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Mysterious anime memes - what's up with the power lines?

Jan 10, 2012 1:07 PM
Jan 2012
Why do you think there are so many intentional scenes of utility poles, power transformers and power/telephone lines in anime? These images seem ubiquitous in series set in the 20th/21st century
Usage drop episode 4 at 10:02
Serial Experiments Lain (every episode)
Natsume Yujin-cho Episode 2 4:02

Is there any particular historical or cultural significance of these images? When did they first start appearing?

Just curious, and wanted to hear some other ideas and opinions.

1/12 edit: Just to clarify, this question is about intentional use of power lines in dramatic composition, e.g. scene transitions, and not about power lines in random background scenery. We've established that (a) Japan has lots power lines and (b) Team Dai-Gurren would not worry about such pedantic bullshit. Still, if you have interest in history of anime or dramatic composition, there may be more to consider.
verdsteinJan 12, 2012 10:58 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jan 10, 2012 1:18 PM

Jun 2011
im gonna have a few guesses

-to fill empty space

-so it doesnt look weird when all of a sudden they appear when needed for an explosion/tight rope style shinigami race

-one person drew powerlines and made every anime without them look unrealistic

-power lines acting as vector lines to guide the viewers eye to a center of action.

-symbolism - power lines running into the distance indicate a journey, or a path that lies ahead
Jan 10, 2012 1:27 PM

Sep 2009
It could be a symbolic gesture, a metaphor for the mass-mechanization and technological boom years which have seen Japan become a symbol of economic success at the cost of its natural beauty and environment.

Then again, it could just be that real life Japan has lots of powerlines:
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"I was debating with someone who believed in climate change, when he linked me to a graph showing evidence to that effect. So I sent him a 10k word essay on the origins of Conservatism, and escaped with my dignity intact."

Jan 10, 2012 2:19 PM

Dec 2007
It's just how like your avearge street in Japan looks like. Except for some few central parts in the larger cities and tourist spots (where the power lines are below ground), there are tons of power lines along and above the streets.
Jan 10, 2012 3:49 PM

Jun 2009
I once read somewhere that anime backgrounds are often just photographs of scenery around Japan, edited to fit animation. The "Japan just has a lot of power lines" argument gains more favor.
Jan 10, 2012 5:16 PM

Dec 2009
You can find them in real life, and drawing power lines is a particular interest for some sky/background artists. I like them too. Also the traffic lights.

See some examples here:
Jan 10, 2012 6:51 PM

Jul 2009
It is actually a shocking subliminal metaphor that sparks the viewers attention to discharge from their current static lifestyle and to revolt, bringing power back to the people.
Jan 10, 2012 7:03 PM

Feb 2010
Grimm3r said:
It is actually a shocking subliminal metaphor that sparks the viewers attention to discharge from their current static lifestyle and to revolt, bringing power back to the people.


And yes it is just because there are that many damn power lines in Japan. From first hand experience I was amazed at how I couldn't look up without seeing a power line.
Jan 10, 2012 10:34 PM
Jan 2012
Thanks for the ideas. One particular image I'm thinking of occurs in transitions, where the scene changes or there is a break in the action. The camera lingers on the sky or a roof line, with the lines and poles in the foreground. It seems to work like a fade-to-black to let the viewer know that time passes or like Pocketasces said, that the the journey progresses. Maybe it is really a shot of the sky, and the power lines just happen to be there (because they are everywhere). Still, I'm curious where/when this particular visual cue came into use.

Another one I've wondered about is the nose-bleed induced by the sight of an attractive girl.
"Folk belief"? Anyone know more specifics about that?
Jan 10, 2012 11:03 PM
Jan 2012
I thought it was just because that was how streets look like nowadays with the power stuff.
Jan 10, 2012 11:23 PM

Nov 2009
If I'm not mistaken, the power pole thing is director Hideaki Anno's main shtick. He might possibly be the one who started it.
Earth gets angry after a kick in the face.
Jan 10, 2012 11:25 PM

Oct 2009
Because it's part of the usual Japanese landscape ... ?
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Jan 11, 2012 12:27 AM
Jan 2012
Once a time i have read somewhere that anime photographs are used in scenery of Japan.This thing is happened for animation.there are tons of power lines in japan.This argument gains favour.Because there are tons of power lines along and above the streets.
Jan 11, 2012 12:36 AM

Aug 2011
I wouldn't really call it a meme...
Jan 11, 2012 9:26 AM
Jan 2012
insan3soldiern said:
mitch3315 said:
I wouldn't really call it a meme...

Yeah, I was thinking this as well.

OK, busted. How about "motif".

