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Your opinions on the MGTOW, men moving away from women.

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Mar 6, 2016 5:18 AM
Apr 2013
On the one hand I think sex is not something you should be doing until you're at an advanced stage in a relationship and you can be certain that both of you are serious about it, and there is no chance that the girl will accuse you of being a rapist. The obsession that people have for sex nowadays is bizarre and stupid, and just seems to be an excuse to be able to blame people's problems on lack of sex instead of the real issues.

At the same time it's very true that nowadays girls seem to be allowed to accuse guys of rape just because they regret having sex or changed their minds later, which is not OK and is pretty insulting to true victims of rape. And I agree that nowadays growing up as a guy has become very harsh and the idea that women are still underprivileged is honestly laughable. Guys are constantly criticized, vilified, blamed for everything and at the same time told that they have to be strong, manly, that they can't have emotions and so on, which can be extremely damaging. The video posted at the beginning of this thread sums up some of the main problems very nicely.

GesuYarou said:

The only thing I don't agree with is that feminism has anything to do with it. It's the society in general.

I agree. Feminists are still treated as marginalized extremists in my experience, but the general attitude of society is already so harmful.

Zefyris said:
BTW, the "man up" and "weak willed" thing always makes me smile. Are peoples using it really believing that you need to act in a certain way to "be a man"? What kind of retarded and backward way of thinking can still lead to such "marvellous" conclusion in 2016 ? Are you peoples coming right from medieval age with some kind of time travel ?
Do you seriously believe than having the will to live alone rather than in couple, the will to remain different, the will to accept the biased opinion such as yours, is being "weak willed" and doing like everyone else being "strong willed"?
Really? That's an... interesting point of view.
News flash : being a man has nothing to do with your decisions. And choosing to go another way than the way most peoples go doesn't mean that you're weak willed.
Well, whatever.

Well said.
Mar 6, 2016 5:34 AM

Aug 2013
55Snakes said:
The video posted at the beginning of this thread sums up some of the main problems very nicely.

Yes I saw the video quite a while ago and my response was the same as it was when I came across it again. Theres some serious male image issues in society when the stewardess told the man it was policy not to have a man sat next to children on the flight. now at first I was like ok sure I get that an unknown adult can't sit next to kids that aren't there's ok fine. Then the video carries on and the stewardess goes looking for a woman to change seats with him. Shes basically suggesting that been a man is enough to be distrusted as a potential pedo and a women by virtue of gender is more trusted even though many if not half of groomers/pedophiles are women.

Theres defiantly a sense of male demonisation in society. Case n point:

kawaiiyuris said:
as long as none of them turn into one of those people who shoot up sororities it's great

So men just swearing off women is enough to consider them mass shooters hmm kay....

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Society says masculinity is now toxic men should be more like women and open to their emotions. Men do so and are regarded as fggts by society who should man up. Conflicting messages for what exactly men are supposed to be in current society, what role do they fill.
SpooksMar 6, 2016 5:41 AM
Mar 6, 2016 5:44 AM

Sep 2014
Funny how Women have been praising themselfs for not needing men for the past half century yet when men do the same they are accused of Sexism
Not that I agree with the movement however You just gotta love how so many women and "Macho" White Knights are using strawmans itt
"Muh Le Fodora tipping nice guys neckbeards"
"Muh Man Up "
Mar 6, 2016 5:54 AM
Mar 2013
I used to be quite big men's rights and mgtow etc but I am more middle ground now

I personally think MGTOW is just something men with gfs say to justify it and make themselves feel better. I think some aspects of the movement are understandable. Like the aspect of men's sovereignty being threatened which I do think is a real issue. Maybe it was a good movement before it got polluted by the fedora mentality.
Mar 6, 2016 6:02 AM

Aug 2013
JD2411 said:
I used to be quite big men's rights and mgtow etc but I am more middle ground now

Well its nice to see someone agreeing that mens rights do have legit concerns. A lot tend to dismiss anything as soon as thy hear the words "mens rights" like its the KKK but fathers for equal rights, addressing mental illness and unemployment, lack of men excelling in education, and male suicide and the ever changing roles on men in society are things that need or are been looked into. Even if the mens movements cause people to hate them or just cringe without them to prod every now and again these males issues can easily fade back into the "men should just shut up and man up" scene.

