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Oct 14, 2014 7:41 AM
Nov 2009
I watched Life of Pi and I hated it. That goat scene...
Oct 14, 2014 9:12 AM

Jan 2013
mugi said:
I watched Life of Pi and I hated it. That goat scene...

Well the book is supposed to be untouchable for adaptations yet Ang Lee just did it anyway. I'm probably speaking out of my ass since I myself haven't read it and am saying all this, but I imagine the book is really special compared to the movie, so it might fare better.
Oct 14, 2014 9:58 AM
Mar 2012
mugi said:

Anyway, if I would have known that the entire movie is just about some idiot telling some other dude his boring life story then I wouldn't have watched it. The ending is also a semi-middle finger.

Shud have given you the full
Oct 14, 2014 10:05 AM

Jul 2013
mugi said:
I would have known that the entire movie is just about some idiot telling some other dude his boring life story then I wouldn't have watched it. The ending is also a semi-middle finger.

lol. It got rave reviews so I was looking forward to it but after I watched it I felt a bit hollow. It was certainly a visually solid movie, which reminds me of how I felt with Gravity. A day after both movies I was thinking, "It looked good but it's kind of forgettable otherwise."
Oct 14, 2014 11:18 AM

Sep 2012
I've read the book, and it's not that great, but it's a lot better than the movie. The ending is still a bit of a middle finger, but at least the whole movie isn't some guy trying to convince another guy to believe in god. It was pretty, I guess, but I've seen plenty of movies that were at least as pretty that were also a lot more entertaining.
Oct 14, 2014 11:42 AM

Jul 2013
Speaking of striking visual scenes in movies, The Grand Budapest Hotel has one scene that I was laughing at. Idk exactly ow they did it but it looked so old school but in a good way. It was the sledding chase scene. I think they videotaped figurines going down a miniature slope. If that's the case it's similar to what they did for the original Star Wars, in that the X-Wing battles were miniatures moving around. They way the sleds were moving in The Grand Budapest Hotel looked so quirky. In any case, I thought the whole scene added to the movie's charm.

Does anyone have any insight in to this particular scene?
Nov 22, 2014 11:05 PM

Jul 2014
Pulp Fiction
A Clockwork Orange
End of Evangelion
The Shawshank Redemption
Seven Samurai
Taxi Driver
The Good The Bad And The Ugly
and too many others to mention (I'm a huge cinema enthusiast)
Take care of yourself

Dec 3, 2014 1:45 PM

Jan 2013
mugi said:

Guardians of the Galaxy - Great actually. Watched it twice in a row, don't like the entire cast but Starlord and the squirrel are cool. Some lines of the squirrel felt a bit forced though. Good style at times.

You mean...the raccoon? As in, Rocket Raccoon? o.o
Dec 3, 2014 1:55 PM

Feb 2008
mugi said:
Maleficent - Boring, dumb and even copy pastes the Frozen formula. Wow Disney so modern and fresh. Also the King at the end apparently came straight back from Mordor.

Yeah, Disney's trying too hard to be feminist. It ended up being more offensive the other way now lol. The whole movie's message was that cis male is scum and that the scene where the guy cut her wings is a metaphor for rape. And yeah, they are trying hard with the 'true love" shit from Frozen. Yeah, Maleficent was actually a good person and loved her like a mother. 10/10 Didney.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Dec 3, 2014 2:18 PM

Apr 2012
ZetaZaku said:
mugi said:
Maleficent - Boring, dumb and even copy pastes the Frozen formula. Wow Disney so modern and fresh. Also the King at the end apparently came straight back from Mordor.

Yeah, Disney's trying too hard to be feminist. It ended up being more offensive the other way now lol. The whole movie's message was that cis male is scum and that the scene where the guy cut her wings is a metaphor for rape. And yeah, they are trying hard with the 'true love" shit from Frozen. Yeah, Maleficent was actually a good person and loved her like a mother. 10/10 Didney.

So I guess the teaser for the new Star Wars movie showing a random black storm trooper wasnt just a coincidence...
Dec 3, 2014 3:24 PM

Sep 2012
I didn't think it was a jumpscare as much as a reference to the opening of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. And I kind of assumed that people could just sign on as stormtroopers and that it wasn't always just the clone army. I don't know why people are making a big deal out of the guy being black, since they've had black characters in Star Wars before.
Dec 3, 2014 3:29 PM

Jan 2013
Popka said:
I don't know why people are making a big deal out of the guy being black, since they've had black characters in Star Wars before.

