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Does the anime industry have different definitions for "mature" and "dark"?

Oct 11, 2016 11:10 AM
Aug 2015
Yes, it's time for another one of these.

It seems that anything that contains just a drop of blood is rated 17+ and many anime fans (and probably the industry as well) think that's what makes an anime dark and mature. Is it the viewers' fault for having low standards, or the industry's for hiring incompetent directors?
archaaiOct 11, 2016 12:35 PM
Oct 11, 2016 11:16 AM

Feb 2013
On_the_Lam said:
It seems that anything that contains just a drop of blood is rated 18+
[citation needed]
no it doesn't...
Oct 11, 2016 11:21 AM

Mar 2012
how do you know its not just us westerners who are giving it the 18+ rating and not infact japan?
Oct 11, 2016 11:22 AM
Aug 2015
EcchiLordMamster said:
how do you know its not just us westerners who are giving it the 18+ rating and not infact japan?

I never stated, nor assumed that. I did base my statement solely off MAL though.
Oct 11, 2016 11:35 AM

Mar 2012
On_the_Lam said:
EcchiLordMamster said:
how do you know its not just us westerners who are giving it the 18+ rating and not infact japan?

I never stated, nor assumed that. I did base my statement solely off MAL though.

oh shit, i misread what you were saying lol... well idk, probably not
Oct 11, 2016 11:38 AM

Jun 2015
Yet another consensus in media where all the blame is put on anime, eh?

To answer, the anime industry doesn't misconcieve the definition; people do. Look no further than Sausage Party and Mr. Pickles. This kind of thing is evident in both anime and and Western media alike.
Oct 11, 2016 11:40 AM

Feb 2016
Blood is a dark theme overall and thats a fact. Most anime with blood arent rated 18+ so basically think of another idea and make a new post, see you

Oshii is probably the only director that loves dogs. He thinks he's a dog himself.

That's right, its slime! It will dissolve your clothing slowly before my eyes!

Oct 11, 2016 11:47 AM

Mar 2014
Wouldn't blood and Mature animes being rated together seeing as both could be graphically shown to the audience.
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Oct 11, 2016 11:49 AM
Oct 2016
i love anime since birth, i think this is a good industry since 80's
Oct 11, 2016 11:51 AM

May 2014
One word... Naruto. Your argument is invalid.
Oct 11, 2016 11:56 AM

Aug 2014
give me like 10 shows that do not deserve the R+- rating, which isn't even depended on the blood and violence, but nudity, which leads me to assume you might mean the 17+ rating, but MAL literally says that's just for violence/profanity and would be translated to 16+ for western media, probs. It's only for 'realistic' violence, use of drugs, amount of swearing... There is just specific quantifiers that determine it

I thought people just took ratings with a grain of salt, though, so I don't know why you're taking it so seriously.
Oct 11, 2016 12:07 PM

May 2016
Nowdays, if a show has a drop of blood or some nudity the same is rated as mature.

"Mature" is not in the sense of a complex thing, but in the sense of something that someone with an lower age should not see.
Oct 11, 2016 12:25 PM

May 2016
I think it is just a Japanese (and maybe rest of east Asia because I know China is like this) thing that blood and gore are seen as worse than in the west. Sexual content, I think is the reverse.
Oct 11, 2016 12:29 PM

Aug 2014
Isn't it the same for Hollywood industry?

Now you can't say those Horror or Comedy teen films are 18+, right?
The Expendables and its kind are in the same circle too, dumb action with violence. Most Tarantino films too.
Are they dark and mature and 18+? I dont think so.

So the whole age rating system is flawed.

Though in Anime R+ is the equivalent of movies R-rated.
Most anime are either Pg-13 or R-

I think Anime industry treats its shows the same as hollywood, so any violent or boobs scene will result in R rating regardless if its real people or drawn characters.
Personally I consider R-rated stuff to be 16+
Oct 11, 2016 12:37 PM
Aug 2015
demonskul777 said:
give me like 10 shows that do not deserve the R+- rating, which isn't even depended on the blood and violence, but nudity, which leads me to assume you might mean the 17+ rating, but MAL literally says that's just for violence/profanity and would be translated to 16+ for western media, probs. It's only for 'realistic' violence, use of drugs, amount of swearing... There is just specific quantifiers that determine it

I thought people just took ratings with a grain of salt, though, so I don't know why you're taking it so seriously.

