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Feb 23, 2012 11:46 AM
Jan 2008
I love Ja'far the most, he's such a loyal yandere waifu, still didn't get to chapters about his past, but he was always so adorable. Also Hakuei, she's an awesome big sister, loved her the moment she got so angry at that asshole who said that will kill her brother. I bet I will like Hakuryu too.

Aladdin is lovable, but out of the main trio I like Morgiana the most. Love her relationship with Masrur, whom I like too. Sinbad is hilarious and you can't resist his manliness.

Alibaba reminds me of Kida from DRRR, but Ali is a much better character. There were parts where he was irritating, but he redeems himself after Balbadd Arc.

Cassim why were you such a big idiot? I hate it when mangaka makes me forgive character by redeeming him in death. Still dislike him in general.

To be honest, I wanted to check out this manga because of Judal's fanarts. I thought he must be pretty cool, but he turned out to be a bigger asshole than Izaya from DRRR whom I actually have sympathy for. Kougyoku Ren is pretty annoying too, but she can control herself, and be adorable with her affection for Sinbad, so that's a plus.

Oh yeah and Jamil, motherfucker got what he deserved.
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Feb 27, 2012 7:27 AM

Jul 2010
[ yes! people getting' active here! ]]

Favorite: i got 3 favorites so yeah..
1) Alibaba
I like Alibaba. e~e oh but dont get me wrong here. i got reasons. first of all, people might see him as a big jerk for fooling around and stuffs specially when he joined Cassim. >.> pretty stupid but he's still got a big gold, pure, kind-hearted heart right? he has this great potential for leadership that's why aladdin chose him.

@maarsaalis yes, you got a point there, he does remind me of kida. better if he also got the V.A like him in the upcoming anime.

2) Judal
(~~,) i just cant help myself to like villains ok. oh and i agree with the fanarts. *ehem* i think he got this badass personally which really fits him as the main antagonist of the series. arrogant, check. cruel, check. somewhat childish, check. i think that kinda makes him cute since i guess he acts like a teenager and all. blah blah i just like him ok. teenage angst ftw

3) Sinbad
being a great leader isnt upon great looks, attitude, fame etc.. but is about being able to lead as a great leader. like alibaba i like him for aspiring high and keeping his head low even though he got all the fame and stuffs from conquering different dungeons. he's a carefree-character which i think kind of pisses ja'far whenever he's found lazying around his work. i like him. i like his personality and all specially when he changed his mind to even help kassim to overthrown Sabhmad and Abhmad just so that he can help the poor at the same time make the trade of his own country better. he got the wits so he's passed on my fav characters.

Least Fav:
Hm i guess i dont really have that much since almost all magi characters are all pleasable to me but i can only include Kougyoko Ren for i think she's an annoying bitch. o-okay. she's irritating and acts like some hopeless-romantic teenager girl. dhfgbdshfga oh but there are times that i like her, specially when she fights using her djinns. (^^)b

ShinkanJun 26, 2012 1:34 PM

Mar 8, 2012 11:17 AM

May 2011

1- Ja'far. It can't be helped. I find him so adorable and nice, and I love his relationship with Sinbad <3. I melt everytime he calls him 'Sin', I just can't handle all his moeness xD.
2- Alibaba. As you say, he's a lot alike Kida, are they twins or something?? I love that character as well. He has an amazing resolution and he's a righteous character who wants to save Balbadd and lead it to a better way.
3- Judal, I guess? I love villains. I regret nothing haha.

>>> I hated Cassim. Just, what kind of idiot he was? Although I felt so sorry for him when I read his past, or when he died... I just can't forgive him, in the end. I didn't like how he was and how he acted. Also, Jamil, that asshole. Glad he died.

[Sorry for my english, it's derp as fuck.]

L o s · L o b o s .
What creates life, is a wish.
Mar 26, 2012 10:08 PM

Apr 2010
Sinbad, I just love him for his personality, man how much I want to get drunk with him xDD All hail to the king! ♥
The eight generals♥ especially Yamuraiha and Sharrkan, these two are so sweet together
and maybe the main trio, though Alibaba can be annoying sometimes...

