTGL never asked itself to be taken seriously to begin with /s (and I gotta fix that score).

keragamming said:
The truth is, it isn't the ecchi that is your problem its because you don't like the harem/battle fantasy light novel anime series. You know the series that weren't trying to have a complex story in the first place.

Nah, it is ecchi. You know, superficialities for the sake of getting audience favor that don't add nothing to the narrative.

And don't pretend that ecchi shows tend to be non-serious. They half of the time ask to be taken seriously, and the other half is just pandering to the otaku. It isn't even a thing about complexity. God, as if every good story has to be complex ffs.

keragamming said:
yea, f***k the ecchi audience, Japan should only cater to my taste, because I'm god

Hahahahaha nice one, I wonder if I should take you seriously now.

Mamster-P said:

KoreaWS said:

No. That's just hitting a wall, especially which such angry way of ranting.

when i stop seeing ppl talk negatively about ecchi more times than many other parts of anime combined, then ill go away

angry way of ranting? no one is angry, its just im not a pacifist

I hope you do understand there are reasons ecchi is talked negatively. One of them beign that it just caters to the ecchi fans, who only like superficialities. Another one is that it's lazy writing, because the story is so bad it needs that to get attention. And another one is that ecchi is the mediocre version of hentai: why bother with the worst of the 2?

But yeah, let's ignore those reasons to talk negatively of it because ecchi doesn't deserve any hate or disdain at all, and it can't be criticized only because you don't care about those negative points. /s (I do agree that some of those people are dumb though.)

Doesn't seems that you aren't getting mad either. After all, you're generally the first one to answer in an aggressive manner in these topic. Hell, who's the one that gets @ ed everytime one of these pops out, as if he had a holy crusade?

Mamster-P said:
KoreaWS said:

Well, you still draw attention, isn't it? Why would you intentionally jump into these threads if not, besides your honorable (I'm not trolling here) attempt to make people understand different tastes, to call attention to your taste and how it has good things?

You certainly take it too personal despite of what others think.

because i do care what anime fans think of eachother and am tired of the stereotypes and shit like that

the attention factor was not intentional its just a consequence

if i was an attention whore, i'd have a facebook, a twitter, a tumblr, an instagram, etc... and you'd probably see me ranting on those sites as well

but i have NONE of those things

Well, of course you would care about that stereotype, you are the one getting the bad end of it.

And the attention stuff, it doesn't helps you are on a mission to turn every MAL user into a ecchi fan, a profile full of ecchi and some nice ecchi pics on both avatar and profile pic, and that you jump on every one of these threads in the way you do. :P

Bourmegar said:
Gried said:
People who don't like ecchi can just stay away from it.

or just must not criticize it because it isn't their thing.

just because it isn't their thing doesn't make it bad.

Two thing: Freedom of speech and personal preferences don't have anything to do with the quality of a show (good, bad, etc)
ThieveryJun 6, 2016 9:05 AM
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 6, 2016 9:11 AM
Jul 2018
Mamster-P said:
says the guy who made a thread that'd already been made more than once lol

Re-making a thread with a slightly different question isn't necessarily a bad thing. It gives the new members of the forum a chance to chip in and maybe get different perspectives from people who didn't participate in the last discussion.

But every time someone so much as hints at ecchi, you and your "posse" come in, with your "DJ Khaled - Another One" memes and start spewing the same crap we've seen a million times before, basically taking everything personal.

I won't sugar-coat it, bro. Sometimes you're bloody annoying.

And I have one more "secret" to tell you: you don't have to be so scared of the "Anti-Ecchi" crowd.
As long as you keep buying your mini-skirt figures to fap to and your DVDs, so you can be entertained by your waifu even when your net is down, they'll keep making shit for you. Speak with your wallet.
Jun 6, 2016 9:13 AM

Oct 2014
KoreaWS said:

Bourmegar said:

or just must not criticize it because it isn't their thing.

just because it isn't their thing doesn't make it bad.

Two thing: Freedom of speech and personal preferences don't have anything to do with the quality of a show (good, bad, etc)

Same goes for enjoy-ability for a part.
ppl can enjoy stuff while acknowledging that the show is bad.
Jun 6, 2016 9:21 AM

Nov 2010
Well it's not like it's ever going to go out of style or anything, and ecchi is always popular.
Jun 6, 2016 9:28 AM

Oct 2015
Wensbane said:

But every time someone so much as hints at ecchi, you and your "posse" come in, with your "DJ Khaled - Another One" memes and start spewing the same crap we've seen a million times before, basically taking everything personal.

