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Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! (light novel)
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Feb 18, 2016 10:26 PM
Aug 2014
CherryLover said:
RaiZero said:

rape? is there such thing in this anime . Is this anime rated 18+?
By the way agreed with Revvie-chan opinion because looks like continuing debating such thing seems will not go anywhere like this. When there is someone who is saying an opinion as a fact. If its your opinion then I don't care about that but saying something like KonoSuba is sexism as a fact although that is just your opinion is not something that I can tolerate.

For goodness' sake, for the last time, it isn't an opinion. It's like saying that "Adolf Hitler was racist imo", when it's a fact that he WAS racist. Same applies to KonoSuba. It's sexist, there's no denying it. There's only justifying why you like such a sexist show and how its positives may outweigh its negatives (though I will disagree on that part, which would then be my opinion). Hence, please stop calling this an opinion.

Please go look up the word 'FACT' . What you just stated here is an OPINION. Both Kazuma and Aqua get treated badly in this series. This show isn't sexist at all. If it was, Kazuma wouldn't be having all these problems and Mitsurugi wouldn't have been destroyed by Kazuma either. Being a feminist is good. I, myself, want equal rights for woman and believe that a woman should be treated respectfully. (All good humans deserve respect) However, please know the place to bring it up. This is a comedy series where things are not meant to be taken seriously. Don't worry. None of us are gonna go steal a girl's panties just because Kazuma accidentally did it twice and threatened (in order to scare those girls off) to do it once. Kazuma was told that people LAUGHED AT HIS DEATH. He was left to face against those Giant Frogs alone with Aqua laughing at him while he saved her when she was in the same predicament. Aqua took his money from him too. So, please don't say that KonoSuba being sexist is not an opinion...cause it is. Also, being a feminist is good but don't overdo it. This is a comedy series. Nothing is meant to be taken seriously. So, don't worry about it.
TyphoonSFeb 18, 2016 11:08 PM
Feb 19, 2016 12:39 AM
Jan 2013
Feminism and sjws are worse than cancer.

Bringing their b.s. to even this anime

They are just like those posers that abuse terms like wish fulfillment and paedophile dishonestly
genesic123Feb 19, 2016 12:47 AM

Feb 19, 2016 1:38 AM

Aug 2015
CherryLover said:

Of course we aren't implying that all women who do not support our ideals for equal rights are outcasts. They just haven't understood the importance of feminism yet, and I suppose this author is one of them. And I won't force our opinions down their throats, unlike some people who do it to me on here.

Yeah, because anyone who is not an aggressive femnist is obviously an unenlightened dingbat.

CherryLover said:

Look, if the show wasn't sexist, we wouldn't be angry at it. This show is sexist. Therefore we are angry and we would like others to not watch this. It's simple logic.

If this show offends you, then don't watch it.

It's what sane people do.

CherryLover said:

For goodness' sake, for the last time, it isn't an opinion. It's like saying that "Adolf Hitler was racist imo", when it's a fact that he WAS racist. Same applies to KonoSuba. It's sexist, there's no denying it. There's only justifying why you like such a sexist show and how its positives may outweigh its negatives (though I will disagree on that part, which would then be my opinion). Hence, please stop calling this an opinion.

Fine. We'll treat it as a joke then.
OtakuKvotheFeb 19, 2016 1:42 AM
You've done nothing but spout meaningless prattle. - Yukino Yukinoshita.
Feb 19, 2016 9:19 AM

Sep 2013
X-axis said:
ichii_1 said:

The author is a woman? guess she must have been left out of the popular girls group.

Oh fucking hell.
Typical feminist supremacist.
"If you are a female and don't support our agenda then you must be a loser and an outcast."

There is plenty of evidence that supports it.
Mc's usually have a bit of the author in them.

-kazuma is obviously the author, an edgy otaku, hikikomori, (former) neet.
-the prejudice against Aqua has to stem from somewhere, author couldn't be a part of the popular girl's group and now she makes her into a bimbo.
-darkness could also be a factor, she's used as a punching bag for the author to vent her frustration.
-megumin is chuunibyou and anger/destructive impulses (explosion).
Feb 19, 2016 3:09 PM

Jan 2011
People get so bent out of shape over this, I see nothing wrong. Too many times have I seen similar works where the guy is borderline loser (whatever that means) and the girl is a total babe with some "special qualities". The girls follow the guy and bitch him out along the whole way, he does something good it gets overridden by the accidental pervert trope. She gets into trouble he has to get her out of it with barely a real thank you. People complain this show is sexist or misogynistic but in reality it more realistic than "serious" anime. Here the girl bitches and gets bitched back at, rightfully so I will add. There's no puppy eyes and running into a corner for her until he apologizes for showing genuine emotion towards her stupidity. He's not willing to just stand there and be the breaking back for the group with nothing in it for him, he's not gonna sit there and be swindled out of his belongings simply because there is a vagina across from him, or he's not gonna allow a well deserved lesson be thwarted simply because a couple of women (that asshole knight's party) have a problem with him. He's a genuine character by comparison to a lot who share a genre.