Ren Kougyoku, man someone get her ass of the screen...
Jun 25, 2012 4:55 PM

Oct 2008

Absolutely Aladdin and Morgiana. I just love them :D It's a shame that Mor-chan is falling for Alibaba (yeah... I don't like that much :P). And Sinbad... Always Sinbad! I do not care how suspicious he may seem :D


I dont' really know. Probably Sharrkan. He's kind of a duchebag :P Cassim was very annoying too :P
Jul 2, 2012 8:53 AM

Sep 2009
Sorry I have way too many favorites XD

Aladdin: I can't help but adore him. I love his innocence's & how he always tries to find the good in things.
Morgiana: She's strong... Both physically & mentally. Especially physically XD but I like how all she wants to do is keep the bond that was created between Aladdin, Alibaba, Hakuryuu, & her. Not going to lie, she can be with any character in the manga and I would be find with it. But I'm kinda rooting for to be with Alibaba more than her with Hakuryuu.
Judal: Hah. Why do I like him? He's sadistic yet at the same time he's immature and cheerful. I can't help but adore that about him!
Hakuryuu: ...I have no idea how to describe my love for him. I like him almost as much I like Mikoto Misaka. And I'm obsessed with her. But I like how he's childish and yet so honest about everything.
Kougyoku: At first I hated her but as the story progresses, I kinda warmed up to her. Now I just adore her. All she wanted was to be acknowledged by others.
Kouha: He's hilarious. Oh god. I thought he was a girl at first than when he debuted in the later chapters, I couldn't help but smile at how he was portrayed!

~Less Favorites~

Abhmad: Disgusting. That's all I can describe about him. That and I hate stupid people.
Jamil: ANother disgusting person. He's a coward who doesn't understand what real respect is so he tries to make everyone fear him by showing how much money he has and how much power he is. He's a coward that can't get anything by his own means.
Gyokuen: This woman just pisses me off. She's so...... UGH! She's the type of woman, where if I meet her, I would kill her myself. This woman doesn't deserve to live in my opinion and that's because of what she did.
Jul 14, 2012 3:09 PM

Jun 2008
Aladdin. He's just so cute when he goes all chibi <3 He has a heart of gold, always wanting to help people, even his enemies.
Morgiana. At first I didn't really like her, she just seemed so.... I don't know. Cold? Bitchy? I don't really know how to describe it, but I didn't like her. As I kept reading, she slowly grew on me. She's strong, she'd do anything for her friends, and she has her cute moments.
Sinbad. I loved him from the moment you saw him, in all his naked glory. He's a really funny character, but he also has a darker side to him as you can see in the last scanlated chapters, using Aladdin, Hakuryuu and Ren like that.

Least favourite:
Hmm, I don't really know.... I'd have to say Cassim. He just pissed me off so bad. He had so much, and threw it all away because of something stupid.
Aug 7, 2012 9:57 AM
Jun 2011

1) Sinbad. Because he seems dumb at first sight and his first appearance made me burst out laughing. But he can still be pretty serious when he needs to be, without overdoing it. I really liked the scene when he said he'll be part of the fog group. He's a king and still he's so close to people.

2) Judal. If I say that I like assholes in general, is it an explanation ? No seriously, I like him because he's pretty good at everything he does and that he doesn't even know the signification of ''defeat''. I like characters who're being defeated even if they were super strong.

3) Sharrkhan. The first time I saw him, even without knowing him, I knew I would love him. I don't know why though... But I was right, because I love him so much now that maybe he'll be number 2 in my top soon...

4) Masrur. I like guys who don't say much and are strong. And Masrur looks gorgeous.

Least favorites:

Actually, I think there isn't any main character I hate in Magi. I love them all, almost.
Aug 19, 2012 2:57 AM

Aug 2012
My My~
I should join too~ >v<


1. MY BABU JA'FAR. I'm totally in love with him. Yandere, tough waifu, intelligent and strong and HIS LEGS OMFG HIS LEGS. I love every single thing about him, he's the perfect man for my tastes~ :'D
2.Morgiana. She is the kind of woman that is not afraid to get dirty, she's crazy strong and clever. This character shows the world that females are strong and can fight too. I love her for being a true woman. :T
3. Masrur. He's that kind of Godzilla with a gentle and kind heart, how could you not love him~? <3
4. Aladdin~! He's so adorbz. I love that he is so cheerful, helpful and finds good in everything. Also he's so young but so powerful. c:

