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Jun 21, 2013 8:23 AM
Feb 2012
This type of argument can be related to not just anime, but anything in general. But I'm going to stay on topic for now. ... honestly, compared to Japan's pricing on their DVD/Blu-ray, buying them here is technically a "steal". (rimshot) Joking aside, if you love more than one show that is currently owned by a company, it wouldn't hurt to give some support.
If you can't afford DVD/Blu-rays but have a good internet connection, spending 8 dollars a month for each official streaming provider can provide you with very good quality, and can support the industry. If you are able to afford DVD/Blu-rays (the better option), depending on the price... yeah, buy them. (and yes, I had bought some Anime on a mixture of DVD/Blu-ray, and am planning to buy more in the future, so there's my support.)
Jun 21, 2013 8:46 AM

Aug 2012
I don't know why people are so annoyed when other people stream their anime (illegally or not). I don't intend to keep subbed anime on my disk, nor do I intend to rewatch series (I never rewatch subbed series), so I'd rather save bandwidth by watching a non-HD stream. I mean, if they don't wanna download, so what?
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jun 21, 2013 9:10 AM

Jun 2012
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about what that clown Arkada has to say. He should focus more on trying to do half decent reviews instead of trying so incredibly hard to be funny than sitting around and preaching about piracy.

Edit - I've probably blown more money on my manga collection than he has on his anime collection. And when it comes to anime, I buy the anime of series I truly enjoy.
I'm also filled with pure-hearted ulterior motives.

Jun 21, 2013 9:15 AM

Feb 2013
All I got from reading this thread is:

- Users in MAL hate people who don't care a dime about their favourites and beloved anime.

- Users in MAL think it's wrong to pay for something if they can get it for free.

- Users in MAL insult each other when there's a conflict of opinions.

I'm not saying you should buy everything, however, if you can and have the mean to do so, then buy and support the industry. Prices are not always affordable, I know, but when you can, you should. If you can't, it's fine, although you shouldn't, it's understandable.

However, the fact that most people think anime should be free and wouldn't pay a single penny for it, is quite irritating. If you are convinced you should never pay at all for anything, then you are the douches.

Personally, I don't buy all the anime I watch, it would simply be impossible to cope with the costs. However, whenever possible, I tend to make use of CrunchyRoll and buy DVDs of the series I like the most.

By the way, let's not divert the main concern of this topic to "Subs vs Dubs", we had enough of these discussions. Keep your opinions for yourselves, it's an endless war between fanatics of each sides. I prefer subs, but I don't mind dubs.
Aliis si licet, tibi non licet.
Jun 21, 2013 9:45 AM

Sep 2012
Who cares. I know Japan doesn't. If they did, they would make more effort to broadcast to a wider audience. Come back to me when it dosen't cost me upwards of $200 to buy a series that's been out for 5 years (Looking at you Bakemonogatari.) Until then, eat a dick, and enjoy your low quality shit and bad streams. I'll just sit back and enjoy my free BD rips.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise the Oppai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Jun 21, 2013 9:52 AM

Sep 2012
I don't want to blame the victim here, but if it's really a problem for the industry, they're probably going to have to adapt sooner or later. To succeed they need to take advantage of new technology.
Jun 21, 2013 10:06 AM

Jul 2012
sherlock5545 said:

I'm not saying you should buy everything, however, if you can and have the mean to do so, then buy and support the industry. Prices are not always affordable, I know, but when you can, you should. If you can't, it's fine, although you shouldn't, it's understandable.

However, the fact that most people think anime should be free and wouldn't pay a single penny for it, is quite irritating. If you are convinced you should never pay at all for anything, then you are the douches.

Personally, I don't buy all the anime I watch, it would simply be impossible to cope with the costs. However, whenever possible, I tend to make use of CrunchyRoll and buy DVDs of the series I like the most.

By the way, let's not divert the main concern of this topic to "Subs vs Dubs", we had enough of these discussions. Keep your opinions for yourselves, it's an endless war between fanatics of each sides. I prefer subs, but I don't mind dubs.

