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Jun 14, 2009 5:03 AM

Jun 2007
There was a thread like this before. Where has it gone? :/


Gokusen - 8/10

A great alternative to GTO. None of the episodes contain anything jaw dropping, and its short length works against it, but it's still a very fun, mostly episodic series. Well worth the tenner I spent on it.

In case you're in the dark, Gokusen is about a yakuza gang leader (of sorts) teaching a class of delinquents. Comedy ensues as she tries to hide her other identity and not show her students her martial art skills.

What helps the series out is its small cast of characters. While the 13 episode length prevented me from ever getting to know all of the cast in depth, I still learned enough about the lesser members to understand them and the more important characters did receive some development. It worked rather well as a comedy series with a small scope.

I can't say I understand why a fugly dog, who could walk on two legs, smoked and had thoughts in English was included, though. Most viewers of Gokusen hate the pointless dog with passion.

It's a shame the anime only lasts for 13 episodes. The manga has 15 volumes, so there was a lot more than what was included that could've been used. From what I've read, the one thing the short length of the anime did was allow for the story to flow better and not leave the viewer thinking the plot was wandering aimlessly for lengthy periods, but I still would've liked to see more episodes. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have found myself too bored if the series had lasted for 26 episodes...

In terms of plot threads I wanted to see the until completion, the conclusion of the KumikoxShin/teacherxstudent subplot, which had been building since the start, would've been nice to see. I doubt it would've gone anywhere because of their age difference, but there was definitely something there - Shin even got jealous in the final episode.

Watching Gokusen has made me want to watch the GTO anime at some point. The manga is a bit too long and expensive. The problem is, at present it'd cost £43 or so to import the two R1 box sets...unless I try TRS. Not bad but I'd rather wait to see if the pound raises in value more - it isn't as if I'm in a rush, after all.
AironicallyHumanSep 22, 2009 4:51 AM
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Jun 14, 2009 5:58 AM

Jun 2007
Toradora! Full review there.

The characters were great and played well.

The story was greats and J.C. Staff managed to pace it beautifully. It gets a 10 in my books and deserves it.

Kagumiya Rie was the star Voice actor and proved that just because she has done the exact same role 4 time she can still make it seem fresh and captivating.

Most of all the story left you feeling great and had a conclusion, twist, resolution for everyone and more in it's final episode without feeling rushed.
Check out my podcast here
Jun 14, 2009 8:38 AM

Dec 2007
Aionic said:
There was a thread like this before. Where has it gone? :/

The old thread was moved to the Spam section by the mods because "not enough people were writing even one sentence of their thoughts on the anime." People still post there though.

This thread cannot be moved to the Spam section, however, because of what you have in the title. And I like it.
Jun 14, 2009 9:27 AM

Apr 2009
Lucky Star, 8/10

The (in)famous comedy series about nothing at all, features simple designs, slow pacing and absolutely no plot development whatsoever. Fortunately it also has tons of charm, managing to make even secondary characters likeable, and provides a fresh breath of air with its clean humor in a genre filled with far too many derivative, sexual gags.

The design may be simple, but its cute and animated beautifully. Musically it features the catchiest opening ever and different endings for each episode that are (mostly) low on quality but high on the funnies, while the actual music during the show follows the animation's cute-and-simple style perfectly.

The characters of the show are new takes on old archetypes with a geek, a tsundere, and even two ditz instead of one yet they diverge from the usual stereotypes in enough ways to make them unique and endearing and, while the members of the cast who join later in the show are a bit more generic, they still preserve the show's brand of clean humor instead of falling in the usual tropes.

Unfortunately its humor sometimes relies too much on 'geek knowledge' and parodies of common anime tropes which may be missed by viewers newer to the world of anime. Other than that, however, its an excellent series, able to be enjoyed in both small doses as well as hours-long marathons. It may not be up to everyone's tastes, but give Lucky Star a try, you may fall in love.
No problem is insoluble in all conceivable circumstances.
Jun 14, 2009 1:24 PM

Dec 2007
Hunter x Hunter - 8/10

Finally an action-adventure with a lovable setting and unique characters! Best of all is the story though. Hunter x Hunter has the single most memorable story of any shounen that I have ever seen. The bad part is that the story has many loose ends as it is right now, but there is still a possibility that more Hunter x Hunter is right around the corner.

