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Dec 30, 2012 6:07 PM

Nov 2011
So among the 8 parts of JJBA, which part is your favorite?

For me, Part 3 is the best. The most badass JoJo vs the most badass villain in the series, can't ask for more. The villains for other parts isn't as interesting as Dio.

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Jan 2, 2013 12:20 AM

Sep 2011
Phantom Blood.

Don't hate.
Jan 2, 2013 7:20 AM

Jun 2012
Can't choose between Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable. These two parts are perfects !
Jan 2, 2013 2:27 PM

Aug 2011
SBR is my favorite.

The art and the story are the best in here, Gyro is one of my favorite manga characters ever and it's more serious than any of the other parts.

My ranking would be: 7>6>4>3>1>5>2
May 11, 2013 3:48 PM
Aug 2012
i read up to part 6 so far and Diamond is unbreakable was the best one.
Kira was the best villain so far and it was just amazing..


i just started 6 and i didn't read 7 or 8
Jun 20, 2013 4:14 PM
Jan 2013
Steel Ball Run for me.

My Ranking: 7, 4, 8, 6, 3, 5, 2, 1
Sep 5, 2013 4:58 PM

Nov 2011
SBR here. My order is like this:

7 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 1. Too early to judge Jojolion :P
Oct 14, 2013 10:29 AM

Feb 2012
I caught up with the manga some time ago and yeah, I'll got with SBR too. Just really cool and original feel for JoJo's and battle manga in general with a nice chemistry between the two heroes. Jojolion is building up some kind of mystery so no telling there yet.

I do like the general buffness and gar in the first three parts, though first was lacking some polish. Diamond is quite fun in its own way too, but 6 and 5 both tended to dwelwe into some serious weirdness after initially cool setups.

I'd say:

Dec 1, 2013 7:03 PM

Apr 2009
Kind of old topic, but I recently joined the club so I wanted to at least make one post.

My ranking goes like this:

7 > 6 = 1 > 3 = 4 > 2 > 5

Like a lot of others, SBR is definitely my favorite... loved all the characters, the story, setting and art.
I like part 6 just a tad more than part 1. I really, really loved Phantom Blood... as for the others, 3 and 4 are equal, since they are radically different from each other but just as good, then two and then Vento Aureo.

Of course, I do like them all a lot though.
Jan 28, 2014 2:58 AM

Sep 2012
1) Diamond is Unbreakable
2) Steel Ball Run
3) Battle Tendency
4) Stone Ocean
5) Vento Aureo
6) Stardust Crusaders
7) Phantom Blood

Not counting Jojolion as of right now.
Feb 23, 2014 5:34 AM

Jul 2012
1) Steel ball run.
2) Diamond is unbreakable.
3) vento aureo.
4) Battle tendency.
5) Stardust crusaders.
6) Stone ocean.
7) Phantom blood.
Mar 10, 2014 1:10 PM
Mar 2014
Worst to Greatest in my opinion (omitting part 8)

1: +Started JoJo
- Art was hilariously out of proportion
- Extremely bland and generic characters

3: +Introduced Stands
+Dio got some development
+Final battle was my favorite in the entire JoJo series
- Main cast was uninteresting
- Extremely dragged out
- I swear Polnareff was more of a main character than JoJo

5: +Started off strong
+Cool Stands
- Worst and most convoluted final battle in the series
- Just didn't like it

4: +Started off strong
+One of the most unique and interesting villains in the series
+Interesting setting
+Jotaro gets some much needed development.
- I wished Koichi and Okuyasu got more spotlight.
- All over place, and plot suffers for it.
- I wished Josuke's and Joseph's relationship was explored a bit more.