It's not that it should be free. Fact is there are ways to get it free and people use those ways.
If anime wasn't free no one would protest and say "anime should be free".
If there was no way to get anime for free, there would be just not as many people watching it, and communities like MAL would probably not exist.

I also think people are free to support the industry. As I stated I would, and will at some point spend money on building up a collection. But so far I think torrents are pretty nice.

The sub vs. dub thing plays partially a reason (licencing, funimation, television broadcast) But yeah if I wanted to talk about dub vs sub I would have made a different thread.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 10:13 AM

Oct 2012
How is this still an argument? I am past the point of discussion on this matter so let me just say this: everyone gets what they have coming to them. In this life or the next.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jun 21, 2013 10:59 AM

Jul 2008
I used to download everything, but now I pretty much just stream through hulu or crunchyroll. Yes, the quality is worse, but at the same time I like to support the companies that are localizing it - and, honestly, I think it's selfish not to if the option is available.

Yeah, my picture isn't crystal clear, and I have to wait a few days longer than the people who just dl everything to get a new episode. Oh no! I manage.

While Orsonius is right in that you're not stealing in the sense that it's taking the supply away from others like stealing food from a supermarket would, the fact remains that you're stealing from those who own the rights to it in that they aren't getting anything from your consumption of the product.
Jun 21, 2013 11:04 AM

Feb 2010
because its wrong that we don't want to spend 800$ on a dvd box?

though i only watch the streaming shows so meh

also when they start selling them for REASONABLE PRICES and/or bother to release it were i live ya i would buy them, sadly that not usually the case

also i feel like iv seen this thread about fifty times now
GrimAtramentJun 21, 2013 11:14 AM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jun 21, 2013 11:06 AM

Oct 2012
His video was more of a, "Hey! Stop messaging me and/or posting comments about illegal viewing of anime on my channel!" rant, which is cool and I can respect that.

However, this video didn't really enlighten me nor did I really gain anything informative from it; what he covered were things I was already aware of.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jun 21, 2013 11:25 AM

Jul 2012
NickyCharisma said:
How is this still an argument? I am past the point of discussion on this matter so let me just say this: everyone gets what they have coming to them. In this life or the next.

nah that's not really the case. especially not about the "next".

AnyaOtaku said:
I used to download everything, but now I pretty much just stream through hulu or crunchyroll. Yes, the quality is worse, but at the same time I like to support the companies that are localizing it - and, honestly, I think it's selfish not to if the option is available.

Yeah, my picture isn't crystal clear, and I have to wait a few days longer than the people who just dl everything to get a new episode. Oh no! I manage.

While Orsonius is right in that you're not stealing in the sense that it's taking the supply away from others like stealing food from a supermarket would, the fact remains that you're stealing from those who own the rights to it in that they aren't getting anything from your consumption of the product.

Hmm I understand the argument.
But I think like this.
It's not like they actually LOST a customer when I download the shows. I would just not watch anime in the first place if I couldn't get it this way.
And maybe just maybe, I am somewhat beneficial to the industry by for example promoting anime.

Whenever I do a recommendation to someone, and that someone ends up buying it, I indirectly supported the industry. If I wouldn't watch anime I couldn't recommend and potential customers might never buy the product.

I think this is true on a boarder scale as well, each member of the anime community outside of japan, is helping the industry just a little bit.

Tavor said:
His video was more of a, "Hey! Stop messaging me and/or posting comments about illegal viewing of anime on my channel!" rant, which is cool and I can respect that.

However, this video didn't really enlighten me nor did I really gain anything informative from it; what he covered were things I was already aware of.

No, if that was his intention he could have made a short videos explaining to everyone "Don't advertise, link or tell me about piracy. I don't like it and think it is wrong".

His intention was more preachy.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 11:31 AM

Oct 2012
Orsonius said:

No, if that was his intention he could have made a short videos explaining to everyone "Don't advertise, link or tell me about piracy. I don't like it and think it is wrong".

