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Feb 20, 2017 9:43 AM

May 2015
Hi people !
I'm a French university student and I'm currently preparing applications to do a Master degree at Tokyo University
So I was wondering if anyone got some thoughts to share about studying abroad, like how it was and so on !

Let's share your hopes people who are planning to study abroad :p
Don't hesitate to discuss about the poll.
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Feb 20, 2017 9:54 AM

Feb 2015
Mhhh... Studying abroad is somewhat of a mystery to me, one being because I don't both thinking too much to it, and I'm fine with where am I.

I'm guessing that studying abroad will be like a brand new life considering the fact that you are in a different environment, place you might have not seen in real life or possibly some place you know and have a fond memories. I guess it is a good experience especially if you like what you are doing, in that country, in your instance going to Japan. New encounter with people will happen, good stuff like that, so I guess just look forward to it.
Feb 20, 2017 11:48 AM

Apr 2014
seems fun :]
i always wanted to press the old reset button and punch my ticket to some far off location

that was my original plan anyway lol
then i was told i'd have to start doing scholarships and crap and i just settled for a local
but have fun in japan :]
Feb 21, 2017 5:10 PM

Nov 2016
Going abroad is always a good experience! At times it might be hard to adapt, getting to know people and deal with homesickness - but those will pass. You get valuable experience in understanding a different culture and language.

I studied in Budapest (Hungary) for a couple of years and wouldn't want to be without that experience today as it shaped me a lot.
"In this world, evil can arise from the best of intentions. And there is good which can come from evil intentions"
Feb 21, 2017 6:59 PM

Dec 2015
Imbalanced said:
Hi people !
I'm a French university student and I'm currently preparing applications to do a Master degree at Tokyo University
So I was wondering if anyone got some thoughts to share about studying abroad, like how it was and so on !

Let's share your hopes people who are planning to study abroad :p
Don't hesitate to discuss about the poll.

Oh you are planing to study in Tokyo!
Hope you have fun. If you like anime, you will enjoy here.

As for me, I studied in New York and London. Both are mainly for learning English.
But I also thinking to study abroad again. This time is not for language but for learning specific subject.

Looking back to my school life there, as it is for English school, I did not have chances to talk with local people. Most of time I spent with class mates. So my skill did not improve well.

After coming back to my country, at my university I jointed club to help exchange students get accustomed new culture. There I organized some events such as tour visiting popular spot in Tokyo.
It is nice to see how they react to own culture and it wides my eyesight.

If I could study abroad again, I would like to have chances to communicate with local people.
But I am kind of shy to start conversation.

If people here who have studied abroad, how did you make friends?

It is nice topic and thank you OP!

YumeharaFeb 21, 2017 7:21 PM
Feb 22, 2017 3:12 PM
Jan 2017
No, never. I have such opportunity but I don't see myself living abroad at all...
Feb 22, 2017 9:46 PM

Jun 2015
Well it's gonna depend if I actually decide to move to another country ^__^
The country I live in isn't in the best condition and I'm only in my first year in my University so I will probably leave at the end of this year most likely and I'd love to start studying in another University just to see how different it is but I'll most likely start working.
Feb 22, 2017 11:45 PM

Jun 2015
It's an experience I would have loved.

Hope you enjoy.

Feb 23, 2017 12:02 AM

Feb 2017
I am currently applying to study in Iceland. I have family there and barley ever get time to connect with them.

Hopefully I will be hearing by the end of the month if I will be able to make it.

AMA I guess.
Feb 23, 2017 1:06 AM

Jan 2017
Two semesters abroad are actually required in my major and I'm very much looking forward to both of them. I've travelled and been to events abroad a lot so it was obvious to me I'd want that experience again once I attend university. Finding compatible universities will be tricky but I hope I can spend half a year in Osaka, which has pretty much become a second home to me, and the other semester in a place closer to where I'm from, maybe the UK or Sweden.
Feb 23, 2017 1:34 AM

Feb 2008
I'm roughly halfway through my year abroad (in Tokyo) and it's been quite a ride. Easily the most eventful year in my life. And while I'm glad I did it, the idea of being here for another six months isn't quite as exciting as I hoped. One semester abroad is probably more appropriate for most people.
Feb 23, 2017 1:44 AM

Feb 2017
I studied abroad! I went to Korea University in Seoul. Actually, I was really involved in the international community at my university and I even interned at the exchange office LOL. Soooo I'm a huge advocate for studying abroad haha. I can probably answer questions you have about the process, but my answers might be specific to my university haha.

