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Yes moe or no moe?
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Oct 6, 2015 4:03 PM

Jun 2015
moe is absolute shit.

unless it involves traps
Oct 6, 2015 11:50 PM

Nov 2009
Fizix said:
I wonder and the only way to really prove it would be if one of these characters, mid way through a series was to stake claim to their independence, demonstrate independent enterprise, intelligence and take absolute control over their lives and possibly tell the main love interest/male character who is acting as their "protector" to back off because they want to do things for themselves and can look after themselves... pointing out that their assistance will be provided on their own terms. How would moe fans who talk about this feeling to protect react to her? Would they be behind that? Would they still like her as much? Would they see her as horrible and unreasonable?

1) Very few "moe" girls actually require constant protection and supervision. Sure, there's Yui from K-ON, Mashiro from Sakurasou no pet na kanojo and a few others, but they're not the norm. For every girl who can't take care of herself, there is usually 1-2 girls who take care of them.
Sure, most of them might have trouble if their city/town suddenly turns into a warzone (or they might rise up to the challenge, like the girls in Gakkou Gurashi), but usually they're fully functional members of society for their age.

2) Think about it: a lot of "moe" girls are in fact far away from home. Asahina Mikuru from Melanholy of Suzumyia Haruhi is hundreds of years into the past, Karen and Alice from Kiniro Mosaic and Yune from Ikoku Meiro no Croisée are living in another country, MC from "Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka" is living in some weird timelost town, MC from Sora no Woto is in the army...
Gakkou Gurashi might be the only manga of its type to get an anime, but there are more manga about moe girls surviving in the apocalypse.
There are plenty of moe girls chasing their dreams. Like that ice cream witch from Shiawase no Pan.

Whatever you might think about their intellectual ability, their results are really good.

3) Keep in mind that "it's okay to depend on others" is a stock moral of the story in Japan. It's a collectivist country. So having friends and making friends, and doing things together in not considered a bad thing, whatever it might be like in your country.

4) Now that I've said all these disclaimers, I can answer. A "moe" girl who grows up, becomes more independent and takes control of her life is the essence of moe, and a sign of good writing. Just make sure the writing is actually good and believable.
Of course, not every moe show can brag about actually having proper character development. I haven't watched all the seasons of K-ON, but it seems that Yui will remain in that twisted relationship with her little sister for a long while.
Oct 7, 2015 5:10 AM

May 2015
I'm not sure if loving moe means you're afraid of 'adult relationships'.

Yoshino is moe and I love her. I get the feelings of wanting to protect, but I don't feel sexual attraction. I imagine Yoshino as a friend or a little sister. The people that I imagine as sexual/romantic partners may have this cute feature (I find cuteness sexually appealing) but they will have a more mature appearance.

I don't see what's wrong with this protectiveness feeling. Isn't this how parents feel towards their children? How people feel towards their pets?
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 7, 2015 6:20 AM
Jun 2015
jal90 said:

Moe being associated with vulnerable characters is some kind of absurd, but I love it because it means that virtually any CGDCT SOL show will be instantly excluded from this boring and overused buzzword.

Moe characters are vulnerable but since it is a cartoon nothing bad would probably happen to them. The main issue with Moe slice of life is the characterization is weak and rarely fleshed out. It is hard to invest time into a show that does not have interesting characters that don't have much development, the comedy is mediocre or lacks memorable themes. Magical Girl shows in general are better than moe slice of life because there elements in most of the shows to break apart the mundane repetitive parts like themes, main character conflicts, action, magic and a overarching plot. Slice of life in general can be really boring if it does not have action, plot or themes to spice up or break away the mundane parts.

TLDR: Moe Slice of life is too fluffy and the characters are not as interesting or have as much depth as other anime that have slice of life. Examples of Moe Slice of life done right is Aria (World-building and fleshed out main characters), Azumanga Daioh (Comedy) and Nichijou (Comedy) or a decent magical girl show (main characters have interesting conflicts, themes, magic and an overarching plot).
Oct 7, 2015 7:41 AM
Dec 2012
15poundfish said:
The main issue with Moe slice of life is the characterization is weak and rarely fleshed out. It is hard to invest time into a show that does not have interesting characters that don't have much development, the comedy is mediocre or lacks memorable themes. Magical Girl shows in general are better than moe slice of life because there elements in most of the shows to break apart the mundane repetitive parts like themes, main character conflicts, action, magic and a overarching plot. Slice of life in general can be really boring if it does not have action, plot or themes to spice up or break away the mundane parts.

