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Apr 10, 2012 10:28 PM
Jul 2018
Solkiskey said:
binOsbi said:
Solkiskey said:
binOsbi said:
Leon-Gun said:
binOsbi said:
Solkiskey said:
You can't rate objectively, there'll always be a slice of subjectivity in anything you deem to be objective while rating anime. People (like me) who rates things lower is not rating "objectively", but just rating lower to separate the best from the worst.

Those who think that rating low = rating objectively, explain your reasoning. Wouldn't even work anyway because, as I said, you can't rate something objectively without being (even if it's a little) subjective.

Well, think of it this way. The Mona Lisa is praised well because of its beauty, historical value, and the mystery that entwines with the painting, but flat out, its a normal painting of a decent looking women. You can find many paintings out there, that are way better than it, but in the end, the Mona Lisa is praised a lot more because of its symbolism.
And it took years upon years for that painting to attain enough importance to be labeled a Masterpiece in an objective sense. You seriously want us to wait a decade or two so we can THEN give a series a 10?

And it's quite cute how you edited up your opening posts a few times after people started pointing out holes in your argument.

Please, I asked you to be respectful but since you are so ignorant i will proceed.

First off, this wasn't an argument. I simply asked for the viewers opinions.
I edited it, because a few people were unsure of which season i was referring too.
I edited once more because I felt people didn't know how objectively i rate anime.
So please, ask me, what are these holes you are talking about in this so called argument.

Lastly, I used the Mona Lisa as a metaphor, which you clearly didn't understand.
The metaphor meant that the painting was good because of its symbolism not because of its appearance.

It took more than a decade to analyze the Mona Lisa, because of the lack poetic minds to interpret the painting. It took even longer because of the lack of science to discover that the painting could be a picture of Da Vinci as a female.

Oh and by the way, nice edit you made in your recent post.

I'm unable to get the relation between your Mona Lisa "metaphor" and Fate/Zero.

Probably because there's, in fact, none.

This and comparing the Mona Lisa to Fate/Zero is a little far-fetched.

The Mona Lisa is the opposite of Fate/Zero, for Fate/Zero has no symbolism, unlike the painting.

If you read previously, I said that, "its a normal painting of a decent looking women," and that, "You can find many paintings out there, that are way better than it.".

If you still don't understand:

Mona Lisa = A fantastic anime with originality, character developments and great symbolism of some sort.

A beautiful painting with not inner meaning = An anime that looks good, sounds good, but doesn't have any sort of meaning to it.

And if you still don't see my point:

Fate/Zero is like candy. It looks good, tastes good, but is it good for you?

I think you're mixing up objectivity and subjectivity, honestly.

The way you rate makes it seem objective, but honestly it's all subjective. Some people might find the story unoriginal, some people might find it original.

I don't mind you thinking Fate/Zero is overrated, but I sure as hell mind that you claim you rate objectively when you're not really doing that.

As I said a few posts ago, I believe it is impossible to rate an anime objectively unless you're a machine. There'll always be emotion (to some degree) involved when you're analysing and rating something like anime, games, TV shows, movies, etc. Shows you dislike, you'll be much more nitpicky and much less forgiving when mistakes are made. Shows you like, well, you'll leave the nitpick aside and will be much more forgiving.

Well, of course, this doesn't apply to Mars of Destruction or some shit like that

Pretend you didn't read that.


I see your points and I do have a good understanding of objectivity and subjectivity.

I agree with originality being hard to define. Their is a vast amount of brilliant imagination in this world. I don't rate too much on originality, unless of course you can really tell what anime was ripped off.

I'm not completely giving objectively based ratings. But still, i don't really count my opinion for its score either. If i were to recommend an anime, I would say that i enjoyed it, but the production and the story wasn't that great but it was still enjoyable.

As i said in the OP, I enjoyed Fate/Zero, it was very interesting. But it lacks a few key elements which makes an excellent anime.
Apr 10, 2012 10:54 PM
Jul 2018
neurogal91 said:
binOsbi said:
The Mona Lisa is the opposite of Fate/Zero, for Fate/Zero has no symbolism, unlike the painting.

If you read previously, I said that, "its a normal painting of a decent looking women," and that, "You can find many paintings out there, that are way better than it.".

If you still don't understand:

Mona Lisa = A fantastic anime with originality, character developments and great symbolism of some sort.

A beautiful painting with not inner meaning = An anime that looks good, sounds good, but doesn't have any sort of meaning to it.

And if you still don't see my point:

Fate/Zero is like candy. It looks good, tastes good, but is it good for you?

Have you forgotten Episode 11 where lots of people have discussions about the philosophies of Kings? There were lots of posts arguing how Rider is right or wrong. Only Fate/Zero has sparked that kind of discussion.

The problem is in your opinion that the story and characters aren't good and Fate/Zero only offers great animation and soundtrack. But to quote the internet 'That's, like, your opinion man'. Lots of people love the characters, from Kariya to Rider to even Ryuunosuke the serial killer. There's even people who like Tokiomi the basement dweller and Kayneth.

And the story is good, well-written and there's not many cliches. Fate/Zero even throws out the cliche of high school kids fighting and throws in a lot of adults in their 30's. This is why people praise Fate/Zero because Japan has always afraid to make a 30 year old MC as they think it wouldn't attract the target demographic (what exactly happens in Final Fantasy 12). Look at the Top 10 anime and only LOGH has adult cast while the rest are high school students.

So yes to many Fate/Zero offers good characters, story, animation and soundtrack which equals to a great anime. It might not be Mona Lisa level but it's definitely not just another normal painting or a candy. Candy will be Guilty Crown (sorry to GC fans).

Symbolism is only but a fragment of what made it look bad. There's actually bits and pieces the show that made a turn off for me. One of the big reasons why i didn't like Fate/Zero is the characters. They are well trained warriors/wizards/rogues accompanied by historical legends. But their logic and tactics makes my face go stiff.

I dont want to go into detail, but roriconfan has some points in his review, but there are more issues that weren't mention in his review..
Apr 11, 2012 3:38 AM

May 2011

This convy is sillier than fuck. Shit everywhere, don't make your ass too jealous.

Your opinions are a fucking joke *laughs*

I definitely have superpowers. I can feel it in my balls.
Apr 11, 2012 8:41 AM
Dec 2011
binOsbi said:
Symbolism is only but a fragment of what made it look bad. There's actually bits and pieces the show that made a turn off for me. One of the big reasons why i didn't like Fate/Zero is the characters. They are well trained warriors/wizards/rogues accompanied by historical legends. But their logic and tactics makes my face go stiff.

I dont want to go into detail, but roriconfan has some points in his review, but there are more issues that weren't mention in his review..

First you said symbolism is good but now it makes Fate/Zero bad?

