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May 3, 2019 6:21 AM
Apr 2015
Who are going for Pokémon Detective Pikachu?
May 3, 2019 7:03 AM

Jan 2018
I will watch it, it is really good film!
May 3, 2019 7:13 AM

Jan 2017
When I saw the first trailer I was anything but excited for the movie. But the last trailer has me hype. I don't think it will will a GOOD movie but I think it'll be a fun ride for pokemon fans like myself
May 3, 2019 1:09 PM
Aug 2018
Gonna watch it with my friends next week!!!
May 3, 2019 4:29 PM

May 2011
I'm so excited to see it. I don't know if I'll find anyone to go with me, though. ._.
May 3, 2019 10:33 PM
Feb 2014
It looks decent to say the least. Of course the wacky pop culture references will be a turn off but I have high expectations for it and want it to do somewhat good. The designs for the Pokemon aren't furfagbait level cringe like Sonic's film has.
May 4, 2019 12:45 PM

Feb 2018
Pokemon was never a big part of my youth as I/my parents couldn't afford the games/merchandise. As such, I have no strong opinions about this muuvie, other than feeling confused about the point of it. It doesn't seem to make much sense, canonically, based on what little I know about any aspects of the franchise.

All I can say is that Pikachu looks super-cute in it. I might buy a cheap copy eventually for that reason alone.
May 12, 2019 6:08 PM

Jul 2014
The movie was okay. It felt like a typical family-friendly detective story, just with Pokemon in it.

There's nothing bad in it, but it doesn't innovate much, although I liked the Pokemon designs.

D-ohnutsMay 14, 2019 5:07 PM
May 13, 2019 2:47 PM

May 2018
If you're familiar with the trademark Pokemon, this might be a fun experience. At least it was for me at quite a bunch of scenes.
I had only one big gripe, and that was the final conflict at Ryme City where the writers literally threw any common sense out of the window. But then again, this part of the movie was really short, so it wasn't all that bad, luckily.

By the way, that reveal at the end before the credits start rolling

really cracked me up. Didn't see that coming.

May 13, 2019 5:39 PM

Jul 2017
Just seen Detective Pikachu and it was alright. The plot and mystery was kinda dumb and there were a lot of boring scenes, However, the first half was spectacularly well done and had tons of great moments between the Pokemon of Ryme City and the partnership of Tim and Pikachu. I also find that the dancing Pikachu video was far more enjoyable than the movie, but what do I know?

May 14, 2019 7:05 AM

Jan 2018
Still haven't watched it yet, but i'll consider watching it once i go to doctor.
May 14, 2019 9:13 AM

May 2014
This was the best live action movie adaptation i've seen, with Alita being second. You can really tell they've done their research and as a Pokemon fan it was great to see that. They read their Pokedex entries! What makes me more excited is the potential for future Pokemon Live action movies. I think a sequel to detective pikachu is already confirmed, though i'm not sure how that'd work.

I give it an 8/10. I'd definitely watch it again.
May 14, 2019 7:20 PM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
I watched it this past Saturday. It was really fun and it immersed me much more than I thought it would. Predictable as hell (I called that ending the second the trailer came out) and not anything really new but I think as a fan it hit a lot of sweet spots.

My only complaint in the grand scheme was that there wasn't as many pokemon in the movie. Like there was a core set and many of them were copy pasted. Like I know making those models must've been a huge deal so I get it. But seeing Greninja and Joltik everywhere broke my believability at a few points. There were a few others like this as well but seeing the Squirtles (;w;)<3

May 17, 2019 2:52 AM

Jan 2019
I'll watch it today at 8pm with my friends. I hope it's good :p
May 18, 2019 3:34 PM

Jun 2008
Saw it....and I gotta say....


Ok, so it’s NOT perfect, some of the jokes fell kinda flat and obviously some of the Pokémon look REALLY weird.

But, without spoiling I’ll say some of the good stuff...

>Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu was a GREAT decision! He really carried the movie.

>The Story is actually pretty clever, and considering everything it was executed pretty well.