I think we should have reached a point in society where we can address both male and female imbalances in society instead of one or the other but w omens rights is getting far more attention and I don't think fathers should have to dress up like superheroes and hang off the side of buildings to get the point across than family court needs to be fairer.

SpooksMar 6, 2016 6:06 AM
Mar 6, 2016 6:09 AM
Mar 2013
Spooks said:
JD2411 said:
I used to be quite big men's rights and mgtow etc but I am more middle ground now

Well its nice to see someone agreeing that mens rights do have legit concerns. A lot tend to dismiss anything as soon as thy hear the words "mens rights" like its the KKK but fathers for equal rights, addressing mental illness and unemployment, lack of men excelling in education, and male suicide and the ever changing roles on men in society are things that need or are been looked into. Even if the mens movements cause people to hate them or just cringe without them to prod every now and again these males issues can easily fade back into the "men should just shut up and man up" scene.

I think we should have reached a point in society where we can address both male and female imbalances in society instead of one or the other but w omens rights is getting far more attention and I don't think fathers should have to dress up like superheroes and hang off the side of buildings to get the point across than family court needs to be fairer.
I agree with you entirely Spooks. Men's issues have to be addressed. And yes, I think men's issues are essentially swept under the rug.

My main problem lies in the fact that a lot of MRAs tend to direct their attention towards belittling feminists rather than actually tackling the issues. Feminists do the same to MRAs imo as well.
Mar 6, 2016 6:13 AM

Sep 2014
All of the focus that mra put on Feminism is a waste of time
They should realize that the Majority of young women nowdays avoid being called Feminists like a Plague, Realise that Feminism(Third wave) killed itself by itself and focus on Not meeting the same fate
Mar 6, 2016 6:17 AM

Mar 2015
I think MGTOW is an understandable reaction, even though I don't agree with it. Idk, most MGTOW people I've encountered seem to distrust women and think that women in general just want to use them. Which I disagree with.

That being said I can understand some of the feelings, in most divorce cases etc. the woman gets the better deal.
So while I can consider them somewhat odd, I do understand, for every action there is a reaction and this is what happens when men get bombarded with PC SJW bullshit.
Mar 6, 2016 6:18 AM

Aug 2013
JD2411 said:

My main problem lies in the fact that a lot of MRAs tend to direct their attention towards belittling feminists rather than actually tackling the issues. Feminists do the same to MRAs imo as well.

That can be a real issue too although i feel that both sides tend to over estimate this in both sides. As in there's usually a few on each side throwing shit but the actual numbers are just assumed higher. So we talk like a ton of MRA and feminists are at war when the reality is a much smaller number. Its like when everyone was saying MRA's were boycotting Fury road like it was a huge movement of MRA's when it turns out it was like one article from one MRA'ZI website and nobody else actually hated the movie including a lot of MRA's.

TheN00dzWizard said:
I think MGTOW is an understandable reaction, even though I don't agree with it. Idk, most MGTOW people I've encountered seem to distrust women and think that women in general just want to use them. Which I disagree with.

I think it stems from inexperience. Theres a reason a lot of these guys are usually reclusive, shy don't go out much they don't get a lot of real experience with women. They hear the horror stories online and sort of become the fear of what might be by reading all the stories. Although its possible to happen especially in college if you're smart about things generally most women you encounter are normal people. I think they'd get over the idea or fear of women if they came to terms with interacting as a society with both men and women working together rather than this they're all the worst of my imagination. If you read feminist websites or super mra's sites they both make out each side is the devil when in reality most people are normal although you will undoubtedly encounter both in society in some numbers they shouldn't be enough to completely ruin your interaction with either sex.
SpooksMar 6, 2016 6:25 AM
Mar 6, 2016 8:11 AM
Oct 2014
The movement is a natural reaction to modern day feminism. I don't know too much about it, but that's how it is.
I won't say that I support it, I think we are heading towards the wrong direction here. The polarization between males and females grow stronger and I don't understand why it has to be this way.
But I can also understand them to some degree. It's a lot of tip-toeing and your feelings are neglected and banished, not even up for an open minded discussion. As a guy, you may feel that you don't really know what is expected from you, and it confuses them in masses.

