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I don't give a shit, I will die way before we kill the earth
mother earth is our brother. we must respect the land, and casinos.
79 votes
May 16, 2009 5:46 PM
Nov 2007
an annoyingly noticeable portion of the population has "gone green"

why have you?

or, if you really don't give a shit, how do you feel about all these-- either serious or just fad-- environmentalists?
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May 16, 2009 5:47 PM

Aug 2008
I want the world to be beautiful.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
May 16, 2009 5:49 PM

Jul 2008
I care and I don't care at the same time. Thing being is, I'll be long gone by the time we kill this rock, but at the same time we shouldn't be wasteful. If there are more efficient ways to go about things, I think we should.

Plun said:
I want the world to be beautiful.
This too. For some reason, "What a Wonderful World" is now stuck in my head too. Fabulous.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
May 16, 2009 5:51 PM

Aug 2007
i never go green.

well..... i recycle paper. I use both sides of a line paper before i think its shitty and throw it away.
May 16, 2009 5:56 PM

Dec 2008
I hate seeing the world messy and dirty. Its like were to lazy to throw out our garbage properly. Like seeing the world look good and not look like crap.
May 16, 2009 6:07 PM

Jul 2007
I was raised green. I think we should take care of the planet in a similar way that we take care of our homes. You don't leave your garbage all over the floor, do you?

I'm not very extremist about it... but I have planted trees, recycled, turned down the heat, lived without air conditioners, turned off lights and kept my garbage in the garbage bins for my whole life.

And, I think that some of the concepts that people are coming up with in this fad can be useful for conserving resources. Eco-thermostats, for example, will reduce the amount of gas being used so that, in the long run, we won't run out so easily. People may argue that there is plenty to last us until we come up with viable alternatives... and in fact there are already plenty of viable alternatives... but why risk the costs of speedy integration of these solutions and the loss of backup systems due to extinct resources?

[IT department: "We're not respected because most of our work is in preventative measures."]
[Fundraisers for Charity x: "There's no limit on donations, every bit helps after all."]
[World Vision Canada: "Only one two dollars a day can feed a family for a day. Damn alternative fuels ruining our low cost grain formula."]

Quote from World Vision Canada is not accurate in case you were wondering.
May 16, 2009 6:09 PM

May 2008
I wouldn't become an extreme environmentalist to go out to the ocean and start harassing the whale hunters or move into the Amazon river and start hugging trees, but I'll support them with my limited abilities by even just picking up a piece of trash at a beach or carpooling to get to school and work as long as I don't lose too much time and money, such as buying a Hybrid car few years ago when it was first introduced. I'll think about hugging trees when I become rich and free enough.
May 16, 2009 8:34 PM

Mar 2009
To be honest, it is just somthing I am doing so I can find some beauty in the world. Mainly people. I could not give a F*** about this world and i would like to see it's total destruction. However, until that day, if ever, I would like to at least stop feeling this pain when I look at how it works. 'Going Green' is jus my way of trying to create somthing beautiful in an ugly messed up world.

Also, the use of efficiant technology not inefficiant technology. Hence why I am using a laptop not a computer the size of a footbal pitch made of valves and tape machines tha go wulr click wooosh and having random blinking lights. It's called progress, perhaps you have heard of it.
May 16, 2009 8:35 PM

Jan 2008
I'm not really going green, more so, when I actually go outside, I want to like what I see instead of trash and all that kind of bullshit. :D
May 16, 2009 8:41 PM

Nov 2006
i find "going green" kind of ridiculous, but i'm not going to laugh at a movement that gets people to start recycling or planting trees.

the environment deserves care because we live on this earth too - if we destroy the rainforests, make many more species of animals go extinct, etc, we are essentially dooming ourselves to an early destruction.
May 16, 2009 8:42 PM

Sep 2008
I kind of have to go green, whether I want to or not. Cali's charging money for their plastic bags in stores, or just not using them anymore. Not that I mind carrying in my own eco-friendly bags... I recycle, clean up after myself, use trash cans instead of throwing stuff on the ground, do all the things a decent person should do. If everyone just did the minimum instead of being lazy bastards, then we wouldn't see all this garbage on freeways and streets. I don't want a WallE future, thanks.
May 16, 2009 8:43 PM

Jul 2007
I care about the environment because I live in it. It just makes sense.
May 16, 2009 8:57 PM
Dec 2008
I don't care because I'm an asshole.