People in this thread complain about sexism. But where is the complains about the excessive nudity, the oblivious and overly innocent girls that infest anime who, by the way operate in a society that consistently regulates limited standards for them? And let's not forget the opposite, the "mature" often older woman who always seems to fall out of her clothes with each step? You know, the one who keeps throwing herself on the protagonist, has a history of being used by former lovers, or even, fawns over the protagonist in a way that screams "rebound."

I don't know about you guys but as much as I like ecchi I really dislike the-dimensional, obnoxious, guiltless heroine with a built-in sensitivity-switch that manages to get her out of taking responsibility for any stupid deed she does or says.
Feb 20, 2016 12:58 AM

Jun 2015
ichii_1 said:

The author is a woman? guess she must have been left out of the popular girls group.

-the prejudice against Aqua has to stem from somewhere, author couldn't be a part of the popular girl's group and now she makes her into a bimbo.

It always bothers me how people can go all crazy over telling people to stop discriminating against women and race and religion (which is great), yet at the same time they turn around and discriminate against the ugly, the loners, the outcasts, the introverts, the abnormal, etc (which is totally hypocritical).

If you are going to preach a message about ending discrimination, then start actually following that message yourself. Wouldn't it be horrible if all "subjectively bad writing" was attributed to females? Yet here you are, automatically going "Hey this writing sucks, must be an outcast writing it" without seeing any problem, because you think "outcast = bad", the same way a sexist thinks "female = bad".

P.S. Personally, I find Konosuba awesome and not really sexist, but to convince you of that I would need a post >30 times the size of this, to which you will say "tl;dr" and so it won't work anyway.
Feb 20, 2016 2:19 AM
Nov 2015
weewah said:
ichii_1 said:

The author is a woman? guess she must have been left out of the popular girls group.

-the prejudice against Aqua has to stem from somewhere, author couldn't be a part of the popular girl's group and now she makes her into a bimbo.

It always bothers me how people can go all crazy over telling people to stop discriminating against women and race and religion (which is great), yet at the same time they turn around and discriminate against the ugly, the loners, the outcasts, the introverts, the abnormal, etc (which is totally hypocritical).

If you are going to preach a message about ending discrimination, then start actually following that message yourself. Wouldn't it be horrible if all "subjectively bad writing" was attributed to females? Yet here you are, automatically going "Hey this writing sucks, must be an outcast writing it" without seeing any problem, because you think "outcast = bad", the same way a sexist thinks "female = bad".

P.S. Personally, I find Konosuba awesome and not really sexist, but to convince you of that I would need a post >30 times the size of this, to which you will say "tl;dr" and so it won't work anyway.

Its already established that feminists and other types of SJW are hypocrites, thats why there is no reason to take them seriously at all. The thread starter is a perfect example and along with a certain other person who is posting within this section of the forum who I shall not name but you all should know who I am referring to. They give the true feminists a bad name, the ones that actually tries to spread awareness about the countries that actually treats the woman like garbage.
Feb 20, 2016 11:29 AM
Jun 2010
Pretty much. The only true feminist I respect in this day and age is Christina Hoff Sommers, also nickname as basemom by the gaming community.

I find it ironic that those against the modern 3rd wave feminist are the only one shedding light on the feminist in other country with actual problem (which I consider are in their first wave), while so many of the modern western (3rd wave) feminist only care to complain about the dumbest things with an authoritarian attitude.
Feb 20, 2016 1:12 PM

Jul 2015
X-axis said:
ichii_1 said:

The author is a woman? guess she must have been left out of the popular girls group.

Oh fucking hell.
Typical feminist supremacist.
"If you are a female and don't support our agenda then you must be a loser and an outcast."

you are mistaken, ichii_1 is a man.
he is a waifufag - Aqua fanboy
Feb 20, 2016 2:17 PM
Oct 2012
LazyLuong said:
Christina Hoff Sommers

Lovely woman. I remember her taking down bad feminist history statistics back in 2009 over on the Chronicle of Higher Education. Smart as a whip, and as tenacious as a bulldog.

The response by the "authors" was truly priceless. Even the New Yorker made total fools of themselves.
Feb 20, 2016 5:16 PM

Dec 2015
TheBroenheim said:

Yeah, because anyone who is not an aggressive femnist is obviously an unenlightened dingbat.

No, anyone who still lives in the Stone Ages with their inequality and discrimination are unenlightened dingbats. I would like to think most people aren't.

If this show offends you, then don't watch it.

It's what sane people do.

Precisely why I'm trying to spread the message, to stop like-minded people from wasting their time.

Once again, I'll say this: there's no reason for Kazuma to treat Aqua so badly. She isn't, no one is to him, he's the only one being the abusive one here. Sure, she's a klutz (which is one of the reasons why I honestly can't enjoy this anime), but that doesn't excuse the extreme things he does at times.
Feb 20, 2016 6:18 PM

Mar 2015
CherryLover said:
TheBroenheim said:

Yeah, because anyone who is not an aggressive femnist is obviously an unenlightened dingbat.

No, anyone who still lives in the Stone Ages with their inequality and discrimination are unenlightened dingbats. I would like to think most people aren't.

If this show offends you, then don't watch it.

It's what sane people do.

Precisely why I'm trying to spread the message, to stop like-minded people from wasting their time.

Please don't spread anymore message. It's like a plague. And as an Asian, now I see western feminist as a plague. Just stop. Now I totally understand why feminist were never taken seriously because of people like you.

