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Jul 25, 2010 6:09 PM
Apr 2009
This is pretty underrated IMO, I thought it was pretty good actually. A Solid 7.5(8)/10 for me (OVA Ep 1 wise). I've seen people rating this a 3/10?? The action was solid, the way they told the story of the girls was done well. Nothing confusing for me. Obviously there is gonna be a second something..the end was a cliffhanger.

But I wasn't really expecting anything so thats prob. why. And I think I looked at it differently. It kinda made sense to me, girl and girl are best friends, they split up, other girl talks to other girl, so other girl felt lonely and abandoned, thus dissapearing/getting swallowed in her ''emotion''

The fighting scene/world, to me was just to showcase how they felt. The blue girl was the main char trying to save Yomi, and Yomi was filled with anger/sadness thus fighting her. Altho the last 5 mins kinda destroyed what I just said, but still applies, only now there ''mind'' teams up with the real her. (They are the same) I enjoyed it.

:D! Than again if this has a manga or w/e and the story is completely different, ignore my comment :D!
SsjbryandoJul 25, 2010 6:12 PM
Jul 25, 2010 6:55 PM

Sep 2008
Ssjbryando said:
This is pretty underrated IMO, I thought it was pretty good actually. A Solid 7.5(8)/10 for me (OVA Ep 1 wise). I've seen people rating this a 3/10?? The action was solid, the way they told the story of the girls was done well. Nothing confusing for me. Obviously there is gonna be a second something..the end was a cliffhanger.
Every person rates differently so you can't complain about it.

I don't quite get what you mean by this. Either way, can you say the story was actually good?
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Jul 25, 2010 7:05 PM

Feb 2010
Well, I liked the art it was very nice, ending song was cool too, but other than that, totally a waste of time - the events and story were boring I almost fell asleep for two times during the episode...
Jul 25, 2010 7:17 PM

Jul 2008
I thought it was pretty good. I definitely understand Yomi's feelings of feeling out of the loop after your friend finds new friends and starts hanging out with you less. Also, I really liked the art style and the soundtrack/bgm. However, the chronology of the story really confused me. I couldn't really tell when the fight scenes took place, and I didn't understand the ending that much.

I think it left a ton of room open for future OVAs though. Black Rock Shooter fought a character that so far has no human counterpart, and the Yuu in the other world did nothing more than observe. I wouldn't mind seeing more in the future.
Jul 25, 2010 7:24 PM

May 2008
I take it all the people here who are shocked at the amount of schoolgirl completely missed the picture with two schoolgirls that has been representing it for a while.

Or did read up and look about all of it beforehand and just expect the schoolgirls and their life to be fairly ignored? Or for them to easily fall into an absolute fantasy trope of them just falling into a fantasy world like they've done with so many other anime?

It was pretty obvious that the quality of this was going to be depreciated since the very beginning when the two schoolgirl characters showed up and got mentioned in the previews, synopsis, pictures and ect. So I don't know what's with the shock of everyone in this thread.

Yeah, the proportions were a little worse than they could have been, but it should be no shocker to anyone.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jul 25, 2010 7:38 PM

Jul 2008
Ok a lot of people seem to not have understood this OVA correctly so I'll clear some things up.

Yomi always have been alone because her family moved a lot, she tough that she was fated to not have any real friend for all her life. She then met Mato, they became friend and her feeling of loneliness faded away, she became more lively. It looked like her family wouldn't move for a while so she was happy to be able to lead a normal life with a real best friend.
Then one year after that Yomi and Mato slowly have been separated, Mato made new friend while Yomi didn't because she considered Mato ( a really important point in her life) her only friend.
Before Mato's new friend Yomi started to think that she was maybe bothering Mato, and she felt that she was left apart then the feeling of loneliness came back, this feeling that she did not fell for a while.
Once she saw that Mato didn't even cared about her she chosed to leave home.

Mato felt guilty that Yomi disapeared because she understood that she left her apart, that she wasn't thinking alot about her these day and didn't consider how much important she was to her. She got texted by Yomi and went to their 'favorite spot' where she found the gift she gave to her lying down in the grass. She is alive and probably still in this city, that's what she tough and with enough resolve she also runned from home in quest of finding her best friend and she runned through the city.