That's the response that you wanted right?
May 16, 2009 8:58 PM

May 2008
Thinking of the environment really depresses me.

The world's population increases at an exponential rate, and the consumption of resources by each inbdividual also increases at an exponential rate. That's like, double exponential.

The implementation of the Kyoto protocol is a complete failure, testamount of the hypocrisy that is part of human nature.

The so called greenhouse effect actually works a bit like a snowball. What that means that at a certain point, even if no additional carbon dioxide is emitted the Earth will continue to increase in temperature. Do you know that water vapour is also a greenhouse gas? And that 3/4 of the Earth's surface is water? Now think of how much more water will evaporate if you increase the temperature with just a single degree.

Around 90% of the plastic that has ever been produced is still around somewhere. It will never go away. The oceans are full of it, no matter where you go, and any big fish or bird that feeds on fish has at least some plastic in its stomach.

If you test your blood for heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants, you will be surprised by how much of it is actually in you. They will never get out of your body and will continue to accumulate for the rest of your life, from the simple action of breething, drinking and eating. Persistent organic pollutants are the reason the sperm count in men has been steadily decreasing each year, and is now at around half of what it used to be. The female to male birth ratio is steadily shifting towards the female side.

I don't really care about the environment. I don't even really care about what happens after I die. I personally don't beleive in reincarnation, so death is the end. What happens after has no real meaning. I just can't help but feel totally worthless for currently taking part in what will eventually lead to the extinction of the human species. I mean, come on, don't you find that stupid?
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
May 16, 2009 9:09 PM

Apr 2009
I'm infertile and don't come out a lot. I care about the environment because I love her. That's all. As irrational as caring for your mother.
May 16, 2009 9:24 PM

Mar 2009
khorven said:
I'm infertile and don't come out a lot. I care about the environment because I love her. That's all. As irrational as caring for your mother.

That is actually one of the sweetest things I have ever heard.
May 16, 2009 9:38 PM

Mar 2009
because "i don't care about the environment" is code for "i'm a massive douche"
May 16, 2009 9:47 PM

Jan 2009
I honestly don't give a fuck about the envoirment. No one did years and years before us. The only thing I care about to be anti about that fucks up the world are Hummers, their ugly, pointless, and use too much gas.
I'd like tossing your salad.-"Yuru"/MMMKD
May 16, 2009 9:51 PM

Nov 2007
I've always been what is now known as 'green'. I use little power and water, I sort my garbage, I've grown my own food and stuff.

Why? I use less power and water because it saves money. I sort garbage because I have three different bins so I may as well use them for what they're for. I enjoy gardening, and it also cuts down on food costs if you grow vegetables and fruit etc.

Never really considered it special or anything, was just a normal way of life for me, but then this 'green' fad started a couple years back... I can't say I disapprove of people lowering their consumption (especially power and water which are issues in this country) but I do dislike so many people being all gloating and boastful about it. Celebs doing the "USE CFLs!" circuit etc. That is kind of wanky.
May 16, 2009 10:22 PM
Jul 2018
enviroment! PFFT WHO CARES!

joking aside its good to conserve and do what you can within reason. But bragging about how "green" you are is pathetic.
May 16, 2009 10:28 PM

Apr 2009
It's a subculture, like vegetarianism. It's to be part of it all largely. Like a friend of mine once said 'I'm not a vegetarian, I just don't eat meat, the difference between both is that the former feels a need to say it at all places and prove some part of himself with it.'

georgi said:
That friend of yours is pure genious.
Nahh, she's actually quite stupid, cute, but stupid. Easy to provoke also, but she's cute when she's angry. Still stupid.

Oh wait, you mean by human standards? Yes, then she's pure genius, cute, and genius.

