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Mar 4, 2010 7:33 PM
Jul 2009
LOL This anime is still fresh. Never gets old.
Mar 4, 2010 7:45 PM

Dec 2009
asdf1248 said:
HoaRy said:
francismeunier said:
There is some things bugging after seeing this a 2nd time: first of all this part=>
why -100 points? I don't get it at all but my wild guess is sexual appeal?

Himeji wanted to make her a ponytail to appeal to Akihisa, what he did not understand. He deserved these -100 points for lack of reading the air.

This is when you should have said "you'll understand when you grow up." Missed a great shot at irony there ;).
...i guess i'm a grown up XD
Mar 4, 2010 8:11 PM

Oct 2009
francismeunier said:

What kind of food is Paella...I mean what is it?

CraigTheOtaku said:
Paella is a seafood platter - usually made with prawns, shrimps, mussels and rice, as well as other ingredients.

francismeunier said:
Also what does Akira mean by Putting the carriage before the horses? It does not make even sense the whole "Trying as means to an end" because logic says if you do not try then how will you know the results of the end in being a good end or bad end in itself?

CraigTheOtaku said:
I think what she's getting at is that Aki is getting ahead of himself being proud of the fact that he's trying hard. The phrase basically means to do things in the wrong order - i.e. Aki should only be proud of the effort he puts in after he gets good results, not despite the fact he got bad results.
I see, thanks that clears up some things for it makes suddenly sense.
HoaRy said:
francismeunier said:
There is some things bugging after seeing this a 2nd time: first of all this part=>
why -100 points? I don't get it at all but my wild guess is sexual appeal?

Himeji wanted to make her a ponytail to appeal to Akihisa, what he did not understand. He deserved these -100 points for lack of reading the air.
I did not think he would get this bad for not reading the air...shows how strict the sister gets but if he would read the air around his sister maybe she would be happier somehow.
Rofl yeah right!=>

HoaRy said:
In that scene Akira refered to a specific book "Ane moe bon" btw ;)

Ok, I don't know that book at all but information is interesting
What kind of food is Paella...I mean what is it?

HoaRy said:
Look up such common things by yourself: [url=]
I did not think wiki even had it at all.
porkypink said:
HoaRy said:

And I wonder how come Akihisa is so good at cooking, when he never does it.

I believe he was able to do stuff but he doesn't have the money to afford it. The fact that his house is clean and he's able to live with sugar/veggie oil and a cold water bath.

HoaRy said:
He still have taste for food while eating such things for months?? X_x
I'm impressed :D

Yeah that is strange and fascinating especially after eating the food made by Himeji.
HoaRy said:
Argh, you're really right! I was too naive answering all his questions because he asked me to, I did not even think about that x_X (I hope this chance returns though^^)
Oh no please don't feel bad.... :( I appreciate all's opinions on this really :D Thank you for your time.
myztichydra said:
francismeunier said:
Anyone know any anime character with a hair like that? O_O=>

uh im sure sailor moon or something had that hair
Well I don't know Sailor Moon but maybe I should a show with her?
HoaRy said:
shen2001 said:
anyone know who's the VA is for his sister? Its not listed a one of the characters on the site... though it sounds so familiar..

Inoue Kikuko, 17 years old
Ah so that's her.....better check out where voiced characters before....
belatkuro said:
francismeunier said:
Also what does Akira mean by Putting the carriage before the horses? It does not make even sense the whole "Trying as means to an end" because logic says if you do not try then how will you know the results of the end in being a good end or bad end in itself?
Best sister around...though i don't approve of her being ok with being with same sex. Wish I was on that train when she changed to the bathrobe.
You would have too much nose bleeding from seeing her like all those guys.... XD

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 4, 2010 8:36 PM

Mar 2009
francismeunier said:

Dude, where do you even get time to watch shows, from the looks of it, all you do is post on the forums @_@!!

Probably the best episode, this show is fantastic!! I really hope for another season. Funimation licensing=FTW!! I can't wait for a dub of this, probably have to buy this one!! Urahara Out!!
Mar 4, 2010 9:46 PM

Aug 2009
I don't think I've laughed so hard at an episode that wasn't Gintama.

Like everything from when Yoshii goes to school to the end was golden. (And lol random Kubo service)

"I don't even know who Yoshii is after anymore!"

Scary yandere Himejii is scary...and awesome.
Mar 4, 2010 10:28 PM

Sep 2008
Good episode, although his sister has some issues; this one was quite interesting to watch though its now obvious they're both going for him. Wonder how this is going to end up...

Waiting for next episode~
Mar 4, 2010 10:37 PM

Feb 2009
that was hilarious, I dont think I lol'd that hard for some time.
Anime makes me smile!

