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Nov 6, 2008 3:06 PM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- OH YES the RAW is out! OMG everything is going WACKO! O_O WTF is wrong with Takumi! OMG, I WAS RIGHT! Finally people should respect me! The whole thing is a SATELLITE THAT CONTROLS HUMAN MINDS THROUGH CELL PHONE TOWERS' WAVES! OMG this could be happening IN REALITY! I heard reports of USA army involving ways of mind controls. N.O.Z.O.M.I. is just a name in this series BUT in reality there can really be a company like that. No kidding the guy who made the whole story says it's all fiction......the USA would sue him somehow for instigating. They always find ways. NEW THEORIES -In terms of hallucinations there is nothing that changed.........Takumi has indeed the same hallucinations of Seira but this time since he knows he got the awakened version then he gets to see in the awakened state. -this is the most important so I bold it and CAPS ON: BASED ON WHAT AOI SENA EXPLAINED TO TAKUMI ON THE TRAMWAY: A SATELLITE SYSTEM THAT IS ABLE TO CAPTURE HUMAN THINKING AND CHANGE SUCH TO THE MOST ENJOYABLE PLEASURE (HENCE GREEN BIORHYTHMS) AND THAT OF THE WORST NIGHTMARE (HENCE RED BIORHYTHMS). THE METHOD IS TO RELAY BRAIN WAVES TO TOWERS THAT CAN CAPTURE AND TRANSMIT IT (HENCE CELL PHONE TOWERS OR ELECTRICAL). UPON OPERATION THE SATELLITE SEEMS TO FIRE OFF SUCH SIGNAL PRECISELY AT THE PERSON IN TARGET.THUS IT MAKES THEM DO ALMOST ANYTHING THE USER WISHES Few talk about a theory but you know I studied about the possibility of this and right now the weapon (confirmed sources but not sure) does not exist BUT there rumors of experiments to find out about it. Imagine the governments not listening to your opinion.......they go and control to accept to do so anyways. Takumi is officially A LOSER TO ME! Walking past Kozue while she got injured and bleeding is for me a guy that is walking by and scared of such is a SOB piece of beep! So Takumi congratulation you proved to me how loser you are by walking past a girl that is injured. I APPLY the same to Yua except he defended himself also since she grabbed him by the neck first.........still don't KO a girl..........LOSER TAKUMI! Obviously the whole crowd being controlled by the satellite should be obvious to all by now. I found Yua cute when she could not send the e-mail and used the hand of her frog. I found cute when Kozue used a band aid BUT it had the frog on it. SEEMS I WAS RIGHT about the frog being important in this setup. Nanami is starting to be controlled by that satellite! She saw the tennis ball AS A hamburger? WTF? SECOND NEW THEORY: I was also right about the Di-swords being able to be obtained by only supernatural means. Why..........YES PEOPLE! The way to get it is to open A SUB-DIMENSIONAL portal into the CHAOS! From there you draw the sword.........the price at the time you acquire the sword IS YOUR SOUL! That is most likely going there once you are done with the Di-sword. I am thinking ALSO that Takumi's Di-sword portal access is around that crime scene from the 3rd New Gen incident. THE SUICIDE at the end freaked me out! Since I myself had my own issues with it. The most disturbing was THOSE PEOPLE HAD NO EYES! Thus they were saying Sono Me...Dare no ME? it seems those people were almost as if also controlled by the satellite into killing themselves. HIGHLIGHTS Congratulations Takumi you just made yourself an asshole by ignoring Kozue when she was wounded. ![]() ![]() The band aid with the frog suggests that Kozue may be trouble like Yua although she looks more innocent than Yua. ![]() ![]() I LOL at this scene because Rimi made me think that she was using Takumi's head like a basketball XD+Takumi is following Sena........hmmmm. ![]() ![]() Nanami is having hallucinations too. O_O Is she going to become like Takumi??? ![]() ![]() The chain may be a reference to Uzumaki (spiral)+Yua actually could not send the e-mail without her Gero Kareu's hand. WHY? ![]() ![]() BLUEPRINTS that prove my theory of the type of system used to control people. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() WTF is up with Yua grabbing Takumi like some cop bi***?