Mar 6, 2016 8:18 AM

Sep 2014
Rarusu_ said:

I won't say that I support it, I think we are heading towards the wrong direction here. The polarization between males and females grow stronger and I don't understand why it has to be this way..

Because with Guys and Girls being given more freedom when it comes to Dating They BOTH managed to mess everything up
I see far too many people on BOTH genders who rather than Admit that BOTH genders are to blame for this mess blame the other gender and pretend that Their gender is innocent, Thus the rise of attitudes such as "All Women are heartless" "All Men are pigs" "All men Only want sex" "Women only want chad". Its sad
Mar 6, 2016 8:42 AM
Oct 2014
EternalAnglo said:
Rarusu_ said:

I won't say that I support it, I think we are heading towards the wrong direction here. The polarization between males and females grow stronger and I don't understand why it has to be this way..

Because with Guys and Girls being given more freedom when it comes to Dating They BOTH managed to mess everything up
I see far too many people on BOTH genders who rather than Admit that BOTH genders are to blame for this mess blame the other gender and pretend that Their gender is innocent, Thus the rise of attitudes such as "All Women are heartless" "All Men are pigs" "All men Only want sex" "Women only want chad". Its sad

Agree. So much anectodes and bias shit in this kind of topics. But we hate what we fear the most they say... As usual, people with problems try to change others rather then themselves.

Mar 6, 2016 8:44 AM

Apr 2014
*Tips fedora and takes drag of cigarette outside college campus*

Man, this is why I never approach girls. This is why I'll never marry. Nigga you 18!
Trance said:
I'm a guy and I can imagine buttfucking another guy. I don't find the thought repulsive, and I can even imagine kissing another man.
Mar 6, 2016 8:52 AM

Nov 2015
hoopla123 said:
I find this movement fucking retarded.

But I find modern feminism even more retarded.

Retardation to fight off retardation it seems.

Well at least when two retards fight, one of them ends up dead right?
Or better yet, both of them..
Mar 6, 2016 8:57 AM

May 2013
Thousands of men all across the planet have accidentally been forced to become OG's! Are the fucked, or not? Who knows?!? Here's Bob with the weather! ^_^
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Mar 6, 2016 9:03 AM
Jul 2018
What do I think? I think I have a heart of stone and usually don't sympathize with anyone or anything, but even I feel a little sad that so many people are giving up on love.

As for me, I've given up on it too, but I don't go around joining any groups or whining about it. I just shut up and move on with my life. That's just my approach, of course, it's not necessarily the "right" one...
Mar 6, 2016 9:04 AM

May 2015
I don't like the misogynistic implications - "Ha! Women have shitty taste in men! You lose! You can't fire me if I quit!".

But I do like some parts of it. I like its rejection of traditional masculinity - man's value determined by women. I like its rejection of romance, and it's very sensible. If you find it hard to attract women, why keep trying? No means no after all.

Mocking them as "lol virginz!!!" is stupid. What do you want them to do? Keep trying to attract girls they can't?
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Mar 6, 2016 1:23 PM

Jan 2013
They are incredibly cringy. Actually read some of the MGTOW sites and you will soon realize that forever much they would like to leave women they spend a huge amount of time bitching about them.
Mar 6, 2016 1:26 PM

Sep 2014
traed said:
But a person who feels hurt enough would be not want to be hurt more either. I'm just saying it's more complicated than that. There is a difference between being angry toward someone about rejection and just being sad and frustrated. That is the easiest way to tell people apart is if they blame the other person entirely or if they blame themselves or eachother equally or no one at all. The only douchy one is the first type who blames the other person for rejecting them and only them and tends to get mad more than sad. I think it would take quite a bit more than just two rejections for someone to swear off women unless they were in love with them. If it was just some horny guy wanting to get laid then it would take more than two rejections unless they were previously used to getting attention which helped bloat their ego and sense of entitlement to begin with and those types are the ones more likely to be the blame the girl call them a "bitch" or whatever and if that were the case they are better off being MGTOW for the sake of others so they wont have to deal with those type.