I agree it makes sense that power lines and poles appear in realistic scenery because that's reality, but the repeated use in scene transitions seems like a more intentional decision. I'm curious when it first starts to appear. I'll check on Hideaki Anno's work. Thanks for the tip.
Jan 11, 2012 1:41 PM
Dec 2011
why are we even talking about power lines -__- if thats what your focused on in an anime i think that means your just bored lol
Jan 11, 2012 1:55 PM

Nov 2008
Maybe it's just because they're modern? A feature of today's everyday? If it's used to set the scene, I think they could make idyllic scenery feel much more down to earth.
I'm guessing the straight lines can also come in handy for composition purposes and they can spice up gigantic blue surfaces without ruining them. Power lines generally feel like an easy way to add detail to the picture.

Fullmetal1313 said:
why are we even talking about power lines -__- if thats what your focused on in an anime i think that means your just bored lol
I like that we're discussing something really specific instead of just the usual "what's your (least) favourite X". Attention to detail =/= boredom.
Nyuu3Jan 11, 2012 2:15 PM
Jan 11, 2012 2:02 PM

Nov 2011
It's to show how the power lines are the explanation for every strange happening in the world, like UFOs and cryptoids, because the mass-energy concentration will cause for an overcharge of magnetic energy, that may cause hallucinations and distort the shape of something distant. Also pocket balls of eletricity may float away from the power lines and make someone mistake them for ghosts, spirits, kitsunes, tengus, ogres, onis, ovnis, witches, weightless mikos and undefined fantastic objects. Thus, the creators are just wanting to show us this, that we should not be scared to dwell into the supernatural.

...Of course I'm fooling around. It's just because it looks in place. It's like placing a house in a city. I never saw anyone ask "What's with the houses?! Do they mean something?!"
「レミ咲が今日のティータイム。」- RemiSaku ga kyou no tea time!
Jan 11, 2012 2:43 PM

Nov 2008
Why are there so many power lines in anime?

Because we are all connected.
Current FAL Ranking + Previous best::
Jan 11, 2012 2:48 PM

Dec 2011
Sublinimal advertising. Damn corporations.
Jan 11, 2012 4:23 PM
Jul 2010
Easy to animate, if they weren't there you'd have to think of something else to fill that huge gap.
Jan 12, 2012 11:17 AM
Jan 2012
teanut said:
If I'm not mistaken, the power pole thing is director Hideaki Anno's main shtick. He might possibly be the one who started it.

I checked a little of his early work but couldn't find any examples. Maybe I missed something though.

The earliest example I have found is this:

Who knows the title? Should be an easy one.
Jan 12, 2012 5:43 PM

Dec 2009
Sorry, no idea.

There's a novel in Japan called Iron Towers, and the Musashino Line (1994)
It's made in to movie in 1997, featuring kids adventure in the summer, together with the towers and scenery near the Musashino Line.

It's unknown why some people like it that much but this book is recommended by quite a few of these Power Tower maniacs.
Jan 12, 2012 7:14 PM
Jan 2012
Thanks for the info and the video. Very interesting. Who are the "Power Tower maniacs"?

The sunset/pylon image is from one of your favorites.
Jan 13, 2012 12:47 PM

Mar 2009
Fullmetal1313 said:
why are we even talking about power lines -__- if thats what your focused on in an anime i think that means your just bored lol
--Not at all. Sounds like the OP has an eye for detail and composition.

I think the OP actually hit on it when they said "dramatic composition." They are a very effective way to create perspective and for an artist to direct the viewer's eye. Actually, there are lots of direction lines utilized in art. They are just not always visible.

They can be metaphorical/symbolic. I remember them being used to good effect in Serial Experiments Lain. When I think of Lain, I think of power lines.

They have become a natural part of Japan's landscape. Would look odd if they were omitted.

AbstractCalamity said:
I once read somewhere that anime backgrounds are often just photographs of scenery around Japan, edited to fit animation. The "Japan just has a lot of power lines" argument gains more favor.
--That is essentially correct but I wouldn't say "just." Let's say action is to take place in Hong Kong. Artists will do an actual recon, find dramatic areas for the action to take place and photograph them from different angels. Backgrounds drawings, hand or CG, are then based on the photos and character action laid on top of that. Senkou no Night Raid did a beautiful job working from 1930's photos of Shanghai.

Grimm3r said:
It is actually a shocking subliminal metaphor that sparks the viewers attention to discharge from their current static lifestyle and to revolt, bringing power back to the people.
--Just about snorted coffee on the keyboard at the profundity and/or sarcasm. Good either way.

verdstein said:
Who knows the title? Should be an easy one.
--Can't say for sure but it reminds me of the work of Shinkai, Makoto.
lisnoireJan 13, 2012 1:09 PM
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Jan 13, 2012 11:29 PM

May 2009
verdstein said:
teanut said:
If I'm not mistaken, the power pole thing is director Hideaki Anno's main shtick. He might possibly be the one who started it.

