"Cooking is as masculine as judo, kickboxing or tae kwan do. Anyone can fight but it takes a special man to craft the perfect Bolognese sauce"
Quoted from a manly midget chef...
You know the first thing that crossed my mind when I read that quote was covering a cow with ketchup then proceed to pound the cow into bolognese sauce.
Im just kidding of course, that isn't call MANLY... that's called animal abuse...
So chances are if you stumble upon this anime, you're not watching it just to fill up your boring life with some boring junk. No.. You hunt for exotic food on a daily basis.
And you need an anime that teaches you the RIGHT way to do it...
Well, introducing Toriko, the only anime currently airing that will not only satisfy that hunger urge but will also teach you how to be more MANLY than you were before.
What would you say if I said that World Peace could be obtain if everyone in the world combined their powers to produced the most delicious full course menu in the universe?
You would probably say "BURRRRRP!!" Cause that's how the end of World Hunger sounds like. Now all that's left is the homeless people.
(Now people, feeding the homeless to the hungry would solve those two world problems, but we wouldn't want to resort to cannibalism now do we?)
Let's see how this anime can be used to solve other problems?
Problem (Art)
So you just opened up an art gallery and you're not raking any cash because an art gallery is partially a public good. (No duh..)
Open up a mini restaurant in your gallery. Watch Toriko (especially the one piece crossover) and get inspiration on drawing animals which apparently looks like it had sex with food and produced offspring. Make your visitors hungry and they'll pay a visit to your mini restaurant for brunch. Problem solved
Toriko has a huge variety of animal species, though not as much as Pokemon which has a total of 600++ up to date, but at least some of them are edible and each is designed with it's own unique features. The artwork for Toriko is similar to One Piece. If you like One Piece, then you definitely would love this. If you like Two Piece then go to the toilet... *crickets* Yeah, yeah lame joke... pfft...
Problem (Sound)
So you work with a bunch of unmotivated voice actors who does english dubs for an anime.
And they sound horrible (more than usual anyways)
Get them to watch Toriko. The seiyuus for this anime are top notch. They portray their character well in the anime. It's like the directors forced the seiyuus to starve during the recording to make them sound like a bunch of hungry men. What can I say about the opening? One word... "GATSU!!" No seriously, it's like getting your guts punched with a thousand fists of manliness.
Problem (Character)
So you have a son, and he's a wimp. Nothing wrong about that, but he is due to national service soon. And you don't want the other kids to bully him.
Get him to watch Toriko. Make him into a man. Toriko is an exampled role model.He says his prayers before and after eating his meal. How often do you see people say their grace before they eat? Not only that, Toriko only kills animals that he deems worthy to be eaten. He does not just willy nilly kill any of God's creation. Only a REAL man could do that.
For every manly character, there will have to be a less manly guy to enhance the manliness of the main character.
For Batman, there is Robin. For Sherlock Holmes, there is Dr. Watson. In this case, for Toriko, there is Komatsu. Komatsu has his own set of special culinary abilities that furthur compliments Toriko's manliness. If Toriko was the fork and spoon, Komatsu is probably the condiments.
What about the wimpy son problem?
Heck, just show the government his MAL profile that he is currently watching "Toriko" He'll be exempted for life.
In fact, "Toriko" isn't really an anime.
The German government classified "Toriko" as "Handbuch für Männlichkeit"
Translation, Handbook for masculinity. Yeah, everything sounds manlier in German.
The only problem about this anime is that it was further degraded from its masculinity compared to the manga due to a significant degree of censorship. Lower your hopes for gore and blood. On the bright side, with the absence of graphic violence, how kids who haven't hit puberty can watch the anime and start training the the path of manliness...
Overall, as proven above, watching Toriko solves a whole tons of problems. I give this anime a rating of 8. Cause that's the number of packs you'll have after watching this anime. Yes, that's right, 8 packs! One more pack and you can play tick-tack-toe on your abs. How awesome is that? Not as awesome as Toriko though. Tough luck kiddo.
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: Toriko (2011), Toriko (TV), Toriko x One Piece Collabo Special
Japanese: トリコ
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Apr 3, 2011 to Mar 30, 2014
Spring 2011
Sundays at 09:00 (JST)
Toei Animation
23 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Available AtResourcesStreaming Platforms | Reviews
Filtered Results: 12 / 19
Your Feelings Categories Apr 12, 2011
"Cooking is as masculine as judo, kickboxing or tae kwan do. Anyone can fight but it takes a special man to craft the perfect Bolognese sauce"
Quoted from a manly midget chef... You know the first thing that crossed my mind when I read that quote was covering a cow with ketchup then proceed to pound the cow into bolognese sauce. Im just kidding of course, that isn't call MANLY... that's called animal abuse... So chances are if you stumble upon this anime, you're not watching it just to fill up your boring life with some boring junk. No.. You hunt for exotic food on a daily basis. ... Nov 10, 2011
WARNING: In my Review I go on tangents, but that's just the way I roll because I like barbeque sauce on my chicken nuggets. And don't you forget it.
