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Nov 30, 2015 10:55 PM

May 2013
We've all heard the name calling and accusations thrown around at girls for being sluts-as in, they've had sex with multiple partners. Yet, men, it is rather a accomplishment rather than an insult. However, double standards aside, though you can discuss them if you like, I aim to ask one question: Why do we care how many men a girl has had sex with?

Let's, for a second, accept that generally it's not because they might have an STD.

Why is it wrong to like sex? Why do we aim to insult a girl because she's had sex with 8 guys and she's 19 years old? or 10 guys and 21? Is it any different than fucking 1 guy 250 times? Not really. Even if it's because of STD's, why do we not apply the same caution with men? Do we blame the women for STD's? Why is it wrong to enjoy sex? With men it's a part of who we are, with women, it's a character flaw.

I have gone much of my life judging girls for having sex with multiple partners, yet, there is no basis.

Are we to blame this multiple partner thing as simple "poor character"?

I'd like to think so actually-to judge a girl; to use the term slut, as a character flaw, something that shows a lack of restraint. But I can come up with no real argument to back it up.

Anyway, please discuss why you think that A: This is a thing, B: Why it is true that girls who sleep around are sluts, C: If you agree with me(& why) & D: all of the above or any other comments you may want to add.
Pages (6) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Nov 30, 2015 10:59 PM

Jul 2013
Nov 30, 2015 10:59 PM

Apr 2015
Girls are considered weak, that's why.
Nov 30, 2015 10:59 PM

Feb 2015
'Cause we're salty about it. Men have to work at it. Women just have to say 'yes.' A fat, hairy man has to work to get pussy. A fat, hairy woman? That's some guy's fetish.
Nov 30, 2015 10:59 PM
Aug 2012
wise chinese doodah
Nov 30, 2015 11:00 PM

Nov 2011
khunter said:
We've all heard the name calling and accusations thrown around at girls for being sluts-as in, they've had sex with multiple partners. Yet, men, it is rather a accomplishment rather than an insult. However, double standards aside, though you can discuss them if you like, I aim to ask one question: Why do we care how many men a girl has had sex with?

Let's, for a second, accept that generally it's not because they might have an STD.

Why is it wrong to like sex? Why do we aim to insult a girl because she's had sex with 8 guys and she's 19 years old? or 10 guys and 21? Is it any different than fucking 1 guy 250 times? Not really. Even if it's because of STD's, why do we not apply the same caution with men? Do we blame the women for STD's? Why is it wrong to enjoy sex? With men it's a part of who we are, with women, it's a character flaw.

I have gone much of my life judging girls for having sex with multiple partners, yet, there is no basis.

Are we to blame this multiple partner thing as simple "poor character"?

I'd like to think so actually-to judge a girl; to use the term slut, as a character flaw, something that shows a lack of restraint. But I can come up with no real argument to back it up.

Anyway, please discuss why you think that A: This is a thing, B: Why it is true that girls who sleep around are sluts, C: If you agree with me(& why) & D: all of the above or any other comments you may want to add.

The girl on your avatar looks like a filthy slut.
Nov 30, 2015 11:02 PM

Oct 2014
It's about commitment. If you're able to stay in a sexual relationship for a long time then it's a good indicator that you're a nice and friendly person who people want to be around. Girls are stereotyped as only wanting sex when they love the person they're having sex with while guys are assumed to want to have sex just for the pleasure. Because of these stereotypes when girls have sex with someone they don't love it makes them seem worse than when a man does the same thing. If a man only has sex with women he loves then it makes him seem like a more romantic person than average. It's fairly easy to see where these stereotypes stemmed from.
Nov 30, 2015 11:06 PM

Jul 2012
Waifu_Strangler said:
The girl on your avatar looks like a filthy slut.
Nov 30, 2015 11:06 PM
Nov 2015
This post just screams "I'm a white knight"
Nov 30, 2015 11:06 PM

Oct 2012
I don't judge girls for having sex with multiple men, so eh.
Nov 30, 2015 11:07 PM
Nov 2015
CandleJakk007 said:
Girls are considered weak, that's why.

For a good reason, too.
Nov 30, 2015 11:09 PM

Sep 2012
khunter said:
Yet, men, it is rather a accomplishment rather than an insult.
That's not really as true as people think it is though. "Womanizer" or "pig" aren't exactly compliments.

mayukachan said:
Waifu_Strangler said:
The girl on your avatar looks like a filthy slut.
I think he's trying to tell us he wants to fuck boys.
Nov 30, 2015 11:10 PM

Nov 2011
Keshup said:
CandleJakk007 said:
Girls are considered weak, that's why.