Oh the roriconfan review? For Episode 5 the idea that Gilgamesh can be killed itself is ridiculous. He is the strongest servant in the whole Fate series and actually Berserker doesn't even come close to him if Gilgamesh was serious. The only thing you can complain is Rider interrupted the battle, which both Saber and Lancer was angry with that.

For Episode 8, how do you know Caster doesn't have something up in his sleeves to defend himself? And actually every Servant can detect each other except Assassin so Caster will know when Lancer come. And actually Lancer only barely hit the book because the monster walls is very thick and he barely reached Caster. That's why Saber said it's a gamble.

And no if Kiritsugu used the special bullet from the first second it might only frizzled Kayneth's wire circuit a little and might still be able to use magic. Even in the episode Kiritsugu said that he tricked Kayneth to use his mana in full force so that the special bullet's effect is fully utilised. Kirei can deflect bullets because as an Executor he is wearing Kevlar suit which can deflect bullets. And the staring just an exaggeration of time, it's just take him seconds to release.

All of these actually explained in details in the novels but lost during the transition to the anime. That's because Gen Urobuchi write it using narrative, meaning if ufotable want to incorporate that they had to literally used one character to explain every action they done, like in Episode 4.

Fate/Zero isn't perfect, that's why most people rate it as 8. If you are turned off by Fate/Zero, then it isn't for you. Simple as that. Just because many people enjoy and love it more than you doesn't mean it's overrated.
Apr 11, 2012 11:06 AM

Feb 2011
Homolust said:
Yes it is overrated.

Type-Moon fans rating 10 on only the first episode. Oh boy.

Apr 11, 2012 11:09 AM

Mar 2012
I haven't seen the first few episodes of this season yet, but I thought the first season was incredibly mediocre.

It wasn't bad per-say, but I gave it a generous 7, would have given it a 6.5 if possible.
JoshApr 11, 2012 11:13 AM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 11, 2012 11:53 AM

Nov 2008
Hell to the no. It was the best anime of Autumn 2011 and it'll be the best show of this season, too.
Apr 11, 2012 11:53 AM

Aug 2011
FlashFumo said:
Hell to the no. It was the best anime of Autumn 2011 and it'll be the best show of this season, too.

Is that really saying much, though?
Apr 11, 2012 11:54 AM

Apr 2010
Nightmare-Soul said:
Homolust said:
Yes it is overrated.

Type-Moon fans rating 10 on only the first episode. Oh boy.


I don't really consider it a "second season" because it's a direct continuation to EP13.
Apr 11, 2012 2:07 PM

Aug 2010
FlashFumo said:
Hell to the no. It was the best anime of Autumn 2011 and it'll be the best show of this season, too.

More like best anime of this year. Well if it remains faithful to the novel it definitely will.
Ragna92Apr 11, 2012 2:24 PM
Apr 11, 2012 2:16 PM

Jan 2011
Fate/Zero is a treat for the fans who have read and enjoyed the novel.

The first half of Fate/Zero was good, but it was full of exposition and character introductions. The 2nd half of Fate/Zero is the best one because it has most of the action and plot twists.

Fans rated Fate/Zero a "10" on the first episode because they know what will happen.
"You watch too much."
"I don't watch enough."

Apr 11, 2012 2:27 PM

Jul 2009
I can understand why some people would think fate/zero is overrated on this site, since obviously it isn't for everyone. But I don't think it's fair to say that the series is completely devoid of meaning or just eyecandy. After all, there are episodes and episodes devoted to dialogue alone. Ep 11 was just one long conversation. Clearly Urobuchi intends to deliver something other than just flashy animation.

First off, I don't really agree with the idea that the characters in fate/zero are more stupid than the FSN characters, at least in regards to the masters. Rin and Kotomine (and Caster, but only in the UBW route) were really the only masters who struck me as being truly strategic and intelligent in FSN, whereas in fate/zero, Kiritsugu, Kotomine, Tohsaka, and Kayneth all strategize and plan ahead. Though he isn't a master, even Gilgamesh is more intelligent here than his FSN counterpart.

And second of all, I think it's a bit much to say that fate/zero isn't meaningful at all. If you've played the FSN visual novel, then you should know that the whole point of FSN was to explore the concept of a hero. And although fate/zero doesn't beat you over the head with it as much, it is essentially exploring the same thing. Is it more important to place priority on yourself and your loved ones (what Rider was arguing in ep 11) or to treat everyone as a collective whole that you are tasked with protecting (Saber's viewpoint)? Can you call yourself a hero if you are willing to kill a minority of people in order to save the majority (Kiritsugu's viewpoint)? I think these questions are interesting and are seldom asked and explored in such a thorough manner.

So yes, fate/zero has a lot of meaning for me. I feel very attached to many of the characters, especially since, thanks to FSN, I already know the inevitable path many of them will take (i.e. Kiritsugu, Kotomine, and Kariya). Half of the fun of fate/zero is seeing how those characters get on that path.
bellpickleApr 11, 2012 2:31 PM
Apr 11, 2012 2:31 PM

Feb 2012
It's interesting, Never seen it so I will check it out.
Apr 11, 2012 3:06 PM

Aug 2010
bellpickle said:
I can understand why some people would think fate/zero is overrated on this site, since obviously it isn't for everyone. But I don't think it's fair to say that the series is completely devoid of meaning or just eyecandy. After all, there are episodes and episodes devoted to dialogue alone. Ep 11 was just one long conversation. Clearly Urobuchi intends to deliver something other than just flashy animation.

First off, I don't really agree with the idea that the characters in fate/zero are more stupid than the FSN characters, at least in regards to the masters. Rin and Kotomine (and Caster, but only in the UBW route) were really the only masters who struck me as being truly strategic and intelligent in FSN, whereas in fate/zero, Kiritsugu, Kotomine, Tohsaka, and Kayneth all strategize and plan ahead. Though he isn't a master, even Gilgamesh is more intelligent here than his FSN counterpart.

And second of all, I think it's a bit much to say that fate/zero isn't meaningful at all. If you've played the FSN visual novel, then you should know that the whole point of FSN was to explore the concept of a hero. And although fate/zero doesn't beat you over the head with it as much, it is essentially exploring the same thing. Is it more important to place priority on yourself and your loved ones (what Rider was arguing in ep 11) or to treat everyone as a collective whole that you are tasked with protecting (Saber's viewpoint)? Can you call yourself a hero if you are willing to kill a minority of people in order to save the majority (Kiritsugu's viewpoint)? I think these questions are interesting and are seldom asked and explored in such a thorough manner.

So yes, fate/zero has a lot of meaning for me. I feel very attached to many of the characters, especially since, thanks to FSN, I already know the inevitable path many of them will take (i.e. Kiritsugu, Kotomine, and Kariya). Half of the fun of fate/zero is seeing how those characters get on that path.

