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Girl tortured to death in Japan, killers now scot-free. (Warning: graphic descriptions)

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Feb 13, 2012 8:19 PM

Nov 2011
Death sentence isnt not enough these bastards need to live a life full of pain like she did
I say torture sentence where there tortued the same way for the rest of the god forbidden lifes!
Honestly one of the worst things i think i've ever read.
Feb 14, 2012 5:00 AM

Jun 2011
I would like a torture system in our prisons, for some of this fucked up crimes like this 1 for example, it may most likely be sick bastards applying for the jobs.... but atleast there torturing other sick bastards
<img src="" />
Feb 14, 2012 6:28 AM

Aug 2007
Is not surprise that The killers are free. In all countries happen this. Poor girl. This is horrible. And is more horrible that now days is still happen.
Feb 14, 2012 10:14 AM

Feb 2012
No, these people should be tortured and then God....that's just plain horrible....sick bastards....
Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds. Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again.
Evelyn Underhill

Feb 14, 2012 10:32 AM

Sep 2009
RandomStuff said:
Think the megaupload guy got quite a bit, tho I think there may have been more than one charge involved. Either way I do not care too much, ultimately an analogy's purpose is not to be 100% accurate but to prove a point through comparison. You have failed to understand the example was only made to point out the inconsistencies in justice, that sentences are not always correctly weighed with the magnitude of the crime. Often money and power can weigh huge factors in determining outcomes in the court room, which is far from true justice.

The analogy was such a blur from the truth that you failed to make any point at all.

I do not doubt that courtrooms are sometimes influenced by things that they shouldn't be influenced by; however I do not see the connexion between corporations using their money to influence a courtroom and the murder of a young girl like this.

Who do you suppose is paying the court to let these guys off with it? There is no incentive to twist justice in anyone's favour, so why would they do it?

RandomStuff said:
-And how do you coerce them into doing these tasks should they simply refuse? Not like they really have anything to lose, and the threat of solitary confinement would be a blessing for someone with my personality.My point was you have this fantastic routine outlined that is supposed to teach them structure, well so does society in the development of a person, they have failed to follow that, so what is so different from needing to follow society's routine?

The difference is quite obvious. In society you are not forced to adhere to a structure; there is a structure there and the vast majority of people do, but you are not forced to conform to it.

If you are raised in a situation where there isn't anything compelling you to adhere to the structure of society, like parental guidance or through schooling, you are less likely to adopt the structure of the outside world.

There are some exceptions for every rule of course, and I am not saying you will adopt this behaviour if you like any rolemodels in your life... but I should expect that the rate is increased.

Is it not interesting that the majority of criminals come from troubled backgrounds? Does that not indicate a trend?

RandomStuff said:
-I would agree people can only learn through experience, I wouldn't say anything to the contrary. It is you who suggest the purpose of prison is to rehabilitate, not to maintain an efficient/orderly society. I hold no belief that prison's purpose should be centered around reforming, that is opinion not fact no matter which standpoint you adopt. This is where I claimed your emotions were coming into play, because you are taking far greater risks than benefit society in the belief you can help reform these people. Ultimately, you are championing the rights of criminals over the good of society, and my logic cares not for how the greater good is obtained, only that it is.

I am not championing the rights of the criminal over society.

Unless you think that anyone who commits any crime should be placed in prison for life, then you are either placing the rights of criminals above the population, or are admitting that there is some possibility for reform.

RandomStuff said:
Almost every claim of experience as a method of reforming people [should they be capable/ignoring its flaws] was met with bitter criticism by none other than yourself. If you're not going to teach them through experience then I imagine only words or things of a similar sort are left as a possibility, unless I am missing something. As long as you advocate no coercive manners of teaching, you will not be able to do anything with these prisoners, because they can simply refuse to do what you have asked of them. All you talk about is an ideal, where they simply listen and follow the routine you set, if they could do that then they wouldn't be there in the first place. So tell me, how do you ENFORCE this routine on them? How do you prevent me from saying "No, I won't do it"?

I believe that prisons have been doing it for quite some time now. What I am talking about is not something new or exciting; it is the system as it stands.

RandomStuff said:
And how do they know how to manipulate the system? Because they read "Crime for dummies 101"? I highly doubt it, they noticed certain correlations in their experiences that allowed them to practically apply such methods. Often more than not their own words are what are the most incriminating, so I would say that fails to help them in manipulating the system. I can see what you say about the paradox that they would use words to deceive, but perhaps I should rephrase "WORDS WORDS WORDS" as I intended, that no matter how strong or structured your argument I can choose simply not to listen even if it is stronger than my own, thus "WORDS WORDS WORDS" since all I hear is blah blah blah I'm not going to care what's coming out of your mouth, I have no reason to change or listen if I don't need to. People don't often take the opinions of others into serious account, growing worse as we become more set in our ways.

I was just pointing out that you were crediting them with nothing and then pointing them out to be rather devious; you cannot have it both ways.

RandomStuff said:
Ultimately I am against your idea of prison as a reformation because it provides little incentive for change. Prison is merely a tool for society to use to maintain justice and order, reforming people is incredibly difficult. Look at our own debate, I assume most people would see both of us as rational people, yet neither of us has really convinced the other of absolutely anything new despite the length of this matter. Words have failed to accomplish anything here, and no matter how long we continue it will probably not change either of our standpoints. If you cannot convince me of anything then how do you expect to convince prisoners, who also might have far more conviction to remain set in their ways than I do? This is why I say reform fails as you describe it, the proof is in the very course of this argument along with the millions of other internet threads with people arguing out there.