There are two reasons that I watch anime: 1) I want to see something with depth that is intellectually stimulating where the characters and story weave a fascinating tale with twists and turns. One Anime that did this for me was Kaiji. 2) I just want to relax and experience an enjoyable adventure with a memorable cast of characters. In this category I mostly look for the theme and eye candy (meaning the quality of the art). I watch Toriko ... Apr 27, 2014
WARNING: Anime doesn't cover all of the manga. Toriko is a series where MANLY MEN have gritty fights against villains & monsters for the sake of heroism & food.
Many people have told me how much they hated the anime & prefer reading its manga, which is fine but I'm here to give my honest opinions about the animes pros & cons. Toriko's concept is one of hunting & cooking where our heroes "The 4 Heavenly Kings" (Toriko, Coco, Sunny & Zebra) explore the unknown lands of the Gourmet Age where exotic food stimulates power resulting into a war which purpose is to obtain "GOD"; the ... Oct 1, 2011
Most people have told me they find the idea of Toriko to be stupid. After first, I had my doubts. "How could a show about cooking have made its way up the latter in SJ?"
Oh boy, was I in for a ride. The best thing about this show, it combines old style fighting anime with a twist. The daily fight to find something new and exciting to tempt your tastebuds! The idea is probably one of the most original ideas I have ever seen. The exaction is well done and absolutely hilarious as I find myself laughing and cheering at every turn. Biggest issue seems to ... Jun 9, 2015
Okay, so to start I originally watched the first 20ish episodes of Toriko a couple years ago but then put it down because it just wasn't that appealing to me. Two weeks ago I decided to pick up the manga because I heard it was better than the anime. Still skeptical I powered past what happened in the anime, in the manga. After that, it was all downhill for me.
I read through over 300 chapters of Toriko in a week. The characters and progressing story had me going through dozens of chapters a day. While the concept of a food world/combat may be a ... Apr 10, 2012
A somewhat familiar anime to audiences of the One Piece journey. With that being said, "somewhat" is the keyword.
The story, is simply juicy and riveting. Similar to One Piece, Toriko is made up of an immensely gargantuan world filled with many surprises, wonders, and mysteries. The art is on par with any modern era Japanese anime. The emphasis and exaggeration on the food (especially "key" food items) is mouth watering. You'll soon find yourself engulfed in a sparkling, tender, and juicy piece of prime rib. The environment and color of the anime is beautiful and breathtaking at times. The sound, is decent. The OP and ... Dec 19, 2023
Toriko is one of those shows where there's nothing too deep going on, but it's just a blast to watch. The story largely revolves around the eponymous Toriko, a "Gourmet Hunter" that battles monsters and a chef named Komatsu that cooks the monsters Toriko defeats into delicious food, which then makes Toriko even stronger. It's a very action-forward series, as one might expect from a WSJ adaptation. Most episodes feature at least one battle and most problems are solved with fists.
A key to why the series remains mostly entertaining throughout in spite of that frankly braindead approach to things is frequent action combined with strong ... May 22, 2013
If you like food... and like watching tv shows about food... this anime is for you, despite 99% of the food in this anime not existing my stomach growls every time I watch Toriko... and before I know it I have my face in a tray of Nacho's HA!
Toriko will take you on what is best described as a laid back gourmet adventure and you will love every minute of it... WARNING: make sure you have plenty of food on hand ;) Apr 11, 2013
As toriko became one of my favorite anime, I had to write a review to explain why. Imagine a world, much more bigger than earth, that seems endless, where you can find an infinite number of natural cooking's ingredients. Some of them are very rare and valuable, and that's why, there are people whose job is to hunt them. We often follow toriko and komatsu (a boy whose dream is to become one of the best cook in the world) in their epic adventures to find and ingredient. It could as well be a terrifying and powerful monster or ... Oct 21, 2015
Honestly if you watch this without thinking too much about it you well get a pretty normal shonen anime. The only character I have too much of a problem with is Komatsu, as alot of people say.
Now, he is not a detestable character and I do not loathe him, although I do hate incompetence he displays at times. However I do believe that they should have made Komatsu a women, this would have drastically changed the dynamic of the story and probably have made it better. Now, I read somewhere that the author had intended at first to make Komatsu a woman, but in doing so ... Oct 4, 2015
So... We have food and fighting.Some people may think food fight but they are way off.This anime by "Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi" delivers a wide range of combinations and flavor that is hard to imagine.However once you do,you're ready to jump into battle with the characters just to try and sneak a bite of the overwhelming varieties of food."Toriko" ended up being the first food anime i watched,after episode 1 i had to show people so i called up some friends.We started the first episode and didn't stop until 15 or so,from that point we watched it every time we hung out.The story was easily captivating enough
Jun 5, 2015
Toriko is one those Shonen battle anime like DBZ, Naruto, One piece, Bleach, etc... But whats makes this different this series is that the mayor point in the story is to eat food to gain more power, to be more accurate the main characters have this thing call gourmet cell inside their bodies that certain food will give them power up's when eaten. The main character are these gourmet hunters that travel around the world founding good food to eat, sometimes they have to fight monsters, other time they have to fight the environment and there time that they fight with other humans. The sound