This. As a VN player I agree.
Apr 11, 2012 6:59 PM

May 2008
I've been seeing a lot of "reviews" popup for both "seasons" of this show, all rating it 10s in all categories...from watching like 3-4 episodes. That's ridiculous. Hell, even season 2 has two reviews with all 10s from one freakin episode. So yeah, it is overrated by the fans.

But is it a great show? Hell to the yeah. Just not nearly the optimum of perfection everyone makes it out to be.
Apr 11, 2012 8:14 PM

Nov 2009
I don't think it's overrated.

What makes me a little ticked off about people complaining, is that people like OP bitch about there not being enough symbolism or depth (which there is plenty of, by the way), then others complain there's not enough action and it's too boring because there's too much talking! It's ridiculous.

And for the guy bringing up "type-moon fans", yeah, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Most of the people that I know who have read the LN have given the anime a lower score than the LN. Fate/Zero suffers from the stereotypical downsyndrome viewers that every new popular anime has, and that is all.
Apr 11, 2012 8:29 PM

Dec 2008
Katsuri said:
Hell, even season 2 has two reviews with all 10s from one freakin episode. So yeah, it is overrated by the fans.

Those two (now more) reviews were a nice surprise imo. 1 out of 10 saying this is a masterpiece doesn't mean it's overrated, but fanbases can be impressive with their beliefs, functioning just like cults. Anyway, their "how many people found this useful?" ratio is 1 person out of 10 and who knows how many found them useful for having laughed? Some who love the series might have felt insulted and vote negatively too though, so at this point they aren't even proper references. Wouldn't be surprised if they're just trolls either.
I forgot I wanted to ask if there were any review-check staff members because of ones like these, meh later.

What matters: the ratio means they'll be at the bottom of the list (thus not the main anime information page) once proper mid/end-series reviews start getting done.
Still, good laugh from them.

As I hadn't replied to the edited first post (this wasn't brought up as well at least when I had first replied):
Why is "Enjoyment" a minor point to a rating? I consider it to be most important. Why would something with depth, amazing character development, etcetc, but that isn't enjoyable at all, get a good rating by default? All points matter as much imo, they just all count to make a very good anime. Enjoyment can easily come from the other 3 points, so it basically joins them and works as the overall score -> another way to see it?
But as a minor point, eh, anime to you is more about how it's made than how you enjoy it? Both are equal in my eyes, but I'm just curious, don't take this bad. There's enough hate-debates in this topic already.

Edit#2: Cliche can still be used well from time to time. It's just hard to properly succeed with them nowadays since they've been abused so much already 1:
HakoriaApr 11, 2012 8:39 PM
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Apr 11, 2012 9:44 PM
Jul 2018
LostHanyou said:
I don't think it's overrated.

What makes me a little ticked off about people complaining, is that people like OP bitch about there not being enough symbolism or depth (which there is plenty of, by the way), then others complain there's not enough action and it's too boring because there's too much talking! It's ridiculous.

And for the guy bringing up "type-moon fans", yeah, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Most of the people that I know who have read the LN have given the anime a lower score than the LN. Fate/Zero suffers from the stereotypical downsyndrome viewers that every new popular anime has, and that is all.

Jesus people, please be respectful. I have been showing nothing but respect to the comments (I hope so), except for Leon-Gun.

When the first episode ran, it amazed me. Heck, I would of given the anime a 9-10 as well if it maintained its quality from episode 1.

But I have said this before, the symbolism in the story is only but a fragment of why i didn't like it. I knew it was there, just not much of it didn't appear to me.

I guess i should note here that i didn't read any of the Fate VN/Books/Manga or any other sort of literature of the series.
Apr 11, 2012 9:48 PM

Apr 2012
Anything looks overrated if a majority of people like it but you don't.

That said, I don't think perfect 10 ratings on the first episode are a phenomenon unique to Fate/Zero, so I see no reason to bring that up unless they're everywhere. It's not like only Type Moon fans and no other fanbase pile on their adoration for a series on its scores. That said, the concept of rating the whole series 10 out of 10 when it's only about halfway over? Considering that most of the more important stuff didn't happen yet, that's way too soon. Even for people that read the light novel, you don't know if it's going to be adapted perfectly until you see it (remember episode 10? Rin's Adventure?).

Anyhow, every popular series has people slapping 10s on it blindly (while some people do the opposite with low scores). I personally don't think the show is overrated, and given that the stats for the first half have more 9s than 10s, most people don't think it's perfect, even if it's still rated pretty high.
Apr 11, 2012 9:51 PM
Jul 2018
bellpickle said:
I can understand why some people would think fate/zero is overrated on this site, since obviously it isn't for everyone. But I don't think it's fair to say that the series is completely devoid of meaning or just eyecandy. After all, there are episodes and episodes devoted to dialogue alone. Ep 11 was just one long conversation. Clearly Urobuchi intends to deliver something other than just flashy animation.

First off, I don't really agree with the idea that the characters in fate/zero are more stupid than the FSN characters, at least in regards to the masters. Rin and Kotomine (and Caster, but only in the UBW route) were really the only masters who struck me as being truly strategic and intelligent in FSN, whereas in fate/zero, Kiritsugu, Kotomine, Tohsaka, and Kayneth all strategize and plan ahead. Though he isn't a master, even Gilgamesh is more intelligent here than his FSN counterpart.

And second of all, I think it's a bit much to say that fate/zero isn't meaningful at all. If you've played the FSN visual novel, then you should know that the whole point of FSN was to explore the concept of a hero. And although fate/zero doesn't beat you over the head with it as much, it is essentially exploring the same thing. Is it more important to place priority on yourself and your loved ones (what Rider was arguing in ep 11) or to treat everyone as a collective whole that you are tasked with protecting (Saber's viewpoint)? Can you call yourself a hero if you are willing to kill a minority of people in order to save the majority (Kiritsugu's viewpoint)? I think these questions are interesting and are seldom asked and explored in such a thorough manner.

So yes, fate/zero has a lot of meaning for me. I feel very attached to many of the characters, especially since, thanks to FSN, I already know the inevitable path many of them will take (i.e. Kiritsugu, Kotomine, and Kariya). Half of the fun of fate/zero is seeing how those characters get on that path.

Ah, I retract my statement on the characters on Fate/Zero. But I will still say that some of the characters actions don't fit their role, which made me conclude that they were dumb.
Apr 11, 2012 9:54 PM

Dec 2010
***Kind of: Other shows (truthfully) should be ranked higher than this show, but its close to where it should be on the rankings. (your vote)***

There's my vote. I don't wanna explain for season 1 or 2 but season 1 was 100% overrated.
Apr 11, 2012 9:55 PM

Jan 2010
I don't think you need to have read the visual novel to understand the direction the series takes or become attached to the characters the series presents. Or at least, I haven't read the visual novel, but I feel like that hasn't affected my enjoyment of Fate/Zero one bit. I have seen the Fate/Stay Night anime and the Unlimited Blade Works movie, but neither of those were very good, so I didn't even have any expectations for Fate/Zero.

binOsbi said:
Ah, I retract my statement on the characters on Fate/Zero. But I will still say that some of the characters actions don't fit their role, which made me conclude that they were dumb.

