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Anime that you thought you'd like but end up dropping?

Jan 9, 8:39 AM

Oct 2017
Do you have those anime series from the premises/ initial episode you thought you'd like but end up not enjoying it and drop it after a few episodes due to various reasons?

This might be a bit of controversy, but for me Vinland Saga is one of them.
I really enjoy the first 3~4 episodes and thought I'd like it.
But after the time skip I absolutely despise the mc for his irrational decision making, negative IQ, and man-child attitude.
So I end up dropping it at around maybe ep 7~8. I know the series' highlight is probably about the growth of mc in the end but i just dont think i have the patience to sit through this unlikable mc for so many episodes.

Do you guys have experience like this before?
If so, which anime? How many episodes did it last? Why did you drop it?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jan 9, 8:45 AM

Aug 2010
Glasslip - I usually enjoy PA Works original slice of life shows, and this one has romance so it looks like something I would love. Unfortunately the show was too boring for me, I had to drop halfway on episode 6.
Jan 9, 8:46 AM

Feb 2020
Heh. Too many to mention. Pretty much all those anime on my dropped list. :/
Jan 9, 8:48 AM

Oct 2017
Reply to Shirayukin
Glasslip - I usually enjoy PA Works original slice of life shows, and this one has romance so it looks like something I would love. Unfortunately the show was too boring for me, I had to drop halfway on episode 6.
Well , from the score, i'm not surprised XD.
Jan 9, 8:50 AM
May 2020
i've tried watching princess tutu twice and made it like 9 eps in both times but ended up not continuing for literally no explicable reason, which is unfortunate cuz i really liked the show when watching
Jan 9, 9:01 AM
Tsumi To Kisei

Nov 2021
Teizokurei Daydream because I thought it was more serious
and Sword Gai The Animation I hated how the protagonist thought
Jan 9, 9:03 AM

Apr 2016
oreimo, I thought for sure I would like that anime, but I was wrong.
Jan 9, 9:04 AM

Jan 2024
Taishou Otome Otogibanashi. In theory it has everything I like - historical setting, arranged marriage trope, sweet FMC. But I just could’t bring myself to watch past ep. 6. Ryou becoming a recurring character just rubs me the wrong way.
Jan 9, 9:05 AM

Sep 2016
Dropped Komi after 1st episode, couldn't stand the callow humor.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jan 9, 9:16 AM

Jun 2019
Monster - ADHD the anime. The first 12 or 13 episodes were on course for what I thought would be a phenomenal, highly-rated by me thriller series with elements of horror and police procedural mysteries, of which there's a dearth of in anime (even just for plain thrillers alone). I just couldn't take the incessant diversions.

Shinsekai Yori - I always saw (and this has persisted since) this anime mentioned alongside and constantly pop up in the recommendations for similar anime under some of my favorite series of all time - Higurashi and Shiki, which are both in my top ten. But early on it was striking and noticeable how much this series didn't grip me in the same way. Probably the biggest reason was that I found all the main characters portrayed (at least the ones revealed by the first three or four episodes) as comparably extremely bland.

Ghost Hunt - I love horror as one of my favorite genres (if you couldn't tell from my mentions of some of my favorites and the other series I mentioned thus far as dropped also being partially horror or horror-adjacent ones), and its horror appeal kind of gets central billing for this series, even in the name. My biggest problem with this one was two of the main characters to me are extremely unlikable and obnoxious Shoujo archetypes who just instantly annoy me and I can't stand watching either by themselves or with each other. Also, I wasn't aware before going into it and am not keen on how episodic it is, but that's more a minor quibble compared to how much these two characters rub me the wrong way.

Death Note - This one really shocked me. I didn't necessarily expect to love it or anything. I went it with a neutral enough attitude. Obviously I had heard of it beforehand (can't really say that was the case before starting to actually watch anime and become aware of the community/subculture as a whole though - never saw it referenced anywhere else) and obviously the premise interested me enough to try it, the same as any other series I try out. I found it unbelievably, disgustingly rushed. It was truly astounding to me, honestly. I had no idea, ever since I started hearing about this show, that it was something so rushed in presentation and how quickly conclusions are drawn. I thought it would be a much more nuanced, incremental story early on.