+Good thing Takumi shoved her off BUT -1 point......YOU do not harm women. ![]() ![]() ![]() The reason to not hurt women is CAUSE THEY GO TO COPS!+Then you get chased by crazy people. ![]() ![]() MA FAVORITE TAKUMI FACE..........I JUST LOVE that expression! My favorite!+Good thing Ayase saves him! ![]() ![]() NICE GREEN ILLUSION! ![]() ![]() SUB-DIMENSIONAL Di-Sword summoning. I THANK my buddy for telling me the real truth about these! ![]() ![]() ![]() There are two Ayases?????WTF???? ![]() The five people from the 1st New Gen crime are on video on youtube????????How the hell did takumi get the link? Shogun again my guess+OMG One of them HAS NO EYES and says "Sono Me........Dare No Me?" ![]() ![]() *Mod edit - title fixed, spoiler tag |
aeroNov 17, 2008 2:54 PM
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me. |
Nov 6, 2008 4:57 PM
Well, that was a shocking ending. Once again, the series leaves me with wanting more (especially how my copy of the game doesn't work properly OTL). Oh, and lulz at MewTube; I really love all the internet parodies. I shall await for fansubs now. |
Nov 6, 2008 7:33 PM
If you want to play the game without crashing, Go here, regiter for a bit and download the anti-fail patch. :D |
Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend |
Nov 6, 2008 11:04 PM
Nov 7, 2008 8:28 AM
king4k2 said: no foot massage scene this time D: It's too unique and awesome to be in every episode, bear with it. rarri said: haha oh wow, in the video, the woman in the middle looks like.... Yua. Well, that could be connected with the photo of herself on her desk. kaimax said: If you want to play the game without crashing, Go here, regiter for a bit and download the anti-fail patch. :D This is sorta offtopic, but you could've just reposted it. It's not that hard, and much easier than asking everyone to register at some forum. /me is listening to Nitroplus/5pb. - Distorted theory [3:33][320kbps][44khz] angel999 said: Obviously the whole crowd being controlled by the satellite should be obvious to all by now. Obviously it was a delusion. angel999 said: THE SUICIDE at the end freaked me out! Since I myself had my own issues with it. The most disturbing was THOSE PEOPLE HAD NO EYES! Thus they were saying Sono Me...Dare no ME? Are you sure that wasn't just a dramatic shadow on his face? angel999 said: The chain may be a reference to Uzumaki (spiral) Uhh, you know, a spiral is a pretty popular shape. Is there any reason that it should be considered as a reference? angel999 said: There are two Ayases?????WTF???? Another delusion, obviously. Though it's much more real than the previous ones. angel999 said: The five people from the 1st New Gen crime are on video on youtube????????How the hell did takumi get the link? It was Grim who sent it to him. The question is, who uploaded it on MewTube in the first place... ~~~~ Overall, really nice episode. Lots of talks about the pretty important stuff, lots of plain beautiful moments ("reality-breaking" FES was awesome, much better than in the game), BUT it is sorta compensated by some QUALITY moments. Oh, and it has one of my favorite scenes of the whole game (the one with the blue sky). Very, very good. |
要らない。もうあれは要らない。 血の赤も、骨の白も、焼け爛れる肉の黒も腹から噴き出る臓腑の灰も。 銃剣の煌き弾丸のメタル。軋む戦車の振動に塹壕の饐えた匂い。 |
Nov 7, 2008 9:26 AM
angel999 said: Obviously the whole crowd being controlled by the satellite should be obvious to all by now. Obviously it was a delusion.NO WAY! That must have been real! I mean N.O.Z.O.M.I. could be controlling them. angel999 said: THE SUICIDE at the end freaked me out! Since I myself had my own issues with it. The most disturbing was THOSE PEOPLE HAD NO EYES! Thus they were saying Sono Me...Dare no ME? Are you sure that wasn't just a dramatic shadow on his face? I think that it might have been a illusion of his but WHO DID download this video? angel999 said: The chain may be a reference to Uzumaki (spiral) Uhh, you know, a spiral is a pretty popular shape. Is there any reason that it should be considered as a reference? YES! It is because it's a usual reference to Chaos also as a symbol but also in Japan those who see the spiral (especially its shape on their hand) WILL GO CRAZY! Like Takumi Watch Japanese movie called UZUMAKI. angel999 said: There are two Ayases?????WTF???? Another delusion, obviously. Though it's much more real than the previous ones. Oh really was delusion.......that's what I though but that means he was targeted by the satellite to alter his reality angel999 said: The five people from the 1st New Gen crime are on video on youtube????????How the hell did takumi get the link? It was Grim who sent it to him. The question is, who uploaded it on MewTube in the first place... So it was Grim! I knew it! However does he have a connection to Shogun? ~~~~ Overall, really nice episode. Lots of talks about the pretty important stuff, lots of plain beautiful moments ("reality-breaking" FES was awesome, much better than in the game), BUT it is sorta compensated by some QUALITY moments. Oh, and it has one of my favorite scenes of the whole game (the one with the blue sky). Very, very good. YEAH REALLY NICE! Explanations are nice too! |
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me. |
Nov 7, 2008 1:37 PM
SingerOfW said: kaimax said: This is sorta offtopic, but you could've just reposted it. It's not that hard, and much easier than asking everyone to register at some forum.If you want to play the game without crashing, Go here, register for a bit and download the anti-fail patch. I can't because the links belongs to somebody, and that somebody is my friend, And without permission posting it on another forum is link stealing -_- I Like this episode, because they didn't have the Ayase Swimsuit delusion in the game. LOL |
kaimaxNov 7, 2008 1:43 PM
Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend |
Nov 7, 2008 3:12 PM
This episode stayed truer to the original because there were a lot of skipable parts of mostly Takumi's thoughts. Also very few trigger delusions. You can actually see Yua's lookalike on the video. Yua's hand and Takumi's body were really distorted in the @cafe booth scene, just like Sena's feet on the previous episode. And the engrish on the mechanism patent was quite heavy on the eyes. |
Nov 7, 2008 6:17 PM
This continues to get more confusing at times but with the possibility of him maybe having a split personality like yua said what exactly is real and what isnt is going to be tough to decide on, are those 2 girls with the di-sword real is yua real he is full of delusions that makes for a interesting show and great ending to this episode mewtube is a wonderful name for a video website lol |
Nov 7, 2008 7:21 PM
kaimax said: If you want to play the game without crashing, Go here, regiter for a bit and download the anti-fail patch. :D I already tried using it before. The game still freezes after the opening sequence though. OTL |
Nov 7, 2008 9:16 PM
kaimax said: I can't because the links belongs to somebody, and that somebody is my friend, And without permission posting it on another forum is link stealing -_- It was made for the piblic use in the first place. What are you talking about? I was getting kind of tired of all the people on /jp/ and #Ensue asking for help installing and fixing Chaos;Head, so I made an installer that a) Can always be installed, even if you've screwed up on a previous install (or already have a patch installed) b) Fixes the chapter 2 & 3 save bug and chapter 5 crash. Yes, this means this patch is crash- and save corruption-free. Contains translated text (most of it is translated), translated CGs and translated video. To use this patch: (If you already have the game installed, skip to C.) A - Install the game Get the game from somewhere and install it somewhere. I'm not helping you to a torrent or serial, so find it yourself. B - Crack it (skip to C if your version is legal) Copy the NoDVD patch (a .exe) to your Chaos;Head folder, overwrite the .exe that's already there. C - Unzip Unzip this stuff to the Chaos;Head folder. DO NOT UNZIP "DO NOT TOUCH.RAR"!! D - Read the readme. Self-explanatory. E - Run 'Antifail Installer.bat' If you have the latest version of VSFilter, you can opt to use softsubs. F - Play the game Play the game in Applocale under 日本語 or use a Japanese non-unicode setting. G - Stop spamming /jp/ with topics asking how to install Also, point everyone who still asks for help to this file. Credits go to the translation team for translating the game, TinFoil for creating the original patch, and whoever it was that uploaded nssver2.rar for mostly-working NSS files (still had to replace some, though). Enjoy! I Like this episode, because they didn't have the Ayase Swimsuit delusion in the game. LOL Oh Really? |