Yes, I did mean 17+. My mistake.

Klassical said:
Isn't it the same for Hollywood industry?

Now you can't say those Horror or Comedy teen films are 18+, right?
The Expendables and its kind are in the same circle too, dumb action with violence. Most Tarantino films too.
Are they dark and mature and 18+? I dont think so.

So the whole age rating system is flawed.

Though in Anime R+ is the equivalent of movies R-rated.
Most anime are either Pg-13 or R-

I think Anime industry treats its shows the same as hollywood, so any violent or boobs scene will result in R rating regardless if its real people or drawn characters.
Personally I consider R-rated stuff to be 16+

R in general is a quite flawed rating, because it can vary between being 15+,16+,17+ and straight 18+ material. It also doesn't work that well with TV either, since not much graphic material can be shown.
Oct 11, 2016 12:58 PM

Oct 2013
swordmasterman said:
Nowdays, if a show has a drop of blood or some nudity the same is rated as mature.

"Mature" is not in the sense of a complex thing, but in the sense of something that someone with an lower age should not see.

Exactly, I don't know why people are over complicating things. Do you think people that do the ratings have time to watch the series, then make a subjective view on whether this series had realistic/complex theme and story? Come on, be realistic here.

Not only that, this is so subjective, one person may find this anime "mature" but another person did not, and what decide these conclusion most time is simple whether someone like that series or not.

So the way it is now is simple and not complicated, if it has blood and nudity it is for a older audience. It really does not mean the series is mature, a series for a older audience does not equal to it being mature, it just means this series is not appropriate for a younger audience.

If we were to go with your views, then plenty of kids would be expose to nudity, blood, violence ect.
Oct 11, 2016 6:36 PM

Dec 2012
They should make an Anime that focuses solely on teen girls on their periods, and rate it +17.
I'm never wrong. I once thought I was wrong, turns out, I was mistaken.
Oct 12, 2016 2:27 AM

May 2015
This is the same method in the West.

It doesn't mean the anime is mature, but merely that it has 'adult content'. It's harsher content that causes immediate emotional reactions, so we'd prefer if kids wouldn't be exposed to it. Their minds (supposedly) aren't fully developed to comprehend these images.

An anime is mature if it has a mature worldview, explores its topics from various viewpoint and has depth. A lot of mature anime are actually aimed at kids since they can't get by with blood and tits.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 12, 2016 2:33 AM

Jul 2014
you DO know that the age ratings on MAL are purely chosen by MAL users, right? They have nothing to do with the official ratings.
Oct 12, 2016 2:38 AM

Jun 2016
in my views, anime that tag as mature, are those who have nudity, brutal and violence.

if we say dark, its almost the same thing I think.

The world is cruel, ugly and pitiful. Let's watch anime and make it colorful
Oct 12, 2016 5:00 AM

Apr 2014
Yes, ofcourse, just look at shows like Great Teacher Onizuka, light hearted, but really mature. And than there is Akame ga Kill, edgy as fuck, and not really mature.
Oct 12, 2016 5:07 AM

Mar 2015
i found it kinda outstanding when a cute funny chidish series in surface but have really dark mature behind it... i need more of them.. stuff like pupipo always welcomed...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Oct 12, 2016 5:25 AM

Jul 2015
Kuma said:
i found it kinda outstanding when a cute funny chidish series in surface but have really dark mature behind it... i need more of them.. stuff like pupipo always welcomed...

Not really "cute" nor "childish", but "Nazo no Kanojo X" sounds and looks carefree yet it has kind of a dark atmosphere, most of the anime atmosphere is sunset and it also had 2 dream scenes which have lots of symbolic stuff and an atmosphere with dark and pale colors to no colors at all.
Oct 12, 2016 5:47 AM

Oct 2013
Before start asking about others definition of maturity, maybe it would be most appropriate to try to understand what maturity means. Specially in the context of a work of fiction, given the subject matter of this topic.

I for one don't agree at all that maturity as anything to do with complexity and depth. And totally not to do with dark and blood.
A good example we have is Yotsubato. A Comedy, and still mature.