2: +One of the best JoJo's in the series
+ Interesting villains
+ Plot focuses on the main villains, so there's not a lot of enemy padding to keep between the main characters and the villain (I'm looking at you, Part 3)
- Biggest Deus ex Machina to beat the villain

6: +Female JoJo
+Favorite main cast
+Interesting setting
+Dio gets a lot of development
+Jotaro gets a lot of development
-Curb stomp final battle
-Bittersweet ending

7: +Johnny gets really good development
+Paraplegic JoJo is very interesting
+All the characters are good
+Interesting story concepts
+Wild West setting
+REALLY cool Stands
+It's cool seeing alternate universe characters
+Araki's art reached it's zenith
Apr 24, 2014 4:37 AM
Mar 2011
That feel when you're the only one voting for part 5 :(
Apr 30, 2014 6:58 AM

Jul 2011
I like HIPSTERMOONCAT's approach. So I will do that as well, from least favorite to favorite:

Stone Ocean
+ Interesting setting and female Jojo give it a cool vibe
- Stand battles start to feel dragged out, often feel ridiculous/forced (which says a lot for Jojo)
- Cast is good, but strangely under-utilized so it ends up frustrating (Weather Report mainly, although the cast was split up basically the entire thing)
- Bad ending and anticlimactic final fight
- Boring villain with boring Stand(s)

Phantom Blood
+ Hokuto no Ken with zombies/vampires
+ The main trio ends up being quite memorable despite their short time together (especially Speedwagon)
- Art is pretty bad overall, mostly distinct for Tetsuo Hara influence
- Rather generic story and fights, although the Dio fights are generally good
- Limited by its brevity, could have been more interesting with a bigger cast and larger scope

Steel Ball Run
+ Very impressive art, Araki's best
+ Best Dio (having him in a somewhat neutral position made him able to be utilized more than ever)
+ One of the best final battles (Valentine, although High Voltage was good too)
- Mostly uninteresting Stands
- Few standout characters (beyond Gyro and Dio and Johnny at times, no one was very intriguing)

Vento Aureo
+ Best fights in the series
+ Stands are absolutely wild and creative, very entertaining stuff (King Crimson is one of Araki's coolest Stands)
+ The strong sense of unity among the cast made the already urgent battles feel even more dangerous and tense
- Character design is kind of goofy, barely resembles previous parts
- Jojo isn't very compelling, Bruno steals the show for the most part

Battle Tendency
+ The Pillar Men are very interesting and unique villains
+ Joseph is one of the best Jojos by far
+ Incredible fights, not a single boring one
+ Entire cast is interesting and well utilized
+ Ending sequence (coliseum and final Kars battle) is beyond satisfying, a highlight of the entire series

Diamond is Unbreakable
+ Cast is great and diverse, awesome and hilarious Jojo
+ The best antagonist, perfect placement pacing wise with the previous antagonists focused on high stakes goals (so the series doesn't fall into the loop of having to constantly top itself)
+ Genuinely funny moments
+ Jotaro is utilized well without stealing the spotlight from the new Jojo, gets good development and shows how he's changed since SC
+ Laid back pace and setting ends up being surprisingly entertaining and welcomed

Stardust Crusaders
+ Very memorable and nuanced cast, everyone adds something to the mix and watching the characters grow and become a team is great
+ Some of the coolest Stands design wise, the most iconic main cast of Stands
+ Great balance of humor and intensity, creates the mold for the rest of the franchise
+ Jotaro is the best Jojo for fans of stoic manly characters
+ Final battle is unforgettable, possibly one of the best battle sequences in the medium
Dec 9, 2014 11:11 AM
Jun 2014
7 > 2 > 5 > 6 > 4 > 3 > 1
Jan 5, 2015 5:57 PM
Mar 2010
Ordered favorite to least favorite:

1) Diamond is Unbreakable
+ Kira is my favorite villain in the series
+ The balance between action and wacky humor was spot-on throughout
+ A great cast of characters who all see solid development cycles
+ Builds off the storytelling formulas established in previous parts, but does something new in scaling the conflict down to a single town

2) Steel Ball Run
+ Gyro and Johnny are two of my favorite protagonists in all of JJBA
+ Funny Valentine is one of the most intelligent villains in the series
+ The setting is very creative, and I enjoyed the parallels that SBR drew to the other six parts of JJBA
+ A more serious story makes for a more entertaining narrative, and it feels like Araki had a pretty clean-cut idea in mind when writing SBR
+ Some of the Stands are ridiculous, but in a great way, as many are utilized in ways we had not previously seen

