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TV: 363, OVA: 50, Movies: 62, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 9344, Days: 156.66, Mean Score: 7.1, Score Dev.: -0.45 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Haikyuu!! Second Season
8 TV
5 / 25
2 Mardock Scramble: The First Compression
- Movie
- / 1
3 MF Ghost 2nd Season
- TV
- / 12
4 One Piece
This show is not the heat that it used to be. I'm sorry. But it's true. I watch this more out of obligation ( cuz I've already spent like 300+ Hours of my life watching it ) than anything else.

Zoro still stays consistently the best character throughout the whole series though. Love that man.
6 TV
1071 / -
5 Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
6 TV
11 / 13
6 Plastic Memories
- TV
11 / 13
7 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen
1 TV Special
1 / 2
8 Shoujo Ramune
[It's receiving an 8, because that's the highest score I give for a single stat. Which in this case, is looks.]

But the lesbian scene was good. So i'm going to hell with you.

It's sad to say, but objectively speaking, this is a top-tier hentai with excellent animation and a beautiful art style. If you ever wanted proof that all higher-echelon members of society are pedophiles. Then look no further than this show, and the huge budget (in terms of hentai standards) it must have received. I think that this is the best-animated hentai I've ever seen and that's just so sad. If not outright the best, a top contender.

I threw up on episode 1. I was so disturbed and upset with what I was looking at that I physically literally threw up. This and Euphoria are the only shows that have ever managed to accomplish that feat. Euphoria was due to there being poo. In this one this one I was just so mentally upset and disturbed that I physically became sick and actually threw up. Only thing I knew going into this show, was there would be lolis. Didn't know I was signing up for a show literally made for pedophiles about pedophiles. Boko No Pico is WAYYYY BETTER than this. I almost threw up on Boko No Pico because it was fruity, and they were kids. But hell, at least everything was consensual and not 100% predatory. Plus Boko No Pico is not realistic, while this show has probably played out in real life somewhere in the world. This show disgusted me to the point, where I'm no longer raging with the emotion that is disgust. This show made me just lose faith in humanity. I'm just sad, that this even exist.

The extra sad thing is, it's still way better then Kiss X Sis though. It's morally repulsive and disturbing, but at least it isn't disgusting (at least not to that level).

It's so objectively good, that I have to rate it highly, as much as it pains me to do so. If it wasn't for the great animation it'd be a 1 due to just how upset this made me. Let me reiterate though if this doesn't disgust you to your core, you need to meet God as soon as possible and get sent straight to the party down under.
4 / -
9 86
I don't like the genre at all. There was no comedy, the rewatchability is utterly lacking, none of the action scenes really did it for me as I hate mecha (and it's CGI). Overall, I didn't like this show that much as it wasn't made for me.
But objectively
This show is just really freaking good because of the plot and characters. While it isn't effective in tugging on the heart strings. And it isn't the most big brained plot of all time. I thought the characters and writing of this show were exceptional. In terms of enjoyment while watching, this show doesn't rate that high. But I can appreciate the quality here.
8 TV
10 91 Days
9 TV
11 A Kite
I don't even care about the H3NTA1 scenes. Or the plot. DAT LOOOK GOOOOODDDD!!! Like jeez, why did they waste there time on making an H3NTA1? I want this to be an action show. Why was it only 2 episodes? I wish this was 12 episodes. I replayed the action scenes like 10 times in total. I could not believe my eyes. Like WOW. Without a doubt one of the best H3NTA1 ever made. No question, not even a competition. Not because of the H3NTY but because of the Action.
Still, the highest an action show can get of off it's action alone is an 8 from me. This is H3NTA1 with better action scenes then the VAST MAJORITY of anime. Like Cowboy Bebop, Jormungand, Black Lagoon level shooting scenes. And shooting is my favorite form of action in anime. This gets a 9 from me, almost a 10. This is not the best "Hentai" ever made, but goddamn it is the absolute best "Anime Hentai" Ever made (By that I mean, you don't beat your meat to this one, this is all about that action and the plot). I like this more then Rance (Don't get it twisted on Aki Sora, it being better then it's equivalent in Real Life is why I give it such high praise). My favorite Hentai. The only reason this isn't a 10, is because it doesn't live up to being what it's actually supposed to be, meat beat material.
12 Afro Samurai
9 TV
13 Afro Samurai Movie
9 Movie
14 Afro Samurai: Resurrection
9 Movie
15 Akame ga Kill!
Esdeath best girl.
That ending left me a little heated ngl.

How is this anime rated so low? Superb show. I guess people like anime bullshit powerups, instead of realism.
9 TV
16 Aki-Sora
I would rather watch this, then softcore p0rn ANY DAY. ANYYYYY DAYYYYYY. Animated p0rn being better then regular p0rn deserves a 10 in my book. Plus the story is actually decent and the dude moans like a girl. Not only does that get it a 10 on my regular scale, but even in my completely subjective score that gets it a 10. I don't want to say it, but i'mma be real. This is better then Rance. Rance is just the best H3NTA1, this is better then real life. I don't even like fanservice, I don't even like H3NTA1, I'm watching this for the memes, and this junk is better then real life. That's like... WOW. Just WOW. How does this show have such a low rating? I don't know.
10 OVA
17 Aki-Sora: Yume no Naka
10 OVA
18 Angel Beats!
9 TV
19 Another

The ending ruins the entire show. The ending literally makes it to where the show has no right to exist. Like the show's existence isn't justified because the plot isn't justified due to the ending. The ending "twist" is so appallingly bad. That the whole show gets a 3 because of it. I can't believe that author wrote that ending. Proofread it. And decided, "This is good." He must've been affected by a curse, or possessed by a stupid demon. It's absolutely terrible writing.

I don't mean the ending is bad as in I hate it (Which I do but I wasn't really emotionally invested in this show at all, I hate it cuz of how stupid it is). I mean the ending has some of the worst writing, I've ever seen in any form of fiction. They could've cut out like 2 lines, and the show would've been saved. But naw. Terrible show.
3 TV
20 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
10 {2nd Season is mmhmm}
10 TV
21 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season
10 TV
22 Ao no Exorcist
5 TV
23 Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
5 {Damn I wish they wouldn't have brought in the harem junk}
I actually thought this show was one of the best of the trashy lowbudget isekai genre. But then this show started to transition into a harem show. And that really pissed me off. Just like most harem shows, along with the change was a drop in quality.
4 TV
24 Baccano!

Ending made me drop the score.
8 TV
25 Baki
10 {Hype AF, Manly AF}
But the powerscaling though!? Makes no sense, absolutely no sense. -1.
The CGI though, absolutely trash. -1.
This show has to be good, even with dogwater animation, and dogwater powerscaling, I'm STILL giving it an 8.
This is a show for REAL MEN. Men who work with there hands, who actually go outside, who aren't antisocial, who can bench press there own body weight, who never starts fights but always finishes them, who are always willing to give a helping hand, who don't read instruction manuals, who hold the door for ladies even if they're ugly, who go down with the boat to let the women and children escape, who fight in wars and die for there country.
I could NEVER be friends with a guy, who would not like this show.
26 Banana Fish
Boom Boom Boom
This show just throws heavy right hooks repeatedly with no jabs in between.
For a lot of people, this is no problem. For me, it makes the whole show feel empty and the character relationships feel forced. The reason joy feels so good, is because you know what sadness feels like. Downtime is good for a show, at least a little bit of it. Nothing in this show happens, that doesn't drive the plot forward. No scene of just the characters hanging out or anything like that (though if there are scenes like that, it's to drive the plot forward). I can't say I like this storytelling that much. I mean, I do like it, but like I said, I'd prefer it to be WAY slower. Should've doubled or 1.5x the amount of episodes.

Also the protagonist has some bullshit power armor. Not power armor in the usual since, where he get's a magical powerup.
But power armor like James Bond has. If you know, you know.

Also the Ending was SUPERB, almost brought up the score. Probably in the top 10 best anime endings. This show deserves all the praise it gets.
Just the pacing is way too fast for me.
7 TV
27 Bible Black
The ending is really freaking good.
The plot is "eh." The "scenes" are pretty freaking good, not gonna lie.
28 Biohazard: Degeneration
5 Movie
29 Biohazard: Infinite Darkness
30 Black Bullet
Perhaps I have a weak spot for shows where the protagonist isn't a pervert and takes care of children. But I love this show, love the non-perverted mc, and love the children. What can I say, i'm a softie for children.
8 TV
31 Black Lagoon
9 TV
32 Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail
She did kind of get nerfed though.
But then again, she got nerfed in a particular fight in the earlier seasons as well. Her powerlevel is inconsistent, because she be getting nerfed hard when the plot needs her to be.
33 Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
9 TV
34 Blend S
8 TV
35 Blood-C
I called that plot twist.
I think the "fans" rating this show is the reason why it has such a low score. Apparently, it's a poor adaptation or something. But if you have no knowledge of the original. It's good (though predictable). At least I think so.
The protagonist does have plot armor though, not egregious levels, but it's there.
5 TV
36 Blue Lock
8 TV
37 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
The show was great till you get to the end. Then near the end "it" happened. And even though "it" happened, the show just continues on and never explains how "it" wasn't a game-ender.
6 TV
38 Boku no Hero Academia
6 {I hold this in the same league as Naruto, but down an entire division. But the hype scenes are really hype, so 6}
7 TV
39 Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
7 TV
40 Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
7 TV
41 Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
7 TV
42 Boku no Pico
Obviously, I don't like this show. I despise fanservice with a passion. So you're probably wondering how I could rate a loli hentai such a relatively high score. I rate as OBJECTIVELY as possible. In terms of enjoyment, this show was terrible and I had to force myself to watch it. This show physically hurts to watch. But how the hell am I going to watch a Hentai, and then rate it a 1 because it had sex scenes in it? How am I going to watch a loli hentai, and then complain about it having an underage character in it? How am I going to watch a gay hentai, and complain about the fact that it's gay? That makes no sense to me. Y'all know damn well, if it was the exact same plot, but with a little girl instead of a little boy, this show would have a significantly higher rating. And that's coming from a somewhat "fruit phobe." These double standards be crazy.