1. Jamil. I hate him so much not only because he's the biggest douchebag I've ever seen but he treated everyone around him like worthless junk. He traumatized Morgiana and I was so happy he died.
2. Kogyoku. I can't really stand her. She's that kind of obsessed teenage fangirl I can't get along with. If she truly was an intelligent princess she wouldn't have fallen for Sinbad because he is the wrong person and don't match at all. Also, she didn't do anything useful at all, correct me if I'm wrong.
3. Drakon and Hinahoho. I don't think they ever did something useful, I think they're just decoration lol. . - . Again, correct me if I'm wrong.
LivenneMar 25, 2013 2:25 AM
Mar 14, 2013 5:15 AM

Jun 2011
delchan said:
2) Judal. If I say that I like assholes in general, is it an explanation ?

You mean, you liked Jamil and Abhmad too? That's a serious case of sickness. No offence, really.

My favorite characters for now are,
1. Sinbad - Just gotta love him.
2. Sinbad - Did I just said that?
3. Sinbad - Shows how much I love him.

Least favorite,
1. Abhmad - Stupid fatass
2. Jamil - Keep your *beep* hands off Morgiana
3. Kassim - Beyond stupid

Don't really like Aladdin (too kiddy/kind for me sometimes), Alibaba (too much hype, but quite decent), Morgiana (Fighting strong woman physically and mentally, so.. what? <- Cute I know, but Kougyoku Ren is even cuter, or the one with the blue naked female wind djinn). Not that I hate them, just, in between love and hate, don't hate yet don't love. I just have to mention them 3 since they're the MCs of the show

Edit : I kinda like Aladdin a little bit, but sometimes he kinda annoys me (rarely)
ToG25thBaamMar 14, 2013 6:06 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 1, 2013 5:37 AM

Jun 2011
@Natsu12345: Wow, you must really like Sinbad.

My favorite characters are (top 5, in no particular order):

1. Ali Baba
2. Aladdin
3. Sinbad
4. Morgianna
5. Hakuryuu

I don't really have a least favorite character, but if I had to choose it would either be Abhmad or Kassim.

Apr 1, 2013 1:03 PM

Sep 2010

Hakuryuu is the best character in Magi to me. xD
Ja'far cause he is/was an yandere assassin just like my bby Rolokyun <3

Least Favorite

Hakuryuu's mother Gyokuen I really hope this bitch gets beheaded that would be epic.
RolokoApr 1, 2013 3:12 PM
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Apr 7, 2013 2:47 PM

Aug 2010
Morgiana is my favorite of all. She's so strong and I want to see her fight harder and get stronger.
Masrur, is probably my next favorite. Though he says so little he's really kind and sweet. Ahhh <3

Those are basically my favorites, I feel pretty mutual about them.~ Aladdin is super sweet and cute, and the stronger he gets the more I like him. Though Sinbad continuously makes laugh, and I love how he interacts with his 8 generals. I really like Spartos & Hinahoho too, I wish they were in the story more.

Least favorite? Hm, Judal. He's actually a lot more annoying than I expected him to be.

[T.C.O] | [C.C.O]
Apr 9, 2013 2:58 PM

Sep 2010
aeropop said:
Morgiana is my favorite of all. She's so strong and I want to see her fight harder and get stronger.
Masrur, is probably my next favorite. Though he says so little he's really kind and sweet. Ahhh <3

Those are basically my favorites, I feel pretty mutual about them.~ Aladdin is super sweet and cute, and the stronger he gets the more I like him. Though Sinbad continuously makes laugh, and I love how he interacts with his 8 generals. I really like Spartos & Hinahoho too, I wish they were in the story more.

Least favorite? Hm, Judal. He's actually a lot more annoying than I expected him to be.

Well Sinbad no Bouken is getting a weekly serialization starting next month so we will be seeing a lot more of the 8 generals.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Apr 11, 2013 5:06 PM

Nov 2007
Sinbad - strongest
Alibaba - he tries his best
Ja'far - I don't know, just makes me lol sometimes
Hakurei and Hakuryuu - two of the members from the enemy country that is against the current Ren ruling way.