I would loooove to go to Korea again (I already have plans though). The culture there is so lively and I was really comfortable immersing myself in it (ngl dont take korean drinking culture lightly oh mY GOD). But if I could choose another country it'd be Thailand, Singapore, or of course Japan. Literally like more than half of the internationals at my school are Japanese, so it'd be really cool to meet up with all my friends there. Get to learn their culture haha.

Traveling in general for reasons other than vacation is something I think everyone should experience. I learned a lot, more than just the language I was trying to learn.
Feb 23, 2017 1:56 AM

May 2015
I'm in media studies and philosophy in Tel Aviv University. I start philosophy in the next semester.

So far, I'm having a blast. Media studies is some of the most interesting shit I've been into.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Feb 23, 2017 4:51 AM

Dec 2007
I studied in Hokkaido University of Education in Hakodate and also got few part-time jobs meanwhile. I had the time of my life. Met amazing people, had the most extraordinary experiences and honestly did not want to go back to the UK where I study originally

Just make sure you don't create a comfort zone with people you know/people speaking English, you might end up not making most of the experience.

Some of my classmates did just that and apparently didn't have such a good time/didn't learn the language properly/wasted a lot of good opportunities. Not to sound cocky but I was the only one from class to go to Hokkaido so I returned with better Japanese than most and with more friends and good stories to tell than most. I didn't have a comfort zone to begin with so I had to create it myself, ended up as my biggest advantage

I'm sure you'll have a blast studying at Tokyo Dai. And if you have the chance visit Hakodate (and bar Gossip while there :D my former baito saki) as small as it is, the town has a sh*tload of fun things to offer
Feb 23, 2017 7:16 AM

Dec 2014
I have a lot of thought on doing it, but I'm poor.
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Feb 23, 2017 8:20 AM

Feb 2014
next year i have the opportunity to study at ewha uni in s korea for a year as teacher training but i'll be the only one not going lmao! i'd rather just skip the trip and graduate a year before everyone else in my class so i can go out there to work and make money asap
Feb 23, 2017 8:39 AM

Apr 2016
I have the opportunity to study abroad in the United States for a semester after the summer break. Next week I will probably hear if I am selected to go. I really hope I am, it is an amazing opportunity, not only on a cultural and social level, but also because I pay Dutch tuition fees when I go there, which are a joke compared to US tuition fees.
Feb 23, 2017 8:52 AM
Jul 2018
I am more curious knowing how it is to study in the country I was born, since I left when I got out of highschool.
Mar 5, 2017 10:21 AM
Mar 2017
Yes. I wish to go an abroad in next year for doing the course of Master of fashion design in Italy. My friend suggested me that the design Institutes in Italy gives an exclusive opportunity that enables Indian students to further their design studies abroad with a greatest carrier.
Mar 6, 2017 1:55 AM

May 2015
I'd love to study abroad although I'm scared. I hate Israel and its culture. Eventually I'll have to get out of here and studying abroad may help me.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
2 hours ago
Jul 2024
Hello everyone! I am Akshita pareek , Study abroad consultant in Kerala ;

Are you studying or planning to study abroad? If so, you're about to embark on an exciting and transformative journey! Studying abroad offers incredible opportunities for personal growth, cultural immersion, and academic advancement. Here’s how Gradding can help make your study abroad experience a success:

Personalized Guidance:
At Gradding, we understand that each student has unique goals and needs. Our consultants provide tailored advice to help you choose the best country, university, and program based on your academic background, interests, and career aspirations.

Comprehensive Services:
We offer a full range of services to support you throughout your study abroad journey, including:

University selection and application assistance.
Visa application support.
Scholarship and financial aid guidance.
Pre-departure orientation and cultural preparation.
Expert Knowledge:
Our team stays updated with the latest trends and requirements in international education. Whether you're looking to study in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, or any other country, we provide accurate and up-to-date information to help you make informed decisions.

State-Specific Expertise:
We cater to students from various states in India, providing specialized advice to meet the unique needs of each region:

Kerala: Comprehensive guidance on choosing the best universities and programs.
Jaipur: Specialized support focused on the unique needs of students in this region.
Noida: Expert advice and comprehensive services for a successful application process.
Mumbai: Dynamic and diverse options tailored for Mumbai students.
Thrissur: Personalized support to help students make informed decisions.
Chennai: Tailored services to help students achieve their academic and career goals abroad.
Chandigarh: Specialized advice and support for Chandigarh students.
Ludhiana: Comprehensive assistance throughout the study abroad process for Ludhiana students.
Success Stories:
Many students have successfully pursued their study abroad dreams with Gradding's support. Our success stories are a testament to our commitment to helping students achieve their academic and career goals.

If you’re studying or planning to study abroad, reach out to Gradding for expert advice and personalized support. We’re here to ensure you have a smooth and successful experience.

Good luck with your study abroad plans!

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask.

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