The fight in the other world never happened, that's only a way to show their feeling clashing with each other, the feeling of jealously from a girl that was left out by her best friend against the feeling of wanting to be together again from Mato.
The fight was a fight of emotion, just before she reached the point of no return Mato's word reached her and destroyed her feeling of hatred, loneliness and jealously to finally be able to return to their precedent, normal life.

Every scene that wasn't in the real world happened after Mato chosed to run from home to find Yomi.

Imo I think that the script was well executed and the animation was more than good.
Jul 25, 2010 7:39 PM

May 2009
From the moment this was released all I've read is people being disappointed. Where did all the hype come from in the first place?
I've seen the pv and the trailer for the anime. My expectations weren't extremely high in the first place, but this OVA turned out to be better than I thought it'd be. Especially after reading a bunch of "RAWR, I DISLIKED IT/WUT DID I JUST WATCH" comments before I saw it myself.

I thought it was very good, bordering on being great; the slice of life feel, mixed with action. Animation, art, music were all very good. I think it was a sweet story about friendship and I like how there was plenty of fighting scattered throughout the entire episode, only making sense towards the end. I loved how it ended too; with the cliffhanger after the credits.
Another thing I'd like to add is that for a 50 minute OVA, it didn't feel long at all and I was never bored.

I'd love to see more of Black★Rock Shooter in the near future. The story behind BRS (the character) and why Moto turned into her, Yuu, and the girl killing(?) BRS at the beginning, has yet to be unveiled.
I'd rather have a couple more OVAs with the same quality, rather than a TV series though.

@ Dandere-chan
That's a nice theory you have there. I never think that DEEP, so I totally thought everything which happened in that other world was "real" and really happened. Maybe it's just a representation of their feelings or something.
stAtic91Jul 25, 2010 8:00 PM
Jul 25, 2010 7:50 PM

Jan 2010
@Dandere-chan: kudos to you for bringing some light. It does sound extremely plausible, the way you explain it, and it gives some sense to the OVA.
Jul 25, 2010 8:01 PM

Aug 2008
Thank goodness I wasn't swept by the hype. This is quite disappointing even at that point.

The animation was actually pretty cool. I like grittiness of it, reminds me of Escaflowne in a way.

The parallel plots with one in-media-res and the other not-in-media-res really messes up the story. This really isn't the Story of Black Rock Shooter. It's a prequel of it.

Characters don't really feel unique but it'd be surprising to see unique characters in a single OVA. So I'll be forgiving. Also, is everyone in parallel world (that they don't explain about, by the way) mutes or something?

There were barely any songs in there. Funny thing is, they didn't even have the song that they based the anime off of.

Lastly, I want yuri. Damn it! Give me some yuri!

Therefore, I give this an "Average" rating because I'm being nice at this point. After all, I just saw Inception.

P.S. Go watch Inception.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 25, 2010 8:32 PM

May 2010
Dandere-chan said:
Ok a lot of people seem to not have understood this OVA correctly so I'll clear some things up.

Yomi always have been alone because her family moved a lot, she tough that she was fated to not have any real friend for all her life. She then met Mato, they became friend and her feeling of loneliness faded away, she became more lively. It looked like her family wouldn't move for a while so she was happy to be able to lead a normal life with a real best friend.
Then one year after that Yomi and Mato slowly have been separated, Mato made new friend while Yomi didn't because she considered Mato ( a really important point in her life) her only friend.
Before Mato's new friend Yomi started to think that she was maybe bothering Mato, and she felt that she was left apart then the feeling of loneliness came back, this feeling that she did not fell for a while.
Once she saw that Mato didn't even cared about her she chosed to leave home.

Mato felt guilty that Yomi disapeared because she understood that she left her apart, that she wasn't thinking alot about her these day and didn't consider how much important she was to her. She got texted by Yomi and went to their 'favorite spot' where she found the gift she gave to her lying down in the grass. She is alive and probably still in this city, that's what she tough and with enough resolve she also runned from home in quest of finding her best friend and she runned through the city.

