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Oct 13, 2019 11:32 AM

Dec 2017
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Interview #200 - @Shinah ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Shibe Lord

“Oof, send memes.”

Interview conducted by: @Mimurona
Reviewed by: @TheMariqua & @Skittles

Could you tell us more about yourself?

Hello there. I'm Shinah, but most people call me Shin. I am from Romania and currently 22-years-old. I graduated this year from college and I'm currently working. I'm pretty much an introverted person, but I will open up if I get to know you. I’m pretty shy. I’m most of the time very calm and rarely get truly pissed.

To be honest, I'm not really ambitious nor have big goals, although I love travelling. I’ve already been in more than 15 countries and I plan to visit more. Most memorable thing so far was travelling to Japan last year; I absolutely loved Tokyo and Nara. I’ve also been to New York early this year, which was quite the unique experience. Exploring new things and new cultures is always wonderful for me.

I’m a lil' bit nerd-ish. I have a collection of Gintama action figures that I love. If I see a cute keychain, I'll buy it since I have a huge collection of those. I also love making and drinking coffee. I’ve been a barista for almost two and a half years. I’m a true coffeeholic :P

I don’t know what else to say since I find myself quite boring tbh. Apologies for the terrible English... I tend to make grammar mistakes quite often.

TheMariqua: Thankfully I’m here to proofread this. Nobody will know of the mess you did here. Nobody but me

How did you choose your username?

My username is the name of a character from Akatsuki no Yona. In 2015, I watched Akatsuki no Yona with a dear friend and ended up discussing the cast for hours. I really liked the character Shinah since he’s related to the color blue (which is my favorite color). I choose his name as my username because how it sounded. Shinah wasn’t my first username and I had no intention to keep it this long, but I've heard the name pronounced in so many different ways that it's become a memorable thing to me. Almost everyone asked me how to pronounce this name or if there is a deep meaning to it. I decided to just keep the name.

Could you give us a brief history of your time on MAL?

I made the account in 2013 to list anime and manga. I used the site only to keep track of what I was watching or reading and nothing else. Sometime in late 2015, one of my IRL friends told me that I can share my opinions with other people on anime episodes through forums, which is how I discovered the MAL boards. I started using the site more often and I found myself reading lots of reviews. Not long after, I asked around for good recommendations and found myself posting on the Anime and Manga Recommendations (AMR) board quite often. I helped others with discovering new anime and made some friends. During this time, I found Forum Games (FG) and met some great people there. Around mid to late 2016, I got into posting in MAL clubs and card-making, though I was terrible at making cards back then. I had a lil' bit experience with editing from my Tumblr days using Pixlr, GIMP, and Photoshop. Through posting in clubs, I befriended @Kunii, who told me to be a card maker in more clubs because I’m really good. Even to this day, I have some dear clubs that I still love (unfortunately most of them are dead). I’m not a card maker anymore because I got busier with time, but I still post in clubs from time to time. I got some experience with editing and I make my forum sets and profile layouts. I quite love messing around in Photoshop, heh. I can be found posting on FG nowadays.

Any users you like/dislike? Why?

I usually like everyone that I interact and get along with. My friends list has around 300 people currently and I feel like half of them that I talked with are worth mentioning, but I won’t do that. I will try my best to name just a few. In no particular order:

@Stellapuer is a great friend I have a lot in common with. I enjoy talking to them. One of the best buddies here :D

@Kuroko-chan is a nice person and has a great attitude. I love that he’s true to himself and very honest.

@PrinceBelial is pretty fun and chill. She’s always open for a chit-chat.

@Yorozuya-no-Yume is someone who's presence I love on FG. She is probably the friendliest person I have ever met on MAL.

@Karote aka Fragie/Lu is a sweet user whom I like talking to. She’s a good listener.

@Mimurona is a friendly Romanian buddy and a fellow Danganronpa fan! Thanks for the interview, Mimu :3

Mimurona: Anytime :)

@Username is often misunderstood. He can be really funny when he wants to.

@TheMariqua is an interesting individual, he has lots to say. Please stop saying I’m an alcoholic cuz I like tuica. :< Sarmale ftw.

TheMariqua: Dude, I never called you an alcoholic. Stop confusing your sarmale-induced acid trips with reality.

@MajinBreaker is an easygoing buddy. We both share a past in TMC, and I’m glad I’ve been a part of this great club.

@charnel and @Doctor-Doom are my best Brawlhalla buddies. They are merciless in the game so be aware of them. They are both nice and I enjoy playing the game with them :3

@AnimePixelz and @Complainer are both so nice and sweet. I enjoy talking to them. <3

Now the users that are not really active anymore here. I’m just gonna mention them because I miss them a lot:

@Kunii @TimeToRepent @Crimson @busan @Clint

I don't dislike anyone on MAL. I tend to dislike people when they are mean, but not for long. I'm not really the type to hold grudges.