To be fair this thread's title is "Do you BLAME ecchi fans" as if the popularity of ecchi anime is some sort of crime, and the fans of it are responsible for that crime. It's a very biased title and of course not going to go down well with ecchi fans.

Yes, the "ecchi crew" do need to stop butting in on more impartial threads, like a new user just asking about ecchi from a neutral standpoint, but again, when you get so many people unprovokedly insulting ecchi viewers a conflict of interest is inevitable.
Jun 6, 2016 9:39 AM

Mar 2012
I hope you do understand there are reasons ecchi is talked negatively. One of them beign that it just caters to the ecchi fans, who only like superficialities. Another one is that it's lazy writing, because the story is so bad it needs that to get attention. And another one is that ecchi is the mediocre version of hentai: why bother with the worst of the 2?

But yeah, let's ignore those reasons to talk negatively of it because ecchi doesn't deserve any hate or disdain at all, and it can't be criticized only because you don't care about those negative points. /s (I do agree that some of those people are dumb though.)

Doesn't seems that you aren't getting mad either. After all, you're generally the first one to answer in an aggressive manner in these topic. Hell, who's the one that gets @ ed everytime one of these pops out, as if he had a holy crusade?

i know why its talked negatively... because people are afraid of sexual content... if people weren't then ppl wouldn't be bringing it up every fucking week and everywhere you go anime related

are you honestly gonna tell me that if we didn't have this negative outlook on sexual content that ppl would keep drawing attention to this one element in anime?
lts not like anime is the only place where people complain about females being sexualized, like hell it doesn't stem from that bullshit

there is no argument against ecchi that can't be said about other elements in anime, yet ppl just wanna keep blaming ecchi over and over again.

theres nothing wrong with throwing something into a show that is just their for pleasing purposes, that is the power of fiction, we can do wtf we want to

but oh wait "its wrong to sexual girls" so we don't stfu about it

hentai anime sucks, don't tell me to watch hentai instead

Well, of course you would care about that stereotype, you are the one getting the bad end of it.

And the attention stuff, it doesn't helps you are on a mission to turn every MAL user into a ecchi fan, a profile full of ecchi and some nice ecchi pics on both avatar and profile pic, and that you jump on every one of these threads in the way you do. :P

im not "on a mission" to do jack shit... its a joke, because people kept accusing me of "trying to make ppl like ecchi" so i just turned it into my signature to be funny.

my profile looks that way because i want it to... ppl liking my profile is just a result. if the point of my profile was to "show off" then i'd have an external link to the gifs instead of lagging my and other users browers

but no, i'd rather decorate it with stuff i love in anime. if it lags then thats too bad for me

Wensbane said:
Mamster-P said:
says the guy who made a thread that'd already been made more than once lol

Re-making a thread with a slightly different question isn't necessarily a bad thing. It gives the new members of the forum a chance to chip in and maybe get different perspectives from people who didn't participate in the last discussion.

But every time someone so much as hints at ecchi, you and your "posse" come in, with your "DJ Khaled - Another One" memes and start spewing the same crap we've seen a million times before, basically taking everything personal.

I won't sugar-coat it, bro. Sometimes you're bloody annoying.

And I have one more "secret" to tell you: you don't have to be so scared of the "Anti-Ecchi" crowd.
As long as you keep buying your mini-skirt figures to fap to and your DVDs, so you can be entertained by your waifu even when your net is down, they'll keep making shit for you. Speak with your wallet.

i agree with you said here, even the part about me being annoying, i know im annoying, im annoying on purpose because the ecchi haters are annoying

if we ecchi fans didn't see ecchi hate 245425454523523453543252425235234 times a year EVERYWHERE WE GO anime related, we might actually shut up

but no, its always "THERES TOO MANY BOOBS" ...."THIS IS ONLY FOR LOSERS".... "STOP PANDERING TO FAT NECKBEARDS" all that bullshit, as if all ecchi fans are the same kind of people or something

how many ecchi hate threads have we had just this year on MAL? probably about 40...... were in June now and ppl STILL have to bring it up every week, tell me what other subject is brought up so frequently? tell me what else ppl tend to hate on in anime so often?

i fight back, because i felt no one else did, now i see there are others who are willing to..... were annoying because the ecchi haters are, its that simple

again.... the problem is NOT that people don't like ecchi, i think that's what you don't realize. the problem is that we have to see the hate consistently everywhere we go anime related, more so than many other elements of anime combined... i wish i was exaggerating
Jun 6, 2016 9:39 AM
Jul 2018

At this point I'm 100% convinced that they're just scared shitless that the "Big Bad Ecchi Haters" will take away their fun. Kinda like how the SJWs managed to (somewhat) change the gaming landscape in the West.