For a good reason, too.

Anything that bleeds that much and doesn't die can't be too weak tbh.
Nov 30, 2015 11:12 PM

Nov 2011
Red_Keys said:
khunter said:
Yet, men, it is rather a accomplishment rather than an insult.
That's not really as true as people think it is though. "Womanizer" or "pig" aren't exactly compliments.

mayukachan said:
I think he's trying to tell us he wants to fuck boys.

Odd coming from an admittively bisexual dude.
Nov 30, 2015 11:12 PM

Mar 2008
Well to make it easier I will avoid the discussion of at what point do they become a slut. Lets just assume the so called "slut" in question is one who has slept with oh lets say 50 people which is many times more than the average person in a lifetime and lets assume this was fully intentional on their part and not a long series of being with committed relationships. Okay now with that we have somewhere to start.

Some are against it because they are concerned for that persons well being. People take concern when someone drinks too much so its along similar lines as that. Some people are against it because if they give sexual affection to so many others it means the value goes down in what that is worth in peoples minds. It no longer is an exclusive thing for special people and the lack of exclusivity makes such a person seem less desirable. It makes the person who would be with such a "slut" not feel as desirable as well because of this sense of less exclusivity, there is nothing to make them feel special. Then you can also consider some people are overly religious and tend to have it engrained in them that such a person is bad and they may not have an actual reason against it that they know of. Now when it comes to someone in a more romantic setting they would fear being compared to past lovers on top of the sense of lack of exclusivity. Also such persons can also come with a lot of baggage which many people cant handle.
Nov 30, 2015 11:13 PM

May 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:
khunter said:
We've all heard the name calling and accusations thrown around at girls for being sluts-as in, they've had sex with multiple partners. Yet, men, it is rather a accomplishment rather than an insult. However, double standards aside, though you can discuss them if you like, I aim to ask one question: Why do we care how many men a girl has had sex with?

Let's, for a second, accept that generally it's not because they might have an STD.

Why is it wrong to like sex? Why do we aim to insult a girl because she's had sex with 8 guys and she's 19 years old? or 10 guys and 21? Is it any different than fucking 1 guy 250 times? Not really. Even if it's because of STD's, why do we not apply the same caution with men? Do we blame the women for STD's? Why is it wrong to enjoy sex? With men it's a part of who we are, with women, it's a character flaw.

I have gone much of my life judging girls for having sex with multiple partners, yet, there is no basis.

Are we to blame this multiple partner thing as simple "poor character"?

I'd like to think so actually-to judge a girl; to use the term slut, as a character flaw, something that shows a lack of restraint. But I can come up with no real argument to back it up.

Anyway, please discuss why you think that A: This is a thing, B: Why it is true that girls who sleep around are sluts, C: If you agree with me(& why) & D: all of the above or any other comments you may want to add.

The girl on your avatar looks like a filthy slut.

I'm a guy you goon
Nov 30, 2015 11:14 PM

May 2013
shotz_ said:
mayukachan said:
its funny because khunter really is a filthy slut

this is true. Shotz can confirm
Nov 30, 2015 11:14 PM
Nov 2015
Waifu_Strangler said:
Keshup said:

For a good reason, too.

Anything that bleeds that much and doesn't die can't be too weak tbh.

Or maybe that's what weakens them to begin with, though many other factors do as well.
Nov 30, 2015 11:14 PM

Jul 2013
khunter said:
She's had sex with 8 guys and she's 19 years old? or 10 guys and 21?

Not gonna lie that does sound really slutty. Even for a guy that just sounds like a shitty dude. Assuming you aren't one of those girls shooting to be 16 and pregnant or a guy who can't keep his dick in check. But if you're going off legal age 8 partners in a year... Couple one night stands much?

I think it's disgusting on both parts though, I guess if you don't care about consequences then sure fuck away.
Nov 30, 2015 11:15 PM

May 2013
traed said:
Well to make it easier I will avoid the discussion of at what point do they become a slut. Lets just assume the so called "slut" in question is one who has slept with oh lets say 50 people which is many times more than the average person in a lifetime and lets assume this was fully intentional on their part and not a long series of being with committed relationships. Okay now with that we have somewhere to start.