3) Stardust Crusaders
+ Arguably the core of the Jojo's experience
+ A great cast of goofball heroes, all of whom play off one another brilliantly
+ Dio is a fun and flashy villain, more so than in Phantom Blood
+ Many of the lesser villains still left a strong impression long after they had been defeated

4) Vento Aureo
+ A wonderful main cast, all of whom receive plenty of time in the spotlight
- On the flip side, while Narancia, Mista, Fugo, etc. get their time to shine, it sort of drags away from Giorno so much that I didn't find him to be a particularly interesting protagonist
+ The few ties to Diamond is Unbreakable are nice early on for setting the stage, but I'm glad that Vento Aureo sort of paves its own path with the mafia story
- Diavolo is a boring villain, and even by the end of the series, we don't know all that much about him
+ Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power

5) Battle Tendency
+ Joesph is far and away my favorite Jojo
- I loved the Pillar Men in concept, but by the end of the series, the only one that I really liked was Wham, as ACDC was just a strange (and sort of gross) individual, and Kars didn't exactly make the best use of his newfound powers
- My feelings toward Ceaser were simply 'meh'
+ Stroheim was friggin' hilarious
+ Did well to craft a larger tale off of what Phantom Blood established, and similarly provides a nice transition into Stardust Crusaders

6) Stone Ocean
+ Conceptually, I though this was one of the coolest ideas of any of the Jojo's parts
+ Jolyne is my second favorite Jojo
- Supporting cast members are very much hit-or-miss, and some of them don't get a real chance to shine until very late in the story, when the pace is picking up and heading towards the climactic finale
- Too much time spent in the prison
+ Foo Fighters was a great addition to the story, and was one of the few elements that brought out the classic Jojo's feel of an action-comedy balance, instead of the otherwise more serious tone of Stone Ocean
+ The late chapters are fantastic
- The time it takes to reach those chapters is not
+ Pucci is an absolutely brilliant villain

7) Phantom Blood
+ Classic tale of heroism against seemingly impossible odds
- While Jonathan is a noble protagonist, he's not the most interesting guy when compared to most of the other Jojos
+ Presents a more simple storyline than the other parts of JJBA, and does well at staying on track while exploring the fantastical elements and supporting cast members
- Because it is of a more simplistic and single-minded nature, the narrative is just not as exciting as in most of the later parts
Mar 25, 2015 3:48 AM

Jul 2014
Diamond is Unbreakable
Apr 6, 2015 3:33 AM

May 2012
1. Battle Tendency
2. Phantom Blood
3. Diamond is Unbreakable
4. Vento Aureo
5. Stone Ocean
6. Stardust Crusaders
im currently reading part 7 now, its pretty awesome.
sorry for my bad English
Apr 14, 2015 5:33 PM
Jun 2014
1. Steel Ball Run
2. Battle Tendency
3. Diamond is Unbreakable
4. Vento Aureo
5. Stone Ocean
6. Stardust Crussaders
7. Phantom Blood

Currently reading part 8.
Apr 18, 2015 12:03 PM

Dec 2014
Diamond is Unbreakable...

Josuke is the best Jojo.
Blacksmithrage5Jun 2, 2015 3:08 PM

Nov 21, 2015 9:08 AM
Oct 2015
I chose Diamond is Unbreakable because the town of Duwang is just GREATO DAZE. And it introduced the best character ever, Kishibe Rohan (also I'm so glad we get to return to, original timeline, Morioh in the anime).
---------------/ _)
-------.-^^-/ /
Dinosaurs are awesome!
Mar 30, 2016 7:48 AM
Mar 2016
Well,based in the part's i've read,Battle Tendency i considere the best!
May 7, 2016 4:32 PM

Dec 2013
Rohan Kishibe and Yoshikage Kira at the same time (Josuke, Joseph and Jotaro too)!!
Part IV of course!!
JoJo is life!! You should know that.
May 10, 2016 8:43 AM

Jul 2011
My favorite is Diamond is unbreakable but mainly because all my favorites except Kira lives but it is closely followed by Steel ball run uvu

More shitposting @kirakirakill3r
May 12, 2016 8:48 PM

Feb 2016
Phantom Blood and Steel Ball Run for me.
All parts have their own charming points, but those two are my favorites so far.