How did you get into anime/manga?

I grew up watching shows like Naruto, Shaman King, and Yu-G-Oh!, but never really considered them anime or realized the medium was a thing. Got introduced to the word “anime” by a friend in middle school when he told me about vampire anime such as Vampire Knight and Hellsing (the original). I enjoyed them a lot, and I said to myself that I should try watching more anime. What really got me into watching more anime was Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu. The movie is still one of my favorites, which I enjoy re-watching often.

Could you recommend us three of your favorite anime/manga?

Only three??? Okay.

Koe no Katachi – This beautiful story... I LOVE everything about this story. I recommend the manga since it's on another level. The movie doesn’t cover the entire manga and skips an important arc. Both the movie and manga have their charms, but I recommend reading the manga first before watching the movie.

GintamaGintama is a weird anime. There’s something for everyone in it as it's the ultimate troll anime. The gorilla, the sadist, the glasses guy, the old woman, the China girl, the anpan freak, the trap, the mayonnaise addict, and the silver-haired samurai who eats far too much sugar; you will get attached to all of them. Gintama is a must-see.

Neon Genesis Evangelion – Yeah, great plot. Watch NGE, I highly recommend it.

I also recommend watching Jojo :P

What are your hobbies outside of anime/manga and MAL?

I love travelling, which I mentioned earlier in this interview. Besides travelling, I love listening to music. Whether I'm out going to work or shopping, lying on my couch in the living room, or getting ready in the morning, I am always listening to music. I like any kind of music as long as it sounds good. So, I don’t particularly have a favorite genre, but I'm mostly a fan of indie rock and synthwave. If you have any recommendations, hit me up.

Since I used to have two dogs and had to walk them a lot, it became a habit for me to take long walks from time to time. I also like watching movies and TV shows in my free time. I love spending the weekend nights watching something on Netflix.

I was a tennis player for five years. I never miss the chance to play some tennis or badminton with friends.

How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to your fellow moderators and admins.

I don’t have any issues with the moderators/admins. I’m thankful to those that still keep this place up and do their stuff right. I know moderating a site it’s not easy. I wish there were more manga mods :(

Your MAL bio says you’re a coffeeholic! How do you like to prepare your coffee?
from @lu_ul

Yes, I love coffee! Some sugar, milk, and a good amount of cream. I will just drink coffee with milk if I don’t have sugar or cream. If I go to a coffee shop, I tend to get mocha or cappuccino. Pumpkin spice latte and Irish coffee are other favorites of mine.

Sorry if I’m wrong, but if I remember correctly, you studied computer science in university. What made you decide to choose that major?
from @lu_ul

Yep, I studied CS in college. Studying CS was my third option. The other two were either being a pilot or military doctor. My dad was against the first one and the military medical school had very strict rules; I tried for it but I didn’t get in. The basic training was not for me. I choose CS because I had a thing for applied math and algorithms. Plus, my high school friends applied for math and engineering schools, so we had this in common.

What is the meaning of your username and why did you choose it?
from @Kuroko-chan

There’s no special meaning to it. It’s the name of a character from Akatsuki no Yona, the best dragon :p I like the character very much.

What made you create an account on MAL?
from @Kuroko-chan

I don’t remember how exactly I found MAL. I needed a site to keep track of what I was watching and reading, so I made an account here. What a great decision, heh.

How popular were you in high school?
from @Kuroko-chan

I had a group of around 3-4 very close friends. I wasn't particularly popular outside of that group. I was likable because I was helpful, but I always tried to stick to my group. I wasn't treated poorly, but I wasn't popular either. I hated getting attention. High school was somewhat fun to me, even though it was a strict high school.

Does anybody IRL knows that you like gay stuff?
from @Kuroko-chan

Nope, only my aunt knows I’m reading yaoi manga because she saw me reading one. She asked me what it is and we talked about it. She was totally fine with it and even told me about some gay books she once read, that's all. She never told anyone else. Besides her, nobody else IRL knows I like yaoi/yuri.

Would you like to have a gay best friend?
from @Kuroko-chan

Sure, I think that would be cool.

Gal, I want a Rabbit session with yaaa. When will you be around again?
from @TimeToRepent

I miss you come back to my life.

TTR <3 I’m glad to see questions from you! I’m usually free in the weekends. So, hit me up whenever you want to watch something. Rabbit is not working anymore, so I don’t know what else works.

How are you enjoying life after graduation?
from @TimeToRepent

Oof, it’s pretty tiring. I’m working right now and I’m getting busier day by day. I plan on doing a Master's degree this year (or maybe next year) and hopefully with work and college my life won’t be that tiring. Overall, life after graduating has been pretty good. I’m still trying to fix my sleep schedule.