Preceding films aside, why can't people deal with some ethnic diversity? It's 2014 people! 2014!!!
Dec 3, 2014 3:32 PM

Mar 2014
The Jango clones weren't used for a very long time actually. They got mostly swapped out by normal humans and clones from other people. The Jango clones quickly became a minority within the Stormtroopers. The Jango clones were the best ones though.
Dec 3, 2014 3:36 PM

May 2013
Popka said:
I didn't think it was a jumpscare as much as a reference to the opening of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. And I kind of assumed that people could just sign on as stormtroopers and that it wasn't always just the clone army. I don't know why people are making a big deal out of the guy being black, since they've had black characters in Star Wars before.

The Empire started recruiting humans into the army long before Episode IV. Since humans in the setting populate all kinds of planets and the Empire is only racist towards other species, not ethnicities, a fair share of black people in its armed forces shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

e: Of course, they will all be British.
VentrisDec 3, 2014 3:41 PM

Dec 3, 2014 3:50 PM

Apr 2012
Popka said:
I didn't think it was a jumpscare as much as a reference to the opening of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. And I kind of assumed that people could just sign on as stormtroopers and that it wasn't always just the clone army. I don't know why people are making a big deal out of the guy being black, since they've had black characters in Star Wars before.

Really? I never really watched Star Wars so I dont really know, I always heard it has few blacks in it. I only knew of one black person in it that Jeti(or whatever the good guys are called) with the violett swords.

On second thought maybe I confused it with LotR. Cause that one really had no blacks in it.
Dec 3, 2014 4:23 PM

Apr 2012
mugi said:
>I never really watched Star Wars so I dont really know


I havent watched a shitton of movies. Just not that into them. I watch maybe 10 movies a year in average.

I might start watching more now that I have a tv tough.
Heh who am I kidding I am only using it for watchign football and playing Wii U anyway...
Dec 3, 2014 4:27 PM

Jan 2013
Don't worry, all I've seen are Episodes I and II lmao. Actually, seeing no Star Wars films is better than seeing only the prequel films I imagine hahaha.
Dec 3, 2014 5:37 PM

Sep 2012
The original films did only have one black person, and were mostly white. I just don't understand why anyone's surprised, or why their first instinct is to ask "why is there a black guy in this movie?" if they didn't ask that about Empire or the prequels with Sam Jackson. Or maybe they did, I don't know.
Dec 3, 2014 6:48 PM

Sep 2012
What I don't understand is why it would even occur to someone to ask the question of whether it was Disney's or Abrams's intention to show that they were progressive because there was a black person in the trailer.
Dec 4, 2014 9:33 AM

Aug 2009
The Internet always finds some excuse -- no matter how boneheaded or crazy it is -- to complain about.

Funny what annoys me more is how people get so up in arms about the lightsaber. I mean, really? Lighten up. At least there are those who have a sense of humor about it and not take it so damn seriously.
Dec 4, 2014 2:22 PM

Jul 2013
what was the complaint for the lightsaber? I think it looks interesting though quite silly.
Also, here's an article about it with a doctor weighing in. Geeze....
Nagisa33Dec 4, 2014 2:25 PM
Dec 4, 2014 7:19 PM

Jun 2010
Just watch Stephen Colbert's take on the lightsaber
Dec 4, 2014 8:10 PM

Jun 2011
Popka said:
And I kind of assumed that people could just sign on as stormtroopers and that it wasn't always just the clone army. I don't know why people are making a big deal out of the guy being black, since they've had black characters in Star Wars before.