Do you have examples? Not trying to be confrontational, I'm just curious because I don't see this at all.
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Apr 11, 2012 10:25 PM
Jul 2018
NavyCherub said:
I don't think you need to have read the visual novel to understand the direction the series takes or become attached to the characters the series presents. Or at least, I haven't read the visual novel, but I feel like that hasn't affected my enjoyment of Fate/Zero one bit. I have seen the Fate/Stay Night anime and the Unlimited Blade Works movie, but neither of those were very good, so I didn't even have any expectations for Fate/Zero.

binOsbi said:
Ah, I retract my statement on the characters on Fate/Zero. But I will still say that some of the characters actions don't fit their role, which made me conclude that they were dumb.

Do you have examples? Not trying to be confrontational, I'm just curious because I don't see this at all.

Well, what i can remember right now is:

In the fight between Kayneth and Emiya, Archibald used some sort of 'invincible' confection. If you play competitive video games a lot, you would know to just push your enemy if you have an imbalanced element on your side whilst the opponent has a weak or balanced strength.

Since his power/familiar is like a liquid, why couldn't he split it into to, thus making it more difficult for Emiya. He teaches defense against the dark arts (giggle), who was training hard for the tournament, so why can he not think of such a simple tactic?

Another event that sparked my mind was when Maiya, Kotomine and Iris where in a fight. Kotomine was locked into a tree, while Maiya was bleeding and Iris was watching. Maiya is a trained assassin. If my memory servers me right she didn't use a spring-loaded knife at all. It sounds stupid but i must say, she was aware that they were going to engage in battle so she would've been prepared.

If she wasn't capable of doing that she should of told Iris to finish him off or at least Iris would think of stabbing him while he was locked down. I remember this part well because Kotomine took quite awhile to get out of the lock and i was yelling at my screen, "GO STUPID, UGH".

Lastly Lancer keeps talking about honor yet he is serving under a mere human, stripped from all his freewill, forced to live in an unknown society, and has a slim chance of receiving a reward. Where is the honor in all this?!

There is also some points in roriconfan's review that i also found disappointing.

Hope that clears up on anything.
Apr 11, 2012 10:56 PM
Dec 2007
I won't answer for Archibald since he's an idiot but on Lancer's defense, the honor he refers to is the Honour of Chivalry, or the Honour of the Knight, which is also the code of Honour King Arthur (Saber) subscribes under. For Lancer it doesn't matter if he's treated like shit, he swore never to break the oath to his Master again and he was given a second chance to make this true. You don't agree he should? I wouldn't either. That doesn't mean he's not making sense or acting on character.

BTW, Iri doesn't have any way of stabbing Kirei. Maiya's weapons and survival knife couldn't even graze Kirei and you think a frail alchemist of the EInzberns could hurt him? LOL.

Apr 11, 2012 11:14 PM
Jul 2018
Leon-Gun said:
I won't answer for Archibald since he's an idiot but on Lancer's defense, the honor he refers to is the Honour of Chivalry, or the Honour of the Knight, which is also the code of Honour King Arthur (Saber) subscribes under. For Lancer it doesn't matter if he's treated like shit, he swore never to break the oath to his Master again and he was given a second chance to make this true. You don't agree he should? I wouldn't either. That doesn't mean he's not making sense or acting on character.

BTW, Iri doesn't have any way of stabbing Kirei. Maiya's weapons and survival knife couldn't even graze Kirei and you think a frail alchemist of the EInzberns could hurt him? LOL.

Lancer is portrayed as someone who is somewhat smart. So no, I don't think he's acting as his character.

True, Iris is kinda good for nothing. But that still leaves Maiya inability to live up to her role.
Apr 11, 2012 11:26 PM

Jul 2009
In regards to Iri, she's really not trained to fight at all. She only learned the bird thing because Kiritsugu figured she should know some basic defense, but she has no battle instincts at all. In fact, in the Drama CD that explains how Iri and Kiritsugu first met, Kiritsugu punches her to test her survival instincts and Iri makes absolutely no attempt to dodge or defend herself. Apparently she's programmed to be completely non-confrontational. I agree that her gawking and not knowing what to do while Kotomine blew up the tree was pretty stupid, but it appears to be in-line with her character, lol. (Which I guess is why Kiritsugu decided to give her Avalon--he knew she would find some way to kill herself otherwise. ^^;;) Not sure why Maiya didn't do anything though, since she didn't interfere even when Iri was getting impaled. Maybe the novels go more in depth on why she couldn't do anything at that moment, since it seems like the anime sometimes skimps out on details during fights.

And in regards to Lancer, as Leon-Gun said, he just wants a second shot at serving someone. Lancer died a traitor and so as a heroic spirit, he wants nothing more than to regain his honor by proving his loyalty to countless masters (though I'm sure having the chance to fight other heroes is a huge part of why he agreed to be a heroic spirit in the first place). Lancer and Saber's version of honor has more to do with servitude, fairness, and loyalty than leading glamorous lives (which is more Gilgamesh's style). Of course, this notion of honor is idealistic and even naive, which will be addressed in later episodes...

lol, I think Lancer is intelligent in battle, but as much as I like him, he can be pretty stupid when reading/dealing with people. I mean, it's obvious to anyone with eyes that Sola-Ui is enamoured with him and that his master kind of despises him for it, and yet he seems to be largely oblivious to all this. I could imagine that he doesn't even realize how pitiful his situation is, lol.
bellpickleApr 11, 2012 11:35 PM
Apr 12, 2012 12:10 AM
Sep 2011
binOsbi said:
NavyCherub said:
I don't think you need to have read the visual novel to understand the direction the series takes or become attached to the characters the series presents. Or at least, I haven't read the visual novel, but I feel like that hasn't affected my enjoyment of Fate/Zero one bit. I have seen the Fate/Stay Night anime and the Unlimited Blade Works movie, but neither of those were very good, so I didn't even have any expectations for Fate/Zero.

binOsbi said:

Well, what i can remember right now is:

In the fight between Kayneth and Emiya, Archibald used some sort of 'invincible' confection. If you play competitive video games a lot, you would know to just push your enemy if you have an imbalanced element on your side whilst the opponent has a weak or balanced strength.

Since his power/familiar is like a liquid, why couldn't he split it into to, thus making it more difficult for Emiya. He teaches defense against the dark arts (giggle), who was training hard for the tournament, so why can he not think of such a simple tactic?

