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Akame ga KILL!
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Aug 10, 2014 11:34 AM
Jun 2014
LeFlower-kun said:

You expect Mine to carry two teigu with a broken arm?

She can lug one around using a broken arm without much issue, I don't see why two would be hard. They don't appear to be very heavy at all.

Alternatively, Mine could have been killed instead. She was a more annoying character, harder to sympathise with, AND Sheele could have attempted to save her by killing guardgirl, thereby remotely shutting down her weapon "just too late".
Aug 10, 2014 11:35 AM

May 2009
Anon1409 said:
In what episode will

Just like Kamina.
Aug 10, 2014 11:36 AM

Apr 2009
Tokoya said:
Kaoknight said:

Unfortunately, the first episodes used the cartoonishly evil villains of the week as a way to introduce the characters and this makes it way too easy to point out all the Blacknwhite area flaws.

It's like that in the beginning, but as of last week's episode, this is not the case at all

Please, as if just labelling someone as evil makes them evil in the first place.
Most members of Night Raid and Tatsumi are just the typical tropes you can find in a lot of other action Shounene series. The onee-san, the kuudere with her sword (Yamato Nadeshiko, how I loathe thee), the tsundere, the bro character, etc.
Uh..what is this? They kill people? Well, so do many other Shounen series. Even One Piee does that..actually, I'd argue that the main cast in OP is just as "evil" as the main cast in AgK is. They do some morally questionable things, but utilizing selfjustice on some cartoonishly evil villians is someting different than releasing hudnreds of the worst criminals upon the world and actually overthrowing legitimated governments and their agencies left and right. Which is kinda ironic because despite its goofier art, OP villians are usually more believable than all the "bad characters" we were shown so far in AgK (that includes the entire manga as well).
Thankfully Oda knows how ridiculous these tropes can get and actually manages to write max between goofy and serious that works and makes the characters feel more vivid whereas in are left with a really formulatic concept that doe not get expanded well.
It also doesn't help that when it tries to be funny it feels awfully tagged on because of the extreme overdone serious effect it tried to achieve earlier.

Also, do not even try to start anything about plot armor and "characters actually die here". They did so in countless other Shounen. Currently HxH and Jojo air where main characters are dieing on a constant basis without it feeling forced and hilariously badly written. Akame and many other characters here have very visible plot armor and denying that is bs.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Aug 10, 2014 11:36 AM

Jun 2013
I totally did not see this coming. I only watched Akame ga Kill because the action is mindlessly fun and exciting. Didn't expect it to actually build up a plot, character development through suffering, morally grey characters and "Anyone can die". My, it's almost as if Urobutcher wrote this.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Aug 10, 2014 11:36 AM

Jul 2014
ChirthorpeTwo said:
LeFlower-kun said:

You expect Mine to carry two teigu with a broken arm?

She can lug one around using a broken arm without much issue, I don't see why two would be hard. They don't appear to be very heavy at all.

Alternatively, Mine could have been killed instead. She was a more annoying character, harder to sympathise with, AND Sheele could have attempted to save her by killing guardgirl, thereby remotely shutting down her weapon "just too late".

Since you've read the manga

Aug 10, 2014 11:38 AM
Jan 2014
Anon1409 said:
In what episode will

HunterTennouji said:
I totally did not see this coming. I only watched Akame ga Kill because the action is mindlessly fun and exciting. Didn't expect it to actually build up a plot, character development through suffering, morally grey characters and "Anyone can die". My, it's almost as if Urobutcher wrote this.

Great, at least someone is walking in with the right expectation and actually has a correct interpretation.
ResidentAug 10, 2014 11:42 AM
Aug 10, 2014 11:39 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
T3hSource said:
Tokoya said:
It's like that in the beginning, but as of last week's episode, this is not the case at all
So Seryu is not an insane evil sociopathic killer? Oh and Esdeath, we've seen her humiliate and kill a guy, totally not evil and just as psychopathic.