Maturity normally is connected with Freedom of reliance of others(parents), responsibility, knowledge and modesty(about what one knows and what one doesn't) and the experience of how and when to act.
In fiction I would say that maturity has more to do with how the story acts on its topics, and how "serious" it takes a certain topic. By serious I'm not talking of showing something in a serious manner, but in taking those topics in a responsible, educated and thoughtful manner.
It doesn't need to be complex, nor deep, it just needs to know what is doing and doing in a "balanced" manner.

In the case of Yotsubato is about the life of a young girl and her living alone with her parent. This theme is taken very seriously, though the story is in fact completely comedy.
Other examples we have Berserk, that is edgy and gory, but the story is taken in a thoughtful manner. Encoragment to Climbing(Yama no Susume) and Non Non Biyori that are "Moe" shows(about Climbing and live in Rural areas) that are mature and very educational. Silver Spoon(farming manga) is a comedy, just like Yotsubato, and is mature as well.
Otoyomegatari, about bride lives in the middle east in the past.
Shounen Ashibe GO! GO! Goma-chan and Itoshi no Muco are manga and anime about pets and comedies(though I would say the first is more heavy on drama and slice of life) and are both matures.

Also is important to note that being "mature" is not always, and in fact most time isn't, the objective of a series.
Oct 12, 2016 5:51 AM

Mar 2015
KazamiSan said:
Kuma said:
i found it kinda outstanding when a cute funny chidish series in surface but have really dark mature behind it... i need more of them.. stuff like pupipo always welcomed...

Not really "cute" nor "childish", but "Nazo no Kanojo X" sounds and looks carefree yet it has kind of a dark atmosphere, most of the anime atmosphere is sunset and it also had 2 dream scenes which have lots of symbolic stuff and an atmosphere with dark and pale colors to no colors at all.
already finsihed (manga was even better, anime stop right when it getting better) and don't find it childish... it's teen already... also the theme doesn't really dark in content manner...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Oct 12, 2016 5:56 AM

Jul 2015
Kuma said:
KazamiSan said:

Not really "cute" nor "childish", but "Nazo no Kanojo X" sounds and looks carefree yet it has kind of a dark atmosphere, most of the anime atmosphere is sunset and it also had 2 dream scenes which have lots of symbolic stuff and an atmosphere with dark and pale colors to no colors at all.
already finsihed (manga was even better, anime stop right when it getting better) and don't find it childish... it's teen already... also the theme doesn't really dark in content manner...

Yeah, it's not childish, at all, but it gets cute sometimes.
But I don't know, I find the atmosphere and the art style amazingly dark, I only noticed that in the anime, though, it's gotta be the colors and the environment.
Oct 12, 2016 6:32 AM

Apr 2015
The DVD I rented of Another was TV-14 and it was a bloodbath.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Oct 12, 2016 6:59 AM

Jan 2016
It might be because some people don't like seeing blood because of past experiences they've had or because they aren't sick people like you.
It's just so they know there's blood. See it as a warning for all the sensitive people.

Oct 12, 2016 7:32 AM
Aug 2015
TheBrainintheJar said:
This is the same method in the West.

It doesn't mean the anime is mature, but merely that it has 'adult content'. It's harsher content that causes immediate emotional reactions, so we'd prefer if kids wouldn't be exposed to it. Their minds (supposedly) aren't fully developed to comprehend these images.

An anime is mature if it has a mature worldview, explores its topics from various viewpoint and has depth. A lot of mature anime are actually aimed at kids since they can't get by with blood and tits.

The point was that it seems that people fall into some sort of trap, and genuinely believe some anime are "mature" because they contain a bit of violence or thematic elements executed in the clumsiest and most retarded way possible. Constant out-of-place comedy is also a prominent factor in "mature" anime nowadays.
archaaiOct 12, 2016 7:36 AM
Oct 12, 2016 7:33 AM

May 2015
On_the_Lam said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
This is the same method in the West.

It doesn't mean the anime is mature, but merely that it has 'adult content'. It's harsher content that causes immediate emotional reactions, so we'd prefer if kids wouldn't be exposed to it. Their minds (supposedly) aren't fully developed to comprehend these images.