His intention was more preachy.

If he made a short video like that, he'd have to respond to a stream of messages/comments about why he doesn't want that on his channel, so this video served as a wake up call as well as a way to refute future naysayers all in one.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jun 21, 2013 11:37 AM

Jul 2012
Tavor said:
Orsonius said:

No, if that was his intention he could have made a short videos explaining to everyone "Don't advertise, link or tell me about piracy. I don't like it and think it is wrong".

His intention was more preachy.

If he made a short video like that, he'd have to respond to a stream of messages/comments about why he doesn't want that on his channel, so this video served as a wake up call as well as a way to refute future naysayers all in one.

well okay if you say so. I just used his video to start this discussion. and not so much to talk about it.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 11:42 AM

Feb 2013
I think it was both, very preachy, but a way to shut people up on his channel.

If you buy all your anime and manga then that’s great, you're helping the industry which is a good thing. What i didn't like was the fact that he was telling you that there is no reason not to buy anime.

In that video he showcased that he had spent something over $300 (let alone the outfit and scrolls). He has the means to buy all that stuff so he is extremely ignorant to suggest that other people should do the same because its 'cheap'. Even if we did buy a lot of stuff, we would still stream it online; because I don’t want to ‘buy’ every single thing I watch otherwise we all would be broke.
Jun 21, 2013 11:49 AM

Oct 2012
I'll be honest, Netflix, Crunchyroll, and other streaming services are missing quite a few anime that I've wanted to check out. Aside from buying them, the only other choice was to torrent, and I don't blind buy so you can probably guess what I chose. That being said, I firmly believe in supporting the industry when possible and I still buy the series I have downloaded if I enjoyed them. I will say the one thing that annoys me is when people take a very myopic approach to the subject and have the mentality of, "WHY WOULD ANYONE PAY FOR ANIME!? I'M NOT EVER GIVING THOSE GREEDY FAGGOTS MY MONEY, FUCK THEM!" or anything similar to those lines.

Supporting dat industry-
ShrabsterJun 22, 2013 1:08 AM

Jun 21, 2013 11:51 AM

Oct 2012
Orsonius said:

well okay if you say so. I just used his video to start this discussion. and not so much to talk about it.

I just felt this was a weak start off video for this kind of discussion since the underlying reason was intended to fend off people posting illegal links on his channel, thus why his reasoning behind this topic is not in-depth to be convincing.

If there was possibly a video explaining the repercussions of pirating/illegal streaming and how it affects the anime industry with statistics, that would of been more interesting. However, since Arkada didn't have such information present, his moral argument came across wishy washy, as you pointed out in the OP post.

The only thing in that video that was somewhat interesting for his defense was that a hobby requires money, but again, I also agree with you said about that too. Money isn't even in the definition of the word hobby.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jun 21, 2013 11:58 AM

Feb 2012
It's not illegal to watch anime online from websites regardless of websites. The only people at fault are the people who upload (so about 99.9% of the raw providers and everyone else who uploads after).

It's also not illegal to download anime. You only get in trouble when you are sharing (uploading or seeding for torrents).

Laws regarding online piracy are very loose and full of holes.
Jun 21, 2013 12:04 PM

Feb 2013
HeavenlyUser said:
It's not illegal to watch anime online from websites regardless of websites. The only people at fault are the people who upload (so about 99.9% of the raw providers and everyone else who uploads after).

It's also not illegal to download anime. You only get in trouble when you are sharing (uploading or seeding for torrents).

Laws regarding online piracy are very loose and full of holes.

Well, in Japan they see it differently. You are liable of copyright breach when you download copyrighted materials. This applies only in their own territory, they don't care that much about what's going on outside.
Aliis si licet, tibi non licet.
Jun 21, 2013 12:04 PM

Jan 2013
Downloading attack on titan for free right now.