This is like saying that the issue with horror is that it's scary, or that the issue with comedy is that it's funny. SoL shows aren't supposed to have dramatic character development, plots, action and conflict. The characters aren't supposed to be "deep" with dramatic backstories and moral dilemmas. The characters are supposed to be appealing in the same way that a real person would be appealing. How often do you hear of someone dumping his girlfriend because she had an uneventful childhood and wasn't morally conflicted over some life-altering problem? SoL is meant to be like regular everyday real life, or what passes for real life in the world of manga and anime, and that means it can't seem too much like fiction.
Oct 7, 2015 7:51 AM
Jul 2018
Bring on the moe. Any day. Anytime.
Oct 7, 2015 8:27 AM

Apr 2014
So kawaii, right? Who can resist?

dissipatedOct 7, 2015 8:31 AM
Oct 7, 2015 8:34 AM
Jun 2015
2weeaboo4u said:

This is like saying that the issue with horror is that it's scary, or that the issue with comedy is that it's funny. SoL shows aren't supposed to have dramatic character development, plots, action and conflict.

Slice of life can have everything and also none of those things. You can have mundane interactions with also character development, an overarching plot, action and conflicts. Most anime have slice of life to slow down the pace of an action show or as a cooling off period right before a climax.
2weeaboo4u said:

The characters aren't supposed to be "deep" with dramatic backstories and moral dilemmas. The characters are supposed to be appealing in the same way that a real person would be appealing.

CGDCT are not appealing in the same way a real person is appealing though. Moe is as far as away as reality you can get besides Mcs with hacking powers or dense harem protagonists. If that is what you enjoy, then interesting characters with lots of characterization will be more entertaining than characters that are usually defined by two traits and remain stagnant.

2weeaboo4u said:

How often do you hear of someone dumping his girlfriend because she had an uneventful childhood and wasn't morally conflicted over some life-altering problem?

People often dump people that are boring and not very interesting people. many Moe Slice of life fall into both categories because they are not believable characters or fleshed out enough to be interesting.

2weeaboo4u said:
SoL is meant to be like regular everyday real life, or what passes for real life in the world of manga and anime, and that means it can't seem too much like fiction.

SOL without focus and bad characters is also boring. When people talk about regular life they don't talk about the most mundane things either. They often talk about interesting interactions that might have taught them something (Themes) or something not ordinary (Not mundane).
Oct 7, 2015 8:55 AM
Dec 2012
15poundfish said:
Slice of life can have everything and also none of those things. You can have mundane interactions with also character development, an overarching plot, action and conflicts. Most anime have slice of life to slow down the pace of an action show or as a cooling off period right before a climax.

In other words, anything and everything can be called SoL because... well, why? It seems like many people want to apply the SoL label to everything possible, and the only reason I can think of is that they think it somehow increases the quality or prestige of the work.

SoL shows exist within certain parameters, they aren't just whatever you want them to be.

CGDCT are not appealing in the same way a real person is appealing though.

The basic idea is exactly the same, as I just explained. They aren't appealing because they had a traumatic childhood, or because they are currently trying to save the world, or because they are undergoing dramatic character development. Real people aren't appealing for those reasons either. Moe is an imaginary romance, and the characters in K-On, Hidamari Sketch and Yuru Yuri appeal to the viewer in the same way they would in real life. I like Miyako because she's funny, cheerful and a little strange, not because her right arm is cursed and only she can save Tokyo from the apocalypse.

People often dump people that are boring and not very interesting people.

Please don't embarass yourself by actually trying to argue against what I said. A real woman would be interesting in largely the same way that Miyako is interesting. Childhood trauma and personal problems are not "interesting," they don't make someone say: "Dude my girlfriend is so interesting! She got raped as a child, her father committed suicide and her mother is a junkie! Definitely marriage material."

many Moe Slice of life fall into both categories because they are not believable characters or fleshed out enough to be interesting.

