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Which KEY adaptations is the best? (Clannad, Kanon, etc.) Provide reasons!

May 27, 2011 6:16 PM

May 2011
Well since im a bit new here and would like to have some opinions and whatnot i would like to discuss what you prefer Clannad, Kannon, Angel Beats or Air? I'm not asking for a immature debate but just asking what you like and why haha. I like Air, but didn't get too much into it but i would say for me its a tie between clannad and kanon for me. Clannad's story has such deep characters and very sad events and whatnot. My favorite character from the show was Fuko actually though XD I Also loved Kanon's story because it wasn't as long as clannads and was as tear jerking as clannad. I also love ayu XD Uguu~ I though air was alright honestly but it was just meh to me...i respect it if you loved it but im just saying what i feel now. None of the three were bad at all but i would just like to know which one you like the best!
TachiiMay 15, 2013 12:09 PM
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May 27, 2011 6:24 PM

Jun 2009
Clannad, by far.

Its length allowed the story to be developed alot more and I liked the characters more.

Thats about it.
May 27, 2011 6:31 PM
Dec 2009
Clannad, obviously.
May 27, 2011 6:40 PM
Mar 2011

I found Air to be very slow. I've only seen the first ep of Kanon but I wasn't very pulled in by it.

Angel Beats should be there too, I found that most enjoyable not for it's drama though.
May 27, 2011 6:44 PM

May 2011
Air was meh i agree but Kanon is really good actually once its around like the 3 episode range. Angel Beats was really good i'd say though but they should of presented all the characters back stories instead of just 3 or 4 of the characters but overall i did enjoy angel beats very much
May 27, 2011 6:58 PM

Oct 2010
Well you cant go wrong with any of them
Clannad is just the best hands down
But i really really enjoyed angel beats as well
May 27, 2011 7:02 PM

Oct 2009
Favorite goes by this (in order):

1st: Air

2nd: Clannad After Story (eck, not Clannad)

3rd: Kanon

4th: Angel Beats


May 27, 2011 7:06 PM

May 2010
I'll be honest, all of them are really the same. Angel Beats however is probably the worst KEY installment.

So my rating isn't so much as "which is the best?", it's more "which is the least worst"

1. Clannad AS

2. Kanon

3. Air

4. Clannad

-∞. Angel Beats!
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
May 27, 2011 7:07 PM

Nov 2010
In order by what i enjoyed the most.

Angel Beats - extremely enjoyable to me. the only things i had a problem with are the rushed ending and i wish that they gave some background story on more of the characters. this series def should have been 24-26 episodes it lost alot of potential.

Kanon - not much to say about it but i liked it a lot.

Clannad(havnt started After Story yet tho) i think the starfish arc kinda killed it for me, it was unbearably boring. but everything else was great.

Air - honestly tho i didnt like it all that much. it felt very overrated to me and it was unnecessarily sad. not sure what people see in this series.
Hokuto_no_FuzzMay 28, 2011 12:05 AM
May 27, 2011 7:08 PM

May 2011
Little Busters should get an anime XD
May 27, 2011 7:08 PM

Oct 2009
Clannad is #1 for me easily.

Angel Beats would probably be next, I watched it while it was airing, which probably added a ton to my enjoyment. And since it wasn't based off a visual novel like the others, nobody knew what was going to happen.

And then Air after that. Air is pretty good, but the character's aren't all that memorable except for Misuzu.

Haven't seen Kanon yet.
May 27, 2011 7:26 PM

Feb 2009
Clannad ~ After Story is easily the best one of them all...
Ranking them, I would say it would go,

1. Clannad ~ After Story
2. Kanon 2006
3. Angel Beats!
4. Air TV
5. Clannad
May 27, 2011 7:42 PM

Sep 2010
for me:

1. Clannad (both seasons) although season 1 was slow and not as interesting as season 2
2. Angel Beats
3. Kanon 2006
4. Air (imo it was the worst of the Key anime)
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
May 27, 2011 8:12 PM
Jul 2018
I loved Clannad a lot, and that's why I'll put it as number one, mostly because of Afterstory, but that counts.

Anyways, Kanon comes in second because it was a rather poignant story. However, the art could have been better as well as the pacing.