That's why they come into these threads and practically beg for people to stop saying anything negative about ecchi. It's actually a little sad.

But as the OP said... business is business. The sooner they realize that, the sooner they will have some peace of mind.
Jun 6, 2016 9:45 AM

Dec 2015
I don't blame ecchi fans. I praise them for bringing all the ecchi animu to thy world. Ahmen.
Jun 6, 2016 9:47 AM

Mar 2012
also, i don't know if you noticed, but im just as aggro in other kinds of threads. you just don't notice cause those subjects aren't brought up 4x a week and the subjects are not controversial

im just as annoying in the "anime is dying" threads as i am in the ecchi hate threads, you just don't see it 245432524525435523554252 times like you do with ecchi hate
Jun 6, 2016 9:50 AM
May 2016
Wensbane said:

At this point I'm 100% convinced that they're just scared shitless that the "Big Bad Ecchi Haters" will take away their fun. Kinda like how the SJWs managed to (somewhat) change the gaming landscape in the West.

That's why they come into these threads and practically beg for people to stop saying anything negative about ecchi. It's actually a little sad.

But as the OP said... business is business. The sooner they realize that, the sooner they will have some peace of mind.

we have SJWs anime fans there called fushigi/shoujo fans

Starla_Fox said:
I don't blame ecchi fans. I praise them for bringing all the ecchi animu to thy world. Ahmen.



Jun 6, 2016 9:58 AM
Jul 2018

The fact that the same topic keeps popping up should tell you all you need to know.

It would be one thing if the unnecessary sexual fanservice was contained to specific ecchi titles, but it isn't. And what is an ecchi show anyway? The Japs don't even consider it a genre.

None of these titles are properly labeled so we end up with situations where you're watching a random slice-of-life and the characters start rubbing their tits on their bikes like it's the most natural thing in the world. Guess what happens then?
Jun 6, 2016 9:59 AM

Oct 2015
Wensbane said:

At this point I'm 100% convinced that they're just scared shitless that the "Big Bad Ecchi Haters" will take away their fun. Kinda like how the SJWs managed to (somewhat) change the gaming landscape in the West.

That's why they come into these threads and practically beg for people to stop saying anything negative about ecchi. It's actually a little sad.

But as the OP said... business is business. The sooner they realize that, the sooner they will have some peace of mind.

Well the first point is a semi-valid concern. I mean loads of people are worried about japan possibly being made to "clean up its act" if you will because of the 2020 Tokyo olympics, which would result in a loss (or at least a sharp decrease) in anime and manga output, that would take years to reverse.

Yes the ecchi haters here aren't going to cause that, but they often share the same attitudes of puritanism as you said it, SJWs.

As for the latter point, both the ecchi haters and ecchi fans should realise that more often lol. If you want more anime resembling the retro styles or anything else you like, it would make sense to financially support such efforts.

As for myself, I haven't spent even a single penny on the anime industry yet, but I am fine with the way things are at the moment, and am open to just about every genre and style, so I don't have much issue with admitting that.
Jun 6, 2016 10:01 AM

Oct 2014
Mamster-P said:
also, i don't know if you noticed, but im just as aggro in other kinds of threads. you just don't notice cause those subjects aren't brought up 4x a week and the subjects are not controversial

im just as annoying in the "anime is dying" threads as i am in the ecchi hate threads, you just don't see it 245432524525435523554252 times like you do with ecchi hate

I really find these "Anime is dying" threads quite Hilarious,
it's like they only think that crap is being released now while Crap always has been Released each year and think that nothing from Recent years are good.
I kinda disagree with these ppl.

in Recent seasons, I laughed allot with Swagamoto and konosuba and got Amazed with Rakugo Shinjuu, had a decent time with zombie Trains and also had a blast with One punch man.

so to me, Anime is just in a rough spot but not Dying.
but that is just mine opinion
Jun 6, 2016 10:02 AM

Jun 2016
Ecchi is a juxtaposition of eroticism and humor; if there is only eroticism, it's not ecchi. Kill la Kill is ecchi, Highschool of the Dead is not. Ecchi is the anime equivalent of the haiku (which must juxtapose, otherwise it's just 5-7-5 verse) and is just as misunderstood.
Jun 6, 2016 10:06 AM

Aug 2015
> Anime studios are making more ecchi anime's

Jun 6, 2016 10:12 AM

Mar 2012
Wensbane said:

The fact that the same topic keeps popping up should tell you all you need to know.