Breaking Bad>Anime
Comic books>manga
99% of Anime is Garbage
Jun 21, 2013 12:06 PM

Dec 2012
Anyways, he makes following Statements:

1) Illegal Streaming and Downloading in USA(and AUS, CA etc) is not necessary, because of legal alternatives which are also free (crunchyroll, hulu and others)

2) Illegal Streaming and Downloading is „morally“ wrong, and you shouldn‘t do it.

3) Even if you buy the BluRay etc. later it‘s still bad to use illegal services.

These at least are true, in my opinion. If you live in the states you can watch most shows for free or through a low cost pay streaming service. There's only 1 from my watching list which I still have to acquire through other means, most of what I have my eye on each season gets picked up and streamed legally.

As for the other two bullets, anime is still not exactly cheap, after all it's a niche product. However, it's definitely affordable if you have a decent source of income and a bank account. Even more so if you know the lost art of saving money. As for #5, I think sampling a show would fall under "fair use" depending on how much of it you pirated.
KruszerJun 21, 2013 12:24 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Jun 21, 2013 12:06 PM

Feb 2012
sherlock5545 said:
HeavenlyUser said:
It's not illegal to watch anime online from websites regardless of websites. The only people at fault are the people who upload (so about 99.9% of the raw providers and everyone else who uploads after).

It's also not illegal to download anime. You only get in trouble when you are sharing (uploading or seeding for torrents).

Laws regarding online piracy are very loose and full of holes.

Well, in Japan they see it differently. You are liable of copyright breach when you download copyrighted materials. This applies only in their own territory, they don't care that much about what's going on outside.

Yes. In japan it's completely illegal to download/share and have huge charges for doing so but this was for the U.S when they don't have much of those laws.
Jun 21, 2013 12:12 PM

Oct 2009
The law isn't my compass as to what's right from wrong. I decide what's right from wrong. I download movies and music 1st because I don't want to waste my money on a product I won't enjoy. If I like the product I'll buy it. Anime is the same. If an anime I enjoyed has a proper release in the West I'll buy it. And I have a subscription to Crunchyroll.

That's just me though. Feel free to disagree.

Jun 21, 2013 12:22 PM

Mar 2013
Japan doesn't sweat this kind of stuff because they don't want to anger their fan base, that's why dojinshi is allowed. it's " anmoku no ryokai" the unspoken agreement.
Jun 21, 2013 12:35 PM

Feb 2013
Japan doesn't care, because if it wasn't for all of us being able to watch anime online we wouldn't be as big of fans as we are. The reason anime has gotten cheaper is because there is a bigger demand for it as its more popular. That wouldn’t have happened if it wasn't for the internet.

We have anime clubs, conventions, websites and lots of merchandise be exported because of this.
Jun 21, 2013 12:54 PM

Oct 2012
Orsonius said:
NickyCharisma said:
How is this still an argument? I am past the point of discussion on this matter so let me just say this: everyone gets what they have coming to them. In this life or the next.

nah that's not really the case. especially not about the "next".

We'll see on both counts soon enough hombre.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jun 21, 2013 12:55 PM
Jun 2012
Everything he says in the video is mostly true. Now most of you not agreeing with it is a different story, but it's still true.

HeavenlyUser said:
It's also not illegal to download anime. You only get in trouble when you are sharing (uploading or seeding for torrents).

Actually, it is illegal if it's copyrighted.
Jun 21, 2013 1:08 PM

Jul 2012
NickyCharisma said:
Orsonius said:
NickyCharisma said:
How is this still an argument? I am past the point of discussion on this matter so let me just say this: everyone gets what they have coming to them. In this life or the next.

nah that's not really the case. especially not about the "next".

We'll see on both counts soon enough hombre.

I'm not really sure what you are implying.

as stated in some posts above, there is no real law enforcement against download anime.
And this life is pretty much the only we get, I'm quite sure about it.
OrsoniusJun 21, 2013 1:11 PM
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 1:08 PM
Feb 2012
MajinSaga said:
Downloading attack on titan for free right now.