The argument we are having is one of words. Whether prison is only useful for punishment or if it can be used for reform is something that is demonstrated in practice.

You can look at the American system, which pretty much follows along with what you are arguing and unsurprisingly, it fails to generate much reform and most people who get out get put back in. These people have experienced prison and can live with it, so they are unconcerned about returning.

People who go through reforms though realise that there is a better life out there, and so the re-offending rate is lower.

RandomStuff said:
Again, it is your opinion alone and not mine that prison is meant to reform above all else. That is only a secondary concern to upholding justice to me, which upholds the benefit of society over all else [in its ideal form].

The funny thing is that what you are suggesting does not actually provide what is best for society, or at least is equal to mine as far as separating criminals from everyone else is concerned.

The only difference is that one is promoting people to change their ways, while the other is making their lives as difficult as possible, in the hope it will frighten them into changing.

Which is fine, unless they aren't frightened by the prospect of going to prison... which would probably be the people you are the keenest to reform, would it not?
Losing an Argument online?

Simply post a webpage full of links, and refuse to continue until your opponents have read every last one of them!


"I was debating with someone who believed in climate change, when he linked me to a graph showing evidence to that effect. So I sent him a 10k word essay on the origins of Conservatism, and escaped with my dignity intact."

Feb 14, 2012 10:47 AM

Feb 2012
It's horrible what happened to her and all, but torturing these people the same way... wouldn't that make the ones who decide that crime just as bad as them? The biggest problem with eye for an eye is that it is a chain, it doesn't end there.

It's more like:
Eye for eye for eye for eye for eye for eye for eye for eye for eye for eye for eye etc

If you decide to do the same thing to them as they did to her, you're nothing better. That's not justice, that is vengeance.

I think that if you put them for the rest of their lives in prison, you're better off. Life long in prison is worse then the dead sentence, since if you have a life in prison you can't do anything, and you're faced with the fact of what you did every day again. Death sentence is just a easy way out.
Feb 14, 2012 10:58 AM

Feb 2012
No, because life in prison will never ever make them understand the suffering and horror that poor girl went through. They need to understand just how that poor thing felt .
Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds. Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again.
Evelyn Underhill

Feb 14, 2012 11:04 AM

Feb 2012
How do you want to achieve that? And do you know them, that you can say that they won't think about what they have done? Hell, let them watch pictures of her every day, put them everywhere in the prison. Killing them won't achieve anything, it's the easy way out. Neither would torturing.

Have you ever watched some movies about the medieval times with executions? It's cruel and stupid, enjoying the pain of others. It's the same as they did, not? What they didn't knew however, is that not everyone is guilty. Never read in the newspapers that someone was convicted of a crime he didn't do? And imagine when that person is executed. When you know that, do you still think they should be killed?
Feb 14, 2012 12:04 PM

Jun 2011

-A blur from the truth? I guess that might depend on what country you live in due to structural difference in law or court operation, but obscuring justice is a fine art in my country and I hardly think you can say what I said was entirely inaccurate. I never said they paid the court off, now you're just putting words in my mouth for the sake of your own argument. While I'm sure someone has bribed a judge before, what I was referring to was either the defendants status [celebrity], or fortune [what corporations have] that allow them to get the best lawyers, or better yet an entire team of lawyers. Logic is an easy thing to twist, so a good lawyer can really shape the verdict and other factors of the court. They are a resource people use, thus corporations as entities with the most resources, generally fair the best. From there you can follow the money ladder down.

-My entire point is the system as it stands is an abysmal failure. I don't think many people would take the line of logic in most matters that the current system [for whatever subject] is the best simply because it is the one we use.

-The American system? I hope you're not an American, or I find that comment rather ignorant if you really believe that. American prison is a joke and hardly anything to be scared of, at least in the context of American citizens being jailed. People in America are pretty set against actually torturing prisoners, so no, American prisoners are not just beat for no reason or as a punishment for crime (barring potential guard abuse that can happen in any country).

-The only real thing you have to fear (if you even do) is the death penalty via lethal injection after sitting around on death row for like what, 10-20 years? You're going to die eventually, so death is not always a real fear to people who realize you can drop dead any day. While you may argue that this is why it is ineffective as a deterrent, I would say that is hardly its purpose in my own view. The death penalty is meant to eliminate those individuals who have demonstrated they are too much of a threat to society, so the simplest choice is to eliminate them and not make us pay to keep them alive to live for free for 20 years.

-I would argue society does force you to follow a structure unless you live in a complete anarchy. You have taxes to pay for one. You pay those through a job which you usually get through education, etc. Some prisoners commit crimes because they rebel against the current structure of society, just because it is not written in stone does not mean it is not there.

-All you do is talk about this reform, but you don't ever explain how you actually go about it. It's like some magical fairy I'm supposed to believe exists that does it with supernatural powers and that I don't need to pretend to understand it. You have refused to answer my question about what if I simply say "NO" to your structured prison. Do you have some magical power over me that takes away my free will and automatically animates my body to the structure you prescribe? Do I just suddenly see the errors of my ways that after I refused to listen to the teacher telling me to do my homework that I decide to listen to the prison guard telling me to do kitchen duty?