Feb 20, 2016 6:49 PM

Aug 2015
CherryLover said:
TheBroenheim said:

Yeah, because anyone who is not an aggressive femnist is obviously an unenlightened dingbat.

No, anyone who still lives in the Stone Ages with their inequality and discrimination are unenlightened dingbats. I would like to think most people aren't.

If this show offends you, then don't watch it.

It's what sane people do.

Precisely why I'm trying to spread the message, to stop like-minded people from wasting their time.

Once again, I'll say this: there's no reason for Kazuma to treat Aqua so badly. She isn't, no one is to him, he's the only one being the abusive one here. Sure, she's a klutz (which is one of the reasons why I honestly can't enjoy this anime), but that doesn't excuse the extreme things he does at times.

So I guess tsundere girls beating up harem protagonists is perfectly fine? Bit hypocritical, isn't it?

And for your reason, I don't believe that I have to clarify this for you, Kazuma abuses Aqua because she's dumb, not because she's a dumb girl.
Stupid characters are abused all the time by smarter ones all the time in movies, tv shows, and in real life too.
Abusing Aqua is not a challenge towards feminism at all.

Basically what i'm trying to say is that protecting a person from having their character flaws exposed under the name of protecting women's rights because the said person is a woman is just plain stupid.
You've done nothing but spout meaningless prattle. - Yukino Yukinoshita.
Feb 20, 2016 7:46 PM

Nov 2015
ichii_1 said:
X-axis said:

Oh fucking hell.
Typical feminist supremacist.
"If you are a female and don't support our agenda then you must be a loser and an outcast."

There is plenty of evidence that supports it.
Mc's usually have a bit of the author in them.

-kazuma is obviously the author, an edgy otaku, hikikomori, (former) neet.
-the prejudice against Aqua has to stem from somewhere, author couldn't be a part of the popular girl's group and now she makes her into a bimbo.
-darkness could also be a factor, she's used as a punching bag for the author to vent her frustration.
-megumin is chuunibyou and anger/destructive impulses (explosion).

This is a fucking comedy/parody anime. Why is it so hard to fucking understand that ANYTHING goes. And whether or not if her writing the story was because of the frustration she dealt was DOESN'T matter.

If I write about a fucking zombie does that make me a zombie? If I write my character as a crazy gigolo and yet I'm not in real life, then what does that make me?

You are very much a typical femnist, you want to shut imaginations and creative thinking unless it suits your own damn agenda. Go back to the tumblr where you crawled from.
Feb 20, 2016 9:51 PM

Dec 2015
As someone that has studied all waves of feminist theory, has been in women studies class/involved in research, and has a graduate degree in mental health counseling (B.S in psych minor in sociology) just please stop -_-. You're way off the mark, there is no need for radical feminism anymore, its outdated. You couldn't be coming at this topic with a more biased view than an oil company lobbying for increased budget in the oil industry. Also, yes, I am a male that considers myself well-versed in feminism and would like to think practices it to a certain extent in my counseling and with my clients, but by no means am I a social justice warrior nitpicking little things like parodies in anime that is in a comedy genre.

Also the MC and Aqua both abuse each other verbally, so OP's point=invalid.
Feb 20, 2016 11:15 PM
Jun 2015
How in the f*ing hell did this anime discussion became a feminazi forum? Yes feminazi not feminist. It's way to retarded to even think something like that in a purely comedy anime.
Feb 20, 2016 11:22 PM

Dec 2012
I don't know, I mean it's funny. Isn't that good enough?
Feb 21, 2016 12:18 AM

Dec 2015
X-axis said:

You are very much a typical femnist, you want to shut imaginations and creative thinking unless it suits your own damn agenda. Go back to the tumblr where you crawled from.

Stop attacking people. Just because we have different opinions, that doesn't mean you're right.

Ratohnhaketon said:
I don't know, I mean it's funny. Isn't that good enough?

That's the thing. It's not even funny. It's just cheap stock humour one can find in the most boring of sitcoms. If it was amusing, maybe I wouldn't be as angry about it.
Feb 21, 2016 1:50 AM

May 2012

I've seen many harem anime were the males get beaten and bullied every time. It ok to do that for men, but not for woman.

Not just in anime but even in real life. People often sympathize more with women than men when they harmed, and yet feminists keep screaming about how sexist our society
Feb 21, 2016 6:18 AM
Jul 2015
CherryLover said:
X-axis said:

You are very much a typical femnist, you want to shut imaginations and creative thinking unless it suits your own damn agenda. Go back to the tumblr where you crawled from.

Stop attacking people. Just because we have different opinions, that doesn't mean you're right.

Ratohnhaketon said:
I don't know, I mean it's funny. Isn't that good enough?

That's the thing. It's not even funny. It's just cheap stock humour one can find in the most boring of sitcoms. If it was amusing, maybe I wouldn't be as angry about it.
Firstly I thought you were a simple troll but now, now you have my attention.

I'm fan. I found you worthy of my time so please continue enterteining me like this. Your posts are hilarius :)
roquepoFeb 21, 2016 6:34 AM
Feb 21, 2016 6:33 AM
Oct 2011
>Decide to check out Konosuba board again just cuz.
>Find comedy gold topics and comments.
>MAL=never change.