Mod edit - Posts merged, use the edit button next time.
aeroMay 16, 2009 11:44 PM
May 16, 2009 10:44 PM

Feb 2008
While I'm not like "hey I'm an environmentalist" or part of whole "green" trend, I do clean up my garbage, recycle, walk/bike around etc. So in a sense I'm doing my part, and I wish people were less polluting and more energy efficient, but I don't care enough to do anything about it.

By the way, people who claim to care about the environment just to make themselves look better around other people are idiots. Several corporations exploit this, they rob trendy fakes out of their money and pollute the Earth, all the while spewing "green" propaganda. I can't believe people fall for that crap.
May 16, 2009 10:52 PM

Apr 2009
Oh, when some one drops some thing on the floor near me, like plastic bags that contained food. I tend to walk to that place, pick it up and throw it away with no comment to it. At some times they see me and you notice from the atmosphaere that they at some points then feel really guilty, let them.
May 16, 2009 11:10 PM

May 2008
Flibbertigibbet, I'm not an environmentalist and communist or anything, but your post sounds incredibly darwinian and capitalistic. I agree that no additional ressources should be spent in trying to protect endangered species, but saying they are outdated and meant to die is like shooting a person in the head and then saying that all people should just die since they haven't evolved to a point where they'd be immune to bullets (stupid example, I know).

Edit: Actually, nevermind. I'm just being a hypocrite, I know I won't do anything to help endangered species, and I don't really give a damn what people do about them. It's pointless to even discuss this really.
georgiMay 16, 2009 11:17 PM
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
May 16, 2009 11:11 PM

Nov 2007
meh I don't care, let my child deal with it.
May 16, 2009 11:11 PM

Aug 2008
I love the environment, but i'm not green, I believe global warming is a natural process.
I do, however, think we need to stop cutting down our forests.
If we had planting schemes in instead of logging schemes then the world wouldn't have a carbon problem to begin with!
The only worry I have with our environment's future is more flora and fauna going extinct.

As for people who are green, do not buy a toyota prius, you're not saving the world.
The construction of them actually does more harm to the environment than another small engined car does in a lifetime!
May 16, 2009 11:19 PM

Apr 2009
StephanBlackhawk said:

I don't give a shit, I will die way before we kill the earth (your vote)
Question is though, is it because of that that you do? Bad air to breath still takes some years of your life.
May 16, 2009 11:26 PM

Nov 2007
khorven said:
StephanBlackhawk said:

I don't give a shit, I will die way before we kill the earth (your vote)
Question is though, is it because of that that you do? Bad air to breath still takes some years of your life.
pfft. By the time we actually ruin the earth we probably could go on a new planet. When it's my time it's my time.
But really, I am actually a super freak about the enviroment I yell at people who don't recycle, I bought a recycled purse (Made from Dead Bamboo), and I buy Organic cotton clothing, it's cheaper that's pretty much the reason I buy it.
StephanBlackhawkMay 16, 2009 11:37 PM
May 16, 2009 11:32 PM

May 2008
Come to think of it, I'm really environmentally friendly. Imagine if I actually bought all the anime and manga I've seen instead of..acquiring them through..more eco-friendly means....then that'd be a seriuos strain on the environment. Digital is the way to go, especially if powered by clean electricity.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
May 16, 2009 11:56 PM

Apr 2009
Flibbertigibbet said:
I don't think you'd be good company. I like to be pampered, but you can't do that from your room.

If you're ever here, will you visit me to hug me?
May 17, 2009 12:06 AM
Dec 2008
Captain Planet told me to.

Well okay, that's not entirely true, but honestly watching that show as a kid did get me interested in it.

I took a class on environmental science in high school and learned about a lot of the crazy stuff that goes on like oil spills or nuclear waste disposal and knowing about that kind of stuff makes the world a lot more of a scary place.

While making the world better for your children is a noble idea, we have the ability to make it better right now for ourselves as well as make sure it's still around for our potential offspring. If you're into the environment because you believe that it deserves it and humans have no right to interfere with nature or whatever- that's cool. But for the rest of us, we have to consider that helping the environment ultimately helps mankind out as well.

