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You have complicated feelings about this show, but it has become part of your life.

Mar 13, 1:06 PM

Apr 2012
Are there works that disappoint you, give you complicated feelings, or that you just don't like for some reason, but that for some reason have become a personal or special part of your life? As an example, I can think of a couple of mecha anime from my childhood and later life that at various times frightened me or upset me with their plot developments (I always took plot development too personally if I was invested in the work), but now I look back on them fondly as those memories mixed with my memories of favorite mechas in general and now I remember such things with nostalgia.
Mar 13, 1:13 PM

Jul 2015
Symphogear easily.
It has one of THE best deuteragonist in all anime and easily THE worst protagonist in all anime. This contrast causes me heavy frustration, because series overall is great, but that one single bad aspect is so bad, that it drags the franchise as a whole from 8/10 overall to about 4/10.

Mar 13, 1:19 PM

Oct 2022
I wouldn't say complicated feelings, but I was very emotionally invested in Made in Abyss especially after its soundtrack got me through the Covid era; and then the 2nd season happened and disappointed me in a (hard to describe) way. Actually the movie had already mostly gotten me to that point. Everything that happened in the original series made a really strong impression; but then it really just felt like excuses were being made to fetishize vore and I sorta realized "oh so this is what it's about"

The Fate Franchise was something I was big enthusiastic for last decade, but after FGO came out it was no longer a story about 3 mage families battling every 60 years for the grail but turned into a gacha game merch machine with no narrative anymore and totally abandoned the lore and became just another battle shonen.
Mar 13, 1:23 PM

Sep 2016
One Piece, some aspects I admire but others disappoint me, it's a love-hate of sorts.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 13, 2:32 PM

Mar 2021
RobertBobert said:
You have complicated feelings about this show, but it has become part of your life.

I think of a title like "Crying Freeman". Back when I was just a young horny teen I ended up buying all the Manga volumes of this series as well as going to a comic book convention back in the early 90s where I even ended up buying an authentic Cel from the 1st episode of this pretty trashy OVA.

I still even have a poster from this franchise (now completely faded) and the live action film on VHS as well. During the pandemic I ended up re-watching this Anime OVA after over two decades passed completely out of boredom where ironically when the last episode was just about to end the last VHS tape ended up getting eaten up in my VCR right before the credits.

I don't know why I thought this Anime was so good back then but I have even memories of making out with my 1st girlfriend in high school in the early 90s in my parents basement while this trashy OVA was just simply playing in the back ground as just ambience.

Looking back now it's just weird I thought so highly of this Anime considering how trashy it actually is. I just thought it was really cool back then because of all the violence, gore, sex, and nudity it had in it. Clearly the state of mind of just a horny teenage kid.
ColourWheelMar 13, 3:11 PM
Mar 13, 2:39 PM

Mar 2023
Valvrave the Liberator was shit but i kind of miss that show like a victim of Stockholm syndrome. Don't really know why.
Mar 13, 2:42 PM

May 2021
Jujutsu Kaisen S2. I sometimes see this season as absolute gold when Im having a good day. Other times when I don't feel good, this season is like dog shit to me. There are a few fights in this season which I thought looked amazing, beyond my imagination. But some fights just didn't match my expectations because of animation or how the fight is directed. Nevertheless I still love the series and the arc from the manga.
Mar 13, 3:11 PM

May 2015
Attack on Titan, I guess. It isn’t my favourite show, but it has some of my favourite characters, and yes, I was invested enough in the story to consider it a part of my life, but the ending was a disappointment. Not to the point of disliking the whole show but complicated feelings is a fairly accurate description.
Mar 13, 7:04 PM

Feb 2021
Gamers is so bad that it's the first example I use when someone asks me what a genuinely bad anime looks like.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Mar 13, 7:16 PM
Mar 2015
I dislike the Pokémon anime so much. But I guess it's not totally terrible...
Mar 13, 8:05 PM

Aug 2018
That'd be Zero no Tsukaima. It's really frustrating because it does so much right but constantly kneecaps itself. Louise is the star of the show. Nobody else really matters but it never stops shoehorning new girls into the mix who only exist to make Louise jealous.
Mar 13, 9:23 PM
May 2022
I want to say Made in Abyss and Devilman Crybaby for similar reasons. Both explore some things that have barely been explored before. Incredibly interesting. But maybe it’s a personal thing but both also seem to be cruel to certain characters for the sake of it, or shock value. In fact shock value is the double edged sword for both series for me. Best and worst moments are shocking and it varies greatly.

