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who is to blame more for problematic anime? the fans or the author aka original creator?

Jul 20, 7:04 AM

Jan 2009
so ye who is to blame more? voting both is not an option here since that is so easy gonna weigh which is more to blame i vote the authors
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Jul 20, 7:12 AM

Sep 2016
Why would I blame anyone for problematic fiction? The more, the better.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 20, 7:13 AM
Apr 2024
Why should fans be blamed for a show having problematic elements and why does a creator should be blamed for interpretations of the fans?
Jul 20, 7:14 AM
Mar 2024
The one calling it problematic is to blame
Jul 20, 7:14 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Zarutaku
Why would I blame anyone for problematic fiction? The more, the better.
@Zarutaku well why some books and cartoons are censored or worst blacklisted?
Jul 20, 7:15 AM

Feb 2020
The authors aka original creators they know what they are doing.
Jul 20, 7:16 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to henwens
The one calling it problematic is to blame

so there is no problematic anime then?
Jul 20, 7:19 AM

Dec 2022
What each individual finds "problematic" is their self-imposed burden, be it up for interpretation or not; the media they watch does not need to accommodate their sensibilities.

Shaded Horizon

Jul 20, 7:20 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Archean-Return
What each individual finds "problematic" is their self-imposed burden, be it up for interpretation or not; the media they watch does not need to accommodate their sensibilities.
@Archean-Return so you blame the fans more with their interpretations right?
Jul 20, 7:24 AM

Feb 2024
What do you call "problematic"? I never faced that, only some bad/boring ones.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 20, 7:25 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to LoveYourSmile
What do you call "problematic"? I never faced that, only some bad/boring ones.
@LoveYourSmile good on you if you never encounter it then lol

anyway morals are shape by culture like religion so if youre not religious for example then any anime is fine to you
Jul 20, 7:28 AM

May 2024
Problematic as in controversial? If so then the fans are to blame imo. Fiction is fiction, if you can't make the distinction between fiction and reality then it's your own fault.
Jul 20, 7:29 AM
Apr 2024
Reply to deg

so there is no problematic anime then?
@deg there are, but each case depends, would you say Horikoshi is to blame for problematic interpretations of the show? Would you say fans are to blame for a show explicitly having a problematic message?
Jul 20, 7:30 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Guilmon1
@deg there are, but each case depends, would you say Horikoshi is to blame for problematic interpretations of the show? Would you say fans are to blame for a show explicitly having a problematic message?
@Guilmon1 well this is not a scientific survey anyway just answer base on your own subjective experience
Jul 20, 7:31 AM

Nov 2020
Neither. I believe all media (within reason) has a right to exist and people should be able to express their vision for their story however they wish. What is and isn't "problematic" is so debatable that its impossible to force anything with consistency. Personally I really dont like BL and GL but it doesn't mean people can't make it. Something like metamorphosis has a right to exist and shouldn't be removed just because it's brutal and disturbing.
ngl punpun was a bit of an asshole

Jul 20, 7:33 AM

Apr 2019
If you don't like it, don't watch it. Rinse, repeat.

Jul 20, 7:33 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to JNNKO
Neither. I believe all media (within reason) has a right to exist and people should be able to express their vision for their story however they wish. What is and isn't "problematic" is so debatable that its impossible to force anything with consistency. Personally I really dont like BL and GL but it doesn't mean people can't make it. Something like metamorphosis has a right to exist and shouldn't be removed just because it's brutal and disturbing.
@JNNKO again this is not about being scientific or factual its about your own subjective experience like you hate queer anime
Jul 20, 7:36 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to deg
@LoveYourSmile good on you if you never encounter it then lol

anyway morals are shape by culture like religion so if youre not religious for example then any anime is fine to you
@deg Well, you are not forced to watch or read what you dislike. That's quite miserable to care about everything in the world.
I'm personally more disappointed by religion than by any fiction, but I don't call religion or religious people "problematic" or whatever. Problem is something that has a solution, right? If there is no viable solution, the problem doesn't exist.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 20, 7:38 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@deg Well, you are not forced to watch or read what you dislike. That's quite miserable to care about everything in the world.
I'm personally more disappointed by religion than by any fiction, but I don't call religion or religious people "problematic" or whatever. Problem is something that has a solution, right? If there is no viable solution, the problem doesn't exist.
@LoveYourSmile dude what no all problems has no solutions but problems wants to find solutions
Jul 20, 7:43 AM

Mar 2012
The author/creators are to be blamed, fans can do whatever they want but in the end it's the author decides what becomes canon, how the characters are written, the reasoning behind their actions all of this comes from the author and I really hate authors like Takabayashi Tomo who make problematic stuff canon.
Jul 20, 7:44 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to deg
@JNNKO again this is not about being scientific or factual its about your own subjective experience like you hate queer anime
@deg Honestly I don't see why you care so much about if a piece of media is "problematic". Yeah I don't like queer anime because I think it's weird and gross, so like many others have said I just don't watch them. There are a ton of genres I do like so I prefer to focus of those and i'm sure thats the same for you, so why even care about things you don't like?
ngl punpun was a bit of an asshole

Jul 20, 7:45 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to JNNKO
@deg Honestly I don't see why you care so much about if a piece of media is "problematic". Yeah I don't like queer anime because I think it's weird and gross, so like many others have said I just don't watch them. There are a ton of genres I do like so I prefer to focus of those and i'm sure thats the same for you, so why even care about things you don't like?
@JNNKO fear response is either fight or flight as the saying goes i guess
Jul 20, 7:49 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to deg
@Zarutaku well why some books and cartoons are censored or worst blacklisted?
@deg I guess censorship happens to make it more marketable for prude audience and younger audience who are monitored by their parents.