-My problem here lies not with people you could deem "reformed", but IF it can be done, then HOW do you repeat the method successfully?

-I'm not against reform if it can be successfully done enough that the reward is greater than the risk. The problem is that this is essentially never the case when it is viewed as a whole realistically. This is why I say you're not taking society's best interest into account. You proceed on the presumption you are automatically successful in reforming criminals, which is the exact flaw of that system. This is the difference between idealism and realism, idealistically the system you talk about clearly seems superior, but realistically the factors of the actual world we live in cause flaws that make a system sounding good on paper an abysmal failure.


-Many of these twisted people would even brag about their crimes, so putting pictures of what they did to her up would only reinforce their mentalities. Also, no one is saying to do that on shaky evidence, if facts are clear enough that they can be said to have done it "for certain" as much as we can realistically say, that is what people are referring to.
Feb 14, 2012 12:54 PM
Nov 2011
Assassin9399 said:

Have you ever watched some movies about the medieval times with executions? It's cruel and stupid, enjoying the pain of others. It's the same as they did, not? What they didn't knew however, is that not everyone is guilty. Never read in the newspapers that someone was convicted of a crime he didn't do? And imagine when that person is executed. When you know that, do you still think they should be killed?

While this was a common occurrence in the medieval ages, in modern times, it is quite uncommon for those accused of serious offenses to be wrongly convicted, there have been many advancements that take most of the error out of the equation

Feb 14, 2012 2:16 PM
Dec 2009
Thats disgusting.
Feb 14, 2012 2:25 PM

Sep 2010
this story makes me slightly depressed everytime i read it =/ honestly.. i wonder how kids get so fked up to do something like that.
<img src="" />
Feb 14, 2012 3:30 PM

Jun 2008
iNeon said:
Death sentence isnt not enough these bastards need to live a life full of pain like she did
I say torture sentence where there tortued the same way for the rest of the god forbidden lifes!
Honestly one of the worst things i think i've ever read.

xthedestroyer said:
No, because life in prison will never ever make them understand the suffering and horror that poor girl went through. They need to understand just how that poor thing felt .

I think this staff are ridiculous. I am in aw every time i hear people going after blood like crazy. You are like those crowds in ancients times who loved watching people killed and tortured in different ways in frond of their eyes.
And personally i think people who want to see criminals tortured are closer to doing similar staff as the criminals than people who simply do not want such acts done in general.

Whether this guys feel the girls pain or not is irrelevant. The girl ain't going to come back and nether what she suffered will go away.
Courts and law shouldn't be used for vengeance, that's not the reason they exist. And is not right that sometimes are used like that. They should exist for the protection of society.
They shouldn't be going after revenge, revenge is pointless, they should look at protecting society from dangerous individuals and seek reform.
MonadFeb 14, 2012 11:54 PM
Feb 14, 2012 4:08 PM

Jan 2011
Interesting and very disturbing. I consider it a fundamental failing of the system in its inability produce justice when it comes to such extreme extreme cases. Just about to start criminal law and procedure at uni so this is good timing though unfortunately for me it is a foreign case. Would probably be an interesting case to read nonetheless if I can find an English version. Makes me wonder if there is an equivalent case in Australia....
Feb 14, 2012 5:20 PM

Sep 2011
It's not the first time the killer went free in Japan. I wonder why OP decided to make this thread about the event happened 20 years ago. I have to say though it's very disheartening that they are free now. I would think they deserve permanent jail sentences as lab test subjects for science experiment rather than death penalty.

Kusakusa said:
Interesting and very disturbing. I consider it a fundamental failing of the system in its inability produce justice when it comes to such extreme extreme cases. Just about to start criminal law and procedure at uni so this is good timing though unfortunately for me it is a foreign case. Would probably be an interesting case to read nonetheless if I can find an English version. Makes me wonder if there is an equivalent case in Australia....

And there was a few years ago and it was shocking too. A bunch of middle school boys violated a disabled girl in an isolated area and uploaded the video on youtube. The girl didn't die but received a pretty harsh treatment. I don't know what happened afterwards, most likely, they ended up in juvenile hall or tried for a court.
No way to recall
What it was that you had said to me
Like I care at all
But it was so loud
And you sure could yell
You took a stand on every little thing
And it was so loud
Feb 14, 2012 6:26 PM

Jun 2011
Monad said:

I think this staff are ridiculous. I am in aw every time i hear people going after blood like crazy. You are like those crowds in ancients times who loved watching people killed and tortured in different ways in frond of their eyes.
And personally i think people who want to see criminals tortured are closer to doing similar staff as the criminals that people who simply do not want such acts done in general.

Whether this guys feel the girls pain or not is irrelevant. The girl ain't going to come back and nether what she suffered will go away.
Courts and law shouldn't be used for be vengeance that not the reason they exist. And is not right that sometimes are used like that. They should exist for the protection of society.
They shouldn't be going after revenge, revenge is pointless, they should look at protecting society from dangerous individuals and seek reform.

The current system of a slap on the wrist even for the most brutal crimes however, hardly has any incentive to steer away from committing crimes. On the contrary, justice has nothing to do with emotion, and that goes both ways, not just for the champions of the victim, but for those who feel sympathy for the criminals' punishment so long as it is not greater than their crime.