Great Pretender - Way too many asspulls, fakeouts, and just downright bad writing successively in one scene after another that to me it just became too much. Even though I long for more crime dramas and/or crime mysteries in a realistic world setting (non-supernatural) in anime. This actually managed to succeed in my mind in rapidly becoming more implausible than some supernatural series. I also dislike this trend in some mystery-type anime lately, embodied in this series, to show the audience a scene, make the audience think it was one thing, and then constantly go back after the fact and say "Actually, when you thought the characters were doing this thing onscreen, you didn't see Character X pouring a cleaning solvent into the boss's martini glass from behind their back with one hand. Now let us show it to you from a different camera angle!!!" Way way way overused fucking obnoxious storytelling technique. Other popular series which include the mystery genre like Yakusoku no Neverland had far too much of it also in my view. It makes you simply cease to care about anything you're seeing after a certain point, because you know it's fake or won't matter anyway because it'll just be explained away with something ridiculous in the next scene or next episode and then that very explanation will itself too be overturned and rendered moot ad infinitum. I really wish more series would get away from this writing style.

Dr. Stone - Love anything post-apocalyptic. Love the sciency background and accompanying info. Like Ghost Hunt with its stereotypical Shoujo tropey characters pissing me off, found the ones in this too annoyingly Shounen tropey and also just unpleasant in general and too loud.

There are more.
WatchTillTandavaJan 9, 9:25 AM
Jan 9, 9:25 AM
Jul 2018
Your lie in april

Jan 9, 9:28 AM

Mar 2023
I wanted to like AOT, but i only manage to watch the first season and never bother to watch the rest. I also wanted to like LOTGH but got bored and gave up 30 or so episodes in.
Jan 9, 9:33 AM

Mar 2017
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! - Maybe this kinds of anime not impressed me anymore.
under construction
Jan 9, 10:08 AM
Apr 2014
Ventus_S said:
I absolutely despise the mc for his irrational decision making, negative IQ, and man-child attitude

I wanted to say Hataraku Maou-sama S2 since I dropped it once but still ended up finishing it. The kind of humor that I was searching for was no longer there.
If I were to think of something else, it would probably be Oregairu S3. I don't remember if I attempted to finish it all the way, I just know that it became unbearable to watch at some point.
Jan 9, 12:56 PM

May 2021
Ventus_S said:
Do you have those anime series from the premises/ initial episode you thought you'd like but end up not enjoying it and drop it after a few episodes due to various reasons?

This might be a bit of controversy, but for me Vinland Saga is one of them.
I really enjoy the first 3~4 episodes and thought I'd like it.
But after the time skip I absolutely despise the mc for his irrational decision making, negative IQ, and man-child attitude.
So I end up dropping it at around maybe ep 7~8. I know the series' highlight is probably about the growth of mc in the end but i just dont think i have the patience to sit through this unlikable mc for so many episodes.

Do you guys have experience like this before?
If so, which anime? How many episodes did it last? Why did you drop it?

Well i can't blame you for dropping Vinland Saga if you hated Thorfinn that much 😅 characters can make or break a show
I personally really like his character though

Here's the things i was most shoked that i dropped

- Akatsuki no Yona
This basically gave off battle shoujo vibes + i really liked the character designs, first ep practically opens with Yona being very enamoured with her cousin... look i know these things were quite common in the past (and i'm assuming Yona doesn't actually end up with him in the end), i just think the show dealt with it poorly

- Assassination Classroom
Recommended by my cousin, was really enjoying the first eps... Irina killed it, if you've watched AssClass you can probs guess why

- Black Cat
Aesthetically this looked like a perfect fit, but pace was way too slow

- Cross Ange
This had a very interesting dark premise, but it was dealt with in the shittiest way possible

- Durara
Same as Black Cat

- Fire Force
Interesting premise, wack pacing

- Flip Flappers
Top tier animation and a story that looked like it was gonna be interesting... it ended up making me barf