An anime is mature if it has a mature worldview, explores its topics from various viewpoint and has depth. A lot of mature anime are actually aimed at kids since they can't get by with blood and tits.

The point was that it seems that people fall into some sort of trap, and genuinely believe some anime are "mature" because they contain a bit of violence, or thematic elements executed in the clumsiest and most retarded way possible.

I see it happening everywhere. Friends called 'Sausage Party' an adult movie and Pixar's films 'kids stuff', while Pixar has more psychological depth and clever writing. SP just relies on dick jokes and violence.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 12, 2016 7:42 AM
Aug 2015
TheBrainintheJar said:
On_the_Lam said:

The point was that it seems that people fall into some sort of trap, and genuinely believe some anime are "mature" because they contain a bit of violence, or thematic elements executed in the clumsiest and most retarded way possible.

I see it happening everywhere. Friends called 'Sausage Party' an adult movie and Pixar's films 'kids stuff', while Pixar has more psychological depth and clever writing. SP just relies on dick jokes and violence.

Sausage Party is satire, not something to be taken seriously. However, I'm 100% sure Re:Zero, Erased or Akame ga Kill are to be taken seriously.
archaaiOct 12, 2016 12:28 PM
Oct 12, 2016 7:54 AM

Nov 2011
If Precure has bloods, it would be rated 17+.

Oct 12, 2016 11:37 AM

Oct 2013
TheBrainintheJar said:
On_the_Lam said:

The point was that it seems that people fall into some sort of trap, and genuinely believe some anime are "mature" because they contain a bit of violence, or thematic elements executed in the clumsiest and most retarded way possible.

I see it happening everywhere. Friends called 'Sausage Party' an adult movie and Pixar's films 'kids stuff', while Pixar has more psychological depth and clever writing. SP just relies on dick jokes and violence.
mature and adult aren't the same thing! Though it is expected that an adult to have reached a significant level of maturity.

Though in terms of entertainment "adult movie" or adult anything means that is something that adults will like and also(most times) that it has content that is not adviced for kids.
bigivelfhqOct 12, 2016 11:40 AM
Oct 12, 2016 11:42 AM

Oct 2013
KaiserNazrin said:
If Precure has bloods, it would be rated 17+.
age rates almost nothing to do with maturity.
Oct 12, 2016 11:46 AM

Feb 2016
no, they're quite similar. both are not safe for kids
Oct 12, 2016 12:36 PM

Nov 2013
On_the_Lam said:
Yes, it's time for another one of these.

It seems that anything that contains just a drop of blood is rated 17+ and many anime fans (and probably the industry as well) think that's what makes an anime dark and mature. Is it the viewers' fault for having low standards, or the industry's for hiring incompetent directors?

Mature and for adult audience different.

Mature is term that relates to theme of the show.

Most pointless blood makes show immature tbh, same effect as echii.

Age rating has nothing to do with maturity for most part, themes are mature, rating is given for presentation not themes for the most part.
Signature was not removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Tulip & Flower Guidelines.
Oct 12, 2016 1:58 PM

May 2015
bigivelfhq said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I see it happening everywhere. Friends called 'Sausage Party' an adult movie and Pixar's films 'kids stuff', while Pixar has more psychological depth and clever writing. SP just relies on dick jokes and violence.
mature and adult aren't the same thing! Though it is expected that an adult to have reached a significant level of maturity.

Though in terms of entertainment "adult movie" or adult anything means that is something that adults will like and also(most times) that it has content that is not adviced for kids.

'Mature content' means the content isn't appropriate for kids. It has images they're not mature enough to handle. However, I expect a mature person to enjoy Toy Story more than Sasuage Party - it has more varied humor, deeper psychology and doesn't have to rely on shock value

On_the_Lam said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I see it happening everywhere. Friends called 'Sausage Party' an adult movie and Pixar's films 'kids stuff', while Pixar has more psychological depth and clever writing. SP just relies on dick jokes and violence.

Sausage Party is satire, not something to be taken seriously. However, I'm 100% sure Re:Zero, Erased or Akame ga Kill are to be taken seriously.