Next is Angel Beats but it wasn't higher up on the list because it was a tad bit confusing for me in the beginning and also because it made me wonder, "What's the point?" For a while.

Air...I just don't know what to say. I watched it a long time ago and thought the art was bad and the story confusing. But you know, time ages things, and Air obviously hasn't aged well
May 27, 2011 8:14 PM

Mar 2011
Clannad ( Both Series )
Angel Beats
Courtesy of Paul
May 27, 2011 8:15 PM

Jun 2009

Angel Beats

Didn't see Clannad sorry

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 27, 2011 8:15 PM

Apr 2011
i'm about to start watching kanon, I didnt really like Clannad and Air that much, but I think Angel Beats is just not good at all...If i had to choose one, I would probably go with Clannad as well
May 27, 2011 8:17 PM

Oct 2010
Clannad & After Story Hands Down ^ ^

Angel Beats.
May 27, 2011 8:18 PM
May 2011
clannad or kanon 2006
May 27, 2011 8:21 PM

Jul 2007
Air, easily. The only one that had all the character arcs connected to a single story and didn't puss out at the end. A masterpiece if there ever was one.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
May 27, 2011 8:51 PM

Dec 2010
well here's mine.

angel beats rated at 8.5 which i'm pretty generous so i gave 9. (I liked the comedy and animation)
kanon rated at 6. Didn't held my attention.
air at 5 -looks like the mediocre KEY anime.
clannad at 4. Almost good...the supernatural isn't done right for me, and I did not like any of the characters or clannad's comedy.
May 27, 2011 9:09 PM

Jun 2009
Splitter said:
Air, easily. The only one that had all the character arcs connected to a single story and didn't puss out at the end. A masterpiece if there ever was one.

I liked all the Key anime, but Air was the best by far. It had the guts to end in a way that was truly unforgettable, had a well-connected plot, and just the right balance of realistic and supernatural.

And I'll say it again, that ending. Just great.
May 27, 2011 9:21 PM

Jun 2009
I'll say this from experience. The majority of Key fans were disappointed with Angel Beats. While it wasn't bad, hell the visuals were fantastic despite the sub par plot, it just wasn't what KEY fans wanted. However Angel Beats seems to be quite popular with both people who have never seen a KEY anime before Angel Beats and therefore had nothing to compare it too, OR people who generally aren't that into KEY series.

And besides, Angels Beats wasn't based on a pre-existing VN, another reason most KEY fans weren't too fond of it. It was just lacking in all aspects aside from visuals, which unfortunately could not help the show.

And for anyone who disagrees, just compare the users who LOVED Angel Beats with the ones who were disappointed. Generally you'll find that those who loved it had little to no experience with KEY series or just weren't too fond of prior series.
May 27, 2011 9:23 PM

Aug 2010
Clannad After Story>Clannad>Kanon>Air Movie>Air>Clannad Movie>Angel Beats
fuck everything and rumble
May 27, 2011 9:33 PM

Dec 2010
Yes I saw Angel Beats first and I agree with what Jrittmayer said. Not too fond, and even if I didn't see Angel beats first, I still think I wouldn't like KEY animes.

edit: lol..nvm I misread a sentence.
Mika_InamoriMay 27, 2011 9:45 PM
May 27, 2011 9:39 PM

Nov 2010
Jrittmayer said:
I'll say this from experience. The majority of Key fans were disappointed with Angel Beats. While it wasn't bad, hell the visuals were fantastic despite the sub par plot, it just wasn't what KEY fans wanted. However Angel Beats seems to be quite popular with both people who have never seen a KEY anime before Angel Beats and therefore had nothing to compare it too, OR people who generally aren't that into KEY series.

And besides, Angels Beats wasn't based on a pre-existing VN, another reason most KEY fans weren't too fond of it. It was just lacking in all aspects aside from visuals, which unfortunately could not help the show.

And for anyone who disagrees, just compare the users who LOVED Angel Beats with the ones who were disappointed. Generally you'll find that those who loved it had little to no experience with KEY series or just weren't too fond of prior series.

well yea if i went into Angel Beats expecting another dramatic romance type anime id be kinda disapointed too. I could instantly tell this wasnt going to be anything like their other works from the title pic alone, and the synopsis just confirmed it. anyone who didnt like Angel Beats that much on the sole reason that it wasnt another Clannad or something of the sort is kinda ridiculous. cuz i watched Angel Beats last and enjoyed it the most.
May 27, 2011 9:50 PM

Jun 2009
taro_sado said:
What do you mean by this? I don't see how being a VN before an anime helps it's visuals look better. I actually liked Angel Beats character designs more, even though Yuri looks like Haruhi Suzumiya.