Justice is about doing what is right, ensuring the equality that upholds the well being of society. It is equivalent exchange, and it would be a horrible misconception to paint a demand for equality as a demand for vengeance representative of medieval times. If you kill someone and society kills you in return, it is an equivalent exchange. If you slice off someone's hand for stealing a loaf of bread or torture someone for 2 years and kill them simply because they shot someone, that would be vengeance. Only if you ask more of them than they gave would it be vengeance.

I think your idea that if any harm comes to prisoners it is vengeance is simply an oversight glossing over the harm they have done to others and treating them like victims of their environment on some humanitarian reform cause. For over 2000 years people have been trying to reform humanity for the better and failed miserably at it. Our technology and all our knowledge has not changed human nature one bit, and I'm pretty sure we've exhausted almost every possible idea of every misguided idealism you can think of through the billions of people who championed these ideas over the ages. Needless to say, with at least millions of others before you who claimed they had the answer to a better reformation of mankind failing, I can't help but believe it is simply another ideal denying the reality that has proven itself throughout all of mankind's history, that we are incapable of reform until we evolve into something higher than man.
Feb 14, 2012 7:48 PM

Apr 2008

Well, I didn't need the sleep tonight, anyway.
Feb 14, 2012 8:45 PM

Feb 2005
RandomStuff said:
Justice is about doing what is right, ensuring the equality that upholds the well being of society. It is equivalent exchange, and it would be a horrible misconception to paint a demand for equality as a demand for vengeance representative of medieval times. If you kill someone and society kills you in return, it is an equivalent exchange. If you slice off someone's hand for stealing a loaf of bread or torture someone for 2 years and kill them simply because they shot someone, that would be vengeance. Only if you ask more of them than they gave would it be vengeance.
The only justice related equality that is important is that similar cases be treated similarly and that everyone gets a fair trial.
It doesn't really make sense to demand a proportionate response in terms of punishment. The whole idea is that the state should make as little intervention into personal freedom as possible, and the legal system is really just there to ensure order and the continued functioning of society. So it goes without saying that reform is preferable to elimination if possible, you'd rather repair the broken gears in your clockwork than throw it away, assuming it is at all doable and the costs are not too high.

And is reform possible? Sometimes it may not even be necessary. If a woman carries out her plan to kill her husband after years of abuse, then that does not mean she will be likely to kill someone else, and could probably just go free. She only needs to be punished to keep up the justice and shoe people that murder is not to be taken lightly.
But even hardened criminals may very well be reformed, there's always the odd story about this here and there, even if a lot continues in their old tracks.
The only crippling problem with reform the way I see it is that it is not intrusive enough, locking someone away for ten years does nothing if he in the end returns to the same community he came from, he should be place somewhere else for a true fresh start instead. But of course, thorough rehabilitation like this would cost a lot, and trying to reform some deadbeat burglar who would at best serve as a cashier or something wouldn't be cost effective, so therein lies the problem.

But at any rate, I'd only consider the really dangerous fit for termination, IF the danger they pose to society exceeds the assumed chance of them being reformed, they should be disposed of for the good of everyone. Typically mentally ill killers and such rabble.
Feb 14, 2012 8:48 PM

Mar 2011
Seriously, how corrupt and disgusting can this planet get?
Courtesy of Paul
Feb 14, 2012 11:51 PM

Jun 2008
RandomStuff said:
Monad said:

I think this staff are ridiculous. I am in aw every time i hear people going after blood like crazy. You are like those crowds in ancients times who loved watching people killed and tortured in different ways in frond of their eyes.
And personally i think people who want to see criminals tortured are closer to doing similar staff as the criminals than people who simply do not want such acts done in general.

Whether this guys feel the girls pain or not is irrelevant. The girl ain't going to come back and nether what she suffered will go away.
Courts and law shouldn't be used for vengeance, that's not the reason they exist. And is not right that sometimes are used like that. They should exist for the protection of society.
They shouldn't be going after revenge, revenge is pointless, they should look at protecting society from dangerous individuals and seek reform.

The current system of a slap on the wrist even for the most brutal crimes however, hardly has any incentive to steer away from committing crimes. On the contrary, justice has nothing to do with emotion, and that goes both ways, not just for the champions of the victim, but for those who feel sympathy for the criminals' punishment so long as it is not greater than their crime.

Justice is about doing what is right, ensuring the equality that upholds the well being of society. It is equivalent exchange, and it would be a horrible misconception to paint a demand for equality as a demand for vengeance representative of medieval times. If you kill someone and society kills you in return, it is an equivalent exchange. If you slice off someone's hand for stealing a loaf of bread or torture someone for 2 years and kill them simply because they shot someone, that would be vengeance. Only if you ask more of them than they gave would it be vengeance.

I think your idea that if any harm comes to prisoners it is vengeance is simply an oversight glossing over the harm they have done to others and treating them like victims of their environment on some humanitarian reform cause. For over 2000 years people have been trying to reform humanity for the better and failed miserably at it. Our technology and all our knowledge has not changed human nature one bit, and I'm pretty sure we've exhausted almost every possible idea of every misguided idealism you can think of through the billions of people who championed these ideas over the ages. Needless to say, with at least millions of others before you who claimed they had the answer to a better reformation of mankind failing, I can't help but believe it is simply another ideal denying the reality that has proven itself throughout all of mankind's history, that we are incapable of reform until we evolve into something higher than man.