I checked a little of his early work but couldn't find any examples. Maybe I missed something though.

The earliest example I have found is this:

Who knows the title? Should be an easy one.

Jan 14, 2012 2:18 AM

Jun 2008
Haha! Maybe but it doesn't look like it. Anyway the first time i noticed the power lines thing was while watching Evangelion.
I wonder if Evangelion's status and success has anything to do with the fact that other anime like to use power lines.

As about Serial Experiment Lain? Well i don't think you need to wonder why that anime shows them considering it's theme.
MonadJan 14, 2012 4:11 AM
Jan 14, 2012 2:35 AM
Jan 2012
Nope, not Evangelion.

I think Shinkai would appreciate your guess, lisnoire. I read he is a fan of Miyazaki's 1980's work, and this is from Totoro, 1988.

Most of the earlier anime I've seen has simpler backgrounds and more traditional imagery in transitions. Scenery are just hills and plants. Transition shots emphasize classically beautiful nature or architecture. The countryside is an idealized landscape, scrubbed of any modern features, like these transition scenes from The Castle of Cagliostro:

Could be wrong, but I'll give credit to Miyazaki and art director Kazuo Oga for bringing this motif into anime to emphasize environmental change. The pylons turn up again in Pom Poko, where the Tanuki's are fighting to save their forests. Of course Miyazaki wasn't the first to address environmental issues in anime - there's an interesting article here about history of environmentalism in anime & manga.
Maybe the author, Rei, is around here somewhere?

edit: Yes, I agree it's pretty in-your-face in Lain. Also, I watched Voices of a Distant Star last night and the wires turn up almost as often, usually when one character is sending a message to another across light-years of space. Reminded me of FOEbulous-max's comment, that we are all connected.
verdsteinJan 14, 2012 2:25 PM
Jan 14, 2012 11:22 AM

Mar 2009
Thanks for posting such an interesting thread instead of the usual whosyourfavortbestworst stuff. Not that they aren't fun but it's nice to think about other stuff sometimes.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Jan 14, 2012 11:35 AM

Aug 2010
As long as we've got a topic for anime memes, what is it with people yelling "Universe"?
Jan 14, 2012 11:39 AM

Dec 2009
Oh it's Totoro

>Who are the "Power Tower maniacs"?
Many of them love to take photos like those Railway maniacs.
Here are some web sites related to power lines or the towers.
(Don't forward their images without permission):

Link list:

Bob_Squob said:
As long as we've got a topic for anime memes, what is it with people yelling "Universe"?

According to the wiki, it's from turn A Gundam. `Universe` is used by the Moonrace people, with the meaning similar to marvelous.
bottleJan 14, 2012 1:50 PM
Jan 14, 2012 12:59 PM

Mar 2009
Bob_Squob said:
As long as we've got a topic for anime memes, what is it with people yelling "Universe"?
--Sorry. This is specific to powerlines but might be expanded to include other visual memes.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Jan 14, 2012 2:55 PM
Jan 2012
lisnoire said:
Thanks for posting such an interesting thread instead of the usual whosyourfavortbestworst stuff. Not that they aren't fun but it's nice to think about other stuff sometimes.

Yeah, good to have some variety. Like Samurai Champloo for when you're feeling a little silly and Rurouni Kenshin for those somber days.

Bob_Squob said:
As long as we've got a topic for anime memes, what is it with people yelling "Universe"?

I haven't heard the "Universe" thing, but it would be fun to track more of the obscure motifs, themes and memes maybe in another thread or series of threads. Sort of like 'anime physics,' but more about the history and culture of anime. Seems like this community is one of the few that could do it.

bottle said:
>Who are the "Power Tower maniacs"?
Many of them love to take photos like those Railway maniacs.
Here are some web sites related to power lines or the towers.
(Don't forward their images without permission):
Link list:

Wow. I am starting to understand. Maybe it really is a meme - it's not just in Japan.
Oct 31, 2012 4:44 AM
Aug 2007
Power lines = EMFs = cancer and mind control


It's pretty in your face in Serial Experiments Lain because durr, just connect the dots, that entire anime was based off someone trying to figure out weird shit in the world. Japanese people know what's up. Fucking they're probably just BUZZING with EMF frequencies everywhere whacking up people's auras and energy.
Oct 31, 2012 4:46 AM
Aug 2007
lolol I've done research on how the power lines emit low frequency waves which even fuck up plants, anyone ever notice why dogs on the streets are fucking barking like mad? (at least the ones here in my city do) I swear it's linked to their sensitive hearing to the power lines. Whatever though.