Another event that sparked my mind was when Maiya, Kotomine and Iris where in a fight. Kotomine was locked into a tree, while Maiya was bleeding and Iris was watching. Maiya is a trained assassin. If my memory servers me right she didn't use a spring-loaded knife at all. It sounds stupid but i must say, she was aware that they were going to engage in battle so she would've been prepared.

If she wasn't capable of doing that she should of told Iris to finish him off or at least Iris would think of stabbing him while he was locked down. I remember this part well because Kotomine took quite awhile to get out of the lock and i was yelling at my screen, "GO STUPID, UGH".

Lastly Lancer keeps talking about honor yet he is serving under a mere human, stripped from all his freewill, forced to live in an unknown society, and has a slim chance of receiving a reward. Where is the honor in all this?!

There is also some points in roriconfan's review that i also found disappointing.

Hope that clears up on anything.

I have read the novels and can answer your questions, but first I would like to point out that your points are extremely nit picky and ignorant.

1. Kayneth's mystic code Volumen Hydragyrum has 3 modes.
Defend is the default and takes the form of a blob that will automatically respond to any threat to protect Kayneth.

Search mode sends many tentacles out from the main blob to feel for vibrations or heat sources.

And Attack mode which can take the form of a whip, spear, blade.

Now you are asking why Kayneth didn't split it into two for Attack mode? If you go back to watch the battle, the blob had split into 4 spears but Kiritsugu used a Time Alter to avoid all 4 attacks.

2. Maiya was suffering from broken ribs and internal bleeding. She could barely move, let alone take out her weapons and aim for Kirei's head. Iri was busy using her alchemy to bind Kirei to the tree, she could not finish him either nor does she have any way of even hurting an executor.

3. Lancer lives to serve his master, since he failed to do so properly in his lifetime. He stole Grainne away from his former master thus he was betrayed and killed by him. Lancer now wants to redeem his honor, and he is certainly not going to throw away his only opportunity to do so.

I recommend not being so incredibly nit picky about small details especially when the show isn't even finished and you haven't read the source materials.

EDIT: I think I got a brain aneurysm from that god awful review you linked as well. Every single point he made was ignoring Servant personalities, Master personalities and their tactics. All he did was put his stupid fan-fiction shit of what could have happened if everyone was a blank slate with some noble phantasms. Yes the war could have ended in episode 5 if Gilgamesh gave an actual shit, EA is pretty OP.
PerlooApr 12, 2012 12:30 AM
Apr 12, 2012 1:10 AM
Jul 2018
Perloo said:
binOsbi said:
NavyCherub said:
I don't think you need to have read the visual novel to understand the direction the series takes or become attached to the characters the series presents. Or at least, I haven't read the visual novel, but I feel like that hasn't affected my enjoyment of Fate/Zero one bit. I have seen the Fate/Stay Night anime and the Unlimited Blade Works movie, but neither of those were very good, so I didn't even have any expectations for Fate/Zero.

binOsbi said:

Well, what i can remember right now is:

In the fight between Kayneth and Emiya, Archibald used some sort of 'invincible' confection. If you play competitive video games a lot, you would know to just push your enemy if you have an imbalanced element on your side whilst the opponent has a weak or balanced strength.

Since his power/familiar is like a liquid, why couldn't he split it into to, thus making it more difficult for Emiya. He teaches defense against the dark arts (giggle), who was training hard for the tournament, so why can he not think of such a simple tactic?

Another event that sparked my mind was when Maiya, Kotomine and Iris where in a fight. Kotomine was locked into a tree, while Maiya was bleeding and Iris was watching. Maiya is a trained assassin. If my memory servers me right she didn't use a spring-loaded knife at all. It sounds stupid but i must say, she was aware that they were going to engage in battle so she would've been prepared.

If she wasn't capable of doing that she should of told Iris to finish him off or at least Iris would think of stabbing him while he was locked down. I remember this part well because Kotomine took quite awhile to get out of the lock and i was yelling at my screen, "GO STUPID, UGH".

Lastly Lancer keeps talking about honor yet he is serving under a mere human, stripped from all his freewill, forced to live in an unknown society, and has a slim chance of receiving a reward. Where is the honor in all this?!

There is also some points in roriconfan's review that i also found disappointing.

Hope that clears up on anything.

I have read the novels and can answer your questions, but first I would like to point out that your points are extremely nit picky and ignorant.

1. Kayneth's mystic code Volumen Hydragyrum has 3 modes.
Defend is the default and takes the form of a blob that will automatically respond to any threat to protect Kayneth.

Search mode sends many tentacles out from the main blob to feel for vibrations or heat sources.

And Attack mode which can take the form of a whip, spear, blade.

Now you are asking why Kayneth didn't split it into two for Attack mode? If you go back to watch the battle, the blob had split into 4 spears but Kiritsugu used a Time Alter to avoid all 4 attacks.

2. Maiya was suffering from broken ribs and internal bleeding. She could barely move, let alone take out her weapons and aim for Kirei's head. Iri was busy using her alchemy to bind Kirei to the tree, she could not finish him either nor does she have any way of even hurting an executor.

3. Lancer lives to serve his master, since he failed to do so properly in his lifetime. He stole Grainne away from his former master thus he was betrayed and killed by him. Lancer now wants to redeem his honor, and he is certainly not going to throw away his only opportunity to do so.

I recommend not being so incredibly nit picky about small details especially when the show isn't even finished and you haven't read the source materials.

EDIT: I think I got a brain aneurysm from that god awful review you linked as well. Every single point he made was ignoring Servant personalities, Master personalities and their tactics. All he did was put his stupid fan-fiction shit of what could have happened if everyone was a blank slate with some noble phantasms. Yes the war could have ended in episode 5 if Gilgamesh gave an actual shit, EA is pretty OP.

Does anyone ever read the opening post? Please, have some respect.

As i stated at the start of that post, all that was said is what i can remember. So i didn't remember the entire fight, but i do remember how it ended. Another thing that Kayneth could've done was let his guard down a risk a bullet wound for a finishing blow. I believe this could've been done when Emiya plunged toward him.

Sorry, got my names wrong. I meant a projectile knife. If you were to locate projectile knife, it would be around the side of the leg area. This will make it easier to get a hold of when very disabled and plus her arms weren't severely damaged making her more able to hold the knife.

Well if you put it that way, I'm thinking Lancers at around -100 honor and hes trying to redeem himself to 0, so why not just commit seppuku?

It doesn't matter if i haven't read the source materiel. This poll is about the anime and nothing else. A book might be amazing, but the adaptions can be bad.
removed-userApr 12, 2012 1:14 AM
Apr 12, 2012 1:53 AM

May 2011
LostHanyou said:
I don't think it's overrated.