Sorry but i don't see how we even remotely came close in the last 2000 years in actually implementing anything truly based on idealism as you like to call it. The world is mostly ruled by corrupted people and if anything until now what it has been proven is that we ain't going nowhere and maybe we should give those idealist a chance because until now they never got a real one.
Just look at our prisons. Instead of being reforming facilities as they claim to be, they are nothing but a college on how to be a better criminal and make criminal friends.

I assume(or hope) the fact that even a killer can get out after a big amount of years is based on the logic that everyone should be given a second chance and that a person can become a better man. Unfortunately that's impossible to work when all the years he was in prison instead of receiving quittance to reform he was only learning on how to be more of a beast.
Also the need to protect society and follow reform does not exclude real life long prison sentence, it just excludes stupid acts of vengeance like "lets torture him" and other inhumane ideas blood lovers seem to have. If a person is evaluated as a complete sociopath with no ability on reform then you can imprison him for life to protect society. I fail to see how imprisoning a person until it's death is a slap on the wrist. But you ain't doing it to make him suffer, you are simply doing it because you want to protect the citizens from an extremely dangerous individual.
As about killing him. Is there really any good reason to do so besides getting your vengeance and eye for an eye satisfaction? I can think of a few reasons why not to kill him but i can't think of why you will want to kill him.
The only logical reason seem to be money and cost of feeding a person it will never enter society again but as we discovered executing the death sentence seems to be as costly as keeping him alive.
MonadFeb 15, 2012 3:22 AM
Feb 14, 2012 11:59 PM

Dec 2010
That is absolutely fucking atrocious. Fucking humans man. Taking advantage of others like that pisses the fuck out of me. How the fuck could they live with themselves doing something like that to someone? Have they not ever thought once about what that would be like if THEY were the VICTIM? Holy fucking shit. I cannot believe such a thing happened to this poor girl, not to mention it happened long ago.

If those fucks are still out words don't even begin to describe how much I want them to suffer.

Feb 15, 2012 12:28 AM

Jun 2011
They never had a chance to implement ideals? Nonsense, they've had plenty of chances over the ages, it's just they've all failed. It will continue so long as we are man, idealists blinded by the delusion that those ideals can exist in reality. In the end, it causes more harm than good by failing to accept anything other than the perfect outcome rather than the realistic one, costing us more trying to achieve perfection than efficiency and then failing to accomplish that on top of it.

So you're saying people who deny second chances to others deserve one themselves [in the most brutal cases]? Sounds hypocritical.

I fail to see how prison is not a slap on the wrist, you're required to do nothing but stay out of society and everything else is given essentially free to you for food, water and shelter all paid by the population of people you harmed in some manner, all the while other people work like slaves in many places to get half of that. It is far from luxurious, but a lot of people do not need excessive means, granted at least my own culture is getting ridiculous expectations for a standard of living. There are also plenty of people for whom these conditions would actually be an improvement in their quality of life. As someone who has no real attachments to the outside world as a mostly anti-social, I sometimes wonder if I would actually be better off in prison, as I do not need excessive means. I do not see why society should have to support a man for life for taking the life of another, that seems more of like a reward to me than a punishment.

Even if the cost would be the same, that is partly because of the method and you would do it on the principle of the matter stated above. Some even believe that though this is even done to be "humane" through the lethal injection method, it might actually be quite painful. If you take the effective way, a bullet would not cost as much as a man's quarters, food and water for a substantial amount of time.

I'll pose the same question I still have not received an answer from the other opponent of my views in this thread, just HOW do you accomplish reforming these people without any force? This to me is the underlying flaw of the current system, that without anything to fear your best attempts at reform just corrupt the system into what it is now, good people cowering in the face of criminals on some misguided sense of humanitarianism that they can't become like them.

You don't want to resort to their level, but you fail to acknowledge you are already at their level. While "criminal" is a convenient word for many purposes, they are ultimately still a human being. You can try and delude yourself into thinking there is any real difference between you and that criminal, but at the end of the day you are no different. If you're going to presume you are above this person because you believe yourself to be "good" and them to be "evil", than you fail to acknowledge your own potential for evil. As long as they are human and you are too, you are one in the same no matter which way you spin it.

Of course the broken record of opponents of this viewpoint is that you can't simply lay a finger on another human being or it's just vengeance or blood lust. I would argue the opposite, that because I can kill someone in the most grotesque way imaginable and not even get so much as a punch to the face, that this actually encourages me to not having any real fear of going through with such a crime. As long as I have the proper perspective to adapt to prison (and some philosophers would argue society is the real prison), then there is essentially no loss on my part for getting to seek out my own blood lust. After all the harm criminals do to others, you then argue to shelter them from harm themselves, I say this encourages crime instead of deterring it.

Blood lust would also be purely for enjoyment or desire and no other particular reason. We have a reason here, and criminals should be protected from receiving more harm than they caused, for that does cross the line in my viewpoint to vengeance or blood lust. What you need is a middle ground, other wise in trying to avoid that extreme with another that you get some nonsense like we have now, then you simply end up protecting them above actually accomplishing anything else.
SaiphFeb 15, 2012 12:34 AM
Feb 15, 2012 3:15 AM
Nov 2011
RandomStuff said:

I fail to see how prison is not a slap on the wrist, you're required to do nothing but stay out of society and everything else is given essentially free to you for food, water and shelter all paid by the population of people you harmed in some manner, all the while other people work like slaves in many places to get half of that. It is far from luxurious, but a lot of people do not need excessive means, granted at least my own culture is getting ridiculous expectations for a standard of living. There are also plenty of people for whom these conditions would actually be an improvement in their quality of life. As someone who has no real attachments to the outside world as a mostly anti-social, I sometimes wonder if I would actually be better off in prison, as I do not need excessive means. I do not see why society should have to support a man for life for taking the life of another, that seems more of like a reward to me than a punishment.