I know, I didn't even really think about it until people made a big deal over it. I was more about the weird droid and (to beat a dead horse) the lightsaber. I didn't think it was a very good trailer overall though.
Dec 12, 2014 5:23 AM

Oct 2012
Yo, has anyone seen Inherent Vice yet? I'm really curious about that film. It might be the last film of this year that I'll watch. OR, if any of you can sell Selma to be more than what I expect it to already be (a good and substantial film which rides the weight of its subject matter to get it through the end; kinda like 12 Years a Slave except with Martin Luther King Jr.)
Dec 12, 2014 10:37 AM

Jan 2013
Ducat_Revel said:
Yo, has anyone seen Inherent Vice yet? I'm really curious about that film. It might be the last film of this year that I'll watch. OR, if any of you can sell Selma to be more than what I expect it to already be (a good and substantial film which rides the weight of its subject matter to get it through the end; kinda like 12 Years a Slave except with Martin Luther King Jr.)

I hadn't even HEARD of Selma and somehow it is one of the Golden Globe nominees for Best Drama and Gone Girl got no mention, I'm kind of annoyed lol.

EDIT: A LIMITED release on CHRISTMAS!? That's really cutting it close and yet it still gets the nod, wtf.
AngelsArcanumDec 12, 2014 11:39 AM
Dec 14, 2014 12:00 AM

Oct 2012
Dec 17, 2014 3:02 AM

Feb 2008
Why is Bateman so based? Had the pleasure to watch American Psycho last night and it was a blast. Impressive, very nice.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Dec 20, 2014 12:22 PM

Feb 2008
I feel like I should rewatch it someday to pay more attention to some of its themes, but overall I guess

I am kinda curious what other people here think about the movie.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Dec 20, 2014 12:25 PM

Jun 2011
I personally really like the movie, it has a certain feeling that permeates it and just draws you in. Very enjoyable film, great narration and good acting.
Dec 20, 2014 1:44 PM
Jun 2008
It's one of my favorites as well. Bale is legendary in that role. Though not his best nor the best film he plays in. That would be The Machinist.
Dec 20, 2014 7:10 PM

Jun 2010
Ah, American Psycho. Great dark comedy, great movie.
Dec 23, 2014 7:02 PM

Sep 2011
I somehow never watched unusual suspects until today, thank christ that i never got it spoiled cause holy shit that twist was fantastic.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Dec 25, 2014 9:52 AM

Jun 2010
I'm watching Die Hard. One of the best action movies of all time and of course I'm watching it for all the Christmas related reasons
SolidPayneDec 25, 2014 2:35 PM
Jan 10, 2015 12:50 AM

Jun 2011
I watched Nightcrawler and was blown away by it, truly a great film with excellent writing and performance by Gyllenhaal. It had me talking to myself at some of the things I was seeing with Louis.

Mugi - If you want, you can revive the TV Enlightenment Thread, which hasn't been active in a while.
Jan 10, 2015 1:06 PM

Oct 2012
Just watched Birdman. Huh. Overall, I think the film is good. I never would've thought Emma Stone could act through expression. Caught me off guard a bit. So yeah, she's expressive and works most of the time. I liked her in this film. Which is a lot for me to say since Amazing Spiderman 2 is probably one of my least favorite films this year.

Edward Norton is the best part of this movie though. His character really is what he says he is. Real on stage, but fake everywhere else. And yet, Norton still delivers enough tenderness during the quieter moments to really make you feel that there's more complexity to his asshole character.

But this movie is flawed. And a few flaws are pretty big.

That being said, I still think this film is worth checking out. There are other parts of the film which I didn't elaborate on like the psychological problems in Keaton or his faulty relationships with his family and his girlfriend. Those all work fine. This films still has merits. Possibly a 7-8/10 film. But it's nowhere near as good as some critics made it out to be.
Jan 10, 2015 8:32 PM

Oct 2012
Double post.

Saw Whiplash. I'll hold back on what I say about this film except that everyone who hasn't seen it, should. Outside of a flaw in second act, this film does no wrong. My personal best film of 2014.
Jan 14, 2015 9:21 PM

Jul 2013
Not a film but a TV series- I watched True Detective this week with my buddies. The most engaging part of the series for me wasn't the story but the characters and how they dealt with their personal challenges. Matthew McConaughey or "True McConaughey" as my friends and I jokingly call him was phenomenal with all his little mannerisms.
Jan 14, 2015 9:35 PM

