I think Liquid Arrow mentioned it, i've never really used face book, so that'd be why, give my best to everyone, i'll almost certainly get the game, but i'm not terribly optimistic about anything socom related nowadays.
and yeah Jason got me to get an XB1, not really playing anything currently, little bit excited about elder scroles online at the end of June.
Will almost certainly get a ps4 when anything playable comes out.
Not tried the new snd yet wasn't really a big fan of snd on the last one (i miss hard point)
Bog standard xbox mic is under £10 isn't it?
Smithy seems adamant he's getting X1, but in leaning towards the ps4, either way i most likely won't get either till well into the new year, when games i actually want come out (i don't have anything specific in mind)
Bo2 is probably the best one since 4, as long as you have 2-3 competitive friends willing to play with you at all times. It's a terrible experience solo in general. League and hardpoint were inspired doe.
Gow has never done anything for me, there's some interesting stuff coming out for pc this year, failing that probably best to wait for the new rainbow game this year.
All Comments (204) Comments
I think Liquid Arrow mentioned it, i've never really used face book, so that'd be why, give my best to everyone, i'll almost certainly get the game, but i'm not terribly optimistic about anything socom related nowadays.
and yeah Jason got me to get an XB1, not really playing anything currently, little bit excited about elder scroles online at the end of June.
Will almost certainly get a ps4 when anything playable comes out.
TWD was always at its best when they were backs against the wall, they've been settled for to long, and i miss Shane.
If your looking for more shows
Banshee was a very easy watch, waiting on s2 atm.
Supernatural is quality, if you can get into it, tons of that to watch.
First season of American horror story was class to, second was meh, waiting on the third to end.
Attack on Titan, Shingeki no Kyojin, pretty good show, if not for the god awful mc, an excellent show.
Bog standard xbox mic is under £10 isn't it?
Smithy seems adamant he's getting X1, but in leaning towards the ps4, either way i most likely won't get either till well into the new year, when games i actually want come out (i don't have anything specific in mind)
Bo2 is probably the best one since 4, as long as you have 2-3 competitive friends willing to play with you at all times. It's a terrible experience solo in general. League and hardpoint were inspired doe.
Gow has never done anything for me, there's some interesting stuff coming out for pc this year, failing that probably best to wait for the new rainbow game this year.
Played allot of black ops league with smithy and Jason, but smithys got a job now, so that finished.
Completed dead island co op with jason the other week, waiting on the new resident evil now.