And not only do they get all that for free, but they also get a job that they get paid to do as well :P

RandomStuff said:

You don't want to resort to their level, but you fail to acknowledge you are already at their level. While "criminal" is a convenient word for many purposes, they are ultimately still a human being. You can try and delude yourself into thinking there is any real difference between you and that criminal, but at the end of the day you are no different. If you're going to presume you are above this person because you believe yourself to be "good" and them to be "evil", than you fail to acknowledge your own potential for evil. As long as they are human and you are too, you are one in the same no matter which way you spin it.

I can somewhat agree with this statement, as with all tools, any action is directly based on what its used on, and how it is used.

Feb 15, 2012 12:24 PM

Jan 2011
I couldn't even read past day 11.
I skipped to the bottom hoping to read that the people who did that were put to death or SOMETHING!

I really don't understand how anyone could be so cruel and do something like that. Words can't even describe how much I hate the kind of people who would do this.
Also, I don't care what their legal system is in japan for crimes. Someone who does this should NOT be allowed out of prison. If they don't do death penalties or something then at least life in prison for people like this!
Feb 15, 2012 9:04 PM

Aug 2011
Baman said:
RandomStuff said:
Justice is about doing what is right, ensuring the equality that upholds the well being of society. It is equivalent exchange, and it would be a horrible misconception to paint a demand for equality as a demand for vengeance representative of medieval times. If you kill someone and society kills you in return, it is an equivalent exchange. If you slice off someone's hand for stealing a loaf of bread or torture someone for 2 years and kill them simply because they shot someone, that would be vengeance. Only if you ask more of them than they gave would it be vengeance.
The only justice related equality that is important is that similar cases be treated similarly and that everyone gets a fair trial.
It doesn't really make sense to demand a proportionate response in terms of punishment. The whole idea is that the state should make as little intervention into personal freedom as possible, and the legal system is really just there to ensure order and the continued functioning of society. So it goes without saying that reform is preferable to elimination if possible, you'd rather repair the broken gears in your clockwork than throw it away, assuming it is at all doable and the costs are not too high.
What makes you think such people could even be useful to society in any way at all? People like this are more like monkey wrenches in the system. Their existence is a threat to society in general.

Baman said:
But at any rate, I'd only consider the really dangerous fit for termination, IF the danger they pose to society exceeds the assumed chance of them being reformed, they should be disposed of for the good of everyone. Typically mentally ill killers and such rabble.
I really hope you don't think that these people aren't mentally ill after what they did. I don't even know how people could think of these kinds of things without being completely fucked up. The ability just to contemplate these things--much less do them.
Feb 15, 2012 11:10 PM

Jun 2011
wow that was so fucked up and sad. like seriously how can someone think of doing these things. I never knew humans like that existed.

seriously they should have gotten life imprisonment. this happens when they get released....
For his participation in the crime, Kamisaku served eight years in a juvenile prison before he was released, in August 1999. In July 2004, he was arrested for assaulting an acquaintance, whom he believed to be luring a girlfriend away from him, and allegedly bragged about his earlier infamy.[1] Kamisaku was sentenced to seven years in prison for the beating.
Feb 16, 2012 6:03 PM
Aug 2010
Typical *THIS WORLD IS SHIT* thread.

I really have nothing to add.
Feb 16, 2012 7:11 PM

Dec 2009
Read the manga (17.) a few years ago and checked the case too.

The punishment was too light as the public reflected. The reasons were that they did not intend to kill the girl and that they were all underage. And it was one of them who voluntarily reported the case during an unrelated arrest, or else no body really know what happened to the girl. The altitude of them during the legal process was probably taken into account too.

The incidence had dealt some effects on the handling of the subsequent juvenile crimes.
bottleFeb 16, 2012 7:14 PM
Feb 16, 2012 10:33 PM
Apr 2011
Wow, one of the most awful stories I've ever read.
Feb 16, 2012 10:34 PM

Feb 2010
I've never read anything more disgusting and cruel in my life! DX Such a poor girl! ;__;
Feb 17, 2012 12:36 AM

Dec 2011
I found newspaper article about this few days ago...

I read a little and burned it. Now I came here and I read everything. I shouldn't have done this. Firstly because I am now pissed and I wanna go and break their arms, legs, castrate them and beat a crap out of them... That's enough of punishment, none of these can kill them, but it will make them suffer.
And second reason is cause I always shed a tear to this stuff. I hate when someone is killed but when I see that someone did this to innocent girl (if it were a boy I'd feel the same, but I'd hate these less) I just feel so bad and I fucking fall into depression. I can't believe that I am the same species as them.

And now to think about this rational. Initial shock went by...

The best punishment would be to send them to Russian prisons in Siberia... Yes....
Or maybe to send them to any prison in Japan but with lifetime sentence and inform every prisoner about what they did. I believe that would be enough to ensure that at least one will rape them every day... (Ok I am obviously still shocked and I am not thinking straight)...