I did feel that this series suffers from one major flaw though: I feel that it has a relatively low re-watch value. But, Hunter x Hunter is a truly remarkable one-time watch-through experience nonetheless. An impressive series overall.
Jun 14, 2009 5:02 PM

Oct 2008
Special A - 7/10

Out of all the shows on my Plan to Watch list, this was one of the shows that hadnt been highly rated by friends. Its about Hikari Hanazono, a very competitive girl who has spent most of her life trying to better Kei Takishima a boy of the same age who is perfect at everything. Both attend Hakusenkan High School and are in the top class, "The S.A" which is reserved for the top 7 students in the school. As you can probably already guess Kei and Hikari are ranked 1st and 2nd respectively.
Starting off it was just your average high school slice of life comedy with its own unique charm. Some parts were a bit dull but the comedy was quite refreshing and kept it rolling. Would of been a lot better if Special A was 12 episodes rather than 24 as the smaller glimpses of the supporting characters were much much better than the main story between Hikari and Kei. It dragged on for too long and then tried to go dramatic for the last 2 episodes for a strong finish but it didnt really work.

If it hadnt of been for a few of the supporting characters (Akira and Tadashi mainly) then i would of most probably dropped the show.
LifeyJun 14, 2009 5:08 PM
Jun 14, 2009 5:45 PM

Mar 2008
Tsubasa Spring Thunder (or Tsubasa: Shunraiki) C-

Being the latest installment of CLAMP's ongoing manga series of Tsubasa Chronicle this was mostly a waste of time. I could have just sat and read at Barns and Nobel for two hours and get the same results. All it really was a couple of chapters form their manga animated. Most of what was done was done before better by it's previous counterparts, the plot was mostly slow paced and really again I just didn't see the point to this. Nothing particularly new or exciting was revealed, no major plot twists occurred it was CLAMP's bone to their readers and a slap in the face to the anime fans. Ohkawa didn't have much of a meaty script mostly just the bare bones the designs aren't visually appealing and the music is shoved into the background.
My Channel Anime Reviews, Unboxings and More
Drak Shadow For LetsPlays and Movie Vlogs
Jun 14, 2009 6:40 PM

Mar 2008
Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 7/10

It was good. Some laughs here and there, but it wasn't as funny as the first one.

It started great, the first chapter made me laugh a lot. I can barely remember the second chapter, I guess it was OK. The third chapter just seemed too forced,I finished the series with a frown.
If they weren't going to use some of the characters then they shouldn't have used them at all instead of leaving them hanging around in the background.

Overall it was entertaining but forgettable, at least they keep the same feeling as the first series.
Jun 14, 2009 6:45 PM

Dec 2008
Groove Adventure Rave 7/10

This series was better than I initially though it would be, I didn't like the music in either the original Japanese, or English. Despite that the story being a little cut short from the manga version , and a little off moments in the dub it was still A goo ride with this series, and I really hpe that Fairy Tail gets a slight better proper adaption than this did.
Jun 14, 2009 6:52 PM

Feb 2008
What do the words 'anime adaptation' mean to you?
Jun 14, 2009 8:58 PM

Dec 2007
Trigun: 7/10

Fun series which took a very welcome dark turn halfway through. The ending was a bit anti-climactic, which is probably what keeps me from giving this an 8. I should get around to reading the manga.
Jun 16, 2009 5:12 AM

Aug 2008
Ninja Scroll: The Series - 4/10

Didn't start too badly, not that I was expecting much anyway. I had the foresight to disassociate it with the movie which at least made it watchable. Some good, clean animation and an interesting variety of bad guys kept it interesting enough to keep going but the underlying plot was just far too thin to award a decent score. Watch it if you like, but you won't be missing out on anything if you give this a miss.
Jun 16, 2009 9:45 AM

Aug 2007
Origin: Spirits of the Past

Visually it was top notch, but other than that, everything was rushed and the movie ended far too quickly.

Jun 16, 2009 9:47 AM
Feb 2009
Witch Hunter Robin 7.5/10

Series starts off slow but starts to pick up after ep. 15. But following that, the events weren't strong enough to keep my interest. The overall concept of the show had potential but didn't execute. Ending was very predictable too.
Jun 16, 2009 12:38 PM

Jul 2008
Seirei no Moribito 10/10

Started strong, though it slowed down in the middle, the series ended strong. Top-notch animation and unexpected plot twists to keep me interested. Plus engaging characters and music (Nahji no Uta sticks out in my mind). I couldn't bear not to give it a high score.
Jun 17, 2009 2:56 AM

Jun 2008
Detroit Metal City: 7/10

Infamously offensive, stupendously low-budget, and filled with a kitschy charm that has won over mainstream audiences, DMC nonetheless falls short at the final hurdle that would leapfrog it into something great, remaining firmly within the bounds of the average.