What makes me a little ticked off about people complaining, is that people like OP bitch about there not being enough symbolism or depth (which there is plenty of, by the way), then others complain there's not enough action and it's too boring because there's too much talking! It's ridiculous.
The pacing and plot movement is fucking slow which makes characters look like plot elements rather than actual characters. Talking isn't the problem in generally, the dialog just happens to be damn tiresome, just pseudo-intelligent talking which tries to make shonen look like seinen. Lack of action isn't a good for fighting tournament shonen. It's not ridiculous, you just aren't seeing things more than one view of point. "Plenty" is subjective term so if it bothers you then it's nothing but your own problem, deal with it. "Plenty" also doesn't have anything to do with quality which is more important than quantity. I'm sure the actual plot, writing and characters have lot of potential and would shine when well-executed but the direction ruins most of the anime. At least the first half was like that. Episode 14 didn't quite change my thoughts but I hope I end up liking it. I don't give two shit about which is overrated and which is not, I don't give that much value to general opinions or means scores because that's for those who can't think on them own. Most people seem to like it, good for them. I don't mind different opinion nor people liking it, but not understanding why some don't like it even with good reasoning is fuckretarded.

I definitely have superpowers. I can feel it in my balls.
Apr 12, 2012 2:06 AM
Dec 2011
binOsbi said:

Does anyone ever read the opening post? Please, have some respect.

As i stated at the start of that post, all that was said is what i can remember. So i didn't remember the entire fight, but i do remember how it ended. Another thing that Kayneth could've done was let his guard down a risk a bullet wound for a finishing blow. I believe this could've been done when Emiya plunged toward him.

Now when did Kiritsugu plunged at him? If you don't remember, the fight goes like this: Kiritsugu shoots, Kayneth defends and then counterattack, then Kiritsugu evades using Time Alter. Then the second time it happens the same, but Kiritsugu using the second gun which is stronger, wounded Kayneth, then Kayneth attacks him and Kiritsugu evaded again. It was shown that Kiritsugu is capable of evading Kayneth's attack.

binOsbi said:
Sorry, got my names wrong. I meant a projectile knife. If you were to locate projectile knife, it would be around the side of the leg area. This will make it easier to get a hold of when very disabled and plus her arms weren't severely damaged making her more able to hold the knife.

Again, Maiya can barely move. Iri needs to focus her magic on Kirei. And again the anime just simply exaggerates the time he takes to get out, it just take seconds before Maiya can do anything.

binOsbi said:
Well if you put it that way, I'm thinking Lancers at around -100 honor and hes trying to redeem himself to 0, so why not just commit seppuku?

I don't know whether you don't understand about the honor Lancer saying. Like others stated, it's the Knight's honor to serve one lord loyally. Look at Saber, her honor is serving and sacrificing oneself for her subjects. That is the same as Lancer, but only to one lord.

But he didn't get to do that during his life because of Grainne, so now he vows to be loyal and serve Kayneth faithfully as his new master. That was his only wish. Episode 9 clearly shows this.

binOsbi said:
It doesn't matter if i haven't read the source materiel. This poll is about the anime and nothing else. A book might be amazing, but the adaptions can be bad.

And the said anime is a prequel to another anime. It's like watching Aquarion EVOL without watching the original Aquarion series. Sure you can understand the anime but you would get lots of reference to the other series which would give more depth and enjoyment to the original fans but will lost to the new fans.

And yes we are saying the anime did not adapt the light novel wonderfully but it's not that bad. Like others said this is simply nitpicking the action scenes when many anime has done the same (standing in the sidelines while enemy recovers is very common in any anime) but somehow this is the biggest faux pas in Fate/Zero.
Apr 12, 2012 2:18 AM

Jan 2010
Karhu said:
Talking isn't the problem in generally, the dialog just happens to be damn tiresome, just pseudo-intelligent talking which tries to make shonen look like seinen.

People keep saying this. I don't feel like arguing against it right now, because that would be tiresome and the series isn't even over yet so I don't know if the characters will live up to their words, but why are people so concerned with demographics?
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Apr 12, 2012 3:35 AM

Jul 2010
I could name several anime I think are inferior to Fate/Zero, but have a higher score in the Top Anime list. So, I don't think Fate/Zero is overrated in the slightest. But stuff like this will always be subjective, and everyone has to decide things like that for themselves.

I think people complaining about the first episode being slow and boring with all the explanations are just a bit silly. I think it was neccessary for understanding the plot and the machanics of the Holy Grail War (for whoever is new to Fate). The very same people would probably complain the anime would be too rushed and hard to understand if they skipped most of the material from episode 1.

Karhu said:

I don't think the direction is bad. I think the problem is that the direction doesn't suit your tastes. You seem to be quite hard to please anyway, I doubt I'd be watching anime at all if I'd only be able to enjoy about 25% of what I watch.
OkaishiApr 12, 2012 10:28 AM
Apr 12, 2012 3:37 AM

Jun 2011
NavyCherub said:
Karhu said:
Talking isn't the problem in generally, the dialog just happens to be damn tiresome, just pseudo-intelligent talking which tries to make shonen look like seinen.

People keep saying this. I don't feel like arguing against it right now, because that would be tiresome and the series isn't even over yet so I don't know if the characters will live up to their words, but why are people so concerned with demographics?

Because obviously, demographics=Maturity of the show I guess.
I really can't explain myself.

Can we just not care and grade it for the quality itself. Which is actually damn impressive.

My only HUGE nitpick was Rin's episode. Oh god that was terrible.

Overall though, impressive build-up, but sometimes boring. memorable moments, characters that are actually great. But it is build up, so no climax. But then again, this is supposed all one huge part.

If it keeps up the quality and adds no more filler episodes. 8/9 or 8/10 for the show. I really loved the second half of the novels, but the build up as said can be a little bit too much.

But to the OP, it's somewhat overrated. But it is worth it for the second half. One of the only anime in MAL's top 30 that deserves to be there. IMO.
Apr 12, 2012 4:26 AM

Jul 2007
Karhu said:
Talking isn't the problem in generally, the dialog just happens to be damn tiresome, just pseudo-intelligent talking which tries to make shonen look like seinen.

Shonen isn’t a genre. Either a series is aimed at a demographic of young boys, and bears that as its largest viewership, or it isn’t. Fate/Zero satisfies neither condition and according to the Nielsen Ratings, is primarily viewed by men and women in their 20s and 30s. That’s just a fact.

Lack of action isn't a good for fighting tournament shonen. It's not ridiculous, you just aren't seeing things more than one view of point.

Fate/Zero is based off of a light novel, so I don’t see why Urobuchi would be obligated to write it with the trappings and tropes of a well-executed shonen manga. If you want a well done fighting tournament shonen then it would make more sense to watch an anime adapted from a Shonen Jump or Shonen Ace manga. Based upon these two sentences, though, it seems as if you’re attempting to fit the series into a genre and demographical box that it doesn’t fit into. Of course it’s not going to pull off the tropes of a “fighting tournament shonen” well, when it isn’t one in the first place.