This show is legendary for how bad it is, and it's not even that bad. If you look at it objectively, it's not absolutely horrid like a lot of folks make it out to be. It has no crazy stuff in it. there's no rape, there's no gore, there's no weird penetration, nothing. I think it deserves a 5, there is no reason for the show to be rated as lowly as it is. Especially by those that actually like hentai. The only reason why this show has such a horrid reputation, is that it's gay. Okay, if you're not gay and you're actually planning on beating your meat to this, Don't watch this and then rate on how much you enjoy it. If you came in here knowing your not gay, and you couldn't beat your meat to this. And then you rate this show a 1. You're just kind of a dumbass in my opinion. I'm not gay, I didn't like this shit neither. But I knew why I was watching this show, just for the memes. So i'm not gonna rate it a 1 for that. Why did I rate it a 5? Because they way main character uses Pico is really messed up and I really don't like that aspect of it. That's not a genre thing, that's a character and plot thing. You know what you are signing up for when you watch this show. Therefore, you shouldn't rate it based on it being simply what it is. At least, that's my take. So 5 it is.

Edit: So for some reason, I got the idea to rewatch all of Boko No Pico along with all the trap henty. I thought that maybe, now that i'm a little more used to the genre, I can see through my disgust (Don't get it twisted with my first review, I was absolutely disgusted, just trying to be objective) and examine it for what it is.
My conclusion? Boko No Pico is even worst on a second watch, then on the first one. And by extension, it's even worst then I initially thought. I thought, that I was primarily disgusted by the fact that it was a little boy. I thought my disgust was arising from the fact that it was gay, that's why initially I tried to be super objective and gave this piece of garbage a 5. To be fair to the old me, I was barely able to look at the screen I was so morally appauled. But now, I can actually look at the screen and examine the plot. And Oh My God. This show is terrible. I got a bunch of problems with this show. Where to began.
First, I know that ice cube cold. I don't know why the author got the idea, that melting ice on a young child's warm body is hot. But the only thing i'm thinking is, "I know that sh*t cold, there's no way that's hot to him"
Second, The worst character in this show isn't the dude actually boning Pico. No, the worst character is the grandpa. Not only does he do nothing to stop his grandson from going out with a grown man. He was the one that initiated the relationship, and encouraged it. On top of that, he must have forced Pico to wear girlish clothes in his cafe. Because when the pedo dude tries to get Pico to wear girlish clothes, he initially refuses.
Lastly (and this isn't an actual beef with the show, nor are these my only problems with the show, but I don't want to break down the whole show and tell you how much I hated it. I'm sure someone else has broken down this trash and said what's wrong with) I think it's funny, that the virgin Pico, lasted longer getting sucked off, then the grown man. lol.

Don't get me wrong, this show is morally disgusting. But it's still TWO HUNDRED times better than *insert every bad word in the dictionary* that is "Kiss X Siss", ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY times better than the absolute filth that is "Oni ChiChi", ONE HUNDRED times better than the absolute pedophilic "Shojue Ramune", and 50 times better than the gross Euphoria. But even still, to be even comparable to them shows is nothing but an L.

This show doesn't have the animation to save it as Shojue Ramune does.
No, it's not because Shojue Ramune had girls and this one has a boy. I'm talking objective stats here, fps, art style. Shojue Ramune had probably the best animation in the entire hentai genre. At the very least it was a contender for the best animation in its genre (right up there with Rance and the like). This doesn't have that. My issues with the show aren't genre ones. It's plot and character ones. Animation isn't abysmally though, so 3 it is.
43 Canaan

I don't think I've seen a show objectively this bad in the story telling department in a long while. It's a slightly interesting watch, but the show is absolutely nothing special. The only thing that stands out is the art/animation. It's really freaking good, especially for the time the show was made. But everything else is kind of bad. The story is bad, the characters are mediocre at best. It's a shame to say, but the show objectively is just not that good. If the art-style wasn't so good, it'd be a 4. I didn't and no one will hate watching the show, but a lot of people are probably going to be of the opinion that the show is just not that good.
5 TV
44 Chainsaw Man
5 TV
45 Charlotte
5 TV
46 Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Movie
The only thing that was disturbed was my time. This movie was a waste of my time to watch. And apparently, I wasted my time even more because the OVA is the best version to watch (but for the life of me I couldn't and can't find it).

The art-style is definitely old, but the animation is really good. Some action sequences in this are just astounding to look at, considering this was all drawn by hand. That is the only positive thing I can say however.

I signed up to be disturbed. Either i'm so far gone, that disturbing material no longer disturbs me. Or this show's reputation is overrated. I guess if you can't stand gore or women getting raped, then I guess this might be disturbing. But I was expecting to witness some "100 days of Sodom" level shit. I didn't get that at all.

Like I said, the animation is great. But the characters/plot/themes are trash. I guess the theme of the show could be to be satisfied with what you have. But even still, having a theme doesn't mean it was executed well or that a show is good.

It's a waste of time to watch, don't watch it.
3 Movie
47 Claymore
I initially watched this because the show's artstyle and screen picture gave me the impression of a bootleg Berserk. The show is NOT that. The start is rough, and the secondary protagonist is annoying as hell. But the show starts to pick up and it's good. But then towards the end, the show has some bullshit powerscaling, and the annoying MC gets more screentime. And so it becomes ass again. Still would've been a 7 cuz it's a good show. But the powerscaling at the end is REALLY BAD. Characters start teleporting to where the plot is taking place, characters that should be strong become weak, or even worst, they become ridiculously strong for no reason. And Power of Friendship out the ass. Excellent show, but few things bother me as bad as terrible writing aka terrible powerscaling so I have to drop the score. It's a shame it both deserves, and doesn't deserve this low of a rating. That ending just soiled it, bad.
6 TV
48 Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
Why isn't this a 10? The movie kinda ruins the epic ending of the main show.
Plus, I don't like rating movie's a 10 if the main show is already a 10. Cuz tbh, is it the movie you like? Or a movie with characters from a beloved show? If you watched these movies without prior knowledge could you have a good time? These questions keep me from rating movies that highly.
9 Movie
49 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
The best "Strategy" show.
10 TV
50 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
10 TV
51 Code:Breaker
4 TV
52 Cop Craft
7 TV
53 Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou
I don't know how to feel about this show. Is it good, or is it bad? Especially when it comes to an objective rating. I originally had this show rated at a 4, and I still think it's bad. But, the twist and turns of the story are exciting. The show keeps you on your toes at all times, I was only able to predict a few things, and I'm quite good at that. And the ending is top tier. Plus the show is somewhat unique, not too many anime like it. And that's a really important point to make for me. This show is quite unique, and uniqueness in anime is hard to come by. So with that in mind, it's an 8 from me. Though I'm still not sure whether the show is objectively bad or good or in between.
54 Cowboy Bebop
This show deserves a 10. In what category, idk, I guess, "The best opening." Not really though, just deserves this 10.

This show doesn't come close to being in my favorites, cuz the protagonist isn't overpowered and it ain't hype.
BUT. Objectively speaking, this show has little to no flaws and is perfect in basically every way.
10 TV
55 Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Not Bad. Not bad at all.
Not too many flaws. But at the same time, nothing truly exceptional. Loved the art style. I also love the people that made this, as you can tell that they really did care about the game. The love that went into this, makes this show feel truly exceptional. But, Objectively, I don't think it deserves the high rating it has. Nor do I think this show deserves a 10. But my scoring system works the way it does. And my love for the people who made it makes me happy that the show is overrated. Pretty freaking good. This and Arcane make me have hope for videogame adaptations in the future.
10 ONA
56 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
The ending is certainly something. But not exactly something I'd call good. Kinda went off the rails there right at the end. Overall, good show. Some things don't make sense, but it's good.
8 TV
57 Darling in the FranXX
5 TV
58 Darwin's Game
8 TV
59 Date A Live
Can’t believe I liked this show as much as I did. The dates were funny, at first. But then eventually, every single time the protagonist would get tired of the crew’s recommendation and so they’d stop the hilarious gag. Even still, I’d have given this show a 7 if that was all. But there are so many action sequences it came across as an action show. Which they were fine, but on the same level as other shows I got rated with a 5. So it ended up with a rating of 6.
Also, tons of fan service, eww.
6 TV
60 Deadman Wonderland
This show has the STUPIDEST set up, that I've ever seen.
5 TV
61 Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku
5 TV
62 Death Note

If I didn't have my special rating system, Death Note would be a 10.
9 TV
63 Death Parade

{Sidenote: The artstyle is so weird. The characters noses are like 2 extra inches too far away from there mouths, and I hate it}

I didn't like this one that much. But I do think that it's pretty objectively good. As a matter of fact, I can't find to many outright objective flaws. Generally that results in a 9 from me. But for this show, I can't help but feel that the premise could've been executed better. And that's why it's getting a 8. I can see this being done better. Don't get me wrong it's a great show. But I think it would've been better with 24 episodes instead of 12.