Judal - just annoying
Abhmad - same more annoying
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Apr 15, 2013 8:59 AM

Mar 2012
My favorite would be Ja'far and Hakuryuu. I love both of them. Least favorite, hmmm... that bitch mother of Hakuryuu... what's her name again? Gakouen?? yosh.
Apr 15, 2013 11:02 AM

May 2012
Morgiana(of course)
Sinbad(I like his full body djin equips)
yunan(I like his mysteriousness)
hakue(with 100 household vessel)

Apr 16, 2013 8:16 AM

Jun 2011
Shinobu Ootaka has a big talent for making awesome characters. I love almost all Magi characters. But here is a list of my favourite ones:

1)Sindbad (yup he's a real man there)
2) Hakuryuu (he's so sweet)
3) Kougyoku Ren (my favourite female chracter ever)
And I also adore Kouen Ren (for his fashion weakness)

Least favourite:
Alibaba - He seems to be a very boring ,,shounen hero'' type character.
Gyokuen- She is so evil~~~~
telajelApr 16, 2013 8:19 AM
Apr 19, 2013 2:43 AM

Feb 2008

I consider all characters as awesome, they are all so unique. But I have Sinbad as my favorite. Coz I'm a girl afterall. :)) Also:
Alibaba (the confident one)
Morgianna (something feels wrong when they're not with her)

Least Favorite:
Judal - i still don't know his story but he's just so evil in my eyes. :o
*Kougyoku Ren - idk, i have this grudge towards her, guess I'm a girl afterall. lol. just kidding.
... =_=

Apr 21, 2013 8:20 AM

Jun 2009
Sinbad ranks as top favorite character from Magi
I like Hakuryuu (he's such a cry baby but can also be dangerous)
Aladdin is really funny and I love his growth
Judal caught my eye from the first second he appeared...
I love all of Sinbad's capitans (especially Jafar)
Alibaba & Morgiana I love to see them developing as characters, especially Alibaba since that thing with Cassim

Now for least favorite:
Abhmad (plainly stupid)
Gyokuen Ren- I couldn't believe such a bitch can be Hakuryuu's mother, but shit happens.
All people from Al Sarmen in general

I love the mangaka's talent to portray characters ^^
-Hotaru_Apr 24, 2013 12:30 AM
Apr 21, 2013 11:12 AM

Jun 2011
HotaruKara said:

Ren Kougyoku- I couldn't believe such a bitch can be Hakuryuu's mother, but shit happens.

I'm pretty shure that Hakuryuu's mother is Gyokuen. Besides: Kougyoku is much too young to have a son in Hakuryuu's age.
Apr 21, 2013 10:58 PM

Jun 2010
Favourite: Sinbad. He's just too badass >.< and sexy...
I also like Ren Hakuryuu, but I'm waiting to see more development from him.

Least favourite: Abhmad...for obvious reasons, and Gyokuen!
Apr 24, 2013 12:30 AM

Jun 2009
telajel said:
HotaruKara said:

Ren Kougyoku- I couldn't believe such a bitch can be Hakuryuu's mother, but shit happens.

I'm pretty shure that Hakuryuu's mother is Gyokuen. Besides: Kougyoku is much too young to have a son in Hakuryuu's age.

I meant Gyokuen Ren, thank you for pointing that out, the names of those in the Kou empire are quite similar.
May 13, 2013 4:54 PM
May 2013
Favorite characters:
(1) Sinbad, defenitely a ladys man :P I love because he is handsome, in my opinion it's the character that has more style, he is very very strong, one of the strongest characters and he can be serious as he can be very funny and relaxed, he has all the characteristics I like in a anime character, definitely one of the best characters in all of the animes I've seen

(2) Aladeen, he is so funny and has so much potential and he is always trying to make friends and doesn't like to let anyone down, so he is too one of my favourite characters

(3) Judal, I was kind of disappointed with him because I started seeing the anime because of him and when I started watching I thought I would love him but he is kind of a douche, and he talks too much... but he is still one of the best characters because I always love a vilian that worships war!

Least favourite:
Alibaba, in the first episodes I like him, he is funny and I like his ambition to defeat all dungeons, but when Aladeen and Alibaba get separated for a while he kind of changes personality and transforms into someone annoying, but I still like him and I love everything about the anime!
Jun 21, 2013 7:34 PM

Mar 2013
1. Jafar - Come on his character design is amazing, and I love how much he can terrify Sinbad (who is known to be one of the most powerful people in the world). I wish he would get more action though, and maybe soon in Sinbad no Bouken.