"Plenty" is subjective term so if it bothers you then it's nothing but your own problem, deal with it. "Plenty" also doesn't have anything to do with quality which is more important than quantity. I'm sure the actual plot, writing and characters have lot of potential and would shine when well-executed but the direction ruins most of the anime. At least the first half was like that.

What would you identify as good dialogue? I honestly find the majority of anime dialogue to be hackneyed and clichéd, so if only for that reason, I find Fate/Zero’s dialogue to be better than that of the vast majority of the anime out there. It actually develops the characters, and gives you a feel for their personalities. To bring up an example, there really isn’t a lot anime with better or more character developing dialogue than that found within the “King’s Feast”. Would you say that the dialogue in that episode is inferior to listening to Inuyasha and Kagome convey their love to each for the multi-dozenths time?
LunarMoonApr 12, 2012 4:29 AM
Change, change the form of man. Free the might from fleshy mire. Boil the blood in heart of fire. Gone, gone the form of man. Rise the demon, Etrigan!
Apr 12, 2012 4:37 AM
Dec 2007
I don't think it's really worth bothering arguing such things with someone who watches a large majority of his/her anime just so he/she can bash it.

Apr 12, 2012 9:11 AM

Jul 2009
I would argue that fate/zero isn't a shounen just by the fact that Waver and Ryuunosuke are the only young Masters. And even amongst the Servants, Saber, Gil, and Lancer are the only young looking ones and they still look in their 20's. (Side note: is it just me or does Gil look a few years older in fate/zero in comparison to FSN? lol) More importantly, none of the characters are the idealistic sort of hero that most shounen series feature as the lead. In fact, the whole point of the fate franchise is to put the characters through the wringer and ask the hard questions that most shounen series won't dare ask. (e.g. a hero who actively decides to save the person they love, even if that person has killed tons of innocent people in cold blood) Kiritsugu pretty much WAS the typical shounen lead character when he was young, but realized his ideals were unrealistic and unattainable, and so became the grizzled old bastard he is now. Saber is the closest to being the ideal hero lead, but her ideals are already being questioned and are perceived as foolish by other characters (and considering that Gen Urobuchi is the one who wrote this story, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that the writer himself likely believes Saber is foolish too).

Of course, in spite of all this, one could still argue that fate/zero is shounen, since there are a lot of fighting tournament-esque elements present within the show. (And I for one consider Death Note a shounen series even though it obviously defies a lot of standards.) But at the very least, fate/zero is not at all the standard shounen anime, and to lump it together with other "fighting tournament" shows such as Bleach would be to gravely misunderstand what Urobuchi and ufotable are trying to accomplish with this anime.

binOsbi said:
Does anyone ever read the opening post? Please, have some respect.

As i stated at the start of that post, all that was said is what i can remember. So i didn't remember the entire fight, but i do remember how it ended. Another thing that Kayneth could've done was let his guard down a risk a bullet wound for a finishing blow. I believe this could've been done when Emiya plunged toward him.

Sorry, got my names wrong. I meant a projectile knife. If you were to locate projectile knife, it would be around the side of the leg area. This will make it easier to get a hold of when very disabled and plus her arms weren't severely damaged making her more able to hold the knife.

Well if you put it that way, I'm thinking Lancers at around -100 honor and hes trying to redeem himself to 0, so why not just commit seppuku?

It doesn't matter if i haven't read the source materiel. This poll is about the anime and nothing else. A book might be amazing, but the adaptions can be bad.

The bigger problem is that, due to his "pride as a Mage," Kayneth wasn't taking Kiritsugu very seriously at all during their fight. When he got shot the first time, he absolutely refused to believe that anything but luck allowed Kiritsugu to injure him... even though Kiritsugu is obviously a trained killer who blew up his whole apartment building right under his nose. I think it goes back to the idea of one's honor and pride often being more of hindrances than good qualities.

Hah, your comment about Lancer is actually quite ironic... from what I've heard, Lancer will be featured quite heavily in the following episodes. Some of your questions should be answered then. :)
bellpickleApr 12, 2012 9:31 AM
Apr 12, 2012 9:21 AM

Apr 2010
Leon-Gun said:
I don't think it's really worth bothering arguing such things with someone who watches a large majority of his/her anime just so he/she can bash it.

Why not? How does having higher standards change anything in an argument?

It's not like he was saying "this shit sucks" without properly justifying himself, he actually wrote why he thought the anime sucked. Jesus people.
Apr 12, 2012 10:17 AM

Jul 2010
Solkiskey said:

Why not? How does having higher standards change anything in an argument?

It's not like he was saying "this shit sucks" without properly justifying himself, he actually wrote why he thought the anime sucked. Jesus people.

Are you implying he dislikes Fate/Zero because he has higher standards? I can't see anything but him criticizing it out of personal dislike rather than him being more sophisticated than the average Fate/Zero viewer who did like the show. I can dislike a ton of shows too and back it up with some silly arguments, but that doesn't mean I have "higher standards."
Apr 12, 2012 10:26 AM

Nov 2009
Karhu said:

Thanks for quoting me to go on a rant about nothing I said. Frankly I don't care if you dislike it, even if your reasons are "fuckretarded". My only point was that people expect more symbolism, more action, and less talking, without understanding that it is next to impossible to achieve all these things without taking anything away.

If you told me you think Fate/Zero doesn't have enough action and is too slow (presumably what you're doing), OK. Fine. But if you then tell me there needs to be more depth and symbolism and plot, you need to fuck off or show me something that seamlessly blends these things, because I haven't seen it yet.

By the way, you don't seem to have a good grasp on the workings of what is subjective or objective, so here's a free lesson. Relax and take notes. Whether something has lots of symbolism or not - this is subjective, but it is relative. In this case it is relative to what you are comparing it to. Since we are talking anime, saying "Fate/Zero has lots of symbolism" insinuates that it has more than most anime. It is not a statement you can just throw around, since it can be empirically proven (if someone cared enough to do so). Once you have a simple understanding of this concept your attempt to discredit my statement by yelling out "BUT IT'S SUBJECTIVE!" looks pretty fuckretarded. If you want to learn more, I suggest finishing high school before posting something you have no idea about. Thanks.
Apr 12, 2012 11:36 AM
Dec 2011
Woah woah people I think this thread going off topic now.

I really don't mind if there are people who finds Fate/Zero sucks because there are too much talking and less action or the characters are bland or something. After all one man's treasure is another man's trash. I find Kayneth a little bland himself but there are a lot of people who love him.