If you're a person who's emotional, then this is an easy 9+. But for a stoic bastard like me, the emotional aspects just fall flat (Plus I think most of the backstories are just bloody stupid). 5 minutes of backstory ain't enough to get me to care about anyone. I'm sorry. Very unique concept, and even though I didn't like it much, I really think it's a great show.
8 TV
64 Devil May Cry
4 TV
65 Devilman
5 TV
66 Devilman: Crybaby
The ending was one of the best anime endings of all time though. I'll give it that.
67 Dokidoki Little Ooyasan
68 Domestic na Kanojo
The anime with the highest amount of "drama"
In terms of pure enjoyment, this show is going in my favorites. Idgaf what anybody thinks, the show smacked. It was predictable as all hell, the animation left a little to be desired (The animation itself was excellent, but the backgrounds were all boring). But the show was just so entertaining, the second hand embarassment was more then I ever felt in my life, I could hardly keep my eyes on the screen and yet I was glued to it. If I was ranking based off pure enjoyment, 10/10. I absolutely love this show. It's one of the few shows that had me so hooked, I went and read the manga. A very impressive feat. Love this show 10.1/10.
Whatever you do though, don't the read the manga. The ending is the absolute worst ending in all of fiction writing. It was so bad.
10 TV
69 Dororo
9 TV
70 Dr. Stone
I think this show executed it's premise extremely well. It did perfectly, what it set out to do in the genre that it's in. Such execution, gets it a 9 from me.
9 TV
71 Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
I mean I understand that he had most of the materials and was pretty set up by the start of this show. But i'd still have liked to see a bit more focus on how he was doing the things he was doing. If I wanted to watch an action show, there are much better ones then this out there.
7 TV
72 Dragon Ball
7 TV
73 Dragon Ball GT
SSJ4 is the coolest transformation. Though I still prefer SSJ3.

The powerscaling is whack (not as whack as Super though), and the tone is more akin to DB then DBZ. So it's way more lighthearted throughout most of the series until you get to the end. But the end was good.
5 TV
74 Dragon Ball Super
6 {Ultra Instinct and SSB Kaio-Ken save the score. Fuck Kefla.}
SSJ3 is still the best Super Saiyan followed by 4.
4 TV
75 Dragon Ball Super: Broly
6 Movie
76 Dragon Ball Z
10 {Not counting Super}
The characters are endearing. And the message the show tries to teach, that you should never give up, push to be the best person you can be, and fight for what you believe in, makes it worthy of a 9.
9 TV
77 Dragon Ball Z Movie 07: Kyokugen Battle!! Sandai Super Saiyajin
6 Movie
78 Dragon Ball Z Movie 08: Moetsukiro!! Nessen, Ressen, Chougekisen
That ending was the biggest asspull in DBZ.
7 Movie
79 Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu
He could have just did the end from the beginning. But movie has to movie I guess.
7 Movie
80 Dragon Ball Z Movie 11: Super Senshi Gekiha!! Katsu no wa Ore da
4 Movie
81 Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta
8 Movie
82 Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru
8 Movie
83 Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami
8 Movie
84 Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F"
7 Movie
85 Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock
7 Special
86 Drifters
8 TV
87 Dropout
I'm a representative of true gender equality modeled after the great Satou Kazuma. Where's the male sex slaves? This show is sexist af. Not only that, but I like some personal connection in my meat beat material. People are just having sex everywhere with other people watching and no connection between them. That's DISGUSTING, I hate that, I hate that a lot. This show isn't technically a harem, but that gives it a similar vibe. I f*cking hate that junk so much. And the way the women are just being used and abused, no consent given. Nothing but sexual objects. I mean, Rance is GOATED and he rapes people, but goddamn. He doesn't treat women like literal objects. Pissess me off. The plot doesn't even make sense. How do people focus? How the hell are you supposed to maintain a good grade when you're too busy f*cking? It's literally counterproductive. Also, what about STDs? Also, I know the women are already failing. But how in the hell are they supposed to get better, when there being used as glory holes instead of studying? F*ck this show. The premise is just too ridiculous for me to like. It's almost at the tipping point where objectivity goes out the window and I give it a really low score just because I hate it so much. It's saving grace is the animation.
88 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka

The MAL Rating on this series is so bloody wrong. Once again, proof that MAL ratings do not reflect quality. This show, and all of it's sequels are fire. I'm giving it a 7, but that's because I rate like a Hard-Ass. This series should have at least an 8.2 MAL rating.
7 TV
89 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II
7 TV
90 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III
7 TV
91 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV: Shin Shou - Meikyuu-hen
7 TV
92 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV: Shin Shou - Yakusai-hen
7 TV
93 Durarara!!
The setup for this show is bloody stupid. This takes place on episode 2, so I feel I can spoil it. The whole show, is set up by the fact. That one girl found out that her father was cheating on his wife. When she told her mom, she did nothing.
What did she decide to do after that? Kill Herself. LOL, I call Bullsh*t. That junk makes no freaking sense. This is some of the worst set up I've seen since Deadman Wonderland.
I feel like i'm watching a Persona anime. Character introduction screens reminiscent of Persona 4, the same artstyle, and even a character who moved to a new High School from far away. Sounds like a Persona game to me.

All the later plot twist in the show make no freaking sense. This show is a lead-runner in the competition of, "Top 10 Anime Plot Twist." Because all of the plot twist are COMPLETE BULLSHIT. That's not even mentioning how the character's be escaping due to some bullshit.
Also the main protagonist are all kind of trash. EVERY SINGLE SIDE CHARACTER, is better then the 3 main protagonist. I've never seen something like that happen in a show.
The only redeeming thing about this show is that the antagonist is pretty freaking good.
5 TV
94 Elfen Lied
This show does not deserve a 10. It has some flaws that are pretty obvious when you watch it. By that I mean, plot armor and the likes for a few scenes. But goddamn it, I freaking love this show. This is gonna be a similar one to Euphoria. My rating system's going out of the window here. My love for this show is going to keep it at a 10.
Sidenote: Nudity does not equal fanservice.
10 TV
95 Enen no Shouboutai
9 {If it wasn't for fanservice, it'd be a 10.}
7 TV
96 Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou
8.5. The only reason This show isn't in my favorites, is because of Goddamn Lucky Leecher.
And the only flaw that this show has, is that the characters aren't superb. I mean, they range from downright terrible (lucky leecher) to good (Badass dude, and Joker). But none of them are superb. If the show had better characters, would be one of the best action anime of all time, you ask me. The plot is really, really good, and really interesting. And the fight scenes are gorgeous
9 TV
97 Enzai
How ANYBODY could beat off to this is beyond me. Boko No Pico, okay you're a Catholic Priest. Shoujou Ramune, okay you're a regular pedophile. Euphoria, okay you're kinky as hell and wish that you got trapped in a saw movie. Oni Chi-Chi, okay you want to drug and rape your own daughter and you need to die.

BUT THIS THOUGH!? THIS!? The trash animation is one thing, the dude getting raped is another. Both of those tbh I don't care about, and I imagine people could look past it.

No the thing that makes this show a JOY to watch, is the bizzare soundtrack. The soundtrack brings this whole show into "it's so bad, it's good" levels. The soundtrack is so bad, I was laughing while the virgin child was getting raped by a security guard. It's SO BAD. The soundtrack sounds like it was ripped from the Videogame "Doom," and honest to God, the music actually slaps. But the fact that they use that music, during scenes where weirdos are supposed to be beating off is just SO FUNNY. This kid will be getting blackmailed and raped, and the whole time, i'm banging my head to the awesome soundtrack.
Whoever did the soundtrack, needs a raise for making the music.
Whoever decided on the music style of the soundtrack, and what to play during sex scenes, needs to be fired immediatedly.