The fight in the other world never happened, that's only a way to show their feeling clashing with each other, the feeling of jealously from a girl that was left out by her best friend against the feeling of wanting to be together again from Mato.
The fight was a fight of emotion, just before she reached the point of no return Mato's word reached her and destroyed her feeling of hatred, loneliness and jealously to finally be able to return to their precedent, normal life.

Every scene that wasn't in the real world happened after Mato chosed to run from home to find Yomi.

Imo I think that the script was well executed and the animation was more than good.

CkretAznMan said:

Lastly, I want yuri. Damn it! Give me some yuri!

And this.

...the movie was pretty cool, I enjoyed it.
Jul 25, 2010 8:44 PM

Jan 2009
I was completely filled with joy when I heard that Black★Rock Shooter was becoming an anime and couldn't wait to watch it, but unfortunately this OVA didn't quite do it for me.

I'll admit the storyline was alright, I mean the whole thing of friendship and jealousy/loneliness turning into resentment / neglect of that said friend, but the thing that got to me was I was like "Hey, Yomi, it's your second year in junior high, Mato's making new friends why don't you? She's not neglecting you, she's just socializing with others that's all." I guess since she moved alot, she just wasn't used to making long terms friends, oh well. And then towards the very end, I was like "Oh no, not her too, I mean c'mon of course Mato's gonna be talking to Yomi alot, she was missing for a while and was really worried and now your (the basketball manager) are feeling jealousy / loneliness and feeling resentment / neglect towards Mato because of" Back on talking about the story, hmm, I guess it just wasn't my kind of story.

Anyways aside from storyline and all, the animation I thought was amazing and very true to the original animation from the PV. The soundtrack was simply awesome, with the rock music playing on the action sequences. The characters were pretty cute and resembled, I guess, what a girl in junior high school would be like, you know adjusting to new things and growing up and all. And I think the whole swapping back and forth between real life and their "emotional representations", the scythe girl and Black★Rock Shooter, was completely necessary for the storyline and made it pretty unique. But even though I thought that storyline element was good. With all that being said, would I mind a Black★Rock Shooter sequel to be made? Yes, totally, go for it. I'm not hating on the anime, just saying it was decent.
Oh ya btw,
CkretAznMan said:

There were barely any songs in there. Funny thing is, they didn't even have the song that they based the anime off of.

They kinda had a variation of Black★Rock Shooter (the song) towards the very end when Mato was in that whitish, blue world and saw Black★Rock Shooter. It was played on the piano, just didn't have the lyrics.
Jul 25, 2010 8:53 PM

Apr 2009
Well it looks like theres going to be a sequel so i won't be to harsh.It wasnt the greatest but i still enjoyed it.
If there is a sequel i really hope to see some screentime for the other characters that weren't even shown in the first one.
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Jul 25, 2010 9:11 PM
Sep 2007
stAtic91 said:
From the moment this was released all I've read is people being disappointed. Where did all the hype come from in the first place?

Fans of the artwork of BRS' creator, huke, will probably be disappointed just by the lack of eerieness and despair that is present in his works. Not to say that the alternate world present in the OVA is the happiest place on Earth, but it doesn't get close to the mood of his art.

It was a pretty good OVA, it's just that it wasn't what people were expecting. I was disappointed as well, but it's just like reading the original visual novel before watching the adaptation - it's not the same thing, and one shouldn't be expecting it to be.

So, judging it without considering what I was expecting it to be: The plot progression was interesting and well made. It was easy to understand what was going on, at least for me that had previous knowledge of the plot.

The quality could have been better, but from an anime that was made in some months and that was distributed for free it was pretty good. The fighting parts were a bit bland though.

The plot is a bit too cheesy, but it is cute. I didn't like the "end", with BRS talking with Mato. But then again, that's because I was expecting something different in this specific part.

