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Nov 20, 2011 5:42 AM

Nov 2010
This is what is happening IMO in Silver Wing

GONZO is taking its iconic steam punk anime and trying to make it more appealing to the Japanese Otaku market (who are big spenders) whilst hopefully retaining most of its international market (it was oddly big in America), thus making the anime into a mainstream financial success rather than just another cult hit. The reason behind this is GONZO had been experiencing financial difficulties for a few years, and with the the lost of Strike Witches, their only money making series in the recent decade (look at Breakdown by studio,) they are currently financially backed into a corner and desperate. Incidentally, on the same chart, you will notice that Last Exile was not on the list of anime that reached the 10k mark. Assuming that this chart only includes sales in Japan, the original Last Exile did not appeal to the otaku, the main consumers of the anime industry. (And if this chart does include overseas sales, that implies Last Exile did even worst.) Thus the desperate gamble of drawing on the notoriety of a cult hit and making it pander to the otaku fan base so that it will sell. I use the word pander with its negative connotation because I won't hide what GONZO is doing; they are making Silver Wing in order to make money, not in order to produce a classic. So for those of you hard-core steam punk fans that enjoyed the original Last Exile but are completely repulsed by Silver Wing, take this guys advice:
Tenchio said:
Okay, I've had enough; this is a disgrace to the original series. Dropped.

(From Episode 5 discussion)

Now for the question of will this actually work? If GONZO wins this gambit and this series achieves Strike Witches sales, then GONZO just might be able to pull themselves out of their hole, especially if they milk an additional season. But if this fails, given the production values which seem to be very high, given the animation and the voice actors, GONZO will probably go up in flames if not take a serious, serious blow.
IMO, this entire series' success will depend on the characters and the writing of the plot. As I said, the characters were made more MOE so that the otaku will like them. So if the characters turn out to be unlikable, this show is surely doomed. Their development will have to be done well so that tolerant fans of the original can enjoy this show as well.

In my personal opinion, I think this show will be a failure. Since the original series did not sell spectacularly, there will not be many Otaku who will be familiar with the original Last Exile. Since the original Last Exile aired eight and a half years ago, those who only saw the broadcast would probably not remember enough of the details that are needed to catch on to Silver Wing's plot. The producers included many elements from the original Last Exile in order to appeal to the original cult fan base, but not knowing some of those details (looking at you, Exile) will probably turn off new viewers. In conclusion, Last Exile's audience is way too small for it to achieve the level of sales it needs to pull GONZO out of the ground.

Tl;dr: Last Exile was never meant to be a classic because the studio needs it to make money. GONZO's existence probably depends on Silver Wing's success. However IMO, I think this will be a failure. Sad times for GONZO.
ExkalamityNov 20, 2011 5:55 AM
Nov 20, 2011 7:33 AM

Feb 2005
Well, who cares really. As long as I get some cool airship battles I'll be content. It's not like the original was a masterpiece or anything either so I didn't have too high expectations from the start.

But the obviously cheap moe pandering main character is a bit of a letdown. At least the original had some more interesting ones. Well, the captain anyways.
Nov 20, 2011 2:26 PM

Nov 2010
Baman said:

But the obviously cheap moe pandering main character is a bit of a letdown. At least the original had some more interesting ones. Well, the captain anyways.

True point. But they did have the sense to bring back Dio, arguably one of the most enjoyable male characters I have seen in anime, albeit under circumstances requiring a lot of suspension of disbelief. The captain was a good character, but they can't bring him back because he was killed outright >_>.

The main characters in the original Last Exile weren't that stellar either. Lavi quit flying and Claus went emo-berserk. It was some of the supporting cast that had interesting portrayals, and it seems that the same could be true of Silver Wing.
Nov 20, 2011 10:02 PM

Mar 2010
I can only partly agree.

I SEEN "SHIT." I seen Guilty Crown and dropped it after 3 episodes. I saw C^3 and couldn't make it past the first half.

LX Fam is basically trying to be "Strike Witches with airships." And while the lot of the supporting shounens aren't pansies or whimps; they could use a death of one of them to iron out their GANGSTER attitude of theirs.

The original Last Exile was... ...well... "Bitter Medicine." It's like that old cartoon movie about the travelling Gnomes; the characters and scenery were miserable and depressing, but it was hopeful and it soldered on.