CherryLover said:

Just because we have different opinions, that doesn't mean you're right.

CherryLover said:

That's the thing. It's not even funny.

CherryLover said:

For goodness' sake, for the last time, it isn't an opinion. It's like saying that "Adolf Hitler was racist imo", when it's a fact that he WAS racist. Same applies to KonoSuba. It's sexist, there's no denying it. There's only justifying why you like such a sexist show and how its positives may outweigh its negatives (though I will disagree on that part, which would then be my opinion). Hence, please stop calling this an opinion.

ichii_1 said:
Kazuma constantly keeps calling her stupid and making fun of her really low intelligence and shallowness.
But Aqua doesn't act like a retarded person.
She acts like a normal girl from this generation.
Plus her being sexualized like that's the only good thing about her lead to my point that:

the whole thing is the author's social commentary and fetish on belittling those types of girls.

Guess some girls made fun of him/her, dumped him or something.


Feb 21, 2016 8:01 AM
Feb 2016
Aqua makes things harder for kazuma no wonder he is angry with her
Feb 21, 2016 8:33 AM

Mar 2013
Firstly I thought you were a simple troll but now, now you have my attention.

I'm fan. I found you worthy of my time so please continue enterteining me like this. Your posts are hilarius :)

Can we follow someone in MAL? I want to laugh at CherryLover and ichii_1 posts.
Feb 21, 2016 8:51 AM
Aug 2014
fateoffate said:
Firstly I thought you were a simple troll but now, now you have my attention.

I'm fan. I found you worthy of my time so please continue enterteining me like this. Your posts are hilarius :)

Can we follow someone in MAL? I want to laugh at CherryLover and ichii_1 posts.

I actually kinda agree. They are hilarious. I would love to notified each time they post something so that I can get a good laugh.
Feb 21, 2016 8:52 AM

Jul 2014
These guys tho, guys please, before posting make sure you freaking understand what youre going to post. You feminist are more funny than the show itself lol.

The story goes around an MMO type plot
Aqua isnt an ideal party member, so is Darkness, fcking Kazuma would be happy if they left him for the narcissist dude.
Since when was it alright for your arch priest the one thats supposed to heal you and support you ends up laughing at you from being chased by a giant frog? and tells you that you should worship them and give them food if he wants her to help him? like srsly wtf? LOL I would have left them in a blink of an eye if they did that to me.

Im guessing Ichi and Cherry has never played an mmo before hence why they dont understand shit of what theyre saying.

Theres a saying that respect is earned, not because of your sexuality or whatever nonsense goes into your mind.

Now let me ask you this, does Aqua deserve respect for what she did to Kazuma? dude just died and she burst out laughing at him and called him names.

Anyways being serious aside this show isnt meant to be taken seriously, its a comedy people, COMEDY! if you dont find it funny then this type of comedy doesnt go well with you, thats all! the same with Gintama, theres a lot of people that doesnt like its comedy. We all have different taste. Dont like it? dont watch it. Stop wasting your and our time.
Feb 21, 2016 10:32 AM

Feb 2011
I agree Aqua is honestly a little stupid and also that Kazuma can be a bit mean to her. I think in fairness though, she can be rather arrogant and greedy though (Kazuma as well but not to the same extent), so some of it is well deserved.

Usually I disapprove of chars like Kazuma who belittle others, but Im okay with it here. Most of its light and justified teaching and nothing unreasonable has been said from one to the other. Kazuma has a reason for thinking the way he does mostly, so I appreciate that. Theres also back and forth between them both that I appreciate. The double mockery makes it feel like a more even relationship.
Feb 21, 2016 10:51 AM

Sep 2013
SansrivaaL said:

Since when was it alright for your arch priest the one thats supposed to heal you and support you ends up laughing at you from being chased by a giant frog? and tells you that you should worship them and give them food if he wants her to help him? like srsly wtf? LOL I would have left them in a blink of an eye if they did that to me.

There's a saying that respect is earned.

Now let me ask you this, does Aqua deserve respect for what she did to Kazuma? dude just died and she burst out laughing at him and called him names.

And that's why you don't have any friends, keep being no fun, lol someone laughs and you disown them? XD
She's a healer like you said and did try to fight the frogs, also she was forced to go to that world.

Aqua is a hard worker, saved the town from getting slaughtered, revived people and is the life of the party.
And what does she get? insults (not even done as comedy), just pure insults and gets billed for helping, very bias and makes no sense.

His parents also laughed at him and so did the doctors and the whole world who watched TV, why don't you blame them then?
Feb 21, 2016 11:05 AM

Mar 2013
Aqua is a hard worker

Not surprising if you think like this. The Anime doesn't reach far enough.
She is about as lazy as Kazuma if not more. She suck up his money fast.

Edit: Actually, nevermind. Getting tired of talking to you. You have huge Aqua bias.
I don't have any bias like you because I think every characters are jerkass and I love them for it.

Kazuma is a scum, schemer, and pervert.
Aqua is the selfish and arrogant girl with low IQ.
Megumin is a crazy loli.
Darkness is that rich pervert.
fateoffateFeb 21, 2016 11:14 AM
Feb 21, 2016 11:30 AM

Jul 2014
ichii_1 said:
SansrivaaL said:

Since when was it alright for your arch priest the one thats supposed to heal you and support you ends up laughing at you from being chased by a giant frog? and tells you that you should worship them and give them food if he wants her to help him? like srsly wtf? LOL I would have left them in a blink of an eye if they did that to me.