2. Alibaba - My hair is kind of similar to his: blond and a cowlick in a similar spot (though not as cool as his). He's a good protagonist and I like how he gets enough action, but not too much like many shounen protagonists. Plus his sword fighting skills are awesome and very unique as far as I've seen.

3. Aladdin - I only started liking hima lot in the Magnostadt arc. It was the first time since the very first arc where he was really the main character and not Alibaba or a mix of the three or four characters. He has so much development during this arc both mentally and for his magic as well.

Least Favorite:
I don't really know, but I'll just say

1. The Banker - His face is creepy and he's just a strange antagonist in general.

2. Pisti - I just dislike her character design, the whole loli-open-shirt thing even though she's older than Alibaba is just weird.

3. Ka Koubun - I don't really dislike him, I just can't think of anything good that I like about him or anyone else that I dislike more than him.
Jun 23, 2013 8:47 PM

Jun 2012
Favourites: Well really, I love everyone in Magi, but I guess top 5 for me would be Mogamett, Isnan, Aladdin, Hakuryuu, and Judal. They are definitely the most interesting.
Least Favourites: Kouha and Sabhmad. These two are the only people I find annoying in the entire series.
Aug 16, 2013 1:01 PM

Feb 2009

Alibaba only XD
Aug 25, 2013 2:06 PM
Jul 2018

Kouha: I didn't really care for him at the begining, but the revelation about how he recruited his men and acquired his djinn pushed him to the top of my list. I also use Mitsuki Saiga's voice (Tsukasa, Kuranosuke, Roberia's Benio) inside my head whenever I read his lines XD

Sinbad: do I nedd to explain it? Yeah, it was underhanded manipulating Kougyoku like that, but from a narrative standpoint, a cool and chivalrous gentleman hiding a dark and pragmatic side makes him all the more interesting to read about.

Gyokuen: everyone and their dog hate her, but as a villain, I just love her ”in your face” style. I've never seen any villain like her and I hope the manga–ka would not disappoint me about her in future chapters. I always use Yuko Minaguchi's voice (Videl and Hotaru) inside my head whenever I read her lines (I always use Romi Paku's voice for Hakuryuu, screw the anime)

Honorable mentions: Jafar, Hakuei, Kouen, Hakuryuu, Hakuryuu's brothers, Morgianna and Titus. I overall love the Kou empire characters, even though their battle in Magnostadt was probably my least favorite part in Magi.

Least favorite:

Jamil and that slave trader that captured Morgianna in volume 3 (forgot his name)
removed-userAug 25, 2013 2:18 PM
Aug 27, 2013 12:43 AM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010
Hiya hiya~ Didn't say anywhere to limit to anime, so...

  • Titus. What a trappy boy! Beautiful, blond, and a big butt too? From the moment he showed up in the manga, I knew he would be my favorite character, and then he became more of the story (that's all I'll say) and I loved him even more. For those who haven't read the manga, he'll be in season 2.
  • Mor. Her sincerity and the way she always is there for her friends, as well as her strength to keep challenging herself to do and learn and be more, make her a great character.
  • Ren Kouha. The third prince of Kou Empire. Yandere and eccentric (and cute and androgynous, bordering on shota) but he takes good care of and respects his soldiers... when he isn't hitting them.


  • RohRoh. That Glasgow smile, coupled with his rougher personality, are like... the antithesis of Magi. He's like a wild animal that cannot be tamed.
  • Doron, who is a complete sadist and a siscon. But he's so sexy I could overlook all that, except that he fights Titus once. (I'm kidding. His personality is horrible.)
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
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Mar 26, 2014 4:08 PM
Feb 2013
Sinbad and judal are my favs they are two of the most badass and seem deeper than they're letting on. Plus Sinbad seems like he's up to something
Mar 26, 2014 11:32 PM
Jul 2018
After a year of reading Magi, my favorite character list kind of changed:

Kouen: when Kouen first appeared he looked like a mad final boss and I was certain I'll hate his guts. However, to my surprise, the more I learned about Kouen, the more I came to like him. He really cares for his brothers and sisters despite the fact they were conceived by different mothers. He's not as power hungry as he first seemed and acknowledges that it's Hakuryuu's birthright to become emperor, though, his hatred that might end up consuming the whole empire is what makes him unfit in his eyes. Also, I like the length that the author went at in making him different from Sinbad, like he's not a womanizer, took a liking to Alibaba when he refused a royal harem and has a love interest (or at least it's hinted that he has feelings for Hakuei)

Hakuryuu: Hakuryuu's story tugged at my heartstrings. His encounters with his mother, both when she revealed to him she was behind his father and brothers' murder and when he met her again after the funeral, sent a chill down my spine. His relationship with Gyokuen, Kouen and Alibaba are one of the things that interest me the most in Magi.