Actually, satires are meant to be taken seriously. They have specific ideas they explore. Catch-22 is a satire and it's dead serious in its themes.
TheBrainintheJarOct 12, 2016 2:02 PM
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 12, 2016 3:19 PM

Oct 2013
TheBrainintheJar said:
bigivelfhq said:
mature and adult aren't the same thing! Though it is expected that an adult to have reached a significant level of maturity.

Though in terms of entertainment "adult movie" or adult anything means that is something that adults will like and also(most times) that it has content that is not adviced for kids.

'Mature content' means the content isn't appropriate for kids. It has images they're not mature enough to handle. However, I expect a mature person to enjoy Toy Story more than Sasuage Party - it has more varied humor, deeper psychology and doesn't have to rely on shock value

On_the_Lam said:

Sausage Party is satire, not something to be taken seriously. However, I'm 100% sure Re:Zero, Erased or Akame ga Kill are to be taken seriously.

Actually, satires are meant to be taken seriously. They have specific ideas they explore. Catch-22 is a satire and it's dead serious in its themes.

"Mature Content" is really a very specific expression and is used when a show has content that kids/young people could watch, but with the close control of their parents. Is mainly used "Mature" and not "Adult", because "Adult Content" normally means full Porn in this case.

Though, taking 1 expression of the use of Mature, doesn't in any way goes against all the rest. In fact that just makes this an exception. And probably there are a few more expressions with Mature, given how many people correlate Mature with Adult.

And note that in this case the Mature is related with Content. And not with the fiction. I never heard, except people on MAL(but that means nothing), calling fiction with Mature Content, Mature Films/Series/Anime/Fiction/...
Oct 13, 2016 12:36 PM

May 2015
bigivelfhq said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

'Mature content' means the content isn't appropriate for kids. It has images they're not mature enough to handle. However, I expect a mature person to enjoy Toy Story more than Sasuage Party - it has more varied humor, deeper psychology and doesn't have to rely on shock value

Actually, satires are meant to be taken seriously. They have specific ideas they explore. Catch-22 is a satire and it's dead serious in its themes.

"Mature Content" is really a very specific expression and is used when a show has content that kids/young people could watch, but with the close control of their parents. Is mainly used "Mature" and not "Adult", because "Adult Content" normally means full Porn in this case.

Though, taking 1 expression of the use of Mature, doesn't in any way goes against all the rest. In fact that just makes this an exception. And probably there are a few more expressions with Mature, given how many people correlate Mature with Adult.

And note that in this case the Mature is related with Content. And not with the fiction. I never heard, except people on MAL(but that means nothing), calling fiction with Mature Content, Mature Films/Series/Anime/Fiction/...

I used 'adult content' to avoid the confusion. I meant the type of content we keep from kids. It doesn't make the piece of art - music/anime/art - mature just because it has such content. Sure, it's 'inappropriate' for children, but a mature work of art tries to do more than just shock.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 13, 2016 1:12 PM

Oct 2013
TheBrainintheJar said:
bigivelfhq said:

"Mature Content" is really a very specific expression and is used when a show has content that kids/young people could watch, but with the close control of their parents. Is mainly used "Mature" and not "Adult", because "Adult Content" normally means full Porn in this case.

Though, taking 1 expression of the use of Mature, doesn't in any way goes against all the rest. In fact that just makes this an exception. And probably there are a few more expressions with Mature, given how many people correlate Mature with Adult.

And note that in this case the Mature is related with Content. And not with the fiction. I never heard, except people on MAL(but that means nothing), calling fiction with Mature Content, Mature Films/Series/Anime/Fiction/...

I used 'adult content' to avoid the confusion. I meant the type of content we keep from kids. It doesn't make the piece of art - music/anime/art - mature just because it has such content. Sure, it's 'inappropriate' for children, but a mature work of art tries to do more than just shock.

I'm highly confused about your point.

Weren't you telling that it was wrong to call "sausage party" and adult movie and Toy Story a Kids story?

I argued that mature and adult in the context of this thread, that talks about Mature stories, isn't the same thing. And so there is no problem calling sausage party an adult movie, because is made for adults to enjoy and has things that kids can't/shouldn't watch, while Toy Story was made for kids and family to enjoy and it doesn't have any arguable content(I believe).
When talking of Mature Story, we aren't talking of such things. Yotsubato and Silver Spoon are series for teenagers and have content for them, and the stories are still mature.

