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Who should be the endgame?
Nov 23, 2019 6:17 PM
Jun 2009
Time for another poll.

Who do you root for based on latest developments?

This will piss me off if another Taichi has been NTRed.
Nov 25, 2019 5:31 AM

Feb 2016
I just want a happy ending for Taichi. Give him the girl pls
Nov 25, 2019 12:29 PM

Apr 2015
I have always, and will always root for Taichi. His character growth is phenomenal. His terrible luck, which has been a running gag at this point compels me to believe that he will not end with Chihaya (along with several other moments I won't mention bc spoilers).

Arata, on the other hand, did not get by unscathed by the plot. He was excluded from basically the first 150 chapters making small guest appearances. It wasn't until the recent development that he really got screentime despite being a "main" character. Arata is a good character, he has his moments that I am not fond of (particularly his exchange with Taichi after he loses to Chihaya around chapter 95 of who Chihaya ""belongs"" to or whatever).

In terms who will end up with Chihaya? I feel like it is a tie between Arata and no one, I feel more strongly on the "no one" side because there have been ample of evidence that Chihaya is a karuta freak and does not know how to deal with romance.

All in all, in this essay I will write-
No, all I hope for is Taichi to be happy.

I hope Taichi is happy. I would not want Taichi and Chihaya to get together because of some plot gimmick or pity party because the author didn't want the fans to riot. Give me the real thing or I don't want it at all.

Although we part as I leave for Inaba,
where pines grow on the moutain peaks
If I am to hear that you pine for me
I shall come back to you again
Hyakunin Isshu (小倉百人一首):
Poem #16 "Tachiwakare"
Nov 27, 2019 10:43 AM
Mar 2015
Suetsugu told us that Chihayafuru is about Chihaya learning the meaning of Chihayafuru not about which boy she marries or whether or not she becomes queen
landofthekwtNov 27, 2019 9:46 PM
Nov 27, 2019 5:03 PM

Nov 2007
Oh, I thought it was about Karuta! Moving on to the next topic.
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Nov 28, 2019 9:06 AM

Oct 2012
Land kun, I get where you are coming from, it's about learning what passion is.

The journey is threaded by many things for Chihaya, karuta, the team/club, the friends she made, Taichi and Arata, the poems, her family, her near future and aspirations.

The first page of the manga starts with the end, that moment she had experienced all the changes of growing up, competing, being with friends, having the best days of her highschool life, also some terribly sad moments, getting closer to her family: I think at the end of the story she will know what her passions are in life and love........
chiakimagotoNov 29, 2019 9:37 AM
Dec 2, 2019 6:32 AM

Jan 2009
landofthekwt said:
Suetsugu told us that Chihayafuru is about Chihaya learning the meaning of Chihayafuru not about which boy she marries or whether or not she becomes queen

Yes, but readers don't think that way. And in the end she will be with someone.

It's kind of obvious that Chihaya will be with Arata in the end. Yuki Suetsugu clearly wants her to be with him, even if she doesn't say it with words. I like Taichi a lot more than Arata and Chihaya, and I find this crazy Chihaya obsession with Arata ridiculous. I just want Taichi to be happy, honestly it's already clear that the end will be Arata x Chihaya, and I don't care about these two, if Taichi is happy, I'll be happy.
english isn't my native language... ;)
Dec 4, 2019 10:08 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
I can relate to Arata on a personal level, hence Arata. I don't care who Chihaya ends up with, I just want my boy Arata to be happy.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Dec 5, 2019 12:17 PM
Jan 2015
I have yet to watch Chihayafuru 3. I just finished Chihayafuru 2 last night for the second time. I now remember how much the ending basically just pisses me off.

Before I go any further let me just say this. I live in the USA and I had no idea Karuta existed. I think the main purpose of this anime is to wake people up to a world of competition most don't know exist. This anime succeeds with flying colors in that department. For that reason I love it.

However I am a serious fan of romance anime and have been for years. I know this anime doesn't have a major focus on romance but I very much enjoy the romantic interactions it does have. That was until i finished Chihayafuru 2 last night and Chihaya finally realizes that she loves Arata.