I understand what you're saying, and I was referring to the types of people that always put the blame on others when they're rejected, rather than ever doing any self-reflection or considering they might be to blame as well. So far, from what I've seen of people who claim to be "MGTOW", these are mostly the kinds of people I've seen "representing" the group/term.

Some people really do give up based on just one or two failures; most of the time it's only temporary and just a case of being too pissed or de-motivated to continue trying again for a while, but I've come across at least a handful of people that seem to be remain resentful over just one or two past experiences for years.
Mar 6, 2016 1:38 PM
Feb 2014
EternalAnglo said:
Funny how Women have been praising themselfs for not needing men for the past half century yet when men do the same they are accused of Sexism
Not that I agree with the movement however You just gotta love how so many women and "Macho" White Knights are using strawmans itt
"Muh Le Fodora tipping nice guys neckbeards"
"Muh Man Up "

If you actually read my arguments (which you probably didn't carefully enough) I already explained that I more than likely agree with the MGTOW philosophy, but go on and make your own straw man arguments, I simply choose not to live in this permanent college campus lifestyle, I'm a graduate, and I never needed to live in that environment as well while there. I feel like they are permanently stuck in the "we're going to be called rapist" phase of life if they dare get close to a woman, so they give up. We're already seeing evident cases of THIS ALONE ITT.

I agree weak-willed men should have a voice, but I don't agree that weak-willed men should criticize other men who are successful with women. That is the pure indication of cancerous tribalism that turns it into reverse 3rd wave feminism. They're the ones who put themselves in these situations, and it turns them into forced outcasts.

megahobbit said:
They are incredibly cringy. Actually read some of the MGTOW sites and you will soon realize that forever much they would like to leave women they spend a huge amount of time bitching about them.

Like I said before, if the MGTOW wanted to be a truly likable, respectable, honorable movement, they'd stop complaining and focus on bettering their lifestyles instead of constantly thinking about college campus "rape." But of course on this forum, complaining is seen as intellectualism.
Mar 6, 2016 2:00 PM

Aug 2012
I feel like the mindset is mainly prevalent on college campuses, which more often than not, are frighteningly liberal and sex-crazed. The amusing thing is that there was a gender talk given on my campus some time ago and the whole point was essentially "If a guy and a girl both get drunk and then have sex, the guy is a rapist. If you disagree, you're a misogynist."

As a whole though, despite the fact that I can see some truth in the movement, a lot of it is just cringey as all hell. It just feels like it's a reaction to the extreme feminism/Tumblr SJW movements.
Mar 6, 2016 4:51 PM

Feb 2016
Hmm to me they just seem like a bunch of whiny disaffected men trying to pin all their life problems on the opposite sex (which is ridiculous). They sound very self-absorbed and maladjusted.

(But hey ho, if they want to voluntarily remove themselves from the gene pool then I don't think anyone is going to battle that decision of theirs)
Mar 6, 2016 5:09 PM

Jul 2015
Zefyris said:
BTW, the "man up" and "weak willed" thing always makes me smile. Are peoples using it really believing that you need to act in a certain way to "be a man"? What kind of retarded and backward way of thinking can still lead to such "marvellous" conclusion in 2016 ? Are you peoples coming right from medieval age with some kind of time travel ?
Do you seriously believe than having the will to live alone rather than in couple, the will to remain different, the will to accept the biased opinion such as yours, is being "weak willed" and doing like everyone else being "strong willed"?
Really? That's an... interesting point of view.
News flash : being a man has nothing to do with your decisions. And choosing to go another way than the way most peoples go doesn't mean that you're weak willed.
Well, whatever.

It's funny how everybody ignored your two posts, wich are the most rational and well thought out thing I read in this thread. It pretty much sums up the reasons why all the men and women haters should take a deep breath and stop thinking with their genitalias.
Mar 7, 2016 11:23 AM

Aug 2013
Nico- said:

Like I said before, if the MGTOW wanted to be a truly likable, respectable, honorable movement, they'd stop complaining and focus on bettering their lifestyles instead of constantly thinking about college campus "rape." But of course on this forum, complaining is seen as intellectualism.