In general, it's a good OVA - not awesome, but good. The change in the end made the alternate world make no sense and feel completelly out of place, which is really sad.
Jul 25, 2010 9:11 PM

Jan 2008
Hmm, I didn't really know what to expect from the trailer I watched months ago...maybe something like Mato gets sucked into a different world and have to fight Dead Master to get out?

The slice of life was unexpected..I didn't hate it but I was expecting more fantasy/adventure in the alternate universe.

Like dandere-chan I also came to the conclusion that BRS and Dead Master were the personification of emotion. I mean Dead Master's eyes are green which usually stands for envy/jealousy.

Art was very good. Love the anime eyes of the alternate universe. Fight scenes were kind of entertaining but it got dry after I realized that they're not talking. I guess emotions are better expressed not verbalized.
Jul 25, 2010 10:31 PM

Nov 2007
I've seen better.
Jul 25, 2010 10:56 PM

Mar 2010
CkretAznMan said:
Therefore, I give this an "Average" rating because I'm being nice at this point. After all, I just saw Inception.

P.S. Go watch Inception.

Oh, I will tomorrow.
Can't wait.

Honestly, I thought the OVA was....cute.
But I don't know if that properly describes the world of BRS because I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the Vocaloid franchise. I wouldn't call myself a fan, I just like some of the chara-designs.

The only problem I had with the OVA was the transition from real world to the alternate world where the 2 girls were fighting. Some of it felt random but it wasn't too bothersome, I guess.

And judging from this thread, I guess the story of 'friendship' between 2 young girls is alittle too much for some to handle :P
Bunny-kinsJul 25, 2010 11:03 PM
Jul 25, 2010 10:58 PM

Jun 2010
OVA: Set-up style; Teaser r Prequel

Story: Friendship and internal conflict of friendship.

Animation: Nice, crisp and smooth.

Sound: Great.


If it went for emotional conflict for the alternate world, they should not have shown the transformation sequence to that alternate world.
It made it seem that there really is a cheesy alternate world that her friend went on to.

If the alternate world is real and not just an internal conflict, they should have focused some of the time to explain that world.

6 (fine)

This may change if they release new OVAs to explain things further.
Jul 25, 2010 11:04 PM

Jan 2010
I fell in love with Yomi's character design love the green eyes lol
Jul 25, 2010 11:08 PM

Jun 2009
I think this is a flash forward show. To put it short. All BRS and Dead Master fight are in the future timeline to the girl's timeline.

Mato and Yomi became friends
Mato and Yomi drifted apart
Yomi turns into Dead Master
Mato turns into BRS to save Yomi
Now all the fight scene takes place
BRS purged Dead Master
Mato and Yomi became closer

and Yuu is showing signs of "changing"

7/10 for this 1 episode OVA
AirStylesJul 25, 2010 11:28 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 25, 2010 11:17 PM

Jun 2008
Dandere-chan said:
Ok a lot of people seem to not have understood this OVA correctly so I'll clear some things up.

Yomi always have been alone because her family moved a lot, she tough that she was fated to not have any real friend for all her life. She then met Mato, they became friend and her feeling of loneliness faded away, she became more lively. It looked like her family wouldn't move for a while so she was happy to be able to lead a normal life with a real best friend.
Then one year after that Yomi and Mato slowly have been separated, Mato made new friend while Yomi didn't because she considered Mato ( a really important point in her life) her only friend.
Before Mato's new friend Yomi started to think that she was maybe bothering Mato, and she felt that she was left apart then the feeling of loneliness came back, this feeling that she did not fell for a while.
Once she saw that Mato didn't even cared about her she chosed to leave home.

Mato felt guilty that Yomi disapeared because she understood that she left her apart, that she wasn't thinking alot about her these day and didn't consider how much important she was to her. She got texted by Yomi and went to their 'favorite spot' where she found the gift she gave to her lying down in the grass. She is alive and probably still in this city, that's what she tough and with enough resolve she also runned from home in quest of finding her best friend and she runned through the city.