Some are against it because they are concerned for that persons well being. People take concern when someone drinks too much so its along similar lines as that. Some people are against it because if they give sexual affection to so many others it means the value goes down in what that is worth in peoples minds. It no longer is an exclusive thing for special people and the lack of exclusivity makes such a person seem less desirable. It makes the person who would be with such a "slut" not feel as desirable as well because of this sense of less exclusivity, there is nothing to make them feel special. Then you can also consider some people are overly religious and tend to have it engrained in them that such a person is bad and they may not have an actual reason against it that they know of. Now when it comes to someone in a more romantic setting they would fear being compared to past lovers on top of the sense of lack of exclusivity. Also such persons can also come with a lot of baggage which many people cant handle.

I can understand that. But is that not a rationalization for many? What is the core feeling, or reaction, that we have as a male when we hear about a girl that is a "slut".

Keep in mind, I agree with your analysis, I just wish to push the topic further.
Nov 30, 2015 11:16 PM

Feb 2015
Nov 30, 2015 11:16 PM

Nov 2011
khunter said:
Waifu_Strangler said:

The girl on your avatar looks like a filthy slut.

I'm a guy you goon

You're still a lil slut to me ;>)
Nov 30, 2015 11:17 PM

May 2013
Red_Keys said:
khunter said:
Yet, men, it is rather a accomplishment rather than an insult.
That's not really as true as people think it is though. "Womanizer" or "pig" aren't exactly compliments.

mayukachan said:
I think he's trying to tell us he wants to fuck boys.

Not, but I did say "rather" instead of "always" or just leaving it out. However, it is safe to say that it is generally not considered a character flaw. Also, I would also say men are not the ones calling men who sleep with multiple woman a "pig" and "womanizer".

Women on the other hand are very quick to call another a girl a slut

Also, it seems that pig and womanizer are not nearly as harmful as slut.
Nov 30, 2015 11:18 PM

May 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:
Red_Keys said:
That's not really as true as people think it is though. "Womanizer" or "pig" aren't exactly compliments.

I think he's trying to tell us he wants to fuck boys.

Odd coming from an admittively bisexual dude.

That's not odd if he likes men
Nov 30, 2015 11:19 PM

May 2013
Keshup said:
This post just screams "I'm a white knight"

Hardly. I'm a terrible person.
Nov 30, 2015 11:21 PM

May 2013
shotz_ said:
Aka_Saber said:

Not gonna lie that does sound really slutty. Even for a guy that just sounds like a shitty dude. Assuming you aren't one of those girls shooting to be 16 and pregnant or a guy who can't keep his dick in check. But if you're going off legal age 8 partners in a year... Couple one night stands much?

I think it's disgusting on both parts though, I guess if you don't care about consequences then sure fuck away.
most ppl start when they're 15-16 though. 10 partners in 5-6 years isn't that much.

do you really think most people do start that young? I would be inclined to agree but i really wonder. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 though(senior year)
Nov 30, 2015 11:22 PM

Nov 2011
khunter said:
Waifu_Strangler said:

Odd coming from an admittively bisexual dude.

That's not odd if he likes men
Is it odd if he likes 70 year old men?
Nov 30, 2015 11:25 PM

Jul 2013
shotz_ said:
Aka_Saber said:

Not gonna lie that does sound really slutty. Even for a guy that just sounds like a shitty dude. Assuming you aren't one of those girls shooting to be 16 and pregnant or a guy who can't keep his dick in check. But if you're going off legal age 8 partners in a year... Couple one night stands much?

I think it's disgusting on both parts though, I guess if you don't care about consequences then sure fuck away.
most ppl start when they're 15-16 though. 10 partners in 5-6 years isn't that much.

That's why I said "Assuming you aren't one of those". Already knew kids these days can't keep those legs shut.
Nov 30, 2015 11:26 PM

Oct 2012
Fairly sure most people has had some kind of experience by the time they're 16-17. >_>
Nov 30, 2015 11:28 PM

May 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:
khunter said:

I'm a guy you goon

You're still a lil slut to me ;>)

You know how to woo me
Nov 30, 2015 11:28 PM

May 2013
shotz_ said:
khunter said:

do you really think most people do start that young? I would be inclined to agree but i really wonder. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 though(senior year)
i just looked it up. apparently 16 for males and 17 for females. close enough.