And for those who think death is good punishment...

No it's not. We have no right to take someones life (neither do they). First, death is easy way out, especially with these injection death penalties... You lay down and peacefully fall asleep... Even though I still don't support death penalty... By killing them we only show how savage we are and we show how we are not better then them. Eye for an eye is primitive and barbaric way to treat things. Life sentence is much more appropriate sentence. Even if they have TV and nice rooms they still don't have freedom. And most of the convicts will tell you that they would trade what they have in prison for freedom... Also by locking them forever they no longer present threat for society. And as I already mentioned some of the prisoners will find out about details and will make them pay, as most of the killers are mindfucked but they don't like killers who do this. In my country there was a case of murderer who killed 7 people but when he heard of gruesome crime other inmate did he and some of his friends went to his cell and beat him so bad that he had to be transferred. And in that other prison someone killed him... So yeah, lifetime sentence is best for these idiots.

As for what they got... WTF?
Are these guys crazy? 20 years, and for other even less.... WTF? WTF?

And now they are free to spread their semen and make more retards.... Fuck no....
Feb 17, 2012 3:23 AM

Apr 2010
This is disgusting : s Makes me want to torture them and let them feel the girls pain.
<img src="" />
Feb 17, 2012 3:30 AM

Dec 2011
This is disgusting : s Makes me want to torture them and let them feel the girls pain.

Just read my post, I have some proper solutions.........


I have to say it one more time....

I hate them......
Feb 17, 2012 5:46 AM

Feb 2005
DraconisMarch said:
What makes you think such people could even be useful to society in any way at all? People like this are more like monkey wrenches in the system. Their existence is a threat to society in general.
Well I doubt these in particular could, but that's not saying more "normal" murderers in general couldn't.
Feb 18, 2012 3:08 AM
Mar 2011
If only this had happened in China. They would have all been killed. What a horrible story.
Feb 18, 2012 3:19 AM

Dec 2011
MessageInTime said:
If only this had happened in China. They would have all been killed. What a horrible story.

Again that's not the solution....

It's the easiest way out....
Feb 18, 2012 9:46 AM

Feb 2012
Flaky said:
Read this article three years ago and whenever I think about Junko's sufferings, it makes me believe again how the world is such an ugly place as years pass by. I wouldn't be surprised if killing an infant won't be that of a big deal. Compared to the past generations, today seems to be.. so liberated and stupid, I'm sorry to say.


Its easy to say things like that, but what about medieval times for example?
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Feb 18, 2012 12:44 PM

Jan 2012
OriginANIME said:
And wtf, 8 years only? If I was the parent I would go kill those dudes and then go 8 years in prison. Its worth it.

What good would it do? I doubt the girl would want her parents to become killers and lose a decade of their lives because of those shitbags. Punishing those murderers is responsibility of the government, not the parents.

Even though I understand that the parents would want to kill those guys with their own hands after what they did to their daughter.
Feb 18, 2012 5:34 PM

May 2008
What I'm always surprised about is that people can read something like this and turn right around and say they want to do the same thing to the people who did it.

As if it suddenly becomes okay because you decided that the person deserves it. That kind of thinking is the reason this stuff happens in the first place.
Feb 18, 2012 6:18 PM

Feb 2012
hikky said:
What I'm always surprised about is that people can read something like this and turn right around and say they want to do the same thing to the people who did it.

As if it suddenly becomes okay because you decided that the person deserves it. That kind of thinking is the reason this stuff happens in the first place.


Is exactly what I was talking about to my friends when I saw this thread.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Feb 18, 2012 6:24 PM

Aug 2009
Hmmm well i think they deserve the pain and torture...i cant help but be one of those people that think they actually deserve the same treatment...that is all i have to say on the subject...
<img src="" />
Feb 18, 2012 7:12 PM

Jun 2011
hikky said:
What I'm always surprised about is that people can read something like this and turn right around and say they want to do the same thing to the people who did it.

As if it suddenly becomes okay because you decided that the person deserves it. That kind of thinking is the reason this stuff happens in the first place.

This is the reason it happens in the first place? That would be implying the girl did something on this level to them first, sorry kiddo but for one they wouldn't be alive, and secondly, this happens because there is a great potential for evil within all humans. Now there are some good reasons for saying not to inflict it back, but this has to be the most nonsensical one I've read.

The same sentiment could be said of your cause, that things like this suddenly become "ok just because they didn't really understand what they were doing". They're young and impressionable after all, it's all just fun and games right?

Not sure if you read my other posts in this thread but I advise you to if you have not if you reply, since I have a feeling I'd just be repeating my points otherwise.
Feb 18, 2012 7:46 PM
Aug 2011
Forget the death sentence!! Put those bastards in a cell and peel off there skin layer by layer and cover them in gasoline and burn them! mwahahahaha ok im a bit crazy
Feb 18, 2012 10:58 PM

May 2008
RandomStuff said:
hikky said:
What I'm always surprised about is that people can read something like this and turn right around and say they want to do the same thing to the people who did it.

As if it suddenly becomes okay because you decided that the person deserves it. That kind of thinking is the reason this stuff happens in the first place.

This is the reason it happens in the first place? That would be implying the girl did something on this level to them first, sorry kiddo but for one they wouldn't be alive, and secondly, this happens because there is a great potential for evil within all humans. Now there are some good reasons for saying not to inflict it back, but this has to be the most nonsensical one I've read.