- Fruits Basket (2001)
Saw some hilarious Kyo clips on youtube and thought the whole vibe was gonna be a bit of a dumbass comedy (with a good story to it too, i knew what the premise was), but the vibe was completely different from what i imagined and pace put me to sleep, maybe i'll have better luck with the remake

- Heroic Age
Was quite liking the more SOL scene, and the MC is so sweet :3 But the battle scenes have the pacing of an arthiritic snail

- Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Was expectibg toilet humor, got cheesy romcom

- Juu Ou Sei
Another thing i liked aesthetically, was expecting some grand survival adventure... zzzzzzzz

- Kill la Kill
Action packed, epic animation, terrible jokes

- Mugen no Ryvius
I usually really like Goro Taniguchi's work, but this early work of his has tons of pacing issues

- Shinsekai Yori
Had a great premise, bit confusing pace, but what killed it was ep. 8... you know what i'm talking about ShinYori fans

- Tenkuu no Escaflowne
From artstyle to story to characters i was loving everything about this, pace was a bit slow for my liking, but it had great improvement around the half way point, and then went straight into the toilet after that
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jan 9, 1:20 PM

Dec 2021
Cowboy Bebop: So boring to me LMAO unlike a similar series Samurai Champloo.

Anohana: This was not sad to me at all, it corny if anything IMO

Darwin’s Game: Hehe they had Ghost from Modern Warfare 2 and an Ending Song by Mashiro Ayano but aside from that? There are so many better Survival Game series out there: Fate/Series, Danganronpa, Deadman: Wonderland, and dare I say Future Diary which feels like what Darwin’s Game was trying to imitate.

Edit: Oops I actually didn’t drop these series aside from DaRwiNs gAmE on episode 10 or 11.
Jackof-allspadesJan 9, 5:47 PM
Jan 9, 3:17 PM

May 2021
Shikimori-san - The only series I dropped (not completely) without even finishing the first episode; I couldn't get into either the humor or the plot.

Jan 9, 5:43 PM
Nov 2023
I would say GTO: Greatest Teacher Onizuka. I liked it at first but it got to the point where the children were acting too unreastically to the point where I couldn't sympathize in the slightest, the teachers were too gullible and I know Onizuka is supposed to be dumb, but there's only so much stupidity I can take before it gets frustrating to watch and I lose respect for the characters. Couldn't finish it.
Jan 9, 6:26 PM

Sep 2021
I always go into every show with optimism, but the one's who disappointed me the most from premise are:
- Isekai Ojisan & Mashle - Both had a super funny premise, but ended up very boring to me.
- Bungou Stray Dogs - Usually I love unique fantasy settings with diverse magic, but I couldn't get over the pacing issues and plot holes.
- Buddy Daddies - Technically still "On-Hold", but as good as dropped. But it's my biggest disappointment ever. I love Spy X Family, I love good BL and I love usually anime originals. But all I got was a reminder how annoying children and bad parents are.

For shows I liked at first but went down bad, there's only Hametsu no Oukoku. I had very little hope for it, then got a pleasant suprise by a dark and interesting plot, only to have that navigated into a corner it couldn't get out of.
Jan 9, 6:55 PM

Mar 2022
attack on titan I tried pushing thru and got thru season 1(il be honest I skipped half of it) but it couldn't connect with me
Jan 9, 6:58 PM

Sep 2018
The ones that stand out to me

100 gf since I love harems and romcoms
Failed miserably to me

Fruits Basket since it was rated so high

Jan 9, 7:05 PM

May 2019

Watched 10 min... oh, nope, thankfully im not THAT depressed to require anime teraphy* or anything that series provide.