The basic concept is fantastic - a country boy who dreams of making it big singing Pop is shanghaied into singing Death Metal, with hilarious results as he attempts to hide his job from his friends and his family. That sets the ball rolling incredibly well, with some genuinely funny first few episodes.

Unfortunately, the show is content to sit back on its laurels and keep spoonfeeding us the same few recycled gags one after another. Amazingly in a show that's half a cour long, it became derivative and boring. Other than the hilarious Detroit Moe City sketch, everything past episode 6 treads familiar ground, and all the penis jokes do get tiresome.
Peace through Superior Firepower!

formosan said:
Are you using some kind of advanced logic I don't know about? Have you decided to assign new meanings to English words? Are you just intentionally burning a straw man and knowing full well that you're changing the subject and misrepresenting a claim?
Jun 18, 2009 3:57 AM

Jun 2007
In an attempt not to add to my huge backlog of awesome anime I own on DVD, I'm making every effort to actually watch whatever I buy at the moment.

Three of the titles I recently paid for are Black Blood Brothers, Ghost Hunt and Starship Operators. I paid £12 for the first, £10.50 for the second and £10.50 for the third - all new. So, if they all had turned out to be shit, I wouldn't have lost a great deal.

Black Blood Brothers: 1-4

Black Blood Brothers is your usual vampire story. There are old vampires who don't change those they bite into vampires and there are a newer type - Kowloon Children - who do change people into vampires when they bite them. The details of the plot and back-story of the main character are up in the air at the moment, but the main character, Jirio, is feared as the 'Silver Sword' (or something) and is trying to reach an area where old vampires and humans can coexist (for reasons unknown), together with his younger brother.

At the moment, I'm unsure what to think. It looks nice enough for a TV series - it having been released back in 2006 - and the action makes it enjoyable enough to sit through, but I won't know if it's very good or just watchable until someone explains what the hell is supposed to be going on. The best thing about it so far is the standard attractive virgin character; the type who appears in almost every vampire story. She almost orgasmed when Jirio drank her blood and kicked his arse when he revealed she was a virgin - that's reason enough for me to keep watching!

Ghost Hunt: 01-07

For a show rated so highly, Ghost Hunt is surprisingly boring at times. It's fairly high quality mystery fare, each episode building the suspense as the mysteries move closer to being resolved, but it's still been rather uneventful for such a highly rated series up to yet.

For example, the first three episode story (each story arc seems to last for three episodes) was about discovering the mystery behind a supposedly haunted house. Naru moved in his recording equipment, a school girl helped him since she'd injured his assistant, a Shinto maiden came to shift the evil spirits, as did a monk and even a young Aussie priest came to join in on the fun. The entire first three episodes involved them trying to figure out why doors kept shaking and whatnot, and in the end ghosts turned out to not be the cause. Not exactly the most pulse pounding way to start a series about hunting ghosts!

The good thing about these drawn out, slow-paced stories is that plenty of time is given to character development and with every episode the tension builds. But, again, it isn't the most exciting series in the world when very little happens. I'm into it - it's pretty involving - but I'm not really sure what to rate it. I think it'll be an 8/10 because it's definitely superior to the other two series I'm watching at the mo, both of which appearing to be 6-7/10 affairs.

Starship Operators: 1-4

So far, this series has failed for one reason: a lack of any character development. Mamoru Oshii's younger brother must have come up with this story since there's been more space battle technobabble than there has been character development. Every sci-fi series should open (or, at the very least, follow the first few episodes) by fleshing out the main characters as much as possible, moving away from the space battle scene until enough has been done to make the reader/viewer care. There's a very good reason why in LotGH the story was quick to switch to the back-story of the leads before attempting to delve too far into an epic all-out war between multiple planets.

There have been other issues, too, namely how hard it is not to think of the story as dumb.
While on a class trip on a new battleship, the cadets on-board learn that their planet has fallen to a planetary alliance. They respond to this by deciding to take on this alliance of nations on their own, in one battleship, despite them having no battle experience. And, even worse, it appears that the enemy is trying to rule the universe with only a few battleships - they only ever send one ship after the 'pirates'.

