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When girls/women watching the shows that they aren't supposed to...

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Aug 14, 2012 3:34 AM

Apr 2012
Actually, I am a girl and I love K-ON! as well as Lucky Star. Especially K-ON since it's been a long time since I watched an anime with no bishies at all. It's refreshing to see cuteness instead of hotness.

Anyways, I agree with your point.
Aug 14, 2012 4:00 AM

Feb 2012
boating92 said:
Is everyone in this thread 12 years old? You do realise that women watch shows with female protags and characters because they're female and they can relate to them?

The fuck? There are no gender, age or species restrictions on what you can relate to or not.

Also, many moe and ecchi shows are actually made by women. Not that I don't get TCs point here. I've watched some shounen ai and also read one shounen ai manga more or less accidentally. But I'm not going to start complaining about fanservice or tropes I saw in those.
Aug 14, 2012 4:16 AM

Sep 2011
HATUL300 said:
Kuhle said:
HATUL300 said:
Looking at some of the responses on this thread It seems a lot of people either misunderstood it or didn't even bother reading it. This thread's purpose is not to say that "girls shouldn't watch this or that because they don't like it" or whatever, it just seems to point out how quite a few girls seem to rate particular anime unfairly because of their gender biases and just because the show doesn't pander to them. Now, instead of straw manning this, why doesn't anyone try to argue with what was actually said?
Here's a little example for a counter argument that's relevant: "don't guys do the same thing with shounen ai and other anime that doesn't pander to them?" or something like that.
Seriously, is this thread that difficult to understand?

I get that, but singling out girls isn't necessary, and it's also implying that there are things they "shouldn't" watch . This thread could have been titled "When people watch things they're not interested in" and it would have gotten much better responses.

I don't see how it implies that there are things girls shouldn't watch.
And this thread singles out females because they tend to do this more than males that presumably don't even try watching girly stuff (especially if it's about gay men) if they don't like it to begin with. But again, maybe you can prove this statement to be false (I doubt it though).

Well, the title itself says "When girls/women watching the shows that they aren't supposed to..." implying that there are things they shouldn't be watching. If it had said "things they don't like" it would have made a little more sense, but I still don't see the point in singling out women. I don't see women complaining any more than men. All I see are people bitching about things they don't like just for the sake of bitching, which everyone does.

Granted, if people do watch something they know they're not going to like and then complain about those aspects, then yeah, that's annoying as hell. Complaining about other aspects is fine though, which I have seen people do. I'm not going to watch a battle shounen anime and then complain that it was a battle shounen anime. That would be silly. But if I watch it and complain that there are a million plot holes, that's entirely okay even if battle shounen anime don't appeal to me.

So... I don't really know where I'm going with this. I might've made a point somewhere in there though.
Aug 14, 2012 4:18 AM

Nov 2011
professor-salt said:
You don't have to be in the target audience to know something blows ass.

This basically ^

Although I'm a girl and I enjoyed most of the shows mentioned..
Aug 14, 2012 5:48 AM

Mar 2012
I'm a straight guy and I generally dislike shojo but I thought that Shugo Chara and Nana were pretty good. Fun fact: In Japan, female otaku usually like mecha while males mostly watch moe and bishojo. They had a poll a while back.

Number 1 among guys was K-On! while among girls it was Gundam. Girls picked Gurren Lagann and Code Geass while guys picked Saki and Lucky Star. Both demographics seemed to like Clannad though

Aug 14, 2012 5:57 AM

Mar 2012
mecharobot said:
boating92 said:
Is everyone in this thread 12 years old? You do realise that women watch shows with female protags and characters because they're female and they can relate to them?

The fuck? There are no gender, age or species restrictions on what you can relate to or not.

Agreed. I can even relate a little bit to K-On! characters despite the fact I'm a boring, monotone and average looking guy and they're all energetic and high pitched moe girls. I'm an awful guitarist so I can relate to Yui's struggle with the basics of playing music. Too bad none of my friends are awesome enough to help me with my playing though.
Aug 14, 2012 6:03 AM
Jul 2012
SquadmemberRitsu said:
mecharobot said:
boating92 said:
Is everyone in this thread 12 years old? You do realise that women watch shows with female protags and characters because they're female and they can relate to them?

The fuck? There are no gender, age or species restrictions on what you can relate to or not.