要らない。もうあれは要らない。 血の赤も、骨の白も、焼け爛れる肉の黒も腹から噴き出る臓腑の灰も。 銃剣の煌き弾丸のメタル。軋む戦車の振動に塹壕の饐えた匂い。 |
Nov 7, 2008 9:59 PM
Nov 7, 2008 10:47 PM
Crimsonwill said: Ha ha throwing up the tennis ball and having a fish burger fall down xD, funniest scene this episode. I wouldn't mind him finding his Di-sword already though =O, Wonder what it looks like @_@ I am more worried about if they could make a satellite system like it suggests..........we do have Electrical towers and Cell phone towers. TV and Radio have proven their points. |
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me. |
Nov 7, 2008 11:44 PM
Nov 8, 2008 12:39 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot, I only remembered the lingerie version. LOL |
Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend |
Nov 8, 2008 6:14 AM
kaimax said: Oh yeah, I forgot, I only remembered the lingerie version. LOL I lol'd. |
Nov 8, 2008 6:53 AM
Awesome episode! I'm still curious about Kozue's role. I hope to see more of her next episode. And the theory with the coin that the two policemen were talking about seemed interesting. I wonder if they'll really be able to predict the next crime scenes with it.. |
![]() |
Nov 8, 2008 7:13 AM
As it seems the man takumi saw last episode is the one video tapping the first New-Gen incident due to that takumi concludes the sound from the wheel chair and how low the camera angle is. |
Nov 8, 2008 7:22 AM
Iazrien said: As it seems the man takumi saw last episode is the one video tapping the first New-Gen incident due to that takumi concludes the sound from the wheel chair and how low the camera angle is. I am more worried about their theory of gravity being more unbalanced in certain places in the world............DOES that notion apply to our world. I am starting to see how much this guy took as fact to make science fiction out of them from this world we live in? |
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me. |
Nov 8, 2008 7:33 AM
angel999 said: I am more worried about their theory of gravity being more unbalanced in certain places in the world............DOES that notion apply to our world. Its clearly groundless anime-babble. There is SOME merit to the suggestion that elements of our emotional state are linked to hormonal cycles that may or may not be connected to external stresses on our body (e.g. natural light levels triggering Seasonal Affective Disorder) - I've heard *some* speculation as to whether the gravitiational pull of the moon could be a trigger for some behavioural/hormonal cycles in simpler animals but I think by and large the effect on humans is negligible, if theres any effect at all. As far as the episode goes, there was quite a lot of exposition, and a LOT of theories from various characters as to whats going on. Will be interesting to see where the shows going with all this, roll on the next episode. |
Nov 8, 2008 12:41 PM
angel999 said: I am more worried about their theory of gravity being more unbalanced in certain places in the world............DOES that notion apply to our world. I am starting to see how much this guy took as fact to make science fiction out of them from this world we live in? It's kind of true its not that gravity is unbalenced but rather that gravity is weaker and stronger in certain areas of the world since, after all our planet isn't a perfect sphere. |
Nov 8, 2008 1:34 PM
Nov 8, 2008 2:10 PM
Kiseki said: i am not sure, but are 13 episodes really enough for this? didnt play the game so cant predict. 12. And they pretty much cut most of Takumi's thoughts and his daily life scenes. The anime is simply depicting the main events that happen in the story with emitting some of the illusions and a few other stuffs. after all, the game is about 30-40+ hours plus, whaddya expect? Even though my comment may seem negative, I like the anime very much so far. It follows the game pretty well and stays refreshing and interesting, with alot of good points. |