Sinbad: even though I like Kouen better as a character, if I have to pick sides I'd pick Sinbad's. I also like that he has a high sense of justice, like when he jeopardized his relationship with Abhmad and the Kou empire and sided with the citizens of Balbadd. It's also admirable that he had built his way from poverty and became the legend that he is now.

Honorable mentions: Jafar, Gyokuen, Aladdin, Hakuei, Hakuyuu, Hakuren, Titus, Scheherazade, Marga and Sheba.

Dislikes: Jamil, Ryosai and that slave trader that captured Morgianna.
removed-userMar 27, 2014 11:18 PM
May 21, 2014 7:35 PM

Jun 2012
Because of this arc Solomon is my new favourite character.
May 22, 2014 5:52 AM
Feb 2012
It's difficult to name an overall favourite character of mine since I love A LOT of the chars, so I too will name my current arc's favourite. Which would be Sheba, Ugo and Wahid.
- Sheba managed to turn from a spoiled little brat into a lovely- oh shit I forgot Arba. Arba's awesome too.
Anyway, Sheba has managed to capture my heart with her heartwarming attitude and her self-sacrificing nature. Yes, she is also one beautiful girl, but that only adds to an already lovable mage.
- Ugo is the quirky and silly kind of guy, always up for a joke. But there's also another, more mysterious side to him. A side that devours knowledge and questions the structure of the world itself. When he was talking about destiny and whatnot in the latest chapter, the look in his eyes changed, revealing a genius thirsting for answers. Great guy.
- Wahid likes to fool around, but he's a cool person; a family person. He's simple but profound and it works so very well for him. Also, he's a total bishie. Jesus Christ on a freakin' pogo stick, Wahid's become way too hot (and this is coming from someone straight).
- And like I mentioned already -- there's Arba. The silent protector of the group. The calm guardian. The caring and loving woman, being there for her comrades; Sheba and Solomon in particular. She's sacrificing her own happiness to enable that of the others. Personally I'm completely certain she too would be together with Solomon if she could, but she went for a different, much more painful route. A gorgeous woman.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
May 28, 2014 1:03 PM

Mar 2014
Ja'far - His childhood (read the anime) and skills. Assassins are just badass.
Hakuryuu - for being a good character with strong ambitions. Aaaand he's a cry baby LOL (episode 21)

Alibaba - Nothing really special about him, other then his royal blood
Judar - I hate overly confident arrogant characters in general.

This thread needs a poll :/
May 29, 2014 12:49 PM

Nov 2009
I tend to like all the characters rather than dislike them.
Overall, just like Aladdin, I tend to prefer Alibaba over the rest, who is a small star on the way to become the sun. I like the way he develops.
As for dislikes, I feel a bit sceptical about some Sinbad's moves. He's a good character, but there's something wrong about him that doesn't let me trust him.
Aug 27, 2014 7:27 AM
Jan 2013
so far I only watched the anime (currently watching The Kingdom of Magic). I like if not all, most of the characters in Magi. here are my favorites..

Ren Hakuryuu~~ his backstory is so tragic.. he is a polite, straightforward, and kind, yet complicated that makes me want to go over to him, hug him and say "you are not alone" that kind of thing, while worrying and praying he won't go into the dark side due to his vengeance because he is actually good at heart.. He knows a lot too (I have a thing for knowledgable guy) and I find him cool and quite handsome despite the burn marks. He is very skilled in battle, that djiin equip of his.. *squeals* not to mention he is voiced by my current favorite seiyuu Kensho Ono who also voices Kuroko Tetsuya

Morgiana. I like female protagonist who actually do something, fight and kicks ass instead of moping and waiting to be rescued. Morgiana fascinates me. She is strong physically and mentally, very kind and also beautiful..

and my least favorite so far are..
The shady banker in Balbadd arc and Achmad Saluja. they are just so disgusting. and I hate Ren Gyokuen that her true colors are showing even more..
aikojazzAug 27, 2014 7:49 AM
Feb 24, 2015 10:59 PM

Dec 2014

Aladdin: He is such a lovable character and funny too. XD He wold also do whatever it takes to save his friends and that is just one of the reason I love him!