There's a saying that respect is earned.

Now let me ask you this, does Aqua deserve respect for what she did to Kazuma? dude just died and she burst out laughing at him and called him names.

And that's why you don't have any friends, keep being no fun, lol someone laughs and you disown them? XD
She's a healer like you said and did try to fight the frogs, also she was forced to go to that world.

Aqua is a hard worker, saved the town from getting slaughtered, revived people and is the life of the party.
And what does she get? insults (not even done as comedy), just pure insults and gets billed for helping, very bias and makes no sense.

His parents also laughed at him and so did the doctors and the whole world who watched TV, why don't you blame them then?

Oh God seriously? are we really watching the same show? :)) and now you resort to personal insults when you have no idea who I am and how I live my life? GENIUS.

Incase you forgot Kazuma just DIED, it seems you dont know how heavy death is then if you think you can laugh it off, what kind of education did you get?
I dont blame them because theyre not part of the story anymore, Aqua on the other hand fcks up most of the time, like I said please read your post carefully before posting it.
It seems you and Darkness share some M tendencies if you can accept people that can laugh and tease you most of the time and leaves you when youre in a pinch then? desperate for friends are we? LOL
She didnt fight the frog to help Kazuma, she fought it after Kazuma saved her sorry ass and wanted revenge hence attacking the frog and getting eaten again.

What does she get? she was the reason why theyre in a huge debt in the 1st place.
It seems your waifu senses is way too much for me to handle.
No offense but, are you trolling or are you just as stupid as your waifu?

Anyways I am done with you, it seems youre way too blinded by your love for your waifu, quite unpleasant really.
-StrayFeb 21, 2016 11:42 AM
Feb 21, 2016 12:11 PM

Sep 2013
fateoffate said:
Aqua is a hard worker

Not surprising if you think like this. The Anime doesn't reach far enough.
She is about as lazy as Kazuma if not more. She suck up his money fast.

SansrivaaL said:

Incase you forgot Kazuma just DIED, it seems you dont know how heavy death is then if you think you can laugh it off, what kind of education did you get?

What does she get? she was the reason why they're in a huge debt in the 1st place.

And who is repsonsible for his revival each time? I'll be waiting for your answer.

Maybe she should have let dullahan kill a couple million people then flood him, that would be better right?
Feb 21, 2016 12:46 PM
Jul 2018

I may be pointing out the obvious, but still...
Feb 21, 2016 1:52 PM

Dec 2015
Shinjisus said:
Firstly I thought you were a simple troll but now, now you have my attention.

I'm fan. I found you worthy of my time so please continue enterteining me like this. Your posts are hilarius :)

I personally don't find anything funny about the current predicament this community is in; rather I'm bemused that people continue to be so antagonistic towards my views for practically no logical reason.

Sangaz said:

I may be pointing out the obvious, but still...

As I said, while it may be fiction, the very fact that the story has such sexist elements should put its credibility as a work into question.
Feb 21, 2016 1:59 PM

Mar 2013
ichii_1 said:
fateoffate said:

Not surprising if you think like this. The Anime doesn't reach far enough.
She is about as lazy as Kazuma if not more. She suck up his money fast.

SansrivaaL said:

Incase you forgot Kazuma just DIED, it seems you dont know how heavy death is then if you think you can laugh it off, what kind of education did you get?

What does she get? she was the reason why they're in a huge debt in the 1st place.

And who is repsonsible for his revival each time? I'll be waiting for your answer.

Maybe she should have let dullahan kill a couple million people then flood him, that would be better right?

Think. Why do you think Dullahan only come to complain? If there is no one there, he already raid that town.
Spoiler here but

So no. That town was never in any danger.

Aqua stop working when Kazuma become rich. The only reason she work is because she doesn't have money yet.
Kazuma can't even escape from Aqua through death. It is a hell you can't escape no matter what.
fateoffateFeb 21, 2016 2:25 PM
Feb 21, 2016 3:17 PM
Jul 2018
CherryLover said:
Sangaz said:

I may be pointing out the obvious, but still...

As I said, while it may be fiction, the very fact that the story has such sexist elements should put its credibility as a work into question.

Why should it? I honestly don't see why.
Just as an example: Last week Walking Dead, little kid got eaten. Now I didn't sit there thinking "gosh, I object to such treatment of a child!", I was thinking "thank fuck for that, I hate child actors".