Starship Operators appears to be no more than an excuse for lots of pretty young girls, who look out of place in a war with their thin arms and all, to be on a spaceship. No character development, a poor excuse for a story and the visuals aren't even very impressive. Even the MVM box set is cheap as hell - the DVDs were chucked in a 3 DVD case that's the size of a single DVD case, and it smells like the cases you can buy at Poundland.

To sum it up, so far...

Ghost Hunt: 7.5-8.5/10
Black Blood Brothers: 7-7.5/10
Starship Operators: 6-7/10
Jun 18, 2009 10:22 AM

Jan 2009
Here are my thoughts for Kanon (2006)
1.Characters: All characters were great.There was no one that i would hate except one thing. /i'll say it later/ Those who i liked the most were Mai /personal favourite =3/ and Makoto.Ayu is the only character i didn't liked.I don't like little, playacting creatures like her.I don't mean i hate her i just feel neutral about her.Nayuki is cool and funny i liked her./Faito, dayo =3/
2. Music : Well, i have nothing special to say here.The music was wonderful no matter if the scene was funny or dramatic.
3. Art: I really fell in love with the winter landscapes. - 10/10
4. Story: I'm one of the people who don't really get what's happening when the story is rather hard to understand.In the end i didn't get anything at all and were bored for most of the time. I'm going to explain it with the different arcs:
- Mai: My favourite one. I just fell in love with her character and loved the arc.
- Makoto: I almost cried.The other one i liked alot.
- Shiori: Not quite good. Shiori is the character i thing was a waste. That's the place where i died from boredness. But her sister is quite cool.
- Nayuki: Not bad.I was really sorry for her. It was hard to take all the feeling that just appeared.
- Ayu: /+end/ It was such a foggy story.It's true that it was sad but i didn't get anything in the end. Who knows when the character have a flashback or it is reality.The end just couldn't touch my soul and i didn't get impressed at all.

Final rate: 8/10 Don't ask me why that' s just how i felt it.
Jun 19, 2009 11:23 AM

Oct 2007
Grave of the Fireflies - 9/10

Rather old, so of course the animation isn't anything special (by today's standards at least.) But the music, especially toward the end, was astounding. The story was wonderful, and really moving and sad. Overall a great ghibli movie.

Jun 19, 2009 11:25 AM

Feb 2008
Eden of the East - 9/10

fabulous show so far, kind of getting too convoluted for its own good if you ask me but whateves, as long as they manage to resolve it all.
Jun 19, 2009 3:03 PM

Oct 2007
Higashi no Eden - 8/10

Don't know if I liked the ending much, but there is going to be the movies. Characters were alright, Oasis opening was cool, animation was nice and simplistic, overall enjoyable watch for the season.

Jun 19, 2009 3:11 PM

Oct 2008
Eden of the East: 610
If anything could be more misleading than the first episode.
As soon as sci-fi elements were included, I knew I wouldn't like it but I watched it to see how it ends. Ironically, this was supposed to show justice from a different perspective but we still got our typical hero who saves the day. The convoluted crap in the middle was there to cover up the lack of substance.
Apart from that, Oasis rocks and indie rules and death to metal.
Jun 21, 2009 4:48 AM

Jun 2007
Starship Operators: 7.5/10

Considering the start, I'm very pleased with how this series turned out. I thought it was going to be distinctly average to begin with because it seemed to be no more than a sci-fi series complete with one too many hot young girls on a battleship. While that fact didn't change, and the premise of one battleship taking on a planetary alliance and not being attacked by ten ships at once never stopped being stupid, my enjoyment level did continue to rise the further I progressed.

The biggest flaw of the series is the lack of character development. Due to the story starting as the action got under way, and the series only lasting for 13 episodes, there just wasn't enough time to flesh out anyone fully enough so that I could really care. I didn't even learn the names of most of the crew members. And, when a character did get some development, it usually meant he/she was on the verge of death and the development was just done in an attempt to get a reaction out of the viewers. But I did care about the core cast enough to care about outcome of the story, so I suppose there was just enough development where it mattered.