And yeah. I missed the days when the entertainment industry created "epicness" and "history," not just money. (And now, because of money, everything's the same. But that's an argument I started yesterday over at the Geass Crown section.)
Nov 21, 2011 1:42 AM

Oct 2011
Tyrenol said:

And yeah. I missed the days when the entertainment industry created "epicness" and "history," not just money. (And now, because of money, everything's the same. But that's an argument I started yesterday over at the Geass Crown section.)

I may missunderstand you, so sorry in case.
But this industry was always set to make money - making epic and memorable series is nice, but if they won't sell than there is no point in it. It won't cover the bills or salaries of employees.

Same goes for creating cult movies - it's great if you can get that status AND be popular, but in most cases what works best for studio is appealing to fanbase. And Japanaese is one that only matters - after all it either won't be published or won't give enough sales abroad.
Nov 21, 2011 5:40 AM

Nov 2010
Tyrenol said:

The original Last Exile was... ...well... "Bitter Medicine." It's like that old cartoon movie about the travelling Gnomes; the characters and scenery were miserable and depressing, but it was hopeful and it soldered on.

I googled your description of that cartoon movie and came up with this. If this is what you were referring to, then I have no idea how this makes sense in relation to the discussion, nor would I think that anybody here would know of such an obscure series.
Nov 21, 2011 11:20 AM

Mar 2010
Exkalamity said:
I googled your description of that cartoon movie and came up with this. If this is what you were referring to, then I have no idea how this makes sense in relation to the discussion, nor would I think that anybody here would know of such an obscure series.

No. It's called The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.

And yeah, that's the wonderful thing about YouTube. Even the obscure is not immune.
Nov 21, 2011 3:16 PM

Jun 2008
Why is this topic shit?
Nov 21, 2011 4:03 PM

Nov 2010
Monad said:
Why is this topic shit?

Dunno. I just posted my idea of why Gonzo made this recent Last Exile the way they did, but seems like discussion went off somewhere.
Nov 26, 2011 3:09 AM
Dec 2007
Silver Wing is just heartless, brainless, ugly moe-shit without true spirit. People die, nations are at war, the world is dying but it's so badly directed and developped, plus the characters are so utterly uninteresting that we, spectators, don't care. As a follow-up to a great series it's bad, and as a standalone, well... it's still bad. Honestly, it's more of a SoRaNoWoTo sequel than a Last Exile one.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Nov 27, 2011 9:19 PM
Oct 2008
I keep watching, hoping it gets better. But it's not.

It falls into the trap of "Bright-eyed, plucky kids save the world from massive war by preaching peace and love". That worked with Vash because, ultimately, his ideals were called into question by the tragedy surrounding him and he even had to betray his ideals because the alternative was far worse. Last Exile FAM doesn't have that and likely won't.
Nov 28, 2011 1:51 AM
Oct 2011
Jacut said:
Silver Wing is just heartless, brainless, ugly moe-shit without true spirit. People die, nations are at war, the world is dying but it's so badly directed and developped, plus the characters are so utterly uninteresting that we, spectators, don't care. As a follow-up to a great series it's bad, and as a standalone, well... it's still bad. Honestly, it's more of a SoRaNoWoTo sequel than a Last Exile one.

I disagree with this opinion and especially about not caring about any of the characters, and this is far more like Last Exile and it's uniqueness than being anything like that show or any other moe cute show you might be trying to compare it to.

And I think so just from watching the show and how it's been building and escalating and how episode 3 gave almost an entire episode post-conflict to touchingly mourning the dead and the same respect and "true spirit" of flight that the first series displayed in Claus and Lavie's past is displayed throughout by Fam and the Sky Pirate's culture and portrayed as a key element to Fam and Giselle just like Claus and Lavie. The "moe/fanservice-shit" has basically been contained in like three scenes that basically make up all of 3 minutes of 7 24-minute episodes (essentially the intro scene and the maid outfit and the one second shot in the OP) and you're being fooled by Fam's surface reactions to things, every time she's alone you can see she's putting up a front to help Millia (especially after her traumatic intro arc) and Giselle not fall due to things escalating around all of them.