I really don't see why a work of fiction can cause such an upset with some folk. It's as if we're in 1960 and the book Lolita just came out.
I'd have thought with out progressive society that we'd be past getting out knickers in a twist over fiction.
Feb 21, 2016 5:13 PM

Jan 2010
Wait... this whole topic isn't a joke? oh my god people really think that way about this anime. Urgh I'll go watch last week's episode again to feel a little better.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 21, 2016 5:28 PM

Dec 2012
Ryuku-Tsukuyomi said:
Wait... this whole topic isn't a joke? oh my god people really think that way about this anime. Urgh I'll go watch last week's episode again to feel a little better.
Someone, please save me from these people who can't take a joke! I'm going to lose my mind.
Feb 22, 2016 5:15 AM
Jan 2016
Aqua is really a dump goddess.
Feb 22, 2016 6:47 AM

Oct 2013
Ratohnhaketon said:
Ryuku-Tsukuyomi said:
Wait... this whole topic isn't a joke? oh my god people really think that way about this anime. Urgh I'll go watch last week's episode again to feel a little better.
Someone, please save me from these people who can't take a joke! I'm going to lose my mind.

saving the GIF picture here!!! thank you!
Feb 22, 2016 7:02 AM

Dec 2015
Sangaz said:
CherryLover said:

As I said, while it may be fiction, the very fact that the story has such sexist elements should put its credibility as a work into question.

Why should it? I honestly don't see why.
Just as an example: Last week Walking Dead, little kid got eaten. Now I didn't sit there thinking "gosh, I object to such treatment of a child!", I was thinking "thank fuck for that, I hate child actors".

I really don't see why a work of fiction can cause such an upset with some folk. It's as if we're in 1960 and the book Lolita just came out.
I'd have thought with out progressive society that we'd be past getting out knickers in a twist over fiction.

Oh, right. Then I suppose we can just handwave things like rape hentai and the like because they're fiction then. It's not about progressiveness here, I'm not even being radical. It's just basic to feel disgusted by actions that are naturally disgusting.
Feb 22, 2016 8:26 AM
Jun 2010
Feminist 101:
1. State your opinions as facts.
2. Talk over and interupt the person you're debating against. (Only apply when discussion are verbally taking place in close proximity.)
3. If the stacks are against you, derail the discussion.
4. Lie and slander the target indivual.
5. Play the victim card.
6. Rinse and repeat.

Stick to the thread topic and quit trying to derail it.

If you're disgusted, fine, no one here cares about your feeling. The discussion is about the anime, so stick to the topic.
Feb 22, 2016 9:21 AM

Oct 2014
Back to topic, huh?
Now that I think about it:
ichii_1 said:

But Aqua doesn't act like a retarded person.
She acts like a normal girl from this generation.

Oh no what had happened to this world? =D
Feb 22, 2016 9:53 AM
Jun 2010

The way I see it most of them act out of self interest, and not really bullying.

Aqua - create problems, greed, and tries to shift problems onto Kazuma out of self benefits. A complete drunk later on.
Megumin - rejected by all other parties and blackmails Kazuma into inviting her into the party. Screw loose with her love for explosion.
Darkness - Perverted Masochist, not really much to say there.
Kazuma - Likes to seek (not exactly the right word) retribution on others regardless of gender. If given the chances, will be perverted, a scum lazing around, etc. later on.

They all both negatively and positively affects each other.

Aqua causes Kazuma to not be lazy and actually do work, and vice-versa, but Kazuma prevents Aqua from accepting obvious quest that would be considered suicdial. But in the case that death doea happen, Aqua can resurect the dead if time hasn't past by that long.

Kazuma teaches Megumin the importance of learning other magic, but decided to let her stick to her explosion obsession. As for Megumin influence on Kazuma, is more on the negative side, but she does help a lot being the one who can make a blow strong enough to bypass their battle level limitation.

Darkness causes Kazuma to have some connections, while Kazuma influnces. Darkness to be more flexible in her speech and decisions.
LazyLuongFeb 22, 2016 10:03 AM
Feb 22, 2016 10:09 AM
Jul 2018
CherryLover said:

Oh, right. Then I suppose we can just handwave things like rape hentai and the like because they're fiction then.

Absolutely, yes.

No one is being hurt. It's utterly pathetic to go on a rampage over a made up story.
There's a manga called Mai-chan's Daily life which I read years ago (some of the older member may know of it). It was about as fucked up as it gets. My reaction? "Urgh, Nah this really isn't my cup of tea", then I moved on.

Seriously, just go apply your neo-feminist opinions somewhere where it actually fucking matters.

Sorry for derailing to the rest of you. I'm done here.
Feb 22, 2016 12:19 PM

Mar 2013
Sangaz said:
CherryLover said:

Oh, right. Then I suppose we can just handwave things like rape hentai and the like because they're fiction then.

Absolutely, yes.

No one is being hurt. It's utterly pathetic to go on a rampage over a made up story.
There's a manga called Mai-chan's Daily life which I read years ago (some of the older member may know of it). It was about as fucked up as it gets. My reaction? "Urgh, Nah this really isn't my cup of tea", then I moved on.

Seriously, just go apply your neo-feminist opinions somewhere where it actually fucking matters.

Sorry for derailing to the rest of you. I'm done here.

I agree. In fiction, everyone should go all out.
Let out all your weird fetish. Show your view on the world or something.
No one get hurt from fiction. Well okay, the fragile heart of idiots get hurt but those aren't worth mentioning.
Feb 22, 2016 12:23 PM

Nov 2009
CherryLover said:
Look, if the show wasn't sexist, we wouldn't be angry at it. This show is sexist. Therefore we are angry and we would like others to not watch this. It's simple logic.

CherryLover said:
As I said, while it may be fiction, the very fact that the story has such sexist elements should put its credibility as a work into question.