[It's actually funny how Part 4 seems to be pretty popular overseas.]
Jun 8, 2016 8:28 AM

Jun 2015
SBR and Diamond is Unbreakable are the best parts.
Aug 5, 2016 1:55 PM
May 2016
Aug 30, 2016 2:15 AM
Sep 2015
Steel Ball Run

My Ranking For All Parts Are: 7>4>6>3>2>5>1
Sep 1, 2016 2:35 AM
Feb 2015

7.Battle Tendency
6.Phantom Blood
5.Stardust Crusaders
4.Diamond is Unbreakable
3.Stone Ocean
2.Vento Aureo
1.Steel ball run
EpicDeadXWOct 8, 2016 11:59 AM
Oct 13, 2016 6:41 AM
Treasure Hunter

Feb 2014
Anime-only viewer here (reading the Manga once Diamond finishes) und my list looks something like this:

1) Battle Tendency & Diamond
2) Stardust Crusaders
3) Phantom Blood

I like Phantom Blood, really like Stardust Crusaders
and absolutely love Diamond and BT, mostly because Diamond has so many fun, memorable characters, an interesting villain and so many great moments, while BT has my favorite JoJo whose every second on screen I enjoy, one of my favorite character dynamics with him and Caesar.
Among many other strong qualities, but every JoJo Part is great in its own way.
There is nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, wearing their discomfort like a favorite shirt - Johnny C.

Oct 27, 2016 6:10 AM

Nov 2014
Well, it's been awhile since i finished part 7 and i guess excluding the part 8 (since it hasn't finished yet) my list would probably something like this :

Part 4=Part7>/=Part 6>Part 3>Part 5>Part 2>Part 1

1) Phantom Blood
+ The beginning of JoJo
+ Unpredictable Ending
- Dio is a boring villain which is just evil for the sake of being evil
- Probably the least interesting main cast
- Also the least interesting plot in JoJo to date
- Most battles are boring even the final battle felt underwhelming

2) Battle Tendency
+ Joseph is hilarious and entertaining to watch
+ The chariot battle is thrilling & awesome
- Joseph beat the whole Pillar Man by himself made the rest of the cast kinda useless
- Kars is probably one of the worst if not outright the worst villain in JoJo
- MC won the final battle with using one of the worst asspull in the entire series

5) Golden Wind
+ Interesting stand concept and stand battles
+ Some of the side characters get a plenty screen time which make us felt invested toward them
+ Gold Experience Requiem has one of the most amazing abililty that i've ever seen in fiction
- Fugo being dropped in the middle of the series
- Uninteresting and underdeveloped villain, like someone mentioned above, even until the end we never really know about Diavollo as a character

3) Stardust Crusaders
+ The introduction of the concept of Stand which would become one of the most important part of JoJo as a whole
+ The very concept of travelling to Egypt while visiting another countries (and learn a bit of information of said country) is an interesting concept for me
+ The final battle is one of the best in the whole series so far
- Most of the enemies are forgettable (especially in the beginning) due to the amount of the opponent that the crew have
- The lack of character development for the crew (IIRC Polnarref is the only one with a major development within the crew)

6) Stone Ocean
+ Have an interesting villain that actually have a significant motive to do his things
+ Major character development for both Jotaro and Jolyne
+ Have the best final battle and the best ending in the entire JoJo franchise so far
+ Have an unique yet mindblowing stand ability (Made in Heaven, Bohemian Rhapsody, Underworld, etc)
- One of the major drawback of this part is the fact that the main cast never really work together until the final battle

7) Steel Ball Run
+ Have one of the best JoJo, the best Zepelli, and the best Dio
+ Johnny Joestar is the JoJo with the most developed as a character to date
+ Have the best plot compare to other JoJo's part
+ Awesome stand battles and mystery
+ Funny Valentine is the best main antagonist in JJBA to date
- Sandman is a big wasted potential
- Some slow start and a rather underwhelming stand battle in the beginning of the series