This will be like Mami's death in Madoka, as in: oh look, the main cast can die!
If you truly believe that this is all that is to them, then you're even more far gone than I though =/
Aug 10, 2014 11:41 AM

Apr 2009
Well.. both Esdese and Seryu are rather simple characters that received just marginal development in the manga so far. It's actually pretty shockign to me to see people hype stereotypes up this much.

Next time provide arguments instead of ad hominem. I heard those have more credibility.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Aug 10, 2014 11:43 AM

Apr 2014
Basically Akame ga kiru.
"Probably the most interesting thing about Akame ga Kill! is the kind of mindset it tries to appeal to. This is a story that knows very clearly that it’s a work of fiction. Much of the humour comes from very typical anime gags (“Big boobs!” “She sucks at cooking!” “Oh, no, that gay guy is coming onto me!”) inserted at very atmosphere-breaking intervals. It’s jarring in a way that feels like sloppy, amateur storytelling but all of this is probably completely intended. Not that it stops it from being annoying, mind you.

The real head trick comes at the gory moments. Instead of having its characters indulge in lectures about basic morality, they just go ahead and kill the bad guy without any hesitation. I suppose if you’ve ever watched a movie and thought, “Man, why don’t they just kill that idiot already?” Akame ga Kill! is the sort of story that appeals to that sense of frustration."

Aug 10, 2014 11:43 AM
Dec 2012
please tell me she dies quite violently, because that imperial guard seryui or w.e her name is does not seem redeemable @ all.
Aug 10, 2014 11:43 AM

Jul 2014
Nidhoeggr said:
Well.. both Esdese and Seryu are rather simple characters that received just marginal development in the manga so far. It's actually pretty shockign to me to see people hype stereotypes up this much.

I'm not the type of person to say 'Since you dislike a series, why do you keep watching/reading it' but since you know what goes on in the manga... Have you taken a any interest in the series or what..?
Why do you keep on watching/reading this series... I have to ask ¬_¬...
Aug 10, 2014 11:44 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
Tokoya said:
It's like that in the beginning, but as of last week's episode, this is not the case at all

Please, as if just labelling someone as evil makes them evil in the first place.
Most members of Night Raid and Tatsumi are just the typical tropes you can find in a lot of other action Shounene series. The onee-san, the kuudere with her sword (Yamato Nadeshiko, how I loathe thee), the tsundere, the bro character, etc.
Uh..what is this? They kill people? Well, so do many other Shounen series. Even One Piee does that..actually, I'd argue that the main cast in OP is just as "evil" as the main cast in AgK is. They do some morally questionable things, but utilizing selfjustice on some cartoonishly evil villians is someting different than releasing hudnreds of the worst criminals upon the world and actually overthrowing legitimated governments and their agencies left and right. Which is kinda ironic because despite its goofier art, OP villians are usually more believable than all the "bad characters" we were shown so far in AgK (that includes the entire manga as well).
Thankfully Oda knows how ridiculous these tropes can get and actually manages to write max between goofy and serious that works and makes the characters feel more vivid whereas in are left with a really formulatic concept that doe not get expanded well.
It also doesn't help that when it tries to be funny it feels awfully tagged on because of the extreme overdone serious effect it tried to achieve earlier.

Also, do not even try to start anything about plot armor and "characters actually die here". They did so in countless other Shounen. Currently HxH and Jojo air where main characters are dieing on a constant basis without it feeling forced and hilariously badly written. Akame and many other characters here have very visible plot armor and denying that is bs.

I'm Not going to bother reading or responding to you anymore for obvious reasons so you can just stop right there and save it
Aug 10, 2014 11:44 AM

Apr 2009
Because I started it and I almost never drop manga. As for the anime... comparing source to adaption.