Edit: The second episode abandoned the awesome soundtrack :(
98 Ergo Proxy

This is supposed to be a big brain show. But unlike other big brain shows, the only thing that’s slightly confusing is the story itself. Show didn’t make me think about myself or question my place in the world at all. Maybe some viewers might be able to achieve this effect from it, but it didn’t happen to me. When compared to an actual philosophical deep show like Serial Experiments Lain. This show falls flat on it’s face. That said, disregarding whether it’s big brain or not. The plot is bloody good and so is the world building. Right up until the end where it pulls a “Darkness 2.” The animation is okay, but the artstyle is splendid. Overall solid objective 8
8 TV
99 Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
8 Movie
100 Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
10 Movie
101 Evangelion Movie 3: Q
9 Movie
102 Evil or Live
4 TV
103 Fate/Apocrypha
5.75 {If it wasn't for the ending and forced romance, it'd be higher}
I'm not gay, but Astolfo can get the work.
5 TV
104 Fate/Extra: Last Encore
"UMU" The only reason this is a 7 ngl. That and my love for Fate.
7 TV
105 Fate/stay night
5 {Much prefer the other fates}
7 TV
106 Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower
10 Movie
107 Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly
The best "Action Movie"
10 Movie
108 Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
9 TV
109 Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
9 TV
110 Fate/Zero
The best "action" show.
10 TV
111 Fate/Zero 2nd Season
10 TV
112 Free!
Thoughts up to Ep 6: Probably has the rating it does, due to the fanbase around it. TBH, If the fanbase wasn't constantly shipping the characters in the comment section of where i'm watching it. It wouldn't even seem that gay to me. It really doesn't have that much fanservice (which is shocking, considering this was only a meme (and by extension watch) worthy show due to its supposed extreme gayness/fanservice). Then again, i'm not gay, but still. Ain't no "panty shots" or "focusing on the person's chest" in this show. So it gets my seal of approval. Putting all that controversy beside, the story's pretty good, the characters are pretty good, and the animation (while admittedly not exactly great) is also pretty good. Can't go wrong with a sports anime.

Edit: Finished it. Yep pretty good. The characters are well written, the character motivation makes sense. No plot armor. Story's good. Animation is good. My biggest complaint is how feminine some of these dudes are, but it's whatever. Why 8 instead of 7? Like many sports anime, the writing is superb. At least, I think so. If you like sports anime, you'll probably like this. Outside of 2 particular feminine dudes, it's not that bad really. Show should be rated higher then what it is.
8 TV
113 Freezing

Look at the subjective score for this anime. Why do I point this out? It's not that I hate the show that it is receiving a 3. It's not because the show has fanservice that it's receiving a 3. It's simply that the writing is so ABYSMALLY BAD, that the show is receiving a 3. Even if there was no fanservice at all (which it feels unnecessarily tacked on) it would still be receiving a 3.

It would take me more time than this garbage show is worth for me to point out its hundreds of faults. Just know that everything wrong with anime can be found in this piece of trash. All writers should watch this so that they know what not to do when writing a show.

That said, I feel bad ranking this among the other shows with a 3. The action looks good, and the show is entertaining (predictable as all hell but entertaining nonetheless). The writing is just so bad, I have to give it this low of a score.
3 TV
114 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
This show is base Naruto level to me. I don't see why it ranks so high.
7 TV
115 Futa-bu!
Best "LGBTQIA+ Representation" in anime.
10 OVA
116 Gakkou no Kaidan
10 {Dub}
8 TV
117 Gangsta.
8 TV
118 Gankutsuou
5.5 {Great show, but it being different from the book still upsets me. The book is one of my favorite books of all time.}
Mecha!? Really!!!??? They really had to made it like that??
9 TV
119 Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri
Rory best girl.

Great plot, good animation, strong character-writing. It's a 9 from me.
9 TV
120 Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Part 2
First season was great, second not so much.
Still a great show butttt.....

I love politics as much as the next guy, but goddamn, this man (the protagonist) is so willing to forgive literally anything. I understand that this show has a political aspect, therefore the characters are constrained from doing what they want to do, due to requiring orders. But there can only be so many assassination attempts with the the protagonist sitting down and talking calmly with the person that did it. Before I get upset, and the show becomes worst. Pina Co Lada got nerfed into a dumb useless character.
Also, the WORST GIRL is supposed to be best girl.
Also pedophilia. I mean it was justified, but it’s still a little weird.
Still really good, but the show drops the ball.
8 TV
121 Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki

This show manages to seperate itself from the rest of the isekai genre, by having an MC that doesn't fight. If I had to say how it executes this premise though, i'd say, "It's serviceable." That is to say, I can't really call it bad, but it could have been done a lot better.

For starters the animation/art-style is plain bad. It looks like a low-budget henty. I'm surprised that animation this bad in quality, is still getting put out nowadays. There's no soul to it, no love. It works, it's not offensive, but it's not good.
The story is okay. Like everything else in this show, it could've been done better. You would think that because this is a show about nothing but politics that the politics would be spicy. But you'd be dead wrong. This is the worst execution I've ever seen an anime handle politics. Not that the way they handle it is outright wrong. Just that it's so boring, and predictable and non-interesting.

The characters: you'll probably forget their names the day after you watch it. None of them are bad, but none of them are good. They're just sort of bland, like the rest of the show.

Overall: Typing this out made me realize that the show probably deserves a 4. But, It's execution on every front is no bueno. The unique premise is why I am giving it a 5. Still a fun watch, but I don't think it's objectively that good.
5 TV
122 Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Part 2
5 TV
123 Girls & Panzer
8 TV
124 Gleipnir
5.999 {The ending left a bad taste in my mouth}
6 TV
125 Goblin Slayer
10 {It never did quite reach the peak like it did in the first 2 episodes. Also this score factors in the manga}
7 TV
126 Goblin Slayer II
7 TV
127 Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown
7 Movie
128 Gokushufudou
129 Golgo 13
9 Movie
130 Golgo 13 (TV)

Golgo 13 might just be the greatest hitman that ever existed. I mean, this man literally never missed a single shot this whole show, no matter how impossible the task, this man always finished the mission. My only complaint, is that goddamn was this man a unemotional prick. No protagonist in all of anime rivals how stone cold this guy was. I love him for it and hate him for it at the sime time.

Golgo 13 is a GOAT.
9 TV
131 Golgo 13: Queen Bee
132 Grancrest Senki
The Powerscaling, the Simping, the Power of Friendship, the relationship Dynamics, the POWERSCALING, the PLOT ARMOR, the RAPING, the POWERSCALING. The plot was not only bad, it was boring. This was a snoozefest, I fell asleep watching this show. And then the powerscaling was absolute ass. The protagonist should've died, that's all I got to say. This is one of the most egregious displays of Terrible Powerscaling I've ever seen. This is Fate/Apochyrpha levels of dog powerscaling, without any likeable characters to save it. TRASH. This show is TRASH.

Edit: Coming back to this post after some years, this show really was a turning point in my anime hobby. After this show, I stopped watching anime on a regular basis, and now watch like 1 show every 1 and a half months. It's been years, but I still remember the dogshit powerscaling that occured in this otherwise completely forgettable show.
3 TV
133 Grand Blue
6 {Episodes 5 and 8 got a good chuckle out of me, those episodes were so entertaining they save this otherwise mediocre show. I'm ignoring everything else that isn't those 2 episodes in this rating. I've never seen such an authentic display of the bro code, as I did in those 2 episodes. Those 2 episodes are goated.}
If weird faces, people drinking, and people stripping are your definition of comedy. Well, then this is the show for you.
4 TV
134 Great Pretender
5 {Ending left me ticked.}
8 TV
135 Great Teacher Onizuka
4.5 {Had to force myself through this one, not my type of genre}
8 TV
136 Grisaia no Kajitsu
9 {All the flashbacks and backstories are so freaking good. If it wasn't for the fanservice, this would be one of my favorite shows of all time. But fanservice manages to drop the score this much}
8 TV
137 Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0
9 TV Special
138 Grisaia no Rakuen
8 TV
139 Gungrave
Even with a mediocre 1/3, I think this is one of the top 15 best anime ever made. This show's writing wasn't completely unpredictable and nothing mind-blowing, but it was excellently done. Unlike Psycho-Pass which had excellent plot-writing and excellent philosophical questions, this show had excellent plot-writing and excellent character dynamics. The relationship between the 2 main characters was so well done, the only show that has done it better is Berserk. Excellent Show
9 TV
140 Gunslinger Girl
7 TV
141 Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino
5 TV
142 Gunsmith Cats

In terms of quality of the work it's a 9. But unfortunately, with it being only a 3 episode OVA. I cannot give it a 9 as the overall plot and characters aren't strong enough. Excellent Show, one of the best OVA's ever made, just not enough meat to earn a higher rating.
143 Haikyuu!!
Of all the sports anime I've watched. I like this one by far the least. I like the realism aspect. But these dudes are too addicted to Volleyball. The show's about Volleyball and nothing else. And Volleyball is my favorite regular sport. I like it even more then I like Basketball.
7 TV
144 Hametsu no Mars
It's really not that bad. You'd expect much worse from one of the lowest-rated anime.

Objectively the show is flawed on a fundamental level. The animation had very few frames, but it didn't look too too bad. The soundtrack was sort of weird, but at least they got good classical music taste (and the songs picked did work for the scenes). The plot was just starting to roll at the end, but then it ended because it's only one episode. Nobody got any character-building outside of the protagonist, and even then, it wasn't character-building more so than character background. So that was bad.

The biggest crime, is how heavily it borrowed from Evangelion, and how the special suit literally did frick all of nothing cuz the dude still kept getting his ass beat. Dude almost died to the regular monsters, that the girls with the plasma p90's could kill. Also how the girls with the plasma p90's just stared at the monsters at the beginning was stupid. Outside of that, it wasn't that bad.