*(more like lobotomy)
Jan 9, 7:20 PM

Jan 2016
Probably One Piece, I wasn't able to create a bond with it. Characters were just okay, episodes weren't really what I was expecting. I still have some faith tho, this is my opinion from more than 10 years ago... but I'm just too lazy to try again.
Jan 9, 7:53 PM

Jun 2022
Most recent one for me is probably Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki, I thought for sure this is gonna be another your typical mmo isekai trash anime that I would at least consider ok and watchable but, this one is just.. no, I could've drop it but I had to actually force myself to finish it (or not cuz I was starring my phone the entirely time while mostly ignoring this anime xD).
cf52Jan 9, 9:19 PM
Jan 9, 7:59 PM

Jun 2023
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.
People gonna eat it up and say "oh this anime is just a girl who *accidentally* become Overpowered by max her def out and having fun in the game" but i see it with different perspective
what maple doing in this anime actually can change the META and could also broke the game. But as you can see, there's no change at all. No one question "wow how she even do that". The New World Online Community never asking why and how. There's no real consequence from what maple doing in the ecosystem of New World Online.

At that time i realize about it, it just ruin the fun of watching bofuri.
Jan 9, 8:09 PM
Jul 2017
Drop? Dropping a show? Not finishing an anime? Never heard of her.
Jan 9, 8:28 PM
Nov 2023
Yep, there was some I was so excited to watch just to flat out drop and tried pretending I didn't try watching. I remember being harassed cause I didn't like an anime, I mean, I didn't post that it sucked, I just told a now former friend I wasnt interested
and they got so mad at me.
Jan 9, 9:01 PM

Nov 2021
Rezero- just felt like a mess and didn't really like any of the characters. Dropped around episode 20 I think

Sangatsu no Lion - incredibly boring and pretentious

Your Lie in April - repetitive monologues and not a single enjoyable trait about the main characters. The music was tight though

Jujutsu Kaisen- honestly this one is kinda rough for me because I do want to like it and enjoy the seasonal discussions. I just can't get past the 2nd episode for some reason. I don't even think it's flawed or anything.

Jan 9, 9:27 PM

Aug 2023
Ghost Hound. It's made by the creators of Serial Experiments Lain and Texhnolyze. It has interesting premise, psychological thriller with real life psychological-medical terms. But the characters are kinda boring, and I don't get the direction of the story after several episodes. Plus, there are a lot scenes where the characters have "out-of-body experience" and turn into goofy looking ghost. I can't take that seriously.

I haven't fully dropped it yet. Maybe I'll pick it up again someday if I'm in the right headspace.
Jan 10, 5:43 AM

Feb 2021
Azur Lane, didn't drop it but it was incredibly disappointing for what I expected. I really tried to be lenient too, but nothing could save it after the last episode.

The Perfect Duo - has one who thinks and one who do's.
To have a party, there's at least two 

When the world is dark, and you feel near to end.
Just remember there's hope, in the form of a friend.

Jan 10, 5:48 AM

Aug 2020
Oe oe what do you mean "dropping Vinland Saga"? If you didn't like the Minecraft arc it means you didn't understand the concept.

Jan 10, 6:08 AM

May 2021
There are four that stand out to me

1- Buddy Daddies, I love the concept but the kid’s voice was like nails on a chalkboard and I’m not a kid hater at all it was just so bad

2- To Your Eternity, made me cry too much for how little I was invested in the plot so I had to drop it

3- Mieruko-chan, fanservice was super off-puttimg

4- Tokyo Ghoul, at the time I watched it the whole debate was AOT vs Tokyo Ghoul as they were both the hyped shows then and I tried so hard to get into it but to no avail

and I definitely know where you’re coming from OP, I was soo close to dropping Vinland halfway through season one but the last ep especially and season two of course made up for it
Jan 10, 6:14 AM

Jun 2021
wotakoi. Didn't actually expect a masterpiece, but not even what it actually turned out... the big bang theory of anime. Not many months have passed since i watched and dropped (three episodes before the end) and i completely forgot every name of the main cast (can only recall that Tomokazu Sugita had a role and felt sorry for him), that's how much they were all dull and connected to each other with unrealistic or even toxic relationships in my point of view. And the woman with glasses... really one of my most hated anime characters of all time.
Jan 11, 11:55 PM

Sep 2019
Tearmoon Empire.