Tokoya said:

I'm Not going to bother reading or responding to you anymore for obvious reasons so you can just stop right there and save it

So you have no argument and choose to bailout because you cannot argue further? Fine then.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Aug 10, 2014 11:44 AM
Jun 2014
Mikatarukito said:
ChirthorpeTwo said:

She can lug one around using a broken arm without much issue, I don't see why two would be hard. They don't appear to be very heavy at all.

Alternatively, Mine could have been killed instead. She was a more annoying character, harder to sympathise with, AND Sheele could have attempted to save her by killing guardgirl, thereby remotely shutting down her weapon "just too late".

Since you've read the manga

Actually a friend of mine read the manga. When I got ticked off and raged about Sheele dying a cheap death when there were so many other plot options which would have been better, he then told me about *that person* and how *their* death is cheaper and more contrived.
Aug 10, 2014 11:44 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
Well.. both Esdese and Seryu are rather simple characters that received just marginal development in the manga so far. It's actually pretty shockign to me to see people hype stereotypes up this much.

Next time provide arguments instead of ad hominem. I heard those have more credibility.
Ad Hominem? We're making up accusations now, are we? Cool
Aug 10, 2014 11:46 AM

Jan 2013
So justice girl wasn't so cute after all. ;D
Aug 10, 2014 11:46 AM

Apr 2009
Tokoya said:
Nidhoeggr said:
Well.. both Esdese and Seryu are rather simple characters that received just marginal development in the manga so far. It's actually pretty shockign to me to see people hype stereotypes up this much.

Next time provide arguments instead of ad hominem. I heard those have more credibility.
Ad Hominem? We're making up accusations now, are we? Cool

Look at your last post... You are disproving yourself right now.
Tell me, how is AgK main cast morally grey or "evil"? I eagerly await a response.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Aug 10, 2014 11:47 AM

Feb 2013
bastek66 said:
Yay, CR less censored

Omg, man, whyyy did she die? Hur.
Aug 10, 2014 11:49 AM
Aug 2012
saanguen said:
bastek66 said:
Yay, CR less censored

Omg, man, whyyy did she die? Hur.

Where the hell can I watch the censored version? I'm quite curious of what they did with it now...
Aug 10, 2014 11:49 AM

Mar 2014
no Sheele nooo TT-TT
Aug 10, 2014 11:50 AM

Jan 2008
Dammit, just when I started to really like Sheele too. I hope Tatsumi cuts that gun-modified, Seryu bitch in half.
Aug 10, 2014 11:50 AM

May 2014
-Resident- said:
T3hSource said:
OK, next layer: Why do you like her character?Because she hugged Tatsuya once?

Her backstory is shallow, her archetype is poor: airheaded ditzy girl(uguuu) that is only useful when killing. Is that all you need to like a character? Wouldn't you want an entire arc to her, explore her personality, improve her flaws, have some struggle, actually attach to her and care about her.

You simply don't get the point, like most people.
Schere's death was not meant to be something for us to feel that much. That's why her character wasn't developed as much, as you'd like.

I'm glad you brought up Tatsuya, instead of Tatsumi, that is going to prove my point even further. The whole point of her death was simply to show us that our main cast is not invulnerable, like Godsuya and other OP main characters. I hope you heard what Najenda said in the end. - "It takes a Teigu to beat a Teigu."
That's what Takahiro was trying to say. As long as any future opponents use a Teigu, our main cast is not guaranteed to make it out. That just adds extra excitement to future fights, which I did experience. It's not my fault that your, and many other people's interpertations are flawed.
So a character death is not supposed to be a tragic a event, but rather a proof of a fictional concept? That doesn't really make for a compelling narrative which is inherently told through characters, whom the viewer is supposed to attach to in the first place to immerse themselves in the story.

And I mixed up the names, damn one katakana character differences.