Nov 8, 2008 2:36 PM
i think the photo of "herself" from before was actually her sister. For she is so caught up in this as if she has a reason. Well i donno if she as a sister but just a theory lol. But at he ed it really did look like yua. strange o.o |
Nov 8, 2008 3:51 PM
Nov 9, 2008 12:52 AM
Heart_of_Storm said: angel999 said: I am more worried about their theory of gravity being more unbalanced in certain places in the world............DOES that notion apply to our world. Its clearly groundless anime-babble. There is SOME merit to the suggestion that elements of our emotional state are linked to hormonal cycles that may or may not be connected to external stresses on our body (e.g. natural light levels triggering Seasonal Affective Disorder) - I've heard *some* speculation as to whether the gravitiational pull of the moon could be a trigger for some behavioural/hormonal cycles in simpler animals but I think by and large the effect on humans is negligible, if theres any effect at all. As far as the episode goes, there was quite a lot of exposition, and a LOT of theories from various characters as to whats going on. Will be interesting to see where the shows going with all this, roll on the next episode. no, actually such places are said to exist on earth. but its one of those unproven things. cant remember what its called though. this ep partially made me think that maybe its a shared delusion, and they all are being manipulated. since when was takumi interested in 3d girls? inconsistant liar he is lol |
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Nov 9, 2008 2:50 AM
Shedinja said: And the theory with the coin that the two policemen were talking about seemed interesting. I wonder if they'll really be able to predict the next crime scenes with it.. And there it goes, my last hope for some "down to earth" investigation. Even the police goes over to "spiritual theory". Still 3/5 *sigh* I have a new Theory: The Matrix! A hidden organisation controls all 5 senses of humans. Reason: The "ice eating girl" asked Takumi about "errors" and says exactly that "humans are electronically controlled", "its not what you are seeing, its what you are made to see". |
Nov 9, 2008 4:07 AM
FTGT said: Shedinja said: And the theory with the coin that the two policemen were talking about seemed interesting. I wonder if they'll really be able to predict the next crime scenes with it.. And there it goes, my last hope for some "down to earth" investigation. Even the police goes over to "spiritual theory". Still 3/5 *sigh* I have a new Theory: The Matrix! A hidden organisation controls all 5 senses of humans. Reason: The "ice eating girl" asked Takumi about "errors" and says exactly that "humans are electronically controlled", "its not what you are seeing, its what you are made to see". I HAVE BETTER: THE MATRIX+THE TRUEMAN SHOW! This is like our final conclusion (me and my friend). |
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me. |
Nov 9, 2008 9:59 AM
Nov 10, 2008 3:30 PM
Am I the only one that noticed that the singer girls, forgot her name lol, has one of those circle things attached to her clothes that is similar to the one on the bracelet that takumi gave to his sister? Does that have anything to do with anything? I didn't play the game and never will. |
![]() |
Nov 10, 2008 9:21 PM
JadeMatrix said: The only real great part of this ep was Takumi's last line: "Isn't your camera angle a bit low?" making fun of him being in a wheelchair ha XD Ares_Omega said: Am I the only one that noticed that the singer girls, forgot her name lol, has one of those circle things attached to her clothes that is similar to the one on the bracelet that takumi gave to his sister? Does that have anything to do with anything? I didn't play the game and never will. didnt notice, i dont think it has a real purpose but maybe its symbolic.... or is needed for something else, not sure what |
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Nov 11, 2008 2:21 AM
Not to sound impatient, but the subs are taking awhile this time. |
Nov 11, 2008 3:53 AM
Nov 11, 2008 9:21 AM