What I saw of it(4 episodes) can be summed up as "to avoid the bad future I'm gonna be a nice person" and nothing else which very much failed to grab me compared to the somewhat similar How a realist rebuilt the nation. Sure Realist isnt the deepest series either, but at least it's execution was interesting enough for me to add it to the "may or may not read one day" pile and remember the character's names.

No disrespect intended for those who like Tearmoon
Jan 12, 12:17 AM

Apr 2017
Gungrave - the aesthetic looks very cool but the plot is predictable and the animation is terrible. Couldn't last for more than 2.5 episodes.

Sailor Moon R - lasted for 28 episodes, but couldn't stand Chibi Usa and all the fillers anymore. Plus, I already know what happens in the rest of the series, and there are too many episodes and too little time.

Shaman King 2021 - somehow lasted for 28 episodes hoping it'd become good, but it never did.

Shiroi Suna no Aquatope - lasted for 7 episodes. The animation is gorgeous but the "save the venue from shutting down" plot was already a cliché in the '90s and characters leave much to be desired.

Joshikousei no Mudazukai - lasted for 4 episodes. I thought I'd be getting something like Asobi Asobase, but this one has zero charm and the humor isn't funny.

Komi-san - lasted 2 episodes. The animation is lovely but, after reading how little progress there is in so many volumes, I decided I couldn't waste time on scraps of "character development" here and there.
Pande91Jan 12, 12:21 AM
Jan 12, 12:20 AM

Dec 2021
My Dressup Darling.

That time I was binging romcoms rapidly and this was the most trending. I thought it going to be wholesome or something that sort. I felt tired of Martin's shenanigans, Gojo's passiveness. The characters were very static. All I can think of it was being just a waifu-bait. And probably after that bathroom scene, I dropped it.

"𝑰𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒐𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔, 𝑰 𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔?"
» [JELEE] «
0:00 〇────── 4:47
↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡

Jan 12, 5:16 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to Pande91
Gungrave - the aesthetic looks very cool but the plot is predictable and the animation is terrible. Couldn't last for more than 2.5 episodes.

Sailor Moon R - lasted for 28 episodes, but couldn't stand Chibi Usa and all the fillers anymore. Plus, I already know what happens in the rest of the series, and there are too many episodes and too little time.

Shaman King 2021 - somehow lasted for 28 episodes hoping it'd become good, but it never did.

Shiroi Suna no Aquatope - lasted for 7 episodes. The animation is gorgeous but the "save the venue from shutting down" plot was already a cliché in the '90s and characters leave much to be desired.

Joshikousei no Mudazukai - lasted for 4 episodes. I thought I'd be getting something like Asobi Asobase, but this one has zero charm and the humor isn't funny.

Komi-san - lasted 2 episodes. The animation is lovely but, after reading how little progress there is in so many volumes, I decided I couldn't waste time on scraps of "character development" here and there.
Lmao as Shaman King fan I only lasted like 1x episodes b4 i drop
I only watched the last few episodes of the final ark that adapt from the manga finale which is not anime original like back then.
I actually hate more if the series i adored got shit adaptation , like Karakuri Circus (i gave manga a 10 but i dropped the anime in like 7 episodes or so)
Jan 12, 6:26 PM

Jan 2024
chobits.. ( ; ; )the art was GORGEOUS and a lot of girly accounts on Twitter hyped it up a lot. i went into it think it was a hearthrobbing josei about a robot learning about love. i dropped it after a couple of chapters cuz i was really uncomfortable with the way they objectified the robot girls and how suggestive it was. i’m still a big fan of clamp tho!
Jan 12, 6:53 PM
Aug 2022
One piece. After 130 episodes I finally threw in the towel.
Jan 12, 8:51 PM

Dec 2020
To name a few:

  • Spy x Family: I thought we were going to get an amazing thriller with spies and assasins and it turned out to be a slice of life about family.
  • Hells Paradise: one of the most boring shows that I've ever seen. It was somewhat bearable until they killed the only character that I truly cared about 8 episodes in.
  • Naruto: it had some very good moments but the pacing was so bad I couldn't continue it.
  • The Konosuba Spinoff: just boring. I underestimated how important having all the cast together was for the show to be funny.