Correction: you think they aren't interesting, and you expect things from the SoL genre that it isn't supposed to provide.

SOL without focus and bad characters is also boring.

Just because you think there needs to be "focus" and just because you think the characters are boring doesn't mean there needs to be "focus" and that everyone else thinks the characters are boring too.

When people talk about regular life they don't talk about the most mundane things either. They often talk about interesting interactions that might have taught them something (Themes) or something not ordinary (Not mundane).

If you followed someone's life with a hidden camera, it would be mostly mundane things. That's what a SoL anime is.
Oct 7, 2015 9:04 AM

Nov 2012
Illyricus said:
Moe is love, moe is life, moe is justice.
Bakr said:
Depends on the show really.
Oct 7, 2015 9:26 AM

Mar 2012
Baka Gaijins gave me cancer.
Do you play Azure Lane?
Then please join my fanclub
Oct 7, 2015 9:28 AM

Nov 2013
Depends on my mood. Usually I don't mind it though. And sometimes it fits the bill perfectly and just makes me almost die of adorableness. Of course sometimes it's just completely irrelevant and ruins the mood too.
Oct 7, 2015 9:30 AM

Sep 2013
Moe is the origin of anime and the pillar that will support it for centuries to come.
Oct 7, 2015 11:20 AM

Oct 2010
15poundfish said:
jal90 said:

Moe being associated with vulnerable characters is some kind of absurd, but I love it because it means that virtually any CGDCT SOL show will be instantly excluded from this boring and overused buzzword.

Moe characters are vulnerable but since it is a cartoon nothing bad would probably happen to them.

Then how can you exactly describe how vulnerable they are. This is just some groundless conclusion you make. The K-On! girls who act cute are also perfectly functional in their context. They make their own decisions, choose how to spend time and how to set their interactions, which is enough to function properly in the world they are set. And they don't seem to find any problem of inadaptation or vulnerability in their environment.
Oct 7, 2015 11:35 AM

Aug 2015
There is a place for everything and certainly moe has earned its place in Anime, and for better or worse is here to stay. If someone doesn't like it, no one if forcing them to watch that type of Anime and period, end of story. If you like moe that is awesome, and if you don't like it, move on to something else.
Oct 7, 2015 5:17 PM
Jun 2015
2weeaboo4u said:

In other words, anything and everything can be called SoL because... well, why? It seems like many people want to apply the SoL label to everything possible, and the only reason I can think of is that they think it somehow increases the quality or prestige of the work.

Slice of life focuses on the daily lives of characters and is not limited to a realistic setting. An action anime can be a slice of life in the same way a supernatural mystery can also be a slice of life as long as it focuses on the daily lives of the characters. A show only about cute girls in high school that act like elementary kids can also be a slice of life if it focuses on the daily life of the characters.

2weeaboo4u said:

The basic idea is exactly the same, as I just explained. They aren't appealing because they had a traumatic childhood, or because they are currently trying to save the world, or because they are undergoing dramatic character development. Real people aren't appealing for those reasons either. Moe is an imaginary romance, and the characters in K-On, Hidamari Sketch and Yuru Yuri appeal to the viewer in the same way they would in real life. I like Miyako because she's funny, cheerful and a little strange, not because her right arm is cursed and only she can save Tokyo from the apocalypse.

They don't need to have tragic pasts, but having a tragic past does not negate it from being a slice of life. Moe slice of life is boring because the characters are often not very interesting and the theme exploration is weaker than kids shows like magical girl shows or shounen.