Yes I saw Angel Beats first. ^^ and I agree with what you said.

No, I never said having a pre-existing VN helped the visuals. I meant that having a VN would have helped popularize it among KEY fans, especially since the VN tends to be more in depth and immersive. Plus, Key is a VN company first and an anime company second and this is kinda changing their companies outlook and whatnot.

I liked some of the character models, mainly the Girdemo members, but TK was cool (Liked his character enough to cosplay as him at NYAF 2010 lol)
May 27, 2011 9:58 PM

Nov 2007
Clannad and Kanon were good, Air and Angel beats! were horrendous.

May 27, 2011 10:27 PM

Dec 2007
Pretty sure my icon shows my favorite of the Key animated stuff.

Kanon was chronologically the first and so its story is the weakest. It's basically a collection of short arcs about girls who knew the protagonist in the past. There isn't any main connection between the cast other than them all knowing Yuuichi. Particularly as a Nayuki fan, I felt really slighted by Kanon '06.

Air came next and for me, it simply blew me away. How many visual novels or even drama/romance anime can claim that they forced the male protagonist to the side for the resolution? Air does just that, and I imagine that's why a lot of people don't care for it. But for those who paid careful attention, who understood that throughout ever single arc (Kano, Minagi, and Kanna's) the importance of mothers, in particular their relationship to their daughters was paramount. What could be more fitting then than Haruko reconciling and loving Misuzu just as a mother would? The Summer Arc (with Kanna) was so fascinating, learning about what happened 1000 summers before and why The Girl in the Sky is there, along with providing a strong connection between the entire cast and the 'why' to Misuzu's suffering and eventual sacrifice.

Clannad (the first series) I would place below Angel Beats, but After Story pulls it up, and I always consider the two one cohesive series. There was only one VN after all. Far too much time was wasted in my opinion on Fuko and Kotomi's arcs. And really, there just isn't all that much drama in the first series. Watching Ryou and Kyou cry after seeing Tomoya respond with such concern to Nagisa around 2/3 in was probably the high point in drama for me. The first 10 episodes or so of After Story were just some more small arcs, that, while entertaining, was not what I was hoping for from 'After Story'. That said, once Tomoya graduates and takes up employment and moves closer to adulthood, the series settles into its own. I can't think of many anime at all that showed the progression from friends -> dating -> marriage ->family and so I give Clannad credit for that. It also had some really touching moments near the tail end of the series. That ending though... that ending. It just ruins everything for me. All the growth that Tomoya went through after his hardships... all of it was rendered pointless. =

Angel Beats had an interesting premise, but ultimately it really failed to develop its cast. It was quite ambitious, and there is obviously more going in the manga and light novel, but the anime was super-rushed. It was full of moments where I just went "Wait... what?" like with Naoi and Hinata's sudden desire to fill Yui's wish (signaling that weird... I don't know... flashback?). The writing was really raw, and it showed. There were a few excellent bits here and there though. Otonashi's past in particular was very-well put together, and I liked Yurippe's confrontation with who she thought was "God". But then... those black shadows... evil Kanade's... yeah. It wasn't bad though.

tl;dr Air > Clannad+AS > Kanon > Angel Beats
MeddigoMay 27, 2011 10:32 PM
May 27, 2011 11:25 PM

Mar 2011
As most already said Clannad AS is far better than the rest. I mean, objectively, its story and characters are so much better than the rest that there isnt a point in comparing them. After that however things become more subjective and each one has his own preferences. For me the list would be like that
1 Clannad AS
2 Clannad
3 Angel beats
4 KanOn
5 Air (this one felt like a total waste of time for me)
May 27, 2011 11:48 PM

Oct 2010
My ranking is:

1st: Kanon 2006

2nd: Angel Beats

3rd: Clannad first season and the second one was good but first one is the best due to its impact and thus full bloom feelings. No one can deny that one.