The way I see it, the show isn't sexist. You can argue that Kazuma is sexist (but he's probably just mean all around and horny), you can argue that Darkness is sexist (and willing to push her hentai-based stereotypes on any male she meets), but the show itself isn't. It does quite a lot of fanservice to the males, though.

If you can't handle sexism exhibited by the characters, not by the show, you aren't qualified to push feminism.

The way I see it, the main characters are all rather messed-up people, and the show derives much of its humor from that.
I'd say Kazuma and Aqua are rather realistic people with poor self-control (unlike Darkness and Megumin, who are totally unrealistic people with poor self-control).

Revvie-chan said:
Now that I think about it:
ichii_1 said:

But Aqua doesn't act like a retarded person.
She acts like a normal girl from this generation.

Oh no what had happened to this world? =D

Legends say of a better time in the past, a golden age when people were stoic and selfless, the 20th century. It's all in the past now, with people just looting ruins of the past age.

SansrivaaL said:
These guys tho, guys please, before posting make sure you freaking understand what youre going to post. You feminist are more funny than the show itself lol.

The story goes around an MMO type plot
Aqua isnt an ideal party member, so is Darkness, fcking Kazuma would be happy if they left him for the narcissist dude.
Since when was it alright for your arch priest the one thats supposed to heal you and support you ends up laughing at you from being chased by a giant frog? and tells you that you should worship them and give them food if he wants her to help him? like srsly wtf? LOL I would have left them in a blink of an eye if they did that to me.

Im guessing Ichi and Cherry has never played an mmo before hence why they dont understand shit of what theyre saying.

It doesn't have to be a MMORPG. It works the same for any team effort. MCs aren't a good team.
Kirito would have walked away on his own, occasionally helping out other people, then leaving.
Shiroe would have found a way to make use of their talents that didn't involve getting eaten by frogs.
Kanata (from Kuusen Madoushi) would have worked a lot to improve their teamwork.
But there's nobody like them in this team. Kazuma's planning ability is only on a battle shounen MC's level.

A_Little_Birdy said:
Kirito is just handed a bunch of free power because PLOT ARMORRR, it had nothing to do with his beta status. Seriously tho he is fine example of a cancerous MC archetype that exist in todays modern animes but this is a bit off topic but w/e.

If anything, KonoSuba's MCs live and breathe plot armor. Kirito can never measure up to what they have done in episode 6.
Feb 22, 2016 12:25 PM

Oct 2015
Sangaz said:
CherryLover said:

Oh, right. Then I suppose we can just handwave things like rape hentai and the like because they're fiction then.

Absolutely, yes.

No one is being hurt. It's utterly pathetic to go on a rampage over a made up story.
There's a manga called Mai-chan's Daily life which I read years ago (some of the older member may know of it). It was about as fucked up as it gets. My reaction? "Urgh, Nah this really isn't my cup of tea", then I moved on.

Seriously, just go apply your neo-feminist opinions somewhere where it actually fucking matters.

Sorry for derailing to the rest of you. I'm done here.

But watching hentai leads to a 1000% increase in rapes xP

Joking aside, I'm in total agreement. Don't like the show/manga? Stop watching/reading and find something else. It's really that simple.

LazyLuong said:
If you're disgusted, fine, no one here cares about your feeling. The discussion is about the anime, so stick to the topic.

I do notice that feminists like to use the Appeal to Emotion fallacy (along with many other fallacies) waaayyy too often.
Feb 22, 2016 12:32 PM

Jul 2014
flannan said:

SansrivaaL said:
These guys tho, guys please, before posting make sure you freaking understand what youre going to post. You feminist are more funny than the show itself lol.

The story goes around an MMO type plot
Aqua isnt an ideal party member, so is Darkness, fcking Kazuma would be happy if they left him for the narcissist dude.
Since when was it alright for your arch priest the one thats supposed to heal you and support you ends up laughing at you from being chased by a giant frog? and tells you that you should worship them and give them food if he wants her to help him? like srsly wtf? LOL I would have left them in a blink of an eye if they did that to me.

Im guessing Ichi and Cherry has never played an mmo before hence why they dont understand shit of what theyre saying.

It doesn't have to be a MMORPG. It works the same for any team effort. MCs aren't a good team.
Kirito would have walked away on his own, occasionally helping out other people, then leaving.
Shiroe would have found a way to make use of their talents that didn't involve getting eaten by frogs.
Kanata (from Kuusen Madoushi) would have worked a lot to improve their teamwork.
But there's nobody like them in this team. Kazuma's planning ability is only on a battle shounen MC's level.

Never said or meant that its exclusively for MMORPG only, I used it as an example because its this show's plot. Other than that I dont know what youre trying to prove here.
Feb 22, 2016 9:54 PM

Nov 2009
CherryLover said:
I agree. KonoSuba is a show that passes off degrading and insulting treatments of females as comedy, and tries to justify it by various means. In a way, it's worse than shows like Shokugeki, because those don't bother to justify their sexist scenes. KonoSuba though, is appalling in that matter. In fact, in episode 5, Kazuma calls himself someone who supports gender equality, which is obviously untrue. He's making fun of the feminist movement and I simply cannot stand a show that tries to drive such political messages through so-called comedy.

Did you hear that putting females on the pedestal is sexism too? Women aren't fragile flowers to be adored.