Agreed. I can even relate a little bit to K-On! characters despite the fact I'm a boring, monotone and average looking guy and they're all energetic and high pitched moe girls. I'm an awful guitarist so I can relate to Yui's struggle with the basics of playing music. Too bad none of my friends are awesome enough to help me with my playing though.

Don't worry, about it just keep practicing and you'll get better, I was in your situation (i'm still awful at guitar) but there are some songs i can play which I never thought I would be able to when I started. Don't give up!
Also, I watch K-on for the same reason, Everytime i watch the show i feel like picking up my guitar :o
Aug 14, 2012 8:22 AM

Nov 2010
you mean more in the sence of woman watching shounen/seinen and guys watching shoujo/Josei anime? (could be asked before in this topic but all the reply's are just TL;DR)
Aug 14, 2012 8:38 AM

Jul 2008
lol I didn't know moe was for men, like I know some guys enjoy moe and little girl shows or whatever but yea I also thought because it was all moe and cute and like no action/'seriousness' that most guys wouldn't be interested in it?
Aug 14, 2012 8:50 AM

Mar 2012
All people are people. People like things they like, which may involve defying gender roles. That's it.

In your case, just because you're a straight male doesn't mean you have to dislike bishounen or reverse harems. It just means you're probably slightly homophobic and insecure. I don't mean that in an insulting way, because most straight males, including myself, are.

In summary, fuck social expectations and stuff.
JoshAug 14, 2012 8:56 AM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Aug 14, 2012 8:53 AM

Mar 2011
my smaller girl cousins love k-on! and Lucky star! they think its meant for girls, and when i said i've watched it they say I'm gay or a pervert or something = =
Aug 14, 2012 8:56 AM

Nov 2011
Serkunet said:
lol I didn't know moe was for men, like I know some guys enjoy moe and little girl shows or whatever but yea I also thought because it was all moe and cute and like no action/'seriousness' that most guys wouldn't be interested in it?

Men also like cute things.

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Aug 14, 2012 10:14 AM

Jan 2012
Serkunet said:

Men with homosexual tendencies also like cute things.

Aug 14, 2012 10:19 AM

Jan 2012
I think the Moe slice of life shows are a waste of time
Aug 14, 2012 10:24 AM

Jul 2012
flaxman85 said:
Serkunet said:

Men with homosexual tendencies also like cute things.


Aug 14, 2012 10:25 AM

May 2010
I can't believe the OP has such a small mindset to honestly believe what he wrote in that post.
You've probably never left your house and honestly believe that humans fit into set categories basied on gender, age and sexuality. Tastes quite clearly differ. And beside, just because they're not the target audience of a show it forbids them to comment on it? That's ridiculous. By your idea I'd be only allowed to watch Seinen.
Are you in the military or been to space? If not you're quite clearly not allowed to judge or like things like Gundam.

Also, the irony is that in one of your previous threads I recall you bashing on BL/shows with bishounen. How is that possible? They're not aimed at you, so you're apparently not allowed to judge them.

I do agree that 'haters' should just shut up if their only goal is to trash a show. However, disliking it for good reasons is just.. legitimate.
I also have genres that I don't like as much; mostly harems, too much ecchi, etc. But I still try these shows because not everything tagged with harem or ecchi is immediately crap. There are ecchi shows that I really dislike (HotD - but not for the ecchi, it's just lacking everywhere) and those that I enjoy despite the ecchi (Ladies vs Butlers!).

~ Love knows no boundaries ~ -- Thanks to -Luzifer- for the signature.
Aug 14, 2012 10:36 AM

Nov 2011
flaxman85 said:
Serkunet said:

Men with homosexual tendencies also like cute things.


Do you even know what "homosexual" means?

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Aug 14, 2012 10:44 AM

Aug 2012
JavierR said:
SquadmemberRitsu said:
mecharobot said:
boating92 said:
Is everyone in this thread 12 years old? You do realise that women watch shows with female protags and characters because they're female and they can relate to them?

The fuck? There are no gender, age or species restrictions on what you can relate to or not.

Agreed. I can even relate a little bit to K-On! characters despite the fact I'm a boring, monotone and average looking guy and they're all energetic and high pitched moe girls. I'm an awful guitarist so I can relate to Yui's struggle with the basics of playing music. Too bad none of my friends are awesome enough to help me with my playing though.