The fight in the other world never happened, that's only a way to show their feeling clashing with each other, the feeling of jealously from a girl that was left out by her best friend against the feeling of wanting to be together again from Mato.
The fight was a fight of emotion, just before she reached the point of no return Mato's word reached her and destroyed her feeling of hatred, loneliness and jealously to finally be able to return to their precedent, normal life.

Every scene that wasn't in the real world happened after Mato chosed to run from home to find Yomi.

Imo I think that the script was well executed and the animation was more than good.

All of this, thankyou for understanding the episode.

I personally LOVED the slice of life parts, it was simple, it was beliveable, didn't feel like I was watching some sort of K-On-y world where over the top characters all happen to be in the same place. I felt like I could really understand the two girls over the small time we were given, and I for one, know that I really want to get to know them more.

I'd like to learn more about the other Huke characters as well.

Also, I'm SO glad the Miku song wasn't used! It's about time SOMEONE seperated the two who weren't even realted in the first place!
Jul 25, 2010 11:33 PM

Jun 2008
Case and point example of expectations ruining the experience for people. Today's Lesson? Don't expect anything :\

It really was pretty good, though clearly on the abstract side. Let me put it this way: not all art is meant to be understood logically, just as not all anime is meant to be artistic (meaning it's not something we're used to). This is something meant to make its audience feel something that we can't necessarily explain, which in a way is far deeper than something any normal anime could achieve.

I think this OVA was exceedingly well done. If anyone objects and would like to point to reasons why, I would be happy to address them.
Jul 26, 2010 12:44 AM

Apr 2010
Grmo said:
Case and point example of expectations ruining the experience for people. Today's Lesson? Don't expect anything :

It really was pretty good, though clearly on the abstract side. Let me put it this way: not all art is meant to be understood logically, just as not all anime is meant to be artistic (meaning it's not something we're used to). This is something meant to make its audience feel something that we can't necessarily explain, which in a way is far deeper than something any normal anime could achieve.

I think this OVA was exceedingly well done. If anyone objects and would like to point to reasons why, I would be happy to address them.

I will happily take up that challenge. I disagree with your view that Black Rock Shooter "makes its audience feel something that they can't necessarily explain." Would you care to elaborate on that point? Which part of the OVA did you find deep or unexplainable? From my perspective, it was pretty painfully obvious what BRS was trying to achieve in terms of themes and ideas. It tried, and it failed. 2 girls conflict, their trauma is personified and metaphorically enhanced to illustrate visually the extend of their pain and suffering... did I miss anything? Don't be mistaken, BRS is not a deep anime.
Jul 26, 2010 12:52 AM

Mar 2009
I was really excited when it came out so I watched it as soon as I could.
I'm a slice of life fan so ofcourse I liked it a lot xD it really felt so short to me! so they need to continue it!(cliffhangers too, no!)
I loved the art and animation!! the fight scenes were cool to watch too...:3
I can see how people were dissapointed...but atleast I liked it o3o
Jul 26, 2010 1:46 AM

Sep 2009
Well, that was pretty obvious.
Jul 26, 2010 1:53 AM

Dec 2007
Dandere-chan said:
The fight in the other world never happened, that's only a way to show their feeling clashing with each other, the feeling of jealously from a girl that was left out by her best friend against the feeling of wanting to be together again from Mato.
The fight was a fight of emotion, just before she reached the point of no return Mato's word reached her and destroyed her feeling of hatred, loneliness and jealously to finally be able to return to their precedent, normal life.

Every scene that wasn't in the real world happened after Mato chosed to run from home to find Yomi.

I wouldn't say the fight in the other world didn't happened, but it did happen after the real world storyline. I think this is a point a few people aren't getting:
*The fight happened after the real world events.*

I enjoyed it - gave it 8/10. It wasn't spectacular, but it was very good. I think a lot of ppl had too high expectations of it even though it was done on a small budget, as I understand.

Also, I agree, more yuri please.
Jul 26, 2010 2:22 AM

Apr 2009
I also prefer the interpretation where the fights really happened, instead than just a fight of will and emotion.