I'm guessing Crunchyroll's not good enough for you. ... oh well. Can't stop anyone from doing anything bad, but I just want to say... make sure that you're aware of what's right and wrong on what you do.
Jun 21, 2013 1:10 PM

Jul 2012
filmftw1 said:
MajinSaga said:
Downloading attack on titan for free right now.

I'm guessing Crunchyroll's not good enough for you. ... oh well. Can't stop anyone from doing anything bad, but I just want to say... make sure that you're aware of what's right and wrong on what you do.

Maybe he watches commie.

Tagredan said:
Everything he says in the video is mostly true. Now most of you not agreeing with it is a different story, but it's still true.

HeavenlyUser said:
It's also not illegal to download anime. You only get in trouble when you are sharing (uploading or seeding for torrents).

Actually, it is illegal if it's copyrighted.

Sorry but people outside of japan can't sue you for downloading it, only if you start downloading licensed stuff by funmation or some shit like that.

Downloading airing shows can't get you into trouble unless you are japanese in japan.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 1:14 PM

Oct 2012
Orsonius said:
NickyCharisma said:
Orsonius said:
NickyCharisma said:
How is this still an argument? I am past the point of discussion on this matter so let me just say this: everyone gets what they have coming to them. In this life or the next.

nah that's not really the case. especially not about the "next".

We'll see on both counts soon enough hombre.

I'm not really sure what you are implying.

as stated in some posts above, there is no real law enforcement against download anime.
And this life is pretty much the only we get, I'm quite sure about it.

Once again, we'll see about that.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jun 21, 2013 1:24 PM

Jul 2012
NickyCharisma said:

Once again, we'll see about that.

Probably not.

Tagredan said:
Orsonius said:
Sorry but people outside of japan can't sue you for downloading it, only if you start downloading licensed stuff by funmation or some shit like that.

Downloading airing shows can't get you into trouble unless you are japanese in japan.

I'm not saying they will do something about it though. Just saying it's illegal.
Jaywalking is illegal too. They won't do anything about it, but it's still illegal.

haha okay yeah true.

Overall I think the whole topic of "piracy" is pretty loose.

I mean it's very easy for me to copy data, any data.
Take an mp3 for example.

i click on the mp3 and do control + C.
open a different file and press control + V.

the song has been duplicated.
With tapes, cds or vinyl it's not that easy. You still need that raw material and a copying mashine.

So when I now go to my friends house and give him the copied MP3, was that piracy?
I don't think so.

Let's say I didn't go to his house but send the song as an Email to him, is that piracy?

Let's go further. Let's say I consider everyone my friend on the internet, and sending them all an email with the mp3 is pretty complicated, so I just use a filehoster and put it online, so my friends could just download it.

Or imagine it like this. Instead of going with that copied CD to my friend or send it to him via mail.

I just place it in public.
Anyone could take the copied mp3 cd with them. For free, without buying the original, is that illegal?
Morally wrong?
Am I not doing something nice, I give away things for free, without stealing it from others, since all I did was copying the original.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 1:30 PM

Oct 2012
Orsonius said:
NickyCharisma said:

Once again, we'll see about that.

Probably not.

I'll see you at the finish line partner.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jun 21, 2013 1:38 PM

Jun 2008
Removed a bunch of posts related to bashing specifically at the user.

If I see any more of this happening, this thread will be locked.
Jun 21, 2013 1:56 PM

Jul 2012
Tachii said:
Removed a bunch of posts related to bashing specifically at the user.

If I see any more of this happening, this thread will be locked.

You sure have a lot to do, and I sure don't make life easier for you :P

NickyCharisma said:
Orsonius said:
NickyCharisma said:

Once again, we'll see about that.

Probably not.

I'll see you at the finish line partner.

I just want to have the last word.

Tagredan said:

You make a valid point. This needs a lot of thinking to get the right answer!

The thing is, mediums die out, because of technology.
Progress always leads to either change or extinction.
It's evolution.

Take cinemas for example.
In the early 20th century the only way to watch a motion picture was to got into the theaters.
You payed the Theater so they provide you with the technology to watch motion pictures.
Flash forward today, everyone now can make their own home cinema, with 3D television/beamer, 5.1 surround sound etc.