Alibaba: What can I say about him? He is just hilarious XD and he is the one who puts a warm and fuzzy feeling into the group. >w< And when the time comes to be serious, he will get serious.

Morgiana: She is the opposite of sakura. OwO She is so strong it is really impressing. She is also really kind and beautiful.

Kougyoku: I just love her and the fact that she is voiced by Kana Hanazawa makes me even like her more. I like her djinn equip and also she is the master of water (Which is my favorite element xD)

Kouha: I just love how awesome he is! Even though he hits his soldiers he is still a really nice guy.

Hakuryuu: He is so kind >w< and his past was really sad ;w; He is just a sweet guy, and also handsome too OwO

Least favorite:

Gyokuen: I don't know what to say about this woman other than "I strongly refuse that this woman is the mother of hakuryuu!" Even though it is true ;n; I hate her so much. She annoys me to the core. When I think back, I also hate her so much because she was the reason why Aladdin never got to meet his mother ;o;

Al thamen: I hate them because they follow Gyokuen >.>
Apr 6, 2015 2:28 AM
Feb 2011
Alibaba: I don't know how to put this. He is that goody goody boring shounen hero character, but what attracts me to him is his loss, his guilt and how he tries to handle it. It's so hard to explain, i cry.
Kouen: just, Kouen and his Koutee. He's a dork. Love him.
Badr: *cries*
Hakuryuu and Sinbad (Magi timeframe. I don't really mind Sinbad in SNB)
Reason: i don't really want to state why I dislike them, cos i know a lot of people like them and they do have their own merits. There's just something that puts me off when it comes to these characters :)
Reason: SHE'S ARBA.
Apr 13, 2015 5:26 PM

Mar 2015
Sinbad:He is like the most badass character in the Anime/Manga and you never know if he is good or bad or what he is thinking :D
Hakuryuu:I just love how he changed over the time personally i think he got the best character development.
None lol.I pretty much just love every Magi character cuz they are all so good written >.<
May 5, 2015 10:28 AM
Nov 2014
My favourite lately is Sphintus Carmen... I honestly don't know why. I guess it's the voice actor and the way the character is presented. I love the snake-charmer kind of look ...

My least favourite has to be ... I don't think I have one... Maybe someone like Ythnan for being such a douche or Gyokuen for obvious reasons. ;'o
May 5, 2015 8:35 PM

Dec 2014
Favourites -

I absolutely love Aladdin he is so warm hearted, cute and wants to help everyone.

Sinbad can be such a laugh, but when it comes down to the seriousness he is a boss.

Morgiana I absolutely love how strong she is don't see that in many anime from a female character and also she is very beautiful.

Least favourite -

Sorry but got to Alibaba for me he sometimes does great things, but most of the time he is pretty darn terrible.

Cassim now he I couldn't start at the beginning he has turn pretty badass now though
Aug 30, 2015 11:13 PM
Aug 2015
Well favourite characters huh, idk it's hard to choose. There's Hakuryuu, definitely him and Judal or mostly these two together *.* then there's also Sinbad and Kouen (another ship there xD) and everyone from the Kou empire except for the old hag, and all the Djiins! And everyone idk, except for Alladin he is annoying, too kind and nice but tbh I pitied him when he thought in the manga that Alibaba was dead...THE FEELS!!!
Sep 3, 2015 5:15 PM
Jul 2015
My favorites are Alibaba, Judal and Mystras. I just love dorky characters like them!

Least favorite... I must say, Madaura/Maader. Oh my god, I hate that bitch.