Sep 2011
i felt like true detective was good but didnt really know where to take itself in its second half, and in terms of characters while i found rust to be an all around fantastic character start to finish i had such a hard time defending woody's character, hes made out to be such a piece of shit the entire show yet int he final episode suddenly they start acting like hes redeemed himself for all the awful things hes done, there was 0 sense of redemption in the character yet they acted like there was. but what really dampened my enjoyment was the reveal of the killer, he was just so bland and forgettable and the way he was revealed felt really anticlimatic too like one episode just randomly decided to say "btw the killer is this dude", I really feel like if they were just gonna throw the killer in there last minute then they should have just revealed him earlier and had a cat vs mouse type feel so the guy would feel like some type of danger cause what they gave us in the last episode felt very unthreatening even if he does get the upper hand on our protagonists

I still thought it was a good series, but after episode 4 i couldnt help but feel like the series wasnt building up to anything anymore and that there was very little payoff in its second half. I'm hoping ill enjoy season 2 more

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jan 14, 2015 10:40 PM

Jun 2010
I think it is appropriate to talk about True Detective despite it being a tv series because it is so cinematic in the way it looks and is edited. Not to mention that it's better than any movie that came out in 2014. It's a masterpiece
SolidPayneJan 20, 2015 8:54 AM
Jan 19, 2015 3:43 AM

Oct 2012
Okay. I'm still on my 2014 film marathon. I have a few others to watch but I need to talk about A Most Violent Year with someone. The film is just too fucking good to not get any love. Please, someone humor me and watch it. It has a really groovy Marvin Gaye song to kick it off if that means anything!

Seriously, this film was gorgeous, sophisticated, and slick.
Jan 20, 2015 7:36 AM

Jul 2013
Not a film but a web series- I watched Jaboody Dubs this week with my buddies. The most engaging part of the series for me wasn't the story but the characters and how they dealt with eating 15lbs of gravy. Guy Fieri or "True Fieri" as my friends and I jokingly call him was phenomenal with his frosted tips.

Check it out.
Jan 23, 2015 8:31 AM

Mar 2014
Ducat_Revel said:
Okay. I'm still on my 2014 film marathon. I have a few others to watch but I need to talk about A Most Violent Year with someone. The film is just too fucking good to not get any love. Please, someone humor me and watch it. It has a really groovy Marvin Gaye song to kick it off if that means anything!

Seriously, this film was gorgeous, sophisticated, and slick.

Kinda sad how no one saw it. It flopped super hard and it might be my favourite of 2014. It's smooth, gritty and gorgeous. It got pretty damn good performances as well and it had some really cool scenes. Unfortunately everyone went and saw American Sniper instead, which is a shame because it's a really great movie and I really wish more people saw it.
Jan 23, 2015 9:37 AM

Jul 2013
TehSkullkid said:
Kinda sad how no one saw it. It flopped super hard and it might be my favourite of 2014. It's smooth, gritty and gorgeous. It got pretty damn good performances as well and it had some really cool scenes. Unfortunately everyone went and saw American Sniper instead, which is a shame because it's a really great movie and I really wish more people saw it.

Marvin Gaye is the man. After seeing the trailer I'm excited to check it out.

Speaking of which, what did you guys think of American Sniper?
Nagisa33Jan 23, 2015 9:47 AM
Jan 23, 2015 3:50 PM

Oct 2012
TehSkullkid said:
Ducat_Revel said:
Okay. I'm still on my 2014 film marathon. I have a few others to watch but I need to talk about A Most Violent Year with someone. The film is just too fucking good to not get any love. Please, someone humor me and watch it. It has a really groovy Marvin Gaye song to kick it off if that means anything!

Seriously, this film was gorgeous, sophisticated, and slick.

Kinda sad how no one saw it. It flopped super hard and it might be my favourite of 2014. It's smooth, gritty and gorgeous. It got pretty damn good performances as well and it had some really cool scenes. Unfortunately everyone went and saw American Sniper instead, which is a shame because it's a really great movie and I really wish more people saw it.

If this were another year, A Most Violent Year would've been my top film too. Probably one of my favorite films about the fall of morality and corruption. And I love how Oscar Isaac is getting compared to Pacino and DeNiro. I don't think he's on par, but the performance he gives is fucking magnificent. If the Oscars truly voted on the basis of talent, he'd be a front runner. I also really dug the final scene where Isaac and Oyelowo talk. That was the perfect note to end the film on. Just fucking amazing.

>Speaking of which, what did you guys think of American Sniper?