Imagine everyone had a homecinema, wouldn't that mean that real ones die out because no one needs them anymore?
What would happen to the film industry?
I mean can Hollywood survive from bluray and dvd sales?
Also lets not forget piracy still exists. Not only can you watch it with amazing sound and picture quality at home, but also for free.

Things die out as technology advances, and maybe anime will too.
I don't wanna go to far but this concerns much much more than just anime. Technological advancement will shake the very foundations of our values sets.

Soon humanity has to get used to a new definition of property.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 1:57 PM

Aug 2012
Orsonius said:
Morally wrong?
Am I not doing something nice, I give away things for free, without stealing it from others, since all I did was copying the original.
You'd have to define exactly what "morally wrong" means in this context. That's what makes this hard to understand.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jun 21, 2013 2:05 PM

Jul 2012
gamer2710 said:
Orsonius said:
Morally wrong?
Am I not doing something nice, I give away things for free, without stealing it from others, since all I did was copying the original.
You'd have to define exactly what "morally wrong" means in this context. That's what makes this hard to understand.

Whatever "morally wrong" is about piracy. I personally don't believe in morally wrongs or rights, so I can't tell you, but apparently people like Arkada think it is morally wrong to pirate anime.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jun 21, 2013 2:16 PM

Sep 2011
In my opinion, I really don't see a problem with obtaining anime through illegal means such as torrents or some streaming sites, When you watch illegal anime you are basically asking your this question: Do I want to blindly pay $30-120 for a show I have never seen or have any guarantee of liking at all? Most people would obviously answer no to this question, which is why so many anime enthusiasts watch anime through illegal means, and will support the industry by buying the DVD/Blu Ray when it is released if they are living in North America. This then brings about the issue of licensing in the Americas and your preference of sub or dub. Let's say Funimation has just gotten the licensing rights to your favorite anime, BUT you despise dubs and are currently watching the series through illegal means, You say to yourself: Why would I pay for a DVD of a show licensed by a company who didn't even make it in the first place? Now, If you were a fan of dubs and the company in question gave it an English adaptation you might consider purchasing such product, but only if you liked the original series's sub or found the dub through other means. The whole concept of Legal vs Illegal viewing of anime really comes down to the person who is watching the show, and whether or not they have the finances or merit it takes to support the licenser in NA. On another note, about the whole "Torrent vs. Illegal streaming" scene, Who really gives a shit about what ANOTHER person is doing in order to obtain their anime? Let them decide what they want to do, don't come barging in with your rampant opinions of what YOU think they should do instead of themselves. You can always of course try to influence or convince this person to take your side of the argument but as the old saying goes: "You can lead a horse to water but it might not drink."

My Personal Preferences:

Dub vs Sub: I prefer dub a bit more, but I love sub almost as much, and if there is no dub for an anime I am thinking about watching "Oh well!" I'll just watch it in sub illegally, if the anime happens to be in dub, I will watch a few episode of the dub illegally and consider purchasing it to support the licensor, who localized it in the West.

Torrent vs. Illegal Streaming: I find myself doing a bit of both, but I would say I stream more than I download, I am not going to go over the points of which is 'better' because really, the only trade-off I see is Torrent" Better quality Stream: Faster. Argue with me about this all you want, and if you don't like it, just sue me.

Legal vs. Illegal: Everyone has their own definition of "morals" and this can vary person to person, but if you are not a douchebag (at least all the time anyways) You should really consider buying the DVD if you liked the show. I myself, watch the anime illegally then purchase it if I liked it and has a dubbed licensor in the U.S.