Also this ugly old man -->

He's fucking creepy!
Nov 5, 2015 2:12 PM

Sep 2014

Mira no Ichiban:
Sinbad~<3! - From his crooked smirk and damn fine face, to his fabuloso personality; how can you not love this guy?
The contrast between his playfulness and seriousness - his childish dream and the utilitarianism in his ways of achieving it - is simply fantastic. Reminds me of a certain other 3 people in my fav character list. *wink wink*

2) Alibaba
His growth is simply spectacular~
His expressions are arguably the best and I love reminscing how much he's grown up throughout the chapters. >u<

3) Aladdin
Do I really have to say anything?

4) Ja'far
Gotta love this cute former assassin. His friendship with Sinbad is like the one with Sheba and Solomon; he's always there to point out Sinbad's flaws and where he's going wrong. So freaking cute. >///<
And his reactions to Sinbad's antics are pure gold. xDD

Honestly, I could just go on with my favs, so let's just have some honourable mentions: Morgiana, Judal, Hakuryuu, Yunan, UGO UGO UGO UGO UGO UGO.


Jamil(completely forgot about him at one point).
The sun is a deadly laser
Nov 10, 2015 4:49 PM

Jun 2015
bad ass female character and the most adorable thing ever

Least fav
is there really a person to hate in magi if i have to chose then jamil the little brat king guy from the first arc
Dec 10, 2015 2:11 PM

Nov 2014
Favorite : Kouen Ren since he's a great leader and i like his way of thinking.. he also care his brother and sister a lot which is nice IMO.. Also like Alibaba Saluja, mostly because of hise personality and his relationship with Aladdin

Least Fav : Hakuryuu Ren.. I thought that he's a bit over dramatic about his circumstance and even falling into a generic villain without redeeming quality in the latest arc.. definitely the worst leader in the series to date.. Hope he redeemed himself in the latest arc since i used to like him before..
Reality is the lifeblood that makes a work pulse with energy. Reality itself is entertainment

Jan 11, 2016 7:22 AM

Dec 2015
Top 3 Favorites

1. Morgiana - she's everything I wanted and more in a badass female lead. While she's certainly a badass and proves it every time, she also has her own personal flaws and weaknesses, and it's always nice to see her step up to them. I've only really watched the anime, though, and I wish to read the manga when I have the time so I actually see her more in-depth as a character.

2. Sinbad - he's one of the most interesting characters in the series for me. With his looks, fame, ability and power, he should be the perfect king, right? But there's always something about him, and the way he sometimes looks at characters (yes, I definitely saw those instances) that tells me there's a very sneaky and nasty side to him. And the fact that he's already half-way fallen into depravity yet still makes a very inspiring leader? Tell me more.

3. Ren Kougyoku - okay, I'll admit it. I disliked her in her first appearance, since she certainly seemed, at first, to be... Well, an arrogant and violent bitch. But I've liked characters like that before and she was only aggressive because Judal had been injured so badly then (I think). I wasn't really convinced at first even when she showed she had a somewhat cute (and now I think very cute) tsundere side to her character. But as the series progressed and I learned more about her, she grew on me. It didn't really help that yes, she really was that cute and adorable at times. I also like how symbolic her djinn is to her character, and she could seriously be a badass if she tried. I wish to see more of her too.

Least Favorite Character
Ren Gyokuen. Enough said.

xx0:44 ─🔘────────────── 04:44x
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Sep 29, 2016 7:45 AM
Nov 2015
My favorite characters are:

1. Aladdin
2. Morgiana
3. Ali Baba
4. Sinbad
5. Hakuryuu

"I'm a humble learner."
Jan 17, 2017 5:48 PM
Jan 2017
My favorite is definitely Aladdin , cuz he is such a nice genuine person. He is so smart and has a lot of mysteries behind him and I LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM I WILLL MARRY HIM I WIIL KILLL ALIBABA FOR SENPAI 🔪👌🏻💖😂
My least fav as of right now is SINBAD due to the crazy stuff he does in the manga especially chapter 332 and 333
sailorderpsJan 17, 2017 5:52 PM
May 16, 2017 4:16 PM
Jun 2011
My favorites are Kouen, Morgiana, Sharrkan, Alibaba, and Sinbad

My least favorites are maybe.... Cassim, Alibaba's family members, Anime Sinbad....

I wouldn't say Goukyuen because I think she adds interesting things to the manga/anime.

I watched the anime first so I thought Sinbad to be really boring just a generic pretty op boy. While watching the anime I thought I'd like him better as a villain he'd be more interesting....

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