What I feel the series did very well with is with the space battle side. Ignoring the fact the most an army ever sends after a 'government in exile' is five ships, the tactics were great. Basic without all the jargon, perhaps, but I was able to get into the battles because of how easy to understand the tactics were once the battles got underway. The tactical side gave the series an epic edge, which resulted in me keeping watching until the very end.

Overall, the series isn't the classic it could've been with more episodes, but it's still a highly enjoyable sci-fi for those who love space battles. It was worth a tenner and I'll be keeping it, Poundland case or not.

Black Blood Brothers: 5.5-6/10

It started out in a promising manner, for a short vampire series. It ended horribly.

The first volume made me think it was going to be a rewarding enough 7/10 experience. The first four episodes flowed well, it looked decent, there was some good humour and the action wasn't bad. There even appeared to be a decent vampire love triangle, involving a betrayal and a death, lurking in Jiro's past. I was looking forward to seeing more of Jiro and his new virgin friend, Mimiko, in the final two volumes.

...sadly, however, that's where the good parts ended. The series became a complete mess once the team reached the Special Zone. Jiro fought people for little to no reason, there were meetings between important people that bored me and added nothing, the once intense seeming love triangle back-story of Jiro turned out to be so simplistic that it needed to be explained in short, out of order sequences at the start of every episode, none of the major plot points were ever explained and the end of the series concluded nothing. It's quite possibly the most pointless series I've ever watched - it didn't even have a story; just a collection of soulless conversations and battles between vampires.

Why did only Jiro get hurt by water? Why couldn't Jiro enter the Special Zone without an invite, despite him being a Black Blood? How did the Kowloon Children come to exist in the first place? Why are the Kowloon Children shown to be more powerful than standard vampires? What exactly went on in Hong Kong ten years prior to the start of the story? Why and how did Kasa betray Alice? Why was Alice referred to as a sage? Why was Kane, a vampire, able to transform into a werewolf?... WHY!?

If the story was planned out in advance, the author is an idiot because he/she managed only to create a confusing mess; one that only a simple child could ever appreciate. Despite its £12 price, it's one to avoid unless you're really desperate for something new to watch.
Jul 6, 2009 11:12 AM

Jun 2007
Planetes: 18 (8/10 so far)

Hachi is fast becoming a hate worthy son of a bitch. I can understand there being a conflict between dreams and love, but just ignoring Tanabe all of a sudden and not giving a shit about the debris section has made me seriously dislike him. Instead of Tanabe dying (I like her now - she says less naive rubbish and is kind of cute), I hope Hachi dies. Painfully. People who put themselves above others life he has are trash.

The series itself is good. Solid, but not amazing. In terms of overall quality, the odd crappy filler aside, it's an eight, but in terms of enjoyment it's probably more of a seven. It's often boring, the characters aren't anything new and the 'Dreams vs. Love' thing isn't exactly original. It hasn't rocked my world.

WHR: 22 (7/10 so far)

This series does not have a story. Girl joins witch hunters, girl hunts people, girl escapes when she's hunted, girl comes to the shocking (...) realization that she's a 'witch', girl stays in the area to help out with hunts, series ends (afer some genetics rubbish, no doubt).

It also doesn't have character development. I know next to nothing about any of the cast. The only thing I know is that the IT guy can't leave the building he works in - that's it. What sort of episodic series doesn't even attempt to add depth to its cast!? Character love is impprtant when the 'story' sucks.

...still, it's fairly enjoyable to relax and watch. It requires no brain power and it's hard to get lost when very little new occurs. I'll forget it when I'm finished with it, though - it just isn't special in any way.
Jul 6, 2009 12:36 PM

Apr 2009
Eureka 7 it was quite amazing. The ending made me cry.
Jul 6, 2009 2:24 PM

Jun 2009
Higurashi No Koro Ni-8.5

I just finished Higurashi no Koro Ni. And am currently watching Higurashi no Koro Ni Kai. And you have to watch them both, then the first season actually makes sense.

I like a good mystery or psychological type anime. And this one delivers just that. Yes it has a lot of violence in it. But if you have watched Elfen Lied, Black Lagoon or even Claymore you will most likely find it bearable.

The anime starts out relatively easy to follow. Then you get into the fourth episode, and are like WTF?! I don't understand anything that is going on.

But if you continue following the story you try to figure out everything that is going on, and if you are like me get pleasantly surprised when you are wrong about an upcoming event.

