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great,great,great show! i loved ben-to so much - great action and tons of laughs - loved the animation and especially all the different characters - hope at the end they were hinting at a second season? why couldn't satou and ice witch have kissed at the end? i was hoping so much for some romance! still it was, all in all, a very satisfying dining experience!!!
It really is unfortunate that throughout the second half of the series, they seemed to have decided that it was ok to skip parts of the battles, which were always the best parts. Tragically, the finale was among the biggest offenders. But despite this flaw, I still loved every moment of the show from beginning to end. No question, Ben-to was my personal favorite anime of the season, and probably in my top 5 for 2011.
Excising the last fight wouldn't have been such a big deal if they hadn't squandered so many episodes building Orthrus up as antagonists. I guess episode 10 made me a little too hopeful for what episode 12 could've been...
This anime was stupid and yet I laugh a few times. Yarizui was nice. Okay, I watched it for her, also I liked the OP. So... it wasn't so bad (I've seen much worse things).
Decent ending, however all that talk about heracles or whatever lamed out the actual fight everybody wanted to see with the twins. This actually made the Monarch arc better in terms of melee fighting, and should of been used for the finale (to do that though, the twins shouldn't of been so strong as intended)
7/10, I'd say it's still one of the more underrated shows of the season. It has flaws that are glaring though, which prevents me from scoring higher.
Well, that was really disappointing. After all the buildup from the past episodes, we get
- no Sen
- still no Ume and
- an abrupt ending of what could have been an awesome fight.
Oh well, the show as a whole was a great 8/10, hope they are doing a second season.
I can forgive the horrible background about the twins demise but skipping the fight between Hentai and Orthros is unforgivable. Such an anti-climactic end for an episode I anticipated that should be action packed.
What a complete BS ending..., srsly would have been a solid 8/10 anime, but with that kinda craptastic end, it dropped straight to a 4/10. worst ending episode ever, so much BS!
Series was great, I thought it kinda dipped after the monarch story thought. I didn't really like the twins, I can't imagine why anyone would stick up for them. They weren't very friendly and gloated like jerks when they won. I didn'y like Ume Shiraume either, she just served to make Sato look weaker than he really was.
Still, the premise of this show was outlandish and crazy enough to make me enjoy it, 8/10 for this season.
Heracles got OWNED! He deserved it. Such a cocky@ss if you ask me. Allowing them to not fight for their food is just wrong. Good ending, hope theres a second season.
groundfish said: why no details about the battle of Sato and Othros?I think they should highlight this battle!!
By the way,the light novel is better than the anime.
Agreed. I would have liked to see another fight between Sato and Othros twins.
yes what a way to go indeed by fat the show stealer to watch.
so let see
ice witch still got fever so sato put the towel on ice witch head then leave a message we get the eel foods.
then everyone going to foods then sato meet red hat who said something.
twins ready to go give still in fear of 3yrs ago.
sato now wondering to do give hearing red hat blah then see the twins.
then after nearly everyone showed-up here the twins then oh no it red hat.
red hat blah it like going happen again 3yrs ago which reveal that let twins get food after they got food then everyone else fight each other cause twins got foods & can't fight.
really that was happen 3yrs ago let twins get food so they avoid being beaten really such a DIRTY uncalled BOO on it.
then sato appear after some wait look almost not again BUT out of no where the ROAR of ROAR gut has risen & it's was the FREAK!!!
with the roar let be ben-to fighting & yet you JUST BRING IT!
yea in your face red hat & sum up yea twins get their payback by con-basket-to red hat down to the ground ha ha revenge of twins taste good.
after all everyone all yea for foods & sato got the eel for ice witch.
yep everything all good (give ume's 5 second cameo clothline on sato yea "ume being ume" & oh bad luck girl neck stuck on door.)
yet everyone all in now ben-to fights.
indeed what show yea really show stealer of the year now all we need is followings
1.season 2 come more of it oh yes.
2.license & dub come texas, new york, canada, & california i know you want license dub this anime indeed yes give us a dub of it.
overall best show stealer ever.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
It was a decent episode. I am with the majority and would of liked to see the whole fight but this wouldn't be the first time that they left us hanging like that so I wasn't surprised.
I enjoyed this show. It was refreshing in an odd way I guess because it was so light.
A decent-ish ending, though I think the entire Kyo**2 arc is much weaker than the first half - those two were rather annoying, and the show had enough of annoying for the fans of annoying before them. It kind of pooped on itself with the save-the-whales (uhm, twins) thing, seeing as how just before they were introduced, the Ice Witch was all "you can't win because you're not here for the food". Apparently not so, if you're a cute and damaged female. Then you can win even though it's just for sport, company or mere sadistic pleasure. Ahhh, whatever.
That was a decent ending to anime that seemed to be stuck in mediocrity since the middle of the season. I didnt buy the whole Orthoros arc, but we were all expecting Sato to wrap up the anime with some good stunt, and it happened.
It wont be the best anime you have seen this season, but probably one with idea that was quite refreshing, however didnt really go in any particular direction. Maybe if it was a bit more Durarara-ish, with secret communities and some law involvenment, it would had been much more immersive.
Im stuck inbetween 6 and 7 as final score for this, with scales tipping towards latter.
BigSimo said: lol why does everyone think the ending needed to be typical shounen 'final boss' for it to be good? the ending wrapped things up nicely and brought through the main message of the show - it's all about fun and everyone can play! or something
Yeah, actually i thought it as quite smart and original. Instead of making the final guy just another strong villain guy that beat the twins they created that whole plan where he let them take what they wanted ruining the fun for them. Quite smart.
Although i have to admit the twins really have unattractive motive if they are in it for the fun of fighting and not to get the bento they want. If they just love fighting they don't need bento on the supermarket for it. They could just join some street gang fight or something. People are suppose to fight there because they want the hal-price bento not because they want to fight. If they can get it without fighting then so be it. Is not like they cheated or anything the other simply admitted they are weaker and let them so they have nothing to feel bad about eating it.
Anyway the thing about this show is that it ended up being a lot more attractive than hearing the initial summary will let you believe and that's why it's great. The characters where fun their artwork was also nice and the plot was fun. The show in general was a lot more entertaining and well made that what anyone will initially believe just by hearing about an anime with fights over box lunches. It really came as a surprise how much fun it was.
P.S - I wanted to see another fight with the fat woman and her shopping cart because it was so fun the first people where trying to stop her and she hit6 them with that thing. She should have been in the last fight for more fun.
It's sad to see this series end but it was good while it lasted, i was skeptical at the beginning (I mean, fighting for food, lol, I was considering not watching it) but I'm glad I gave it a shot I'm not afraid to say it was one of my favorites of the season, i love comedy (specially senseless comedy as this) so it was a great ride... S2 where??
I want a season 2. I loved the fights in this series. Also that Heracles wasn't as strong as I thought he would be, but at least I enjoyed everyone beating him cause he deserved it.
Not the greatest anime, but it had its moments. 5/10 for me. Like others, I would have preferred to have seen the twins actually beaten. They couldn't have given us a 13th episode? Cheapskates. Whatever. Maybe if there's a second season we can see something better. Maybe even with the OAV.
with all honer i must said that the whole series was quite boring. There happens nothing but it was so epic an the Ice Witch and Beauty were so sexy and when Orotorus sowand up... i love twins with withe hair.
Hope there will bie a second season
I'd really wanted to see Wizard again. The whole series was nice, with many parts that made me laugh. Baibai just didn't really fit in after the first few episodes though. The last few episodes were a bit too serious, but the very last bit of the ending was nice.