>Psyduck gets a lot of screen time and I quite enjoyed that since I always felt Psyduck was underrated in the anime.

>This movie respects the Pokémon world very well...many of us that grew up watching Pokémon as kids will definitely catch a lot of the references that they make.

Overall, I think there WAS some cringy moments, and some of the acting is not the best, but if you want a fun movie that almost everyone can enjoy, ESPECIALLY people who grew up watching Pokémon...then Detective Pikachu is for you!

8/10...I’m not going to be so harsh on the acting and CG because honestly, they did a great job considering it’s not easy going from animation to real life.

I would definitely watch it again, there’s a few scenes that were absolute GOLD, and I’m now kinda hoping we see some sort of continuation.
May 18, 2019 6:12 PM

Jun 2016
This has got to be the most retarded idea for a movie I've ever heard.
May 18, 2019 7:53 PM

Feb 2018
Lost_Viking said:
This has got to be the most retarded idea for a movie I've ever heard.

See, that's what I was thinking, but hoping, as a "pokemon outsider", I might be able to to appreciate it in spite of.

More honest input like this, please.
May 19, 2019 2:17 AM

May 2018
Lost_Viking said:
This has got to be the most retarded idea for a movie I've ever heard.

casual_filth said:
Lost_Viking said:
This has got to be the most retarded idea for a movie I've ever heard.

See, that's what I was thinking, but hoping, as a "pokemon outsider", I might be able to to appreciate it in spite of.

More honest input like this, please.

Excuse me but that person is hate-talking because of the idea of such a movie alone, he/she has at the VERY least seen the trailer but that's it. You are in NO position to talk, literally.

So for Lost_Viking, thanks for your 100% useless and baseless input, next time write something more than a one liner (about something you have seen and actually gave a chance, because you clearly didn't. This would aplly to any medium by the way.)

And for you casual_filth, thanks for the input that you consider such a one-liner shit post as a honest opinion, I'll enjoy how you will ashame yourself in the next discussion thread. Other than that, everything that I mentioned for Lost_Viking, can be considered by your persona as well.
May 19, 2019 6:44 AM

Jun 2015
looks like a childrens movie, and not the good kind. Im sure making the 3d pokemon was a huge moneysink, the detective idea is tired and overused, it undoubtedly lacks any relevant bit of self awareness, and ultimately looks like a nostalgia based moneygrab. If you're gonna watch entertainment aimed at kids, there's much better stuff out there. I even have some listed on my profile. Anyways, if I havn't made it clear enough already, I won't be going to see this, as I can think of much better ways of spending an hour or two of my time that don't give me social anxiety. I might pirate it later though and watch it with a friend, just for the "so bad it's good" sharknado type meme. I will say the pikachu dancing video does slap though.

Oh also, I feel pretty much the exact same about the sonic movie.
May 19, 2019 7:29 AM

Feb 2018
ArrRti said:
Lost_Viking said:
This has got to be the most retarded idea for a movie I've ever heard.

casual_filth said:

See, that's what I was thinking, but hoping, as a "pokemon outsider", I might be able to to appreciate it in spite of.

More honest input like this, please.

Excuse me but that person is hate-talking because of the idea of such a movie alone, he/she has at the VERY least seen the trailer but that's it. You are in NO position to talk, literally.

So for Lost_Viking, thanks for your 100% useless and baseless input, next time write something more than a one liner (about something you have seen and actually gave a chance, because you clearly didn't. This would aplly to any medium by the way.)

And for you casual_filth, thanks for the input that you consider such a one-liner shit post as a honest opinion, I'll enjoy how you will ashame yourself in the next discussion thread. Other than that, everything that I mentioned for Lost_Viking, can be considered by your persona as well.

Is this a joke? I really can't tell with this place anymore.
May 19, 2019 7:52 AM
Jul 2018
I watched it yesterday, it was alright. A mulatto with daddy issues is basically the plot. The Pokémon designs are great, and Detective Pikachu is the star attraction.