4th: Air but TV series is the best except the end. That one was just no.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
May 28, 2011 12:11 AM
Sep 2009
Kanon 2006 > After Story > Clannad > Air > Angel Beats
May 28, 2011 12:28 AM

Feb 2010
By themselves, then Kanon 2006. By the entire series worth, Clannad and Clannad: After Story, very easily. It was the only one out of the quartet to actually make me cry.
May 28, 2011 1:07 AM

Feb 2010
well this is how i see it.

1. Clannad After Story ( i cried )
2. Kanon ( i cried )
3. Clannad ( teary )
4. Angel Beats ( teary )
5. Air ( teary )

Just saying for the hell of it and just because I cried is not the reason i ranked AS and Kanon top 2. Reason I enjoyed AS is because I waited for the dub and it was great having the same voice actors. Reason I picked Kanon for second is because I like every single female character in that show. ( not a fan of fuuko from clannad which iis why its at 3 ). Apparently everyone else is disappointed with Angel Beats but I like how they changed things up a bit regardless of average plot. Air would have been better with more episodes because it felt rushed to me. I really liked Minagi but all of a sudden arc is done in what 2 or 3 eps so great never see her again. all these series in my opinion are totally worth watching and have changed my outlook on life though regardless of how i ranked them.
TromdorMay 28, 2011 1:30 AM
May 28, 2011 1:12 AM

Feb 2011
Just rank this:
1. Clannad and Clannad ~After Story~
2. Angel Beats!
3. Kanon 2006 and Air

yosh! XD i like all. Clannad AS and Angel Beats! Are at my list of favorite anime.
May 28, 2011 1:43 AM

Jun 2009
Since they are all so similar, I'll go with the one I saw first (making it a new experience to me) and that was Air. But actually only Misuzu's arc, especially the ending which was simply great. Nothing made me bawl like that. Hell, I couldn't listen to the opening for weeks without getting teary.

Then come Kanon '06, Clannad and Angel Beats.

The first Clannad season was very disappointing to me. Just gave me the feeling of "meh, I've seen this already". Everything not Nagisa/Tomoya related in AS was also boring and uninteresting for me. But The Nagisa/Tomoya arc there was really well done and finally someting refreshing.

Angel Beats was just too short to get the plot and characters across successfully and therefore just weird.
May 28, 2011 5:03 AM

Nov 2010
angel beats got me into anime (and drama/romance anime) after that clannad (after story) kanon and air (can't realy say wich i loved more)
May 28, 2011 5:18 AM
Mar 2011
all over rated IMO

but that is Kanoin 06 and Clannad especially
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
May 28, 2011 5:46 AM

Jan 2011
See signature.
As for C vs. C~AS~, I can't really comment.

Loved all four(all 10, though 10s make up the majority of my completed)
I think all had different themes too, my interpretation is, in order of topic:

(Somewhat redundant, I think, with others spilling stuff everywhere, but...)

Maybe, maybe not...Rewrite will get anime. Not sure why Little Busters got no anime...

「みんながいるからだ。」 - 棗鈴
May 28, 2011 5:47 AM

Apr 2009
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 28, 2011 6:38 AM

Sep 2009
1. Clannad & After Story: It's a show that gives me a very satisfied feeling when I finished it because of the depth that it went to the development of the main character. I've never laughed and cried to the same show as much as this series.

2. Kanon (2006): The first Key adaptation I saw. I do believe this is the first anime to make me shed a tear (end of Makoto's arc), although unfortunately my interest waned as the series reached its climax.

3. Angel Beats!: Rushed and had problems with its narrative which made my interest wane. Fantastic music, though.

4. Air: See above.
May 28, 2011 6:55 AM

Jan 2010
My first choice would be Clannad. Sure, it's very slow-paced, but it tells one of the best love stories I've ever seen in fiction. And because of its longer length, it has more scenes of funniness and sadness than the others. Most of the first season feels like a rehash of Kanon, but once you get to the ~After Story~ portion, that's when Clannad really comes onto its own. And the soundtrack is the best out of all the Key adaptations. And although the ending isn't a favorite of mine, I liked it more than the endings of Kanon and Air.