Overall it is an anime worth checking out. If you don't mind being confused for an entire season and most of the second season. I am finally starting to figure things out in season 2 and I'm on ep 10. And I still don't understand it all fully.

Oh yeah and the opening songs and endings are really interesting. Watch them at least once.

---I'm not going there to die...I'm going there to find out if I'm really alive-Spike, Cowboy Bebop---
Jul 9, 2009 2:30 PM

Jun 2007
Arjuna: 1-7

Watched 7/13 (2/4) of Arjuna last night.

The episode order is really weird. 3-4-4-2. Most episodes are in the middle volumes. It isn't smart to put a small amount at the start, and putting only two episodes on the final DVD pleases no-one.

Anyway, the series is hit and miss.

Visually it looks amazing considering its age, the art, animation and colour all being excellent. Even the CG, which is the only part that shows age, blends in well with the animation. You wouldn't think it's as old as it is.

Where it falls short is its lack of story. It's more like an information pack than an anime at times, with lots of episodes dedicated to pointing out how humans do what's easy rather than what's good for the world. Because it looks nice and I'm a dummy, I didn't mind very much, but others get really pissed about the director pushing his views on the viewers instead of, you know, using the anime medium to just tell a story.

And, even when it isn't focusing on being informative, certain aspects of the supernatral, magical girl stuff bugs me. For instance, at the start, after a well done introduction where the lead died, she was told as a spirit that she'd be saved if she purged the Earth of the Raaja. So, when shes reborn outsude a nuc plant that's being attacked, with the ability to summon a bow and guardian, she assumes the guy meant to kill the Raaja/worm things - who wouldn't? But, for reasons unknown, he goes back on what he said, acts like she's an idiot and tell her not to kill the Raaja. If anyone was being an idiot, it was Mr 'I know it all, yet explain nothing'. What an arse.

Overall, the series is good; solid but not amazing. Visually excellent, a decent soundtrack and the show has a clear message. The main two characters are even fairly likeable. But it lacks a decent story and, as a result, lacks whaat's needed to contect the dots. And the (as ever with anime) unexplained supernatural stuff does the series no favours. It's better than its MAL ratings suggest (compared to other anime), but it isn't a classic.

7/10 (so far)
Jul 9, 2009 10:06 PM

Jun 2007
Witch Hunter Robin - 7/10

I've typed myself out in another thread, so I'm not going to say a lot. I'll just highlight a few points instead:

- The worst thing about the series is the way obvious stuff gets turned into 'dramatic' plot twists. The main character had no clue she was the same as those she hunted, even though she used magic and she hunted people because they used magic, It was made into a big deal, which made it come across even more stupid. And, even after that's made perfectly clear, she - and the rest of the cast - still see the need to use the word witch as if there's some difference between hunters who use magic and those who don't. There's some REALLY dumb dialogue.

- The whole thing lacks any purpose. Most of the series is spent watching episodic witch hunting and the end, involving obvious plot twists about an anti-witch item and random genetic stuff involving the main character, seemed like it was chucked in there just to stop it going on forever. The most funny thing was that at the end Robin went back to hunting witches - nothing changed at all, from start to finish.

- This series had near to no character development. I know sod all about Amon, who appeared to be the main character at the very start, and the same can be said of nearly all the other main characters. I have no idea why, in a series full of fillerish material, no effort was made to flesh out the STN-J members.

...but, despite all of the above, it was enjoyable to watch. Brainless, mostly uninvolving and pointless, yet it never bored me. If thought of as no more than watch and forget entertainment, it was pretty good.
Jul 10, 2009 6:00 AM

Jan 2009
I just finished watching GunxSword.

I really liked this anime. Lots of fighting and the characters were well developed. :D
Jul 10, 2009 11:15 PM

Jul 2008
Finished Kino's Journey

Giving it a 9/10 because while I found some episodes bland, the ones I did like stood out over most other anime, and they make up for some slow bits I crawled through.

I particularly enjoyed the relationship between Kino and Hermes; the dialogue between them is amusing most of the time, and it is definitely better that Hermes could talk or the anime would've been much more boring.

The animation quality wasn't top notch but not terribly unwatchable. The 'storyline' if you will, is a good fresh concept, and I liked how Kino's past came out slowly even if they still did not cover everything about her past.

Which means I'll be watching the other Kino movies soon. :)
Jul 12, 2009 4:40 PM

Oct 2007
Sengoku BASARA - 8/10

The gar factor of this show made it pretty enjoyable, definitely a fun watch. Looking forward to the second season very much.