What is a present you've always wanted for your birthday or Christmas, but never got?
from @TimeToRepent

A motorcycle tbh. I have always wanted one, but everyone is against the idea. Even my friends think is a bad idea. Sad times. ;((

Excluding your home, what is one place in the world you'd definitely stay at your whole life?
from @TimeToRepent

Hmm, my grandparents’ house. They got a huge house and lots of pets. It’s like one of those houses from movies with lots of animals and old stuff lying around. I’d love to have such a house and spend my time around lovable cute animals.

Would you rather live in a world of magic or superheroes?
from @TimeToRepent

Superheroes, definitely. I’m not a fan of magic worlds.

Isekai is my least favorite genre.

If you were stranded on a desert island and you can only take three things with you, what would they be?
from @TimeToRepent

I’d take a tent, a knife, and lots of water with me. A tent to rest well and protect myself from wind; a knife for fishing and hunting; and lots of water in order to stay hydrated.

How has your romantic life been? How many crushes or dates you've had before? Were they online and/or IRL?
from @Karote

Oh god, these questions… why Karote…

Pretty damn complicated. I've only fallen in love twice. I'm not sure, I don't even know if I've been truly in love. I’ve been in two relationships and the longest lasted two months. Both were IRL. The reason they both didn't last was because of me. I was focused on something else other than my relationships. ‾_(ツ)_/‾

What are your thoughts on love?
from @Karote

What is love?
Baby don't hurt me, don’t hurt me.
No more.

Okay, enough jokes. For me, love is complicated and a very powerful feeling. I believe it’s cute to experience love and feel loved.

What's the inspiration behind your MAL layouts?
from @AnimePixelz

The Tumblr themes and music. Listening to music inspires me lots.

Does it take long to decide on the themes for your layouts?
from @AnimePixelz

Hmm, it depends. If I find pretty art and I’m motivated, it won’t take me more than a few hours to get everything done. But I procrastinate a lot, so sometimes it takes days to come up with something. If I want something more complicated or a big GFX layout, it can take me months.

When was the first time you tried bubble tea? What do you get when ordering bubble tea? Which flavors do you like the most and why?
from @AnimePixelz

I tried bubble tea for the first time during my internship in China three years ago. Since it was summer and really hot outside, one of the colleagues suggested to bring bubble tea to everyone at work. I tried the classic one for the first time and it was love at first sight <3 I’ve only tried the classic, salted caramel, and black sugar. The classic flavor is my favorite because I find the other two a bit way too sugary.

Bubble tea for life <3

If you had to determine a song that describes you the most, which would it be?
from @Yorozuya-no-Yume

It’s hard to say and choose just one. I feel like every song by Woodkid (the Golden Age album, to be more specific) describes me. One song that really calls to me is "Keep Slipping Away" by A Place to Bury Strangers, which I will link below in a spoiler. "Cold" by Rich Brian is another song that perfectly describes me.

Why is your manga list private?
from @Username

It’s not private anymore. My manga list outdated. I read over 250 titles. I’m too lazy to update everything.

How do you think people on MAL see you? Your opinion of your online reputation?
from @Stellapuer

I think most people have a good view of me. I'm usually told that I'm calm and caring on forums. Most people close to me see me as a weird one, kinda unpredictable or quiet because of how I act (I tend to be moody at times), but overall a good friend who likes helping others. I don’t think I have a solid opinion on my online reputation. I’m doing and saying what I usually do, and I don’t necessarily care what people that I've never talked with think of me. I’m a very typical INFJ extrovert introvert.

If you didn't have to work and had a daily stipend covering necessities and leisure activities, what would you do?
from @Stellapuer

I’d buy and take care of dogs and cats. Lots of dogs and cats.

What's something you look for in a "good" anime or manga? Alternatively, in your favorite characters?
from @Stellapuer

Hmm, I don’t know. I think a good anime should have an interesting story and relatable characters. I’m just watching anime or reading manga for fun, so I’m not exactly looking for something in particular. As for favorite characters, I think I look for something that “clicks”, something that attracts me to them.

What's something about the current internet culture that you like? Something you don't like?
from @Stellapuer

Something I like about the internet culture is the diversity that it offers. The communities and fandoms that share their opinion on celebrities/idols on social media. I feel like this connects people in a way. Oh, and the memes. I love the memes.

Something I dislike about the internet culture is the amount of hate and ignorance people think they can put online, things they would never say to anyone in real life and how blind some people can be.

Which countries did you like visiting the most? And why?

Japan for sure. Two weeks wasn’t enough. There’s so much to see in this beautiful country. USA is second and Netherlands is a close third.