Kanon is number two. There are some things about Kanon I like more than Clannad, (Better pacing, way better English dub for when I don't feel like reading subtitles, and although the animation isn't as fluid as Clannad's, I find the artwork in Kanon more striking). However, the ending was rushed, and let me down, and also prevented me from scoring it a 10. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful story.

Air is third. I found it . . . slightly above-average. Not as pretty, and the characters were much less memorable. I liked the episodes set in the past, but I felt the ending was too emotionally manipulative, and I just couldn't get attached to the characters the same way I did in Kanon and Clannad.

Angel Beats is last. I found it stupid, confusing, and illogical. Lost all of my interest after the first episode. Even if I hadn't seen other Key works, AB would've seriously disappointed me. Best avoided.
"Simply by the presence of butthurt, this level of reasoning is possible for Furudo Erika. What do you think, everyone?"
May 28, 2011 7:55 AM

Jan 2010
I've never seen Air, so I can't really judge that.
But I can just tell, that Angel Beats will hit rock bottom of my list.

I sort of like Clannad, but that was more based around the fact I liked the characters.
I guess Kanon 2006 clicked with me better.

I rate them highly, but tbh, I don't think they're that great anymore.
May 28, 2011 8:11 AM

May 2011
Clannad. It's, to me, one of the best things ever created. It brings out so much varied emotion and the story is amazing and realistic (minus the back notes of fantasy that KEY anime always tend to have), and each of the characters is interesting in their own right.
May 28, 2011 8:13 AM

Nov 2009
1st: Kanon 2006
2nd: Angel Beats
3rd: Clannad
4th Clannad: After Story
5th: Air
May 28, 2011 8:24 AM
Nov 2008
KANON 2006.

The ending wasn't horrible.
May 28, 2011 8:54 AM
Jun 2010
well i havnt watched angle beats
i havnt watched CAS as clannad got severly spoiled half way through Clannad SEason1 for me,
Kanon ive watched
Air ive watched.

So from my experience

Air is the saddest. I actually couldnt even finish this anime properly because i was so damn sad... I actually fear watching it... even thinking about it now makes me sad...

Kanon, the only bits i felt sad were when mokoto happened (not spoiling this) and when the midgit girl happened, but then what happened after what happened made me happy again so none of that happened and it was ok... happened

clannad, i really liked the series untill it was spoiled, but once the guy told me what happened by "accident" i was so sad, i just couldnt watch it anymore, so frikkin depressed that i actually couldnt sleep.

But yeah air was so DAMN SAD! UHG..
May 28, 2011 9:05 AM

Oct 2008
I preferred Kanon 2006 over Clannad and Air over Angel Beats

In order...

1.) AIR (TV) - In my opinion, it had the best mix of characters and story of the four. The OP is probably one of the top ten openings to date. I found myself way more sympathetic to Misuzu's story than any of the other heroines' too.

2.) Angel Beats - I thought this series by far was the funniest of the four with the greatest cast of characters in spite of the fact that each character didn't get as much individual attention as the ones in the other three. And another great OP. The ending really took a lot away from the overall enjoyment of this series for me.

3.) Kanon (2006) - Probably had the least entertaing overall story of the four, but I think the cast of characters made up for it. Kanon and Angel Beats were the only two that made me laugh.

4.) Clannad - The only one of the four that I dropped. And I dropped it after watching 19 episodes. Overall, it was pretty good. But the starfish arc was very boring and I hated Nagisa. She was a terrible heroine in my humble opinion. It certainly didn't help that Clannad seemed the most heroine centric. I just couldn't stand her anymore. So I dropped it near the end.
n10sityMay 28, 2011 12:04 PM
May 28, 2011 10:13 AM

Jul 2007
1st: Clannad (After Story)
2nd: Kanon 2006
3rd: a tie with Angel Beats & Air
May 28, 2011 10:30 AM

Mar 2010
I'd say I would prefer Clannad. It makes more emotions come out than the other. (was also my first VN) Next is AIR, which i prefer as a VN. The humour is odd, but I never get tired of Hikaru. Third would be Kanon 2006. (Joins up the VN really well (way better than the 2002)) Last would be Angel beats. The story and the style was different than the other three, but I'm not saying I disliked it, just that I prefer Clannad, AIR and Kanon over Angel Beats. Even my username is based on AIR, but the anime of Clannad was the best constructed and memorable of the 4.
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