Whilst I agree, false campus rape claims like the one in rolling stones magazine should defiantly be addressed and is a serious issue which is sad that mens groups tend to be the only ones complaining about it as it is a serious issue. If a man at that time in his life gets one false claim might as well kill himself, even if proven innocent that stigma never goes away and it just makes employment and studying for these guys unbearable.

Like that guy who said he didn't need a consent course then got all that abuse, even he says search his name online and rapist comes up thats got to do some damage to his potential career and he didn't even have sex with anyone.

baseball3b said:
The amusing thing is that there was a gender talk given on my campus some time ago and the whole point was essentially "If a guy and a girl both get drunk and then have sex, the guy is a rapist. If you disagree, you're a misogynist."

That sucks, wouldn't the women been drunk be just as responsible as a drunk guy? thats like letting women drunk drivers off a crash because they didn't know what they were doing to sending a man to jail for the same thing because as a male even drunk he did know what he was doing. Doesn't make sense.

Reminds me of this, both were drunk, both got into bed together but only one couldn't consent

Josie totally looks like she doesn't want to bed the guy, poor Jake you stupid bastar* you should have known better now you're a rapist!.
SpooksMar 7, 2016 2:26 PM
Mar 7, 2016 2:20 PM
Aug 2015
I'm happy for these guys.

Good for them. I'm legitimately happy for them. Everyone has a right to be loved, being prejudiced and waiting to get the chance maybe for a loving, nurturing relationship isn't "Equality". Men, women, people like me.

I hope all of these good gentleman get plenty of lovin'.
Mar 7, 2016 3:34 PM

Sep 2013
Doesn't modern feminism kind of promote a toxic ideology and imply that most men are sexist pigs who think little of the opposite sex? MGTOW can be seen as an extreme reaction to an environment that is increasingly becoming hostile towards males. Rape Culture. Wage Gap Myth. So on and so forth. If women can blame all their problems on the patriarchy, surely men can also blame society for their problems. Equality, right?

Mayuka said:
Well, it's their choice to be losers :^)

You might only be joking. But for those who actually think this way: Is a man's worth dependent on attracting and keeping a woman? Aren't there other forms of success in this world?
Mar 7, 2016 3:41 PM

Jul 2015
Sounds like the wrong way to go about it.
How about actually searching for partners with traits you desire, rather than intentionally removing yourself from the genepool
Mar 7, 2016 3:45 PM

Jan 2009
nah both genders are blaming the wrong side, they should blame how fuck up the world economy is today, salary for last decades are stagnant and barely grown, a lot of young employees struggle for money to form their own families, job availability is hard to find and when jobs are available they are specialize ones that have too much requirements, not to mention employers overwork their employees so no time for a meaningful relationships with the opposite sex
Mar 7, 2016 11:24 PM
Mar 2016
When a Man goes through a Divorce he learns just how stacked the Court System is against him. He looses 50% or more of his Income and 10-15% of the time he get access to the children. If a Man has a low income to begin with, he can go to jail. After a Man experiences the "meat grinder" of Divorce Court he just may "Go his own way". Unknowingly, he has become a MGTOW. He may want to get re-married in the future but has little to offer in resources to a future wife. He is UN-MARRIAGABLE.

Younger men may simply not be able to afford to date. So, for financial reasons, they are also unmarriageable. He has witnessed others go through a Divorce and simply see marriage, or even women, as not worth it.

The video and articles below explain more. When you are on Youtube, be sure to watch the suggested videos on the right of the screen.

What is MGTOW? -

The Sexodus...
Mar 8, 2016 12:46 AM

May 2015
Salvatia said:
Sounds like the wrong way to go about it.
How about actually searching for partners with traits you desire, rather than intentionally removing yourself from the genepool

Because finding a partner, and attracting them, is very difficult? It's a bit like trying to join the olympics when you can barely run for 5 minutes.

Tokis86 said:
Hmm to me they just seem like a bunch of whiny disaffected men trying to pin all their life problems on the opposite sex (which is ridiculous). They sound very self-absorbed and maladjusted.