Rime55 said:
I do notice that feminists like to use the Appeal to Emotion fallacy (along with many other fallacies) waaayyy too often.

Probably because their opponents try to pretend to be emotionless, because that's so macho.
Feb 24, 2016 9:57 PM
Feb 2015
ichii_1 said:
-kazuma is obviously the author, an edgy otaku, hikikomori, (former) neet.
-the prejudice against Aqua has to stem from somewhere, author couldn't be a part of the popular girl's group and now she makes her into a bimbo.
-darkness could also be a factor, she's used as a punching bag for the author to vent her frustration.
-megumin is chuunibyou and anger/destructive impulses (explosion).

1) actually the author's self insert is another girl from Megumin's village Arou. ~Confirmed by the author~ and Arou isn't much like Kazuma (he bullies her too) nor is she a wall flower unpopular girl. She's basically a Chuuni Author.

2) It looks like you have no sense of humor if you can't get the buddy comedy slapstick humor going on between kazuma and aqua. As a sidenote: one of the long running joke in both the LN and WN before it is how all the bad things that happen in this world are tied in some way to one of the people Aqua resurrects. See, some of her character traits are she's lazy and of sub-average intelligence. This of course leads her to give god like powers to people of questionable moral and ethical grounding and sending them off into a fantasy world without a care or oversight on how they then chose to use that god like power.
. Of course all of this is played for laughs by the author. because this is a comedy.
-the idea the author has something against pretty and popular girls falls flat when you see all the positive examples of pretty AND popular girls in this anime/series. The issue isn't that Aqua is pretty and popular, it's that she's a horrible person, someone who has direct parallels to plenty of MALE sidekick characters who is basically there for things blowing up in her face after she gets smug and to make the mc's life both miserable and enjoyable. If you've seen Clannad, you'll see a pretty strong parallel to aqua in the MC's best friend Sunohara; they basically play the exact same role in the story. The only difference is aqua also doubles as the "mascot" character of the series, which means she's far more prominent, but her basic role is pretty much identical to that of Sunohara in Clannad

3) All you've seen of darkness thus far is that Darkness is a gag character the author invented to top Aqua and Megumin; if you read the LN the author builds the audience's expectations for an even weirder character and slowly builds into darkness's weird tastes. By the time the audience grasps how messed up darkness is, the joke is spent and the first novel is basically over. As a result she doesn't really start to fill out Darkness's character until the 2nd book. She's twisted yes, but also lonely, and as we see in book 3 (paired with certain reveals later) she's actually one of the most pitiable and shockingly HUMAN characters in the story. The reality is the most mercilessly bullied female characters in this story are Wiz and Yunyun, neither of whom fit any trope you're currently trying to claim the author is or is not due to the female characters she bullies with the plot or other characters

4) Megumin was one of two main love interests in the WN; and while the story varies a bit in the light novels from the web novels it appears that megumin remains the main or one of the main love interests in the story. So claiming that Megumin represents some sort of chuuni rage or rage against chuunis or author hate against chuunis is silly. If you're saying it represents the author's love of chuunis, you're probably right, afterall, her own self insert is another crimson chuuni, Arou.

CherryLover said:
I agree. KonoSuba is a show that passes off degrading and insulting treatments of females as comedy, and tries to justify it by various means. In a way, it's worse than shows like Shokugeki, because those don't bother to justify their sexist scenes. KonoSuba though, is appalling in that matter. In fact, in episode 5, Kazuma calls himself someone who supports gender equality, which is obviously untrue. He's making fun of the feminist movement and I simply cannot stand a show that tries to drive such political messages through so-called comedy.

You're in the wrong place to complain about gender equality in anime. First of all it's called comedy. A twisted fact about comedy is 95% of it is LAUGHING AT SOMEONE. Shokugeki no Soma (written by a man) shows more gratuitous male nudity then female. And yes, it's pointless fanservice, and yes it's played for laughs because it's absurd. KonoSuba's roots weren't in a visual media like manga, but a written one. So instead of mostly VISUAL gags (like SnS) konosuba is filled with a majority of verbal situational and characters ones. As a result the MC is the brunt of the joke. the female leads are the brunt of the joke. the heroic white knight is the brunt of the joke. EVERYONE is made fun of, made a fool of and insulted or joked about at some point in time all in the pursuit of FUNNY

Furthermore, this show is a PARODY. In a parody nothing is sacred. Watch Gintama some day, the idiot males do stupid stuff and the idiot girls do stupid stuff and it's all mostly in the persiut of a laugh. We see the same thing here.

Now if you want to examine the oppressive role of the patriarchy in anime there are LOADS of anime i could point you to right now which are MANY times worse then Konosuba. Some even airing right now. (Erased for example) The only reason you're not blowing up those forums is because (for example) in Erased is the MC in Erased isn't verbally insulting stupid people when they do stupid stuff, because Erased is not a comedy. However Erased and many of the other shows airing this season like most seasons are all shining examples of sexism in anime, and you're wasting our time spilling your outrage on a show which not only was written by a woman but which is a very cleverly written parody comedy (a source of entertainment you clearly do not appreciate)
azanimefanFeb 24, 2016 10:17 PM
Feb 24, 2016 10:17 PM
Jun 2010
That's quite the insightful post azanimefan, I enjoyed reading it =)
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