I think about both a lot but I wouldn’t really say I like either. Very complicated. They might also deserve a rewatch
Mar 13, 9:46 PM
The Attack Titan

May 2019
everything i watch ends up being a part of my life doesnt it

Mar 13, 9:59 PM

Apr 2010
I guess Madoka Magica, but not for the positive reasons like you're describing.

Due to its insane popularity, the show has poisoned the entire genre which I used to enjoy, such that each new IP since 2011 that isn't a parody has been filled with the exact same mind-numbingly generic nihilistic edgelord garbage, and at this point I'm starting to believe that the effect is permanent.
Mar 13, 10:21 PM

Feb 2020
Digimon Adventure, especially 02. It had a disappointing ending + some other issues.
Mar 14, 1:00 PM

Mar 2024
made in abyss. it's very difficult to...describe my problems with it? or why i like it? but i guess, for one, the sexualization of the kids. at first, it just felt a little awkward to me, but maybe nudity was just more normalized in this universe?? but nah, it doesn't really add anything, just plain weird. so, yeah, obviously that aspect is bad.

but on the other hand, i have never seen pure fear clashing with curiousity depicted this well. i wouldn't say it's a masterpiece by any means, but it really changed my perspective on worldbuilding. the gore isn't just there for the sake of adding gore ー it's a key device to make the viewer genuinely horrified by what they're watching.

this anime is absolutely brutal, but it's almost become a part of me nonetheless.
also, kevin penkin made the soundtrack. +10 points.
Mar 14, 1:22 PM

Oct 2010
there are lots but the clearest example has to be Dragonaut
this anime taught me to actually enjoy anime, I was somewhat in my edgy period and this opened my eyes in regards to media overall. I can't really put it into words, overall the anime is a train wreck and has everything that I dislike but on the other hand watching it was a fun experience. Don't get me wrong, I am not a believer in "so bad it's good" or "guilty pleasure" shit, just stating my views.
I would simulwatch dragonaut with anyone, you will see how amazing an experience this is.
Mar 14, 2:13 PM
Jul 2018
Nostalgic feelings from the times when you weren't a viewer as smart and experienced as you are today are unreliable indicator of quality.

I thought Eva and Steins;Gate were masterpieces when I watched them in my teens, but now, when I'm in my twenties, I could not notice lackluster character writing in both. Made in Abyss probably does not deserve 10/10, maybe I rated it that high because I watched it when I haven't been consuming media regularly and haven't developed tolerance to becoming a fan of everything above average.

Some titles have aged extremely well in my memory, for instance, Kara no Kyoukai: Mujun Raisen, this movie has impressed me as much when rewatching it as it did back in the day when I saw it for the first time - even without any prior knowledge of Fate franchise.

The author of Made in Abyss manga is a known fetishist, I just did not care about it when reading it, lol.

Due to its insane popularity, the show has poisoned the entire genre which I used to enjoy

You got it wrong. Madoka Magica has basically reanimated the entire tired genre, a genre that became so annoying by the time of its release that it already required something like this. Other subversion shows like Revolutionary Girl Utena and Princess Tutu tried to do so and failed miserably, only Madoka had all necessary and sufficient ingredients for success gathered together.
each new IP since 2011 that isn't a parody has been filled with the exact same mind-numbingly generic nihilistic edgelord garbage

Fun fact, a number of brilliant post-Madoka mahou shoujo (or should I call them post mahou shoujo at this point?) anime exist, some of them are even in your list, but you did not like them.
removed-userMar 14, 2:28 PM
Mar 14, 2:49 PM

Jul 2014
Naruto. It has its issues and I lost interest in Shippuden early on but it was a pretty big part of my adolescence and its best moments are transcendent.
Take care of yourself

Mar 14, 8:25 PM

Apr 2010
Reply to removed-user
Nostalgic feelings from the times when you weren't a viewer as smart and experienced as you are today are unreliable indicator of quality.

I thought Eva and Steins;Gate were masterpieces when I watched them in my teens, but now, when I'm in my twenties, I could not notice lackluster character writing in both. Made in Abyss probably does not deserve 10/10, maybe I rated it that high because I watched it when I haven't been consuming media regularly and haven't developed tolerance to becoming a fan of everything above average.