But what really makes me a little bit mad is when people used the word 'overrated'. The word overrated now seems to be the buzzword for 'anime I dislike or just meh but many people love' which now makes it kind of redundant. If you don't like it, that's fine with me and just drop it. No one is forcing you to watch it. But don't claim it is overrated when you suddenly bewildered that many people really loves it.
Apr 12, 2012 12:02 PM

Apr 2010
Okaishi said:
Solkiskey said:

Why not? How does having higher standards change anything in an argument?

It's not like he was saying "this shit sucks" without properly justifying himself, he actually wrote why he thought the anime sucked. Jesus people.

Are you implying he dislikes Fate/Zero because he has higher standards? I can't see anything but him criticizing it out of personal dislike rather than him being more sophisticated than the average Fate/Zero viewer who did like the show. I can dislike a ton of shows too and back it up with some silly arguments, but that doesn't mean I have "higher standards."

If you look at his reviews and his comments on his anime list, then you'd be able to figure out he is more picky about shows.

Or is that you can't accept negative opinions of Fate/Zero?
Apr 12, 2012 12:16 PM

Jul 2010
Solkiskey said:
If you look at his reviews and his comments on his anime list, then you'd be able to figure out he is more picky about shows.
Or is that you can't accept negative opinions of Fate/Zero?

I don't really care what he thinks of Fate/Zero to be honest, he can think whatever he wants. I've seen his list, and I don't think you got my point. I was going too much offtopic anyway.
Apr 12, 2012 12:22 PM

Oct 2009
Solkiskey said:
Okaishi said:
Solkiskey said:

Why not? How does having higher standards change anything in an argument?

It's not like he was saying "this shit sucks" without properly justifying himself, he actually wrote why he thought the anime sucked. Jesus people.

Are you implying he dislikes Fate/Zero because he has higher standards? I can't see anything but him criticizing it out of personal dislike rather than him being more sophisticated than the average Fate/Zero viewer who did like the show. I can dislike a ton of shows too and back it up with some silly arguments, but that doesn't mean I have "higher standards."

If you look at his reviews and his comments on his anime list, then you'd be able to figure out he is more picky about shows.

Or is that you can't accept negative opinions of Fate/Zero?

He's not taking issue with someone having a less positive opinion of the show than he does.

He's taking issue with you chalking his ratings up to "higher standards".

It's not because of higher standards, it's because of different standards, different taste.

I mean for one thing he scored Deen's Fate/Stay Night Anime 2 points higher than the first half of Fate/Zero. Which is fine, it's his opinion, but don't tell me it's one born of higher standards.

And don't think that his low average ratings mean that he has higher standards either (though since you also have a mean score below 5 you might want it to be true), he obviously just uses the point scale differently. In his comments he'll often use more positive adjectives to describe shows he gave a 3 than I'd feel comfortable using to describe shows I've given a 7 or 8, it's kind of bizarre actually.
Apr 12, 2012 12:25 PM

Jan 2010
Overrated is such an overused word.
I think most of the praise Fate/Zero receives is deserved. Some people think it isn't, and that's fine. I do think it's interesting to see different points of view about a story, but I usually tend to avoid words like "overrated" when I try to incite discussions like that. It gives a bad impression.

neurogal91 said:
I find Kayneth a little bland himself but there are a lot of people who love him.

....There are? lol
I always thought people only liked him for his semi-meme status among the fanbase. You know, people liking him because he's so easy to make fun of. Things like that video "Kayneth wishes you a merry christmas". That shit is hilarious.
Apr 12, 2012 12:48 PM

Nov 2009
Topgunuk69 said:
He's not taking issue with someone having a less positive opinion of the show than he does.

He's taking issue with you chalking his ratings up to "higher standards".

It's not because of higher standards, it's because of different standards, different taste.

I mean for one thing he scored Deen's Fate/Stay Night Anime 2 points higher than the first half of Fate/Zero. Which is fine, it's his opinion, but don't tell me it's one born of higher standards.

And don't think that his low average ratings mean that he has higher standards either (though since you also have a mean score below 5 you might want it to be true), he obviously just uses the point scale differently. In his comments he'll often use more positive adjectives to describe shows he gave a 3 than I'd feel comfortable using to describe shows I've given a 7 or 8, it's kind of bizarre actually.

It's really easy to get a average rating below 5, too. Just watch shows you know you're going to dislike beforehand - that way you deflate your average. Makes you seem like a critic or something!
Apr 12, 2012 12:53 PM

May 2011
LostHanyou said:
Topgunuk69 said:
He's not taking issue with someone having a less positive opinion of the show than he does.

He's taking issue with you chalking his ratings up to "higher standards".

It's not because of higher standards, it's because of different standards, different taste.

I mean for one thing he scored Deen's Fate/Stay Night Anime 2 points higher than the first half of Fate/Zero. Which is fine, it's his opinion, but don't tell me it's one born of higher standards.

And don't think that his low average ratings mean that he has higher standards either (though since you also have a mean score below 5 you might want it to be true), he obviously just uses the point scale differently. In his comments he'll often use more positive adjectives to describe shows he gave a 3 than I'd feel comfortable using to describe shows I've given a 7 or 8, it's kind of bizarre actually.

It's really easy to get a average rating below 5, too. Just watch shows you know you're going to dislike beforehand - that way you deflate your average. Makes you seem like a critic or something!

LostHanyou's History

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Boku no Pico
Completed at 1 of 1

Good luck~
I definitely have superpowers. I can feel it in my balls.
Apr 12, 2012 1:05 PM

Nov 2009
Ones life is not complete without at least one yaoi hentai.
Apr 12, 2012 1:07 PM
Dec 2007
Karhu said:
LostHanyou said:
Topgunuk69 said:
He's not taking issue with someone having a less positive opinion of the show than he does.

He's taking issue with you chalking his ratings up to "higher standards".

It's not because of higher standards, it's because of different standards, different taste.

I mean for one thing he scored Deen's Fate/Stay Night Anime 2 points higher than the first half of Fate/Zero. Which is fine, it's his opinion, but don't tell me it's one born of higher standards.

And don't think that his low average ratings mean that he has higher standards either (though since you also have a mean score below 5 you might want it to be true), he obviously just uses the point scale differently. In his comments he'll often use more positive adjectives to describe shows he gave a 3 than I'd feel comfortable using to describe shows I've given a 7 or 8, it's kind of bizarre actually.

It's really easy to get a average rating below 5, too. Just watch shows you know you're going to dislike beforehand - that way you deflate your average. Makes you seem like a critic or something!

LostHanyou's History

Last List Updates

Boku no Pico
Completed at 1 of 1

Good luck~
And I think that just put the final nail on my opinion about him, not like he cares I'd say.

Apr 12, 2012 1:09 PM
Jul 2018
LostHanyou said:
Ones life is not complete without at least one yaoi hentai.

This solves all my doubts and questions.
Apr 12, 2012 1:13 PM

Jun 2011
Boku no Pico is god-tier stuff.
What the hell are people complaining about?
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