Honestly I really liked the first half of this anime, I think the author was writing the script very well, but in this second half it seems to have gone downhill a lot, I was very much in the hype the author was writing congruent scripts and gave congruent answers too but then it seems that he got lost, I was already noticing that there were several holes in the script as the episodes went by but this episode was the nail in the coffin, before continuing I want to say that this anime started 8/10 for me and even so I will keep this note but I was hoping he would reach 9+.
I can cite several inconsistencies in the script such as Ushio Sombra being the traitor, maybe many people simply accepted it but the author indicated/pointed in another direction, it makes no sense for the ushio that appears in the first episode to be Ushio Sombra, since she doesn't there was a necklace and this one in this episode has the necklace, everything indicated it was the real ushio who had found the shinpei at that moment, it seems that the author gave up on this idea in the middle of the story that is, he broke one of the pillars of the anime in each last, we also had haine running away from shinpei ala deus ex-machina when ushio had just died, we had Hizuru talking to Ryuunosuke as she had never used this skill before, she always spoke to him through her cell phone, we had the personality change from Ryuunosuke when he joined shinpei, we had this script hole at the end of this episode with Ushio changing the past but still starting a new loop and it was for everyone Not being alive as soon as haine was eliminated in the past, not to mention that ushio wasn't supposed to stay alive after haine died, there was this stop of several clone shides to exist, the right thing was to have only one shide, and this old shide to exist it doesn't make sense, we also had the return of ushio shadow, although it made sense and the explanation was coherent it's a very easy plot to make, it ended up not giving the weight of ushio's death, there was this necklace stop, as ushio transferred her memory for an object that was not a shadow or a real object being that for a weapon to be used and have infinite bullets it would have to be a shadow weapon, that is, ushio could not make bullets for an original weapon but she you can do this with the necklace.
Man, you can make a book only with inconsistencies in the script of this anime so everything I think this anime turned out well to those expected, so I keep my initial note, it's a shame I had high expectations about this anime, the author was passing all the clues that you could tell what was going to happen but he ended up opting for leaks of coherence making the script kind of shit, that's because I didn't mention the 2 plot twists out of nowhere, one in the festival episode, if I'm not mistaken it's the episode 3 where the shinpei was actually a shadow (which at the time I gladly accepted) but in the second where Mio Sombra had taken the place of tokiko even though the shinpei had told her to protect the real mio and they showed tokiko on the side of the door with my shadow near the car, that was very ugly author.
Sinceramente eu gostei muito da primeira metade desse anime, acho que o autor estava escrevendo o roteiro muito bem,mas nessa segunda metade parece que degringolou muito,eu estava muito no hype o autor estava escrevendo roteiros congruentes e dava respostas congruentes também mas depois parece que ele se perdeu,eu já estava notando que tinha vários furos de roteiro conforme os episódios iam passando mas esse episodio foi o prego no caixão, antes de continuar venho falar que esse anime começou 8/10 pra mim e mesmo assim eu vou manter essa nota mas eu tinha esperança dele alcançar 9+.
Posso citar várias incongruências no roteiro como a Ushio sombra ser a traidora, talvez muitas pessoas tenham simplesmente aceitado mas o autor indicava/apontava para outra direção,não faz sentido a ushio que aparece no primeiro episodio ser a Ushio Sombra, visto que a mesma não tinha colar e essa desse episodio tem o colar, tudo indicava era a ushio verdadeira que tinha encontrado o shinpei naquele momento ,parece que o autor desistiu dessa ideia no meio da historia ou seja ele quebrou um dos pilares do anime na cada dura,tivemos também a haine fugindo do shinpei ala deus ex-machina quando a ushio tinha acabado de morrer, tivemos a Hizuru falando com o Ryuunosuke sendo que ela nunca tinha usado essa habilidade antes, ela sempre falava com ele por meio do celular,tivemos a mudança de personalidade do Ryuunosuke quando ele entrou no shinpei,tivemos esse furo de roteiro no final desse episodio com a Ushio mudando o passado mas mesmo assim recomeçado um novo loop sendo que era pra todo mundo estar vivo assim que a haine fosse eliminada no passado, sem falar que não era para a ushio permanecer viva após a haine ter morrido, teve essa parada de vários shides clones existirem, o certo era ter só um shide,e esse shide velho existir não faz sentido,tevemos também a volta da ushio sombra, embora tenha feito sentido e a explicação tenha sido coerente é um plot muito fácil de fazer, acabou não dando o peso da morte da ushio,teve essa parada do colar,como a ushio transferiu a memória dela para um objeto que não era uma sombra ou seja um objeto real sendo que para uma arma poder ser usada e ter balas infinitas ela teria que ser uma arma sombra, ou seja a ushio não poderia fazer balas para uma arma original mas ela pode fazer isso com o colar.
Cara da pra fazer um livro só com incongruências no roteiro desse anime por isso tudo acho que esse anime ficou bem a quem do esperado, por isso mantenho minha nota inicial,é uma pena tinha bastante expectativas sobre esse anime,o autor estava passando todas as pistas direitinho que dava pra saber o que ia acontecer mas ele acabou optando por fugas de coerência tornando o roteiro meio merda,isso porque eu não citei os 2 plot twists do nada,um no episodio do festival,se eu não me engano é o episodio 3 onde o shinpei na verdade era uma sombra(o que na época eu aceitei de boas) mas no segundo onde a Mio Sombra tinha tomado o lugar da tokiko mesmo o shinpei tendo falando para ela proteger a mio verdadeira e mostraram a tokiko do lado da porta com a mio sombra perto do carro,isso fui muito feio autor.