All in all though, show's not too bad I've seen much worst. Objectively it's bad, sure. In a fundamental and technical sense. But does the show put you to sleep? Does it leave you angry as hell? Does it have gaping plot holes (and if it does, do you care enough to recognize them)? Not really. I watched this with a blank stare across my face.
145 Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre
146 Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre 2nd Season
147 Happy Sugar Life

If i'm being critical, the show is not that good. I mean the plot just isn't that strongly written. Every single character in this show is absolutely bonkers outside of the main loli. I mean there doesn't exist one normal person in this show. And to me, that's so bloody stupid. Objectively I want to give it a 5. But at the same time, I'm not familiar with anime's in this genre. And I think the show is interesting to watch and entertaining. So I'm really conflicted on the rating, but I think in it' genre that it's good. So i'm going to go with a 7, though I'm not quite sure if the show deserves it or not.

Edit: Episode 7 was one of the best anime episodes I've ever seen. Literally had me at the edge of my seat the entire time. That was a 10/10 masterpiece of an episode. One of the top 10 best anime episodes I've ever seen. After watching that, I feel better about giving this show a 7. It deserves it.

Edit 2: After episode 9, I brought the show up to a 9. Sure, it's predictable as all hell, but it's so bloody good. And the presentation is excellent

Edit 3: And episode 11 brought the score down to an 8. The writing is just too bad to keep it at a 9.

Edit 4: And the ending was bad. It had one of the most out-of-character moments I've ever seen. There is no way on this earth, that character would've made that mistake. Unfortunately, going to have to lower the score back down to a 7..

Final Edit: Oh My God! That final episode was sooooo bloody stupid. AIN'T NO WAY. That ending was GARBAGE. There's no way these character's made the choices they made. There's no way the things that did happen, were allowed to happen. AIN'T NO WAY. Overall, highly enjoyable show to watch. And it was really good up until the end. But the author wrote the whole story with the ending in mind. The characters made the most stupidest decisions possible, in order for that ending to happen the way that it did. Going to have to drop the score again to a 6. Typically, I'd be even more pissed off about an ending, but I really liked the ending. It's just that the ending shouldn't have happened. They choose the worst possible timeline in the final episode, for all that nonsense to transpire. And the plot connivence was crazy too.
6 TV
148 Hataraku Maou-sama!
8 TV
149 Hataraku Saibou
8 TV
150 Hellsing
2 {Why watch this when I can watch the abridged version of Ultimate?}
6 TV
151 Hellsing Ultimate
10 {Abridged}
152 Highschool of the Dead
I did it for the memes and the completion. Went in with the mindset that this is a soft hente. That being said...
The writing has left me in astonishment. Tell me how this fanservice ridden, zombie anime. Has better writing then any other zombie show I've seen? Outside of the initial outbreak, which is stupid in EVERY zombie media ever made, as it would never happen in the first place (Especially when it comes to these "Walker" type zombies) (Outside of the few zombie movies with the virus being in the air, affecting people automatically when they die and them not being walkers). This show's writing is superb. Sure the girls are annoying in the beginning, but they act exactly how someone of there personality would act. EVERY CHARACTER, has an important role that they fill, whether that be a plot role or a fighting role. The character's goals are realistic, they actually think with their brains. The military isn't completely useless, unlike the vast majority of other zombie shows where they somehow get overrun or just completely disappear. I'm astonished by how good this show is. Once you ignore the fanservice (which I HATE), the shows actually pretty good objectively.
At least these are my current thoughts for episode 5 ^

Update, 6 Onwards. But Oh My Lord, I just cannot take the fanservice. I just can't take it, episode 7 in particular left me shaking my head in embarrassment. I'm ashamed to have the same hobby as people that enjoy shows like this. Like c'mon. Had to lower the score from a 10 to a 8, just because the show disgust me that bad. Also, they writing suffered a decline in quality. The zombies were well thought out and stuck to the established rules, until 6 and 7. Now the zombies just act in whichever way, and the characters also seem to have become more stupid in episode 8. So I had to drop the score to a 7.

Towards the end, even more, stupid stuff starts to happen. This show went from a 10 to a 7 to a 5.
5 TV
153 Hokuto no Ken
7 TV
154 Hotaru no Haka
Studio Ghibli makes garbage films. I'm shocked that they actually managed to put something of quality out. They make Disney movies, all looks, nothing else. But this is the exception.
9 Movie
155 Hunter x Hunter
1 {Why watch this when I can watch the new one?}
5 TV
156 Hunter x Hunter (2011)
The last antagonist is one of the best antagonist in all of anime. Also out of all the anime that are 100+ episodes long. I think this one is probably the objectively best written, though it isn't my favorite.

The Last main arc was so bloody good, that it made the rest of the show worst. That arc is in top 3 anime arcs of all time.
8 TV
157 Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria
5 {This show is so bad, it's good. I was laughing so hard while watching it. Maybe it's because I watched this with friends, but even still. Junks hilarious. }
4 TV
158 Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou
The main thing that seperates a great comedy show from a mediocre one is not necessarily how much you laugh. It's the lasting impact the show has on you. This impact is achieved through great characters and cast that you simply can't get enough of. This show doesn't have that. Outside of green hair ayanami rei, none of the shows characters are any good.

Overall, a disappointmet. I only watched the show in the first place because supposedly the protagonist is even stronger then Anos Voldigoad. But the action is lacking, and the comedy is as well.
5 TV
159 Initial D Extra Stage
160 Initial D Extra Stage 2
161 Initial D Fifth Stage
7 TV
162 Initial D Final Stage
8 TV
163 Initial D First Stage
8.25 {The show has a charm that makes me love it.}
I can appreciate the attention to detail. And I like the car culture and how that's handled. Also the soundtrack is fire.
But the show looks like ass, half the plot is dating. 1/4 the plot is "Shinji Get in the Robot" oops, "Takumi Get in The Car."

Edit: But goddamn, when he gets in the car. The Show goes hard.
Also Itsuki is in the top 2 worst side-protagonist of all time. GODDAMN IT SHUT THE FUCK UP. PLZ. The only side character more annoying then this kid, is the dude from Claymore.
6 TV
164 Initial D Fourth Stage
8 TV
165 Initial D Second Stage
6 TV
166 Initial D Third Stage
5 Movie
167 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu
4 {Too much fanservice}
4 TV
168 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Ω
4 TV
169 Isekai Quartet
10 TV
170 Isekai Quartet 2
10 TV
171 Isekai Quartet Movie: Another World
10 Movie
172 Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.
0.2 {The one slime episode had one joke that was funny. That one joke, is the only thing good about this show}
I've never seen an OP Protagonist, this bland and boring. Maybe if the animation wasn't absolute ass, I'd perhaps treat it kinder. But if you're gonna have an OP protagonist, the visuals gotta support just how OP it is. Dude just instakills stuff, and it doesn't look cool. Absolute garbage, this show is trash. Made me feel like I wasted my time. You ask me, this is top 5 worst anime ever made material. I'd rather why Masters of Ragnarok. Hell, I'd even watch Welcome to demon school Iruma-Kun (And y'all can't comprehend how much I hated watching that show) then watch this bland piece of trash again. This show is bland to the point of being offensive, it's downright insulting to the audience, how bad this is. Not even top 5, scratch that top 2. The only show worst then this is Ex-Arm. I held out hope to the very end, that our OP protagonist would be able to do something cool. But nothing happens. The fact that this show has a 6, speaks to just how f*cking garbage some people's taste are. People unironically like Isekai Smartphone!? The sheer idea is shocking. Then again, I guess some people like it when someone shits in their mouth. So...
1 TV
173 Ishuzoku Reviewers
I think that this show executed it's premise well. It did exactly what it was going for with flawless execution. Objectively speaking, it gets top marks. Also the comedy in this show is excellent.
9 TV
174 Itadaki! Seieki♥
175 Jigokuraku
6 TV
176 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
The first season is a snorefest,
while the second season is the best Jojo part.
7 TV
177 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
7 TV
178 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders - Egypt-hen
8 TV
179 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
I hate the new artstyle. Really really hate it. On top of that, the protagonist ain't that good. The best part about Pt4? The Villian. One of the best anime antagonist. The villian carries this part hard, without him, would be a 5.
8 TV
180 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze
The fights are really well crafted. The plot is pretty interesting, and the characters have great synergy.
9 TV
181 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean
Just feels bland and uninspired. Joylne is an good protagonist but not a great one. No memes to be found (I think that's what really hurts this part). There is nothing "Bizzare" going on here, and nothing to really make you like any of the side characters. And the antagonist is uninteresting.
182 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean Part 2
183 Jormungand
The best "Shooting" Show.

I cannot understand why this show's rating is so low? Highly comparable to Black Lagoon but the thing that makes it better is this.
More realistic. As simple as that. People aren't doing Cartwheels while duel wielding pistols and landing all their shots. Plus the show's cast has very strong chemistry. And I love it.
10 TV
184 Jormungand: Perfect Order
10 TV
185 Jujutsu Kaisen
6 (Second Season brings score up to a 6)
None of the characters work for me.
6 TV
186 Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season
9 TV
187 K
5 TV
188 Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!
But when he launched that attack though. I can't lie. Show instantly became fire. But just because I like it, doesn't mean it's objectively that good. I mean, for #1 fanservice out the wazoo. #2 The MC is certainly something. Whatever he is, he's definitely not good. #3, and this is a huge point, the whole point is that the protagonist wants to be a guy that "manipulates things from the shadows." Basically, he and his group are supposed to be a bunch of ninjas. Regardless of what Naruto shows, ninjas are supposed to be stealthy and silent. Not visible and loud. How are you supposed to "manipulate things from the shadows" when the entire bloody continent knows who you are? Doesn't sound like your in the shadows to me.
And that little hood does not cover his face. Every character in this show is freaking stupid and or blind. You can clearly see his face like all the time. And let's not talk about how every plot twist in this show is predictable as hell.