2weeaboo4u said:

Please don't embarass yourself by actually trying to argue against what I said. A real woman would be interesting in largely the same way that Miyako is interesting. Childhood trauma and personal problems are not "interesting," they don't make someone say: "Dude my girlfriend is so interesting! She got raped as a child, her father committed suicide and her mother is a junkie! Definitely marriage material."
I never said they needed tragic pasts, all I said is moe characters in general are boring because they don't have much characterization. A character that is only defined by a few traits starts to get boring quickly which is why good slice of life either fleshes out its characters more or has interesting themes or good comedy. Barakamon's main character and Usagi drops main character are not boring because both characters make huge changes throughout the series and their backstories flesh out their characterization and we also get to hear their thoughts on aspects of their lives. Both stories have character development, a focus, and theme exploration. Barakamon focuses on an anti-social adult that is humbled by the village community he becomes apart of and becomes a less up-tight person then he was at the beginning. Usagi drops main character becomes a more caring, active protagonist and finds a new purpose in life outside of working every day. The themes explored in that anime are raising a young adolescent and death and the difficulties of having a family.

2weeaboo4u said:

Correction: you think they aren't interesting, and you expect things from the SoL genre that it isn't supposed to provide.

Only Yesterday, Kino no Tabi, Aria, Mushishi, etc. are all slice of life that all focus on themes and some of them are also character driven.

2weeaboo4u said:

Just because you think there needs to be "focus" and just because you think the characters are boring doesn't mean there needs to be "focus" and that everyone else thinks the characters are boring too.
If you like mindless entertainment that is fine with me, but mindless entertainment that doesn't have interesting characters, themes, comedy or plot get boring pretty fast.

2weeaboo4u said:

If you followed someone's life with a hidden camera, it would be mostly mundane things. That's what a SoL anime is.

Exactly, that is why you should only focus on interesting interactions or high lights of one life. If you focus only mundane aspects without having focus you get a boring show.
15poundfishOct 7, 2015 5:20 PM
Oct 7, 2015 5:19 PM

Jun 2014
Even DB is pretty moe
Oct 7, 2015 5:31 PM
Jun 2015
jal90 said:

Then how can you exactly describe how vulnerable they are. This is just some groundless conclusion you make. The K-On! girls who act cute are also perfectly functional in their context. They make their own decisions, choose how to spend time and how to set their interactions, which is enough to function properly in the world they are set. And they don't seem to find any problem of inadaptation or vulnerability in their environment.
The environment often revolves around the characters, any issue that happens in K-on is quickly resolved easily without any problems. The characters procrastinate every day, drink tea and eat sweets and still manage to play well at every concert. The first major conflict in the anime where Yui cannot purchase a guitar is quickly resolved when Tsumugi's family happens to own the music store. Even the supposed days where they actually practice they end up not really practicing much at all because most of the time is eating sweets and drinking tea.
Oct 7, 2015 5:33 PM

Jul 2014
Moe is fine but I don't like it in series which really don't need it, like GATE
Oct 7, 2015 5:35 PM
Aug 2015
paperlynx said:
Moe is fine but I don't like it in series which really don't need it, like GATE

id rather gate be moe then be all GAR or something....never rly liked that kind of thing.....better to let the girls be cute than bland and boring ....
Oct 7, 2015 5:42 PM

Jul 2014
It doesn't have to be gar or moe, there is an inbetween
Oct 7, 2015 5:43 PM
Dec 2012
15poundfish said:
Slice of life focuses on the daily lives of characters and is not limited to a realistic setting. An action anime can be a slice of life in the same way a supernatural mystery can also be a slice of life as long as it focuses on the daily lives of the characters. A show only about cute girls in high school that act like elementary kids can also be a slice of life if it focuses on the daily life of the characters.

SoL is not just any kind of daily life. It's ordinary, mundane daily life.

They don't need to have tragic pasts, but having a tragic past does not negate it from being a slice of life. Moe slice of life is boring because the characters are often not very interesting and the theme exploration is weaker than kids shows like magical girl shows or shounen.

Nobody cares what you think is or isn't boring or what you think SoL shows should be like.

I never said they needed tragic pasts, all I said is moe characters in general are boring because they don't have much characterization.

They have plenty of characterization, it's just that you define characterization entirely in terms of conventional fiction where there is a plot and the author has preordained a dramatic arc for every character. Neither of which exist in real life.

Only Yesterday, Kino no Tabi, Aria, Mushishi, etc. are all slice of life that all focus on themes and some of them are also character driven.

Only Yesterday and Kino aren't SoL.