Jul 12, 2009 5:01 PM

Apr 2009
Blood+ - 8/10 (with 7 being average)

The first time I started watching it, I was bored to tears by the slow pace of the first quarter of the show. When I went back and finished it, I found that I liked the slow character developement, at which point it switched to being much more action oriented. Either way, the action was above average, but not fantastic and the show dragged on a bit (it would have been fine with 39 or 26 episodes, 50 was simply excessive). However, it had good characters and plot, and the opening themes were excellent, so I'll give it an eight out of ten.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Jul 13, 2009 8:14 AM

Jul 2009
Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan !!! Check freshly written review on my profile!
Jul 13, 2009 11:02 AM

Oct 2007
Monochrome Factor - 6/10

Rather generic and typical in pretty much every aspect, but I must say it made me laugh every episode.

Jul 15, 2009 1:44 PM

Jun 2007
Tenchi OVA 1 - 7.5-8/10

Entertaining enough fluff. Dealt with all the main character introductions, included most of the laughs and had a good villain. Let down by the silliness of it all and the lack of explanations about the sci-fi/supernatural elements (this is what ruined the series for me - random plot no justu power-ups and the like). The fact the alien + harem thing isn't new to me didn't help Tenchi out a lot.

Tenchi OVA 1+1 (7) - 8/10

Lots of harem comedy, no unexplained sci-fi. Good stuff.

Tenchi OVA 2 - 7-7.5/10

Started out decent, with some down to earth harem comedy (like episode 7) but became boring once the sci-fi stuff came back into the picture. There wasn't any Kagato this time around, and the new 'save the universe' plot seemed to be ditched after the 12th episode. The final episode involved the Jurai royal family randomly coming to earth and it bored me.

Tenchi: Mihoshi Special - 7/10

Meh. A decent watch after I'd just finished the first two OVA series but no more than that. The best part was when the mini-Ryoko's chased after Tenchi...and when Ryoko chained Tenchi to a bed. Everything else will prove to be easy to forget.

I like Tenchi but cba to watch the final OVA series or the TV series. The OVA quality worsened as it went on, and the various TV series will no doubt be full of poor filler that was thrown in to make the series fit into 26 episodes. But I'm glad I picked up the OVA box set - what I've seen was a good watch and I can understand why it's so loved, the art/animation quality and it not being as unoriginal as it is today turning into something of a legend.
Jul 16, 2009 3:29 PM

Dec 2008
Fate/Stay Night: 6.5/10

The story is decent I suppose. But the one thing that annoyed me extremely was the fact that people kept dying one after another!
Character dies, a few mins later another one dies, then 2 days later another one dies..It got frustrating! Especially since both my favorite characters ended up dead >.<
I would've given it lower than 6.5 if not for the ending, which I found particularly touching. Fate/Stay Night is called a Type-Moon legend...But as far as I'm concerned Kara no Kyoukai and Shingetsutan and Tsukihime are much better than this so called legend.
Jul 16, 2009 3:40 PM

Jul 2009
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 7/10

Impressive animation for the time, entertaining characters, and the potential for a great plot. Too bad it wasn't really a complete series, but I'm planning on watching the movies next (after Elfen Lied, currently). The twists weren't really "wow" moments either, and while the battles were kinda cool and well animated, it got old to watch the first 10 episodes as they were basically back-to-back angel episodes. I felt the high point was episode 24. And I won't get into eps 25/26 here, if only to say that they weren't necessary from my point of view. I'd figured all of that out by that point: I wanted to know about the angels, Seele, etc.
Check out my blog for anime reviews, news, and episode downloads.
Jul 17, 2009 6:44 PM

Apr 2007
BigSimo said:
You should probably put spoiler tags around the first sentence too...

And you should probably put spoiler tags in the quote too... lol :P

Finished Hatsukoi Limited 8/10

It was a very enjoyable show. Nice character designs and animation, a lot of funny moments. I would've missed this show probably if none of my friends have wachted it.
Jul 17, 2009 7:18 PM

Oct 2007
Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! - 6/10

Just a short work with nothing much put into I wasn't expecting much. Always feels nice to see the DBZ gang in action again though. Same classic characters, quick thrown together 30 min. plot, modern animation, and fair enjoyment to kill some boredom.