So yeah, I care about the environment because it benefits me and everyone else to have a clean one.
May 17, 2009 12:07 AM

May 2007
windy said:
i find "going green" kind of ridiculous, but i'm not going to laugh at a movement that gets people to start recycling or planting trees.

the environment deserves care because we live on this earth too - if we destroy the rainforests, make many more species of animals go extinct, etc, we are essentially dooming ourselves to an early destruction.


I think that everyone should be in the habit of "being green." As a lot of other people have already said, we want a beautiful plant, don't we? Picking up your trash, recycling, taking reusable bags with you to the grocery store--all of these things are so easy.

I take a few extra steps. I'm not a hippy in a cabin in the woods or anything, but I like to think that I live a really green lifestyle (for one, I don't own a car, by choice; I bike, walk, and use public transit).

fudgy said:
I honestly don't give a fuck about the envoirment. No one did years and years before us. The only thing I care about to be anti about that fucks up the world are Hummers, their ugly, pointless, and use too much gas.

Then you will be happy to know that the hummer is failing miserably, and I seem to remember something in the news about Obama telling them to stop making the Hummer XD or that it was part of the bail-out deal that they had to stop, or something (I couldn't find a source, sorry).

khorven said:
It's a subculture, like vegetarianism. It's to be part of it all largely. Like a friend of mine once said 'I'm not a vegetarian, I just don't eat meat, the difference between both is that the former feels a need to say it at all places and prove some part of himself with it.'

on a side note, vegetarians have to tell people that they are vegetarians because other wise, one of the following three things would happen: 1) someone would try to feed them something they couldn't eat; 2) a non-vegetarian says something ridiculous and false about vegetarianism and you have to correct them or risk that they will continue to spread that nonsense; 3) you have to let people know, otherwise you go out with them and wind up at a steak restaurant.

We can continue talking about this in the veggie topic, if you would like :)
May 17, 2009 12:12 AM

Aug 2008
Here's a question about vegetarians, why do so many of them eat fish?

Fish don't grow in my garden.
May 17, 2009 12:16 AM

Apr 2009
ScrumYummy said:

khorven said:
It's a subculture, like vegetarianism. It's to be part of it all largely. Like a friend of mine once said 'I'm not a vegetarian, I just don't eat meat, the difference between both is that the former feels a need to say it at all places and prove some part of himself with it.'

on a side note, vegetarians have to tell people that they are vegetarians because other wise, one of the following three things would happen: 1) someone would try to feed them something they couldn't eat; 2) a non-vegetarian says something ridiculous and false about vegetarianism and you have to correct them or risk that they will continue to spread that nonsense; 3) you have to let people know, otherwise you go out with them and wind up at a steak restaurant.

We can continue talking about this in the veggie topic, if you would like :)
Point me where it is and move this post to it I guess:

You don't really need to point it out on shit like profile sites or in any other cause that you go eating out to some other person and then she still says 'I don't eat meat' and if they then persist she says 'I'm a vegetarian'.

Besides, why would you need to defend it against falsities unless you feel that you 'image' is compromised? It isn't in her case as people hardly know she doesn't eat meat.
May 17, 2009 12:44 AM

Aug 2007
Kesha said:
Captain Planet told me to.

Well okay, that's not entirely true, but honestly watching that show as a kid did get me interested in it.

I took a class on environmental science in high school and learned about a lot of the crazy stuff that goes on like oil spills or nuclear waste disposal and knowing about that kind of stuff makes the world a lot more of a scary place.

While making the world better for your children is a noble idea, we have the ability to make it better right now for ourselves as well as make sure it's still around for our potential offspring. If you're into the environment because you believe that it deserves it and humans have no right to interfere with nature or whatever- that's cool. But for the rest of us, we have to consider that helping the environment ultimately helps mankind out as well.

So yeah, I care about the environment because it benefits me and everyone else to have a clean one.