But, really, they both fit the picture. The only things that don't fit are the stars everywhere and the name Black Rock Shooter, but they can't completely strip the original works of everything, can they? :P
Jul 26, 2010 2:27 AM

Nov 2007
Like Angel Beats!, BRS had great production values (though I felt a few scenes could have used a few more frames) and a nice storyline, but their downfall is the fact they got overhyped to the point they failed to meet the standards they set for themselves. I liked the ambiguity presented in the whole plot, whether or not the whole BRS world scenes were merely metaphors or not. Music was a bit scarce, but still nice. We could have gotten some really nice battle tracks if the fight scenes were not so cut up. Final verdict: It was good, but that's it. Q.E.D
Jul 26, 2010 2:32 AM
Apr 2010
It was certainly.... different from what we were all expecting, of course. I really enjoyed the slice of life aspects, and it did a relatively good job of tying the storylines together. While watching it, it felt a bit weird when switching between the two scenarios, but I felt it worked well in hindsight.
Jul 26, 2010 2:38 AM
Jul 2008
Pretty confused what happened during the beginning where Black Rock Shooter was fight Black Gold Saw... if that whole scene was just for a scars on Black Rock Shooter... wow, waste of production money/filler?

As for the story line itself, it was decent, though I would rather much see the whole fight scene later on... All those fight scenes keeps foreshadowing a betrayal of some sort from Mato to Yomi. And I would really want to know what did happen/where did Yomi disappear off to.

Hopefully there will be a new OVA on this series introducing the other characters and not just Yuu being jealous and being that silver armed person with Black Rock Shooter saving her too.
Jul 26, 2010 3:15 AM

Feb 2009
Decent. Not too good, not too bad. I felt like my brain was relaxing while my eyes were watching. Just a simple story of what jealousy over a friend can lead to in fantasy edition.
One thing that bothered me is that it seriously lacked music. There was barely any, which is weird, since the main char is a vocaloid.

Btw, why isn't Black Rock Shooter on the characters list?

And was I the only one to lol at the end? The story is so going to start all over again.
Jul 26, 2010 3:17 AM

May 2008
Junko-tan said:
All of this, thankyou for understanding the episode.

More like, thank you Captain Obvious?

Why are people seriously quoting this and seriously responding to this?
This is like, what anyone who isn't within the least %2 of the human species first thought upon watching BRS.
The reviewers bashing the living heck out of this included in that %98 of mentally sufficient human beings.
LoveEnmaAi said:


Excuse me, I need to find a wall to bang my head into right now.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jul 26, 2010 3:30 AM

May 2008
It was fairly disappointing for me. To be honest I was bored during the whole episode, I couldn't find the fights amazing at all, the story was meh~
Jul 26, 2010 3:49 AM

Jun 2009
Meh... I liked it.
It's.. sad.
Jul 26, 2010 4:11 AM

Jan 2009
Akakori said:
Dandere-chan said:
The fight in the other world never happened, that's only a way to show their feeling clashing with each other, the feeling of jealously from a girl that was left out by her best friend against the feeling of wanting to be together again from Mato.
The fight was a fight of emotion, just before she reached the point of no return Mato's word reached her and destroyed her feeling of hatred, loneliness and jealously to finally be able to return to their precedent, normal life.

Every scene that wasn't in the real world happened after Mato chosed to run from home to find Yomi.

I wouldn't say the fight in the other world didn't happened, but it did happen after the real world storyline. I think this is a point a few people aren't getting:
*The fight happened after the real world events.*

This. Not to mention, the BRS vs. BGS fight also as a metaphor would make less sense than it does now...especially since BRS loses.

Mato also sees Dead Master in the real world.

Someone should edit the entire thing: keep the BRS vs. BGS fight in the same place ---> all the RW stuff ---> BRS & Mato meeting and merging ---> BRS "waking up" on the bridge and searching/finding/fighting/saving Dead Master/Yomi and running out of the "other world" ---> the scary bit with Yuu ---> roll credits ---> STRength's scenes
LadyOrihimeJul 26, 2010 4:37 AM
Jul 26, 2010 4:22 AM
Apr 2010
Faitasi said:
Btw, why isn't Black Rock Shooter on the characters list?