Keetriver said:
People can just simply like a character for their personality and behavior, wanting them to appear more and deeper exploration of their character. When that gets taken away, I say it qualifies as depressing.
I'm not sure I got your point. So people want something to have depth, and when it's taken away that's depressing, right? What if there is no depth to begin with, and that's only wishful thinking that there will be when suddenly that opportunity is taken away, that's disappointing, not depressing from my view.
T3hSourceAug 10, 2014 12:06 PM
Aug 10, 2014 11:50 AM

Oct 2012
What a painfully mediocre anime. Guess I'll just watch it for the gore.
Aug 10, 2014 11:50 AM

Jul 2010
-Resident- said:
T3hSource said:
OK, next layer: Why do you like her character?Because she hugged Tatsuya once?

Her backstory aren't oallow, her archetype is poor: airheaded ditzy girl(uguuu) that is only useful when killing. Is that all you need to like a character? Wouldn't you want an entire arc to her, explore her personality, improve her flaws, have some struggle, actually attach to her and care about her.

You simply don't get the point, like most people.
Schere's death was not meant to be something for us to feel that much. That's why her character wasn't developed as much, as you'd like.

I'm glad you brought up Tatsuya, instead of Tatsumi, that is going to prove my point even further. The whole point of her death was simply to show us that our main cast is not invulnerable, like Godsuya and other OP main characters. I hope you heard what Najenda said in the end. - "It takes a Teigu to beat a Teigu."
That's what Takahiro was trying to say. As long as any future opponents use a Teigu, our main cast is not guaranteed to make it out. That just adds extra excitement to future fights, which I did experience. It's not my fault that your, and many other people's interpertations are flawed.

That's the thing I like most about akg, it's a shounen but it breaks away from some annoying tropes that are way too common in some other shounens like bleach and naruto.

I just find it weird that people are expecting a battle shounen to be super deep when people are spilling gallons of blood when a limb is cut off and characters are making their straight man jokes.
Aug 10, 2014 11:52 AM

Apr 2013
Multiple things I was afraid of.
1 Censoring.
2 Story-line.
3 Seriousness of the anime.

Glad that none of it is ruined.
This episode really sets the tone for the anime.
Aug 10, 2014 11:55 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
Tokoya said:
Ad Hominem? We're making up accusations now, are we? Cool

Look at your last post... You are disproving yourself right now.
Tell me, how is AgK main cast morally grey or "evil"? I eagerly await a response.
Please stop trying to start shit....It'n not going to work

And secondly, nice try to get me to spoil, but no. I shouldn't need to explain the obvious to you since you supposedly read the manga yourself.....

For the last time, I am DONE with you, so please take your attempts to bait and troll elsewhere because quite frankly, I don't give a shit anymore
Aug 10, 2014 11:57 AM

Apr 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
Because I started it and I almost never drop manga. As for the anime... comparing source to adaption.

Tokoya said:

I'm Not going to bother reading or responding to you anymore for obvious reasons so you can just stop right there and save it

So you have no argument and choose to bailout because you cannot argue further? Fine then.

He never said he has no argument to offer. He never said he's bailing out. It's just that you are trying too hard to make yourself sound right, in fact, replying to you is a bother and is a waste of time if you never can be convinced otherwise. That's why.
Aug 10, 2014 11:57 AM

Oct 2012
omg they killed her, dead.
this anime just got 10x better
Aug 10, 2014 11:57 AM

May 2014
Kaoknight said:
I just find it weird that people are expecting a battle shounen to be super deep when people are spilling gallons of blood when a limb is cut off and characters are making their straight man jokes.s
Well when it's serious and dramatic about people spilling gallons of blood and isn't showing the characters having fun or being campy, of course there's something wrong with it.

Black Lagoon's fights were over the top, but half the time they were done with banter, grins, rule of cool badassness and the like, yet it's so much more realistic and dramatic when it needs to be.
Aug 10, 2014 11:57 AM
Aug 2012
T3hSource said:

Keetriver said:
People can just simply like a character for their personality and behavior, wanting them to appear more and deeper exploration of their character. When that gets taken away, I say it qualifies as depressing.
I'm not sure I got your point. So people want something to have depth, and when it's taken away that's depressing, right? What if there is no depth to begin with, and that's only wishful thinking that there will be when suddenly that opportunity is taken away, that's disappointing, not depressing from my view.