But my Lord, do the fights hit hard! The fights hit HARDDDDDDD! I can't rate this a 6. I can't, the fights are too fire. The dude's too op. It gotta get an 8 off the fight scenes.
8 TV
189 Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! 2nd Season
8 TV
190 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: First Kiss wa Owaranai
10 Movie
191 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
The best "Romance" show.
10 TV
192 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
10 TV
193 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen OVA
Keep the fanservice out of my Kaguya, but if you are going to do it. GO ALL THE WAY DAMMIT.
10 OVA
194 Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi

It's rated a 10 because of how well it executed its premise. I don't think this show is objectively a 10, though subjectively, it's definitely a 10 from me. If I was rating purely objectively, I'd give it an 8. One thing's for sure, It's definitely better than its MAL Rating would have you think. It's rated low, because a bunch of people are soft soyboys, who can't deal with tough topics like rape without getting offended.

This show went to places that no other show has gone before. Rising of The Shield Hero is my favorite anime. This was Rising of The Shield Hero meets Rance, on crack, with Kazuma being the dad of the main character.
The plot was slightly below mediocre, the action scenes were absolutely splendid. How his powers work make absolutely no sense. But my God, those revenge scenes were mmHMMmmmm. I watched the uncensored version and skipped the regular sex scenes, but even still I enjoyed the hell out of this show. The uniqueness of this show, makes it stand out. And also makes it one of my favorites.
10 TV
195 Kakegurui
Made me call up my friends and set up a gambling match, no joke. Bit to fanservicy for my taste. But the concept and execution were implemented perfectly and the artstyle is goregous.
9 TV
196 Kakegurui××
9 TV
197 Kami no Tou
5 {I expected better from a show receiving such high praise.}
5 TV
198 Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo: Sanshimai to no Dokidoki Kyoudou Seikatsu
I'm giving this an 8 out of objectivity. Didn't really like this one tbh.
Though they attempted a plot, honestly, it hurt the show more then it helped it. The comedy, was bad. The side characters were annoying. Especially the horny bum that the protagonist calls a friend. That dude is really annoying. The plot was fine, when they weren't cracking jokes. Not good, but fine.

The animation was good, the art style's good. And they attempted a plot, so it gets an 8 from me. If it wasn't for Mafuya, would be a 7.
199 Kengan Ashura
200 Kengan Ashura Part 2
201 Kenja no Mago
6 TV
202 Kenpuu Denki Berserk
The best "Classic Show".
10 TV
203 Kidou Senshi Gundam
7 TV
204 Kill la Kill
As it says in the tag I dropped this show initially. But when I got over myself, and just realized that the fanservice was part of the genre. I actually kinda liked this show. This show had really good action, and I may be alone in this, but the comedy actually worked for me. I wasn't laughing out loud, but I was chuckling and smiling through the entire show. I thought the plot was mediocre, and I didn't like the power of friendship bs.
8 TV
205 Kimetsu no Yaiba
Demon Slayer is a weird show to me. It has absolutely stunning animation, no one will deny. But even at the heights of its animation. It doesn't make my balls tingle like other shows do. To put it simply, this show lack the ability for the audience to get emotionally invested. Same as One Punch Man. Yeah the show looks great, but when the stakes are high and an awesome moment happens. My brain is amazed with how beautiful it looks, but my body never gets goosebumps. This show's plot is weak, the comedy is laughably bad, and the characters (outside of Nezuko being adorable) are ass. Also the protagonist will never lose even if he gets his bloody head cut off, he'll get some bs power-up and win the fight. Still, a great show though.
8 TV
206 Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen
I don't think anyone on Earth, could watch this movie and call it bad. It's impossible.
But is it the greatest thing I've ever seen? Nope. Top 30 best movies I've ever seen maybe. Definitely deserve the hype way more than the Disney Film that is Spirited Away though.

The ending is really really really strong, but the overall plot is forgettable. The comedy is bad. The animation/art-style is GODLY.
While generally, I'd just give this an 8. Such a strong ending manages to scrape out a 9 from me. Even though I don't think the plot is that good, nor the comedy. I do think the soundtrack/art is putting on a master-class display, plus the character interactions are really strong.
9 Movie
207 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen
Overall, terrible and boring season. But has an excellent ending.
7 TV
208 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Katanakaji no Sato-hen
8 TV
209 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen
8 TV
210 Kimi no Na wa.
The best "Romance Movie."
10 Movie
211 Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai
I did it for the completion. It was trying too hard to tug on my heart strings. It just didn't work for me.
7 Movie
212 Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
7 TV
213 Koe no Katachi
I hated watching this. It hurt my soul to watch (not because it was bad, but because of the plot). This junk hurt, like goddamn. Junk just made you really want fictional characters to die. I was mad as hell, the entire movie. Which even though it resulted in me absolutely hating this movie. Doesn't take away from the great writing. Like every antagonist in this movie is almost as big of a bitch as "bitch" is from Shield Hero.
10 Movie
214 Koikishi Purely☆Kiss The Animation
Best "anime" story.
Definitely top 3 henty ever made. This show is Rance Tier level of good. Especially the 2nd episode. The plot in that one was great. Better then good, great. Actually made you feel for the characters, which is impressive considering how little time was given too it.

How does this have a sub 7.5 rating? This is absoute top tier, peak of the peak.
10 OVA
215 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
11 {Higher then a 10, absolute highest form of entertainment}
The best "Comedy" Show.
Has the strongest cast in all of anime. The synergy between the main 4 is literal perfection.
10 TV
216 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
10 TV
217 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2: Kono Subarashii Geijutsu ni Shukufuku wo!
218 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Movie: Kurenai Densetsu
10 Movie
219 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!: Kono Subarashii Choker ni Shukufuku wo!
220 Koukaku Kidoutai
This is supposed to be a philosophical/big brain movie. But I only caught one philosophical question that was asked. It didn’t make me have an existential crisis, hell it didn’t even make me think. It made me question nothing. The plot wasn’t confusing nor deep at all. And barely anything even happened in this movie. I gotta be missing something, cuz I can’t see why this is held in high regard.
World design, and artstyle are the only reason this is getting the score I gave it. The only thing good about this movie, were the action scenes and the aforementioned.
7 Movie
221 Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
4 TV
222 Kuroko no Basket
9 TV
223 Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season
10 TV
224 Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season
9 TV
225 Kuroko no Basket Movie 4: Last Game
10 Movie
226 Kuroshitsuji
5 TV
227 Little Witch Academia (TV)
This is only getting a 9 due to my rating system. Personally, I think it's like a 6 objectively. But considering this is a kid's show. I'm rate it as if I were comparing it to other kid's shows. In which case, it gets a 9.

5'3 (161 CM) never looked so short. One episode felt pedo-ish, so I looked up the characters and they're all 16. Just that the protagonist is 5'3 but looks like a literal child in the show.
9 TV
228 Lycoris Recoil

I gotta be watching a different show compared to everyone else. Because ain't no way a mediocre show like this has such a high rating. The only thing done well here, is the voice acting. Everything else is mediocre at best, terrible at worst. I mean the plot is just so baddddddd. The character's aren't good. The protagonist is waifu bait for pathetic weebs, and the antogonist is cool. The rest of the characters are not good. The comedy is non-existent. The fight scenes can be cool at times, and then terrible at others. Some scenes she's ducking and weaving, in other's she somehow magically just dodges bullets without doing anything. The last 3 episodes has some of the most aggrecious character teleportation I've ever seen since Madouku Magicka. Characters literally teleport across the entire city, multiple times, spawn vehicles out of thin air and pull off some other ridiculous nonsense. I could go on, but I mean this show is just not good.

The ending was so freaking dumb, I had to drop the show from a 4 to a 3. This show is terrible. I didn't hate watching it, I just don't think this show is that good. Especially with that garbage ending.