You than came with the "mature content" expression used in the Rating System of Movies, TV and Disk sales. I assume you brought that up, to say that mature in fact is identical to Adult.

I argued that it was just a specific case and it was only talking of some content in a story and not the actual story.

Now I don't know if I really understood your current argument,
My point from the beginning was that Mature is different than Adult and that Mature Stories are in fact not just about the "mature content" and shock. Something that you're now telling in this argument. Were you under the impression that I was of the opposite opinion?
Oct 13, 2016 2:44 PM

Feb 2015
Oct 13, 2016 3:29 PM

May 2015
bigivelfhq said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I used 'adult content' to avoid the confusion. I meant the type of content we keep from kids. It doesn't make the piece of art - music/anime/art - mature just because it has such content. Sure, it's 'inappropriate' for children, but a mature work of art tries to do more than just shock.

I'm highly confused about your point.

Weren't you telling that it was wrong to call "sausage party" and adult movie and Toy Story a Kids story?

I argued that mature and adult in the context of this thread, that talks about Mature stories, isn't the same thing. And so there is no problem calling sausage party an adult movie, because is made for adults to enjoy and has things that kids can't/shouldn't watch, while Toy Story was made for kids and family to enjoy and it doesn't have any arguable content(I believe).
When talking of Mature Story, we aren't talking of such things. Yotsubato and Silver Spoon are series for teenagers and have content for them, and the stories are still mature.

You than came with the "mature content" expression used in the Rating System of Movies, TV and Disk sales. I assume you brought that up, to say that mature in fact is identical to Adult.

I argued that it was just a specific case and it was only talking of some content in a story and not the actual story.

Now I don't know if I really understood your current argument,
My point from the beginning was that Mature is different than Adult and that Mature Stories are in fact not just about the "mature content" and shock. Something that you're now telling in this argument. Were you under the impression that I was of the opposite opinion?

Sasauge Party has content that is 'inappropriate' for kids, like sex and gore. However, it's not a mature piece of work since it doesn't have a mature worldview. It uses these tactics merely to shock, not to do anything interesting with them.

Toy Story has content that is appropriate for kids, but has a mature worldview. It explores the psychology of its characters. Its message isn't comforting (You can't be everything you want. You're limited) and its jokes rely on more than just profanity.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 14, 2016 3:35 AM
Aug 2015
_Ako_ said:
mature: someone is fucking someone

That is just the pornographic definition.
Oct 14, 2016 2:37 PM

Feb 2015
On_the_Lam said:
_Ako_ said:
mature: someone is fucking someone

That is just the pornographic definition.

Mature: Someone is fucking someone but uses a lot of symbolism and deep characterization to show how both character is fucking each other.

happy now?
Oct 14, 2016 2:39 PM
Aug 2015
_Ako_ said:
On_the_Lam said:

That is just the pornographic definition.

Mature: Someone is fucking someone but uses a lot of symbolism and deep characterization to show how both character is fucking each other.

happy now?

I've watched porn videos that have good cinematography.
Oct 14, 2016 2:48 PM

Feb 2015
On_the_Lam said:
_Ako_ said:

Mature: Someone is fucking someone but uses a lot of symbolism and deep characterization to show how both character is fucking each other.

happy now?

I've watched porn videos that have good cinematography.

I have read doujin/original hentai that I haven't fapped to just because the story is too good to let me squirt my white stuff... In short, it is good, surpasses most of the shit you'll see.
Oct 14, 2016 6:32 PM

Dec 2012
Yes, there are two different definitions of mature:

1. Mature as in mature content, meaning it has things for adults that children shouldn't see or wouldn't understand such as extreme violence, nudity, sex, drug use, etc.

2. Mature as in complex and sophisticated content that's handled in an adult and non-childlike manner that you watch while wearing a tail coat, top hat, and monocle.
KruszerOct 14, 2016 6:37 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Oct 14, 2016 7:19 PM

Oct 2014
is that not the same case for the western media though?
have you seen how they show violence in any pg 13 film?

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