Some titles have aged extremely well in my memory, for instance, Kara no Kyoukai: Mujun Raisen, this movie has impressed me as much when rewatching it as it did back in the day when I saw it for the first time - even without any prior knowledge of Fate franchise.

The author of Made in Abyss manga is a known fetishist, I just did not care about it when reading it, lol.

Due to its insane popularity, the show has poisoned the entire genre which I used to enjoy

You got it wrong. Madoka Magica has basically reanimated the entire tired genre, a genre that became so annoying by the time of its release that it already required something like this. Other subversion shows like Revolutionary Girl Utena and Princess Tutu tried to do so and failed miserably, only Madoka had all necessary and sufficient ingredients for success gathered together.
each new IP since 2011 that isn't a parody has been filled with the exact same mind-numbingly generic nihilistic edgelord garbage

Fun fact, a number of brilliant post-Madoka mahou shoujo (or should I call them post mahou shoujo at this point?) anime exist, some of them are even in your list, but you did not like them.
@AnotherAnimeSnob fun fact, most of what you're trying to present as factual are conclusions based on your personal system of qualitative beliefs i.e. opinions.
Except that the genre has become stale by the end of 2000s, that's an accepted consensus at this point.

Also I would rather the genre stayed dead than being "reanimated" as a shambling festering caricature of itself.
iThinkMar 14, 9:10 PM
May 20, 2:57 PM

Jul 2023
Madoka Magica. But not because any of the reasons mentioned so far.

I absolutely like that show. One of my all-time favorites. I like the magical girl system, the characters, the bizarre style of the witches, the characters, the back stories, but. By the end I got tired of Homura. It was just too much, especially her obsession. It made me feel increasingly uncomfortable.

That's why it didn't get a perfect score from me and that's why I didn't rate Rebellion at all.

Also, I hate the behavior of the fanbase. They're either parodying the show or shipping Madoka and Homura. Very few talk about the actual content.
May 20, 3:19 PM
Aug 2018
One Piece, but only because of the sometimes terrible pacing and flashbacks. One Piece anime has the highest highs and the lowest lows, which is why I love the manga more.
May 20, 3:22 PM

Apr 2024
Very curious thread. Most works listed here are of mixed quality where good creative decisions neighbor those that are not that great.

Monogatari series in general are brilliant, but some of their distinct instances are just atrocious. Some arcs are insufferably uninteresting and are completely dependent on plot armor and plot conveniences.

By the end I got tired of Homura. It was just too much, especially her obsession. It made me feel increasingly uncomfortable

You sound like you impose your morals on fictional characters and it kind of sucks.

Also, I hate the behavior of the fanbase. They're either parodying the show or shipping Madoka and Homura. Very few talk about the actual content.

The fanbase is actually way worse, they generally behave as if the most value of this show is in suffering girls and miss the rest of its points almost entirely. Ask a Madoka fan about anything similar and they will most likely happily suggest you to watch Yuuki Yuuna. That's infuriating to even think that Madoka Magica is popular not because it is a great work but because it has simply shocked and hyped up its audience, but I am not going to deny reality.
Black★Rock Shooter (TV) is beyond its time arthouse fantasy/psychological drama/psychological horror/action. Should you watch it? See my review.

May 20, 3:49 PM

Jul 2014
A lotta the OVA's I watch and give a 6 I end up with complicated feelings on. They're obviously good to an extent and I appreciate what they're going for but I can't bring myself to truly consider them "good". Most recently Harbor Light Monogatari, which was surprisingly subversive, but man was half of it a bit of a slog to get through. Left me with a weird taste when I finished it, still uncertain how I feel.
"Most anime makers are basically autistic" - Hideaki Anno
May 20, 4:22 PM

Sep 2014
I used to be a fan of Hunter x Hunter when it was still new and only the original anime adaptation was out. Eventually they remade the anime, but worse. And upon watching the Chimera ant arc I was utterly disappointed and insulted. It somehow managed to be one of the worst anime I've ever seen.
May 21, 12:34 AM

Jul 2023
You sound like you impose your morals on fictional characters and it kind of sucks.

@PostMahouShoujo Others can do whatever they want, including fictional characters, but I don't have to agree with them and their acts. By the way, I can understand Homura, I know from past experiences how it feels to have only one friend to count on. But I won't change my opinions to enjoy a show.
May 21, 3:33 PM

Jul 2013
Yeah, I fondly remember watching Rozen Maiden back in 2012/2013. Hence I use this DesuMaiden username on here...

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