I believe you're somewhat wrong there GreatRumbler, as evidenced in episode 3 when Fam has a moment alone you can see the fuller picture beyond her positive side and while she is the overly-positive type, sometimes it's also clearly a front she puts on (and in all of her more solemn lines throughout this episode usually when others can't see her face, and in the moment just before she tries to talk to Millia on the deck of the Silvius in a later episode she has a strong look before Millia sees her and she changes her expression to a lighter one and tries to raise Millia's morale) where she takes in the harshness of everything that's going on when it won't effect the morale of those around her, like Vash attentive viewers should realize this, I think like Vash she'll have to face harsher situations as the show continues just like Millia and Giselle's current arc where she's starting to feel the stress (and Millia was willing to kill Luscinia to get her sister, so they aren't preaching love and peace, let alone Tatiana who certainly won't and hasn't been preaching that kind of thing either and Fam has shown she'll likely do what she has to keep her comrades safe when the time comes).

Anyway, if someone wants to drop it that's fine but the moe excuse is so over dramatic since despite the fears that there would be so much more of it the pandering has been relegated to extremely minor screentime unless we're now going to consider any show that doesn't have a male lead character to carry a show with the female action lead character for supposed "balance" a moe show just because it centers on three girls, two of whom who even spend the vast majority of their time flying in an airship in combat (and Giselle's engineering and navi skills like the awesome scene where she dissects the intelligence photo of the Silvius) and certainly not doing moe/cute slice-of-life things like in say K-On or SoranoWoto etc. and far less fanservice (and immature jokes/boob-grabbing etc.) than most action shows these days not to mention once again an incredibly detailed unique world and mix of politics, mysteries, and multiple world powers each with several interesting characters already and airship combat and intelligent fleet battles and gorgeous A/V production values and aerial action. Fam's been just as much an action heroine character as most male leads (and most male action leads get away with far more happy-go-lucky plucky attitudes than her, let alone being far dumber, brainless, and naive than she is). Plus there have been plenty of serious events and serious reactions that show that like both the first series and a lot of action series this show will likely continue to grow darker as it goes and things escalate. It wouldn't be the first large scale action adventure to span all of the moods (just like it did in the awesome episode 1-3 arc that covered everything from light to dark and heavy and has been building towards yet again in the current arc outside of the one truly mostly light ep in ep 5), and the first Last Exile had it's share of fun eps and moments especially in the first half which didn't make it any less awesome or serious especially once we crossed the mid-point and ofcourse 26 versus 7 isn't fair and in the first series we were still just scratching the surface as of now so it's still too early to say if it can match the heights of the first series' second half but to me all the elements are definitely becoming present as long as Fam herself gets the rounded development she's clearly capable of and that we've seen glimpses of since so far Millia's changed a ton and now Giselle is getting some good attention.
DangerMouseDMNov 28, 2011 9:12 AM
Dec 17, 2011 9:36 PM
Dec 2011
I agree. Some episodes are shit. Its the directors' story telling sucks or directors dictated by old school traditional producers. But i'll continue to watch.
Jan 18, 2012 2:31 AM

Aug 2009
Jacut said:
Silver Wing is just heartless, brainless, ugly moe-shit without true spirit. People die, nations are at war, the world is dying but it's so badly directed and developped, plus the characters are so utterly uninteresting that we, spectators, don't care. As a follow-up to a great series it's bad, and as a standalone, well... it's still bad.

I cant do other than agree with you
Jan 20, 2012 3:39 PM

Jan 2012
damn was gonna pick up this series b/c I remember the first one being pretty enjoyable..

guess I'll try 1st ep and see how it goes...
Jan 21, 2012 1:19 PM

Jul 2010
Yeah I really wanted to like this series because of my love for the original, but I had to drop. It's not solely the fact its moe, but I don't care for the majority of characters. The series lost what made it special. They should of just left it alone.
Jan 21, 2012 7:28 PM

Feb 2008
I'm starting to like it after reaching episode 9.
Jan 21, 2012 10:14 PM
Apr 2011
As much as I would like to enjoy this series, I wish Fam was not part of it. Everything about her does not fit this anime and I cringe every time any fan service involves her. Some of my reasons can be found in some of the posts here (Ctrl + f Fam if you have to) and here especially the last paragraph (first spoiler outside of the quoted box).
Jan 28, 2012 7:44 AM
Jun 2011
The story and universe is pretty great and there is enough to it to keep me looking forward to the next episode. However relations between characters is awkward and probably would have been better if they focused less on it.
Jan 29, 2012 2:38 PM

Nov 2011
I think what this show is missing for me at the moment, is more vanship dog-fights. We've witnessed plenty of fleet vs fleet actions.