Don't worry, about it just keep practicing and you'll get better, I was in your situation (i'm still awful at guitar) but there are some songs i can play which I never thought I would be able to when I started. Don't give up!

Also, I watch K-on for the same reason, Everytime i watch the show i feel like picking up my guitar :o

By this point I just meant that even though these shows are ''written for males'' and females ''wouldnt want to watch them because there's no male characters'' is stupid because women CAN and DO and WANT to watch shows about women with lots of female characters.
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Aug 14, 2012 10:45 AM
Jun 2012
Serkunet said:
lol I didn't know moe was for men, like I know some guys enjoy moe and little girl shows or whatever but yea I also thought because it was all moe and cute and like no action/'seriousness' that most guys wouldn't be interested in it?

They're a sad bunch of weirdos. Pretty much on the same level as those bronies.
Aug 14, 2012 10:51 AM

Nov 2011
Deziah said:
Serkunet said:
lol I didn't know moe was for men, like I know some guys enjoy moe and little girl shows or whatever but yea I also thought because it was all moe and cute and like no action/'seriousness' that most guys wouldn't be interested in it?

They're a sad bunch of weirdos. Pretty much on the same level as those bronies.

"People who like stuff I don't like/have a different taste than me are sad weirdos"

My Twitter : link
My : link
Aug 14, 2012 10:55 AM

Aug 2012
Deziah said:
Serkunet said:
lol I didn't know moe was for men, like I know some guys enjoy moe and little girl shows or whatever but yea I also thought because it was all moe and cute and like no action/'seriousness' that most guys wouldn't be interested in it?

They're a sad bunch of weirdos. Pretty much on the same level as those bronies.

That's just ignorance and fascism. The fact is, these shows are likable on a base level for almost anyone. If you think men should only find action/seriousness interesting, you're diving into harmful gender stereotypes that prevent men from exhibiting more caring emotions and only being macho stereotypical caricatures of men. This is harmful to society as a whole.

tl;dr, read some fucking feminism if you don't want to be an ignorant sexist idiot all your life
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Aug 14, 2012 11:13 AM

Jun 2012
fascism. Class, boating, class.
~"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands." (Pirsig)

Aug 14, 2012 11:18 AM

Aug 2012
Regicide said:
fascism. Class, boating, class.

''Men are only allowed/supposed to like action and serious things, nothing with comedy or romance! Otherwise they're just pathetic weirdos!''

I think gender boundaries that extreme amount to some degree of fascism.
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Aug 14, 2012 11:46 AM

May 2012
rederoin said:

"People who like stuff I don't like/have a different taste than me are sad weirdos"
Aug 14, 2012 11:50 AM
Apr 2008
They're certain anime shows that are engendered in their premises and character designs. However, there is no barrier between what a female can and can't watch. That's ultimately decided on individual preferences.
Aug 14, 2012 11:55 AM

Jul 2012
Personally if something is good i will watcht it wether is for men or women.
Aug 14, 2012 11:56 AM

Apr 2011
show bashing in general is dumb. people have different tastes, leave it as it is.

im sure there are guys that hate moe slice of life, just like some girls hate josei or whatever. i dont think gender has much to do it with it seeing as how gender roles and identities are being broken down and blurred in todays age
Aug 14, 2012 11:56 AM

Aug 2012
This entire thread shows how ignorant some people can be about gender.

Imagine the shitstorm and even thread deletion if OP had said, black anime fans shouldn't watch anime with majority non-black cast.

It's chauvinism at the end of the day.
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Aug 14, 2012 12:13 PM

Jun 2012
boating92 said:
Regicide said:
fascism. Class, boating, class.

''Men are only allowed/supposed to like action and serious things, nothing with comedy or romance! Otherwise they're just pathetic weirdos!''

I think gender boundaries that extreme amount to some degree of fascism.

thats not really fascism tho
remember in history class- you learned that fascism has a) never existed in history
and b) fascism is extreme unification of a nation- there are no gender barriers in fascism, just "nationalistic/ethnic" superiority because of extremely elevated nationalism
theres nothing in fascism that says women are inferior or that there are any gender barriers that can't be crossed
~"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands." (Pirsig)

Aug 14, 2012 12:17 PM

Jul 2012
Regicide said:
boating92 said:
Regicide said:
fascism. Class, boating, class.

''Men are only allowed/supposed to like action and serious things, nothing with comedy or romance! Otherwise they're just pathetic weirdos!''