For americans or?
Nov 30, 2015 11:29 PM

May 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:
khunter said:

That's not odd if he likes men
Is it odd if he likes 70 year old men?

sounds like the pilot to a new Fox show
Nov 30, 2015 11:29 PM

Nov 2011
Martin said:
Fairly sure most people has had some kind of experience by the time they're 16-17. >_>
I was 4 when I lost mine.
Nov 30, 2015 11:30 PM

Jul 2013
Martin said:
Fairly sure most people has had some kind of experience by the time they're 16-17. >_>

Well most guys will fuck anything with a pulse so ya... I wouldn't have touched most of the girls at my school with a 10 foot pole. I wasn't desperate enough for what most of them had to offer and the attractive ones you knew were getting around so I guess if you want to take your chances.
Nov 30, 2015 11:30 PM

Sep 2012
khunter said:
However, it is safe to say that it is generally not considered a character flaw.
Movie villains since forever seem to disagree.

khunter said:
Also, it seems that pig and womanizer are not nearly as harmful as slut.
The reason for this, which you've already proven, is just because people care more when somebody insults a woman.
Nov 30, 2015 11:31 PM

Nov 2011
khunter said:
Waifu_Strangler said:
Is it odd if he likes 70 year old men?

sounds like the pilot to a new Fox show

I wouldn't know. The only thing I watch on TV anymore is South Park.
Nov 30, 2015 11:33 PM

Mar 2008
khunter said:

I can understand that. But is that not a rationalization for many? What is the core feeling, or reaction, that we have as a male when we hear about a girl that is a "slut".

Keep in mind, I agree with your analysis, I just wish to push the topic further.
Most people in general are very bad at communication of their feelings and thoughts. They tend to express their concerns or opinions in unacceptable ways. Some act harshly simply to fit in with a crowd.
Nov 30, 2015 11:33 PM

Jul 2013
shotz_ said:
i brought that up because i can't see someone losing their virginity at 19-20 and then going with 10 partners in a year. not unless you grew up in some hardcore conservative household with prudes for parents and you just went off the deep end when you got a taste of freedom.

in reality most people who fuck that many people start younger than 19 or 20.

Oh I was referring to starting at the legal age of 18, 8 partners by 19 sounds pretty slutty to me. IDK man I was just bringing it up since depending on when you start those numbers could be slutish. Not like starting earlier is any better though tbh but I guess spreading them out over time is better than hitting that many in a year for keeping your slut status in check.
Nov 30, 2015 11:38 PM

May 2013
Red_Keys said:
khunter said:
However, it is safe to say that it is generally not considered a character flaw.
Movie villains since forever seem to disagree.

khunter said:
Also, it seems that pig and womanizer are not nearly as harmful as slut.
The reason for this, which you've already proven, is just because people care more when somebody insults a woman.

That's not really the same thing that we were talking about. People in society, especially men, do not tend to see the idea of a guy fucking lots of women as a "bad" thing. Though I can see what you're saying. Of course, then there are some "heroes" like my boy James bond who fucks all the bitches and they get killed but he doesn't give a fuck
Nov 30, 2015 11:39 PM

May 2013
shotz_ said:
khunter said:

For americans or?
i assume so because the study was done out of california.

we Californians are always fucking
Nov 30, 2015 11:39 PM

May 2013
Waifu_Strangler said:
khunter said:

sounds like the pilot to a new Fox show

I wouldn't know. The only thing I watch on TV anymore is South Park.

You're missing out on some great shows dude. Hit up netflix
Nov 30, 2015 11:41 PM

Nov 2011
khunter said:
Red_Keys said:
Movie villains since forever seem to disagree.

The reason for this, which you've already proven, is just because people care more when somebody insults a woman.

That's not really the same thing that we were talking about. People in society, especially men, do not tend to see the idea of a guy fucking lots of women as a "bad" thing. Though I can see what you're saying. Of course, then there are some "heroes" like my boy James bond who fucks all the bitches and they get killed but he doesn't give a fuck

James Bond fucked those women in order to save the world man! There's a difference now.
Nov 30, 2015 11:41 PM

Oct 2014
Martin said:
Fairly sure most people has had some kind of experience by the time they're 16-17. >_>
Is that really the case? Out of my grad class of 125 students I remember less than 10 of the guys having girlfriends. I know some people will get drunk at parties at fuck whoever, but I don't usually hang out with people like that. I honestly wouldn't even care if I'm still a virgin when I'm 20. If there's no intimacy then I may as well fuck a birdhouse.
Nov 30, 2015 11:43 PM

Nov 2011
zombie_pegasus said:
Martin said:
Fairly sure most people has had some kind of experience by the time they're 16-17. >_>
Is that really the case? Out of my grad class of 125 students I remember less than 10 of the guys having girlfriends. I know some people will get drunk at parties at fuck whoever, but I don't usually hang out with people like that. I honestly wouldn't even care if I'm still a virgin when I'm 20. If there's no intimacy then I may as well fuck a birdhouse.