What made original show special for me was its steampunk theme, its unique world and culture. Furthermore, it's a show about flying, which is a theme that was rarely seen in anime series.

Even though, Silver Wing has different story and casts, however I feel that it has not lost its root yet. It is still about people's desire to bring peace to the world, so they can fly freely in the sky once again.
Feb 4, 2012 9:55 PM
Oct 2011
frustrated said:
What made original show special for me was its steampunk theme, its unique world and culture. Furthermore, it's a show about flying, which is a theme that was rarely seen in anime series.

Even though, Silver Wing has different story and casts, however I feel that it has not lost its root yet. It is still about people's desire to bring peace to the world, so they can fly freely in the sky once again.

Totally agree with this, and I've really enjoyed it.

frustrated said:
I think what this show is missing for me at the moment, is more vanship dog-fights. We've witnessed plenty of fleet vs fleet actions.

I also would like to see some dog-fights in the last third as the conflict ramps up, that's the one thing we've been missing without the Guild Starfish whereas we've gotten plenty of awesome fleet action and great flying.

DangerMouseDMFeb 4, 2012 9:59 PM
Mar 29, 2012 10:24 PM

Nov 2011
I'm a little surprised that the main reason this series is "shit" hasn't been listed; namely Fam herself. There are side characters I can sympathize with such Princess Millia... I even like her half way through the story. She's developed and believable. Fam never develops... just like a classic marry sue. It frustrates me even more that everyone magically agrees with what she says all the time.
But LX: Fam has lost its meaning and purpose. In the original, you did have people fighting for various reasons, some for water and some for habitable land while our heroes for free skies in which to fly. But you had a main, psychotic villain who was the identifiable evil in the story. You had a classic story of good vs evil in steam punk world with battles in the skies. LX: Fam only retained the steam punk world. The heroes spend most of their time dialoging about things that don't even ultimately matter to the plot. So the battles are few and far between. And there is no true villain; hence no good vs evil.
I've only three episodes to go. And I'm only watching it for Dio. My favorite episode so far has been Second Adjournment. Its pretty pathetic when the recap episode is the only highlight in the entire series.
Mar 29, 2012 11:26 PM

Apr 2011
Ahh..., another peaceful day @ MAL

inb4 locked
Jun 20, 2012 2:26 PM

Jul 2011
Up to episode 4 and I wouldn't exactly call it shit. The characters aren't as charming but I don't feel like the characters are that important here, it feels like the whole setting, as a whole, is. Huge airships fighting what seems to be a war torn planet. Both sides fighting for what they see as right. It's more like the main character is a witness rather than an actual actor. For the other characters, some of them are very likeable, Giselle with her amazing genius and photographic memory and Dio and his crazy antics (although I thought he was a chick at first).
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Jun 21, 2012 8:20 PM
May 2012
Wow, even though I finished watching the show, all I really care about is plot holes & writings. Wow, talked about some hit & miss!
JafriZinSep 11, 2012 9:53 AM
Jul 3, 2012 2:45 PM

Jul 2009
The first Exile wasn't even that great.... wtf is everyone crying about? lol XD Well, Fam is an interesting watch... nothing I'll be archiving, but interesting nontheless.
Aug 17, 2012 10:30 AM

Mar 2009
love this anime because of ship to ship battle~ nothing more, nothing less.
Oct 18, 2012 5:12 PM
Oct 2009
Thank god this awful series tanked.
Dec 20, 2012 3:15 PM

Sep 2009
I just finished it. Definitely inferior to its predecessor. It's amazing to me how a series with so much action could be so, well, boring. It makes a a bit sad that this probably is the death knell for the franchise, but I thought that it didn't really need a sequel anyways.
not a job creator

Dec 29, 2012 11:59 AM
Sep 2011
I just want it in english, if it's half as good as the original I would be pleased!
Feb 27, 2021 5:53 AM
Jul 2018
I'll see in the end what I think about it, but anyway, hear me out: Cool steampunk setting PLUS my boy Dio as a sky pirate. That's great.

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