Anyway, if anyone was to blame, then it's the production committee, because they are responsible for the project, right?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 20, 7:51 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Zarutaku
@deg I guess censorship happens to make it more marketable for prude audience and younger audience who are monitored by their parents.

Anyway, if anyone was to blame, then it's the production committee, because they are responsible for the project, right?
@Zarutaku sure you can think of the production committee as part of the original creators
Jul 20, 7:52 AM

Mar 2016
I'm more toward on author fault, but fans have some blame too albeit at smaller scale in my opinion. Let says 70-30 or 65-35.

Jul 20, 7:53 AM

Dec 2012
There is no such thing as a problematic anime. The more "problematic" the better.

Jul 20, 7:56 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to deg
@Zarutaku sure you can think of the production committee as part of the original creators
@deg Alright, obviously the creators are responsible for their products, but the consumers are responsible for their criticism, both can be problematic.
ZarutakuJul 20, 8:00 AM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 20, 8:02 AM

Apr 2024
oh yup.
first is author/creator and then the producer/director
Jul 20, 8:15 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to deg
@LoveYourSmile dude what no all problems has no solutions but problems wants to find solutions
@deg I don't see your point. You created this poll like "blame this or that". I don't see why I should blame anyone at all.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 20, 8:16 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@deg I don't see your point. You created this poll like "blame this or that". I don't see why I should blame anyone at all.
@LoveYourSmile well you can vote i do not know its the neutral option
Jul 20, 8:30 AM
Jul 2024
Define "Problematic". Is this just another Gen Z take on a Medium they probably shouldn't watch?
Jul 20, 8:35 AM

Oct 2017
No one, the problems are on the mind of people.
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds
Jul 20, 8:37 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to deg
@LoveYourSmile well you can vote i do not know its the neutral option
@deg No, that's not a neutral option. And you know that.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 20, 8:40 AM

Jun 2019
"Problematic" anime doesn't exist.

Furthermore, that term in general in recent times even outside its use in a context referring to anime, but in general, is entirely too overused and abused, and has lost all meaning.

All "problematic" has come to mean on the part of the writer or speaker in the popular vernacular usage is "Someone or something I disagree with or dislike for any conceivable ideological reason under the sun". It doesn't make the person using or saying it anymore justified or right. It just typically exposes intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and ideological rigidity.
Jul 20, 8:48 AM

Jun 2024
I think the blame falls on both sides. There are freaky creators and freaky consumers.
Jul 20, 9:03 AM
May 2018
The people who call it ''problematic.'' If something about a work of fiction makes someone uncomfortable or angry, they can simply choose to not watch/read it or engage with it.
Jul 20, 9:17 AM

Aug 2013
Any example of problematic anime? For me "problematic" are only shitty anime. Sometimes the author of original simply went crazy and sometimes anime studio did awful job.
Jul 20, 9:38 AM
Apr 2014
Problematic anime don't even exist.
Jul 20, 9:45 AM

Oct 2013
Society for shifting what's deemed "problematic" every decade or so. Not that there isn't some stuff that should be ditched over time just in general, but at a certain point people should realize it's just fiction. Especially when it comes to animation. I'm not saying people aren't allowed to take issues with anything portrayed in fiction, but they blow it way out of proportion sometimes. (Insert list of every country that's banned or heavily censored a cartoon, tv show, movie or video instead of letting people choose for themselves here)
Jul 20, 9:51 AM

Sep 2018
I bet you're talking about AoT and right-wing Floch fans. I'd actually blame the fans since they'd act the same way, I mean idolizing certain things addressed in the story, regardless of the author's intentions and whether he is a hack writer or not (in this case he is).
NirinboJul 20, 9:55 AM
Jul 20, 10:14 AM

Oct 2010
interpretations are based on something that was made by the author, he gave in the clues, if the interpretations are based on nothing they don't matter.
In cases where the work is in-your-face controversial, of course it's the author who made it this way but still, it's fiction, he could draw whatever he likes (if approved by the editor and the other bigshots of course, manga/anime has to make money and angering your own fanbase gives you no yen).
Jul 20, 10:23 AM

Jan 2019
What do you mean by problematic? Elaborate.
Jul 20, 1:29 PM

Oct 2017
Definitely the creator. Depicting controversial topics is fine and is great to be explored, but when it's handled really poorly or is framed in a way that glorifies negative behavior that is 100% on the author.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jul 20, 1:33 PM

Oct 2022
What do you mean by 'problematic' ? Seems one would need to understand what you mean by that first, before trying to answer
Jul 20, 1:39 PM

Sep 2014
Yep yep. Another case of someone browsing too much twitter.
Jul 20, 1:41 PM

Feb 2009
Lol problematic? That is something that exists inside your head only OP.
Jul 20, 1:57 PM
Mar 2024
Reply to deg

so there is no problematic anime then?
@deg Indeed, since 'they' chose to make it their problem, rather than it actually being a problem
Jul 20, 2:09 PM

Aug 2017
None. There's no such thing as "problematic" Anime, its just people whining about stuff they don't like. Such people are the only who must be blamed.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jul 20, 2:15 PM

Sep 2018
The author determines pretty much every detail of the characters and plot , and making problematic anime is 100% ok. We watch anime for entertainment.
I love problematic anime like Eromanga sensei.
Jul 20, 2:30 PM

Apr 2020
People who use ''problematic'' unironically when they talk about, fictional media is the answer because most of the time, it's just a buzzword. I can understand being sensitive or disturbed when it comes to a sensitive topic, but when you lose your mind over something like an anime, and you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality you need help because a lot of them who are obssesed with this insanity tend to self-project.
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