I honestly dislike the film. It's aimless. It is a mere presentation of Chris Kyle's life without any direction or goal. It should've been a film about PTSD. Remove everything else and just give us the moments when he gets back and his struggle to cope with PTSD as well as give an opinion on war veterans and the government's relationship with them post-war. That would've been a far more striking film. This isn't a documentary, it's a movie. And this movie lacks any point. I don't see how most of the critics out there were "okay" with this film. The parts in Iraq were painful to listen to. Constantly calling Iraqis as savages while not taking a political stand on the war comes off as blind devotion devoid of morality, yet under the pretense of righteousness.

And this isn't a shot at the military because the movie has plenty of moments where Kyle's fellow soldiers question the point of the war and project a sense that this war is not worth dying for. What I'm taking a shot at is the mentality of the film that says that the soldiers who question the war are just pussies. Really, in terms of films this year which are about real people, Selma is gold while American Sniper is rust.

Also, anyone wanna comment on my top ten films of the year (note that I haven't watched that much.):
Jan 24, 2015 8:10 PM

Jun 2011
Anyone here have thoughts on The Departed(2006)? For me the movie was lacking in any solid appeal, and I got about halfway through when my dwindling interest finally ran out. The film almost seems like its intentionally pushing me out with some really sub-par music direction, and a lot of the acting just felt half-hearted. It wasn't an awful movie, just really hard to be invested in at all. The direction feels like it has ADD and it wasn't doing the movie any favours.

If someone here is a real die hard fan of the movie maybe let me know if it has a stellar second-half or something, otherwise I don't feel inclined to watch any more. Such a shame considering all the praise I saw for it.
Jan 24, 2015 8:15 PM

Sep 2011
just watch the original movie it was shot for shot copying, honestly way better

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jan 25, 2015 11:21 PM

Jun 2011
So I watched A Most Violent Year, and I join with the statement of it being very good. While I have not finished through 2014's movie list, I'd say this ranks #2 for me behind Nightcrawler. Because Nightcrawler was simply phenomenal. AMVY was certainly different from most of what gets rolled out, with a fairly unique protagonist in Oscar Isaac. This felt dry(in a good way) and more down to earth than a lot of its contenders of the genre. My favourite scene is probably with the deer, and everything that was explored between the two characters in such a simple, clever, and concise way.
Feb 4, 2015 2:41 AM

Oct 2012
Just to be clear, I thought American Sniper was a terrible film. On letterboxd, I scored it a 1/5. I'm just saying, if it had direction and focus and took out all the stupidly blind war-patrioticism part and zoomed in to a more personal look at PTSD experienced by war veterans, then it could've been better.

Also Boyhood is amazing. It deserves the nod it got.

ForgoneReality said:
So I watched A Most Violent Year, and I join with the statement of it being very good. While I have not finished through 2014's movie list, I'd say this ranks #2 for me behind Nightcrawler. Because Nightcrawler was simply phenomenal. AMVY was certainly different from most of what gets rolled out, with a fairly unique protagonist in Oscar Isaac. This felt dry(in a good way) and more down to earth than a lot of its contenders of the genre. My favourite scene is probably with the deer, and everything that was explored between the two characters in such a simple, clever, and concise way.

The deer scene was perfect in my eyes. Initially, I questioned why it was there, but by the end of the scene, it fit in so perfectly to the film at large to you can definitely tell that every move in this film is intentional and organic.
Feb 4, 2015 3:36 PM

Jan 2013
It probably wouldn't have the buzz it did if it weren't 12 years in the making, but its quality can still attest to its importance. It's probably one of the most accurate depictions of a life over several years you could find, and handled with a lot of grace. It's not perfect, but it's still a key film in history in my book.
Feb 4, 2015 9:21 PM

Oct 2012
mugi said:

Almost certain that Boyhood wouldn't have gotten any recognition if it wasn't for that "gimmick". (I didn't watch it so I'm just hatin')

I'm sorry but Linklater films always get recognition. It might not have gotten the buzz it did, but it'd still get buzz regardless. Both Before Midnight and Before Sunset got Oscar nominations for a major category. I'm not a huge fan of the Before trilogy (I've only seen Sunrise and I didn't really like it) but Linklater is without a doubt a critic darling.
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