4) Diamond is Unbreakable
+ Have the best main casts in the entire JoJo's series
+ Have a laid back atmosphere which make them become far more unique than most of JoJo's part
+ Yoshikage Kira is a great main antagonist that ironically become very interesting because of the reason that he isn't overwhelming his opponents with his ability but using his brain to deal with them
+ Have some of my favorite stand concept & ability in the whole series (Heaven's Door & Killer Queen)
- The main antagonist just get introduced in the middle part of the story which make the beginning become somewhat slow and unclear because there's no objective that have to be done
Izanagi777Oct 27, 2016 8:03 AM
Reality is the lifeblood that makes a work pulse with energy. Reality itself is entertainment

Nov 16, 2016 5:14 PM

Nov 2016
My list is...
1) Steel Ball Run
2) Vento Aureo
3) Jojolion
4) Diamond is Unbreakable
5) Stone Ocean
6) Stardust Crusaders
7) Phantom Blood
8) Battle Tendency
Dec 15, 2016 7:12 AM

Jul 2014
For me it goes like this:

Part 1 and 2 < Part 3 and 4 >> Part 5, 6 and 7

I think Part 1 and part 2 were a good start, the series was at its highest with part 3 and 4, and from part 5 onwards it lost most of its charm.

Phantom Blood.
+ I loved the gothic atmosphere. The only one of this kind in the franchise.
+ It introduced the Dio-Joestar rivalry, which is one of the best things of the series.
+ Best ending of the series.
+/- The plot is linear and short but also consistent, opposed to later parts that often take unexpected directions because of poor planning.
+/- The MC is very “classic” and not that much noteworthy. But still very likeable.
- The art style of the first half is inconsistent and just bad.

Battle Tendency.
+ It introduced the characteristic humor of the series, and the MC is the funniest of the bunch.
- The villains are among the worst of the series.

Stardust Crusaders.
+ It introduced the Stands, and has the most memorable stand fights of the series (together with part 4).
+ Best main cast as a whole.
+ I liked the linear and episodic structure of this part. The goal was clear and every chapter was a little step forward with a new exciting stand battle, as simple as that. Very entertaining and satisfying.

Diamond is Unbreakable.
+ I loved the laid back atmosphere.
+ Many unforgettable characters, especially Rohan and Kira.
+ Brilliant structure. Seemed like an anthology of different stories.
+ Very interesting stand fights.

Vento Aureo.
- Many things seemed very random.
- Worst MC.
- Most stand fights were boring and weird. Especially the last one.
+ A few fights were very entertaining though.
+ I liked King Crimson.
+ Nice main cast.

Stone Ocean.
- The last fights are the worst of the franchise. The stand powers were too strange and I felt very bored and I’m talking about the last 5 volumes, so that’s an huge downside. Especially since the previous chapters Bohemian Rhapsody and Jail House Lock were awesome.
- Horrible ending.
- Boring main villain.
+ Great MC, and I also liked the versatility of her stand.
+ Nice premise and characters.

Steel Ball Run.
- With very few exceptions, boring and uninteresting fights and stand powers. Especially the last ones.
- Boring main villain.
+ Best character design of the franchise.
+ The racing parts were good.
Aria-da-CapoDec 15, 2016 3:19 PM
Jan 26, 2017 6:59 AM

Aug 2016
Really tough to choose between 4 and 7. In the end, I love the characters and atmosphere of part 4 and I prefer Kira to Valentine. Plus there's no Jotaro in part 7. I love Jotaro. 7 had the coolest stands by far, but we really only got to see most of them once. In part 4, most of the characters are recurring so we really got to know them and look forward to their next appearance. (Props to the Valentine fight, though - that was seven volumes of pure awesome.)

Still reading part 6 and I've not read part 8 yet (don't sue me for reading out of order), so I can't say for sure that one of those won't become my favorite. But until then, it looks like 4 is best, with 7 close behind.