It would be one thing if the unnecessary sexual fanservice was contained to specific ecchi titles, but it isn't. And what is an ecchi show anyway? The Japs don't even consider it a genre.

None of these titles are properly labeled so we end up with situations where you're watching a random slice-of-life and the characters start rubbing their tits on their bikes like it's the most natural thing in the world. Guess what happens then?

i know why it keeps popping up, cause sexualization of girls is controversial, what other reason is there? we know that people complain about the sexualization of girls in media in general, so ofc they do the same about anime. its ridiculous either way

yes, there is no such thing as an ecchi show, why do we even feel the need to point out that a show has "more tits and ass" than another? i think that says alot about us westerners

why should that be the case? should romance only be in anime labeled romance? should anime with death have a death label? thats just silly to think a certain element in an anime should only be contained to that specific type of anime as if you can have an "ecchi specific" anime in the first place

is that how the entertainment works? you can't mix things together? a specific show should only follow the label? that is ridiculous

if theyre going to sexualize characters it should be porn...... uh.... NO..... its called idealization, some ppl like to occasionally see their favorite characters up close. for some of us, its a nice bonus to the show and the characters. we like to be easily pleased irl, why not in our anime as well? why does every form of pleasure have to be through some underlying message?

it is true that i do not want japan to go PC/SJW. whether or not you whiners can actually have an effect on the industry idk, but the fact is Japan does get alot of its influence from western countries, i mean thats where anime came from. so they better keep dismissing the bullshit before they turn into "were offended by the slightest thing". theres other countries that are trying to jump on the manga train and theyre going to put their bullshit into their manga and if it starts influencing japan it could destroy anime. idk if any of this will be the case but we better slow it down before its too late

BUT even if i knew for 100% certain that theres no way you guys will affect the industry, it still wouldn't change how annoying it is to see ecchi hate 24/7
Jun 6, 2016 10:19 AM

Oct 2014
>i know why its talked negatively... because people are afraid of sexual content... if people weren't then ppl wouldn't be bringing it up every fucking week and everywhere you go anime related

Nice generalization. Nice way to ignore my points too. It's like all people that talk bad about ecchi is only because "they are afraid of sexual content". Is this the lame excuse you use to prejudice the ecchi haters?

>are you honestly gonna tell me that if we didn't have this negative outlook on sexual content that ppl would keep drawing attention to this one element in anime?

Yes, because reasons you seem to ignore.

>lts not like anime is the only place where people complain about females being sexualized, like hell it doesn't stem from that bullshit

So what? Is this "they do that too so why don't blame them too" argument supposed to make us forgive ecchi?

>there is no argument against ecchi that can't be said about other elements in anime, yet ppl just wanna keep blaming ecchi over and over again.

So what? Ecchi deserves it as much as any other lazy show element there is. I do understand is the easier to point, but that doesn't take away it's faulty usage.

>theres nothing wrong with throwing something into a show that is just their for pleasing purposes, that is the power of fiction, we can do wtf we want to

It hurts the narrative. Not that you care, so no way you would understand.
And for pleasure we got hentai, ecchi is just teasing. Why do you talk so much about "sexual content" as if you were a SJW and ignore the fact ecchi isn't even sexual, is just marketing. There's no "sexual content" in something made to pander the otakus.

>but oh wait "its wrong to sexual girls" so we don't stfu about it

they aren't even girls, it's fiction.

>hentai anime sucks, don't tell me to watch hentai instead

Despite your likings, you can't disprove ecchi is inferior to hentai in sexual content.

>im not "on a mission" to do jack shit... its a joke, because people kept accusing me of "trying to make ppl like ecchi" so i just turned it into my signature to be funny.

How can anybody take that as a joke when you take the mission so personal?