Mar 5, 2010 1:20 AM

Sep 2009
haha...Himeji was awesome. Some very funny stuff here.
Mar 5, 2010 3:06 AM

Oct 2009
I just noticed Himeji's bunny hair clip changes expressions to fit her mood.
Mar 5, 2010 3:06 AM

Jun 2009
From Salt and sugar water now Paella so happy for Akihisa

New addition from the intro music the very end Akira was added

Lol it's beginning to get weird yet funny a lot of bi stuffs esp. Akihisa's txt messages, and seeing male's as females

Haha jealousy moments between Minami, Himeji and what the.. Kubo too

This is one drop the atom bomb, Himeji helping moment

Tsuchiya moment, 1994 xxx mags, I wonder why he didn't showed his camera that time

Pity Yoshi at the end, Alexander the Great!
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Mar 5, 2010 4:11 AM

May 2008
Yoshii's sister is so awesome i want her to stay!

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Mar 5, 2010 5:19 AM

Jan 2009
Is it just me or was Yuuji acting funny the whole time? It was either a gay joke through out the episode... or it was that Yuuji likes Yoshi's sister... or it could some how related to his own sister? Iono... or maybe my mind has been distorted with that weird perspective the episode gave in the beginning. Funny Episode IMO. It's at 7.98... will it ever get to 8.00?
Mar 5, 2010 7:10 AM

Dec 2007
xD Yoshii's sister is awesome I hope she gets to stick around. I had to keep pausing the episode because I was laughing so hard. Seeing Himeji in yandere mode was pretty awesome too, not to mention her ponytail was win.
Mar 5, 2010 7:13 AM

Apr 2008
I really had a good laugh whenever i watch this xD HAHA!!!

Mar 5, 2010 8:37 AM

Jan 2009
this episode was so funny i watched it 4 times in a row...and its true

Mar 5, 2010 9:35 AM

Oct 2009
This episode was hilarious! But I'm afraid that the series may be deterring away from the initial premise, I mean they haven't had a serious Shoukanjuu battle (Against another class) in a while.
Mar 5, 2010 12:06 PM
Oct 2009
TeenChibi said:
This episode was hilarious! But I'm afraid that the series may be deterring away from the initial premise, I mean they haven't had a serious Shoukanjuu battle (Against another class) in a while.

That is because the loser has to wait 3 months before declaring another battle. And I am not to sure at how much time has passed?

Mar 5, 2010 12:12 PM
Jul 2018
Ampharos said:
TeenChibi said:
This episode was hilarious! But I'm afraid that the series may be deterring away from the initial premise, I mean they haven't had a serious Shoukanjuu battle (Against another class) in a while.

That is because the loser has to wait 3 months before declaring another battle. And I am not to sure at how much time has passed?

Well, I read that the appearance of Akira is in the fifth novel, so it should be a lot later.

(btw your avatar makes me want to watch that stupid video again xD)
Mar 5, 2010 12:38 PM
Aug 2009
It's been a while since I've really enjoyed a comedy series. I love Baka to Test, I don't care if they don't focus on the actual school battles and the like. If they keep it the way it's been going, that would be perfect for me.
Mar 5, 2010 2:03 PM

Jul 2008
i loved how both girls freaked out, and even that weird guy from A class. and yoshii's sister is okay with porn... but only with brother x sister - freaky!
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Mar 5, 2010 4:30 PM

Dec 2009
Yoshii's sister is win here. Hope she gets to stick around for awhile and tease Yoshii more lmao.
Mar 5, 2010 5:14 PM

May 2007
Dang it Yoshii, you blow studying that way. Why couldn't a teacher realize what happened.

I thought his sister was a little overdone but okay episode.
My anime list
Mar 5, 2010 5:51 PM

Nov 2007
'I don't mind if you go for the same sex.' - I lol'd hard.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Mar 5, 2010 5:59 PM

Feb 2008
God I love this show. It's been a while since I've laughed so much during a series.

Kubo-kun. <3
Mar 5, 2010 6:51 PM

Feb 2008
"I don't mind if you go for the same sex." <-- Does it apply to Hideyoshi? :O

Mar 5, 2010 6:59 PM

Jun 2009
DestinyFate said:
"I don't mind if you go for the same sex." <-- Does it apply to Hideyoshi? :O

I'd guess so, since Yoshii's sister immediately recognised Hideyoshi as a guy!

Although accordding to the school and baths' changing rooms, Hideyoshi is a whole gender of his own...

I wonder...

Mar 5, 2010 7:12 PM

Feb 2008
CraigTheOtaku said:
DestinyFate said:
"I don't mind if you go for the same sex." <-- Does it apply to Hideyoshi? :O

I'd guess so, since Yoshii's sister immediately recognised Hideyoshi as a guy!

Although accordding to the school and baths' changing rooms, Hideyoshi is a whole gender of his own...

I wonder...

Then again, Yoshi introduced Hideyoshi as a girl... "All three of them are girls"

If that sentence apply to Hideyoshi, I'm sure Yoshi wouldn't mind the rule then... xD

Mar 5, 2010 7:29 PM

Jun 2009
DestinyFate said:
Then again, Yoshi introduced Hideyoshi as a girl... "All three of them are girls"

If that sentence apply to Hideyoshi, I'm sure Yoshi wouldn't mind the rule then... xD

Ah yeah, that's true!