(But hey ho, if they want to voluntarily remove themselves from the gene pool then I don't think anyone is going to battle that decision of theirs)

I don't think anyone is morally obliged to try something they constantly fail at.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Mar 8, 2016 12:50 AM

Oct 2012
I would have gone WGTOW but then I fell in love

Mar 8, 2016 2:13 AM

Nov 2015
Lollo36 said:


Lol I don't want to belittle their heroic plight or anything but who other than them is going to care? Theres no way they will get enough people to actually make a difference. Also the kind of people who will be drawn to this group are going to be the kind that wouldn't necessarily have girls lining up anyway. If they really wanna get back at the opposite gender they should just go the other route and become woman abusing douchebags. Atleast then they get some action.
Mar 8, 2016 8:47 AM

Nov 2009
Skeleturtle said:
Doesn't modern feminism kind of promote a toxic ideology and imply that most men are sexist pigs who think little of the opposite sex? MGTOW can be seen as an extreme reaction to an environment that is increasingly becoming hostile towards males. Rape Culture. Wage Gap Myth. So on and so forth. If women can blame all their problems on the patriarchy, surely men can also blame society for their problems. Equality, right?
I think your problem here is your assumption in how many women are "feminist". Only like 19% of American women (not even half of that percentage in Europe) identify themselves as being a "feminist". You have a 4:1 chance of dating someone who isn't a feminist, if that was how it worked, however the statistical odds of most feminists landing a partner (whether through their own choice, or the choice of potential partners) is quite a bit lower than that. Long story short, you shouldn't assume all women (or even most) hold feminist ideology and are therefore "too much trouble".

Although I do agree with avoiding sexual relationships at a university in America since the laws are absolutely appalling. While you cannot be tried as a criminal through a university review board, you have no right to legal advise and anything you say at the hearing can then be taken to a court of law and used as evidence. Essentially, it is a way to circumvent your right to a lawyer. That isn't even acknowledging how blatantly biased these boards are, since they are supposed to operate on a belief system that is 51% in favor of the victim . . . in other words you are tried in a mock-court that assumes guilt, and then anything you say during that trial can be taken to a real court despite the fact you had no right (and are actually banned) from seeking legal council prior to the actual court hearing. This of course is made even worse by the fact that even if the board (which is assuming guilt of the defendant from the get-go) finds the "rapist" innocent, this does not stop them from expelling the student, or allowing others to partake in libel / slander. Hell, the university with mattress girl encouraged her to continue with her stance that he was a rapist.
Mar 8, 2016 10:38 AM

Aug 2015
I can't take the MGTOW movement seriously.

They seem to generalize that all women are "feminazis" or otherwise horrible people, and that's why they decide to keep their distance... a bunch of whiny losers if you ask me. MGTOW probably has no idea about the true meaning of feminism, which is all about equal rights for women and men.

I actually understand that a guy may not want to date a woman, but if so there has to be a good reason other than "all women are this and that". All women are INDIVIDUALS.
MircallaMorriganMar 8, 2016 10:44 AM
Mar 8, 2016 4:15 PM

Sep 2012
I'm a quitter myself, but I can't see how any of it really is related to feminism. We just don't have any desirable traits and that's it, there's no evil feminazi conspiracy behind it.
Mar 8, 2016 4:53 PM

Jan 2015
I'd say I'm part of it to a lesser degree.

I know what I want and I'm not going to change my self, but there's nothing more annoying than going home and being questioned on why I'm in a relationship. It's not the 40's anymore, I don't need to be married and have 3 kids by the time I'm 25.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Mar 8, 2016 5:55 PM

Apr 2015
I'm just In it for the Wizard benefit system.
Mar 8, 2016 6:17 PM

Aug 2013
Wretch said:
MGTOW probably has no idea about the true meaning of feminism, which is all about equal rights for women and men.