Why a birdhouse?
Nov 30, 2015 11:44 PM

May 2013
zombie_pegasus said:
Martin said:
Fairly sure most people has had some kind of experience by the time they're 16-17. >_>
Is that really the case? Out of my grad class of 125 students I remember less than 10 of the guys having girlfriends. I know some people will get drunk at parties at fuck whoever, but I don't usually hang out with people like that. I honestly wouldn't even care if I'm still a virgin when I'm 20. If there's no intimacy then I may as well fuck a birdhouse.

I like to think I'm the same way but we all have needs. Nobody is asking you to fuck a monster, just empty your sack. Still, I am more in line with what you're saying.
Nov 30, 2015 11:45 PM

Oct 2014
Waifu_Strangler said:
zombie_pegasus said:
Is that really the case? Out of my grad class of 125 students I remember less than 10 of the guys having girlfriends. I know some people will get drunk at parties at fuck whoever, but I don't usually hang out with people like that. I honestly wouldn't even care if I'm still a virgin when I'm 20. If there's no intimacy then I may as well fuck a birdhouse.


Why a birdhouse?
Some of them have penis sized holes. There was a quote from Shane Dawson's nerd character that he has a birdhouse that he fucks.
Nov 30, 2015 11:46 PM

Sep 2012
khunter said:
Though I can see what you're saying. Of course, then there are some "heroes" like my boy James bond who fucks all the bitches and they get killed but he doesn't give a fuck
James Bond isn't what anybody would call "respectable". He's a fantasy, for sure, but part of that fantasy is being a "bad boy"- somebody who's kind of an asshole.

I'd compare it to something like Sex and the City. Those girls are sluts, and the show was huge. There's a definite appeal there. It's a fantasy. But in "the real world", these characters and these traits aren't respected.
Nov 30, 2015 11:50 PM

Mar 2008
Red_Keys said:
khunter said:
Though I can see what you're saying. Of course, then there are some "heroes" like my boy James bond who fucks all the bitches and they get killed but he doesn't give a fuck
James Bond isn't what anybody would call "respectable". He's a fantasy, for sure, but part of that fantasy is being a "bad boy"- somebody who's kind of an asshole.

I'd compare it to something like Sex and the City. Those girls are sluts, and the show was huge. There's a definite appeal there. It's a fantasy. But in "the real world", these characters and these traits aren't respected.
Dear gods, please don't remind me Sex and the City ever existed.
Nov 30, 2015 11:51 PM

Nov 2011
Red_Keys said:
khunter said:
Though I can see what you're saying. Of course, then there are some "heroes" like my boy James bond who fucks all the bitches and they get killed but he doesn't give a fuck
James Bond isn't what anybody would call "respectable". He's a fantasy, for sure, but part of that fantasy is being a "bad boy"- somebody who's kind of an asshole.

I'd compare it to something like Sex and the City. Those girls are sluts, and the show was huge. There's a definite appeal there. It's a fantasy. But in "the real world", these characters and these traits aren't respected.

How dare you speak ill of James Bond. He may be a man whore but he did it for the future of mankind!
Nov 30, 2015 11:51 PM

Oct 2014
khunter said:
zombie_pegasus said:
Is that really the case? Out of my grad class of 125 students I remember less than 10 of the guys having girlfriends. I know some people will get drunk at parties at fuck whoever, but I don't usually hang out with people like that. I honestly wouldn't even care if I'm still a virgin when I'm 20. If there's no intimacy then I may as well fuck a birdhouse.

I like to think I'm the same way but we all have needs. Nobody is asking you to fuck a monster, just empty your sack. Still, I am more in line with what you're saying.
Is it really that important to have sex? I'm not Christian and don't believe in waiting until marriage but I wouldn't want to have sex with someone unless we're actually dating. You don't need to have sex to "empty your sack" because you'll probably be using a condom anyway and it's not that hard to jack off.
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