I feel like 2 is kind of overhyped; the fights never really did much for me. I feel like 1 and 3 are underhyped - Dio is amazing. 5 has some of the best stand battles (Greatful Dead/Beach Boy) but also some of the worst (King Crimson/Chariot Requiem). I like what I've seen of 6 so far, but the pacing between fights seems kind of wacky.
Stacys__MomJan 26, 2017 7:12 AM
Feb 20, 2017 5:39 PM

Feb 2016
Battle Tendency, Stardust Crusader, Diamond is Unbreakable, Steel Ball Run and Jojolion.
SMT <3
Mar 20, 2017 11:32 AM

Mar 2017
1. Steel Ball Run
2. Vento Aureo
3. JoJolion
4. Stone Ocean
5. Stardust Crusaders
6. Battle Tendency
7. Phantom Blood
8. Diamond is Unbreakable
Go Johnny, Go !
Apr 23, 2017 3:36 AM

Jun 2014
Rated after my enjoyment:
1.Diamond is Unbreakable (Just because is animated and always I prefer action animated, so the best as anime)
2. Steel Ball Run (As manga the number one for me)
3. Stardust Crusaders
4. Stone Ocean
5. Vento Aureo
6. Battle Tendency
7. Phantom Blood
8. Jojolion (I don't want Jojolion to be the last, but I just started it, so for sure I will put it on an higher place soon)
After all, I love them all, they are to different and special to choose what I like the most...
Apr 24, 2017 5:19 PM
Oct 2015
I'm not far enough into Part 8 yet to judge it.
May 15, 2017 4:26 PM
May 2017
I want to say something important. Some people thinks that panthom blood is a bad-very bad part, and I thought that too. That was until I read over heaven, if you don't like panthom blood you MUST read it. For those that don't know it's a novel, not actually very canonic because it wasn't write by araki (it was wrote by a very famous japanese writer), but it gives a new way to see DIO's character

You have to read Stone Ocean before reading over heaven, but it's an amazing expirience. The novel is about the perspective of DIO of the brando vs joestar fight, by the legendary diary that DIO wrote (it was mencioned in stone ocean) during the stardust crusader. You'll even learn about the relationship of DIO and the D'Arby brothers, even about how he found Enrico Pucchi. If you read all this thank you, and read over heaven
Nov 1, 2018 11:24 AM
Feb 2018
I am a REALLY BIG fan of Jo Jo and my heart belongs to it and I can t live without it.
However i am currently reading Jo Jo part 5 Vento Aureo so it will be i while untill I finish off all the parts and decide.

Nov 26, 2018 4:10 PM

Sep 2018
Tough choice between Battle Tendency or Steel Ball Run, both had a lot of personality and are extremely memorable. The art in part 7 was AMAZING and I loved so many of the characters, I was hooked. Absolutely beautiful.
And for part 2, Joseph was an extremely entertaining protagonist, need i say more. I was always anticipating what he was gonna do next. This is the part that pretty much what sold me on Jojo and I’m so sad it’s skipped because there isn’t any stands.

Gotta love them Joestar/Zeppeli duos.
Jun 2, 2019 2:34 AM
Aug 2018
Batte Tendency is the fucking best part and Joseph is the fucking best JOJO
Jun 13, 2019 1:39 PM
Jun 2019
Steel Ball Run. That's when JoJo really goes from an entertaining battle manga with interesting elements to a straight masterpiece. Everything is in sharper focus, from the art to the relationships of the characters. Also Funny is an amazing villain.
Oct 3, 2019 5:09 PM
Oct 2019
Parts 6 and 7. And if need to choice between each other, I choose the 7th one as my favorite.
Oct 14, 2019 3:16 PM
Jul 2018
im going for battle tendency because of its quirkiness and how smart mouthed joseph is
Oct 22, 2019 9:37 PM
Oct 2019
stardust crusaders is my favorite part and ive watched all parts and currently reading part 6 so didnt really know any other part further than 6
Oct 23, 2019 8:05 AM
Oct 2019

Not-A-NormiOct 23, 2019 8:08 AM
Oct 23, 2019 8:14 AM
Oct 2019
Oct 23, 2019 8:15 AM
Oct 2019
Oct 23, 2019 8:16 AM
Oct 2019
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