I think gender boundaries that extreme amount to some degree of fascism.

thats not really fascism tho
remember in history class- you learned that fascism has a) never existed in history
and b) fascism is extreme unification of a nation- there are no gender barriers in fascism, just "nationalistic/ethnic" superiority because of extremely elevated nationalism
theres nothing in fascism that says women are inferior or that there are any gender barriers that can't be crossed

"Never existed in history"

I guess Mussolini was a fictional character.
Aug 14, 2012 12:19 PM

Jun 2012
professor-salt said:
Regicide said:
boating92 said:
Regicide said:
fascism. Class, boating, class.

''Men are only allowed/supposed to like action and serious things, nothing with comedy or romance! Otherwise they're just pathetic weirdos!''

I think gender boundaries that extreme amount to some degree of fascism.

thats not really fascism tho
remember in history class- you learned that fascism has a) never existed in history
and b) fascism is extreme unification of a nation- there are no gender barriers in fascism, just "nationalistic/ethnic" superiority because of extremely elevated nationalism
theres nothing in fascism that says women are inferior or that there are any gender barriers that can't be crossed

"Never existed in history"

I guess Mussolini was a fictional character.

uh history class. take one.
~"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands." (Pirsig)

Aug 14, 2012 12:24 PM

Aug 2012
Regicide said:
boating92 said:
Regicide said:
fascism. Class, boating, class.

''Men are only allowed/supposed to like action and serious things, nothing with comedy or romance! Otherwise they're just pathetic weirdos!''

I think gender boundaries that extreme amount to some degree of fascism.

thats not really fascism tho
remember in history class- you learned that fascism has a) never existed in history
and b) fascism is extreme unification of a nation- there are no gender barriers in fascism, just "nationalistic/ethnic" superiority because of extremely elevated nationalism
theres nothing in fascism that says women are inferior or that there are any gender barriers that can't be crossed

Okay not technically fascism but you get my point.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines.
Aug 14, 2012 12:25 PM

Sep 2011
Aeonic said:
They're certain anime shows that are engendered in their premises and character designs. However, there is no barrier between what a female can and can't watch. That's ultimately decided on individual preferences.

^ This. I don't really care who or what a particular show is directed towards, whether it's seinen or ecchi or hentai. If I like the plot, I will watch it.
Aug 14, 2012 2:21 PM

Apr 2008
NK_500 said:
girls and women start watching the shows that aren't supposed to be made for them, in this case moe slice-of-life shows like K-On!, Lucky Star, Nichoujo(not to be confused with Daily Lives of High School Boys) and Yuru Yuri for examples. To be honest, I have nothong against them and in fact I welcomes them. All I say is "welcome to the club". However I really hate to see those who hates these shows.

It they have spent their time watching the show, they have the right to hate it. If they haven't watched the show, their judgement is irrelevant. I can't understand why slice-of-life and moe are mixed up in this context, girls usually likes slice of life shows, moe is a different thing and if they don't like it maybe it's because of the same stereotypes about girls, repeated continuously. You haven't to be a girl to get tired of these if you are in the anime fandom for more than a couple of years.
Sep 7, 2012 12:36 PM
Jun 2012
That title alone was enough to confuse the hell out of me. What the hell? What's wrong with a person watching something that isn't specifically catered towards their age groups? What's wrong with them actually being OPEN-MINDED enough to actually try out slice-of-life, even if it's "not for them"? That's like complaining about someone of the shounen demographic trying out a seinen or shouju and then not liking it. There's no reason to get pissed off at him trying something new out at all, in fact, that's a good thing that he was willing to at the least try something new. he can like whatever the fuck he wants to. There is absolutely NOTHING and I mean NOTHING wrong with a woman trying out a slice of life, Who cares if that's "not the demographic the show is catered toward".
Sep 7, 2012 1:07 PM

Apr 2010
Even though these types of shows are aimed at men (seinen), I think it's mostly based on taste. I've seen more guys hate on the moe stuff aimed at men than women, tbh.

I love my moe stuff and seinen. I'm not a fujoshi (I don't like BL), and I don't watch stuff with male fanservice as much. Though, I also like these types of series "aimed at women" sometimes?? I mean, the thing is, I watch a show and like it because it's good and has stuff I like, and for my taste, you know?

My gender doesn't really have anything to do with it, imo.
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