Wow really dude?
Every single character written in every fiction ever conceived have the POTENTIAL for depth. That POTENTIAL may be classified as wishful thinking, but that wish is immediately crushed if the character is removed from the story.
Aug 10, 2014 12:00 PM
Jun 2014
For the people whining about the lack of seriousness, deepness, characters and story telling of the series... just remember this is a shounen, its not seinen and it will never be.
It was a good episode, i failed to get attached to this character but it was stated from the start that it would be a kill fest and only one would survive per fight.
Aug 10, 2014 12:00 PM

May 2014
Keetriver said:
Every single character written in every fiction ever conceived have the POTENTIAL for depth. That POTENTIAL may be classified as wishful thinking, but that wish is immediately crushed if the character is removed from the story.
So... bitter disappointment.

"She could've been so much more.
*leaves off to write yurifiction*"
T3hSourceAug 10, 2014 12:04 PM
Aug 10, 2014 12:01 PM

Apr 2009
Tokoya said:
Nidhoeggr said:

Look at your last post... You are disproving yourself right now.
Tell me, how is AgK main cast morally grey or "evil"? I eagerly await a response.
Please stop trying to start shit....It'n not going to work

And secondly, nice try to get me to spoil, but no. I shouldn't need to explain the obvious to you since you supposedly read the manga yourself.....

For the last time, I am DONE with you, so please take your attempts to bait and troll elsewhere because quite frankly, I don't give a shit anymore

So you have no argument? Ok. Apparently I got the facts all wrong and it is not like Forgetfulness described:
Forgetfulness said:
Tokoya said:
It's like that in the beginning, but as of last week's episode, this is not the case at all
Except it still is. Last week Seryu was introduced as someone who might be working for "good", but this episode clearly shows she's just insane and fucked up, like every other villain we've had so far

The characters are all very varied and grey and surely not all either insane and over the top evil or generic tropes.
This is not trolling, this is trying to start a discussion ffs. But apparently not praising something counts as trolling now.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Aug 10, 2014 12:01 PM

Sep 2007
Wasn't Sheele teigu supposed to cut through fucking everything? How did Seryu block it with her guns?
Aug 10, 2014 12:09 PM

Jul 2010
T3hSource said:
Kaoknight said:
I just find it weird that people are expecting a battle shounen to be super deep when people are spilling gallons of blood when a limb is cut off and characters are making their straight man jokes.s
Well when it's serious and dramatic about people spilling gallons of blood and isn't showing the characters having fun or being campy, of course there's something wrong with it.

Black Lagoon's fights were over the top, but half the time they were done with banter, grins, rule of cool badassness and the like, yet it's so much more realistic and dramatic when it needs to be.

I meant the story in general. back while i was reading the manga i wasnt expecting fma or Shakespeare, I can see all the faults it has but it doesn't stop me from having fun for what it is.

I hate how it can be super edgy but outside of that I like that it's not trying to pretentiously be something it's notlike SAO and mahouka.
Aug 10, 2014 12:09 PM

Dec 2012
Nidhoeggr said:
The characters are all very varied and grey and surely not all either insane and over the top evil or generic tropes.
This is not trolling, this is trying to start a discussion ffs. But apparently not praising something counts as trolling now.

If nobody wants to discuss with you then couldn´t you just stop and leave.No reason for you to be here then.
Aug 10, 2014 12:10 PM

Apr 2008
Jenkof1993 said:
Nidhoeggr said:
The characters are all very varied and grey and surely not all either insane and over the top evil or generic tropes.
This is not trolling, this is trying to start a discussion ffs. But apparently not praising something counts as trolling now.

If nobody wants to discuss with you then couldn´t you just stop and leave.No reason for you to be here then.