Maybe Yoshii would go for Hideyoshi then - but I can see two big problems for him... Hideyoshi would probably say no, and Himeji and Minami would both go crazy!

Also I was thinking, if Yoshii believes Hideyoshi is a girl, would his sister minus points for Yoshii going for a guy that he thinks is a girl? Maybe she would just neither add nor minus points...

Mar 5, 2010 8:00 PM

Aug 2009
As I expected, it was really inoue kikuko!..xD

Damn this was fuckin hilarious. Seriously.
Mar 6, 2010 9:42 AM

Nov 2009
I don't mind them going away from the summoning battles. Hey, this episode was one of the most hilarious i have seen (over many anime) in a while. Good personality for the older sister, everything worked out to produce a good laugh.
Mar 6, 2010 9:55 AM

Aug 2009
I just loved it how Himeji got all Kotonoha! >:D
Finally, a great episode! The last 2 or 3 were pretty disappointing.

Btw, I wish I had a sister like that.
Mar 6, 2010 3:25 PM

Apr 2009
Yeah! 8.00 rating get. ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
Enjoyed this episode, especially Himeji's jealousy and Nee-san's ruinous kiss. =D
Mar 6, 2010 3:33 PM

Aug 2009
hikoghert said:
Yeah! 8.00 rating get. ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
Enjoyed this episode, especially Himeji's jealousy and Nee-san's ruinous kiss. =D

Yeah, I was glad about that too. XD
Himeji was so... creepy. o___o

EDIT: Damn, it's 7.99 again. D:
Samu-tanMar 6, 2010 3:55 PM
Mar 6, 2010 4:06 PM

Aug 2009
This one is my favorite episode by far! Awesome Onee-chan! I wish I had one like that!
Mar 6, 2010 4:32 PM

Mar 2009
Not a huge fan of big breasted anime characters :P

Reckon she would've been an awesome character if they toned it down a bit haha.

Good ep. none the less.
Mar 6, 2010 8:15 PM

Aug 2008
This episode was all about love, just what kind of love was the real issue here. I laughed hard throughout. Though seeing Yoshii's sister show up in a bathrobe was a bit too hot at first. Giant boobs + bathrobe almost = real life nosebleed! And the episode really had a nice ending. It seems they've made a habit of that.

DonKangolJonesMar 6, 2010 8:21 PM
Mar 7, 2010 2:22 AM
Feb 2010
Episode 10

Mock Test
Love Letter
Phantom Thief

just prediction

this is another interesting title but baka its become full fledge war or it will be nothing again.... because of Love Letter + Phantom Thief title (maybe the attack of Class B) because of episode 9 unknown guy that class b representative.....Mutsirini notice it.....but he will wait for result

while Yoshi...recovering on his failed test
majestix1988Mar 7, 2010 2:26 AM
Mar 7, 2010 8:40 AM

Feb 2009
So hilarious I don't know what to say.

It's funny how they can make each episode just as great as the last.
Mar 7, 2010 5:32 PM

Sep 2008
francismeunier said:
HoaRy said:
francismeunier said:
Anyone know any anime character with a hair like that? O_O=>

Hiro (Hidamari Sketch) or sometimes Hagu (Hachimitsu to Clover)

But the alternate hairstyles of Himeji were really ugly :<, her hair is not made for that.
Really? I did find it strange but not too much....thanks for the references now I have to watch those animes some time.

Taiga from Toradora wore it like that once.
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Mar 7, 2010 5:35 PM

Sep 2008
This ep was HILARIOUS!! I couldn't stop laughing at the yaoi scenes! XD
Hahahaha the bras hanging when they enter his house was sooooo bad timing XD
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Mar 9, 2010 5:52 PM

Feb 2010
5 out of 5 :)

This is one of my favorite episodes so far. The interaction between Yoshii and his sister is hilarious! ^__^ It was also cool seeing all of Yoshii's friend over at his house for once. Can't wait for Ep 10!
Mar 10, 2010 10:53 PM
Feb 2010
Mar 11, 2010 12:11 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
funny episode but I want to see more Yuuji x Shouko!
p r o f i l e 👀
Mar 11, 2010 10:13 PM

Nov 2007
lol! I laughed hard at how Akihisa flunked his test.

Mar 12, 2010 10:12 AM

Oct 2009
This episode was pretty damn funny. This is probably the 1st episode that Minami has not pinned down Alexander the Great.
AcidfartMar 13, 2010 8:27 AM
Mar 13, 2010 7:42 PM

Jun 2009
Woah! Inoue, Kikuko was the V.actress for Aki
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Mar 15, 2010 4:53 PM

Apr 2009
Awwww how sweet.
Mar 21, 2010 10:27 AM

Jun 2009
His sister was awesome XD
Mar 22, 2010 8:50 AM

Dec 2008
that was damn funny and what a nice Onee-chan
She had some strange concept of morality
boys are ok girls not

you have no brother sister incest porn minus! XD
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Mar 26, 2010 10:08 PM

Apr 2009
His sister is so awesome. Seriously.

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