A hilarious Romantic/Comedy with plenty of fanservice. Here you'll find that Saji is the most perverted character in Anime existence. ^_^
This anime follows Saji's struggles, to be liked by the mysteriously cute girl, Koizumi. There isn't much to say about this short anime because there barely is a storyline it follows, just a series of random events with some character development thrown in. Just like any other romantic comedy you get the classic moments however as an ecchi anime and a very exXxtreme one at that, so you'll find a lot of funny $exual moments too. One thing I can say is that this
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: Cool Couple
Japanese: イケてる2人
Finished Airing
Feb 2, 1999 to Feb 26, 1999
Winter 1999
None found, add some
8 min. per ep.
R+ - Mild Nudity
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 8 / 8
Your Feelings Categories Mar 18, 2007
Big breasts, panty shots, nosebleeds, and the classic perv getting the **** beat out of him. Every anime lover has run across a few of them. This is another one of those shows. Personally, I love them, and this one is at the top of my favorites list.
The story is a little hard to follow due to the fact that each episode is 5 1/2 minutes long (2 minutes are just ecchi scenes). It just focuses on the Koizume and Seiji. Its a classic boy loves girl (obsessively) and girl doesn't want anything to do with boy (evident in the amount of ... Oct 24, 2007
Iketeru Futari is an anime I will always remeber; I have never seen or want to see an anime that bad. (Well, I have seen one, but it's good for the metaphor).
I found Iketeru Futari around a year ago, when I was bored and looking for some anime to watch. Long story short, I found an episode on youtube, and because it was decent (and had ecchi) I decided to watch the whole series. ...Which turned out to be a mistake, because I hade to make myself sit and watch it untill the end. Now, more than a year has passed since I saw this anime, ... Feb 6, 2015
This anime consists of little more than panty shots and girls kicking boys' arses. I don't know the exact definition of "ecchi", but this wasn't really what I'd call "perverted". Just lots of panties.
The animation is sub-standard, but the facial expressions of mainly the main guy are often hilarious. Background music is pretty meh, but I really liked the voice acting. Sure, it's mostly screaming "AAAAAAA, LOVE ME!" and yelling "EEEEEE, GET AWAY, YOU PERV!", but it is one of the best "screaming and yelling" anime I have seen (or rather heard). The story has been seen many times before; a guy tries to get the ... Sep 17, 2008
Now this is a peculiar show. Different types of episodes and a great anime in general, lets get on with the review.
Story/Characters- There is the main character, who is a huge perv, and then there are a bunch of girls, who put a spin on it. I don't want to spoil anything, because honestly its not that big of a show, but it is a great story with twists around every corner. Same goes with the characters. That is why they both got nines. Art/Sound- The art and sound are good, as the voice acting and animation go. There really isn't much to say about that ... Mar 1, 2024
One of those cases when the viewer only gets to experience the small fraction of an otherwise great story because the rest wasn't adapted and most likely never will.
There is never a dull moment with Iketeru Futari - characters (especially the female lead) are great, comedy is gold, fan-service is tasty and the romantic dynamics are unfathomably wholesome and cute. What's even better, with its short episode length, even those who suffer from attention span issues can enjoy it to the fullest. Aside from not being completed, the only other downside this anime has is the animation quality, however, it's not really an issue ... Dec 29, 2018
— shamelessly so. Practically every other episode begins with a sexual fantasy, there are detailed panty-shots galore, and plenty of bare breasts. If you like fanservice, then boy...you’re probably better off somewhere else. The anime also tries to have a bonafide story, and at only six minutes an episode, you can see where the problem lies. Given how much of the runtime comprises of Saji being a lecher and dumb jokes, attempts to be serious are laughable and jarring.
The anime focuses on Koizumi, Rei Ayame’s slightly more emotive, dimensionally displaced twin sister. Her only notable traits are that she’s diminutive in size, mysterious, and ... Jun 19, 2023
This anime, held up to modern shows in the same gerne is now kind of generic. It is very effective in showing a lot of fan service but ultimately has a undeveloped plot. The plot has the potential to be ahead of it's time and very intriguing but it fails on most fronts to be compelling. It feals like there was something holding it back from being an above average anime. The animation is very dynamic and almost lively. It has a lot of energy but over all looks dated and poorly aged. Comparing to shows that came out around that time it looks slightly