Edit: After a month to calm down from how garbage the ending was. I'm bringing the score up to a 5. I mean that ending was atrocious, and everything I stated is true. But the show deserves higher then a 3.
5 TV
229 Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (TV)
7 TV
230 Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
8 TV
231 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
7 TV
232 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
I didn't like this one. Actually, I straight-up disliked this. It's a 9 of off merit. I thought this show was pretty close to flawless though I hated watching it.
The characters, while realistic, are kinda stupid and really not likable—especially the Title Card Character. The ending, while good, was at the same time kinda useless. It just left me saying, "But what did that do though?" If you watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about. There was a lot of plot convenience in this show. Mainly, Characters just so happen to teleport to where the plot is taking place. That's a really huge issue in this show, how this show even takes place makes no sense when you actually think about it. Characters be teleporting around so much, especially the main Title Card Character, and just so happen to conveniently show up to where the plot is taking place. Also, 1 particular relationship in this show kind of made no sense. Like it kind of does, but at the same time, it kind of doesn't. It just happens a bit fast, they relationship takes a 360 kind of quickly. Like, when did they get this close? Outside of that one main issue and that one secondary issue, I think the show is pretty flawless. I don't like Magical Girl shows, the genre is weird and for pedos.
9 TV
233 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
I rewatch this show every year just to admire the main character. I absolutely love this anime
8 TV
234 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen
8 TV
235 Mahoutsukai no Yome
8 TV
236 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
I really really HATE this show. I really forced myself through this one cuz my friend wanted me to watch it. The show is ass, and made for children.
The whole concept is executed very poorly. The world is supposed to filled with demons and devils. Yet nobody in the show is actually evil. On top of that, them being Demons is extremely under-utilized to begin with. Like outside of the episode with "Devi-Cycles" or periods for Demons where they actually become slightly evil. It's hardly ever relevent.
The joke is supposed to be that the protag is a human and that if the world found out, he would be eaten. But what the show says and what the show presents is 2 different stories. The show is ass, I hate this show so much, I'm giving it a 5, because i know there's no way I could rate this objectively.
5 TV
237 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 2nd Season
5 TV
238 Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha II: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou
9 TV
239 Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou
10 {Did you really think I would rate this show anything other than a 10}
Unpopular opinion, I think this is better then One Punch Man. The only thing One Punch Man got is fights.
This show turns straight men gay for the MC. There is NO ONE more overpowered than Anos Voldigoad. This show had a God of an MC, and Gorgeous Fight Scenes. Easy 9/10. The only reason this show isn't a 10. Is because I know I absolutely LOVE this MC. Love Him, Love Him, Love Him. No Homo. The Mangaka must've snuck into my dreams, and made his character based on how I dream my MCs in shows to be. I gotta put it at an 9, frick my scoring system. I don't care if it should probably be an 8 or 7. It's a 9 today.
9 TV
240 Maou-sama, Retry!
If we're speaking pure objectivity I can see someone giving this show a 6. The quality honestly isn't that good. The animation is trash, and the plot is so forgettable. But the characters (a subjective category) are really good. Some of the characters are funny, and the cast overall is very wholesome. I want to put this show in the same league as the rest of the isekai trash (I say that as a joke, as I actually like every single isekai with a 5 rating). But I think the casting makes this show show superior to it's brothers (though it probably has the worst animation out of all of them).
7 TV
241 Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
5 TV
242 Medaka Box
5 TV
243 Megalo Box
5.9 {I mean, it was good. But it wasn't that good. The fight scenes weren't capable of completely saving this show}
7 TV
244 Mejoku
Forget objective ratings. No you, can't beat your meat to this. But what you can do, is laugh your ass off. Freaking hilarious.
245 Mezzo Forte
The action scenes weren't as crisp as Kite's were. But the show still looks bloody amazing. Outside of that, everything's similar to Kite. Good plot, amazing action scenes, good anime. Good h3ntai? Ehhhh, not really. But I don't like hentai anyway so it doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact, the "scenes" in this one feel kinda forced. The sex in Kite was part of the plot, in this one they could have gotten rid of it and it'd be the same. The plot overall in this one is better then Kite's in my opinion, but the animation ain't nowhere near as crisp. Still bloody impressive though, so it still gets a big thumbs up from me.
246 MF Ghost
7 TV
247 Mirai Nikki (TV)

The protagonist be making some of the dumbest plays, I've ever seen. I know she crazy, but freaking trust her. Cuz without her, dude would've died day 1, he's a dumbass.
7 TV
248 Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi

A great show. Interesting and unique plot, and great animation.
8 TV
249 Mob Psycho 100
4 {I don't like the artstyle (outside of the fight scenes). I don't like Mob as a character. And I just don't like this show. }
6 TV
250 Mob Psycho 100 II
7 TV
251 Mob Psycho 100 III
The people watching this show have to be brainwashed just like the people were in the show.

This show doesn't deserve to be anywhere near where it's rated. It's not that good. But neither, I think, were the previous seasons. I'm not gonna lie, can't say i'm a fan of the show at all. Mob is basically Shinji, but not quite as pathetic. Every side character is completely uninteresting outside of Mob's sensei.
To be frank, I quite dislike this show. That being said. I don't hate it enough to where bias becomes a factor. I just literally don't think this show is objectively that good. And I can't understand why anyone does think it's that good. It's not. It's objectively not. This show is not that good. It's slightly mid at best with a hard wank.

Animation - Pretty good when it needs to be. But nothing truly exceptional. And terrible to mediocre most of the time
Art Style - Trash, you ask me.
Characters - The only good character in this show, is mob's sensei. The rest, including Mob. Are basically trash.
Character Development - Done pretty well
Story - Not really a story-driven show. Can't knock it too much on this front. But I can't say it's good.
Comedy - Abysmally bad. I haven't seen a show this unfunny (while trying to be) since that one diving anime (that for some reason, people also think is good). The comedy is a solid F-tier. It's really bad. Show couldn't even get me to smirk, better yet laugh.
Anything else you can name - Not good.

This show's highly overrated.

Edit: Saying all that, I still thought the show was good, just highly overrated. Therefore I had it at a 6. But then episode 9 happened. That brought the score down to a 5. And the ending was straight bs, which brought it down to a 4. This show is bad.
4 TV
252 Monster
9 TV
253 Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou

Yikes. I can't believe, that someone came up with the idea of this. Japan is filled with some really weird weirdos. Like c'mon man. I was shaking my head in disappointment the entire time I was watching this. I can't believe I was able to finish this. This is my limit, any worst than this and a show gets dropped.

That being said, this is one of my completely objective reviews. In a similar vein to Interspecies Reviewers. The show executes its premise well, but I don't think it executes its premise perfectly like Interspecies Reviewers did. So it gets an 8 instead of 9.

To get into more detail, The story/plot is sufficient. The characters ( O God ), the characters. Well, they're certainly something I guess. Not to my taste, but they're alright I suppose. The comedy is kind of hit-and-miss. This section is the reason it has an 8 instead of 9 (remember I'm only rating these based on how well they execute their premise). I certainly did laugh sometimes, but not all the time. And comedy is subjective, so maybe this is the section where I allow my disgust to break through. But even still, I personally didn't find it that funny. It uses the Grand Blue style of comedy, faces and disgusting fanservice. So it's definitely not for me at least. And I know it's a stupid thing to bring up in a show like this. But episode 4 had a bunch of scenes of plot convenience. This is not a show, where I can subtract points for having such, but I'll still point it out. Hell, the whole show has a bunch of plot convenience. Characters teleport to where the plot is taking place. The MC always manages to survive when he should die. Etc. etc.

Overall, well done. Could've been better executed though, so 8 it is. If you like this trash genre (Ecchi). You should like this, it's near the top of its class.
8 TV
254 Mugen no Juunin: Immortal
The fights all end the exact same. Hell the whole show is almost formulaic. There's a formula that's followed pretty much every episode. Even the fights have a formula. That's my main gripe.

The antagonist is really good. The artstyle is quite good as well, the characters have realistic proportions (this is most notable with there huge ears, something rarely drawn in anime). The fights range in quality, but are generally pretty good.
The middle and second half of the show is quite good. Almost managed to bring the score up to a 7, almost.
255 Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
I hate Rudeus. I Hate Rudeus. I HATE RUDEUS. But the show is still fire.

I never rooted for a fictional character more then I rooted for this man. I hate Rudeus, but I'd never wish what he went through on my worst enemy.
9 TV
256 Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu - Shugo Jutsushi Fitz
7 TV Special
257 Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
I originally had this rated at an 8 because of the fanservice. But got-dang, the story is so strong and animation so good, that I can't leave it their.
9 TV
258 Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2
But the way my man got did at the end. C'mon, that was dirty. The reason is unjustified, that was dirty. If I actually liked this protagonist, I'd probably have dropped the score to a 6. My man got done did dirty. But luckily, I hate the protagonist, so the show's still a masterpiece in my eyes.
Not a 10 cuz of my rating system, the best isekai is Re:Zero. I f*cking hate Rudeus and I still think this show is fire. The protagonist is the most important thing to me, and this one of my absolute least favorite protagonist, and I still think this show is straight-fire.
9 TV
259 Nanatsu no Taizai
5.9 {The new seasons have really hurt the score}
7 TV
260 Nanatsu no Taizai: Funnu no Shinpan
5 TV
261 Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu
8 TV
262 Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin
5 TV
263 Naruto
The reason this is a 7, is because of the filler. If I wasn't taking into consideration the filler, this would be a 9. And if I wasn't trying to be objective, it'd probably be a 10. I love Naruto, and I think it's the best 100+ episode anime, even to this day.
7 TV
264 Naruto: Shippuuden
9.9 {Only not a 10, cuz I'm taking into consideration the entire show. And that includes Filler}
8 TV
265 NieR:Automata Ver1.1a

My God, 2B looks like Drop Dead GOREGOUS without the mask on. Not in a sexual way, but just in a artistic appreciation way. When they draw her, by herself without the mask. Those shots are the best looking shots in anime, even better then Violet Evergarden. Like My God, everytime she's on screen with no mask, that gotta be like at least 200 man hours of work into just that short scene.
8 TV
266 No Game No Life
9 TV
267 No Game No Life: Zero
8 Movie
268 Noblesse
5 TV
269 Noblesse: Awakening
270 Nomad: Megalo Box 2
The ending was disappointing, almost made me lower the score.
9 TV
271 Noragami
5 TV
272 Noragami Aragoto
I don't like this show, the protagonist is a b*tch. His backstory is literally a ripoff of Kenshin. And even with the backstory, the protag is still weak af. But the opening is a slapper, and the animation is quite good, and there's an attempt at a story.
5 TV
273 One Piece 3D2Y: Ace no shi wo Koete! Luffy Nakama Tono Chikai
7 TV Special
274 One Piece Film: Gold
7 Movie
275 One Punch Man