There are a lot more animes that I don't like but I normally don't really drop them.
DarkFirefly72Jan 12, 8:54 PM
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness"
- Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0)
Jan 12, 10:46 PM

Apr 2017
Reply to Ventus_S
Lmao as Shaman King fan I only lasted like 1x episodes b4 i drop
I only watched the last few episodes of the final ark that adapt from the manga finale which is not anime original like back then.
I actually hate more if the series i adored got shit adaptation , like Karakuri Circus (i gave manga a 10 but i dropped the anime in like 7 episodes or so)
@Ventus_S Oh yeah, I loved the old Shaman King anime (haven't read the manga) and was so disappointed to see such a lifeless adaptation of it. I kept hoping it'd get good eventually, but at 28 episodes in I had to admit it wasn't happening 😅
Jan 12, 11:30 PM

Nov 2023
Aot had a very strong opening which set up a lot of interesting mysteries that made me dig further, however beyond the first few it just got distracted showing how cool the protagonist is whilst those mysteries either got shot down or put on hold. I got frustrated and dropped halfway through. waste of time

School admission x Family too but that one I forgot to continue it, Fine anime though
Ratris_DecisionJan 12, 11:33 PM
Jan 13, 5:17 AM

Jan 2021
Witch Hunter Robin from the opening, synopsis and trailers seem to be something that I would have really liked. But honestly it was so boring I dropped it after the Department got Attacked.
Sometimes it takes a real man to be best girl. Gilgamesh is also chad.

Jan 20, 10:30 AM

Nov 2023
"Anime that you thought you'd like but end up dropping?"

Currently no titles. Maybe in future I guess.

I know people make promises all the time
Then they turn right around and break them
When someone cuts your heart open with a knife, now you're bleeding
But I could be that guy to heal it over time
And I won't stop until you believe it
'Cause baby you're worth it
Jan 20, 11:22 AM

Aug 2018
most video game related anime, granblue, disgaea, specially Nier i had really high hopes for it but it felt very MID. Tales of Zestiria was only really because of ufotable and the only one i truly loved was cyberpunk ik cliche 😭😭. Tbf i liked Persona 4 (never mention Persona 5, shii i just did eeek)

Jan 20, 8:26 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to LowIqSalty
most video game related anime, granblue, disgaea, specially Nier i had really high hopes for it but it felt very MID. Tales of Zestiria was only really because of ufotable and the only one i truly loved was cyberpunk ik cliche 😭😭. Tbf i liked Persona 4 (never mention Persona 5, shii i just did eeek)
Agree a lot of this
And P5 animation is such atrocity.
And it's even made by A1. A1 used to be pretty inconsistent in production, but now it becomes a lot better.

Only outlier out there is Fate series, and again it's adapted by UFO mostly lolz.

Man, I feel making UFO lock into Demon Slayer for years is such a waste of talent and resources. There are so many better series out there to adopt.
Jan 20, 8:31 PM
Mar 2015
Is it ok that I dropped Jujutsu Kaisen? I'm indecisive about why I stopped, tho.
Jan 20, 8:37 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to DigimonSommelier
Is it ok that I dropped Jujutsu Kaisen? I'm indecisive about why I stopped, tho.
If you dont enjoy it, just drop it
You dont have to consent to the norm
Jan 20, 8:48 PM
Mar 2015
Reply to Ventus_S
If you dont enjoy it, just drop it
You dont have to consent to the norm
@Ventus_S No, no, I enjoyed it. I just stopped watching Season 2, which began without the main character. The protagonist Yuji Itadori eventually returned in this season, but I haven't seen it since. No hate on it entirely.
Jan 20, 9:07 PM

May 2019
Nana, it was so hard to get through with how slow the pacing and how dull the characters and the animation look. I might want to pick this up again in the future since I heard a lot of good things about it.

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