But mayne, one of the few pet peeves I have in this world is the pronunciation of Pokémon. When someone pronounces it "POH-KUH-MAWN"... ohhhee child! Oooh child! Stupid as hell. The correct pronunciation is "POH-KEE-MAWN" (like the word key), or "POH-KAY-MAWN" (like the letter k). Some of the cast will say kuh or kee, and sometimes in the same sentence. Yeah, I'm just bitching lol
May 19, 2019 10:05 AM

May 2018
Yes, the joke in here is you considering some crap like "This has got to be the most retarded idea for a movie I've ever heard." is honest input in your eyes.
Quote @xaow if you really have the urge to agree on some negative honest input but not THIS useless one liner.
May 19, 2019 11:09 AM

Feb 2018
It's only a movie. A children's movie at that. Calm down.
May 19, 2019 12:01 PM

May 2018
Will not.

The internet has beenflooded by this crap in recent years. People who do nothing but hate talk and making one liners. The topic doesn't matter in that regard. Important or not.
In real life the same people wouldn't even try to "argue" that way because they know they can't get a coherent sentence out of their darn mouth and people will call them out. With actual consequences for their puny ego.
May 21, 2019 3:33 AM
Feb 2014
I saw it the day after it came out in theaters and I don't have any strong feelings; positive nor negative about DP. The main takeaways are that I really enjoyed the sounds of the film and the ending credits were so visually pleasing and the acting in general was better than I predicted. On the other hand, I was annoyed by Ryan Reynolds making Pikachu sound like he's a character from a wacky sitcom or whatnot and the twist at the end seemed a bit out of place. But there's definitely some positives as well as negatives with this so credit's given when it's due.

May 21, 2019 5:00 PM
Jul 2018
I’m going to probably see it in a couple of weeks, and I think it’ll be a nice little nostalgia trip with some funny moments... Nothing more nothing less.
May 21, 2019 5:08 PM

Sep 2018
I saw it a week ago, no masterpiece but it was a lot of fun to watch and see all the live action Pokémon. It made me really happy, being a fan for Pokémon essentially my whole life, it’s fun imagining living with Pokémon like that. I also like how they give you cards with the ticket similar to what they did with the ancient mew cards for the first movie, I collect rare Pokémon cards so it’s cool to have something like them that probably will be hard to get in the future.
May 22, 2019 10:58 AM

Oct 2015
i thought it was an okay movie and pikachu was sooo cute i wanted to hug him every time he came on screen ;n; and the details of the pokemon were pretty good too.
⠀     ‧     ⠀
May 22, 2019 4:17 PM

Apr 2016
hotsushikun said:
I will watch it, it is really good film!

I like how you can tell it's good before watching it, shows that us supreme human creature have the ability to perceive into the future with our third eye ability
May 22, 2019 9:56 PM

Jun 2015
when I saw the trailer I was like NOP, nah.... but then it was cheap and I had time so watched it.

had super low expectations, and some gripes from the trailer,

The black guy was too pasty, turns oout his dads ryan reynolds, so that makes sense.

He also wasnt a fuckin teen, he had the 3rd most soul crushing job so he's more relatable than a kid. hes like 22.

good film
Jun 8, 12:29 PM

Nov 2009
[Sry about reviving an old thread if that's an issue] [wasn't sure if I should make a new thread or use this old one, the only other thread is a "for club only posters" and this is the only public thread] [There's no other threads for Detective Pikachu nor a Netflix/ Streaming thread]

___ ___ ___

Anyways, Finally watched Detective Pikachu on NETFLIX in the US (took them years to finally lift the restrictiion to watch the film on Netflix without using a VPN to watch it on other countries Netflix...)

But man... I have A LOT of things to say about this film... mainly about the "Plotholes" and "Awkward scripts"

I was wondering why this film got a fairly bad score from review sites (take in mind that I haven't actually checked or read about this film summaries and such since it's initial release in theaters).

But now I can see why some fans raged about this Live Action Pokemon Film.

___ ___ ___

Lets start from the beginning...