Closing Thoughts: The arguments being thrown back and forth here (the non relevant comments about The ways torrents are SOO much better than streaming)
should just be stopped, again I reiterate, who gives a shit what other people are doing? Worry about yourself. I hope I have shown some light upon this subject, and feel free to reply if you disagree with what I am saying, I will acknowledge your viewpoint, and not bash on it like so many other people in this thread have. Thank you. - Pieman
Jun 21, 2013 2:57 PM

Jun 2013
Give me fast downloads of anime with high quality, zero DRM, dual audio and English subs included. Make the first 3-4 episodes of each show available for free. No "not available in your region" bullshit. If an anime would be available through a service of this kind, I would pay for it. There would even be no reason to torrent it to "try it out" if the first few episodes would be legally free anyway, unless the series has a lot of episodes plus a slow start and requires a longer "test period".

Steam and GOG are great services for games that actually work, and which I use quite often. iTunes still disappoints by insisting on having DRM for videos, even though almost everything they release ends up on a torrent/cyberlocker/usenet in like 12 hours. What good is such DRM anyway?

And about physical media? Zero availability where I live. The industry just needs to man up and make a proper online service. I could afford the things I watch, I am willing to pay for them, why do you keep on refusing to take my money? And then they whine that piracy is hurting them even though they are the ones screwing themselves over.
If you generalize, you're wrong.
Jun 21, 2013 3:13 PM

Dec 2012
The problem isn't piracy. The problem is that the anime industry is so dependent on selling physical discs at batshit-crazy prices!

The industry needs to change. All the people that know these prices are inane and allow themselves to be ripped off by these companies are part of the problem.

If you want to see this industry evolve for the better, stop letting them rip you off just so you can feel good about "supporting the industry". You seriously think DVD's are going to be around forever? Anime needs to be distributed better and at more reasonable prices, plain and simple. Anyone who buys anime at these prices is contributing to the industry's inertia.

If you want to really help the industry change for the better, the best thing you can do right now is sign up for CrunchyRoll premium, or any other digital service that lets you watch/download anime legally at acceptable prices.

We need to show them that we're done with discs and ready for more content on online platforms.
Jun 21, 2013 3:18 PM

Aug 2012
sedmelluq said:
Give me fast downloads of anime with high quality
Yeah and make it pay-flat-rate-once-for-unlimited-access. With the exception of cost, this would put official anime at the same level as torrents. The only difference is you're supporting a service pretty much everyone wants.
sedmelluq said:
... dual audio and English subs included. Make the first 3-4 episodes of each show available for free. No "not available in your region" bullshit
Sounds like you're asking a lot from dubbing companies.

The only ones that would suffer here are the ones still relying on disc sales.

You'd also have to tackle the issue of the Japanese overpricing everything.
gamer2710Jun 21, 2013 3:22 PM
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jun 21, 2013 3:37 PM

Sep 2012
I'm kind of weird when it comes to this topic. I am subscribed to crunchyroll, Hulu, and Netflix and I watch anime on all three services, but I just do it to support the industry. Even though I have all these streams at my disposal, I find that downloading the anime from fansubbing groups has better quality and is more easily at my disposal.

All I gotta do is plug in my 2 terabyte external harddrive and watch my BD Rips. I still buy Blu Rays of my favorite anime like Steins;Gate and Clannad After Story, but some of the anime is stupidly overpriced (Bakemonogatari, Fate Zero, etc.) and I'm gonna get that shit illegally. You just can't deny that downloading is a much more convenient and better way to watch anime than streaming.
Jun 21, 2013 3:37 PM

Jun 2013
gamer2710 said:
sedmelluq said:
... dual audio and English subs included. Make the first 3-4 episodes of each show available for free. No "not available in your region" bullshit
Sounds like you're asking a lot from dubbing companies.

Personally I don't mind only having subs, but I meant that it would make sense to offer dual audio for at least the titles that already have dubs, I don't really expect them to order new dubs.
If you generalize, you're wrong.
Jun 21, 2013 3:39 PM
Sep 2009
Honestly, I don't have all that much a problem with illegal streaming and torrents. Granted, I do mostly watch legal streams nowadays, but there are some anime that are not available through legal means and I will watch those shows 'illegally'. I watch legal streams as much as I can because I appreciate the work companies put into acquiring licensees and getting the rights to stream and distribute anime. However, I will usually watch an anime before buying it and sometimes I end up watching them through illegal streams.