Like I said I don't read the manga. It's probably already been decided who Chihaya is going to end up with but if she actually does end up with Arata, I will be severely disappointed. What has Arata done for her besides help her discover her love for Karuta? He showed her a world i didn't know existed which was awesome and then basically disappeared and went out of his way a number of times to avoid her over the course of however many years. He only goes to see here at SOME tournaments and even then scarcely talks to her. Taichi on the other hand helps Chihaya develop her love and everyone elses love for Karuta and is the only constant in this anime. Of course he doesn't like when Chihaya is thinking about Arata and why shouldn't he? Taichi is the one putting in work for the girl he loves. He deserves her. But Arata is earning her love because he has master potential? Because she thinks he can teach her something no one else can about Karuta? The Karuta club and its development would have never happened if it wasn't for Taichi's willingness to do everything in his power for Chihaya. To be honest its actually starting to piss me off how clueless Chihaya has been to Taichi's feelings for two full seasons and now she's falling for a guy she see's a few times a year? It's a joke to me. To put it simply, it's absolute bull. The season 2 ending did not sit well in my stomach at all simply because of the romance aspect.

Don't get me wrong, I am still very interested to see how everyone's journey will unfold in the Karuta world. Chihiya need's realize the effort that Taichi has put forth for her though. He deserves her heart. I know love doesn't always work the way it should but I have never felt so one-sided about love interests in anime before. Taichi is the one and only pick for her. If he doesn't get the girl then why the hell does he even exist in this anime? He's thrown away his future to play Karuta with the girl he loves. How much more does he have to sacrifice? I hope the Chihayafuru gods are just and do whats right.
Dec 5, 2019 2:55 PM

Oct 2019
WyteUkato said:
I have yet to watch Chihayafuru 3. I just finished Chihayafuru 2 last night for the second time. I now remember how much the ending basically just pisses me off.

Before I go any further let me just say this. I live in the USA and I had no idea Karuta existed. I think the main purpose of this anime is to wake people up to a world of competition most don't know exist. This anime succeeds with flying colors in that department. For that reason I love it.

However I am a serious fan of romance anime and have been for years. I know this anime doesn't have a major focus on romance but I very much enjoy the romantic interactions it does have. That was until i finished Chihayafuru 2 last night and Chihaya finally realizes that she loves Arata.

Like I said I don't read the manga. It's probably already been decided who Chihaya is going to end up with but if she actually does end up with Arata, I will be severely disappointed. What has Arata done for her besides help her discover her love for Karuta? He showed her a world i didn't know existed which was awesome and then basically disappeared and went out of his way a number of times to avoid her over the course of however many years. He only goes to see here at SOME tournaments and even then scarcely talks to her. Taichi on the other hand helps Chihaya develop her love and everyone elses love for Karuta and is the only constant in this anime. Of course he doesn't like when Chihaya is thinking about Arata and why shouldn't he? Taichi is the one putting in work for the girl he loves. He deserves her. But Arata is earning her love because he has master potential? Because she thinks he can teach her something no one else can about Karuta? The Karuta club and its development would have never happened if it wasn't for Taichi's willingness to do everything in his power for Chihaya. To be honest its actually starting to piss me off how clueless Chihaya has been to Taichi's feelings for two full seasons and now she's falling for a guy she see's a few times a year? It's a joke to me. To put it simply, it's absolute bull. The season 2 ending did not sit well in my stomach at all simply because of the romance aspect.

Don't get me wrong, I am still very interested to see how everyone's journey will unfold in the Karuta world. Chihiya need's realize the effort that Taichi has put forth for her though. He deserves her heart. I know love doesn't always work the way it should but I have never felt so one-sided about love interests in anime before. Taichi is the one and only pick for her. If he doesn't get the girl then why the hell does he even exist in this anime? He's thrown away his future to play Karuta with the girl he loves. How much more does he have to sacrifice? I hope the Chihayafuru gods are just and do whats right.