ludek_cortex said: Yua-chan is so kawaii ~ [wapanese mode off] Do only I feel that Chaos is "wanna be Higurashi"? Nah, it won't be like Higurashi. People just match them together because both contain gore and psychological plot twist ^Opinion from a guy who played the game first ^_^ |
Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend |
Nov 11, 2008 3:53 PM
(spoilers are from the visual novel, so if you want to understand for yourself, don't read them) For those thinking that everything weird is just a delusion... You better stop believing that delusions are not real. SingerOfW said: angel999 said: Obviously the whole crowd being controlled by the satellite should be obvious to all by now. Obviously it was a delusion. SingerOfW said: angel999 said: There are two Ayases?????WTF???? Another delusion, obviously. Though it's much more real than the previous ones. No, they aren't. Well, they are, but they're "real". She was showing Taku how to show your delusions to others, therefore making them real. You can even kill other people using delusions after all. |
MusicalDNov 11, 2008 3:59 PM
Nov 11, 2008 9:32 PM
Spy47 said: (spoilers are from the visual novel, so if you want to understand for yourself, don't read them) For those thinking that everything weird is just a delusion... You better stop believing that delusions are not real. SingerOfW said: angel999 said: Obviously the whole crowd being controlled by the satellite should be obvious to all by now. Obviously it was a delusion. SingerOfW said: angel999 said: There are two Ayases?????WTF???? Another delusion, obviously. Though it's much more real than the previous ones. No, they aren't. Well, they are, but they're "real". She was showing Taku how to show your delusions to others, therefore making them real. You can even kill other people using delusions after all. So there is a paranormal power of delusions that one can use to kill off others? That is pretty crazy! Is it like that people have died..........being tricked by delusions?? |
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me. |
Nov 11, 2008 9:37 PM
ludek_cortex said: Yua-chan is so kawaii ~ [wapanese mode off] Do only I feel that Chaos is "wanna be Higurashi"? it seemed like that at first but it seems nothing like it now.. im getting more a Paranoia Agent feel to it now, but i can tell that should change too eventually some |
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Nov 12, 2008 3:08 AM
Spy47 said: SingerOfW said: angel999 said: There are two Ayases?????WTF???? Another delusion, obviously. Though it's much more real than the previous ones. No, they aren't. Well, they are, but they're "real". She was showing Taku how to show your delusions to others, therefore making them real. You can even kill other people using delusions after all. Note the "More real" part. |
要らない。もうあれは要らない。 血の赤も、骨の白も、焼け爛れる肉の黒も腹から噴き出る臓腑の灰も。 銃剣の煌き弾丸のメタル。軋む戦車の振動に塹壕の饐えた匂い。 |
Nov 12, 2008 7:54 AM
Waiting for m.3.3.w. subs.. |
Nov 12, 2008 12:06 PM
Di-sword thing is abit complicated, i don't relly get it. |
Instagram: Luzifurr |
Nov 12, 2008 5:32 PM
angel999 said: Spy47 said: (spoilers are from the visual novel, so if you want to understand for yourself, don't read them) For those thinking that everything weird is just a delusion... You better stop believing that delusions are not real. SingerOfW said: angel999 said: Obviously the whole crowd being controlled by the satellite should be obvious to all by now. Obviously it was a delusion. SingerOfW said: angel999 said: There are two Ayases?????WTF???? Another delusion, obviously. Though it's much more real than the previous ones. No, they aren't. Well, they are, but they're "real". She was showing Taku how to show your delusions to others, therefore making them real. You can even kill other people using delusions after all. So there is a paranormal power of delusions that one can use to kill off others? That is pretty crazy! Is it like that people have died..........being tricked by delusions?? Yeah, kind of. I don't know if I should call it paranormal, since it's actually quite possible in reality. |
Nov 12, 2008 9:22 PM
jonja said: Di-sword thing is abit complicated, i don't relly get it. it comes from another dimension that is created by the mind, simple XD |
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