If you like mindless entertainment that is fine with me, but mindless entertainment that doesn't have interesting characters, themes, comedy or plot get boring pretty fast.

Just because you are too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it's mindless. That's not how it works.

Exactly, that is why you should only focus on interesting interactions or high lights of one life. If you focus only mundane aspects without having focus you get a boring show.

Again, nobody cares what you think the SoL genre should be like, you raving narcissist.
Oct 7, 2015 7:12 PM

May 2015
15poundfish said:
jal90 said:

Moe being associated with vulnerable characters is some kind of absurd, but I love it because it means that virtually any CGDCT SOL show will be instantly excluded from this boring and overused buzzword.

Moe characters are vulnerable but since it is a cartoon nothing bad would probably happen to them. The main issue with Moe slice of life is the characterization is weak and rarely fleshed out. It is hard to invest time into a show that does not have interesting characters that don't have much development, the comedy is mediocre or lacks memorable themes. Magical Girl shows in general are better than moe slice of life because there elements in most of the shows to break apart the mundane repetitive parts like themes, main character conflicts, action, magic and a overarching plot. Slice of life in general can be really boring if it does not have action, plot or themes to spice up or break away the mundane parts.

TLDR: Moe Slice of life is too fluffy and the characters are not as interesting or have as much depth as other anime that have slice of life. Examples of Moe Slice of life done right is Aria (World-building and fleshed out main characters), Azumanga Daioh (Comedy) and Nichijou (Comedy) or a decent magical girl show (main characters have interesting conflicts, themes, magic and an overarching plot).

I wouldn't call Aria moe. It looks like they just wanted pretty characters, but didn't emphasize cuteness like Azumanga or Galaxy Angel.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 7, 2015 8:31 PM
Feb 2014
Oct 7, 2015 8:34 PM

Jul 2014
Oct 7, 2015 8:49 PM

Apr 2011
Fundamentally, an anime must be unique and interesting.

If the moe factor makes the anime more unique and interesting in its own way, then so be it.
Oct 7, 2015 9:30 PM
Jun 2015
2weeaboo4u said:

SoL is not just any kind of daily life. It's ordinary, mundane daily life.
What is ordinary depends on the characters and setting and not what you ordain it to be. The life of a police officer is different than a waitress.
2weeaboo4u said:

They have plenty of characterization, it's just that you define characterization entirely in terms of conventional fiction where there is a plot and the author has preordained a dramatic arc for every character. Neither of which exist in real life.
Which shows are you talking about that have plenty of characterization?

2weeaboo4u said:

Only Yesterday and Kino aren't SoL.

Only Yesterday focuses on a character working on a farm and reminiscing about her childhood. There nothing in the movie that is not ordinary besides the ending? Kino focuses on a character that travels on a motorcycle and visits different communities. Kino is more of an observer, however the communities she visits are not very ordinary.

2weeaboo4u said:

Just because you are too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it's mindless. That's not how it works.

Start naming your favorite moe slice of life and explain why it is not mindless and thought provoking outside of the superficial level.
Oct 7, 2015 10:15 PM
Dec 2012
15poundfish said:
What is ordinary depends on the characters and setting and not what you ordain it to be. The life of a police officer is different than a waitress.

And thanks to this principle, Attack on Titan is suddenly SoL. Which is to say that SoL no longer has any meaning whatsoever.

Which shows are you talking about that have plenty of characterization?

Any of them.

Only Yesterday focuses on a character working on a farm and reminiscing about her childhood. There nothing in the movie that is not ordinary besides the ending? Kino focuses on a character that travels on a motorcycle and visits different communities. Kino is more of an observer, however the communities she visits are not very ordinary.

Neither are SoL.

Start naming your favorite moe slice of life and explain why it is not mindless and thought provoking outside of the superficial level.