What type of people you love the most?

A tough question.

I like people who are unconditionally kind. Those who listen and value what you said. The ones who are humble and caring.

If you were to make a Discord server, who would you choose as your trustworthy admins and mods? Why?

I have a love-hate relationship with Discord, so I doubt I will ever make a server or a group on my own again. Maybe just emote servers. But if I was forced to make one or have to take care of one for a friend, I will go with anyone who’s willing to help, has experience, and is active.

What's your favorite type of humor?

I don’t know, lol. The kind that makes me laugh. I can go for any kind of humor, but the ones that really get me are dark and sarcastic jokes.

What made you passionate about tennis?

Back in middle school, I wanted to play a sport that involves using a huge amount of strength. I tried any kind of sports, including volleyball, basketball, and oina (kinda similar to baseball), but nothing suited me until I tried tennis. I love the mixture of strength, speed, and endurance the sport requires. I played tennis for about five years. In a tournament, I fractured my wrist and was put on break for a while. During that break, I decided to stop and think about my future more seriously.

Which forum sets were your proudest creations?

I have few sets I like a lot. I once won MAL Best Signature Design with this signature. I would say this is my proudest. For the second, I will go with this one featuring Rantaro Amami, someone I like a lot. And because I love the Jojo series and am finally up to date with the anime and memes, I will go this signature featuring my favorite antagonist, Diavolo.

Skittles: Some based signatures, particularly that first one!

As for layouts?

I will mention a top three as I did for sets.

This one for the nostalgia.

Lonely to Organdy is one of the cutest BL manga I have ever read. I love this manga so much that I made this layout when The Weeknd released his album, My Dear Melancholy. I found the songs quite appealing and relatable to this manga.

Since I love Boku no Hero Academia very much, I made this layout featuring one of the best bois, Hawks. Surprisingly, this layout won a contest held by Candy Kingdom, a MAL club I'm in.

Do you see yourself leaving MAL in the near future?

Hmm, probably not. I see myself taking breaks but not leaving, at least not in the near future.

Any feedback on the interview format?

Nope. I like the format. It's okay.

Is there something unasked you would like to talk about?

Hmm, nope.

Could you recommend us three users from which we can choose to interview in the future? And why?

I would love to see an interview from @Stellapuer ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡~)

@Kuroko-chan deserves an interview.

@Username the Tsundere King needs to be interviewed. Everyone would definitely like to know about him, kek.

That's the end of the interview. Thank you for your attention.
MimuronaOct 13, 2019 12:32 PM
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Oct 13, 2019 11:43 AM

Oct 2015

Dang, I wish I'd been able to ask some questions... ;-;
Great interview though!
and lucky Shinah got interview 200 o.o
Oct 13, 2019 6:36 PM
Jul 2015
it finally happened!! i enjoyed reading ur interview shinah uwu
and ty for tagging me ;w; and ur the nice and sweet one smh
original bubble tea for the win!! c:

Oct 14, 2019 8:17 AM

Dec 2012
Back to your life? Your wish has been granted you sweet thing 😃

A very fine read about one of my favourite users and best friends from this site. Surprising how we two can be so similar in many things. Guess it is not a coincidence we got to know each other :^)

Well you know, we can now use Discord's screen share feature 😝

Come to Argentina someday or you'll leave me no choice to find a way to go visit ya 🤭

Love you @Shinah 😍 don't change please!!!

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Oct 18, 2019 1:21 PM

Dec 2014
Make it alive.
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Nov 8, 2019 5:04 AM

Jan 2018
fuuuu superheroes tobey maguire is the only one. Easy to read was going back and forth to confirm that I've read it all

credits to mariqua I guess, my grandma came back to life.
Nov 29, 2019 10:23 PM

Feb 2016
obviously, this is very late, but thanks for the shout-out! this interview was a treat to read.

also koe no katachi 👍

i like soup

Dec 7, 2019 2:21 PM

May 2013
I'm glad to hear people enjoyed reading this interview, love y'all.

Thanks for the interview @Mimurona. Still can't believe I'm #200, heh.

Feb 17, 2023 9:16 PM
Dec 2017
first thing in the dictionary when you see sexy is shinah

Mar 9, 2023 3:15 AM

Jul 2009
@Shinah Three years late but yeah godlike interview, had fun proofreading this, good stuff good stuff yessir mhhhm

Mar 9, 2023 10:19 AM

May 2013
Crow_Black said:
first thing in the dictionary when you see sexy is shinah


Skittles said:
@Shinah Three years late but yeah godlike interview, had fun proofreading this, good stuff good stuff yessir mhhhm


Three years later and i am still a cringe nerd 😭
Thanks for proofreading 🙏

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