Something that bothers me though is the incessant refusal of some people to buy anime they like when they are readily available from distributors. Some people act as if they are going to starve to death or something if they buy a blu-ray or DVD.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Jun 21, 2013 3:43 PM

Aug 2012
sedmelluq said:
gamer2710 said:
sedmelluq said:
... dual audio and English subs included. Make the first 3-4 episodes of each show available for free. No "not available in your region" bullshit
Sounds like you're asking a lot from dubbing companies.

Personally I don't mind only having subs, but I meant that it would make sense to offer dual audio for at least the titles that already have dubs, I don't really expect them to order new dubs.
Well it's not like they're gonna suddenly stop making dubs, either.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jun 21, 2013 3:57 PM

Jan 2013
If anime wasn't free I wouldn't watch it. Simple as that. God knows I'm not spending hundreds of dollars on anime DVD's. That being said, thank God for torrents.
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Jun 21, 2013 4:24 PM

Jan 2013
sherlock5545 said:
All I got from reading this thread is:

- Users in MAL hate people who don't care a dime about their favourites and beloved anime.

- Users in MAL think it's wrong to pay for something if they can get it for free.

- Users in MAL insult each other when there's a conflict of opinions.

I'm not saying you should buy everything, however, if you can and have the mean to do so, then buy and support the industry. Prices are not always affordable, I know, but when you can, you should. If you can't, it's fine, although you shouldn't, it's understandable.

However, the fact that most people think anime should be free and wouldn't pay a single penny for it, is quite irritating. If you are convinced you should never pay at all for anything, then you are the douches.

Personally, I don't buy all the anime I watch, it would simply be impossible to cope with the costs. However, whenever possible, I tend to make use of CrunchyRoll and buy DVDs of the series I like the most.

By the way, let's not divert the main concern of this topic to "Subs vs Dubs", we had enough of these discussions. Keep your opinions for yourselves, it's an endless war between fanatics of each sides. I prefer subs, but I don't mind dubs.

I 100% agree.
Jun 21, 2013 4:59 PM

Oct 2010
Okay, reasons.

1. My favorite anime series isn't even licensed, here in my country. It's been quite a lot of time since 2002. And a whole lot of anime I watched isn't there anyway.

2. Crunchyroll doesn't work in here yet. Even if it did, I do care very little about its content because the version they are trying to bring in here will be focused only on the latest seasons, pretty much.

3. The prices. Yes, the prices. The DVD-Blu Ray market needs to be competitive. And if I don't have legal streaming alternatives with more reasonable offers, I don't feel like paying 70 € for a short series that is available, for free, in eight hundred streaming sites at the time.

4. It's just easier in any way. Economical of course, but also on time spent.
Jun 21, 2013 5:19 PM

May 2013
1. I will not pay for legal websites such as Crunchy Roll who provide a subscription service instead of the much more preferred option of downloads or physical discs.

2. I live in England and the majority of anime is not available to me, even a lot of dubbed anime.

3. Most of the anime I watch is subbed anime which most of the time never end up getting a dub, and thus, since I'm not seen as a potential viewer, it doesn't harm the industry as they don't take me into account.

4. I'm just a selfish twat in general to anyone and everyone except those close to me. Hell, I'm a bloody Pirate, and if that doesn't make me feel guilty, nothing will.

The main point is that the majority of people who pirate anime (and any other media) are selfish twats like me, and the selfish twats who do watch anime legally only do it because they would feel guilty for pirating, as it is not morally right. So I guess it depends on whether you care about morals and shit, because Tristan certainly knows that it would take a lot more than this to harm the anime industry. Hell, they are rolling in money as it is.
Dark_ChaosJun 23, 2013 7:35 AM
Jun 21, 2013 5:39 PM

Jun 2012
Downloading anime from a torrent is cheaper,easier to obtain,high quality, and you can save it on your computer to watch later. Much better then any legal streaming site out there.
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