The very fact that you expect everything to be (superficially) "thought-provoking" is what's stupid here. You just want to be spoonfed "themes" and "meaning" through pre-selected "mature" anime so you can feel good about yourself for only watching deep, intellectual anime for deep intellectuals like yourself. If characters aren't posing profound questions about the nature of man, it must be "mindless entertainment" unfit for the anime elite (whose average age is 15). When I look at your anime list, I wonder if your account is meant to be a parody.
Oct 7, 2015 10:47 PM

Mar 2012
15poundfish might have only one Mindset while normal Anime fans have 3 different mindset.

but me i only got 5 different mindset to enjoy anime.
Do you play Azure Lane?
Then please join my fanclub
Oct 8, 2015 4:32 AM

Oct 2009
This is moe enough to make me gay
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Oct 8, 2015 4:42 AM

Oct 2015
Oct 8, 2015 5:10 AM

May 2015
OppaiSugoi said:

This is the same guy responsible for Date A Live's characters. He's a genius.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 8, 2015 5:10 AM
Feb 2012
Take moe away and the industry virtually dies.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Oct 8, 2015 5:32 AM

May 2013
Zalnard said:
Illyricus said:
Moe is love, moe is life, moe is justice.
Bakr said:
Depends on the show really.

Pretty much. It can be done well and it can be done not so well, but when it is done well, it completes the soul.
Oct 8, 2015 8:37 AM

Dec 2014
Might depend on the serie, but yeah, Yes moe, a little bit of moe at least it's okay even on "serious series".
FragMentizedOct 8, 2015 8:41 AM
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Oct 8, 2015 8:40 AM

Dec 2012
Yes moe, but in moderation.

Too much of it can get over-saturating really quick.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Oct 8, 2015 8:43 AM

Sep 2014
In a light-hearted, funny and cute story: It doesn't bother me at all. I think It's in those kind of story they're made.

In a full action fantasy where fights, violence, death is current: Please stop it!!!
Oct 8, 2015 5:50 PM
Jun 2015
2weeaboo4u said:

And thanks to this principle, Attack on Titan is suddenly SoL. Which is to say that SoL no longer has any meaning whatsoever.

Attack on Titan has Slice of life scenes but there is a strong emphasis on it's narrative than the ordinary interactions. You seem to only define Slice of life based on school girls doing cute things when slice of life is far broader than that. A great slice of life can use mundane interactions to craft meaningful themes or a message. Moe slice of life in general don't have this and are basically copy and paste school girl comedy cliches e.g. kiniro mosaic, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?, Non Non Biyori.

2weeaboo4u said:

Any of them.

Name some?

2weeaboo4u said:

Neither are SoL.

They are both slice of life. Only yesterday are a bunch of slice of life stories put together into a movie. Kino are episodic slice of life stories of a girl riding a motorcycle. Fictional worlds don't disqualify from something from being a slice of life.

2weeaboo4u said:

The very fact that you expect everything to be (superficially) "thought-provoking" is what's stupid here. You just want to be spoonfed "themes" and "meaning" through pre-selected "mature" anime so you can feel good about yourself for only watching deep, intellectual anime for deep intellectuals like yourself. If characters aren't posing profound questions about the nature of man, it must be "mindless entertainment" unfit for the anime elite (whose average age is 15). When I look at your anime list, I wonder if your account is meant to be a parody.
I didn't say everything had to be thought-provoking, it is I just don't see an appeal to most moe school girl slice of life. There are anime that either are funnier, have stronger themes and more interesting characters. Moe Slice of life in general to me is like taking some of the worst parts and conflicting parts of slice of life anime and putting into a single package. if you enjoy slice of life comedy, then moe slice of life is going to copy the same ones from other school comedies but add blushing and awkward delivery of said jokes. If you enjoy atmospheric slice of life, than the poor comedy is going to break that atmosphere by appearing extremely forced and unnatural. If you like slice of life that use mundane interactions to craft a interesting theme, well you are going to get something that makes magical girl shows appear to have lots of depth in comparison ( This includes magical girl shows that are all intent in purposes are episodic slice of life with magic). Finally, if you like slice of life shows that are about interesting character's journey with no clear ending, well many moe slice of life characters remain stagnant outside of forced rite of passage episodes and also don't have much depth to their characterization outside of their archetype.
15poundfishOct 8, 2015 5:54 PM
Oct 8, 2015 7:27 PM
Dec 2012
15poundfish said:
Attack on Titan has Slice of life scenes but there is a strong emphasis on it's narrative than the ordinary interactions.