>my profile looks that way because i want it to... ppl liking my profile is just a result. if the point of my profile was to "show off" then i'd have an external link to the gifs instead of lagging my and other users browers

It is still showing off despite all you're saying.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 6, 2016 10:26 AM
Jul 2018
Well, keep fighting the good fight then. I'm gonna keep doing the same, for the other side.

The only difference is that I know it's not personal.
Jun 6, 2016 10:30 AM

Mar 2016
Fanservice in an otherwise serious anime is fine by me, even to Highschool of the Dead extremes, so I'm usually not into ecchi anime. If I wanted raunchiness I'd sooner go with hentai. That being said, I don't blame anyone for liking them, so long as there's a variety of anime bring released, which there usually is. There are so many shows that there's typically something for everyone each season.

Click the banner for anime lists, discussions, reviews, and let's plays!
Jun 6, 2016 10:42 AM

Mar 2012
Wensbane said:
Well, keep fighting the good fight then. I'm gonna keep doing the same, for the other side.

The only difference is that I know it's not personal.

im not blaming you, nor am i blaming any other ecchi hater, like i said, its just annoying seeing the hate 24/7. and i guess you guys just need to realize that ecchi is just something anime tends to have, don't expect not to see it just cause the show is not labeled


right now i don't have time to respond to everything individual point, so ill just go over the whole thing

you're just arguing from personal preference.. which i guess is unavoidable in your case, i personally think that demonetization of sexual content is stupid and its something we should embrace

"i like my anime to tell story this way and i feel ecchi takes away from that" well thats great, then watch the anime that do it the way you like, if its not the majority, that sucks for you

great, well when i see 245326452642525245 haters of another part of anime then i won't whine that all ppl target is ecchi

idgaf if hentai is more hardcore or w/e, i don't care for hardcore in anime, the soft stuff is better to me. the odd ecchi scene is much nicer to me than a full on hentai episode

if you simply see them as nothing more than fictional characters, i don't see how you can feel any sort of emotion watching anime

im not trying to make ppl like ecchi, its more about getting people to accept that its always been a part of anime and its not something that needs some extensive amount of hate

you can look at it as showing off, but they wouldnt be there if i didnt want them there. idgaf what others think my profile should look like, not even other ecchi fans

on another site i was on for years i had the same kind of stuff on my profile and i was known for it..... ppl were always telling me "can you put more of these kinds of pics?" and im like uh... NO... its MY PROFILE for ME..... well that applies here. what others think of it is only a bonus. no matter what site im on im going to decorate my profile, even if not anime related... if ppl react to it, well thats great
Jun 6, 2016 10:53 AM

Aug 2015
@KoreaWS, are you fucking retarded m8?
KoreaWS said:
>Nice generalization. Nice way to ignore my points too. It's like all people that talk bad about ecchi is only because "they are afraid of sexual content". Is this the lame excuse you use to prejudice the ecchi haters?
What's your point?

>are you honestly gonna tell me that if we didn't have this negative outlook on sexual content that ppl would keep drawing attention to this one element in anime?

Yes, because reasons you seem to ignore.
If you can't accept others reasoning for liking ecchi anime, how do you expect them to get the haters "reasons" you never clarify
>lts not like anime is the only place where people complain about females being sexualized, like hell it doesn't stem from that bullshit

So what? Is this "they do that too so why don't blame them too" argument supposed to make us forgive ecchi?
Ecchi isn't a crime or mistake that you need to forgive. AND nobody asked you to forgive it whatsoever.
If you don't like it, you avoid it.

>there is no argument against ecchi that can't be said about other elements in anime, yet ppl just wanna keep blaming ecchi over and over again.

So what? Ecchi deserves it as much as any other lazy show element there is. I do understand is the easier to point, but that doesn't take away it's faulty usage.
> implying that anime can have faulty uses!
And most ecchi are better than most of your SoL shows.

>theres nothing wrong with throwing something into a show that is just their for pleasing purposes, that is the power of fiction, we can do wtf we want to

It hurts the narrative. Not that you care, so no way you would understand.
And for pleasure we got hentai, ecchi is just teasing. Why do you talk so much about "sexual content" as if you were a SJW and ignore the fact ecchi isn't even sexual, is just marketing. There's no "sexual content" in something made to pander the otakus.
If it isn't done timely, then yet. Blame the studios for that. Not ecchi.