Don't think you're the first one to tell him this. He won't stop. He's just that dedicated to this trolling
Aug 10, 2014 12:11 PM

Oct 2012
LeFlower-kun said:
Nidhoeggr said:
Because I started it and I almost never drop manga. As for the anime... comparing source to adaption.

So you have no argument and choose to bailout because you cannot argue further? Fine then.

He never said he has no argument to offer. He never said he's bailing out. It's just that you are trying too hard to make yourself sound right, in fact, replying to you is a bother and is a waste of time if you never can be convinced otherwise. That's why.

If he had arguments to offer he would use them and he literally hasn't. He literally said he's bailing out in the text you quoted.
f42f21f24aAug 10, 2014 12:15 PM
Aug 10, 2014 12:14 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Forgetfulness said:
Tokoya said:
It's like that in the beginning, but as of last week's episode, this is not the case at all
Except it still is. Last week Seryu was introduced as someone who might be working for "good", but this episode clearly shows she's just insane and fucked up, like every other villain we've had so far

as for the episode, it was alright. Some parts were good (especially Sheele's dying moments), some were mediocre shounenshit (like always)
She is insane but she has good intentions too

It seems people are forgetting that she is a soldier of the capitol and is only doing her job...And of course we're forgetting the fact that she despises criminals because her father died fighting them...As well as the fact that her precious teacher Ogre was murdered by Night Raid members whom are criminals

Greenward said:
LeFlower-kun said:

He never said he has no argument to offer. He never said he's bailing out. It's just that you are trying too hard to make yourself sound right, in fact, replying to you is a bother and is a waste of time if you never can be convinced otherwise. That's why.

If he had arguments to offer he would use them and he literally hasn't. He literally said he's bailing out.
This made me laugh....If you honestly think that, then go read the manga and find out for yourself...Or better yet, watch teh episode when Tatsumi first met everyone in Night Raid properly
TokoyaAug 10, 2014 12:21 PM
Aug 10, 2014 12:15 PM

Apr 2008
Greenward said:
LeFlower-kun said:

He never said he has no argument to offer. He never said he's bailing out. It's just that you are trying too hard to make yourself sound right, in fact, replying to you is a bother and is a waste of time if you never can be convinced otherwise. That's why.

If he had arguments to offer he would use them and he literally hasn't. He literally said he's bailing out.

No he's just saving himself time because no one in their life on this site has ever managed to persuade nidhoe. The guy is a mule who will refuse any counter argument. He doesn't want a debate. He wants superiority.
Aug 10, 2014 12:15 PM
Aug 2012
T3hSource said:
Keetriver said:
Every single character written in every fiction ever conceived have the POTENTIAL for depth. That POTENTIAL may be classified as wishful thinking, but that wish is immediately crushed if the character is removed from the story.
So... bitter disappointment.

"She could've been so much more.
*leaves off to write yurifiction*"

Or you could build that shrine I only just said you didn't need to do.

If I ever meet you IRL, after exchanging a few words come to understand you're a polite person and bid farewell in hopes that I'll meet you again, only to find out that you've been run over dead by a scooter, I'll be sure to feel 'disappointed'' without being 'sad'.
KVVAug 10, 2014 12:42 PM
Aug 10, 2014 12:17 PM
Jan 2014
T3hSource said:

So a character death is not supposed to be a tragic a event, but rather a proof of a fictional concept? That doesn't really make for a compelling narrative which is inherently told through characters, whom the viewer is supposed to attach to in the first place to immerse themselves in the story.

Again, you are walking in with the wrong expectations, regarding the character developement in this series. You set up your standarts too high. If you didn't find Schere's character (which was built from elements, seen in the previous episode) compelling enough for that high bar of yours, then simply take her as a plot device. It might be unwise to say this, but if you can't lower your bar, nothing other than that can help you overcome your problem.

T3hSource said:
And I mixed up the names, damn similar one kana differences.
I know about that, don't worry. I just thought I could use that for my convenience.

