All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 203.1
Mean Score:
- Watching153
- Completed1,344
- On-Hold36
- Dropped32
- Plan to Watch848
- Total Entries2,413
- Rewatched4
- Episodes12,760
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 51.3
Mean Score:
- Reading195
- Completed555
- On-Hold36
- Dropped7
- Plan to Read1,115
- Total Entries1,908
- Reread2
- Chapters5,041
- Volumes916
All Comments (36) Comments
One of the anime I really enjoyed, but totally didn't think to recommend until after I sent in my recs, was Net-juu no Susume. TBH I recommend watching that one first after Wallflower. It's only 10 episodes + a must-watch special and its wholesome and cute. If you like watching romance with older couples + have gamed before, this one might be up your alley.
My favorite is always the old classic DBZ.It's much easier to understand, and also colorful and goofy. haha
I also like Neon Genesis Evangelion, but sometimes it gets too weird. o.o The newer movies are also strange to me.
I also really like Elfen Lied, Another, School Rumble, Highschool DxD, and a few others. A good variety of genres. XD