And understand the difference between hentai and ecchi. Hentai are just for jerking off, where ecchi are for pure enjoyment. There are plenty of shows that wouldn't be half as much enjoyable if they didn't have ecchi elements.

Not that I expect you to understand who never watches any good ones and keeps complaining about stuff.

>but oh wait "its wrong to sexual girls" so we don't stfu about it

they aren't even girls, it's fiction.
My words exactly

>hentai anime sucks, don't tell me to watch hentai instead

Despite your likings, you can't disprove ecchi is inferior to hentai in sexual content.
Now, who told you that we watch ecchi just for sexual content?

>im not "on a mission" to do jack shit... its a joke, because people kept accusing me of "trying to make ppl like ecchi" so i just turned it into my signature to be funny.

How can anybody take that as a joke when you take the mission so personal?
It's because guys like you exist
Jun 6, 2016 10:55 AM

May 2016
Z-Dante said:

>hentai anime sucks, don't tell me to watch hentai instead

Despite your likings, you can't disprove ecchi is inferior to hentai in sexual content.
Now, who told you that we watch ecchi just for sexual content?

Because that's literally the only reason it exists? That is its entire purpose--to drag down the story and jingle some fleshy keys in its viewers' faces so that they don't have to put any effort into writing an engrossing narrative or interesting characters.

Again, the only ecchi anime that actually did something interesting with its nudity is Kill la Kill--they used nudity as a metaphor for freedom from oppression. And it was done smartly. The balls-out insane Hiroyuki Imaishi anime where sentient clothes grant superpowers is literally smarter than every other ecchi anime ever made.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Jun 6, 2016 10:56 AM

Oct 2014
"you're just arguing from personal preference.. which i guess is unavoidable in your case, i personally think that demonetization of sexual content is stupid and its something we should embrace it"

"i like my anime to tell story this way and i feel ecchi takes away from that"<Strawman

I'm not arguing from personal preference. If I say that it takes away from the narrative, it's because it takes away from the narrative. I'm never using enjoyment to determine that conclusion.

Whatever gave you that idea, it sure is a reflection of your situation. You wouldn't be defending ecchi if it just didn't happened to be your favorite thing in anime.

Don't project yourself in others, please. Your counters to my argument are all based on your personal preference and perspective ("When I see less threads I won't whine","idgaf about hentai, I prefer soft","I don't understand how you can feel any sort of emotion watching anime", "idgaf about what other think about my profile").

It's like you're close minded ("DON'T DISLIKE WHAT I LIKE GODDAMMIT")

Oh hello, you like to take arguments out of context too?

>What's your point?
"It's like all people that talk bad about ecchi is only because "they are afraid of sexual content". Is this the lame excuse you use to prejudice the ecchi haters?" It's right there.

>If you can't accept others reasoning for liking ecchi anime,
Pffft, prove me I those reasonings are beyond taste and I could take you seriously.

>how do you expect them to get the haters "reasons" you never clarify
"One of them beign that it just caters to the ecchi fans, who only like superficialities. Another one is that it's lazy writing, because the story is so bad it needs that to get attention. And another one is that ecchi is the mediocre version of hentai: why bother with the worst of the 2?"
Among others that vary depending on taste. You sure like to skip arguments.

>Ecchi isn't a crime or mistake that you need to forgive. AND nobody asked you to forgive it whatsoever.
If you don't like it, you avoid it.

Wew lad nice way to avoid my point: ecchi is still faulty despite how others medium use sexualization

>And most ecchi are better than most of your SoL shows.
"My taste is better than yours!!" Sure, I can take take this argument sriously /s

>And understand the difference between hentai and ecchi. Hentai are just for jerking off, where ecchi are for pure enjoyment.
>Implying jerking off isn't enjoyment
>Implying people can't jerk off to softcore porn
Wew lad I'm the lewdest here it seems.

>There are plenty of shows that wouldn't be half as much enjoyable if they didn't have ecchi elements.
Does that means ecchi is good? not at all, there's no correlation between your enjoyment and quality. It's just the hook to pander to the kind of people that likes and defend that kind of stuff.

>Now, who told you that we watch ecchi just for sexual content?
I didn't said that. I said "you can't disprove ecchi is inferior to hentai in sexual content."

>It's because guys like you exist

Chill the fuck out, and next time try harder instead of avoiding the points I make.
ThieveryJun 6, 2016 11:12 AM
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
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