Mako Kuroi. Because they are essentially the same character, she is listed as 'Mato "Black★Rock Shooter" Kuroi'.
Jul 26, 2010 5:07 AM

Nov 2007
this ova was good but a series would have been better im kinda disapointed OVA's arent good enough i hope they rethink on remaking it as a series but makin it better like add blood n stuff lol

I signed my screen and now its all smeary "When you meet your God tell him to leave me alone."

check out my blog

fix MAL already
Jul 26, 2010 5:12 AM

Apr 2009
Alright, but the drama was a bit cliched. Anyone expecting an OVA full of action just got trolled. Now all we need is a hardcore yuri scene with Dead Master and Black Rock Shooter. A remake/sequel would be welcome, but not expected.
Jul 26, 2010 5:26 AM

Aug 2008
Action was meh, drama was boring, and the mix created a horrible atmosphere... The characters were unoriginal, the bgm was anti-climatic and the story made little sense. 3/10.
Jul 26, 2010 5:50 AM

Feb 2009
jda95 said:
Faitasi said:
Btw, why isn't Black Rock Shooter on the characters list?

Mako Kuroi. Because they are essentially the same character, she is listed as 'Mato "Black★Rock Shooter" Kuroi'.

Then why is Black★Gold Saw a separate character?
Jul 26, 2010 6:08 AM

Jun 2009
Faitasi said:
jda95 said:
Faitasi said:
Btw, why isn't Black Rock Shooter on the characters list?

Mako Kuroi. Because they are essentially the same character, she is listed as 'Mato "Black★Rock Shooter" Kuroi'.

Then why is Black★Gold Saw a separate character?

She don't have a "Real Self" unlike Mato(BRS), Yomi(DM) and Yuu(STR).

Or at least we haven't seen her, who knows. Funny thing is her fight actually take place before Mato and BRS meets.
(Hint: Equal length twin-tail and no scars)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 26, 2010 7:38 AM

Sep 2008
I expected something different, but I quite actually liked this OVA.
It almost made me cry - it must be because I almost went through the same thing with my best friend.
Jul 26, 2010 7:39 AM

May 2009
although it had nice visuals, the story was a mess.

btw why did yuu appeared in the "other world"?
Jul 26, 2010 8:07 AM
Jun 2009
That was awful, the transtion between the real world and the BRS world was just dreaful. The only saving grace was the animation and the music.

It would have been better for them to explain things more, such as names to the other world characters, especially to the average viewer who doesn't know much about vocaloids (like me).
Jul 26, 2010 8:32 AM

Jun 2008
Ryhzuo said:
I will happily take up that challenge. I disagree with your view that Black Rock Shooter "makes its audience feel something that they can't necessarily explain." Would you care to elaborate on that point? Which part of the OVA did you find deep or unexplainable? From my perspective, it was pretty painfully obvious what BRS was trying to achieve in terms of themes and ideas. It tried, and it failed. 2 girls conflict, their trauma is personified and metaphorically enhanced to illustrate visually the extend of their pain and suffering... did I miss anything? Don't be mistaken, BRS is not a deep anime.

I will indeed elaborate on that point, but first, I need to point out that I never said that there was a part that I found unexplainable. Many people, however, are not able to explain it, although they may feel something from watching it. For example, I notice we have After Story in common. You must have noticed that a lot of people didn't quite understand it, although they still loved it because the fleshed out metaphor added to the emotional layers. I found that the scenes of the alternate world here and there in BRS not only foreshadowed, but showed us a twisted mirror of what was happening in the slice of life world. For example, as soon as Mato became friends with Yomi, the "Black Rock Shooter" in the other world is shown jumping down into blackness, which is symbolic of darkness within Yomi that Mato has just plunged herself towards. Which brings me to my next point:

To answer your question, "...did I miss anything?": well, yes, apparently you missed the part where Yomi clearly turns around, vanishing into black dust, after watching Mato talking with her classmate. Mato, at this point, looks up.