* Were they serious when they set up MC (Tim) to catch a Cubone at 100% HP with a REGULAR Pokeball? What in their right mind think that was going to work? lol

* At the "City", they said "no battle, no trainer, no pokeball"... YET... everyone expect everyone to have a partner pokemon... aka "TRAINER"... (or in this City, sort of Master Servant relationship since Pokemons still obey the Humans even if they're not "captured")

(Now jump to the end, cause the middle was all pretty much original stuff that's just talking and searching on clues.)

* Apparently in a Super containment sphere that holds Mewtwo... a tiny electric shock was enough to cause the whole system to go down, you would think they have a layer system or backup generator attached in cause of a blackout... lol

(The anime had Mewtwo overpower the sphere himself to show his power, this movie makes him look a lot weaker)

* Not to mention, somethings doesn't line up... they showed at the end of movie, they prepared the capsule at DAY ONE, and then said Mewtwo was spotted in Kento region, which is correct. But at the very Beginning of the movie however... they said the evil company was developing Mewtwo themselves using Mew DNA... which already happened in another region (Kento)... so there shouldn't have been any sort of evidence of the company making their own Mewtwo as the end of movie showed they were just going to capture and NOT make Mewtwo. There were no Mew DNA in the lab anywhere when the MCs were at the lab looking around.

* And some other weird part... not sure if the people that made this movie actually knows what's up or they just went with random... Why is Cynthia at Ryme city as a reporter? Did she quit her career as Pokemon Champion? And they gave her a fairly bad personality... "Oh, you, go make me a coffee" like she doesn't give a shit about what anyone else is trying to say.

* The very end revealed MC's dad's mind was inside Pikachu, ok, sure... but... why tho? Why did Mewtwo need the son to HEAL the father? The father's body was damaged? but why do you need the son to repair the body? HUH? couldn't you just heal the body regularly or even bring him to a Hospital in another city or something? They also never showed how the Father's body was "repaired"... it just sorta happened off-screen at the very end of the movie... when Pikachu and Father's mind was separated again. Another thing... exactly how was Mewtwo able to transfer the Father's mind into Pikachu in the first place? The movie explained you need the Gas "R" to make the pokemon go into a crazed state to actually transfer minds without a "neural-link". Meaning... if Mewtwo could transfer people's mind at anytime... couldn't he have just transfer the "bad guys" into random weakass pokemon and problem solved... but nope... Mewtwo does nothing.

(The very end of the movie when Mewtwo "fixes things", the Pokemon with people's mind in it is still under the Gas's influence, whereas the Father and Pikachu wasn't)

* More importantly... what did they do with the mountain sized Torterras?... imagine if that was actually capturable... and if they can actually use "Moves"... Did they just left them there? or did they find a way to "kill them"?

___ ___ ___

* Lastly, I heard a long time ago they were making a Sequel to this... but wonder what happened, searched a bit on it... and... apparently they were suppose to already be worked on back in 2019 almost right after this Film aired, and was going release a sequel back in 2022. However reports said it got cancelled... but then near the end of 2022 year, people were saying they were going to release a Sequel in 2024 (this year), and some other said 2025. And current rumor is they will release a Sequel near the end of 2024 (this year)... which I really doubt with how the timeline seems to keep on getting pushed back, lol.
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Jul 16, 1:37 PM

Dec 2018
amlg said:
Anyways, Finally watched Detective Pikachu on NETFLIX in the US (took them years to finally lift the restrictiion to watch the film on Netflix without using a VPN to watch it on other countries Netflix...)

But man... I have A LOT of things to say about this film... mainly about the "Plotholes" and "Awkward scripts"

I was wondering why this film got a fairly bad score from review sites (take in mind that I haven't actually checked or read about this film summaries and such since it's initial release in theaters).

But now I can see why some fans raged about this Live Action Pokemon Film.
I watched this movie in theaters back then and have grown up being a huge Johtoddler, and even I agree that it's really not that amazing as others hyped lol
Jul 16, 7:43 PM

Feb 2016
I tried the game back when it was translated and found it utterly awful.
Aug 1, 11:11 AM

Jan 2018
i watched it a bit on netflix and decided that sleep is better.

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