Feminism is about bringing women's rights equal to mens not to fight for both sexes hence femin-ism. Also its currently failing as a movement to combat anything towards male issues, leaving it up to mens groups to point out when society is against men in cases like court, divorce, mental health ect. If feminism is fighting for both sexes why does it solely focus on women's issues why is Britain's law still bias towards women in that a woman cannot be convicted of rape but a man can? where are the feminists fighting to change that outdated law in the name of equality?

I'd like to believe it but I'd have to see feminism working towards mens equality too before I believe feminism is totally about men as well.
Mar 8, 2016 6:25 PM

Jan 2012
Ball_is_Life said:
Bancoran said:

in all honesty this is actually probably a good thing, if legitimate. the world's population is actually a real, serious problem that we're going to have to address eventually lol

in all seriousness though, this entire article is entirely western-centric (i.e. america/england) and this whole issue is completely irrelevant on a global scale :x

Well, it's already a common thing in some Asian countries. Japan, China, Korea, etc.

Why do you think the whole "waifu" craze is prevalent in Japanese Otaku culture? Men don't want to get married and have families anymore, the costs of raising a kid is skyrocketing.

The reasons are completly different though.

MGTOW is basically moving away from women out of fear. Many have been ruined by divorce settlements even though the wive was the one cheating, they are not allowed to see their kids, suffer from false rape claims and so one...

They have some points but their way of dealing with them is not that great.

Japan and Korea have VERY different reasons for a massiv drop in birthrates. Mostly the fact that marriage itself became unattractive. Globalisation made the jobmarket, especially in asia, so competetive that the people have almost no time for family. You have to choose between family and career and most people choose career.
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Mar 8, 2016 6:36 PM

Jul 2014
Great, nobody should bother risking their job, social standing, mental health, criminal record etc etc for a relationship with some crazy feminist.
Spooks said:
Wretch said:
MGTOW probably has no idea about the true meaning of feminism, which is all about equal rights for women and men.

Feminism is about bringing women's rights equal to mens not to fight for both sexes hence femin-ism. Also its currently failing as a movement to combat anything towards male issues, leaving it up to mens groups to point out when society is against men in cases like court, divorce, mental health ect. If feminism is fighting for both sexes why does it solely focus on women's issues why is Britain's law still bias towards women in that a woman cannot be convicted of rape but a man can? where are the feminists fighting to change that outdated law in the name of equality?

I'd like to believe it but I'd have to see feminism working towards mens equality too before I believe feminism is totally about men as well.
Spooks delivering the truth unto us unworthy!
Wecc said:
All hail HaXXspetten king of the loli traps!
Mar 8, 2016 7:00 PM
Feb 2014
I feel bad for any guy who thinks all women around him are feminists and crazy power-hungry slobs.

If that's the case, by all means be a MGTOW, that's the only way out. Just don't assume all women in life are like that because most women I know in my life think feminism is simply irrelevant or corrupt. Daily reminder that it's a tribe rooted in exceptionalist paranoia, not an ethical movement.
AqutanMar 8, 2016 7:03 PM
Mar 8, 2016 7:20 PM

Nov 2015
bobzanny said:
I'd say I'm part of it to a lesser degree.

I know what I want and I'm not going to change my self, but there's nothing more annoying than going home and being questioned on why I'm in a relationship. It's not the 40's anymore, I don't need to be married and have 3 kids by the time I'm 25.

Just because I'm a man who doesn't want a relationship doesn't mean that I'm whimping out. It means that I have priorities.
Yeah sure, if a nice, attractive woman comes along then that would be cool and all but there's no way I'd compromise my career/education for her..
Mar 8, 2016 7:35 PM

Jan 2015
GesuYarou said:
bobzanny said:
I'd say I'm part of it to a lesser degree.

I know what I want and I'm not going to change my self, but there's nothing more annoying than going home and being questioned on why I'm in a relationship. It's not the 40's anymore, I don't need to be married and have 3 kids by the time I'm 25.

Just because I'm a man who doesn't want a relationship doesn't mean that I'm whimping out. It means that I have priorities.
Yeah sure, if a nice, attractive woman comes along then that would be cool and all but there's no way I'd compromise my career/education for her..

Exactly, it takes a lot of time and commitment to make sure a relationship goes well and I care a lot more about securing my career and ensuring my future than a relationship in my early 20's.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Mar 8, 2016 8:19 PM

Aug 2013

What do you think women want?