Keetriver said:
People can just simply like a character for their personality and behavior, wanting them to appear more and deeper exploration of their character. When that gets taken away, I say it qualifies as depressing.
I'm not sure I got your point. So people want something to have depth, and when it's taken away that's depressing, right? What if there is no depth to begin with, and that's only wishful thinking that there will be when suddenly that opportunity is taken away, that's disappointing, not depressing from my view.[/quote]
This post adds even further to what I'm trying to say. Your point of view is simply too high to begin with.

Also regarding one of your previous posts
T3hSource said:
Who's Scheele and why the heck should I care about her dramatic death when she could've easily killed Seiryu instead of cutting her arms again wasn't she supposed to be only good at killing without remorse?

She could've killed her, Seryuu could've easily shot her with the gun from her mouth earlier, as well. But she didn't. Seryuu simply put all her hopes for victory in the trump card of her teigu. When Seryuu forced Koro to go into Overdrive, it simply grabbed Schere's attention, because it posed a large threat for Mein.
ResidentAug 10, 2014 12:21 PM
Aug 10, 2014 12:17 PM

Apr 2008
Forgetfulness said:
Darklight0303 said:

Don't think you're the first one to tell him this. He won't stop. He's just that dedicated to this trolling
If anything, manga readers and AgK defenders in this thread seem to be the ones lacking on arguments.
Shall I show you an example?
Tokoya said:

I'm Not going to bother reading or responding to you anymore for obvious reasons so you can just stop right there and save it

No that just proves someone doesn't want to waste time on discoursing with a wall that will deny any counter argument thrown at it something which Nidhoe is notorious for
Aug 10, 2014 12:18 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Forgetfulness said:
Darklight0303 said:

Don't think you're the first one to tell him this. He won't stop. He's just that dedicated to this trolling
If anything, manga readers and AgK defenders in this thread seem to be the ones lacking on arguments.
Shall I show you an example?
Tokoya said:

I'm Not going to bother reading or responding to you anymore for obvious reasons so you can just stop right there and save it
I'm not bothering because he should know better and is clearly trying to bait and troll and we all know that the mods are tired of all of this shit and spoiling of future events which I refuse to be apart of any longer

This is the same shit that's been going on since Episode 1's thread
Aug 10, 2014 12:18 PM

Jul 2013
lol i din't expect this
ffs a gun in her mouth? idk if that is impossible, but i'm sure it's pretty stupid
Aug 10, 2014 12:18 PM

Jul 2010
Ahhel said:
Wasn't Sheele teigu supposed to cut through fucking everything? How did Seryu block it with her guns?

I guess "cutting anything" only works when opening and closing the scissors and not when used as oversized sword.

But the bigger plot hole is that schele had the chance to kill seryu but kept messing around even though she's a "natural killer"...
Aug 10, 2014 12:20 PM

Apr 2014

I personally Love it because of the Action in it and how Fearless the author is for Killing off Characters or Injuring them severely,He just doesn't give a F***.
Anyway You aren't so supposed to feel anything with Sheele,It really didn't matter.
I think Akame ga kiru isn't right for you and you Should stop watching if you're bent on Character development in here.There's almost no Character development for the Characters Except for Tatsumi its mostly focused on him.

Well I enjoy the Manga for what it is.Its fun to read and I really liked how AGK makes fun of Tropes in general,I think its intended.
Gore anime,Probably But I watch and Read it mainly because I want to see the Story unfold and What would be the fate of Night raid in the future? I want to see it for myself.
Tatsumi=Esdeath.F***ing die Mein.
NeutralSideAug 10, 2014 12:23 PM

Aug 10, 2014 12:20 PM

Apr 2008
retepeters said:
lol i din't expect this
ffs a gun in her mouth? idk if that is impossible, but i'm sure it's pretty stupid

Did you forget Ogre mentioned some crazy doctor and experiements that would give her a trump card. She's no longer really all human. She's more cyborg.
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