Captain Planet was a joke. Seriously. They always threw in bullshit crap in that show that would never seriously happen. Or if the stuff does happen they made it into a bigger deal than it really was.

Anyway people think I was going green just because I bought some eco friendly crap. I only bought them because they were cheap as fuck. 6 pack of lightbulbs for $1? Who wouldn't buy that? I bought like 3 cases of those.
May 17, 2009 12:44 AM

Aug 2007
Bucket said:
Here's a question about vegetarians, why do so many of them eat fish?

Fish don't grow in my garden.

Because they are not vegetarians.
May 17, 2009 12:47 AM

Aug 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
Bucket said:
Here's a question about vegetarians, why do so many of them eat fish?

Fish don't grow in my garden.

Because they are not vegetarians.

That was my point.
HEAPS of people claim to be vegetarian yet still eat fish.
May 17, 2009 12:49 AM

Aug 2007
Drunk_Samurai said:
Bucket said:
Here's a question about vegetarians, why do so many of them eat fish?

Fish don't grow in my garden.

Because they are not vegetarians.
when lent happens every year, catholics like me only have to sacrifice meat.

oh wait... they don't see chicken or fish as a meat.
May 17, 2009 12:56 AM

Nov 2007
well i hope i die before the earth ends so im ok i guess xp

May 17, 2009 12:59 AM

Aug 2008
Maora said:

oh wait... they don't see chicken or fish as a meat.

Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of being vegetarian?
they are living breathing animals.
May 17, 2009 3:47 AM

Dec 2007
I don't do anything special to harm Nature, at least not in purpose.

But I'm not hugging trees and forcing people to recycle as well.

I may as well say that I don't care. Nature has its own ways to prevent us from destroying it.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
May 17, 2009 3:56 AM

Oct 2007
Bucket said:
Maora said:

oh wait... they don't see chicken or fish as a meat.

Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of being vegetarian?
they are living breathing animals.
It's funny how they're contradicting themselves.

As for me, I do care about the environment yet I don't do anything to help it. I just want to live. It's part of surviving.
May 17, 2009 5:49 AM

Mar 2009
on the topic of vegetarianism: did you know that the meat industry emits more co2 than the entire world's transport emissions combined? true story. vegetarians cut down on something like 20% of their carbon emissions just by not eating meat.
May 17, 2009 9:58 AM

May 2007
Well, I can't move selective posts to a different topic, sooo anybody that wants to talk about vegetarianism (other than how it relates to saving the planet), please do so here. :)
May 17, 2009 11:27 AM
Dec 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
Captain Planet was a joke. Seriously. They always threw in bullshit crap in that show that would never seriously happen. Or if the stuff does happen they made it into a bigger deal than it really was.
Of course. The best way to bring attention to something is to sensationalize it. Just look at the swine flu.
May 17, 2009 11:29 AM
Feb 2008
That's right, a cartoon meant to introduce concepts to children is wholly comparable to a global disease outbreak, I agree.
May 17, 2009 11:32 AM

Aug 2007
Kesha said:
Drunk_Samurai said:
Captain Planet was a joke. Seriously. They always threw in bullshit crap in that show that would never seriously happen. Or if the stuff does happen they made it into a bigger deal than it really was.
Of course. The best way to bring attention to something is to sensationalize it. Just look at the swine flu.

Hardly anybody listened to it. Most kids could tell it was ridiculous and that nobody should listen to something as stupid as it.
May 17, 2009 11:36 AM
Jun 2008
Because I eat from it.
May 17, 2009 12:11 PM

Apr 2009
ScrumYummy said:
Well, I can't move selective posts to a different topic, sooo anybody that wants to talk about vegetarianism (other than how it relates to saving the planet), please do so here. :)
Yes you can, you just need to really want it.

Also, don't mess with Captain Planet, he is more badarse than Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirdmaaaaaannnnn. A superhero that loses his power if you spray mud on him, classic. Also, those four kids with rings that can cause tidal waves and burn pigs alive and that one Indian guy can talk to animals or some-thing because they needed a fifth power they gave him 'Heart'.
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