Wel if Chihaya doesnt feel that way about Taichi its not her fault? Why should she force herself to love someone she does not love.
Dec 5, 2019 5:18 PM
Jul 2018
Arata because I don't like it when the protagonist's feelings get changed just to please the poor underdog. I don't care how hard Taichi works, Chihaya is still not obligated to love him back in the same way.
Dec 5, 2019 7:35 PM

Nov 2007
@WyteUkato: Chihaya is not a trophy to be won. The Queen title is. The Meijin title is. Chihaya is her own person. I hope you understand this.

Also, the point of Taichi in the story? It is that he develops passion for Karuta (which the story is ultimately about), not his obsession with Chihaya. I hope you understand this as well.

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Dec 5, 2019 8:58 PM
Oct 2009
WyteUkato said:
Chihiya need's realize the effort that Taichi has put forth for her though. He deserves her heart. I know love doesn't always work the way it should but I have never felt so one-sided about love interests in anime before. Taichi is the one and only pick for her. If he doesn't get the girl then why the hell does he even exist in this anime? He's thrown away his future to play Karuta with the girl he loves. How much more does he have to sacrifice? I hope the Chihayafuru gods are just and do whats right.

I'm not trying to understate Taichi's importance to the story, because obviously he's very important, but maybe he’s just an additional piece to help exemplify the Chihayaburu poem for Chihaya. What I mean by that is perhaps the author was thinking that some readers would attach themselves to Taichi and fully expect Chihaya to switch her love to him simply because he’s always with her and helping her out. Kana-chan’s view of the the Chihayaburu poem talks about a love that never faded, and if Chihaya is supposed to be a personification of her poem, then it would make sense that she would stay consistent with her love for Arata and not switch her love to Taichi despite him being with her for most of the story.

But it isn’t over yet so who knows how it will end up.
Dec 6, 2019 12:03 AM

Oct 2012
It's all pretty frustrating.....but Chihaya will surely understand more about it all.

Don't lose hope though. There was something one of the members pointed out that made my heart skip: Michiru in the museum: "look Chihaya, you like Awihara no Narihira, don't you?" while Chihaya looking at her phone "I wonder if Taichi is winning??". You all know this is the poet of the Chihayaburu poem? Is this paralleling something?
Dec 6, 2019 2:59 AM

Nov 2007
And it follwed by the "What about Arata?" which was the hidden message. The manga is full of these hidden messages. When the panels read 1 year and 364 days, I already knew the identity of the challenger but it kinda tore my heart to pieces, despite always wanting to see the other way around. That's the beauty of this manga.

Well, there is nothing wrong about interpreting. If this makes anyone feel better. But the far the manga has gone in developing Taichi's character, it will be a tad ridiculous if Karuta doesn't return Taichi's love for it, which he himself isn't aware of.

I have said it before, Suou-meijin and Harada-sensei remain Taichi's future alternative versions, one who rose to the top after a late start despite of not playing Karuta for the right reasons and another who never gave up his passion for Karuta even being a doctor himself and gunned for the meijin title all his life, while Arata is his alter ego and his ultimate goal. Not Chihaya.

I really dislike it when Taichi's goal is reduced to Chihaya. Don't make his amazing character into a husk of a character without any depth.
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Dec 6, 2019 5:32 AM

Oct 2012
At least we can agree that Taichi isn't just defined by romance but so much more! I guess like Kana Chan, I love the poems and history behind them. It's one of my favourite sides of this manga!
Dec 6, 2019 4:32 PM

Dec 2018
WyteUtako, a lot of us have been there... Trust me...

And it's tough to deal with so many moments of cluelessness on Chihaya's part. I know that everybody has their own time to mature, but, as someone looking the situation from the outside, it's definitely frustrating nonetheless...

I think at least Taichi proved to everyone that whoever he loves, she'll be a very lucky woman... he's able to treasure someone so dearly and deeply, and would fight to bring her happiness and support to reach her goals... A true companion for life.

I still hope Chihaya's heart will look his way one day, but we can't know for sure what waits for them in future.

I guess the best you have to do for now is to follow his Karuta path. I can't guarantee it'll be an easy ride, but at least you can learn more about our boy, and his Karuta is super exciting to follow!

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