It's a SoL show according to your "anything goes" definition.

You seem to only define Slice of life based on school girls doing cute things when slice of life is far broader than that.

I never said or implied anything about SoL being necessary about school girls doing cute things.

Name some?

I just did.

They are both slice of life.


I didn't say everything had to be thought-provoking, it is I just don't see an appeal to most moe school girl slice of life. There are anime that either are funnier, have stronger themes and more interesting characters. Moe Slice of life in general to me is like taking some of the worst parts and conflicting parts of slice of life anime and putting into a single package. if you enjoy slice of life comedy, then moe slice of life is going to copy the same ones from other school comedies but add blushing and awkward delivery of said jokes. If you enjoy atmospheric slice of life, than the poor comedy is going to break that atmosphere by appearing extremely forced and unnatural. If you like slice of life that use mundane interactions to craft a interesting theme, well you are going to get something that makes magical girl shows appear to have lots of depth in comparison ( This includes magical girl shows that are all intent in purposes are episodic slice of life with magic). Finally, if you like slice of life shows that are about interesting character's journey with no clear ending, well many moe slice of life characters remain stagnant outside of forced rite of passage episodes and also don't have much depth to their characterization outside of their archetype.

You say all of this as if you actually had any idea of what you're talking about.
Oct 8, 2015 8:12 PM
Jun 2015
2weeaboo4u said:

It's a SoL show according to your "anything goes" definition.

No, it is just you have a extremely rigid perception of what slice of life is. Slice of life is the most general genre there is and nearly every anime has some slice of life in it. Not every show has to have no plot, or themes to be a slice of life.

2weeaboo4u said:

I never said or implied anything about SoL being necessary about school girls doing cute things.

This thread is about moe, I was criticizing strictly moe slice of life shows. You are obsessed over the semantics of a definition of slice of life that are both incorrect and not why I made the first post. Many magical girl shows qualify as moe and comedy shows, but they don't fall into the trap that plagues the CGDCT slice of life genre.

2weeaboo4u said:

You say all of this as if you actually had any idea of what you're talking about.

You have a major god complex over opinions. I explained why I don't like most moe slice of life and you throw a fit like a child. You never refuted any my claims that seem to plague that genre. Moe is fine, but moe slice of life in general to me is just a below average slice of life anime or a mediocre comedy anime.
Oct 8, 2015 8:23 PM
Dec 2012
15poundfish said:
No, it is just you have a extremely rigid perception of what slice of life is.

I have an extremely accurate perception of what slice of life is.

You are obsessed over the semantics of a definition of slice of life that are both incorrect and not why I made the first post.

How awful of me to want to define things accurately instead of using words at random.

Many magical girl shows qualify as moe and comedy shows, but they don't fall into the trap that plagues the CGDCT slice of life genre.

CGDCT shows haven't fallen into a trap and aren't plagued by anything.

You have a major god complex over opinions.

Is this the latest MAL meme now?

I explained why I don't like most moe slice of life and you throw a fit like a child.

Projection alert.

You never refuted any my claims that seem to plague that genre.

You think the genre is "plagued" by something because you don't understand it, because you think it should be something that only you want it to be, and because you're pretentious.
Oct 8, 2015 8:42 PM

Jan 2014
Happy_Halloween said:
moe is absolute shit.

unless it involves traps
Oct 9, 2015 1:51 AM
Jun 2015
2weeaboo4u said:

I have an extremely accurate perception of what slice of life is.

And that is what?
2weeaboo4u said:

CGDCT shows haven't fallen into a trap and aren't plagued by anything.

Name some shows?
2weeaboo4u said:

You think the genre is "plagued" by something because you don't understand it, because you think it should be something that only you want it to be, and because you're pretentious.

Cues the pretentious one liner by 2weeaboo4u.
Oct 9, 2015 2:33 AM

Apr 2014
Sure, I like my moe grillz.
Oct 9, 2015 10:12 AM
Dec 2012
15poundfish said:
Name some shows?

Any of them.

Cues the pretentious one liner by 2weeaboo4u.

No, the one who is pretentious here would be you.
Oct 9, 2015 11:18 AM

Apr 2015
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