/sending this via. power line ayooo
Oct 31, 2012 7:54 AM

Jan 2012
FOE-tan said:
Why are there so many power lines in anime?

Because we are all connected.

Third world countries would like to have a word with you, dear.
Oct 31, 2012 8:22 AM

Apr 2012
Nice necro.
Dies Irae! :)
Oct 31, 2012 8:40 AM

Feb 2012
Actually I noticed it too lol. Especially in SEL it was very conspicuous. Though in Lain it was kinda understandable, with the net and computers and all. I noticed in other that have nothing in common with this kind of stuff (slice of life etc.), it's pretty weird. I doubt there is some 'message' behind it really, it might be just to fill the space, but still it makes me wonder.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Oct 31, 2012 9:24 AM

Aug 2012
What's up with all the cicadas?
Oct 31, 2012 9:33 AM

Nov 2010
DStev said:
What's up with all the cicadas?
I'm guessing here, but maybe cicadas make a lot of noise in Japan. Even in video games they put them in there, while we normally have birds, they have bugs that make noise.
Oct 31, 2012 10:10 AM

Mar 2010
DStev said:
What's up with all the cicadas?

When I think of the cicadas sound I think of Evangelion. (which is also as said before a great example of the power line motif) In Evangelion the cicadas were ever present because the seasons had been thrown off due to a major disaster. Every time you hear them it's like a reminder that the earth is dying.

But, normally I think they are most often used to imply summer heat in the same way that ripples in the air are used.
Oct 31, 2012 10:53 AM

Sep 2012
DStev said:
What's up with all the cicadas?

Could be as simple as informing the audience that it's summer right now. It's not like you're going to hear them very often in the dead of winter, after all.
Somewhere, there is an unplugged toaster sitting on a Coleman stove.

Does it feel lonely?
Oct 31, 2012 3:03 PM
Aug 2012
LOL! I hate cicadas in anime. There must be some other way to show it's a hot summer day or a balmy summer night. It's like reaching locust plague proportions how loud they make them.

And kind of on the same line as power lines...I'm surprised I haven't seen as much love for traffic lights as for power lines (think how they were used for Twin Peaks). I can only recall it in Kare Kano - although I think that was red man/green man walk now signs? Can't remember (good ole Hideki Anno). Used for the same purpose as Lynch used them too - other representations of how the story was going on (Lynch's was just a tiny bit creepier with the traffic lights above empty intersections).
Oct 31, 2012 3:09 PM

Sep 2012
Despite the stereotype, the Japanese actually enjoy electricity.
Oct 31, 2012 3:12 PM

Sep 2010
LOL! I hate cicadas in anime. There must be some other way to show it's a hot summer day or a balmy summer night. It's like reaching locust plague proportions how loud they make them.

Could there be some other way, maybe? But if an anime is trying to recreate a Japanese setting in Japan then having the sound of cicadas during a summer day is downright necessary. And well, they are that loud. There are a few kinds of cicadas where I live and while not exactly like the ones in Japan they still are loud things during a hot summer day.

Oct 31, 2012 3:16 PM

Oct 2012
Anime_Name said:
LOL! I hate cicadas in anime. There must be some other way to show it's a hot summer day or a balmy summer night. It's like reaching locust plague proportions how loud they make them.

Could there be some other way, maybe? But if an anime is trying to recreate a Japanese setting in Japan then having the sound of cicadas during a summer day is downright necessary. And well, they are that loud. There are a few kinds of cicadas where I live and while not exactly like the ones in Japan they still are loud things during a hot summer day.

I actually love the sound of cicadas. In fact, they're quite common in Georgia during the summer, so in a way, if an anime has cicadas, it gives a 'right at home feel' :)

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Oct 31, 2012 3:30 PM
Aug 2012
Ahh see I hate cicadas in real life :) Live inner city - all power lines and traffic lights. If they were that loud near me...I'd be tempted to go and beat the tree/bush/grass whatever with a stick!

(As you can tell - I really love nature)
Oct 31, 2012 5:43 PM

Mar 2010
toomuchcoffee said:
And kind of on the same line as power lines...I'm surprised I haven't seen as much love for traffic lights as for power lines (think how they were used for Twin Peaks). I can only recall it in Kare Kano - although I think that was red man/green man walk now signs? Can't remember (good ole Hideki Anno). Used for the same purpose as Lynch used them too - other representations of how the story was going on (Lynch's was just a tiny bit creepier with the traffic lights above empty intersections).

Every episode of Serial Experiments Lain opens with a traffic light changing
Nov 1, 2012 12:27 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Because their part of the scenery, you know like trees, mountains, clouds, houses, background characters, etc...
Nov 1, 2012 12:32 AM

Sep 2012
In SEL I am fairly certain it was being used as a metaphor for everything being connected (like the wired)
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