Jul 17, 2009 7:24 PM

Oct 2008
Itachi-san said:
BigSimo said:
You should probably put spoiler tags around the first sentence too...

And you should probably put spoiler tags in the quote too... lol :P

haha good point.
Jul 18, 2009 1:26 AM

Sep 2008
Lamune 3/10 13 episodes of "whatever"

Midori No Hibi 6/10 I liked the main character, but I thought it should have been way more perverted, it was way to tame for it's own good.

Saikano: 7/10 I thought it was way to toned down from the manga, it wasn't nearly as soul crushingly depressing as the manga was.

Eden of the East 9/10 Fantastic anime, the attention to detail was unparalleled and the craftsmanship was great. only complaint was it was too short and alot of things went unanswered. But I'm looking forward to the movies.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jul 18, 2009 1:48 AM

Jun 2007
Tenchi Movie 1 - 7.5/10

Nice time travel story (the idea, anyway), but no explanations provided for how people could go back in time with ease and unleash plot no justo power-ups when needed. And the ending, which suggested Tenchi's mother died because he was born and she somehow lost her powers by passing them onto him, was confusing when other Jurai women have had brats and not died.

Tenchi doesn't work so well when there's a serious business, 'prevent time from changing' story. On one hand I thought the story was decent but on the other I thought it was fucking retarded how crazy shit kept happening without explanation. The focus being on drama and not comedy hurt the film quite a bit.
Jul 18, 2009 6:19 AM

Mar 2009
Gintama- 8/10

Very funny, diverse/great characters and interesting storyline. A few episodes are a little boring, but mostly all are really good.
Jul 18, 2009 6:27 AM

Jun 2008
Mars of Destruction- 10/10

It delivered everything I expected it to, yo.

Story-Had no idea what the hell was going on really.. sounded very bad and the sounds seemed off key most of the time.. and you got these crazy aliens shooting lazer beams from their mouth yet it makes this very low unspectacular "Brgggggggggggggh" sound

Characters-4 Chicks who were completely useless..1 guy who was an asshat..Come on you are in that sweet armour yet all you can do is make these very odd sounds and then swing your sword once and get pwned
Jul 18, 2009 1:30 PM

Dec 2008
Rosario + Vampire Capu 2 - 7/10

Too much ecchi for me. And some episodes was boring ^^" But... I've got new favourite characters - like Inner Moka and Shirayuki Mizore. This plot is similarly to Zero no Tsukaima - one boy in diffrent world {or strange school} and some girls is in love with him {in the first episode or this last one ^^"}. I really like OP from 2nd season - it's awsome! I like it ;3

Jul 18, 2009 1:34 PM
Mar 2009
Monster- 9/10

Great Story and Interesting characters.

A few slow/boring parts kept it from a 10.
Jul 18, 2009 1:37 PM

Apr 2009
Nyoron chururya-san - 8/10

Made me lol pretty hard sometimes, but somehow it didn't have as much depth as people would have me believe. Still 8 points better than Endless Eight though.

Rozen Maiden Overture - 10/10

Yes. 10/10. 2 episodes of fuckwin. Partly because Sugintou is one of the greatest characters ever concieved by man and partly because it made me very sad. Goddamnit Shinku, goddamnit.
Jul 18, 2009 3:15 PM

Jun 2009
Samurai 7 - 8/10

Not what you would expect from the name if have not read a review or seen a preview but still a really good anime. The plot follow a small farming village how have to give all the produce (rice) to bandits but being tired of of this they set out to find samurai to save their little community. Not to give much away they got seven samurais hence the name samuria 7. What make this a much see? It show the differents in social class and the dieing of the samurai in socity. Also what might be seprising it is a Mecc anime. You should all check it out and the movie which was some time in the 1960.
Jul 18, 2009 3:27 PM

Jan 2009
Great Teacher Onizuka 10/10

Just an amazing anime. As someone who is inspiring to be a teacher i could really respect what Onizuka was doing doing for his teachers(most of the time). Just the all the lessons that this anime throws at you is truly staggering and amazing, each arc has something new from which we could learn from. Despite the poor ending this anime was truly just a masterpiece.
Jul 18, 2009 7:03 PM
Jul 2009
.hack//GIFT - 6/10 (for all the .hack series)

Just finished all the .hack series. Slooooow plots. But decent story.
Sora brings a great comic-relief. Cool to see the unique characters and weapons.
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