Usually i'd give a show that excelled in only one category an 8. But this show manages to not only excel in animation, but in comedy as well. Plus, it's a top tier action show. So it's a 9 from me.
9 TV
276 One Punch Man 2nd Season
8 TV
277 Ore dake Level Up na Ken
6 TV
278 Otokonoko ♂ Delivery
Plot = boys brothel delivery service. Sus. Sus to be sure. But it's not any form of focus and just an excuse for the boning. So whatever. A couple of things of note here. The overall production quality for this is absolute garbage (A key thing to note, is the soundtrack. The soundtrack literally made me laugh. I was thinking "That's the music they decided to go with lol"). So If I was just rating objectively with no context, it'd be a 3. Here's the thing though, there are not too many yaoi shows (at least that I know of) to begin with. On top of that, there definitely probably aren't too many with some kid-on-kid action (God that sounds horrible to say). So I imagine to the bloody weirdos that beat off to this shit, this junk is like heaven. Doesn't work for me, but to each their own. Shojue Ramune episode 3, is the only one I liked, so I can sort of see where they are coming from (though to be fair, that show had actually good animation, and the two actually liked each other, and the girl was trying to get with her from episode 1 so there was a bunch of build-up to it, but whatever). So I mean, taking that into consideration. I'm going to give it a 5 even though the production quality is terrible.
279 Overlord
8 TV
280 Overlord II
7 TV
281 Overlord III
8 TV
282 Overlord IV
8 TV
283 Owari no Seraph

Hmmm, quite a shame. This show suffers from poor writing. Multiple instances of plot connivence, plot armor, and a predictable plot. Outside of the sassy purple hair chick, the characters are also nothing special.

None the less, this show is good. Even though the plot was predictable it was still entertaining. I just wish the author would've gone one step more in increasing the goriness and brutality of the world. It's a good show but nothing special, and it's a shame because it could've been something great.
5 TV
284 Perfect Blue
9 Movie
285 Persona 5 the Animation
6 {The dub makes this worth watching}
6 TV
286 Peter Grill to Kenja no Jikan
4 TV
287 Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom

If the show ended on episode 10, it'd be a 10. If the show ended on episode 18, it'd be a 9.9.

But DO NOT watch anything that takes place after episode 18. Only disapointment remains. This was shaping up to be one of my favorite anime, and then it went completely bonkers at the end. The ending was excellent at least, but everything between the actual ending and episode 19 is complete garbage. A true shame. This show could've been one of the greats.
Edit: Had it rated at a 7, but it's too good to be rated at a 7. It's getting a 9, regardless if the last few episodes were a bit disappointing.]\
9 TV
288 Pico to Chico
I imagine that if you like little animated boys f*cking. You'll love this (hopefully you're a girl if your into something like that). Just stay away from kids please. My main issue with this, is the set up. Pico's character doesn't match up from the previous ova. Plus no explanation is given for what happened to the other pedo dude, or why he was in the damn woods by himself in the first place.

Edit: You either die a victim, or live long enough to see yourself becoming the transgressor. Pico basically groomed this kid. And my old point still stands. Even with the grooming it's nowhere near as offensive as the previous episode. And considering I gave Oto whatever a 5, this would receive a 6. If the plot was any good, that is, but the plot's terrible so 5 it is.
289 Pico x CoCo x Chico
If you like this, die.
I'm done trying to be objective. This sh*t is disgusting.

Edit: I can leave my score the same for this one. Though I think in turns of morality, this is actually the best one from the series. The plot in this makes literally no sense. The plot is so freaking stupid. The writing is freaking stupid. 2 kids somehow end up a city, and Pico is able to spot a little "girl" on top of a skyscraper from a mile away.
Why are they in the city? Where are there guardians? In Pico x Chico, this can be ignored as perhaps Pico was just exploring a local park or something. But everything in that episode implies that Chiko's sister actually really cares for him. So I doubt she'd be willing to allow him to take this trip.

This little "girl" somehow found an apartment in an abandoned subway complete with furniture, electricity, and running water. And "she" also somehow has money (though it's never shown how
"she" makes money) to have food along with other stuff. The problems go on and on and on. Bloody stupid, that's what this is.
290 Plastic Little
291 Prison School
I knew nothing, I just knew the show had fanservice. And I'm not gonna lie, I came in here ready to drop this show at the drop of a hat. But unlike High School DXD, this show is actually tolerable because I'm ngl, it's funny af.
8 TV
292 Psycho-Pass
I enjoyed the show, but that's not why I think it deserves a 10. This writing is pretty close to flawless. Perhaps it's only rated at 8.3 because the characters aren't that endearing. But in terms of pure writing and plot, this show is a 10/10. This show has the best-written plot in anime. No plot holes, only one instance of plot armor, and very little plot convenience. The plot doesn't blow you away or anything with bullshit plot twist. It's just a simple well-written perfectly executed story and plot. The themes and philosophy are also excellent.

This show is pretty close to flawless, even if it isn't all that enjoyable.
10 TV
293 Psycho-Pass 2
7 TV
294 Psycho-Pass Movie
8 Movie
295 Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
5.7 {That final fight is absolute fire. Outside of that though, the show is pretty bland. But my God, that final fight was just so good.}
5 TV
296 Rance 01: Hikari wo Motomete The Animation
The only thing I didn't like about this show. Is how he treats his slave, who's also best girl btw. This is the GREATEST Hentai of all time. And no show will ever come close. Rance is basically the Chad Version of Kazuma. The dude from Redo of Healer is Rance on drugs. All 3 of these characters are goats. Honestly, even if you don't like hentai (same as me), if there's any tiny tiny portion of you that thinks 2d is hot, you'll like this one. Absolutely goated.
The best "Hentai."
10 OVA
297 Rape! Rape! Rape!
Every now and then you come across a piece of media that leaves a mark on you. This piece of media left a mark on me. This mark is a permanent memory of just how much of an ABSOLUTE MENANCE the protagonist is.

Let me first state, I don't give a f*ck about rape / loli / etc in Hentai. To me, it's all about how it's depicted. If there's Lolis and the show plays out like real life and seems like some shit pedophiles would actually do (Shojou Ramune), I get disgusted and pissed off. If the hentai just has lolis, tbh I couldn't really care less. If there's a girl getting raped in a show, tbh I couldn't really care less 99% of the time.
But this junk is the 1% of the time where I draw the hard-line in the sand and say that it's not okay. You have to be a SICK SICK SICK SSSSIIIIICCCCCKKKK FUCK to beat off to this. Personally, this is jail-time material. I don't think you should outright die for beating off to this, but I think you need to be put in jail and get the chance to think about what you did. This show was so bad even I got pissed off. I never thought I'd get pissed off by a fictional character with no character development getting raped in a hentai, but this show made it happen.

However, my disgust eventually gave way to astonishment. Astonished at just how much of a FUCKING MENACE this protagonist is. This show might just have the biggest menace in all of anime. This dude DOES NOT CARE. He DOES NOT CARE!!!!!!! This man is a menace to society on a level never before seen. He DOES NOT CARE WHO YOU ARE. He's GOING to find you, and he's GOING to rape you! You can run, you can hide, you can try and fight. But once he puts on that mask, your p*ssy belongs to him. HE DOES NOT CARE!!!!!!! And honestly, I gotta respect it. I was YELLING at my screen, telling him to chill out. Literally yelling at my screen. I like to imagine that he heard it and didn't care. Half the time, I couldn't even watch it. I was like "Awwww shit. Here we go again." I'm ngl, I had to skip the sex scenes. I couldn't watch it. TBH, I don't know how anybody could beat off to this shit. I'd skip to the end, and while watching through the little peek hole in between my fingers (as my face was covered), I'd see him busting inside some virgin p*ssy (forreal though, what type of sick individual do you have to be to beat off to this shit!? Those poor women were bleeding like a stuffed pig). Not only is he going to rape you (while smiling the whole time), he's going to bust inside you raw. And while your crying as a mixture of blood and semen pour out of your once sacred place, he'll be laughing. And he'll also be laughing when he comes back 9 months later right before you bare his child, and he rapes you again so hard that you have a miscarriage. This dude is a MENACE. And NO ONE escapes his dick. As the description of the hentai goes.

"Your childhood friend, girl who you have feelings for, elder sister, mom, police officer, nurse, twin sisters, class president, pregnant woman, bad girl, bride, camera nerd, homeless woman, a member of rhythmic gymnastics club, female teacher, blind girl........! Rape them all! It is your mission!!!"

And honestly, I gotta put some respect on this show's name, for having such a big menace. I have too. I don't care that it morally disgusts me. I don't care that you can't beat off to it. This dude is a goddamn menace, and for that and that alone, this show gets an 8.
298 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
10 {The only reason this is my favorite show is because best Girl Rem is in here. The start is rough, and Subaru is a simp}
The best "Isekai" show.
10 TV
299 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season
10 TV
300 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Part 2
10 TV