Best anime ever...Changed my perception of pirates..But its not long enough it should be long like sazae san....I feel bad for people who haven't watched one piece, they dont know what they are missing out on
the first two episodes are 90% exposition and yet its canon ,it does a very good job of introducing the world in fate and how it exposition ive had so far
Arakawa, Hiromu makes the characters relatable in so many unique ways thus making the lore blend in seemlessly[ishvalans look different from amestrians ,every race is realistically presented]
episode 1:captures the heart of the series showing that alchemy does more harm than good | episode 2: A trip back home for edward and alfonse ,the nostalgia and comedy is great it made me want to rewatch the entire series [of which i will multiple times,over an extended period of time] | episode 3 : long ago when izumi curtis was still 18yo surviving at the briggs mountains |Episode 4 : an entire mini series can be made from the contents of this episode [i see potntial]
This is one of those anime that you never want pple to know you enjoy..,its one of my guilty pleasure's......The premise is more absurd than harems and it's my 2nd favourite gyaru anime
Once you Start Watching jojo you realise what all the fuss was about,.....There's Never a Dull moment .There's always some Crazy,Bizzare,absurd,strange, Out of this World Scenario playing out
this has the most realistic armored combat ive ever seen ,they actually attack the joints and gaps between the armor rather than bashing weapon on armor with the exception of guts because he goes beserk
if i were kazuma id wife darkness in a heartbeat
youve got a masochistic crusador with poor sword skills.a mage who can literally use one spell per day and a alcoholic godess with party tricks and finaly a low level liar [more isekai should aspire to be like this]
i think besides the comedy ,the aspect about it that stand out the most in it are the funny facial expressions,they are unique ,funny as hell kinda like one piece,i may forget the story but those expressions ill never forget
this show is messed up if you think about whats happening in a logical viewpoint, specifically when Shiramine, Shikimi character appears.......side-note: the intro song sucks
what i found strange about this anime is that they are not taught anything at totsuki academy[as of season 2] its just a series of tournaments or the lessons are offscreen...But its still enjoyable as hell
Just Otaku Culture at it's peak, this is a show only for otakus wouldn't appeal to any other individual and has the best representation of the Gyaru subculture
after episode 8 i got why its called heavenly delusion its because they are deluding themselves thinking that a heaven exists[a safe place away from the 「ひろこ」