My next point is the fact that you didn't really explain how BRS tried and failed; you simply explained what you thought happened, which in no way serves to help me understand why you thought it was bad. This brings me to the next thing I want to address:

I think your summary of BRS is incorrect. Taking into account the fact that you clearly missed the supernatural element in the story (without which your explanation would have been sound), I can still say that your expanation has merit. Yes, it did serve as a metaphorical mirror for the events between Mato and Yomi. However, I believe that it goes deeper than that. My expanation is this: the scenes in the alternate world were placed along the story not only for symbolism, but for pacing; to familiarize the audience with it so that we would know what's going to happen when (and this is key here) Mato picks up Yomi's cell phone strap and meets the Black Rock Shooter (which is essentially a manifestation of her desire to get Yomi back), and goes into that world, past which we know what happens, because we were shown that part of the story in pieces since the beginning.

While the nature of this other world is left completely open to our speculation (such as the possibility that the shadow that fell out of Yomi at the end possibly being a manifestation of her shadow (in Jungian psychology), and the two characters in that world being the persona), it is clear by a) Yomi's supernatural-esque vanishing in the hallway and b) what happened at the end in the "real world", when Mato picked up the cell phone strap and started - get this - glowing blue. Both of these things happened in the world where the main story was happening, and this is indisputible. So, if the other world serves only as a metaphor, why did supernatural things also happen in the real world, where everything is supposed to be grounded in reality? Because that pretense is wrong, and there is more to this anime than you realize. In other words, it has depth.

So, to answer your question, "what part of the OVA did you find deep?", I will, and to conclude, point to the metaphor that ran conteporary with the story, while still serving to show us the future events, and say this:

Well, it's got depth, it's creative, it had good music, good animation, good voice acting, and was well written, not dragging on to cheesy or melodramatic moments. So what's not to like? That it didn't live up to expectations? Well, that's the fault of the viewers, not the anime.
GrmoJul 26, 2010 8:36 AM
Jul 26, 2010 8:35 AM

Jan 2009
Lamer then i expected.
Jul 26, 2010 9:02 AM

Jul 2008
Grmo said:
Ryhzuo said:

So what's not to like? That it didn't live up to expectations? Well, that's the fault of the viewers, not the anime.

boring as hell.
The Metaphoric part is just some eye candy to make ppl believe its special
Imagine they wouldnt have put that in whats left?
Unoriginal boring story with unoriginal characters
The fights in the other world werent even nice/good the only nice thing about itw as the style of it and thats it

My question would be what to like of it?
There is absolutley nothing which makes this anime good or exciting in any kind of way
Jul 26, 2010 9:12 AM

Feb 2009
I find the idea that it is all caused by simple jealousy to be highly amusing.

Personally, I believe it was not just simple emotional distress, but rather that at some point the spirit of Dead Master began worming its way into her soul. Hence why Yuu suddenly goes quiet at the end. She's not the jealous type; something is screwing with her mind.

Key point: Yomi's "I just kind of started spacing out" line.

...I do wish they answered more questions than they ultimately made us ask, but hell, if they're making it into a full-fledged series it's just better this way.
Jul 26, 2010 9:23 AM

Sep 2008
Grmo said:

Well, it's got depth, it's creative, it had good music, good animation, good voice acting, and was well written, not dragging on to cheesy or melodramatic moments. So what's not to like? That it didn't live up to expectations? Well, that's the fault of the viewers, not the anime.

Grmo, well said:)

HellzZlave said:
Lamer then i expected.

What did you expected?
It was not lame, others might think so, but in my opinion I found this OVA lovely. The animation, music, and script were well done. Plus, the transition between the real world and the BRS world wasn't confusing at all... To those still confused, maybe reading Dandere-chan post: will make more sense:3
Jul 26, 2010 9:36 AM

Sep 2008
When I got over my expectations, I found that it wasn't really that bad. It was pretty good. Not great, but good. I thought Yomi's character design was lovely, but the big cliffhanger left me feeling a bit disappointed.
Jul 26, 2010 9:40 AM
Jan 2009
I liked this a lot o.o
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