Most women want men

This has not changed, there is no sexodus, this is men who can't get laid or into a relationship crying about it and trying to give bs explanations. If you want to be single, fine but don't blame it on women and feminism. Except China, this is completely true in China due to the massive gender imbalance, although that was caused by one child.

However, women are marrying less due to the negative impacts marriage has on their careers. social lives and more. But feminism doesn't cause you to stop wanting a relationship, sex and everything else that comes with it. That's fucking ridiculous.
Mogu-samaMar 8, 2016 8:23 PM
Want to talk?

"Would you like an anti-psychotic?"

*Bonus points if you leave a comment about the meaning of my signature.*
Mar 8, 2016 8:46 PM

May 2012
I appreciate the sentiment of don't put the pussy on the pedestal, but I don't know if I am crazy about the movement. A lot of misandrists will use this as propaganda.
Mar 8, 2016 8:51 PM
Feb 2014
PoeticJustice said:
I appreciate the sentiment of don't put the pussy on the pedestal, but I don't know if I am crazy about the movement. A lot of misandrists will use this as propaganda.

It's not really propaganda but it's more of a tribalistic reaction to feminism. It's got the right ideas, but it has pretty scummy people associated in it like Roosh V and the rest of RSD/Pick Up Artist Scammers
Mar 8, 2016 8:54 PM

May 2012
Nico- said:
PoeticJustice said:
I appreciate the sentiment of don't put the pussy on the pedestal, but I don't know if I am crazy about the movement. A lot of misandrists will use this as propaganda.

It's not really propaganda but it's more of a tribalistic reaction to feminism. It's got the right ideas, but it has pretty scummy people associated in it like Roosh V and the rest of RSD/Pick Up Artist Scammers

Shame. But when people say you are rapist, sexist piece of shit inherently, you don't want to hang out with those people.
Mar 8, 2016 8:55 PM
Feb 2014
PoeticJustice said:
Nico- said:

It's not really propaganda but it's more of a tribalistic reaction to feminism. It's got the right ideas, but it has pretty scummy people associated in it like Roosh V and the rest of RSD/Pick Up Artist Scammers

Shame. But when people say you are rapist, sexist piece of shit inherently, you don't want to hang out with those people.

Well I'm glad I don't live in a liberal arts college.

The joys of STEM
Mar 8, 2016 9:02 PM
Nov 2015
I don't think it's healthly unless they have no urge for sex or a relationship. It's the same with most feminists. Even if what you are fighting for is just and good doesn't mean it won't have bad effects on you personally. I think guys need to find some people with experience not pick up artists but how to deal with relationships and find people you want to hang out with.
Mar 8, 2016 9:47 PM

Aug 2015
Spooks said:
Feminism is about bringing women's rights equal to mens not to fight for both sexes hence femin-ism. Also its currently failing as a movement to combat anything towards male issues, leaving it up to mens groups to point out when society is against men in cases like court, divorce, mental health ect. If feminism is fighting for both sexes why does it solely focus on women's issues why is Britain's law still bias towards women in that a woman cannot be convicted of rape but a man can? where are the feminists fighting to change that outdated law in the name of equality?

I'd like to believe it but I'd have to see feminism working towards mens equality too before I believe feminism is totally about men as well.

What I mean is that the original goal of feminism WAS to have women equal rights to men. I never said that the movement would have been successful, and in today's society, the feminists don't even seem to be lifting a finger on trying to make things better for them.

I do agree with you, since the women really can get away with rape for example. "Men can't be raped..." what a bunch of bullshit. Especially nowadays all of these "feminists" seem to be women who think of every man as their ex-boyfriend and turn to misandry. Also, most of the feminists choose their targets wrong (attacking video game industry or movies), and thus don't succeed in changing anything.

To be honest, I only learned what MGTOW was yesterday by watching this:

I'm still not MGTOW though, since I have no reason to. Not all women are feminazis or even feminists for that matter. Many of my good friends are girls. However, I haven't been even thinking about relationships for a while since I have so much more important stuff going on with my life.
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