The same sentiment could be said of your cause, that things like this suddenly become "ok just because they didn't really understand what they were doing". They're young and impressionable after all, it's all just fun and games right?

Not sure if you read my other posts in this thread but I advise you to if you have not if you reply, since I have a feeling I'd just be repeating my points otherwise.

The belief that the individual is justified in deciding what happens to another person is the way of thinking that causes these things.

You say eye for an eye. But experience is not equal from person to person. If I'm a masochist and go around poking people with needles, it's not going to be a very good punishment to poke me with needles, is it? Well, in that case you'd have to think up a punishment that you thought was about equally bad for me as it was for other people to be poked by my needles. You would need to subjectively decide on a punishment for me, based on the principle that I "deserved" it. And at that point, you'll find a way to justify anything you want to do to me, especially since your perception of my suffering will be skewed by the fact that you don't like me.

The point is that whether or not someone deserves something is subjective because people value different things differently. Doing something to someone because they "deserve it" or because the individual otherwise justifies the harm they are doing is the cause of all kinds of atrocity committed by surprisingly sane people.

The goal of punishment should be prevention, not some notion of fairness or equality and especially not revenge. Revenge of any kind accomplishes nothing but to set an ugly precedent.
hikkyFeb 18, 2012 11:04 PM
Feb 18, 2012 11:35 PM

Mar 2008
I felt really sick after reading all of that..
Feb 19, 2012 10:31 AM

Jun 2011
hikky said:

The belief that the individual is justified in deciding what happens to another person is the way of thinking that causes these things.

You say eye for an eye. But experience is not equal from person to person. If I'm a masochist and go around poking people with needles, it's not going to be a very good punishment to poke me with needles, is it? Well, in that case you'd have to think up a punishment that you thought was about equally bad for me as it was for other people to be poked by my needles. You would need to subjectively decide on a punishment for me, based on the principle that I "deserved" it. And at that point, you'll find a way to justify anything you want to do to me, especially since your perception of my suffering will be skewed by the fact that you don't like me.

The point is that whether or not someone deserves something is subjective because people value different things differently. Doing something to someone because they "deserve it" or because the individual otherwise justifies the harm they are doing is the cause of all kinds of atrocity committed by surprisingly sane people.

The goal of punishment should be prevention, not some notion of fairness or equality and especially not revenge. Revenge of any kind accomplishes nothing but to set an ugly precedent.

Without equality you set up a balance favoring one side, either the criminals or the victims. The lack of balance that is heavily in favor of criminals today is part of what helps spur them to crimes, the punishments are weak and meager compared to the gravity of the crimes they commit (not for EVERYTHING, but there are quite a few scenarios that I'm talking about)

Experience is subjective, but doing nothing is hardly a better alternative. Your example of masochism is a rather bad one, since they'll enjoy any kind of punishment in the way you describe them, suggesting the worst punishment you could give them would be no punishment at all - hardly a good option.

I don't get how as long as you don't exceed their own crime it's such an atrocity, or how it spurs further crime. You sit here saying it's not fair to inflict the same things back on them, that is showing favoritism. How can you claim it is OK for them to go hurt others like that then not be hurt themselves in any manner whatsoever? You're allowing only certain people to be hurt [the victims], then not allowing others [the people who commit the crimes] to be hurt. That is not equality at all, and that kind of imbalance is part of the reason the current justice system in most first world countries is so flawed.

Equality is not revenge, excess harm is revenge. That would be like wanting to torture someone to death for a year who merely shot someone, now that would be revenge.

I have posed this question to all defenders of your viewpoint in this thread, and none have been willing to answer the question: "How do you expect with no force at all to deter these people from their ways?" This is my problem, if your goal is to prevent these people by reforming them in some manner, then be of some good help and explain how that works.
Feb 19, 2012 10:44 AM

Dec 2011
bannie said:
Death penalty clearly.

For the fifth time no............

Don't you just get it...?

That's easier for them... Death is small punishment for what they did....
Feb 19, 2012 10:51 AM

Sep 2011
there is a significant dilema on the girl´s parents, between what you should do and want you want to do. but considering that japan justice system is so lame, well, it would be a really difficult choise for them, first you hoped that police do their job, but it results on an epic fail, then you ended up watching the bastard on the street as free as a bird, i got to say thats a big challenge, ´couse lets face it, obviosly is easy to give an opinion when you are just a viewer, but at the end of the day, on this times, people kill someone for less than that... so on this one i got go with the not peaceful choise, and hope for her parents to do what they have to.....
Feb 19, 2012 10:56 AM

Dec 2011
Patito91 said:
there is a significant dilema on the girl´s parents, between what you should do and want you want to do. but considering that japan justice system is so lame, well, it would be a really difficult choise for them, first you hoped that police do their job, but it results on an epic fail, then you ended up watching the bastard on the street as free as a bird, i got to say thats a big challenge, ´couse lets face it, obviosly is easy to give an opinion when you are just a viewer, but at the end of the day, on this times, people kill someone for less than that... so on this one i got go with the not peaceful choise, and hope for her parents to do what they have to.....

I evaded commenting from parents perspective since I can't imagine what that would feel like... But I believe that I would find them and make them suffer even more before I kill them....

But as a bystander I can tell that I wouldn't kill them, just torture them....
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